Logies 2009 - what did you think of the awards, dresses, host?
2009-05-03 16:19:05 UTC
Just wondering what people thought about the winners, dresses etc.. And what did you think of Gretel Killeen as a host?
93 answers:
2009-05-03 18:06:19 UTC
Unfortunately I did not enjoy Gretel as the Logies host. What little of Big Brother I watched, I found the pitch of her voice irritating and it was little better last night. As the Credits rolled, I noticed that Gretel had written her own material, but much of it I found lack lustre. I appreciate that it must be a very nerve racking honour being the host, however, perhaps Merrick ( great sense of humour as well as easy flowing presentations ) as a new comer or Andrew Denton ( realize he has hosted before ) could be considered if humour is wanted within the host's material.

As much as I love " Packed to the Rafters " and ALL the cast with their marvellous talent, I do consider that " Underbelly " WAS MORE appropriate for the classification of " DRAMA " than P.T.T.R and deserved more recognition. I certainly have never considered " Home & Away " or " Neighbours " in the " Drama " Catergory either. Perhaps another Catergory of " Most Outstanding Drama Series based on Actual Events " could be initiated. " Wildside " of some years ago, is another point of note.

Each of the ladies dresses made them all glow in their own special way, but I would like to pass an extra compliment to Kylie from " The Morning Show " as she looked outstanding. Not as much dress colour/s however, this year. Sure missed Simmone Jade Mackinnon's beautiful auburn hair - last year her jade/seagreen dress with her colouring, was magnificent.

These opinions are being given by a female of 64 year vintage!!
Jonathan R
2009-05-04 07:56:32 UTC
Gretel Killeen will definitely not be asked back to host next year. It isn't totally her fault, you have to also blame the writers who came up with her material. Most of it was just not funny, including the stuff the award presenters had to read.

That said I think the biggest reason she failed as a host was that she doesn't have the right personality to pull it off. If you don't have the personality to pull in an audience and get them interested or engaged in what you are doing then you will fail. For example, if Rove had done the jokes Gretel there is a higher likelihood that it would get a better reception, a) he is a comedian and therefore he knows how to deliver jokes, read a room and improvise, b) he is a fairly likeable guy, he seems approachable, genuine and pleasant. If you like someone (or at least don't instantly dislike them) you are more willing to listen to them and let them get away with poor jokes.

I don't understand what Nine was thinking when they got her to host it given it is no secret she is fairly disliked by Australian viewers or why they went with just her and not multiple host as they have done in the last few years. So if one fails or isn't doing well you can sub in the other host to save the show/revitalise the room.

In the past the awards have rotated through the networks each year, maybe a station move is what is in order. Maybe Channel Seven or Ten can revitalise Logies night by getting fresh blood (or at least not the same blood) into the production and planning of the entire event. A rotating schedule should in theory push the networks to try to outdo the others when they get their hands on it, so if 9 pulls 1.5 million one year 7 then pushes to get 1.7 or more the next year.

I did enjoy one part of the show, Shaun Micallef's presentation. In my opinion he was the last good lone host of the Logies. Like to see him again, but you have to wonder who would want the job, it's a poison chalice.
2009-05-04 16:10:28 UTC
THE AWARDS? Some were pretty go, most I liked that won! :-) Good on Rebbeca Girbany for winning Gold Logie! :-)

DRESS: Everyone looked AMAZING esp Nat Bass :-)

HOST: Well I left this to last cuz I felt I need to say this, I did like Gretel as I use to really enjoy watching her on Big Brother up until 2007, she says she not been on TV for awhile Ah it had only been for a few months! First I was excited that Gretel was going to be hosting the logies, I thought it was gonna be good. Well my Opinion changed on Sunday night when I first Gretel on TV, HAIR EW!!! It Looked AWFUL!!!!!!!! , I hated her hair and Still do!!! CLOTHES: YUCK Esp the Last Dress she wore!!!!. As I said Gretel use to be enjoyable when she was BB host, All of her Hosting skills were gone outta the window, She was Not EVEN Funny!!! she had not clue what she was doing. NEXT YEAR LOGIES!!! GET A BETTER HOST!
2009-05-04 14:57:58 UTC
I thought Gretel was a very poor choice for host. She didn't do a great job and talked too much with her hands. I didn't think the audience looked engaged at all and they were often seen talking amongst themselves. The night looked very second rate and came across as running on the cheap side. It's hard to know if the scrip was bad or just the delivery. Dave Hughes, although i'm not a fan, seemed to be the only host who was actually funny.

