John S.
2008-12-19 11:07:59 UTC
I believe in giving sympathy and showing care for those in need. But when I am absolutely POUNDED over the head, again and again, with the sad sad pitch for more money, more money, more money...Well it gets to be a bit of a turn off, you know?
How about you? Do you change the channel when that Sarah McLaughlin song comes on because you know the ASPCA is trying to tear your heart out with the saddest pictures they can find?
The ASPCA is a good organization, mind you. But whoever is directing their advertising and promotion campaign in my opinion, has gone just a bit over the top such that I feel less for them now that I have been bombarded by these pictures for over a year. Can't they maybe come up with a new campaign that isn't so sticky and drippy? Brings me down every time I see that ad. How about you?