How do you know if your first impression is accurate when meeting someone new?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How do you know if your first impression is accurate when meeting someone new?
2062 answers:
2007-07-17 17:40:37 UTC
People change AND make mistakes. Therefore you giving a person a second chance may be a wise decision.

When making a judgment on someone in conversation, LOOK at them and observe them. Pay attention to their reactions to what you say or what they say or do. Being a Dr yourself I'm betting that:

1. You know the answer and want to see how people will answer.

2. You are interested in that new reality show that people judge you by FIRST IMPRESSIONS!
2007-07-17 21:03:15 UTC
I have learned to trust my first impression, but try to leave a little room open for redemption. :) I think that you can learn from your own successes and mistakes. If you have 'judged' person after person as 'ok' or 'nice' - only to be proven wrong - then you have to look back at the criteria that helped shape your opinion.

On the other side - if you have repeatedly been proven correct - then you should trust your first impressions.

For me - my wacky theory boils down to chemistry. When I don' trust or like someone (which is very rare) it is truly a full body reaction for me. I don't like the look, sound, or smell of the person. (no big drama, I just remove myself from their presence).
2007-07-17 20:56:39 UTC
For a woman, your past experience will tell you how many times your gut instinct was right. If it is more then yourself.
2007-07-17 20:57:15 UTC
If you gut tells you that someone is dangerous, it's best to listen to yourself and stay away from that person. If you were wrong then maybe you've lost out on getting to know someone but that is a small price to pay compared to what might happen if you were right and you ignored your instincts. But if you just don't like someone after a first impression, the only way you can find out if you were right is to stick around for a second chance.
Dorothy D
2007-07-17 20:59:14 UTC
Most people put their best 'face" on when you first meet them. It may take me a few times being around them to pick it up but usually I find out pretty quickly if they are a good person or not so good person, according to MY moral judgment. Something always happens to confirm what my gut told me in the first meeting.
little lu-lu
2007-07-17 17:44:10 UTC
Always go with your guttural instinct. I didn't and it cost me thousands of dollars in hospital bills. Time,experience and mutual acquaintances will answer the question of the true character of a person. I would rather be wrong about a person than dead.

I do try and leave room for error, so to speak and it is bittersweet when the "a-ha" moment of confirmation arrives.Although I remain friendly, it's of a casual stance and my guard remains UP.
Valerie L
2007-07-17 21:04:18 UTC
I have found that my first impression is usually correct. I always look people straight in the eye when I speak to them. I have met a few people that I could not look in the eye and my gut feeling was that I could not trust these people or that they were fake or dishonest.
2007-07-17 21:00:01 UTC
It's not fair, but it's human nature. I don't know if you can really tell if you're gut instinct is right until it is proven one way or the other.
2007-07-17 21:07:28 UTC
i trust my gut - some people i never want to see again - once is enough.

so people i warm up to - i may see things i don't like - but i keep an open mind.

i have learned the hard way - being toooo open leaves your self open to predatory people.
2007-07-19 01:29:19 UTC
I don't trust my initial impression. I have one for certain, but I give them room to change my mind. I'm always waiting for new information and I play the person's advocate. I try to generate numerous possibilities for their behavior.

I've been the on the receiving end of a lot of shallow and quick judgments. I think that is the best way to learn how not to do it. It takes recognizing the psychology of the judgment toward yourself in order to understand how you do it to others or conversely, you can better understand why they do it if you see it clearly in yourself.

When you repeatedly see the outcome of a judgment appear differently than the first impression, it should teach you to suspend it.

I was in a confrontation at work in which a person said to me that they were a "superb judge of character." I asked them if they were ever wrong. They said "no, never." I told them if they were never wrong, they most likely weren't learning or honest with themselves, and should be trusted the least with character judgments and walked away.
2007-08-11 22:27:23 UTC
Why is this question under 'General - Television' ?

It seems you are asking two questions here. The first question is related to how accurate is a first impression without prior knowledge of the person. Prior information would be considered information such as a friend's opinion, or in the case of a celebrity, the characters that they may portray. A first impression without prior information is usually relatively accurate (unless the other person is pathological). Since there is nothing known previous to bias this meeting, then mannerisms, body language, dress, hygiene, ego, confidence level, vocal inflections and intonations as well as speech patterns all play a key in forming this first impression. There have been reports done by news media about first impressions when the same person had different hair color (which led to completely different outcomes).

The second question is related to how accurate a first impression is with prior information (a friend's opinion or other knowledge of the person in advance of the meeting). Your 'wronged you personally' statement indicates prior knowledge from some external source. Unfortunately, this situation is where you could easily come into the meeting biased. So, this is where the person needs to go into the meeting with an open mind. You need to meet them, talk with them, view their appearance and mannerisms and wait until later to form that impression. Then, after it's all over, form an impression.

Unfortunately, too many people go into meetings with opinions already formed (usually because of prior information) and this usually overrides the gut feelings. This then biases the entire outcome of the first impression. With prior information, It takes someone with a completely open mind to remain objective to give it enough time to formulate a final impression.

Overall, the gut instinct is probably about 50% accurate. So, it's always worth keeping an open mind initially because you never know where that relationship or friendship may end up. They could just as easily become your best friend. But, don't take chances as well. If you get a really bad gut feeling from the person, be polite, excuse yourself and leave.
2007-07-18 12:19:35 UTC
This is a very complex question and the envirement also plays a key role; i.e.,

Guy just walked into a convienence store to buy a soda - he is stinky and looking very unkempt - first impression is the guy is a slob and someone you would not want to spend time with - however,

THE SECOND TIME MEETING - in the same convienence store the guy comes in with a suit and tie to buy the soda.

The environmental factor you was not aware of was that he was helping a widow to spread dung on her field so that she could grow a watermellon patch to generate extra money - there was great reason for the stench and the unkempt appearance.

Your question stated how can you tell that your first impression WAS ACCURATE - meaning that you allow for future meetings wherein the environments may be different.

There are other factors as well - everyone and everything give off frequencies that are picked up by our subconscience mind. Some can pick up on the frequencies/ vibes and others may not. Such is no different than those who are adversely affected/effected by bad weather long before it presents itself ... I wake up some days feeling really bad and do not know why until it pours cats and dogs a few hours later - or sometimes I may feel really bad for two or three days before the storm comes in and am relieved of the ill feelings when the weather breaks.

Everyone has an aura and that is but a frequency that is eminated from the electrical make up of that individual, this is where the gut feeling comes in and the environment still plays a factor -

One can be putting off a frequency because of problems in their lives that another picks up at first meeting - that may be totally deceptive. A real nice couple who just had their daughter stolen by a rodeo clown and eloped ... after 18 years of raising her right - she is on her way to Colorado to live in a tent ...

Clearly the loving couple are completely disturbed and very upset - three hours ago they would have given you the shirt off their backs ... now they want to hunt down someone and do surgery on certain parts of his body ...

That is why a book should not be judged by it's cover and a person should not ALWAYS be judged on first impressions.

Some people though - you can just tell that they are not to be trusted by their body language and the frequency they put off.

Everyone should be allowed a second and third impression - unless they are dripping with blood and a body lay in the street five feet away - and he with blood dripping has a large smile of satisfaction on his face.

CAUTION THOUGH ... if a first impression is not great - you should never conduct a second without someone else you trust being with you if at all possible.

There is no sense at all to take a risk - and in turn - if a woman - she should never even take on a second opportunity with any male - without a trusted friend with her; but, this has become quite an outdated custom as the crime rates directly reflect.

I realize my answer leaves the pandorah's box wide closed - but; hope it shed some light to help just one even whom seeks advice.



active open programming
2007-07-18 11:31:38 UTC
An individual can know that the impression is accurate,

but that the other individual might interact differently

within a different context. Often the discussion of first

impressions is considered in terms of an entire relationship;

a relationship which extends beyond the first impression.

If an individual voluntarily chooses to associate with

individuals within an environment then the individual

might choose not to associate with an individual

based on that first impression. The context of the

question seems to be considering the forced

relationship by the nature of questioning the

validity of continuing the relationship.

Directly pursuant to the first impression the judging

individual isn't assuming the first impression, they

know the first impression. However, the first impression

might not be a proper sampling of the person's

character as a whole, but the judging individual

might not be interested in the person's character.

The initial impression might be the most terminal

conclusion of utilizing the relationship. Regardless

of the specific nature of the encounter, conclusions

might be drawn about mannerism of participation

and projection within a forced relationship

environment. The context of the relationship

and environment dynamic can make some people

appear good or bad within different situations.

Therefore, an impression is always accurate.

The dilemma is identifying what situation the

impression applies to. In other words, why does

the person behave the way they do, and what

elements of the situation give reason and

substance to the atmosphere. Essentially,

the key to successful relations are knowing

the mutual conveniences shared by the entities

involved in the relationship; what gives substance

to the relationship. Communication is an effective

solution to the identification of the mutual interests.
Been there
2007-08-15 08:14:38 UTC
Great question. First of all I want to preface my answer with the fact that this is only an answer from my own experiences and please know that I answer this not to fix you but, sharing from a motivation of human connection.

With all that said I do believe the gut felling is very valuable because my life has been spared many times when I have listened to my gut (besides the common gurgling, lol).

My own caution is when I trust my gut on relationships and first impressions. Since I have had success and failures in this area by using my gut feelings alone, I first of all I now ask myself if it is my intuition (gut feeling) or some preconceived judgment I may have. Hopefully I am patient enough and I am not letting some natural instinct (physical attraction) skew my feelings then I may have a better take on what is going on inside of me. Life can be so busy in the world we live in presently and many times I don't take the time to evaluate completely. I guess this helps to make life an adventure.

Back to the point of the question. I believe time tells all. Some of my best friends were at first rivals and it seemed that being able to work through our difficulties made us stronger and more real. What more could a person ask for. Sometimes the easy way is not the best in the long run. I still use my gut feeling but, it is not the final word. It is nice to be a human and be able to make a choice as long as we are willing to absorb the results.
2007-07-18 18:46:15 UTC
The truth is that you can't judge someone by your first impression. You can't judge a person just because you've known them for a couple of hours. Even though by an off chance your first impression is true, 99.9% of the time your first impression will not be true. I think that is the way things are. Mainly because the person is also trying to learn about you and in those first moments that they have met, you they will probably be on their guard because they don't want to have you dislike them. So both people are probably not being themselves in front of the other person. In highschool, first impressions are practically all wrong. Stereo-types are probably the main reason they are such a problem. Maybe some people can trust their gut instinct but most of the time that gut instinct is just a rash judgment you have made of that person. The only way you can really get to know someone is to go past your first impression because you might never know what a great person he or she might be.
Yam King 7
2007-07-18 12:43:37 UTC
I'd like to first look at the last of these questions:

How can you tell whether or not you should trust your gut instinct in these situations?

Once, I was offered a trip with a good friend. It was for 7 days and the longest trip I had ever been on before that was only day trips. I had a lot of anxiety about it. Another friend suggested that I go ahead and go and see if my fears became true. I thought that was a great idea , so I went. I ended up having the best vacation of my life. My gut/instincts were telling me that I would not have fun and that something 'bad' would happen, but it did not.

I learned from this that what I think is my 'gut' is not always seeing things clearly and rationally.

Now back to the original question:

If I am clear-headed while meeting this new person, I will be aware of my thoughts and judgments while talking with him/her. For example, if my 'gut' says that this person is a jerk, I can talk with this person for a bit and get REAL facts & data to logically support my feeling.

If my 'feelings' don't match the facts, then I know that my first impression was mistaken. In the end I will learn something about myself regarding my desire or need to judge others.
2007-07-18 02:30:19 UTC
Did you know that your question is being posted in General Television?

Talk about a first impression.

The answer to your question is new. A meeting is a space in each persons timeline. You have little idea what happened to the other person(s) before you showed up and even less idea what is on the person(s) mind at that point. A first impression is normally visual and or auditory and not much to go on.

You actually have three questions here but that is not unusual.

Question to I can trust people because I know they are strangers and unless they are wielding an weapon at me i can assume that they are not life threatening. As for anything else you have to take circunstances into account as to what if any tipe of relationship will develop. Standards vary from person to person and situation to situation as to what one will and will not accept in the way of behavior from others. I am the be prepared type of person but that means be prepared for anything. A positive demeanor on your own part will help to establish whether the other person is going to be otherwise. If the person(s) gives you problems when you give them non then that is a sign that something is a miss. What it may be is the question.

Question 3

Gut instincts are fight or flight mechanisms taking charge of you. The is nothing wrong with listening to them but the moment you recognize that it is a reflex and not a sound decision is the moment you should think am I right and adjust your bearings. You might read Sun Tsu if you have not already and apply the allerory to this situation using the terrain and and judging the other person(s)' force to estimate what your countermove should be at this point. It is one thing to think too much and another not to think at all. The best solutions are the ones that think only when thought is necessary and stop thinking once a decision has been employed. Anything that follows that decision is something new.

Like I implied, I have no idea what this has to do with television but I am more that willing to try and give you a direct answer to a direct or a series of direct questions.
2007-08-08 14:58:46 UTC
fair is an odd word for adults to use, it is right up their with mean. these are words for kindergarten and the sandbox. Life on earth as an adult among selfish and, dare I use an unpopular word, sinful humans isn't fair except in the sense that it is equally unfair to everyone. It is also fair in the sense that the law of sowing and reaping is a law like gravity, it just doesn't always have such immediate consequences.

How can you tell whether or not you should trust your gut instinct in these situations?

check the hair on the back of your neck. Women are probably more intuitive than men, as a rule, which is good because they are more vulnerable.

Don't let adherants to the rule of political correctness lull you into a feeling of guilt over getting a bad vibe from someone you meet for the first time. Your instincts are probably right on the money, give that person a wide berth and don't feel guilty or ashamed for doing so. You might be saving your life or the lives of your loved ones.

That being said, everyone should learn to think accurately and without fear. Accurate thought means letting your decisions be governed by facts not opinions and hearsay. For most people I would say give them the benefit of the doubt until they show their true colors. You would hate to miss the opportnity to make a true friend. But, paying attention to your subconscious mind and your body's instinctual reactions to people you meet is not a form of fear, it is a survival mechanism. For that minority of people who set off your inner early warning system, trust it until they prove themselves otherwise.
2007-08-08 14:35:15 UTC
People have a "gut instinct" an innate ability to sense danger that is no different from an animal in the forest sensing predators are near and running for cover. It's a natural ability to sense danger--self preservation instinct. It may not seem fair, but far more often than not, it's right. There is always the possibility that the person you meet was having an off day, but most people don't really hide their true colors as well as they think they do. If someone puts you on the defensive without ever really doing or saying anything you can put your finger on, they're just putting out the vibe of who they really are underneath their "public good behavior" mask. Trust your instincts, every time!
2007-07-23 10:30:02 UTC
When I get a "bad feeling" about someone at first meeting, I consider it a "caution" sign, and it heightens my awareness towards this person. The bad feeling raises this question: What is it about this person, either in appearance, body language, manner, etc. that gives me this bad feeling? In business or a work situation the result is that I slow down and proceed very carefully.

I wouldn't assume this person is necessarily a "bad person" (perhaps he or she just reminds me of someone else), but neither would I assume this person to be a "good person." If I were considering some kind of partnership or anything that involves some risk, I would want to do some more research and spend some time getting to know the person better. The bad feeling would stop me from moving forward without more information.