I was very pleased to see Underbelly receive some awards, I believe the show was a great credit to Australia drama.

The dresses... um there were a few shockers in the bunch and not many standouts.
2009-05-03 22:16:57 UTC
I couldn't believe it when I found out Gretel was hosting. SO many better and FUNNIER people that could of hosted, and that I'm sure would of been thrilled to do so. Everyone hates Gretel, and whoevers decision it was to have her host, and whoever agreed with them, are idiots.

Most dresses were hideous to be honest...I even didn't like Jennifer Hawkins dress, and I usually love everything she wears. Most dresses looked like they were about to fall down.

Rebecca Gibney's dress was definitely the best...simple and elegant. I'd actually drawn a sketch of a dress a lot like it a little while ago, maybe that's why I liked it so much. But unlike all the others, it didn't have way too much going on, fit her perfectly, and her boobs didn't look like they were about to fall out

I was pretty happy with most of the winners. I was very happy with how Packed to the Rafters went, it definitely deserved it. However, I really wish Ian Smith could've won something. He really deserved it. At least he was nominated I suppose...

I was also hoping Margot Robbie would win something...but she's still young

great question :)
2009-05-04 09:30:12 UTC
Well i thought the awards were great...the guests were all dressed very glitzy and glamorous...i thought danni minogue's hair looked like an amateur had styled it & i don't think that hairstyle flatters her at all...rebecca gibney looked gorgeous in red...stunning......who the hell chose gretel killeen to host the logies...i think humphrey b. bear would have done a better job....she wasn't funny and i was embarrassed thinking someone overseas could be watching our logies and probably thinking WTF.....she is a joke....she has no talent or wit....she just waffled embarrassing for us to have to watch her....huh when she came out i thought it was a joke...i'm sure Channel 7 can dig a bit deeper next and chose a person that has a personality and sense of humour and a bit of spunk about them.....i didn't like her hair either....yuk....if Channel 7 is stuck for host..i'd be happy to host the logies next year and i could guarantee a great hosting skills.....other than gretel...i thought it was very entertaining except for the stunts....i must be slow...didn't get it...and did nothing for me either....great otherwise....ohh...nearly forgot about the last song....beautiful nat....and the dancers and the water....great
2009-05-04 00:22:41 UTC
Firstly, what was with the bad, messy fly away looking hair do's of note, Natalie Basingthwaite, Tasma Walton, etc? Natalie's dress may have been a Collette Dinigan, but it looked like an oversized very ugly nightie. So over the "Tarzan & Jane" (1 shoulder strap) look, Kate Ritchie's dress was pretty bad, Kat from Underbelly certainly got it right, she looked very elegant from head to toe. Good to see Rebecca take out the gold, so sick of Rove or Kate Ritchie getting it. Poor Gretel, lets not forget that someone wrote her jokes for her, it was all too awkward to watch, in the first dress she wore she actually looked like Cesar, she probably didn't pick her clothes either!! All in all it was a pretty uneventful affair, it really was quite boring to watch. If Carson Kresley was bought out here to critique the fashion, he should have done so, he's comments were very politically correct, it would have been refreshing to hear some truthfulness about the fashion, bring on the Fashion Police from the states, they do a fantastic job at the Oscars & Emmys, they really call an ugly dress just that, they do not skirt around it!!
2009-05-03 23:49:45 UTC
Gretel Killeen was just awful as a host - she really has no style about her and she wasn't funny in any of her jokes , there are a lot more who would have done a better job on the night.

