Americans, isn't it time you insisted on TV channels showing British TV shows in their original unspoilt form?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Americans, isn't it time you insisted on TV channels showing British TV shows in their original unspoilt form?
51 answers:
2007-04-16 05:42:35 UTC
They do it because the Americans do not understand the British sense of irony and so would not find it funny. Quite how they are going to do a Life on Mars there, I don't know. Maybe they will have Grissom off CSI go back in a coma and come back as Kojak.

My kids are quite into these US teenager, 'no one smokes, no one drinks, everything turns out alright in the end and there's a moral behind every story' programmes like Cheetah Girls and The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. Grrrrr! They drive me mad. I've become very good at hiding the remote during these Easter hols.
2007-04-16 05:42:14 UTC
Don't be silly. You know that 93.85% of Americans have no idea of a country outside of their own.

I mean, the Red Dwarf movie nearly never made it because the US film companies wanted American actors not the superb British ones that made the show what it is.
2007-04-16 07:36:41 UTC
If you think that a remake of 'Life on Mars' is bad then you haven't seen the American version of 'Planet Earth'. They've only just started recently showing it over there and you know what they've gone and done (I'm absolutely livid about this)? They've replaced David Attenbourgh's narration with bloody Susan Sarandon's! Arrogant Bastards!
2007-04-16 05:43:28 UTC
I think its a good thing, it shows that us Brits have the best and most original shows and everyone else wants to copy them.
2007-04-16 05:53:15 UTC
Americans make American versions to gain viewers. The biggest complaint I read/hear about British shows on is that nobody can understand what the players are saying. Those that want to see the originals will rent or buy the DVD sets.

Several older British shows air in the US. Ab Fab, Dr Who, Monte Python (duh), Last of the Summer Wine and Are You Being Served are those I watch. There may be more that I miss. Check the link to see if I'm missing something that actually airs here.

We also have BBC America on cable, but I don't have cable.
2007-04-16 10:08:51 UTC
So what does it matter ,We have our sense of humour and they theirs.

Also cut the "our TV is better than there's" .We have BB ,X factor and about 15 othr reality TV shows ,which are really just cheap uninspired TV also we have Coronation Street,Eastenders,which are the most popular TV in the UK ,so,so much for sophistication

Friends,Sienfeld,Will and Grace are all American and hugely popular in the UK and I seem to remember we tried to do a copy of Friends many years ago with Denis Van Outen playing one of the main parts ,it lasted one series coz it was so bad .
2007-04-16 08:12:13 UTC
you watch too much tv
2007-04-16 06:22:42 UTC
Actually most countries do what the US does, the UK included.

Do you remember a late 80/90's show called Take the High Road. Well it was our version of a US show called Who's The Boss. I once watched the US version and a week later the UK version was on of the same episode. The script was identical.
2007-04-16 07:57:38 UTC
American "comedy" shows generally arent funny, regardless of if they are remakes of British shows.

I tried to watch one episode of the US version of the office and it annoyed me so much I turned it off.

The only US show that makes me laugh is Scrubs which is a rare gem of a show as it uses sarcasm, something which americans generally dont get.
roger k
2007-04-16 07:54:46 UTC
I think the Americans have no sense of humour they can't even get what the Honey monster is about when he calls Henry Magee his mummy also the owners of Walkers crisps (sorry potato chips) wanted Gary the football player (soccer player) to hand the bag of crisps back to the little boy at the end of the advert.

The whole point was no more "Mr nice guy" why can't you Americans all get a sense of humour injection.
2007-04-16 08:06:33 UTC
I think the worst instance of this has to be the way they dubbed Teletubbies. No joke. The dubbed all the voices, and the best part is, the narrator was bl**dy Jamaican!!!

Mainstream American culture doesn't have so much tolerance for other countries, it's too much effort for them, but I don't think it will stay this way forever. There are niche markets emerging who have become quite powerful- did you hear about the people who actually raised the money themselves to keep EastEnders on BBC America? I know many Americans who are genuinely interested in expanding their minds beyond their own country, unfortunately it's still not the majority. Give it time, though, I think this is changing.
2007-04-16 11:51:57 UTC
To reply to an answerer. Finalfrontier. Take the High Road was a Scottish soap opera. The British version of Who's The Boss was The Upper Hand, I've just been watching it. I like it but the original was still the best.