I always trust my gut instinct, and my husband trusts my gut instinct as well because pretty much every time I've said that I have reservations about someone, my caution has turned out to be beneficial.
Phyllis R
2007-08-13 14:20:59 UTC
If you know how to use your "gut" instincts, it would be easy to tell if a person is bad or not. Most people do not have the ability of trusting. My husband and I got married, last July, 3 months after we started dating. Although I have known of him since 1996, I really didn't know him. He just had that type of personality that made me feel at ease with his manner.

This is what people need to learn about. Trust comes within yourself. The question should be do you trust yourself?

Common knowledge is that when you first meet someone it should be in public. That is when you ask the questions that you need to ask, such as, what kind of work do you do?, do you have your own place?, what do you would your friends say about you if I was to meet them?.

The person might look like he cannot be trusted, but he probably is the most sweetest, caring person you might ever have in your life. That is why the questions are asked so you can take his answers and investigate if you cannot trust your own instincts.

Most of the time, the gut instinct is a form of paranoia if you keep feeling that someone is just not right for you.
2007-08-10 11:18:35 UTC
Sometimes I find out if my first expression was accurate after the person has wronged me. My experience has taught me to trust me gut instinct. I don't think it's really fair to assume that that first impression was true simply because some people just have bad days, some people just get caught off guard.

I trust my gut, but at the same time I'm not rude when meeting someone for the first time. I go with the flow of that meeting but I never forget what my gut told me from the first hello to the last goodbye.
2007-08-05 16:43:19 UTC

First impressions involve a minimum of 2 people and taking the effort to make it a good one work both ways. A famous study done by psychologist shows that the lasting impression – (in other words, how long people remember and retain what you say) – is influenced by non-verbal elements of communications such as hand movements, posture and clothing. His study showed that audiences paid attention more than half the time to the speaker’s body movements, rather than the words. The actual results were: 7% to the words; 38% to the voice; and 55% to the body.

If you have a bad impression after meeting someone for the first time, it’s important to trust that instinct. But it also important to weight the different aspects that make the person and see if it’s worth giving that person a second chance. The person could have had a bad day, maybe even be lost in thought...We all have those days when we are not ourselves at all, right ? We meet many different people in our lifetime and I personally have made many thick relationships with people who I initially had reservations about! I have told them this.."You know, the first time we met ...I thought you were a total snob!.." "Guess what", she said..."Ditto!"..Haha..We laugh over this now!

But there are sometimes cases were we come across people who we immediately feel repelled against, especially those that give us eerie feelings (especially true for women). A sense of feeling threaten of one’s personal safety should never be ignored. Listening to that instinct is important and is a quality that we should teach our children.
2007-08-02 12:22:15 UTC
It isn't fair to judge people right away from appearance or gut instincts. I work in a bank in a half decent neighborhood. We're a very small institution so many people think they can get over on us, that's where using your gut really comes into play. You have to really watch the body language and hand gestures. I guess you can say its like those criminal shows watching the eyes. Just as if you can tell when a good friend or co-worker is having a bad day or even a hard to deal with day. I have families that bank with us, and the family will have a bad history with us. Then you get that one family member that when they walk into your like oh crap, he wants to open an account....then they turn out to be better customers then the rest. First impressions are very hard. Though using your gut works very well. But always give your gut some time to really soak in that first impression. People do change like the others have commented, for good and for bad. Then that good person can just have a bad day, then what? you turned away a good person that might have just had something really bad happen to them. You never know. If my gut instinct is so strong it hits me over the head like a caveman hunting his food, I always go with it. Cause later on I'll be saying what everyone does, man I should have listened.
2007-08-01 17:01:05 UTC
I would say because everyone has an aura around them. And when someone has the intention of harming you even if they don't look it you can sense it. Now I'm not one of those spiritual people or whatever but everybody has a natural instinct to protect themselves. And some people have a higher sense of that so they feel weird being next to that person and not in a i think i like this person sorta weird. I know you should never judge a book by its cover but your instincts are there for a reason to protect you. So if you feel that this person may harm you or somebody else stay away from them until you know a little more about their background. Cause even the nicest person in the world can be the cruelest at heart. Also I know not everybody is going to agree with me but I will be truthful and say I'm not the most trusting person to start with but I also have a good sense of judgment and sometimes you just get this gut feeling that this person can or cannot be trusted. Now I would not say that it is prejudice or anything along those lines but more of looking out for ones safety. I think that you should always trust your gut instinct because everyone was given instincts for a reason... to give you protection, so I would say no matter what always go by you gut instinct.
2007-07-30 08:23:08 UTC
What a question! wow! I can't seem to answer this without going into a vast variety of examples, that I have personally experienced. No wonder I'm confused. I guess perhaps a guideline should follow. I hope this is your endeavor.

1) you don't, and in most cases your not in a position to make an assessment, based on the fact that there are two ways you would usually meet new people. a) At work. And therefore your not being yourself as well and you must do ever thing in your power to ensure good business ethics. b) Through other friends. And of course there is ethicial obligation to treat them with trust based on the fact that you like the friend who introduced you to them. It's difficult here for many reasons, because if a new person have never met is introduced to me from people I think are friends who in fact have coloured me in a bad light. (romours) And I am not aware if this then my life is really badly affected by it. And I wouldn't even know what or why or who or anything. This sort of thing can be unbelievable. And as it is in reverse. Even if I were with out rumor, I would trust this person based on the fact that I was introduced to them by a trusted friend. What a nightmare that can be aswell.

2) no it is not fair to consider a person as bad, expecially if they've never wronged you. BUT, AND.....

But if you feel this person is bad, (you didn't specify) I've seen people with disabilities wrongly treated for example a deaf man who simply wants a beer or to order food ask for directions, anything. I've seen them treated badly because they were wrongly judged. Not for being deaf..... no that was not even recognized. I was able to connect, but I've seen others just misunderstand and treat them inhumanly.

(Man I can really go much far with these questions).

ok and then the third way which is not very common, Is to meet someone new while your on your own. This is a strange area of your question as I have had good and bad experiences. All of these variables can save your life or take your life. In rich it or take away from it. And can also be any combination of these things.

I am at a loss, as I cannot tell when or when not to trust my gut instinct nor can I really trust what I've seen or heard or have been told. I am truly in aw of your question. I'll be thinking about this for a long time.
Andy K
2007-07-26 15:49:58 UTC
By meeting them a second (or third, fourth, etc.) time and having your suspicions or gut instinct confirmed. It could be part of a preconceived notion you have about them, taken from a hint, or a gut instinct; call it what you want.

The thing is, when I first meet someone, I really try not to judge a person and then stick with that decision, because I could be wrong about them. For instance, let's say I meet someone and have a bad first impression because they were sloppy drunk and swearing at everyone & everything. If the next time I meet them and they exhibit the same or even worse behavior, my first impression was just confirmed. Now, let's say the second time I meet them, they are clean shaven, dressed nicely and sober, obviously my first impression wasn't confirmed so I have to assume their previous behavior was some sort of anomoly (or this behavior now exhibited is an anomoly). After getting to know them a little better, I discover (surprise, surprise) that around that time of our first meeting, they had a really bad day as they got laid off from work, then they got drunk at the bar, and when they came home early they discovered their spouse in bed with another man.

So no, it's not fair to assume they are a bad person, especially if they never wronged you personally. That's why I typically don't trust my gut instinct, until it's confirmed.
2007-07-26 00:48:35 UTC
First impressions are just that... first and an impression.

Does this mean that people can change?

Absolutely - both you and the person you judged.

Does this mean that the impression didn't mean anything?

Not necessarily... I think you should keep your mind open and ask yourself why you may have thought intially that this was a bad person. If you can justify it rationally, your gut seems to be heading you in the right direction. If you can't justify it, there might be something with yourself that you don't like and that's what you're seeing in this person.

If you still have no clue how to handle it, let your heart do the talking... There is a reason you might be feeling uneasy about meeting that person. Turning the situation over to God will help you understand if this person was meant to influence you for only a moment, a season, or a lifetime. God may have given you the heebie jeebies about this person for a good reason.
2007-07-25 21:02:56 UTC
You can't know if your first impression is accurate when meeting someone new. First impressions are often formed within the context of the the observer's frame of mind and the environment and circumstances surrounding the first meeting.

Gut instinct is most common in situations where there is some perceived risk at hand, and stress--at a meeting in which some level of control is lost. Examples of these can be the proverbial meeting of strangers in a dark alley, or the less threatening spontaneous introduction of a potential client on a city sidewalk.

It is best to view and understand the "first impression" or "gut instinct" as a defense mechanism. It is there to allow you to maintain a comfortable distance--physically or mentally--from the other party while you make a more detailed observation about them.

I would not ignore a gut instinct. On the other hand, I would not rely on that observation alone.

It is interesting that this question arises in a period in which we have developed the social confidence to put a great number of prejudices behind us, yet we have the discomfort bore through experience that requires us to teach our children to maintain a 15 foot distance between themselves and strangers (so then are "first impressions" a learned perspective?).
2007-07-24 15:28:25 UTC
I think that safety comes first, so trust your gut. Sometimes you have to make a snap judgment and you won't have all the information that you would like. You may have only a glimpse of a person's character, with maybe just a brief but troubling facial expression, or perhaps just the way that a person speaks or moves or dresses to inform you, which is not always reliable.

But if it is a safety issue, trust your gut. If you get the sense that someone is bad, meaning dangerous, then get away. As long as you don't cause harm to the other person as you secure your own safety, then there is literally no harm done. You might miss out on some interesting interaction, and you risk seeming less than friendly, but you are also avoiding the risk of receiving potentially serious pain and suffering.

It is only unfair if you hurt the other person. Sometimes you have to make assumptions because there just isn't time for anything else. Just be aware of when you are making these kinds of judgments and make sure that any action that you take based on possibly faulty or misleading information does not cause harm to the other person.

This is what your gut reaction is for -- not for making all of your decisions, but for those times when the stakes are high and you just don't have time for a full intellectual analysis.

Alive and aloof beats blind trust and blunt trauma.
Melissa H
2007-07-18 19:47:58 UTC
You cannot assume that your first impression of someone is correct. Too many times have I listened to my instincts only to find that what I assumed was incorrect. So the old adage goes "never judge a book by it's cover". Also, there have been times when I have been guilty of giving the wrong impression to someone. Now, if you see someone doing something that you know is wrong, like beating up an old lady or breaking into someone's car, you can safely assume that person is bad. However, if you meet someone for the first time and they don't seem friendly or they seem a little standoffish, it may be because something happened to them earlier that effected their mood or maybe they are worried or stressed out about something going on in their life. I wouldn't take it personal or assume that they are indeed a rude person. The next time you see them they might give you the opposite impression and you discover that the person is actually a pretty nice individual. They may even tell you why they acted the way they did the first time you met. You never know. That is why I always give the benefit of the doubt. Now, if I meet that same person again and they give me the same impression three different times, I assume they are not the kind of company that I want hanging around me. I use the "three strikes and you're out" method.
2007-07-18 19:09:21 UTC
You really don't know if your first impression is really accurate when you meet someone new. Although a persons past reputation often foreshadows your first impression what happens after the first impression can also influence how you feel about the accuracy of that first impression. If you believe a person is bad just because you haven't been personally wronged yet by this person won't necessarily influence your initial reason why you think someone does bad things. In regard to trusting your instinct in a situation, I will say it is better to err on giving a person the positive benefit of doubt than err on overly tearing someone apart. If you find your initial impression wrong later, wouldn't your rather be found being too kind, friendly, and attempting to understand than the opposite reaction? The choice is yours, good luck on your dealings people you don't know yet.
2007-07-18 12:36:11 UTC
Logically, your first impression is based on personal reactions, feelings, your mood at the time, your openness, etc. All things that can vary greatly.

Obviously, it is impossible to know your first impression is correct at the time. If you know for a fact that something about someone is true and negative, then it's not really in the category of a first impression. It's just plain ol' information about that person. Good or bad. You will, subconciously, take that info in and make decisions when it comes to your interaction with this person. If you witness a stranger shoplift something, you wouldn't ask them to hold your wallet. If you witness a stranger rescue a child from an oncoming vehicle, you would trust that person more than the average person.

And if you are a normal person, you usually go with your feelings at the time. It's called being a normal human being. Don't think about it too much because it will drive you nuts. Just go with first feelings for the most part. LIfe is about living and learning. As you get older or as you mature, you will learn what parts of your instincts to trust and which parts of your first impressions are often wrong. We will jump to conclusions based on our own personal history and experiences. Those instincts protect us and those close to us. We make judgements about new people without even trying. If you are overtaken and pre-occupied with worrying about how this sort of thing, you have to let it go.

First impressions are just that. An impression. Not an exact summary of a person. You simply have to have the right and healthy combination of confidence in your feelings, trust in people and not a pattern of trusting all strangers to the point where it places you, your loved ones or your belongings in danger or risk.

Common sense is the factor which you do not mention, yet is what you actually are describing.
2007-07-18 06:23:56 UTC
Q. How do you know if your first impression is accurate when meeting someone new?

A. Sometimes you just do, sometimes you just don't. As far as "how", there are many different ways: EXPERIENCE, TRIAL AND ERROR. FORMAL TRAINING. ETC...

Q. If you feel that someone might be a bad person, is it really fair to assume that this is true when they haven’t actually wronged you personally?

A.: Again, you could be right and you could be wrong. You need to take everything into account, and be able to admit it to yourself and others when you are wrong

Q. How can you tell whether or not you should trust your gut instinct in these situations?

A: Again: EXPERIENCE, TRIAL AND ERROR. FORMAL TRAINING. ETC...Sometimes a person can be very good at trusting their instincts. Sometimes, it doesn't matter how much a person tries, eventually they come to know that they need to find another way of getting to know people other than instincts. And then there's everything in between and then some - sometimes we think we're right when we're really wrong, sometime we think we're wrong when we're really right, sometimes things can seem so clear one minute and then not clear the next or vice versa.

You must also take into account the person you are meeting is experiencing their first impression of you, yes?

Also, please do not forget the time honored adage: Judge not and be not judged. Thankyou
shorty pants
2007-08-14 07:37:11 UTC
I totally believe that first impressions can be wrong - it's the willingness of the person to change that impression that makes it difficult to overcome a bad first meeting. Under some circumstances, it is ok to assume that a person is bad without them actually doing anything (for instance, if a guy is looking at you kinda freakily, you probably shouldn't hitch a ride with him), but, for the most part, you shouldn't be able to tell. No one knows what is in someone's heart (except God) and it's not right to claim you can tell. Sometimes, a gut instinct is good to follow, but only if the person asks you to do something (like riding with them, going in a dark alley, etc.). The reverse of your question is true as well. You should never, ever assume that people are good just because they seem nice (or smell nice, or have a nice smile....) how many guys have died from marrying "black widows?!" It is easier for someone to pretend to be nice than being mean and forcing you to do something.
2007-08-11 08:57:37 UTC
It's rarely your choice how you'll react to a person's actions on your first encounter. Usually I have interpreted 'first impression' as the entire first meeting not just the beginning. You can meet a person for the very first time and see them doing something completely goofball or off the wall but if you leave them and they are behaving in a 'more' normal manner your lasting impression will not likely be that of a goofball. Their actions are the basis of whether we decide this individual will even get a second impression. That's why the expression that you want to make a good first impression exists. An experienced, well-read person can overcome this instinct occasionally but sadly most of us do not. Over time you may decide to give EVERYONE a second chance to impress you but I think you may find that that will be a huge waste of time...and why should they. Your opinion of how someone should behave will not be universal and, no offence, the world is better for it. Diversity is a wonderful thing.
2007-08-09 11:15:09 UTC
Many times in the past, I formed the wrong impression about someone meeting them for the first time, simply because I allowed myself to be swayed one way or another based upon something the person said or by behavior.