I thought the fashions were just beautiful - loved looking at all the girls dresses ... everything else was what I expected.
2009-05-03 17:36:17 UTC
Why on earth did they get Gretel how pathetic. The logies are about the local australian actors and actresses. Thought Jennifer Hawkins was crap and was very happy that the Rafters won. Agree with the other comment never heard of the kid of Home and Away but like she says all the teenybobbers voted for him Should have been the guy from the Rafters or from All Saints he was a brilliant actor. I think the less crap they have thats is all the rubbish comedy which was really **** inbetween the logies. Get on with what is it supposed to be about real acting and never have Gretel again but I guess she is much better than Bert Newton.
Georgeof thejungle
2009-05-04 02:52:11 UTC
Only saw the last 5 mins & Rebecca Gibney receiving the Gold Logie!! She was the only one who deserved to win. Great speech.

Gauging the reactions already from some 60 or so other comments, mostly all negative, I'm pleased I didn't bother sitting through 3 1/2 hrs of boring television.

Channel 9 used to host this night brilliantly. Maybe it's time for Channel 7 to have a go?
2009-05-04 06:04:44 UTC
Glad Rove didnt win gold...his humour is old and unfunny now. Tasma Walton is too arrogant and sure of herself for my liking. They are a very unlikable couple. Gretel was ok...much better than the tragic oldies of television who really need some new material...Kerri-anne and Bert! Gretel has awful hair, but she is ok. Some of the celebrities make me cringe. Rebecca Gibney deserved to win. The dresses were mostly very gorgeous, although Jennifer Hawkins gown was awful.....she needs a stylist! Jessica Marais looked great. Kerri-anne looked frumpy.Rove looked horrible.....awful jacket. The logies are pretty boring now...they need a big injection of excitement and fresh new blood to host.....maybe some genuine comedians who arent afraid to be original. Not the best logies ive ever seen....but give Gretel a break! Shes better than Bert has ever been at hosting.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ krissy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
2009-05-03 19:05:37 UTC
Gretel Killeen didn't float my boat, she never has. I also did not think it appropriate that she had 3 different dresses for the evening...that was a bit of overkill. I was incredibly happy that Todd Lassance ("that Home and Away kid") won the Most Popular Actor- he more than deserved it, he is an amazing actor and I think that someone who had never heard of him has no business saying that he only got it because teens were voting for him, he is a genuinely gifted actor. I'm also so pleased for Packed to the Rafters, and Rebecca Gibney is so very deserving of the Gold Logie.

However, I did wonder whether they genuinely could not show *any* footage from Underbelly or whether they were having a go at the High Court of Victoria (I think it was them...). For some reason, I was under the impression that it had begun airing down there...maybe I'm wrong?
2009-05-04 05:32:20 UTC
YOU lot that have the gall to knock Gretel, HOW MANY OF YOU ARE JUST CRAPPY BIG BROTHER FANS THAT ARE SHI##y BECAUSE ITS BEEN TAKEN of air, BE OFF WITH THE LOT OF YOU ,LEAVE THE LADY ALONE !!!!!>she did a wonderfull job of the logies as host ,she has a way of doing things a little informal at times ( SO WHAT ) are you all that hypocritical that you cant except that a change is as good as a holiday well check out the rateings and eat your words cant be all that bad she got top rateings for the show its about time we all grew up and let people who are not afraid to step forward with new styles and ideas ,you call yourselfs Australian >.GO GET EM GRETEL GOOD ON YOU
2009-05-04 03:53:21 UTC
I was happy Rebecca won the Gold...and also that Todd from Home and Away won a Logie, however when that drip Rove Mac nut came on I turned the TV off...he is that most painful person and he is such a smart ass and he isn't funny I don't know why he is on TV! There are plenty of other talented people who could host a live show...get rid of him! Jennifer Hawkins was the best dressed! Gretel did the best she could
2009-05-04 00:36:29 UTC
I really didn't like Gretel Killen as the host but i thought Rebecca Gibney was dressed beautifully so was Jodi Gordon, Natalie Bassthigwaithe, Kate Ritche and i believe that Rebecca Gibney deserved the gold logie for a wonderful perfomance on Packed to the Rafters.
2009-05-04 05:26:46 UTC
Well. I watched the Logies as part of a sort of tradition with my mum, and I was kind of shocked at how silly it was.

Poorly done compared to other years, I mean, what's with Pixie (Gretel)??????????

