The Man Whose Head Expanded
2011-09-04 21:18:58 UTC
What were your favourite episodes?
BQ1: Who was your favourite actor to appear in an episode of The Twilight Zone? William Shatner, Charles Bronson, Robert Redford, Buster Keaton, Lee Marvin, Terry Savalas, Dennis Hopper, Robert Duvall etc, take your pick.
BQ2: Can you name any other slightly spooky tv series/tv movies from the 1950's-1960's? I mean like The Twilight Zone, early tv movies like 1984 and Whistle and I'll Come to You, anything in that vein.
BQ3: Is there any tv theme music more iconic than the Twilight Zone theme? Dr. Who, perhaps? Does anything else come close?
BQ4: Which theme music is more iconic: Marius Constant's Twilight Zone theme or Bernard Herrmann's Psycho theme?
BQ5: Was the X-Files a complete rip-off of the Twilight Zone? How did you feel about that show, did you ever watch it? Did you enjoy it?