I have learned to not make assumptions immediately. People can be having a bad day, a concern or something else bothering them that may cause them to not be warm and friendly when being introduced. Some people have personality disorders that are a hinderence to them socially. (my mom has dysthymia, which causes chronic negative thinking - plus she's shy. It's easy for her to put out bad signals to someone she is just meeting, even though she is the most giving, thoughtful person on earth - people very often misunderstand her intentions based on her body language - arms crossed in front of herself - or her facial expressions = which I don't think she realizes when she makes odd faces at people)

When meeting people for the first time, it's in everyone's best interest to not become judgemental too quickly. You never know what is going on with the other person - maybe they just came from a difficult situation 5 mins ago and you had no idea. Keep an open mind, get to know them - you might be surprized. One of my friends made a horrible 1st impression with me and I was determined to not like him. Turned out I was completely wrong - he jokes openly about anything and I just wasn't used to that, didn't know how to take him. We get along great - he would never intentionally hurt someone's feelings, he's quite sensitive.

Trust your gut though if you feel someone can be dangerous or a threat to a child - no amount of give is needed in a situation where safety is an issue. That's a given.

Best Wishes!
2007-08-04 11:30:23 UTC
Anyone who has studied Psychology knows that people form a first impression of someone within the first few minutes of meeting that person, this can't be avoided. Initially, there is an impression made due to the physical makeup of a person. Then, an impression is made due to the actions of that person. Finally, if a person speaks, then the impression is made due to the speech, vocal tones, and personality of the person. When we form an impression of a person, we draw from personal experiences and generally how we were raised, genetics may also play a factor in our impressions of someone. In forming this initial impression of a person and judging that person without even knowing him or her, we must be aware of a couple factors. Sometimes, if we get a negative gut instinct about a person, we should pay attention to this feeling. However, we need to actually talk to the person to give him or her a chance to change our initial impression of him or her. Once we get to know the person through communication both verbal and nonverbal, we will be able to better distinguish whether or not these initial impressions of the person were correct or incorrect.
2007-07-19 08:30:48 UTC
Test it by continuing to have contact with the person.

Also, first impressions are sometimes, or mostly, borne of the perception and perspective of the the one having the impression, and so highly subjective. Sometimes my impressions seem to completely consist of projection which is like looking at myself in a psychological mirror. There is also the important fact the person being observed may not presently be acting as they mostly do. There could be something relatively extraordinary that they are experiencing. Also, when two people meet for the first time I think that both of them behave in an affected way to some degree. As an aside, it is said that one doesn't really get to know another until they get married. I say they perhaps get to know each other a little better if they get divorced. A first impression is just that. The first of maybe many, many more and probably limited by lifespan.
2007-07-18 05:25:18 UTC
There is a certain amount of discernment and a certain amount of prejudging that go into a first impression.

It is not a bad thing to be careful around someone from whom you get a bad first impression about, but it depends on the reason that impression is cast. We do have the ability to pick up things from other people, good or bad, just by being in their presence, so it is good to trust your gut instinct.

However, these impressions can be swayed by our prejudgments which are often nonsensically based. Various reasons can be previous experiences (having nothing to do with that person), racism, classism and personal taste. You can have a good first impression of a bad person if they are physically attractive or if they have a charismatic personality. You can also have a bad first impression of a good person if they are shy, quiet, having a bad day or if there is something about them that in your mind makes them unattractive.

This may seem confusing, but the key is to find a balance. You cannot help a fact that a first impression determines how a relationship starts. You determine whether to figure out if your impression is correct, or if you will always judge them by the standard you have set. Depending on the situation, you should cautiously investigate the first impression, good or bad, whether it is true or baseless.

Even though a first impression is important, it is only the beginning. Time proves many things.
2007-08-13 23:14:20 UTC
I've actually struggled with this myself. Go ahead and get to know the person, but always remember your gut. You can never have too many friends, and there could be time in the future when you wish you'd have made a connection for business or personal purposes. If you get the impression that someone is a bad person, don't disclose information about yourself and don't trust them any more than you would a stranger, at least until you've more than tested the waters. Gut instinct is usually right, but you'll never know if you were right unless you get to know them. Make note of your instinct, and then give them a fair chance.
Joe H
2007-08-12 10:24:24 UTC
Good or Bad first impressions should be flexible to change based on the performance of the individual who's impressing you. Impressions are opinions or judgments and the 1st ones are usually without much evidence. We are all guilty of making them. However, opinions or judgments without much evidence tend to be poor ones with a high probability of being inaccurate. Inaccurate opinions can make one look very foolish.

Meetings between 2 people can get off on the wrong foot from time to time. Trust your gut instinct only if you feel you have a lot at risk. Otherwise, try to be patient as possible before forming that "impression". You can safely assume your first impression is accurate if after a certain time, more and more habits or behaviors displayed by the other person confirm it. This is why comfortable, confident people can patiently find out the truth about others and can choose the ones they want to hang out with based on fact.
2007-08-02 19:11:53 UTC
People get a gut reaction to someone they meet for the first time. I was interviewed by a person at a possible place of employment, because the owner of the co. had a change of plans and was unable to keep the appointment. I have learned every job on the job and have a wide business background, so I felt that working with the person that had been able to show up at the correct time and place, everything would be fine. Right before I started I met the owner. I had a very bad vibe about him, thought it over & didn't want the job. The agency i went through said everything was fine and I should start right away when in the short interview the owner said I would start in 2 weeks. I should have trusted my instincts and not taken the job. Everything about the person confirmed he was not playing with a full deck and before I could finished being trained he had his secretary tell me the job was "a bad fit" while he skulked out of the office.

Gut reactions are usually right but while getting to know someone note positive things about them that could eventually outweigh the bad. Gut reactions are usually right but personal idiosycracies can throw your gut off.
2007-07-28 16:15:42 UTC
Honestly you can never tell if your first impression is accurate, that's why I think that you can only judge a person after a few more impressions or just having the chance to actually spend a little time with them, to get to know them a little better. If my impression on someone was bad then I would stay away from them because I can never be sure if it's my impression or instinct. I say trust your gut instinct above your impression.

Good Luck!

Hope this helped.
H. A
2007-07-25 16:44:00 UTC
Nature and instincts are a wonderful thing. I believe you can tell a person who is genuine by looking in their eyes. If they don't maintain eye contact with you then there is something not right. Your individual instinct kicks in and you just have that enter feeling that they aren't right and you should assume a somewhat defensive posture. Even for no other reason you need to go by your gut feelings. You don't have to insult them but you need to make sure you aren't alone and even if not, you should find a way to pull away and remove yourself from them. First impressions are generally correct and only when a long association with that person, such as at a job or a public gathering place, where there are a lot of people around, can you determine whether or not you were right. If wrong, admit it to yourself and befriend them, but ninety percent or more, you will find that you are right. The more experience you have in doing this the better you will become, until you just about one hundred percent correct. It is also better to have trusted your gut feelings and been wrong than to not have trusted them and been right. So many people not with us today have paid the ultimate price to find this out, and I sure that, that went through their mind in those last seconds of life.
sum1 w/ @n @nsw3r
2007-07-25 13:55:41 UTC
It's very hard to not judge someone when you first meet them. You look at their clothes and you say that they are this type of person. You hear them talk and you say that they are from this place so they are this kind of person. Every simple action made by people when you first meet them makes you judge them. Most people make certain that their judgments are true, but that is not fair because you don't actually know the person. It's horrible really because you haven't given that person a chance. The only time you should really trust your gut instinct in these situations is when you've had a first hand experience with these people.
2007-07-19 07:32:27 UTC
Your a doctor and your asking us now that is a switch and I feel that is wrong to pre-judge someone you meet for the very first time and we as human beings are all guilty of doing that in some form or another even if we do not admit it out loud.

I was taught if you listen,watch,and observe you can also learn a lot about a person and you know what I have learned from my life's experience that it is so right but that is just me.

Well I can't speak for anyone else and I wouldn't try but my gut instinct has usually been right and that is what I base it on plus the other three factors I mentioned.

And I agree if the person hasn't wronged me what so ever than who am i to judge them but that is why I do those three things I mentioned without saying a word to anyone else because I do not want to be influenced by outside gossip I want to do it on my own and come to my own decision which is the best way with out hurting anyone's feelings.
2007-07-19 06:52:06 UTC
You first impression means a lot to the other party, especially if you are meeting the person for the first time. The way the person dress, talk, laugh, smile and dont forget Appearance . however if the person that you're meeting is a bad person you will know, and you should pay attention to your gut feelings and intuition. Take this for example, when a child is hurt and hospitalized his/her mother would know instantly because she feels that something is not right. there's a lot of bad people out there with amazing personally, yet psychotic. My advice is if you feel that someone might be a bad person, it is fair to assume its true by trusting your instinct and at the same time ask yourself why do i think he/she might be bad. could it be fear, the way the person dress or could it be you unable to trust someone new.
cluelesskat maria
2007-07-19 05:37:19 UTC
first impressions usually influences our opinion a business meeting is usually an arranged affair and so the person you are going to meet is going to make sure he. or she dresses well and is confident about what the meeting is all about and usually you do base your judgement on that like interviewing a canidate for a job,

a casual meeting of the opposite sex well that also influences your opinion , a hand shake can cause a tingle a voice makes an impact, a look can make your imagination run can make out if he is flirting or not a meetin of people usually you judge how talkitive a person is how cool and calm as well as clothing can speak a thousand words,

but to judge some one on your first instinct would be entirely wrong as the saying goes never judge a book by a cover, you got to read the book from first page to the last to form an impression, it could make a difference ,

but sometimes situations do occur in an emergancy some times you got to use that first instinct, and god help if itswrong ,so do take care and dont necessary judge on an instinct
2007-07-19 00:42:46 UTC
The saying is :First impression is the last impression

But I have my doubts about this saying.

I have worked with Germans, British, Latin Americans, North Americans,Italians, Arabs, Asians, Africans during my 4o years of international professional engagements and have developed an instinct of qualifying a person from a certain nationality. I feel Germans are very correct,Italians are flexible, British are diplomatic, The Africans very suspicious etc.

This instinct is a hurdle during the initial interaction.

One seems to qualify the group of persons in a certain category and react accordingly.

This can eitherbe a a blunder or useful. The chances are 50, 50

In fact, the relationship depends on how you approach a person initially, it is his reaction to this approach that decides your initial relationship.

If you are hung up on to the initial contact syndrome, you will never be able to develop a long lasting true and deep relationship. It will be of doubt and hit and go type.

So, the better approach is keep your instinct in the background as a guard to be used in emergency and approah new person in a positive way. Maybe his instict is telling him that I am bad person.

A positive and friendly approach may drop many walls in between and a constant positivness will result into a good positive relationship.

Some people are basically bad; your instinct will be a great help when facing them
2007-07-18 21:04:28 UTC
In my experience, my first impressions are right about 50% of the time. The thing I find I am usually wrong about is snobbery. If someone is quiet around me but I know they are not quiet with their friends, I assume it's because they are snobs. I have found that many of those "snobs" are really just shy around new people. do you know when to trust your gut instinct? Well, my answer is two-fold. First, if it's a silly issue that shouldn't affect any decisions about how to treat that person that forget about it and treat them the way you would regardless of that impression. (Even if I thought someone was a snob, my behavior toward them shouldn't have changed. I still should have been kind.) If it is a serious issue (ie. money or safety is involved) I would suggest listening to your gut but also being aware that you could be wrong. Don't assume that your impression is correct, but there is also no need to dive into a new relationship (personal or business) after a first meeting. Observe that person more in group settings, ask mutual friends what they know about the person. Be smart but approach with grace.
2007-07-18 18:19:05 UTC
Time is a teacher and life has been the lesson.

Through out our years of experiancing different issues and becoming familuar with different behavior patterens, an individual becomes aware of 'tell tail signs'. Signs that might be as obvious as the way a person jestures with their hands or the way one might not look you in the eye when stating a 'fact'.

There are many different ways to identify behavior traits.

Gut feelings are sometimes the best way to "not" put yourself in a negitive or compromising position. If you think or feel bad 'vibs', do not hesitate to use those instincts to back away, in order to gain more time to get to know the person in question.

There are individuals who carry an 'invisible shield', for self protection. Those individuals most likely have been emotionally or physically trama, in the past. These individuals will not show you their 'true' side , untill they feel comfortable and safe enough to be themselves. Acceptance by others often stagnats their ability to socialize. Social life becomes almost non-existant outside of their place of employment, for these individuals. Perhaps these individuals have even a greater problem accepting themselves, because they themselves become someone else in-order to work and live in a world that they feel ailianated.

Judgeing someone can be difficult, as a first time incounter.

Many people 'wear ' a different face, depending where they are and who they are with.

There are those who can be so 'freindly' and have nothing of good intent, consider the pedifile or the serial killer.....

That is not to say one must hid away and let life pass them by, healthy choices and learning some behavioral signs; as well as listening to our gut feelings makes a good start for friendships that can turn into relationships that last a life time.
2007-07-18 13:19:25 UTC
I believe first impressions and gut instinct are usually correct. A lot effects those things though. Age, naivety, upbringing, to name a few.

I have always been a very good judge of character. And as a person who works with the public, it's a great benefit to me. When a customer walks in to the store, I instinctively know how to treat them. Some people have a sense of humor and can take a little teasing or joking, others are somber and straight forward, and . Some are chatty and others are all business. I deal with them in the manner they require.

Now, first impressions are not always correct, but for me at least, my instinct is. There are people out there who are naive and/or uneducated in behavioral aspects. These people I would imagine would have a harder time gaining a good first impression. The same goes for the young. Their innocence prevents them from getting an accurate view.

So, to answer the question, Yes, I would go on first impressions and instinct. I would be wary of either the "good" or "bad" I felt. People can be deceiving, and only taking the time to know them will tell if your "firsts" are correct.
Anthony C
2007-07-18 12:10:44 UTC
Everyone is different. As far as I go...

First impressions do not determine whether I will talk to someone or anything of that nature. A first impression to me is just me stereotyping someone. Everyone is stereotypical, everyone! Some people throw me off by being very nice and respectful in which I never would have guessed from my first impression. Some people are rude and ab noxious in which I never would have guessed from my first impression. If someone is asking to borrow money or what not, without knowing the person I will say no. However, if the person asks me for a favor, then I will listen and answer accordingly. I will not turn anyone down because of my first impression -- unless it is common sense to do so. I enjoy meeting new people. There are a lot of interesting people that I do not trust at first, but once I meet and get to know them I really like them and would do absolutely anything for them. On the other hand, there are people that dress nice or whatnot and seem like good people, but when it comes down to it they would stab you in the back. First impressions are the "cover of the book". Don't judge a book by its cover right?

That's just my opinion, perhaps some will as others have their own.
Gary C
2007-08-04 10:59:45 UTC
In my experience this question can't be adequately answered "yes" or "no" based on the information you have given. Also, you seem to believe that it is not fair to make the assumption that they are "bad"... that's good! Anyway I believe that our first impression is greatly influenced by our past experience and even training. We learn that some combination of appearance and behavior amounts to "a bad person" or a bad experience. If there have been compatibility problems with someone who displays the same characteristics before, why would problems not appear in this situation? If they have wronged someone else before, especially more than once, why would they not wrong you? To "trust" or "not to trust" can only be decided based on the facts. It is the idea of "gut instinct" that you should not trust!
2007-08-03 14:36:20 UTC
The very fact that you judge a person by a first impression is the mistake here. When meeting someone new, your instinct might say something but to judge them you need to follow-up with common sense. It is safe to assume what your instinct says until you can confirm using your common sense and your experience knowing that person. This may not exactly seem fair to the other person but if your instinct says something is wrong it is generally safe to assume so until you reach a different conclusion.