Icky hair cut, strange choice of host, and veeeeeeeery bad writing.

The highlight was Rebecca winning Gold, and everytime a good show like Rafters won, it made it somehow better.

As for Home and Away, let's encourage the sleeping around, bullying, violent, drug taking storylines by awarding them Logie Awards! What is the world coming to?

Cinderella's Cat
2009-05-04 04:39:37 UTC
Gretel Killeen, i didn't get a single thing she said all night! She was talking on and on about nothing! OMG packed to the rafters won EVERYTHING! I thought Neighbours should have won the most outstanding drama award. Everyone's dress looked nice. Rove was as funny as ever about the plastic chair and Natalie Bassingthwaite's dress looks the best. (Its so sparkly and long...)
Its me...
2009-05-04 01:01:38 UTC
OMG!!!! gretel was horrible!!! and whats up with the so called "logies hair". she should have kept with the wig that she had on rove. no one was even listening to her. when she went out into the audience, all you could hear was people talking

why didnt they get hugh jackman or someone famous and funny like that to host what will go down in history as possibly the worst logies

anyway... stopped caring after the first ad break but was very pleased to hear that rebecca gibney got the gold logie- YAY!!!
2009-05-03 20:26:40 UTC
Todd Lasance was the best looking guy there. Gretel Kileen did DREADFUL as the host, if you seen the TV Guide from the Sunday Mail Newspaper. She looked like Merlin. LOL.

I was so glad Rebecca Gibney won the Gold logie, she deserved it. Packed of the Rafters is one of the best shows on TV behind Home and Away.
2009-05-03 19:21:33 UTC
Gretel Killeen was an embarrasment. She has no talent and she does not deserve to host something as special as the Logies. Whoever thought of her needs their head read. To go into the Ladies toilet and film was not only an invasion of privacy but "gutter" reporting for such a great night. She looked like a distant relative of "Dr Spock" with that ridiculous hair do - so hoo ha over for nothing.
2009-05-04 06:30:02 UTC
I have never been a Gretel fan but felt that she came across as natural, funny and entertaining. She looked great and I don't understand the critics. I am the same age as Gretel and wish that I looked that good and could speak to an audience of several million with her ability and confidence. Well done Gretel!!!!!!
Cute Romy
2009-05-04 02:15:12 UTC
The Logies was the most boring ever. There was no mention of children's TV awards & Gretel was the worst host they could have had. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel with her. Why didn't Annie Lennox present an award???? was dull, boring & really bad TV.

Hope its better next year.!
2009-05-04 02:04:58 UTC
I thought,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Gretel was the worst host ever.......and there have been some awful ones. who ever thought of that one needs shooting she was B******awful I hated her on BB and this was worse who said she was funny, and those skits well please......if this is whats to come I wouldnt be watching it next year. I think a lot of the celebrities were embarrased. come on channel 9 you can do much better than that...Some of the dresses were lovely and the guys so handsome. Packed to the rafters is such a good show well done everybody. Underbelly was great I knew they would get a few but the 2nd series is not so goo Matthew Newtown YUCK!
2009-05-04 00:30:58 UTC
Gretel did an ok job as host - a tough gig! I thought Sarah Murdoch and Shelley Craft looked beautiful. Nice not to see so much boob and flesh this year, it was a bit classier. A boring event really, not like the old days with Bert and real talent.
shirley c
2009-05-03 21:34:58 UTC
Sorry to say, but Gretel was a nightmare as a host, in a strange way, she was better suited to the Big Brother series as I never tuned in often. The constant change of outfits was unnecessary, and her voice and manner is annoying, especially her ''interview'' with the 16yr old... good grief she came across as a dirty old woman !!!!

SO glad that the beautiful and talented Rebecca Gibney won the gold, she is a wonderful talent to watch and looked stunning. Most of the dresses were very elegant and especially Sarah Murdoch, such a classy, beautiful lady.....shame about that tatt though, spoils her I think.