Original comedies succeed on their one liners, often these one liners just don't translate into another culture. How can you translate Fawlty clipping Manuel? The Americans just wouldn't get it.

Or, The Ministry of Funny Walks is funny because its a staid English, bowler-hatted gent ... walking funnily.

Remake Friends - you can't. That humour was distinctly American. We don't traditionally have coffee bars, our choices would be a pub or a greasy joe's ... not the same.
John B
2007-04-16 22:25:34 UTC
This is unlilkely to ever happen whilst UK viewers seem to have an inane desire to watch any American trash they can on UK TV. There is NO incentive for UK TV to make programmes which Americans could simply buy. In addition the American form of humour is not as clear cut as the UK.

Honestly speaking if I was American why would I actually want to re-write shows such as Katherine Tate, Little Britain. No I'm wrong, I should say why would I bother if I was American, I'm already producing rubbish why re-write more?
2007-04-16 08:23:29 UTC
American humour is too simple to be funny. Slapstick and toilet jokes may be enterrtaining for the first two minutes, but half an hour's worth palls to excrutiating boredom.

If the shows weren't remade the US 'humour' palate wouldn't be able to understand them. Of all the countries' humour I've experienced, the US' is the only one I don't find even remotely funny; it's too brash, common and arrogant. The French are sarcastic, the English are drily witty, the Germans are slow to laugh but highly sophisticated when they do, and the Greeks just think everything joyfully funny.

The only decent US TV show to make it over here was House; and that's only because they used one of our best actors to play the lead!

But to leave the America-baiting aside for a brief moment; there are tv shows which wouldn't translate well between cultures unless remade with a local spin, like the Office for example - (okay, so the US version sucks) the US work ethic is different from that present in the UK.

And don't forget that the European Victorians bowdlerised everything, like ignoring the beautiful Song of Solomon from the Bible, cutting the 'naughty' bits (Like the 'beast with two backs' in Othello) out of Shakespeare, and turning the good old-fashioned lurid, gory fairy tales designed to be a horrible warning to children about the real world, into a set of twee cute fables which had no relation to the originals (Mother Goose). And I've heard dire things about the Bollywood remakes of some films... (Haven't seen any so not going to go there!)

So it's not just the Americans - every culture picks and chooses what suits, even if it is at the price of ruining the original.
2007-04-16 17:13:43 UTC
I don't have a clue what you are talking about my friend, English TV and productions average is Pathetic, but after so much money and thousands of trials a year you can name Mr Bean, Harry Potter and yes...Mr who...the level of the rest including the ultra famous Johnathan Ross earning 83 million pounds of the TV License money is simply way wasted and usually with strong racist commentaries in the moment you less imaging, and to speak about "The Americans" is very naive as many of these companies has a very strong British economical shares, what they are doing is recycling and adapting to carry on earning money is not about "The Americans", usually expressions like that just hide an amazing ignorance.

And by the way you forgot about to mention the copies of British Tv and movies, not only from American but in East Enders and many other including silly copies of Mexican and Venezuelan Tv.
2007-04-16 14:17:19 UTC
American typical humour usually is so strange, that it`s hard to remember that it is a humour. It`s so simple and quite often rude. Of course there are exceptions like Addams Family from 60s (one of my favourites from all times) and some other.

I have nothing against Americans, but their humour and all these Hollywood`s typical comedies ........!.....oh my God!!!

But then again many (NOT all) Americans just don`t understand British humour. Finally, you can just realise how different are people from other countries.

And if they make remakes, then I suppose it`s good for them(they make how they can), but not for British or other people.
2007-04-17 05:32:28 UTC
To be fair, its not the American People or writers who do this to our classics shows, I think its more to do with the producers and executive Moguls wanting to squeeze as much advertising revenue out of it as they can.

The one execption being the American Office, seriously, give it a go, it is way better than the british one (and i loved that), plus Gervais & Merchant produce it. Give it a good few episodes to let it change your mind!
2007-04-17 00:37:34 UTC
The problem is that we British have a sense of humour that can understand underlying subjects below the level of the up front line. The Americans and other races, need the punch lines to be easily understood and open.

They also do not like our shows using our actors as they are very protective of their actors jobs etc.
2007-04-16 12:40:29 UTC
Well, well, Typical "I hate the yanks" answers here, nothing more, really. Seriously, Brits, that sh*t is getting old.