As you say there is really no telling whether or not you should trust your instinct, but it is safe to go with that solution until you know otherwise. You could also get a general impression by asking the people that know him. But, really the only way that you know if your first impression of someone new is accurate is getting to know them yourselves.
2007-07-28 18:52:48 UTC
I think that trusting your gut instinct is dangerous in the instance. You should always let some time pass so that you can “feel out” the person and see what kind of person they really are. You can never just tell whether a person is good or bad by first impressions. That’s why I think that “love at first site” is a fallacious concept. I also think that to judge someone based on first impressions is unfair. Whether or not they do something that we think is wrong the first time we meet them doesn’t mean that they’re a bad person. It could be just a bad coincidence and bad timing that something particularly “wrong” happened at that specific time.

In short, give them more time to prove themselves to you. Never judge.
2007-07-27 09:53:57 UTC
Well like you just said, trust your gut instinct. I think to meet someone and automatically assume they are a bad person (unless they portray that they are in front of you) is a quick judgement of character and not accurate. You can't tell what someone has gone through in their life by a first impression. Humans are like onions, we have layers. It can take several years or even a lifetime to know all the "layers" of a person. I do feel that if you have a gut instinct telling you that you should not be associating with a certain person than you should go with the feeling. Whoever created us gave us instincts just like animals to protect ourselves. If you already have an opinion about someone before you meet them, that I think is not fair.
2007-07-18 14:11:04 UTC
The first person to respond to this blog- said that people change and they deserve a second chance. However i do NOT believe that!!! From my own experience- no one ever really changes. If they were a backstabber and liar in the beginning- they will be again -it just might take more time for their personality to truly come out the second time around.

As far as trusting your gut- i ALWAYS do!!! If it is just walking down a new street or meeting someone new- i always listen to my instincts. I believe we have them for a reason and it is our unconscious mind telling us that theire is something off.

Look at dogs- Within the first thirty seconds of a stranger being around your animal- you dog will wither love ther person and walk up to them- or they will get a bad vibe and wont go near the person. They don't know "why" they feel like that- but they do and they always trust their instincts. That's why when I'm outside along- i trust my dog with my life!
Holly :)
2007-07-18 06:15:33 UTC
I am really, really bad about first impressions. I'm almost always wrong! If someone rubs me the wrong way when I meet them, I usually end up getting along with them great when we spend more time together. On the other hand, if I find someone to be engaging, charming, or otherwise fun to be around initially the odds are that they're going to be very annoying as time goes on. I am learning, however, that the reasons I find certain people nice to be around initially and others not so much is that the things I'm looking for in a long term friendship don't usually show in the first meeting or two with a person. The people who are trying too hard to impress me usually do and I miss out on the "real" people. And I think a lot of people are like me... I'm very akward when I meet new people and might come across as kind of a jerk because I just don't offer up that much of myself to people that I don't know. It's hard to decide what, to me, is instinct and what is knee-jerk reaction to the way someone behaves when I meet them! I wonder often how many other people feel this way!
mark v
2007-08-13 05:39:37 UTC
It is true that a fist impression will have an influence on your opinion. As the old saying goes first impressions leave a good mark or a bad one, so make it a good one. But we must take into consideration that he or she might have been having a bad day. So it is unfair to assume that he or she might be a bad person based on a first impression. It would be best to have a second meeting with the individual at a later time, and if you still feel that she or he might be a bad person then it is fair to believe that he or she might be a bad person.
2007-08-09 17:23:52 UTC
In hindsight, I have to say that it's been my experience that I get in trouble when I ignore the first impression I get from people. When I meet someone, and that nagging little feeling in the back of my mind says "leave this one alone" I almost always make out better if I trust that instinct. Sooner or later, those first impressions tend to bear out.

It may not be fair, and it may not be based on personal experience (or even vicarious experience) but my first impressions of people tend to be fairly accurate nonetheless. I've learned to trust that about myself.

Which probably doesn't help you. Sorry. For what it's worth, I don't think there's any objective way to know whether you can trust your own instincts or not; I've found that all you can really go by IS hindsight.
2007-08-08 14:52:45 UTC
I feel that we were given the ability to sense our "gut instinct" as kind of survival technique. If you had a gut instinct that a flight you just booked was doomed, would you call and reschedule or would you board the plane?

The same goes for people. People put out vibes and if we are open to these vibes then we can pretty much tell if it is a good or bad vibe. You can still get to know the person that you have a gut feeling about. Just keep your mind open to what your brain is telling it. Get to know the person from a distance or get to know them only when in social places. If you ever get a gut instinct with a person then you should NEVER let yourself be alone with them.

1st instincts is a gift, learn to appreciate it, one day your gut instinct might not appear when you really need it.
2007-08-05 22:43:54 UTC
Even if that individual did wrong you in some way, it really isn't fair to characterize them as bad because you don't know their situation. Truth is, they may just be having a bad day, and you caught them at the wrong time. When people see someone as bad, they tend to look for whatever they can to help finalize that decision. Here's an example. A friend of Gary's forewarns him that Shyla, who he has yet to meet, is a tad bit eccentric. With eccentric firmly planted in his brain, Gary will seek out any little cue that will help him affirm his original thought. And since he thought Shyla was eccentric beforehand, he may try to slow down his speech or speak at a very generic level. In turn this may cause the supposed eccentric Shyla to think that Gary is eccentric and respond in the same manner. This would then prove Gary's point -- even if it isn't necessarily true. With all that said, it's never a good idea to base ideas on what others have to say, or on the first impression, because there are far too many great people out there that many individuals may never get a chance to know simply because they had a bad first impression.
2007-07-31 18:28:02 UTC
No such thing as 100% accuracy when there's a human variable. But I would say 99.44% when it comes to first impressions. It's simply human nature to size someone new up - it begins in Kindergarten, or sooner, I suppose. Actually, it's probably a built-in instinct in the most ancient part of our brain; a survival thing: "friend or foe?"

As far as feeling that someone may be a bad person, I think we tend to trust a stranger somehow because they have yet to betray us; naturally, because thay haven't been in a situation to have betrayed us.

I find "stranger talk," or the act of making conversation with a stranger for a minute or two, very stimulating and, almost necessary. It's a confirmation of who we are as an individual, while helping someone else to perform this same periodic need. Maybe it, too, originates in our "primal brain," as if we are still mimicking this tribal thing where you are straying from the group to explore a tribe known to exist ten miles away and you have a chance encounter with an individual who is also scouting about curiously.

I seem to recall some famous full-length Disney productions that have important scenes that explore the concept of first impressions, both human & animal. And it teaches us alot about human nature.

As far as trusting your own "gut instinct," well, this instinct must also be inherent. What is important is how mature you are and how tuned-in to your self you have become.

Thanks for a question that I think not only helps you in your quest for answers, but also helps each answerer discover something, too.
2007-07-29 06:20:03 UTC
First Impression ,First Opinion, Are ,For The Most Of The Time ,Seem To Be Right. Rarly Will You Be Wrong.;But If By Chance ,You Don`t Think You Can Get Along With That Person Or Group,Because You Had Already Had Your Mine Set Not To,Get To Know That Person Or Group.Then Find ,That You Where Wrong,You Will Most Likely, Become Better Friend`s JESSE
!~"Fish On"~!
2007-07-29 04:18:34 UTC
Is this based on individuality or by social means? If it's based by individuality then, it becomes analytical. Me, personally, I'm a studier of people and my approach to people is guarded closely. If I choose to meet someone it's not going to be by chance. It's going to be the way I choose it to be. I'm confident of my first impression towards other people. I have that natural ability to call it accurate. You can always tell a person by the company that they keep and what they are involved in. Call it self awareness. Only you know what kind of company you prefer to have. It's a natural instinct and some are stronger than others. If I feel that a person is bad and they, themselves didn't wrong me, I'll have no association with it. Because I will always know what that particular individual has done. And by this token, this individual has the capability and the means to wrong me at a moments notice. So, therefore it is fair to say that your gut instinct will never lie to you. Whether if it benefits you or not, you are always in control. And with that being said, you are in control of your own destiny. So, by meeting someone new, don't throw caution into the wind. It will come back twofold and then you'll have noone to blame but, youself.
Matthew W
2007-07-28 04:50:10 UTC
When meeting a person for the first time, its generally a subconscious decision weather or not we like a person, the choices is then projected out to the external world. Everyone lives in there own unique model of the world, each having there own beliefs, values, Family constraints, social constraints this effects a persons decisions, behaviors, here is the foundation of what is called a gut feeling, In all were taking about the sensory proccess.I explain it like so using your sensors

*Sensory input channels are

Visual, how we see what we see

Auditory, Sound, pitch, volume how this sound is coming to us

Kinesthetic, how the outside world feels to us; touch temperatures of the air on our skin.

Olfactory, smell

Gustatory, Taste

As we intake from these sensory channels and start evaluating outside events cognation occurs, but before we process an Internal Representation of events the information is processed through other internal processes called a deletion filters,

Distortion filter and a Generalization filter.

We use the deletion filter to limit the amount of information the conscious mind has to handle at one time, we do this by selectively paying attention, overlooking, and omitting from the experience.

The distortion filter misrepresents the sensory information received by the other sensors changing the reality of the data coming in; this helps in motivating ourselves, planning, and creativities the use of our imagination.

Generalization filter formulates conclusions of one, two, three or more experiences, helps in learning; by framing the information in a larger final part of the world of those experiences principal element or ingredient of anything at the least some will say making a mole hill into a mountain. or a mountain into a mole hill, or leveling the playing field

No two people use there filters in the same way.

*By Matthew Peter Paul Wilson CHT,DBSA CPS ©2007

As we see in these examples when if in the past someone might have did some thing wrong this gets recorded in our memory and stored and if the person in the slightest way reminds the memory of the that past event then it all comes flooding back consciously again best bet trust your gut feeling, theres a lot to be said about that

Hope this helped Doc

Matthew Peter Paul Wilson
2007-07-27 09:57:37 UTC
You learn if your gut instincts are right as you get to know someone - but this only happens if you take the time to get to know them.

If your first impression is negative - you may never know if you are right or not because you may avoid that person or not give them another chance. However, if you get to know that person despite that first impression you may discover you were wrong (or you may discover your instincts were right on the money).

Is it fair? Perhaps not, but trusting someone involves risk and for many people trust needs to be earned. The better question to ask isn't if your opinion is fair but if your actions are. It is possible to have a bad first impression of someone but still treat them fairly. It is also possible to be rude and cruel to someone based on a first impression and that is the part that is not fair.

In terms of weighing if you should trust your instincts - it depends a great deal on the situation. If you are interviewing a prospective babysitter and they show up smoking a cigarette, in sloppy clothes and great you with a cuss word - no parent in their right mind would let that person in the door and that decision would be based solely on a first impression. At the same time, we've all heard stories about the potential customer who walks into a store dressed in rags who turns out to be a millionaire with poor dressing habits.

Important decisions about people need to take more into consideration than first impressions. It is directly proportional to the risk. If you have a lot to loose by trusting someone - you need to take more into consideration when making up your mind about the kind of person it is.
2007-07-26 18:22:57 UTC
I meet hundreds of people a year in the course of my business. We all have first impressions of those we meet. We all have gut instinct as its called and for a good reason because usually its correct. But certain things can change that first impression. The person smiles but how? naturally or contrived? The persons eye flutters in a wink when asked a question. They make or do not make eye contact. They are dressed and groomed exquisitely or they are dressed in wrinkled pants and have dirty finger nails. How are you acting towards this person? All these things can change that first impression in an instant. But if you spend a few moments with someone and keep an open mind to how they interact and communicate with you than you can get a pretty good grasp of the kind of person they are in that situation. looking beyond the physical aspects of that person. Also some people you instantly click with and others you don't. But I believe if it comes down to relying on a first impression always rely on your gut. Its there for a reason.
2007-07-26 10:19:51 UTC
Having an opinion of anyone before you get to know them is a formula for disaster if your ask me. Look at the divorce rate, troubled marriages, and bad relationships. You can also look at how we get this feeling in the work place when it come to hiring some only to find out that they are the employee from hell.

After all, a gut instinct is not more than ones life experience good or bad that my cloud the judgment (this is what your really talking about) of another person depending on ones personality.

I think extremely good or bad life experiences can cause the person gut feeling of others to be off.

The bottom line is, a persons character is who he or she really is. You do not even touch the surface of a persons true character with a gut feeling when first meeting someone. Besides, many people act out of character on occasion for various reasons which may the exception not the rule for them.

Look at how that person treats their parents, a significant other, sibling, or friends. This will yield a better picture of that persons character. After all one day you may be that significant other or friend.
2007-07-23 17:03:40 UTC
You don't.

You just have it. And this is just plain human nature.

But where does that ability even come from? Some say it's from "body language" that one person subconsciously sends and that another person receives, again subconsciously. Another factor is how "good looking" verses how "bad looking" another person is that determines this. But there again, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.

In the end for good or bad and for better or worse, it's what man is as a species. If it's true animals have senses that are far beyond the realm of man's abilities; then at least man can lay claim to this sense, of "gut first impression".

It allows man to move forward one way or the other in his interaction with his fellow man. And only the subsequent interactions will validate whether his "first impression" was correct or not. For as a human being, he has the ability to be justifiably wrong about the impression and not really suffer to grave a consequences because of it.

Thought provoking question. Later gator.
2007-07-19 06:55:18 UTC
When I meet someone for the first time and I get a bad vibe about them and decide that I don't like them I am usually very RIGHT! There is just something that raises a red flag with people that I meet. It is not unfair to judge a person that way because there was a time when I thought I would just give someone a a chance but it turned out to be so very wrong!! I have learned that when I get a gut feeling about someone I follow it! These gut feelings are for a reason and I follow them! I trust noone until they have earned it! They usually never earn it!
2007-07-19 02:38:15 UTC
First impressions can be wrong. I figure most people understand caution and respect it. I take my time because you just never know a person until you spend some time around them.

Some people are pretty shallow and will judge you on a wrinkle in your shirt without ever questioning why the wrinkle is there. I surely don't appreciate being judged this way so I think it's best to stay open minded.

Listen and hear what comes out of their mouth when they speak, give the person a chance and see if they grant you any interest. Most of the time it's pretty easy to tell if someone thinks you are not pretty enough, thin enough, wealthy or fake enough for them.

If you at least try to engage in conversation with the person you can then determine whether they are interesting or even care about what you have to say. You just don't know until you try.
david t
2007-07-18 22:22:49 UTC
You have a tendancy to ask questions where there are no real answers. There is not way to site the answers to these question because it would be impossible to obtain actual numbers based on polling individuals for their thoughts. Everyone one I have asked this question to believes their gut feelings are right, and sometimes the outcome of a situation points in that direction. I hate to bring my personal belief into a conversation, however, in this case I feel compelled to do so. I believe each and everyone one person has the ability to be evil, and to give off vibes in accordance to the moment. With this said, we all have the tendancy to be good also, and during those times individuals pick up on that also. If you have had a very close friend for an extended period of time, and you look back on the relationship you will find times proving if you would have met the person at that time you would not have liked them. however, because you of the close friendship you already share you can look over what is wrong.

