How can millions of Americans take time to vote for the next American Idol but not be able to impeach a Bush administration full of corrupt gangsters who invaded a country that had nothing to do with 9-11 and has US relations around the world at all time lows. Do Americans want to see America fall because they are to ignorant to get off their butts and do something that would actually mean something? Or are they going to vote for the American Idol in record numbers again? And if you support Bush don't waste your time answering this with hateful remarks until you do your research. This administration had invovement in the 9-11 tragedy and has used this against the American people in order to make us slaves and kill innocent Iraqis for the wealth of their oil buddies. The real reason we went to Iraq was to stop Saddam from flooding the world with cheap oil. He was pumping over 3 million barrels a day and had plans to make it 8 million by 2008. Now since Bush has had control only 1.8 mil