Anyway, I've seen a few Brit shows via satellite T.V. , and to be honest, I just don't understand the humor. I think many Americans feel the same. Don't think we have no sense of humor, either. Ever watch South Park?
Jack Daniels
2007-04-16 11:32:48 UTC
I don't have a problem with it myself, I think that if they want to use the same idea than thats good and if they want to make it so that it has American actors as well good for them, someone on here said that they don't understand our humour so they would have to change some of the jokes so thats part of the reason as well. I'm not really that worried about it!
2007-04-16 10:37:50 UTC
Hello Uncle Sid,

I am an American who happened to be looking around in the UK answers and your question grabbed my attention. I absolutley agree that more British humor should make it's way on to American TV. I love British humor. It's very clever! We actually do get older British programs on television here. There is a public station in our area (South Carolina) that plays what we call Britcoms every Saturday night. If I happen to be home visiting my parents and stay in on a Saturday night, we will watch such great classic shows as "Are You Being Served", "Waiting for God", "Keeping Up Appearances" and my parents number one fav is "As Time Goes By". Every now and then they also show us "Vicar of Dibley" which is great! I love Dawn French! I agree that remakes of any show are usually never as good as the original and I'm sure that alot of the Hollywood remakes do come off as rubbish when compared to the original. But fortunately, we do get to experience some of the older British programs over here other than Monty Python. Comedy Central used to show "Absolutely Fabulous", which is a laugh riot in my opinion! Hopefully, we will get newer programs over here soon. We have BBC America on cable, but I haven't seen any new sitcoms on it. Later!
Sea Bass
2007-04-17 04:53:06 UTC
i would like to thank the americans for doing that coz i live in britian and i see whats the tv shows like here !!

the acting is usually very weak, and story very silly .. its a shame really .. apart from 'the office', 'peep show' and the -a bit old - 'mind you language', nothing can be watched from the british tv shows !!
Tufty Porcupine
2007-04-16 08:10:14 UTC
To be fair, many British comedy shows ARE shown in the US, but many are also re-made. But, remember, the UK does this too. Many of the pathetic UK sit-coms are just a remake of a US show, so it happens both ways. Even worse is when a hit US sit-com style is 'copied' i.e. you get the impression that the woeful 'Two Pints Of Lager' is a poor attempt at making a gritty version of 'Friends'.
2007-04-16 20:54:27 UTC
americans have a permanent fear of being pushed out of the show thats why they force their ideas on others(e.g. iraq)also they do it their way to make it appear originally theirs(you can smell James Bond wannabes in the movies M.I. series and XXX) It is also the american xter to run down upcoming 'nonamerican' developments just so they remain the spot focus. others are touted as inferior as much as possible to give place to american 'superiority'.

you should not deny however that americans know best how to spark life into a story. but like you observe, they spoil everything when they try to take other peoples stories as their own natural ideas:may God help Iraq-and Beckham!
Prof. Hubert Farnsworth
2007-04-16 17:34:25 UTC
i really feel like having a bash at americans too. they are so full of themselves and ignorant that I really struggle to understand why they are so ignorant in believing that the rest of the world will like what they do better than the original. hope they stop with this trend and start to pay more attention to the british real things that get over to them and actually start to appreciate the difference of being british
David H
2007-04-16 19:29:28 UTC
Just don't watch the American versions - Is it a colonial thing with you Brits to run down anything not British.
2007-04-16 08:35:23 UTC
Yes I agree- particularly when they, for example, can accept something like The Office, (and understand the British comedy) and then make a weak copy.

I've never seen a US version of Captain Pugwash!!
2007-04-17 03:36:00 UTC
your not going to believe this # I do not watch tv -# I do not watch TV! I gave that addiction up a while ago....I dont play with screne games, I get on with My MY life. Its not too easy and I do muddle along.

Yet I would like to see Life on mars.
2007-04-16 08:56:55 UTC
the majority of brits find american TV (chat shows, commerdys etc) very irritating, annoying and not remotly amusing where as british TV is well amusing, granted 'two pints of lager and a packet of crisps' does some what apear to emulate friends but its actully some what amusing compared to friends and no offence but the accent after about 15 minutes of over excited american i want to shoot myself in groin it would proberly be more amusing, but things like faulty towers allo allo and that are very hard to come by now on british TV my personal favourite is only fools and horses, bring back that sort of commerdy to britan and america. also i can't belive they tried to remake dr who, you just can't do that, you can't its stupidity at the highest level because its british sci fi and has a fair bit of british humor that makes it work

just my thoughts though our TV is of a higher standard and there are slightly fewer adverts as well.