I have never done this but I am willing to lay a lot of money on the outcome of an experiment that would be interesting to conduct. If you where to go into a correctional facility and poll the prisoners, asking them if 1.) do they feel as though they where a bad person? 2) Do they consider themselves as a good person? Once again, I am willing to bet a lot of money more than 90% of the inmates would say they considered themself as a good person. The question I ask you is; Are these convicted criminals good or are they bad?

I have pontificated enough on this question without truly answering it. I will say personally, and with 13 years of selling cars, I trust my gut feeling or instinct because it has only been proven wrong on a few occasions, and proven right on many.
2007-07-18 17:23:24 UTC
Only time and worth-while interaction will prove whether your first impression of someone is accurate. First impressions are an amalgamation of many factors: how the person is dressed, his or her hygiene, word usage, accent or dialect, skin color, height, weight, the list goes on and on. Many of these factors are easily changed; give a bum off the street a shave, haircut, bath, and a new business suit, and it may be difficult to distinguish him from any businessman. It’s no wonder that general rules for successful job interviews include encouragement to look one’s best.

Is it fair to base your opinion of a person on the first impression? Probably not. Yet, we all must make decisions based on what information we have, and when that information is limited to a first impression, the decision still must be made. In the case where the impression makes you feel the person is a bad person, then chalk the decisions you make up to caution. There’s nothing wrong with being cautious, especially if your first impression proves to be accurate.

However, first impressions should be viewed as tenuous, at best. Further interaction with the person in question is the likely the best method for determining the accuracy of that impression. As I mentioned before, decisions must be made based on the information available. Naturally, the more information you have, the more likely the decision will be the best one.

It should be noted, though, that even with abundant information, our assessment of a person may be wrong. How many serial killers have turned out to be an average “Joe Schmoe” from a pleasant neighborhood? How many of Ted Bundy’s victims had a favorable first impression of him?
2007-07-18 15:37:15 UTC
Wow.......this can be tricky because sometimes when first meeting someone ,you can become over-whelmed and taken aback by their physical attractiveness and charm and that can interfere with your first 'gut instinctual feeling ' ,however brief that is. It's not a good idea to just assume that because someone 'seems' nice that indeed they are as they seem. The opposite goes as well ,that is if they are seeming obnoxious that's not necessarily how they are all the time. The truth it there is no sure way to tell that they are either a 'good' person or a 'bad' person ,we all have these characteristics from time to time. If someone seems like a 'bad' person it could be from a past 'bad experience' you had with someone who looked similar or had a similar name ,and that prior negative bias stays with you until you have a positive experience to change that prior negative prejudice. It's always a good idea to keep an open mind and not to judge someone for their appearance or their personality on a given day that by chance you meet. If you meet someone when perhaps they're having a bad day because ,for example ,they just got a speeding ticket while rushing to see their kid in the hospital who just got hit by a car ,that person is not going to necessarily be very polite or even dressed neatly ,having not taken any time to care about his own appearance in that emergency situation. Trust is something that is earned ,and that goes both ways in any relationship and only time and experience with one another will give that trust a 'garden' to grow in. In the mean time ,take it slow!
2007-07-18 13:55:59 UTC
You know the old saying, "Go with your gut."? Like anything else in your life it's 50/50. Sometimes you're right, sometimes you're wrong. So no, to think that someone is a bad person just because you had a feeling of uneasiness at some point during your introduction isn't fair. But, as the other old saying goes, "Life isn't fair." I don't particularly believe that one either, but that's a whole other question and a completely different can of worms.

Anywho, I digress. It's not fair because the truth is, you're not always right. Even when you have a good feeling about someone you're not always right. Some of my best friends are people who I hadn't liked when I first met them. I just put that aside because I don't like the idea of not getting to know someone simply because your first impression of them isn't the greatest. The only exception to that I can think of is if you have a real strong feeling, heart racing and nervous around them, and decided to distance yourself before getting to know them more. Sometimes our emotions overtake us and flow through us so strongly that we often say or do things that we don't necessarily mean or intend. If you don't feel that you can control yourself and treat this person who you don't know at all with respect and open-mindedness, then there's no point in sticking around. You'd only be causing tension that can usually be felt by others and tends to manifest into something different. You're not hurting anyone by walking away. But for the people you think you can tollerate for while and get to know them on a deeper level than, "Yooww! These chicken wings are spiiiiicccaaayyy!", it could end up meaning a lot to have given them a chance, to both you and them.

I'm not saying that every person you give that chance to is going to be a lifelong friend. But it doesn't have to be. People who enter your life, for no matter how short of a time, always leave an impact of some sort, great or small. They always change something in the way your life was going, a ripple in the pattern you had routined yourself into. Never a bad thing, right? Even if they turn out to have a negative effect on you, would it be that devistating as to make you lack the ambition or will to let new people enter into your life? I would hope not, you could be missing out on some potentially great friendships, relationships and memories.

And to ask how you can tell whether or not you should trust your gut instinct? It's all relative. If you have a negative feeling about someone and you trust that, there's no way of ever knowing, because you'll have walked away from the situation and probably never see that person again. And then of course if you don't trust your instinct and decide to get to know the person a little better before finalizing your judgement, you could potentially make a wonderful friend (and learn a valuable life lesson), or realize that you should have gone with your gut. "Darn! Maybe next time I'll be wrong." (Odd change of pace, wanting to be wrong about something rather than right?)

So I guess to sum it all up.. Sometimes you have to go with your gut instinct, especially if it's a very strong feeling - it doesn't hurt anyone to do on occasion. Though to do it all the time, you're really only hurting yourself.
2007-07-18 12:31:29 UTC
How can you tell whether or not you should trust your gut instinct in these situations?

You can't so don't. File the impression away for at least 20 years. If your first impression is bad it will probably reveal itself in 20 years. If your first impression is good, you will still be wondering after 20 years.

Seriously. I can look like a bum or an ambassador. I have gone so far as to fly to a destination in VERY casual clothes and fly home in a 3 piece suit and tie. Would you care to wager on which trip I received the best treatment.

I was flying from Anchorage, AK to Seattle one time. I was in a suit. A little old lady asked me what I did. I remember the exact words. I said, "I am a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer in the United States Air Force". That means I was a higher ranking enlisted man. Her comment, and again, I remember her exact words. She said, "I knew you were somebody important". The point is you are what you appear to be. As historians or marketing specialists will tell you, perception is reality. So watch your perception.
2007-07-18 09:20:41 UTC
I think that you can usually tell right away. When you have a gut instinct that is not like a first impression. A first impression is how the person is acting when meeting you for the first time, this can be good or bad and you can still have "that feeling". Your gut instinct is your immediate inner reaction to that person. Sometimes you get something and sometimes you don't. Generally i have very good instinct and when it calls i try to listen. You should always listen even if you decide that your instinct may be incorrect it is better to keep guard. Having good instincts is great and all but its very hard to listen to at times and it doesn't really do you any good if you do not!
2007-07-24 08:16:56 UTC
When meeting someone for the first time as many has explained it is normally the way you tell if that person is in our out. Its like playing baseball they say. Well normally you need look for three interest in the man. 1) How did he greet you. Did he come off the way you want him or to fake. 2) Does he seem to be into you and not your appearance.... or 3) Did he approach a kiss at the end of the night. There normally all statistics but what you really want to know is how you feel. Did you feel uncomfortable, pleased, happy, or violated. You really need to understand men, but sometimes you just cant. Love comes normally when you just smile and feel something in your gut. Your gut is a very powerful feeling especially in women. They are nuts, we all are. We can tell when something bad happening or when were in to rule, or even in love. The main answer is follow your heart then you gut, and don't forget the dreams! Good like have fun, and you never he may be the one or he may even be someone who will turn out to be the friend that you wondered where he was your whole life!
2007-08-16 06:37:01 UTC
I think that all depends on the individual that is getting the impression. Some people are very good at their instincts and gut feelings and can pick up on things that can tell them about a person right away. Whether it is fair to assume that you feel a person is a bad person even though they have not wronged you is a personal issue that each individual has to look inside themself and decide. Too many times we see people getting robbed or killed and when they get a suspect and interview all of the neighbors of the suspect what is always one of the guaranteed things you will hear ?? " I cant believe it, they were always so nice and such an outgoing person, just he other day they helped me do (whatever) and anytime I needed anything they were there. They always played with their kids in the yard and were at church Sunday."

So to me a persons instincts can be very wrong about a person they assume is good and it can also be the case for someone they think might be a bad person. We should always give a person a chance if we want to get to know them because even if they are not a perfect example of a good person does not mean they dont have some good qualities about them.
joe e
2007-08-14 00:44:05 UTC
there are a multiple questions in this.

anyway i will only touch lightly on what interests me.

1. If you feel that someone might be a bad person, is it really fair to assume that this is true when they haven’t actually wronged you personally?

why assume we are going to judge negatively a person.

judging a character and personal wrong doing are two things.

the man is a rapist or a murder, but has done no personal harm to me, so will i want the person around anyone I know?

the man /woman is a fraud so wud i want the person in my house/office/company etc

2. How can you tell whether or not you should trust your gut instinct in these situations?

personal expereince teaches one whether u can trust ur gut instincts or whether you are by nature a paranoid or naive. in the presence of certain people i hv this persistent feeling of uneasiness. they are most of the time well accepted and well mannered. but u know u need not hang around them neither allow people like ur kids hang around them. mostly i hv been proved right. the others who knows, better safe than regret later. some people look like ruffians but you sense they have a large hrt within and u instinctly trust them. they turn out usually to be people who u can trust.

that my little piece!
2007-08-13 12:50:45 UTC
Good question. Most of us do jump to a conclusion about a person based on first impressions. The conclusion is based on visual clues, intuitive feelings that are just below the level of consciousness, the manner of the person's speech and other sensory factors, or our own recognized and unrecognized prejudices. While it is understandable that we would want to size someone up as quickly as possible (friend or foe?), it's unfortunate as well, because research has shown that our best friends are often people that we did not find particularly interesting/attractive on first meeting. So, these opposite truths about human behavior often get in our way of making new friends.

Ideally, when meeting someone for the first time we should suspend judgment (unless they seem dangerous, truly obnoxious, or exhibit some other clearly egregious or disagreeable characteristic), allowing ourselves to get to know more about the person before drawing any conclusions. Maybe the person is affected by something that recently happened, by not sleeping well the night before, by being too nervous themselves to present a true picture of who they are, etc. Maybe our impression is affected by our own mental state at the moment, such as fear, feelings of competition, and the like.

Our caveman (caveperson?) instincts can be controlled to allow time for a more considered opinion. So, the direct answer to your question is that, although we should note and consider our first impression, it is not always reliable and, except in very clear situations that reveal a person's negative characteristics, we should suspend judgment and not miss an opportunity to get to know a potential friend. Léon
2007-08-12 16:42:32 UTC
Whether or not I should trust my gut instinct in a first impression is situational and has a lot to do with how much I believe I have at risk. If I meet someone and I have the slightest suspicion that she or he could be unsafe around my children or family, the stakes are far too high. The risks outweigh the benefits.

Change the situation, and you get a different conclusion. What if it's a girl I met at a bar, whom I could take my chances getting to know. She could just be a player, fielding her selction of her favorite men. But now, I'm the only person at risk. If my own sense of security is high, the risk might seem insignificant to me. If my sense of self-worth and security is very low, I might feel like being more cautious. (i.e. Do I yield to this person the power to define my sense of self-worth, or if it doesn't work out, can I simply brush it aside?)

What your question actually pertains to is the subject of "trust". I don't think you can approach the discussion of trust in the absence of a discussion of "risk".

I have actually thought about this "flavor" of question for a long time, but my own discussions have been in the venue of organizational behavior. I'd love to have more in-depth discussions about it. Write me if you're interested. kjh
2007-08-11 22:19:31 UTC
Sometimes cultural differences and stereotyping brings on the feeling of distrust and edginess.

They might look like a clone of someone else, and that might bring to the fore feelings of uneasiness. If after a few times you still feel the same then you are on the right tract.

First impressions are not always true impressions.

There are so many circumstances in your life and their life that culminate in different feelings that you need to give some leeway.

The same goes for meeting a person for the first time and thinking that they are great, and then it turns out that their vibe fooled you and they have just been released from prison for a serious crime.

Here in America the problem is - you never really know.

Look at Crime TV the most innocent sweet looking people commit the most heinous crimes.
2007-08-05 14:31:35 UTC
First impressions are often taken very seriously. Yeah going with you gut instinct upon meeting a person for the first time is not a bad idea. Chances are you will be right 65% of the time. But it is always good to keep an open mind about those people who you want to get to know better or are someway involved in your life. I've learned not to read too much into people the first time I meet them.
2007-08-03 17:25:05 UTC
When you meet someone for the first time listen to that person withing the first five minutes of the conversation. Unless highly trained or a pathological liar the person will reveal important insights on how they will respond and react to your personality and in my experience it works out well because first impressions although not totally accurate do have a tendency to be precise. Gut instincts for the guys and intuition for the ladies have a knack to be correct and if the sense is that the person is "bad news" then by all means give it no more than one more chance and in the most open of places.
paulj0557-vacuum cleaner expert
2007-07-25 17:35:16 UTC
Montel Williams Tells his guests to always go with the gut when approached by a stranger. He says that it's a primal feeling that can protect us in harmful situations. Then we tell our children to watch for this and watch for that.

I was a homeless heroin addict once in my life. I knew how to ask people for something. Usually a few dollars was all I was after, but if I was getting really sick and didn't think I could keep up the act very long I would have to really do a good put-on. It hurts to think about this now. One thing I can tell you is that much of my behavior in this survival position was still just a trick of using a reactionary behavior. The more desperate I got meant the LESS threatening I had to become. The easiest way to do this was to read the "giver's" soft spot. I hate to say it, but these were the times when I either got found out, or someone gave me enough to get well. Every so often someone would know exactly what I was after and they had a soft spot well hid behind their own riches. Usually not. Usually just the opposite, but sometimes. ( getting well was getting enough dope to basically not be sick anymore. I kept my habit always somewhere between well and high if I was lucky. Never did I try to get more than I needed. This could mean death. I always liked those people who gave me 20 bucks AND knew why. I almost felt a respect somewhere in that mess. God knows I've always respected myself and others. Do you believe me? Sometimes I wonder why I was there. Then I remember. I'm just glad I got through it and came out with a self esteem I could live with.

People ARE basically good. That's a fact. If anyone knows, I do.
2007-07-25 11:52:38 UTC
Always trust your gut. It's always right, even if you don't understand the message or the context at first. But give someone a chance. If you feel some innate wariness, pay attention, but don't just jump on prejudice you haven't justified. And your first impression of somebody isn't always accurate; sure, it sticks around, but it doesn't always (in fact, almost never) represents who the person really is. A lot of people are cautious of strangers, and they're just trying to protect themselves. You can't except anyone to just open up and bare their soul for you within five seconds of knowing each other... yeah, there are people like that, but they're pretty few and VERY far between. First impressions might always colour your opinion of an individual, but relying on shallow, probably biased perceptions misses you out. You can't know anything, until you give it a chance. If your gut says so, yeah, be careful, take it slow and keep your eyes open. But don't just ASSUME.
2007-07-24 11:25:55 UTC
You should ALWAYS trust your gut instinct. That's what its' there for. Here Im not talking about prejudice, not judging a person or a superficial impressions such as how they dress.

I mean that feeling in your gut that tells you if they are 'OK' or not. Everyone gives off a vibration, and it doesnt matter if they 'wronged' you, or are very very kind to you, they are who they are, and subconciously we all know that.

