2006-07-13 14:11:56 UTC
Please answer in this format:
1. answer
2. "
3. "
first person to get all 10 questions right gets 10 points!
1) What is Kramers mothers name?
2) What does Frank Costanza yell when he gets frustrated?
3) What is the name of Kramer's pet rooster?
4) What does Newman bring Kramer to the airport to get him out
of his gambling debt?
5) What fake person does George always want to pretend he is?
6) What real life person does George's character actually portray?
7) What line does Jerry sign on his picture in the diner on the way to see the bubble boy, that he later regrets writing?
8) What does Jerry give Elaine on her birthday, that she gets so upset about? **Be Very Specific**
9) What type candy bar does George accuse the fat mechanic at the car dealership of stealing from him?
10) What is Kramer's one line that he tries to perfect, for an upcoming acting scene?