Everyone looked like they had fun though, but it wasn't ''great entertainment'' watching on tv.....maybe they can just get some comedian to host next year, with good writing and timing ???
2009-05-03 16:27:00 UTC
I thought Gretel was awful, she rabbitted on and never had anything interesting to say. She wasn't funny and admitted herself that she hasn't been on TV for a while and is the second most disliked TV presenter - so why was she hosting??

Agreed with most of the awards except that Home and Away boy who won the Most Popular Male Actor, never even heard of him before but I suppose it's all teenagers voting for the most popular awards anyway. Loved that Rebecca Gibney won the gold, she's been a solid performer for years but has not got some notoriety with Packed to the Rafters.

As for dresses, there was some nice ones like the Rafters girls and Underbelly girls. Didn't like Jennifer Hawkins' dress or Kate Ritchie, bad bad bad.
2009-05-04 14:09:06 UTC
The Red Carpet is always something to look forward to and there were some lovely outfits.

It was an embarrassment for Australia.

A bloody Kiwi took out the Gold.

Gretel killed the night from the start. Rove was not funny. The performances were crap apart from Jessie.

I reckon next years should be done by Fatty Vaughan and Sterlo!
2009-05-04 07:02:46 UTC
Gretel just wasn't funny..

I hope they bring Rove back next year.

Awards... a little surprised Packed To The Rafters took out the most awards. I wanted Home & Away to get a couple but sadly it didn't.

Dresses... Most looked ok but was disappointed in Dannii Minogue. She usually looks great but she just didn't do it at the Logies.
2009-05-04 00:40:03 UTC
The BEST thing to happen to the night was for Rebecca Gibney to FINALLY be honoured for her talents. Shes a DESERVING WINNER just as Kate Richie before her (last year) and the other good thing about the night was I watched ANOTHER CHANNEL as I think the "BOGIES" are as boring as watching water boil. And seeing Gretel on the news this morning, she should have stuck to the BOMBED OUT BB and not been there.
2009-05-03 21:34:45 UTC
As soon as I saw it was Gretele I knew it was going to bomb. I am sure she is a nice person and might even enjoy comedy. But that isn't enough to make you funny or interesting. She showed herself to be nothing more than a try hard. So sad to watch, so I turned off. She should stick with the Big Brother teenie audience. Once you grow more than 2-3 brain cells she starts to look pathetic.
2009-05-04 14:04:24 UTC
Hi everyone....I saw the highlights on TV in London....everybody in the audience was laughing at the event....and all the an proud aussie, I was cringing in was terrible and who ever picked Gretel, should be shown to the unemployment line.....with no entertainment history in my resume, I could do a better job on the night and I would ask for a fact I donate my fee to charity....the whole thing was a bad joke....the executives of the network in charge of this diasterous production should be reassigned immediately
patricia c
2009-05-04 05:28:45 UTC
As usual the dresses were beautiful.As for Gretel..I think she did as good a job as anyone else before her. I never watched Big Brother so was not a fan,but people are always ready to find fault.It would be a hard job,and I never thought Bert Newton was so great...
2009-05-03 17:37:39 UTC
I love Gretel...but I just had to wonder last night whether she really wanted to be there and if she was trying to send a message to the powers that be that she is a loose canon...because last night had to be her worst hosting job ever...she was off hand, rude and uninterested in the whole event....sorry Gretel but what was your purpose/aim of that act????? The girls dresses were fantastic.....and I was pleased with the out comes on the hole apart from the fact that underbelly 1....while deserving.....took them out last year if I remember???? didn't they???? anyway it was interesting to watch Gretel nose dive and the entire audience seemed to be ignoring her as she did.....pick yourself up Gretel shake yourself off and snap out of it girl......
george i
2009-05-04 16:15:33 UTC
I think Gretel has had her moment. Give someone else a go. I only watched a few mixed moments of the show. That was enough! Rove is always trying to be funny but usually, his remarks come out crude. He should be known as Rove the Crude.
A Wonderland
2009-05-04 01:57:50 UTC
HA! Watching Gretel Kileen was HALARIOUS! not because she was funny but because of the looks on the celberities faces when she walked up to them (ALOT of eye rolling! HA!) ! The girls from the cast of 'Packed To The Rafters' all had ggorgeous dresses. I really, really wanted ROVE to get gold, but i suppose he has had sooo many and Rebbeca has been trying for a solid 20 years and never got one. Jenifer Hawkins, that dress certainly didn't look good to me!