Having said that, I believe in always giving people room to change. Also, just because your 'gut' tells you to avoid someone, it doesn't necessarily mean they are a murderer or rapist or such. Maybe it just means you two are better off around other people.

I once saw this french movie (forget the name) where this girl has a boyfriend in college who turns into this crazy stalker. She has to move and change her name because it gets so bad. Many years later, married with children, she moves next door to the same guy. Except now the guy is happily married with kids of his own. Perfect balanced and happy. Seems so normal, she decides to forget the past and stay. With time, the guy becomes more and more obsessed like he used to be, until I think the police kill him in the end. (not 100% on that)

Anyway I give that story because even a 'normal' person may not interact well with you, so please trust the 'guts', they know.
2007-07-22 08:25:57 UTC
I'm still learning that. I don't trust most people, and so I still have a hard time knowing when it's my gut instinct and when it's just me. I will say, though, that when I first met this new guy at work, and although he was super "friendly" to me, I have always, even from the first day that I met him, have felt like I should never let my guard down with him. And I still feel that way today. I don't know why, but I just do not trust him. And in this case, I must be right, because everyone else I have spoken to has felt the same exact way.
2007-07-19 03:43:04 UTC
You really can't know whether your first impression, your "gut instinct," is right when you first meet someone. Only by the passage of time and ongoing experiences with that person can you determine whether your first impression was accurate or not.

In my experience, my first impressions are accurate about half the time. Because I know this, I listen to my "gut," but I attempt to not allow it to excessively guide my thoughts and behaviors towards people. Instead, I use common sense, observation, and good judgment to evaluate each person on an individual, experiential basis.

That being said, though, randomly giving unconditional trust to anyone without that trust being earned is foolish; by the same reasoning, withholding trust without evidence is also foolish.

People can be unpredictable, even when you think you KNOW, so reasonable caution, neither being overly trusting nor overly suspicious, seems prudent to me in almost every situation.
2007-07-19 00:33:06 UTC
Kind of a silly question. It is our nature to organize things with category. It is a natural intuitive part of the way human beings think. A man running through the jungle sees a flash of orange, and he is startled, even if that orange flash was a tiger Lilly as opposed to a tiger. It is a way for our bodies to be prepared for the world at a moments notice, so that we can protect ourselves. Socially it is a little more complicated, but it serves the same basic function. Our past experiences help us define the categories, but we all have them. Our initial internal reaction is based on this, and it is not unnatural. It becomes problematic when we allow this initial impression to be the sole inspiration for how we react to and treat others. We still have the ability to reason and empathize with others. So if we are walking down a dark alley and come up on some large hooded figures, our initial reaction would be a little anxiety, but we can still use our discretion and logic and not attack "scary looking" strangers.

When we meet some one we may have to associate with often, like a coworker, we can use our initial reaction for tone of that relationship, but our ability to empathize, or give a person a chance through their actions, is what will truly determine in the long run if our gut reaction was right in the first place. After all, first impressions do not have to be last impressions.
2007-07-18 23:39:17 UTC
I believe that first impressions should not be used to judge a persons true character. Every person can have a bad moment and what if you meet someone for the first time during their bad moment? It would be unfair to say this person is a bad person just because of this. I believe in second chances and first impressions shouldn't be the only thing to base your gut instinct on.
2007-07-18 22:17:30 UTC
Actually, it's not wrong to judge someone based on your first impression of them! It's not wrong to NOT trust a person whom you just met for the first time and question his or her motives. That's why people say that first impressions do count but unfortunately most of the time first impressions aren't all that accurate period. This is because people aren't always who they say they are or appear to be! So how do you know if your first impression is accurate...?... You don't unfortunately, but if you get to know the person better then maybe you'll see that there's more to that person then meets the eye! Ofcourse, if you made a mistake judging that person based on a first impression and you made your feelings apparent then maybe you should just apologize and start over! There's never a wrong or right answer to first impressions, whatever you feel is entirely up to you and no one has the right to tell you that you're wrong about that person. You are ultimately an individual and you should make up your mind about a person on your own. Hope this helps! - STeVe:)
2007-07-18 21:55:32 UTC
I judge by first impression. A couple times I've gotten sick to my stomach when I met someone new and right off the bat didn't like them. Much to my surprise, these people acted in malicious and sneaky ways. One example I know of is that this kid I met was my brother's friend and the only time the kid wants to hang out is when my brother isn't around, and guess who he will hang out with... his girlfriend. When I first met him, I saw his actions and the way he talked. He wouldn't make eye contact ever, not even for a second. He only looked when the person looked away. Sometimes that is the sign of a person who is out for themselves and when you turn your back, they are right there to take what you aren't looking at. I studied my own "natural" actions in situations so when I see others in the same situation I can tell whether the "natural" reaction is a real or fake one. I believe everyone makes judgments on people, but appearance is not the way to judge someone, and neither is music taste. You can tell by their eyes and gestures, Then you go with your brain, not your gut. Your gut can steer you wrong because the gut tells you, I don't like the way he looks, so your opinion of that person will be more biased toward not liking them.
john r
2007-07-18 20:15:34 UTC
You know your first impression is accurate when meeting someone new because of millions of years of evolution. They tell you that your first instinct is usually correct for a a reason, because many people before you, many, have been through the trial and tribulation to find out what someone is about, and that "instinct" has been hard-wired into you as a defense mechanism to protect you from people wanting to cause you harm. So, if you are unsure of that first instinct, if you second guess it, go back to it in your final assessment, because you might be dead wrong if you don't. They say that people usually go with their instinct on multiple choice questions, but then they panic and second guess themselves and change the answer; ninety percent of the time they were right the first time. Good luck.
2007-07-18 14:28:07 UTC
If you already feel that someone is a bad person, there must be a reason. If they wronged someone else but not you, then you'd have to ask why wouldn't they just end up wronging you too? Of course if they're new you don't know them well enough to judge that, so it's a risk. Yes, I do often find that my instinctive response knows best; I tend to know what type of people I personally like and get along with better. This will of course be different than others, so if they don't like a person, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't. So you can't always go by someone else's perception that a person is a "bad" person. Again, if you feel they're a "bad" person, I think you'd really have to examine why, first and foremost...
2007-07-18 11:19:02 UTC
You can't judge a persons inside when meeting them for the first time. People say "first impressions always count", that's not necessarily the right thing to do anymore. You need to get to know the person or at least know them more than a day to be able to find out how they really are. Instincts usually come from insecurity & not being able to trust people (always due to hurt/pain you experience from others in the past). Now, if the person wronged you on the first impression, then it's fair to think bad of them.
2007-08-07 08:40:24 UTC
I've experienced that multiple times through out my life. I generally do not decide to catagorize them as "bad" immediately. They might be shy, or nervous, or just not very experienced at meeting new people. I've made a rule for myself never to take first impressions as gold. When I meet someone new, often I don't give an accurate first impression. You have to consider all possibilities: time of day, location, personal circumstance, mood, how they are feeling physically, what stresses are happening in their life, etc.

I've always been an open minded person, and often I will be-friend someone no matter what their first impression was. Of course, this has backfired on me a few times. But hey, at least I learned something. If I went off first impressions, I wouldn't have made the friendships I have today, or married my husband.
2007-08-04 23:02:36 UTC
Well we all know that you cannot always judge a book by its cover. However sometimes you can. Depending on how in touch you are with yourself then your instinct may be correct, whether it be good or bad. As long as you know your intentions which is first to get to know a person then you will better be able to keep an open mind. Avoiding insecurities about self, opinionated ideas, and this person owes you nothing allowing you to be grateful for the experience whatever it may be. The answer to your question is there is no answer, unless you know how to trust your "gut instinct". Besides loosen up nobody is perfect. So stop looking, and listen and you will know.
2007-08-04 10:17:29 UTC
I use my first impression as my BASIS for profiling them within my future meetings with them. Its one step at a time. I dont tell anyone my life story or my problems within the first week. If they give me a bad impression, it may delay my trust of them if it just turned out they had a bad day and my subsequent impressions of them are good. But these things should never be rushed. I always try to see what people are habitually doing, what they say and do without thinking, or as a reflex because this says more about them. Manners does not necessarily mean anything, because a well-mannered person may just have been taught well, but may have a bad mind or heart. Whereas a bad- mannered person may have a really sweet temperment, but just have been bought up badly.

I think that people sometimes over analyse some things, and some people. With our hectic lives, sometimes it can be a hindrance to maintain a large amount of 'acquaintance' relationships. We dont need to be friends with everybody just because they go to the same gym. A hi and bye is polite or casual conversation, but we dont need to be having coffee with these people unless we naturally have an easy report and have things in common other than the gym etc.

If you have a natural report with someone and have things in common and can feel comfortable with them etc. It is more likely that this person can be a friend, and from then on you can let them more and more into your trust based on their subsequent behaviour towards you and how much they let you within their trust.

As for bad impressions, I believe all people deserve a second chance, but if they continously project this bad impression, even if they are actually a good person inside, sometimes it is just not worth it. Let this person's own family and already established network of friends deal with them.
Michelle S
2007-07-31 06:09:02 UTC
Trust your gut instinct. But stay calm, you don't have to run away, say if you're in a business meeting, on a bus in an elevator etc. but you can be very observant of the person and evaluate why you feel they might be a bad person. Ask yourself a few questions like, Do they remind me of someone? Is this person wearing a cologne someone else wore that wronged me? Is their voice similar to someone I distrust? Even a similar name can send bad memories rushing into your mind, bringing the past flooding into your present. So try to be aware that perhaps your first gut instincts are not based on the real truth about this new person you've just met but simply other things that subconsciously remind you of someone else you cannot trust. If after observing them, there is still some reason you feel you distrust them, then I believe you should follow you instincts. Stay away from them. We humans are amazing. Science cannot explain all the capabilities of our mind, including intuition. Trust yourself.
2007-07-29 16:15:20 UTC
First impressions are exactly what it is...just the first impression. It's not wrong for anyone to make an assumption or an opinion on other people. Based on our experience, educaton o personal thoughts in life, we build a profile of any person that we meet. The challenge is if yo're willing to open yourself to that new person so he/she could confrm and correct your assumptions. The point is leave it as an impresson, just never assume you're correct though. It becomes fair when you let the opinion be clarified. Now should you ever trust your gut instinct? Answer is it depends on the situaton.
2007-07-23 18:00:46 UTC
I think you should trust your gut instinct if you feel threatened or in danger. No matter if it proves to be wrong, I wouldn't give it the chance.

On the other hand if your first impression tells "this person is snotty", or " this person is dishonest" I don't think you should write that person off until you've had a chance to get to know them a little better.

Some people are naturally quiet when they first meet people and that can come off as snobby, but they could end up being a really down to earth person.
Tom L
2007-07-19 06:02:35 UTC
I would rather trust my first impression than go against it. I usually find it to be right for me most of the time.

Of course it isn't fair to assume that someone is "a bad person" because of your "first impressions" but when it comes to love and war "all is fair"

My time is precious. Don't waste time on someone who gives you a bad impression. Use your time with someone who gives you a good impression.

If you don't want to "go with your gut" then you are basically giving the guy two strikes to start with. You've already built up an excuse not to like the poor guy.

If you don't use your gut instincts what else are you going to use? His resume? Your friends? Your mom?

Trust your own instincts and own better judgement
2007-07-18 19:29:52 UTC
I believe that first impressions are not always accurate. Depending on the circumstances under which we meet whether it be a first date, or a job interview, it can vary. I like to say that most of the time when we meet someone we are meeting there representatives..... the pretty side of our personality. There are also people who lack social skills and fall on there face when being placed in a position of interacting with new and unfamiliar people. With that being said I feel that the only true way to get to know someone is through time. We have all walked a different path in life, no two paths are the same. Through tolerance and understanding we can not only learn about others but find acceptance and compassion for eachother as human beings.
2007-07-18 15:43:11 UTC
I believe it takes years to really know someone. I wouldn't necessarily say it's "fair", to judge someone based on a first impression. But a lot of things aren't fair in life.The catch to this type of situation is this. You can get a "bad vibe" from someone (first impression) and walk away. This person could be harmful or possibly made you rich (depending on the situation). My point is: Without a "label" we (humans) are too vulnerable. At the end of the day; we might have made good choices with the people we've met and bad ones as well. There is no way to explain "where to draw the line" because each person and situation is different.
2007-07-18 13:45:52 UTC
You should always follow your gut instinct in all situations. It's your inner self trying to tell you something and you should pay attention. If I meet someone, and I have a weard feeling about them, I still give them the benefit of the doubt. I don't judge anyone by the way they look or speak, or whatever. My husband has had problems with that in the past, because I'll speak with anyone. He thinks I'm gullable and naive, but really I know we all need to comunicate with eachother if we want to all be able to live together. We are all connected. We need to show more love, compassion, tolerance and understanding towards each other. Anyway, actions speak louder than words, so really only time can tell how a person will turn out to be.
2007-08-14 18:03:27 UTC
Gut instincts should be looked upon as an adviser. The inner voice that cautions you from negative circumstances. Instincts alone shouldn't be used to judge someone you have just met. Instincts should be used as a warning sign that you should precede cautiously until it is proven correct or proven wrong. People are different depending on choice, mood, circumstance, and a number of other factors which can give an accurate or false impersonation of who they actually are. Moving on to answering the specific questions. It is not fair in my opinion to judge anyone based on instinct alone. Instinct is based on situations that other circumstances has influenced which didn't involve him. You should trust your gut instinct as a guideline to how you would like to progress. How accurate it has been in the past set against potential problems which can erupt. You should trust your gut to detour you from potentially bad choices while safely investigating the person for who he really is. You can trust your gut instinct to show you probable outcomes which you should avoid. However, I believe you can't 100 percent trust your gut instincts and that life will always be a risk, but you can always use your guidelines to help you navigate knowing others safely until it is proven correct or wrong. You can trust in that manner and judge what choices you should make based on what type of person you are. This is my response to your in-query
2007-08-06 11:54:47 UTC
I try to never allow my first impressions to cloud my opinion. You never really know. Are they having a bad day? Did they have an accident on the way to the meeting? Spill food or drink, forget something half way to the meeting and have to go back for it, get a call from school because of a child misbehaving? Or they just are having a great day and are so upbeat that it is misconstrued as overzealous. They just made the last payment on their car, got a good raise or promotion at work, found out you were going to have another child? (Okay, that might also fall into the bad day part too, depending on finances, room, health, etc).

My rule I try to live by is don't let first impressions guide a lasting opinion.
Savannah's Mommy!
2007-08-04 19:54:24 UTC
I think one should always go with their gut instinct. Is it fair to judge someone based only on a first impression? probably not but i do know that going with my gut instinct has kept me out of a lot of situations i did not want to be in and i think that if your instinct is telling you that something is just not right there is a reason for it and you should listen to those alarm bells ringing because you never know what could be boiling right underneath the surface of a person you are meeting for the first time.
2007-07-26 08:25:34 UTC
People should always trust their instincts, as well as the instincts of their children and pets. If you are getting a negative impression, or vibe, you don't need to be rude, but you should be guarded. Don't give too much personal information. Let them earn your trust.

You are less likely to be hurt by someone you don't totally trust, than someone you trusted right away.

I tend to jump into relationships and friendships with both feet. Taking the bad with the good. There has been very few people, that I have disliked right away. Maybe this happens when you and the other person is meant to go in different directions to steer you to someone else you are supposed to meet.

