Here is the latest, since the strike was resolved.
Writer-Producer David Fury Says: "24 works best 24 hours in a row. I don't think we'll see it until 2009."
What We're Hearing: Production on this season of 24 stopped short at hour 12. It's not likely they'll finish the final 12 in time for us to get a full season this year. So, mark your calendars for January 2009.
What We're Hearing: Coming off its recent Golden Globe and SAG Award wins, NBC is hoping for as much as Tina Fey and friends can possibly deliver. According to one writer close to the series, that is expected to be five to nine additional episodes to air in April and May.
What We're Hearing: The crown jewel of the Sci Fi Channel should finish out its fourth and final season, but per writer Jane Espenson, it's almost certain that, schedule-wise, the story will be split into two separate miniseasons. The show completed 14 episodes before the strike hit, and at least the first 10 will air beginning Apr. 4. The second batch could premiere in the fall or even sometime in 2009.
Executive Producer Bill Prady Says: "When we return, well, all of the characters will have superpowers and will fight crime. Seriously, we're going to start a week from Wednesday, which I would guess puts a new episode on the air in mid-March.
"How many episodes can we write before May sweeps? Well, it all depends on how many writers we want to kill in the process. Maybe it's okay to lose a few—a noble sacrifice. Realistically, though, I'd think eight or nine.
"By the way, please tell your readers that if any of them are in Los Angeles, they should try to come to our first taping in a couple of weeks. The fans have been so wonderful throughout the strike, and we would love to see them at the show."
Executive Producers Will Scheffer and Mark V. Olsen Say: "We apologize to our fans that they are the ones who always suffer the most when corporations forget they're just the conduit through which writers and audiences connect . Writers should always receive their fair share of the profits the studios make by delivering our original content to our audiences. And we thank our fans for sticking by us and supporting us in this generation-defining labor action. We look forward to getting back to work and getting new episodes of Big Love into production and on air ASAP!"
What We're Hearing: Big Love will go back into production in March and is likely to return on HBO sometime this summer.
What We're Hearing: One Bones castmember tells us the strike was "very emotional and surreal" and that while they don't yet know how many more episodes they might produce this season, things look good for a return to the set. Another castmember tells us: "I would assume that production would start back in two weeks or so." However, sources tell us there is no decision yet on whether Bones will go back into production this season.
What We're Hearing: Sources tell us they're doing just four more episodes to finish out this year. Those new episodes will no doubt air during May sweeps.
Executive Producer Matt Nix Says: "The truth is that we were very lucky in that the strike corresponded almost exactly with what our hiatus would have been anyway. So, really, if it ends today, we go back into writer prep next week, and we go back on the air at about exactly the same time but with more episodes. I think this actually gave USA a little time to kind of be happy about the show. So, we're incredibly lucky. Honestly, in all this talk to show runners, there are a lot of shows that had to make really horrible sacrifices. We were not one of those shows."
What We're Hearing: Burn will get a bump up to a 16-episode season this summer. That's four solid months of Michael Weston. Whoo!
What We're Hearing: Sure to come back (did you hear about that Golden Globe?), but exactly when remains to be determined.
What We're Hearing: According to sources, the network probably wants to do seven more episodes this season, but no official decision has been made.
Executive Producer Marc Cherry Says: At the SAG Awards, Marc told us: "I think maybe I could cram in seven episodes [before the end of the season]. It would take us about two weeks to get back into production. I'm chomping at the bit. The moment the starting pistol is fired, I'm off and running. I'm ready to go, I just need the okay [from the union]."
What We're Hearing: At this point in time, six episodes is more likely than seven, but don't worry, there will be plenty of Wisteria Lane hijinks on your TV come May sweeps.
What We're Hearing: Absatively, posolutely assured of a third season, but exactly when remains to be determined.
What We're Hearing: Sources say the cast and crew of Dirty Sexy Money will be back to work by the end of the month, but any new episodes produced will not premiere until this fall.
Executive Producer Jason Katims Says: "We all really want to get back to work. Everybody does, but on this particular show, Friday Night Lights, it’s a passion for a lot of us who do it, it’s a labor of love, so we all want to come back to work to finish the season and tell the stories that we are dying to tell."
What We're Hearing: Peacock sources tell us it is not likely FNL will produce more episodes for the current season. However, with a huge fan campaign building to save this quality series (stand by for more deets!), anything is possible. Go Panthers!
(P.S.: As for Katims' other series, Bionic Woman, well, let's just say it's been hit by a truck and won't be coming back from the dead with new, fancy parts. Ever.)
Executive Producer Josh Schwartz: "If the strike is over, then on behalf of Chuck and Gossip Girl we are all thrilled to get back to work. Both shows will be back for more episodes—when, I can't quite say, though Gossip Girl will most likely be on as soon as possible. Chuck may not be back until fall to relaunch with Heroes, or it may be back sooner, but both will be back!"
What We're Hearing: Umm...Ditto what Schwartz says. Expect lots more Gossip Girl this season (the CW is crazy for this show and has requested as many as nine additional episodes to air this season), while Chuck is likely to return in the fall for its second season.
What We're Hearing: Grey's will go back into production this season and is expected to produce a handful of new episodes to air in April and May. And yes, Josh Jackson is expected to finally fulfill his guest-spot duties as Cristina's love interest. So, yes, there is a god.
HEROES (Updated)
What We're Hearing: It looks like Heroes won’t return until next season—but it could launch a little earlier than usual (late summer). Insiders tell us Milo Ventimiglia just signed a movie (scheduling conflict) and, moreover, executive producer Tim Kring is busy at work crafting a “series bible.” Word is, he wants to map out exactly where the series is headed (for many seasons) before Heroes goes back into production. We hear from crew members that they’ve been told they aren’t expected back on set anytime before June.
What We're Hearing: House is expected to return with four to six new episodes beginning in April. Wheretofore Chase and Cameron? You'll know the minute we do.
Executive Producer Carter Bays Says: "We're unbelievably stoked to be getting back to work. The chance to finish out the season is a dream come true in pretty much every way: getting our crew back on the payroll, getting our staff off the picket line and back in the writers room and, most of all, actually writing again. And doing eight more episodes will feel really good. And I couldn't imagine a season-three DVD with just those first 11 episodes on it. Eleven episodes didn't feel like a season. We're TV, not HBO.
"I'm glad we struck and I'm glad we got what we got, but at the end of the day we're writers. We all just want to write."
What We're Hearing: CBS has made no official decision regarding HIMYM's fate this season, so we'd like to remind Les Moonves that a complete season would be legen—wait for it—dary! TV without Barney Stinson is like a world without sunshine.
Executive Producer Damon Lindelof Says: "Indeed, it would appear that we are in the endgame of the strike. Personally, I couldn't be more psyched to be part of this union. Like any negotiation, some parts suck and some parts surpassed my wildest expectations for what we could accomplish, but most of all I'm left with a feeling of pride.
"As for Lost (pending the actual lifting of the strike, which we vote for on Tuesday), a game plan should begin to manifest by the end of the week. All I can say is that Carlton and I and the rest of the writers have every intention of making sure you guys get more episodes this season beyond the eight already completed. How many and how they will be aired is a conversation we'll be having with our bosses, but as soon as we've got a plan, we'll tell the fans first."
What We're Hearing: Lost's actors are on standby, and the show is expected to produce more episodes this season. Fingers crossed! The bigger question is who'll keep the golden Thursday at 9 p.m. time slot once those Seattle Grace d