I watch ALL the award shows and that was CERTAINLY not the worst ever, mind you i am only 16....

Hope I Helped!!

2009-05-03 22:36:52 UTC
Have to agree with most others here-Gretel was CRAP!! What was with the dress changes. I thought the Umbilical Brothers were on for too long and what they did didn't make sense. Try Adam Hills next year...
Missie C
2009-05-04 07:16:39 UTC
Of all the people to host the Logies - OMG

Packed to the Rafters is a breath of fresh air from all the cop and medical shows.

Another WA Actress doing well.

All very good.
2009-05-04 01:56:46 UTC
I thought the people who won deserved to win and that there dresses were beautiful I thought that Gretel jilleen as a host she made a terrible job of it.
Mostly cheap, garish & tasteless
2009-05-04 16:07:54 UTC
The dresses were mostly cheap looking, garish and tasteless and looked like carbon copies of each other.

The hosting? Pathetic.

The gold winner could have had more dignity and less swearing. Hardly an advert for the mother figure she depicts in the role that won it for her.

Very disappointing.
2009-05-04 02:20:42 UTC
I usually love the logies, but i had to honestly change the channel, Gretel was terrible..ranting on and the questions she asked the celebs were ridiculous. fashiion was awsome loved shelly crafts dress and also Jen hawkins, stunning!
i am me
2009-05-04 00:29:40 UTC
I did not like gretels look nor hosting, it looked SOOOO unprofessional and un-logies. i agree with one of the answers above, that the rafters girls were stunning, thats about it really,

and also not sure if the voting was very wise this year
2009-05-03 19:54:11 UTC
The host did a very poor job, insulting the vet from Animal rescue and her hair and that cotton wool dress were pretty off. I also think the producers should have used home grown talent instead of Annie Lennox. She looked nice but her performance was terrible. Where was Marcia Hines or Kylie or Danni or Natalie Bassingthwaite or Shannon Noll or Guy Sebastian or the winner of Australia's got talent or Marina Prior/Lisa McCune or Kate Ceberano when you need them? The money spent in flying A.L out here was wasted and could have been put to better use. Why should we, the tax payers, HAVE TO PAY FOR HER?
steve a
2009-05-03 16:31:56 UTC
the worst Logies ever! it showcased why Australia does not even rate on the international TV stage when it comes to producing award shows. Gretel was completely unfunny.
2009-05-04 04:56:45 UTC
Lovely dresses.and happy for all the winners. But as for Gretel Kileen forget it. Bring back Bert.
2009-05-04 01:38:51 UTC
Gretel was awful...that hair!!! ewwwww and who dressed her..they want sacking...i hear she wrote her own showed.

I agree with the 'teeth' comment seems everyone wants to look like a horse these days...the epitomy of this trend is 'martha' from Home and Away...omg is she kidding...those enormous nashers look ridiculous!! What happened to the natural non perfect smile? it was character building.