No one is completely bad or good.
The Nana of Nana's
2007-07-18 22:17:30 UTC
First impressions are based on looks more than anything else. If we judge according to first impressions we are missing out on what could be a great friendship, useful business contact, etc. Our biggest problem is that we see people who don't look like or dress like we do and simply assume that they are not 'our kind of people'. I've seen this happen in every walk of life - from businesses to churches.

We have to take the time to get to know a person before we can decide for sure if they are the type of person we want to be associated with. First impressions are sometimes correct - but more often than not - they are wrong.
2007-07-18 21:39:03 UTC
Always go with your gut instinct! I am really good at feeling a person out when I meet someone new. even if u were wrong u still have nothing to lose there are alot of people out there to meet so why take a chance and 4 months down the road realize this person is excatly what u thought they were. Life is to short to dwell on anyone have fun and enjoy life more people will come your way!
Not so Fast
2007-07-18 21:01:30 UTC
First impressions really don't tell you much about a person. The divorce rate in this country should let a person know that even in getting to know someone, that your perspective of them can change.

Could it be that quite often that we do things to make our gut instincts right ? Like if we feel good about a person, do we give them the benefit of the doubt, making it easier for them ? I think so. And yet, if we dislike someone, it could be from previous experiences and we are incorporating a bit of deja vu into our new aquaintence. Is this really fair to the person we are meeting now ? That we judge them on our past experiences with people we think they had/have something in common with ? Basically, stereotyping.

Could it be that we are just looking for an excuse not to get to know someone ? That maybe we like things that conform as this reinforces our belief in ourselves ? And that if we got to know someone and found out that we were wrong about them, how would we feel about that ?
2007-07-18 14:49:06 UTC
Usually first impressions can very tricky, depends on many circumstances. If the first meeting was a set up thing, not necessarily that person was being truely herself. There are many stories and real cases that women/men fall into traps, thinking that a person is a kind person, when that's not really the reality. And we can see that many serial killers trapped their victims with a false apparence.

Now, most of the cases if we enconter in person in an eventual way on a street, for exemple , that first impression can really be reliable, whether that person is honest and reliable into certain levels.

Yet, I do believe that first impressions can't be totally reliable, since we can't judge or know fully a person until we took the time to know them.

For exemple, a dating couple may think they totally know each other, yet , when they marry they may find out other aspects of each other that they never knew, and both may face the challenge of finding out about more of themselves.

Nevertheless, as I said if we spot somebody on the street, by the way they carry themselves, we are going to judge them, whether they fit our own profile of good/bad people.
2007-07-18 14:01:48 UTC
I can tell how well my first impression appears to other people (usually) within about ten minutes after i've been talking with them, by keeping a keen eye on body language, eye contact, and just through the overall vibe that I feel. Some people are really good at hiding unwanted vibes and know how to make you feel a certain way, just so they can pick up on you first though. That's when reading what someones impression may be can get a little tricky....

If I meet someone for instance, and right away I see or hear that they haven't been blessed with the knowledge of useful, wise vocabulary- or for lack of better words, TACT, It does somewhat strip my thoughts of a "good impression" on that person easily.....though my instincts are naturally really strong either one way or another, I still aim for the benefit of the doubt, unless I get an overly strong urge just not to. Like, for example, say you meet a new guy and he seems really (almost too) nice.... that's one thing that I sense.

If It seems as though someone is nervous, habitually lying, or just doesn't seem to act like they are displaying their OWN true personality over an extended period of time, that's when I opt out of the trust department with that individual

My mom taught me to, "Always trust your gut instinct" and that has been a pretty good rule of thumb for me throughout (especially with people) the last 25yrs of my life.

I would say you should always let your instict take direction for you, if it really seems to push you one way or the other......more often than not, people disregard that strong voice inside of them, then all too often, regret it.
2007-07-18 00:01:20 UTC
As the saying goes the first impression is the best impression, there is a lot to read from the person on our first meeting and this is where we make a judgment. Though it may not be true always, it would be wrong to assume that a person is trustworthy or not right at the first instance. It would be better if we could consult somebody who knows the person before we make our final judgment. We look initially for facial expressions and body movements, then we compare the person to somebody we know with almost the same features and character and we make a judgment, which should be done after we get a feedback from another person.
2007-08-10 19:16:42 UTC
I have learned to trust my instincts when it comes to first impressions about someone. I do realize that people can and do have a bad day, but if something just does not seem right I always go with my instincts. I would say that 85 to 90 percent of the time I am right. It has gotten me out of some awkward and dangerous situations.
►Still Strong◄peach
2007-08-07 21:52:41 UTC
first of all, first impressions have a basis. how you percieve someone you just met is justified by the way this person looks, talks, acts, and so many other hidden expressions. So i guess there is nothing bad with trusting these insticts at the early stages of getting to know the other person. There is always a good time to decide whether or not you let your defenses down. After some time and this person still hasnt done anything wrong, trust comes in. Like the saying goes, trust is something you have to earn.
2007-08-05 23:53:07 UTC
Dear Dr. Ludwig,

I have experienced both good and bad first impressions. To allow yourself to judge so completely on a first time basis is giving yourself a closed mind, and not even allowing the other to prove or not prove their worthiness of one self. The other person could be having a troubling day, and is not in a position to actually put their best foot forward just because we believe only first impressions are what makes a person. That makes me think that too many people are shallow in there hastiness to turn and walk the other way without even giving it a try. Not many of us truly make a good impression. Personally, I would rather see the good first impressions later, First impressions are phoney and plastic. Most people are nervous or uptight if they know they are expected to put on a ( I better be good behaviour) sort of front.

Bottom line is: I believe all first impressions are phoney. Most of them have come to be a big disappointment after meeting them the second time around. People have a tendency to say or act in a way that is really not natural every day stuff. So I say go for the second and third instead of the so-called first.

I prefer to see the flaws up front than the flawless. That makes it easier for me to make a decision whether I choose to proceed or not. Besides, who are we that we have come to judge so harshly and so quickly? Why try being something your not? I think we should all, at all times be on our good behaviour. Don't you?

Then we wouldn't have to worry about that FIRST IMPRESSION nonsence


basset hound
2007-08-05 21:23:11 UTC
When U meet anyone in person or being introduced by someone, U will notice that particular person U have just been introduced to in some strange way., Ur immediate reaction inside U will make U feel queezie ,,,,if U have taken to this person immediately & u will focus on this person the entire duration of ur meeting & u cannot help but try to make conversation with this person,,,,,,,so that could mean U like this person,

Next if U have met this person or have been introduced, the person might not have even caught your attention & U will carry on the conversation with the others ,,,,,,BUT,,,,this person is having ideas in his (assuming a man) mind & somehow U can sense this & ur focus will somehow be diverted or distracted now & then but U cannot figure this yet ,,,,WHY?? There is a certain uneasiness when U get a person concerntrating on U. If U have this uneasiness then be careful & cautious what information U give to this person U have just met.

So your question on "if" you feel that someone is a "bad or not nice person" then you are right to think so through your gut instincts. Why go further & put yourself in a situation by going the next step of further contact when this is unecessary unless U have to, in the course of "work related" or some business. Try to be conservative each time U have to meet people or have been introduced to anyone,

When I am out with any friend, at times while we are standing or walking or sitting in a restaurant, my friend would bump into his or her friend. I do not make it a point to come right out & greet this person unless I am being addressed or if I happen to be standing with my fried I would walk away soon as I find my friend chatting with this friend. I dont want to know nor meet my friends friend because the lesser I meet strangers the better & less chance of any unecessary involvment I have.




Then if u like this person & U want to get to know tis person by going out soon as U are asked, U try to control urself & dont get over anxious but allow time to know this person.

Try to be conservative & learn to be a poised person in public & dont talk to people U have just met is best. Trusting someone U have just met is really bad news. There are times you might think the friend U have known for a few years can be trusted too but dont make this mistake bcoz when U have given in to this person by either lending money, gone to bed with him or her,
2007-08-05 03:24:14 UTC
I think that for the most part, your 'gut instinct' consists of your experiences with others as well as the information that your upbringing caused you to believe, because of this, you may miss the love of your life or one of the great influences of your life. That 'gut instinct', or prejudice, as it truly is, should always be taken into account, for it is part of what you consist of...although, it should not be the presiding factor in your judgement. The judgement of another person should be held back until you have at least a small amount of information upon which to base that judgement(sometimes, that's all you'll get). Judge a person based on thier merit, rather than on your first impression, and please strive to have the intelligence to do so, if you don't already. Join the society of many, not that of the few and ignorant.
Saad S
2007-08-03 12:14:00 UTC
It is not fair to the person you are meeting for the time, to assume that they are bad, however we are by nature, predisposed to self preservation (in other words, we are a selfish species).

If my instinct tells me that the person is bad, then I make a mental note of it and do my best to be cordial, albeit I would never let my guard down until that person has earned my trust.

I guess what I'm trying to say can be summed up with this example:

When meeting a woman for the first time, I would look at their fingers and toes. If the are not well kept the first time I meet them, then I'm on guard. If they are still that way the second time, my guard goes a bit higher. However, if on the third time, it's manicured (does not have to be professionally done, just clean and kept). Then my opinion changes, and she's OK in my book!

If I don't see a change however, my defenses goes higher until... it reaches the limit.
2007-07-31 00:22:32 UTC
I'm a big fan of the saying "you can't judge a book by its cover." In life I have been prejudged lots of times and it hurts. Yes in some cases first impressions does make a big difference. Like for job interviews, meeting the love of your life family or speaking before a crowd that you are trying to make a big impression on. I think that just meeting your everyday typical person just depends on what their day was about. For example if you met someone that had a torn greasy shirt on with a pair greasy jeans and boots you would most likely think construction worker or auto shop worker. You may not even give this person any thought. But in fact this person is a lawyer who's a handyman in his spare time. Someone who you might think looks capable of doing serious harm to someone may be incapable of hurting a fly. I think that we should take time to get to know someone before making a judgment on them. Sometimes we meet people who we seem to think are great,but later we find out that they are horrible. I believe at some point in time that we all were or will be judged wrongly because of the first impression that we've made on someone. Mood, personal experience, environment, health and relationships are some of the reasons we may have a good or bad first impression on someone. These are reasons we should never assume or prejudge anyone. I wish you luck with finding your right answer to this question, if there is one.
2007-07-29 19:49:11 UTC
I really don't like judging people by the way they look or talk in the first impression. I have done this before and I have seen that I have been so wrong. You know there are alot of things that could make the first impression bad. The person probably had a bad day or was tired and did not want to dress up or get PRETTY. I really believe now in the saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover." Give them a second chance and see how they are. Everybody makes mistakes in their lives.
2007-07-23 10:30:22 UTC
This is tough. We hear about the first impression thing, especially in the "job world." I have always been nice to folks, even though inside I got that nagging "something's not right" feeling with some. I let time go by to see what happens.

Yes, I have been burned many times! But there were times that it was a matter of insecurity on my or the other person's part and they turn out to be a great person in my book. As humans, I think we cannot help but visually see someone and there's a typical reaction. Beauty is only skin deep and I know many physically beautiful people who are downright ugly!
David M
2007-07-19 07:49:12 UTC
First thing's first... never judge a book by its cover. How cliche'd that is, it's true. Impressiveness isn't an assumption, it's something that has to happen naturally.

Be yourself, don't act differently. If I think you're a bad person, I don't care, trust until it's broken. There's no way that "gut instincts" are always right. I had a teacher that looked like he could kill people, and he was the coolest guy ever.

I don't like the term "gut instinct", becuase your guts don't have instincts, they are just there for food processing.

Trust until they can't be trusted, you never know, it could be your next spouse, best friend, or confidant.
2007-07-19 05:47:59 UTC
It's hard to say if your first impression can be accurate. I was told that people viewed me as snobbish because I was quiet and not "open" ... in reality I was extremely shy and just kept quiet and to myself until I felt comfortable. I think some people are better at reading other people not just by looks but the entire posture and view of the person. I feel most of the time I can judge people fairly well, because I tend to observe them more carefully, because I tend to be more shy than outgoing. I feel I can usually tell the difference between a genuine "feeling" that someone gives off versus a good "impression", usually an "impression" seems a little over the top upon meeting someone. But that's just me.
Third P
2007-07-19 04:58:39 UTC
They say... first impression lasts. Based on my personal experiences, i could say that my first impression is really accurate when i met someone new when for instance you will say a person is good on the basis of personal appearance. All the things or characteristics you like on a person you will try to equate it to that person and assumed that person is good. However, you have also to consider the body language of a certain person in drawing your opinion the first time for it to be accurate.

Assuming, you have an impression that a person is bad and it turnout he is not then it's really unfair for him.

In both situation, don't trust anyone until you know him better. Trust must be earned and this could not be based on gut instinct.
2007-07-18 23:59:59 UTC
I always pay attention to my first impression of people, but I keep my mouth shut and am polite and try to get to know the person better. More often than not my first impression is born out, but sometimes it turns out to be completely wrong. In the cases where my impression is incorrect, I usually find that it was influenced by some force other than pure intuition. Usually that force is some sterotype to which I have been exposed or some other stupid thing like that. (Like "dumb blondes", etc.) When it is pure intuition, I am usually proven to be correct. I actually have a pretty good track record at picking out 'bad' people. I once told my ex-husband that a friend of his made me feel as if I had just walked into a room with a cobra which was ready to strike. He replied that that was a pretty good assessment since the guy was, let us say, not very nice.
2007-07-18 21:49:17 UTC
You don't know your first impression is accurate! However, my pardigm of thought starts with truth that every person has not just the ABILITY but sometimes the PROPENSITY to DO bad. Thus, any human can be at his or her worst (while our hope is not and should not always be negative), no ONE is COMPLETELY good.

But it's very helpful to continue to make yourself more sensitive and always be aware. Basing trust on instincts is wise more so, when your personal track record has been right mostly.

See, IMHO, each person has different skills and for some discernment skills rank higher and to these it may come more naturally. I believe anyone can develop and learn more to increase your own. For some that is hard work and requires some maturity, experience and learned deliberate observation. In other words, your discerning skills may be better, routinely better, or steadily worse than someone else's, but it is up to you. If it is purely instinctual and always 100% accurate, then you've experienced something else you may consider a super-natural gift. A gift perhaps I think from God-- to protect. For most of us, it's based on our experiences and shaped by our judgement and can sometimes, if not often be wrong if superficial. Trust is earned or at least should be for deep relationships.

If you often in relationships say "I didn't even see it coming", or "I'm so naive to have believed so quickly", you may want to trust your "instincts" less and make sure you be on a more careful look-out in future. Prepare. You are the only one responsible to do your research before stepping into risk.

While reputations are helpful, develop your own ideas using your own gifts. Note to fools: You will be "taken" more so than the prudent, unless you are lucky (he he)! But even the prepared loose sometimes.

Always remember, the old sayings are helpful: "Never judge a book by it's cover" and, "If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, your best off believing it's a duck!".

Finally, knowing we each often filter truths coming at us, accepting only the messages that support our desire, biasis or preferences--rejecting the negatives that can thwart our hopes, that may only later come back to haunt us, is our nature as living beings. Using an older friend to face the "facts" can be helpful when reaching judgements, if you struggle balancing decisions. Talking or writing it out, even voicing your concerns to a wiser trusted friend is a good rule to always live by. Only a fool doesn't protect themself! Taking risk can best prove valuable when measured.
Robert Fox
2007-07-18 19:00:41 UTC
While it's never a good idea to assume anything without having a certain amount of information, relationships are an exception.

If your gut tells you there is something wrong, there probably is. If you don't hit it off quickly and naturally, you may not even stand a chance lasting 6 months with this person in a relationship. But do not get down and do not stop trying!