acid out
Bonzo the Magnificent
2007-04-16 12:17:02 UTC
One of the more amusing changes I heard about was that when the splendid 'Spooks' made it over the water, they changed the title to 'MI5'. Our colonial cousins had managed to make a racist connection I didn't. Goodness knows what else they managed to change.
2007-04-16 08:18:53 UTC
++ Americans, why not totally get rid of your TVs.. give them away to your local elementary schools to use in education

(1) use less energy

(2) when not watching the TV that is gone you can put your clothes out to line dry.... thus saving even more energy

(3) that excersize routine that you can't find time for.. Viola, you now have the time

(4) Get to know your kids better... spend actual quality-time with them

(5) the time you couldn't find to train your pet properly.. There it is too!

(6) You will never realize that one of the causes of today's anxiety is that we never get any truely quiet time... get rid of the TV & you will be amazed that your anxiety related disorders will disappear... mine did... AMAZING MIRACLE CURE FOR CARDIAC PROBLEMS... no more need for medicine

The asker of this question mentions American Media Monguls... why give those media mongrels the power to do or affect anything in your life? DITCH YOUR TV!!!!!
2007-04-16 08:07:08 UTC
i agree, i find it annoying as well. whenever i see a remake, i think "can't those people think of their own ideas?"

american tv shows, even sitcoms and "comedies", never have been that funny, if you ask me. even Friends, it may be popular but it never really made me go anything past a chuckle. i prefer good old Dad's Army
2007-04-16 16:56:12 UTC
our sense of humor is different from yours, every culture is different. i dont think monty python is funny at all. i didnt like the office at first, but now i think its so stupid its funny. we should learn to appreciate each others differences, if you dont like the remakes turn the channel, i dont watch anything that i dont like.....
rabbit rhodes
2007-04-16 08:18:57 UTC
Actually the USA tried it's own version of Doctor Who - it stared Eric Roberts.....
2007-04-16 19:09:22 UTC
Look at it this way, the creators are still getting a bunch of money.
2007-04-16 12:38:29 UTC
Americans are rather dumb when it comes to television.

Whereas a number of different channels in Britain show American and Australian TV shows (and we have no problems understanding it at all) in the US you get a number of books telling you how to understand Britain humour, and even speech for that matter.

We spawned the ******* language. Grr.
2007-04-16 08:27:08 UTC
did you know several British TV programs are redone in "American accents" especially if they are kiddie programs
2007-04-16 07:50:01 UTC
We are indeed hilariously amusing. The Americans would learn a thing or two from watching us in action.
2007-04-16 10:51:40 UTC
oo what a mess they made of the office. Now its really sickly corny
Simon L
2007-04-17 02:10:20 UTC
And don't forget the "classic" (stop sniggering at the back...) remake of "Cracker".......
2007-04-16 08:06:46 UTC
Do you honestly think most Americans will understand British humour. Even if it is translated into words of one syllable.
2007-04-16 11:22:40 UTC
I'd like to see them try and re-make "Allo Allo"!!
2007-04-16 08:34:40 UTC
i hate the way they change history in there films
2007-04-16 13:20:33 UTC
2007-04-16 06:14:08 UTC
Americans have no idea what funny is even if it hit them in the face. Come on the office rockz over hear but the american verison sucks

British comedy is so funny and americans cant get their tiny heads around the puch lines. So lets us Britsih people come together and point at the americans and laugh

Fader's Girl
2007-04-16 07:33:14 UTC
agree 100% with shtuu lol and DMS's lol
2007-04-17 03:51:05 UTC
i agree with u and dont know why...coz they r Americans....... u know...
2007-04-16 07:47:01 UTC
Absolutely!!Your sense of humor far surpasses ours any day!!
2007-04-16 07:38:24 UTC
So many British shows aren't funny. Oh, a few are, but not very many.

Need to remake.
2007-04-16 05:39:20 UTC
They are so up their own a**e it's unbelievable. They do think sienfeld is funny so...
Smooch The Pooch
2007-04-16 05:39:30 UTC
Nope. Not feeling like it's necessary. But apparently, you do. Want a cookie?

***Wow, you brits are a bunch of snobs who live up to your stereotypes. (judging from all your comments) You're right, we wouldn't find sticking our thumbs up our azz that what produces the shrill sounds you make?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.