I did however enjoy the fashions good or scarily bad :)
2009-05-03 21:51:31 UTC
Gretel Kileen was a terrible host she kept on going on about the economy and the government when it was nothing to with it. The dresses were FANTASTIC!!
2009-05-04 02:37:12 UTC
i HATED Gretel Killeen, she was soooo rude and awkward, it was painful to watch her talk to people. Who's idea was it for her to host the show? On another note, I loooved Natalie Bassingthwaighte's first whit dress, so pretty :)
2009-05-03 20:15:35 UTC
Just confirms what I've always thought of Gretel - as annoying as a toothache and now topped off with a bad haircut!
2009-05-03 17:53:08 UTC
I couldn't get over everybody's FAKE WHITE PERFECT TEETH. Even now walking past the t.v with Kerryanne on Nine talking about the logies, I stop in my tracks in amazement of how false they look Even the gardeners and builders on the overhaul shows have had thier own denture overhaul.It's funny,I have normal healthy teeth,now I can't help but think all the t.v. personalities had rotten teeth and now wear a plate at the front or a full set of dentures.....I hope they don't do a re-make of Mr.Ed, as he too will have too "LIGHTEN UP"..OH ! The dresses,I was too caught up on the notice.
2009-05-03 18:47:09 UTC
After all the previous hype I found the Logie's boring, boring, boring. No-one was funny, only thing I found interesting was the fashion and hair-do's. So I flicked to other channels off and on. If actors are worth their mettle why would they stay in soapies year after year, none of them deserved awards of any sort.
2009-05-03 21:56:29 UTC
Have no interest in this event - all very tacky and incestuous. They've all had "work", most of them don't have talent and all in all a very boring way to spend time in front of the television. That goes for the Oscars too. We need less "celebrity" and more serious acting - until then, let's not throw any more money at this form of the "arts".
2009-05-04 00:20:56 UTC
organisers should be shot for making gretel host, and in these economic time its good to know that the "rich and famous can spend so much money on clothes they will never wear again
2009-05-03 23:44:29 UTC
I personally thought that Sarah Murdoch looked the best as she wore classic black and you can never go wrong with that. I kinda feel sorry for Gretel now that everyone is bagging her as she did put in an effort but maybe we as an audience are just a hard crowd to please. Although, I must say that I hated her pixie haircut, it did nothing to hide her ears which tend to stick out! Somebody please shoot her hairdresser!
2009-05-03 23:34:49 UTC
I think the presentation of the awards felt quite awkward. Not giving presenters an autocue just felt a bit strange and unprofessional. There were definitely times that I thought there should have been audience laughter heard and there was silence!
2009-05-03 20:23:32 UTC
Disappointing show overall.....another big bomber for the night was Tom Burlinson....this man sits in judgement of peoples talents on Australia's Got Talent ...mmmm.....he murdered a beautiful song..... it was painful excuses just a poor performance and he can't say he couldn't hear himself he had a monitor in front of him........maybe he should watch it back and score himself.....first time ever we have turned the Logies a shame to see them disappear...
2009-05-03 17:58:30 UTC
they should run the logies simular to the American shows, were there is no eating and drinks , that way who ever hosts the show will be given a better chance on the night ,plus the people attending will give there attention to the nomanies. over all it was a let down, and enough makeup to sink the Titanic !!!!!!!!!!
2009-05-04 01:08:25 UTC
i think Gretel did a good job. I have always liked her. The fashions were okay
2009-05-03 20:09:36 UTC
I didn't may much attention but was disapointed to see Gretal hosting the show. Thats probably why i didn't pay attention to it!!! lol

They should have had Hugh Jackman host it, if he can host the oscars, surely he can host the logies too.
2009-05-03 19:59:45 UTC
It was so so bad. I felt embarrassed and ashamed viewing the tiniest bit I did., I feel Gretel has commited career suicide !!! Even Annie Lennox looked as though she'd been dragged out of the vintage dress up box. Best bit for me was seeing my husband's name on the credit listings for technical crew.
2009-05-04 04:18:12 UTC
in short channel nine is doing a great job of boring us to death. and i am sick of watching all these "so called beautiful people" 90% are just so "self-important" that as long as they are there they must be a winner with the audience that proper acting and behaviour goes out the window due to a super inflated ego or self opinion
2009-05-03 17:58:06 UTC
THE WORST LOGIES EVER. Gretel was crap, and the whole night was a bit of a bore. i wanted Ian Smith to win the gold Logie.
Alastor N
2009-05-04 08:46:52 UTC
Global warming, water shortages, crop failures, worldwide recession, stockmarket meltdown, AIDS, unemployment, Billion-dollar Ponzi schemes, North Korea nuclear threat, MiddleEast crisis, human rights abuses....

But lets concentrate on the important things shall we... what wealthy people are wearing on a tv show awarding other tv shows.

Maybe we are getting what we deserve.
2009-05-04 01:36:45 UTC
gretel killeen was shite. they could not have picked a worse host!

lincoln lewis was gorgeous as usual:)
2009-05-04 11:55:43 UTC
I haven't watched the Logies in years.

It's just another excuse for people to get smashed and make fools of themselves .
2009-05-03 23:54:52 UTC
I think the whole thing was done on a shoe lace budget, other wise they would not have employed a host as bad as they did.
2009-05-03 21:23:43 UTC
Hey there is nothing wrong with Todd Lasance. he's a great actor. i hated Gretel. she's so gay. she looks more like a man anyway. that speech was so boring and the god/angel scene is so gay.
2009-05-03 20:09:09 UTC
The whole thing was cringe worthy. I flicked through and just wanted to see Rebecca win.....but couldnt take it to the end. So happy to see the result this morning......Gretel was embarrasing, the frocks, beautiful and so glad that Rove didnt win.....
2016-04-04 01:46:14 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Kitty hawk-rudest training day(sometime)-funniest Tyrel-lamest Training Day -popular You(not sucking up or anything lol)-personal favorite Matrix(weird i know)-most influential
2009-05-03 18:57:13 UTC
I dont watch a show where one dress costs more than my yearly food bill.

As we,the normal folks,struggle to overworked,underpaid jobs.....the rich and famous waste their money away on dresses and jewellery just to have the look they want for one night.

Scrap the logies and have the actors/actresses give away the money they spend just for that one night to charity.Personally i dont care who wore what..their world is far away from the world i live in.
2009-05-03 20:55:03 UTC
Truely, truely awfull even the umbilical brothers were awfull, with all the comedic talent in australia couldn't we do better? UGGGG nine thumbs down channel 9
2009-05-04 00:07:27 UTC
I didnt see it as we dont get free to air television where I live

but at my work the general opinion was it was the worst everyone had seen and no one liked Gretal
2009-05-04 01:56:38 UTC
The whole show is about three hours too long. An absolute waste of time.
2009-05-05 13:07:16 UTC
I though Jennifer Hawkins dress was horrible, the colour was nice.But the style was too young for her.
2009-05-05 03:20:13 UTC
I recall reading it being described as "Lame jokes, bad musical numbers, coked-out soap stars, confused and horrified American celebrities." I think that pretty much sums it up.
2009-05-03 21:16:24 UTC
Boring logies....Host ugly...period.
2009-05-03 20:37:51 UTC
Non Event Why bother? Get a life instead.
2009-05-03 17:46:17 UTC
Gretel Killeen was looking Great, Top Notch Lady and love the new hairdo.a few slight mistakes but as a newie she did a super job.
2009-05-03 16:57:29 UTC
it was a bit of a shocker... i really only watch it to see who gets most popular actor / most popular actress.. and to see the red carpet arrivals.. i thought jen hawkins looked great, kristy hinze had the worst hair ever..
2009-05-04 05:44:58 UTC
why would i watch such crap tv.. Gretel whats her face is a disaster anyway
2009-05-04 00:12:57 UTC
Bring back Daryl Summers

Even Rove can do better than this girl - she was crap
2009-05-04 02:14:05 UTC
I really couldn't care less what they wore. Why would anyone waste their time caring about such a thing?
2009-05-03 19:06:42 UTC
I thought why am I watching this S%#@ ? AND then I changed the channel - Very dry tv !

To me it's just over rated .Too much make -up ,

( on the guys too ) hairspray and viewing time !!!
Jan A
2009-05-03 22:58:06 UTC
Did not watch the show, went out to dinner, it was yummy.
2009-05-04 15:13:18 UTC
Never watch waste of time and money, not to mention embarrassing.
ash l
2009-05-03 23:13:47 UTC
It was rubbish, and what was with Jen Hawkins top lip? botox gone wrong!
2009-05-03 23:23:43 UTC
I thought the whole thing was tacky.
phill h
2009-05-04 00:57:15 UTC

Thankfully that should be the last time we see you.


Would have looked better without them
* FirefighterAust *
2009-05-03 22:10:05 UTC
the host was crap spoilt rthe show
2009-05-04 05:38:34 UTC
Bogan winners, Bogan wear, Bogan awards!
2009-05-03 23:21:36 UTC
Its all hype. no need for it.
pauline a
2009-05-03 17:56:32 UTC
Don't know because I didn't so much as look.
2009-05-03 19:55:14 UTC
who cares really.
2009-05-04 06:10:03 UTC

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