Follow your heart, because that's where that bad gut feeling originated. Your heart is trying to talk to you. And it's telling you that this person is not for you.
Rev. TomCat
2007-07-18 17:41:10 UTC
Doctor, you have an inner guidance. Your intuition and experience with people in life will present to you tools to know. It may not seem fare to the other person but in this world you need to be able to see the stop signs as soon as possible and jump out as soon as you realize something that does not fit. I am a believer that we have made a contract to be with a few people in out life who will be our mates and teachers. There is no guarantee that you will find true love in a new beginning because people usually display there best side and are on their best behavior, provided they have not been drinking too much.

Life is so complicated and many people carry much baggage along to the play ground of the mating game.

I could tell you some stories how I have been deceived by trusting my feelings, only to find out later in a relationship, the real person behind the mask. I think all you can do is be yourself and look for signs of what you can live with and what you can't. But I still feel that we are guided by our higher self and our mission to learn from others. Just do the best you can and try to make the best decisions.

Rev. TomCat
Lorenzo H
2007-07-18 14:49:31 UTC
It all depends on how long I interact with the person and how much I can observe, what is going on,etc.

Even so, some people give me a feeling without their doing much of anything that this person is bad news.

I tend to go with that feeling until proven otherwise.

How do I justify the fairness of that? My survival comes first.

How can I tell whether or not to trust my gut instinct? I don't worry about it.

The feeling I get from someone I think is a bad person is about the same as I would get from standing next to a nest of copperheads.

Ignoring that is sometimes required because of work or other things but so far I haven't been wrong.
2007-07-18 11:36:27 UTC
I don't feel that you should judge a person based on a one time impression. Scenario: Proposed clients just meet a Realtor who drove like a madwoman through the desert in 115 degree temps while her a/c unit wasn't working after she had just posted a sign on piece of land out in the boonies. She ran out of water on the way to meet them and was more than thirsty, not to mention sweaty, teed off that the sign wouldn't hold etc etc. Winks! Although there is much to be said about a *mothers gut instincts* As for a *bad person*.....I am not quite sure what *bad* means. I guess it means something different to everyone. I think you should give a person a break, a chance........After a couple of meetings and you feel the same way, then don't use that person if you are uncomfortable with them for whatever reason. Remember, everyone makes mistakes in judgements, we are after all...all human.
2007-07-18 09:17:55 UTC
I can't answer for others b/c everyone has their own way of spotting/thinking they can automatically pick out who is up to know good. How can someone really tell if a person is up to no good? I think for me personally, I don't judge a person by the way they look or how they are dressed. For me it's more of weird or uncomfortable vibe that I get off that person. Do I trust my gut instinct enough to tell me something just doesn't seem right. Yes, I do. I can't exactly put into words what signal I get that tells me that a person is bad. I just know. Can my gut instinct be wrong sometimes, sure I guess. Yet that is how I determine whether or not someone is a bad person.
Sweet Pea
2007-07-18 03:43:08 UTC
When meeting someone for the first time, I can get an idea what kind of person they maybe. But I would still like to get to know the person. If I get a bad impression, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt knowing that we all make mistakes and be a friend anyway. Just because I don't get a good impression in some way does not mean they are bad people. They just have a different way of doing things than me. They may not agree with how I do things myself. Now later on I may change my mind if we have a falling out. But then my conscience struggles with knowing how they are and accepting them for who they are; that is the real test.
2007-08-14 16:54:04 UTC
When you meet someone the first time, you need to be pretty observant. Make eye contact and see if they appear to be honest; you can usually tell. See if they approach you in a friendly fashion; are they respectful; are they too friendly or pushy. Sometimes people are shy and they approach that introduction in a different way but, there are some things that I seem to know about different traits of people. Shy is different than arrogant; sometimes they seem similar in a way. Some people are very controlling and you can see that also. I can tell which ones I feel the most comfortable with pretty quickly. I usually can get a sense of discomfort when something isn't exactly right, even when I don't know why. I try to give them a chance but if I feel uncomfortable, I usually trust my instincts and excuse myself from the situation.
2007-08-09 20:46:28 UTC
Dr. Robi

I would have to agree that the first impression is very powerful.

But that impression could have been influenced by happenings in ones past. I myself listen to my "gut" as you call it but at the same time I do my best to not judge a book by its cover. The person could only remind one of a previous happening and the red flags come up. Could be a good call but at the same time one may not be giving the other a fair shake.

Now this is something that you most likely do not even consider... People meet others that they have had bad experiences in a past life time. They also meet those that remind them of some one from a past life and because of the narrowness of the human ego they do not see that it was from the past life. They also meet again those from the other life time and the ego dose not know how to handle it except for reacting in a defensive way. According to your question...I have to reply that it is not fair to make the call that the person wronged you,when they did not personally.The only true way that I know of to trust my intuition is to be open to all possibilities of association and to listen to "gut" and not ego and insecurities. :):):) GLoW Doc...If you wish to ask me more on my out look, please feel free to contact me. If you think I am a nut case then that is your call ....not mine

Peace and Love be with you and I hope you find the answer you seek :):):)
2007-08-05 21:50:46 UTC
I'm a psychology major in my third year and we've discussed this in one of my previous subjects. In psychology, this is called a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's man's natural tendency to predict something about a person A because of the physical traits that person B possess, and then act on that prophecy by behaving in a manner in which person A believes is suited, or would most likely cause no friction between him and person B.

So in theory, one cannot help but fall into these kinds of pitfalls, which kind of justifies or makes the person who has a bad impression on another , innocent.

As for whether you should trust your gut instincts, I personally believe that it depends on the seriousness of the situation. If it's a matter of life or death, then one has no option but to adhere to what decision our age-old survival tool dictates.

On the other hand, if it's a trivial matter , such as whether you were wondering if that person is going to be friendly, or whether he likes the same basketball team as you do or not, then I suggest that you take another look at what the person really is. Give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, impressions are based solely on one's subjective interpretation of the other person's facade. Remember always that looks can be deceiving.
2007-08-05 09:20:02 UTC
No it is not fair because you do not know what their life was like that day, but if you have that feeling and would still like to know more about this person you should never allow yourself to be in a position with them that could effect you like getting in trouble or even getting yourself hurt. I personally give a bad first impression and do not mean to but the people who take the time to get to know me learn I am just a big teddy bear that wouldn't harm a flea well maybe a flea. I know why I give a bad impression it is because I am shy and I want to study who is around me before making the small talk which most people cannot relate to. I would still say if you have that gut feeling about someone protect yourself first and learn about them in a safe environment. Trust me you don't want to find out the hard way that you are right. Safe places: being around your friends, most public places Dangerous places: bars, somewhere that you don't know anyone.
2007-08-05 08:33:11 UTC
Very rarely do you know if your gut instinct is correct on the 1st meeting. It may take several meeting before you know for sure that your instinct was correct. Unfortunately, sometimes you are already far to emotionally or sexually involved to correct the situation and follow your true gut instinct. Also the person is probably so conniving and manipulative that they can make you feel like you are emotionally short changing them and yourself. That is very hard for the average person to overcome alone. Sometimes you may never be for sure until they have used you or abused you.

Even the most outwardly sincere and fantastic person can be so evil it makes your blood curl. And no one is immune to such demonic people. They do not have to physically assault you to be evil.

And other people may tend to tell you that you are being unfair to judge someone the way you are. My husband had a friend that on the 1st meeting I did not like him. Something was wrong and I knew it. My husband would not listen he told me I was jealous because I did not have as good a friend as he did. Well, who was right? You got it ME! It cost us thousands of dollars to correct the wrong done against my husband because his friend was using him.

So it is really best to follow your gut instinct and avoid that person if on the 1st couple of meetings you feel uneasy about the situation. You may lose what could turn out to be the perfect friend or relationship but, BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY!!
2007-07-30 10:20:09 UTC
As a rule I always trust my gut instinct,and it has very rarely let me down. People are much more intuitive than they give themselves credit for I believe. However even if I assume that a person is a bad person from a first impression then all that really means is that I will be on guard,and if they prove my first impression wrong later then no harm,I see no downside.

2007-07-29 13:34:56 UTC
I have learned NOT to trust that gut instinct, because it generally is a result of prejudice deeply rooted in my childhood, and which I am struggling to consciously eliminate. But if the first impression is reinforced by the second and third, especially in their manner of speaking (rude or polite; ignorant or reasonably sensible), then I back off. I suppose I am at least a tad more cautious about first impressions when it is not a matter of race or age or gender, or something like clothing where it is not an intentional challenge. That is, where it is something that seems to be an intentional challenge, such as a tee shirt message that is offensive, I am a tad more cautious. Still, I remember having some fascinating conversations with goths and punks and bikers on the bus when I was in California, and found them to be generally far nicer than their clothing would suggest. One pointed out that suburban mall crawlers are often sweet on the outside and rotten on the inside; they like to do the reverse. In fact, one of the most helpful and kind teenagers on the bus was decked out in black leather and chains and "satanic" symbols.
2007-07-25 19:32:48 UTC
Of course, you should trust your "gut". Before we became so cerebral as a species, we were in tune with our instincts. You might say that those "gut" feelings are a carry over from long lost ancestors. We should pay very close to our "gut" reactions not only to people, but also situations. Your "gut" will seldom mislead you. An analogy that might hit home is a dog that meets someone for the first time and either wags his tail or begins a low growl with his tail tucked tight. This is a perfect visual of a "gut" or instinctual reaction.
Anthony H
2007-07-25 12:14:04 UTC
Well, when you meet someone new, the first impression is all that you can go with at that time. The only way to know if your gut feeling is correct or not is to get to know them better (time will tell). Most people try and be on their best behavior when they have a first meeting, like a job interview. It is not fair to assume good or bad at the time of the first meeting, unless you have witnessed something horrible at that time. Then I would think it is fair.
2007-07-23 12:43:45 UTC
I used to say that I will trust someone until they give me a reason not to but that mantra has jumped up and bit me in the butt several times. I have since learned to trust my instincts. More often than not I have been proven right, although, there are always exceptions to every rule. All of us deserve a second chance especially when we have made an "honest" mistake. I do feel that most of us have the ability to read another persons expression, body language, and tone to the extent that we usually have an accurate idea of a persons motives so I agree that our gut reaction is most often the correct one. My own personal philosophy is that I treat each person I meet as an individual regardless of gender, race, religion or nationality. I am not perfect and I don't expect every one I meet to be perfect either but I do expect basic human respect and tolerance to the extent that it is warranted.
2007-07-19 08:33:20 UTC
I absolutely believe gut instinct and first impressions are very important. It is important, however, to form opinions based on things that are not superficial. I observe body language and the way someone speaks to form my opinions. For example, someone who speaks a little too loud or interupts others when they are speaking generally indicates someone who is arrogant in an attempt to mask serious insecurities. There have been a few times that, upon meeting someone, something about them was just unsettling to me. In one of those instances, I later found out the person who gave me that impression was a child molester.

When I was first introduced to the man I eventually married, I was immediately drawn to him. I was confused because it was not a typical physical attraction. Though I thought he was attractive, that wasn't my initial reaction. The thought that crossed my mind was, "You need to get to know this person." One of the first qualities I discovered in him was that I could trust him completely. After almost nine years of marriage, he has never done anything to compromise that trust. My gut told me what my brain didn't yet know.

If you are wondering whether or not to trust a gut instinct a bit of self-analysis is helpful. Ask yourself why you have a certain impression. You may discover you are judging someone based on something insignificant. However, you may also realize that your gut is trying to tell you something that your mind may not have yet figured out-for good or bad.
Joe Bleu
2007-07-18 23:06:30 UTC
First impressions can be terribly wrong, I'd think by at least 50%.

You can meet someone under bad circumstances and think he's an ***. But under other circumstances think he's great.

You can meet someone unshaved and grubby while they are on vacation and find he's your new clean and spiffy Doctor.

I met someone on a forum and tis person thought I was being a retard toward him, I read my email and told him he had read it wrong. Some thing can be read different ways and have different meanings. His problem was that he was used to people treating him badly, he said. So maybe he was just looking for confrontation.

I'd say that before you judge anyone you should first get to know them, otherwise if you plan on having nothing to do with the person, keep your opinion to yourself untill you have some character type proof.

Sometimes though that impression is correct or the person is even worse then you had thought, so be careful.
2007-07-18 22:32:45 UTC
I don't think you can know if your first impression is accurate based on an initial meeting. People show what they want others to believe. People also have interpersonal experiences and stereotypes of what they deem "good" and "bad". Obviously, if someone had a very negative experience with a person (trauma, abuse, bullying), they may tend to overevaluate and be sensitive to another person's mannerisms, behaviors, and dress when they first meet them because something reminds them of that person who treated them badly. So, it really isn't fair to assume someone is "bad" because you "feel" it--especially when they have not personally wronged you. It's difficult to rely on "gut instinct" for normal social interaction, especially since so many people carry a lot of personal baggage that may skew that instinct. Gut instinct should be reserved for situations that could place you in jeopardy--not when you first meet someone socially (in a normal, non-threatening setting). People should remain open-minded when meeting other people for the first time, and realize that only time will reveal another person's character.
Madame M
2007-07-18 21:24:09 UTC
Unless a person is psychologically damaged, I think gut instinct has a better than 50 percent chance of being right. I think I pull cues about a person from their body language, their clothes, the way they move, the things they say, and I can make a fairly accurate decision if the person is "safe" or a "threat." And most people are safe, I believe.

But rather than gut instinct, maybe it's better to follow a few unwritten rules -- don't go out to a dark alley with a stranger, don't lend money to someone you barely know (unless you are ready to lose it), and communicate, communicate, communicate until the "stranger" is a "friend." And keep communicating with the friend, because people do change.
2007-07-18 16:39:56 UTC
You don't know, but our animal receptors are processing data and some are positive and some are negative.If the positives win out,we tend to have good vibes and the opposite with negatives.Is this fair?No,not really but speaking from my experiences much more often than not my initial impression is accurate.I think the more in tune one is with themselves,the more accurate the first impression.I think it's prudent not to make a full judgment of someone until you have a reasonable amount of information concerning them.If,however,in a situation where you have to access someone on instinct alone,it would be difficult to ignore your internal perceptions.Your own past experiences regarding correct or incorrect first impressions would dictate the amount of trust you place on instinct alone.
2007-07-18 16:18:26 UTC
If you don't give people a chance to prove themselves is because you're most likely prejudiced. So any judgment made ahead of time is based on assumptions, beliefs that could be wrong.

Sooner or later the true nature of a person will be clear to you through their words and actions. Don't forget the question is about "meeting someone new" and not about someone just walking by on the street, or as you enter an elevator. A person you are meeting will act and say things that could give immediate clues as to who they are or what they are like.

Lastly I have to say that this question is tricky and I can't avoid using the term "intuition" when trying to answer it. Many times the only thing I go by is a feeling that I get about persons and situations. It's always there for me if you're paying attention.

The more clear and non-judgmental you stay in fact, the wider that intuitive channel opens up. Perhaps your best ally when there aren't many clues around.

Pay attention!
2007-07-18 12:49:17 UTC
It depends. In general, it is hard to be sure about the accuracy of the first impression during the first meeting itself. Your gut instinct might tell you surely whether the person could be a match for you...for example..a close associate or friend in future but it can not surely tell you during the first meeting whether the person is good or bad. However, in some cases, I think, with respect to a person having a wide experience of doing bad things, your gut instinct might tell you accurately about the person.
2007-07-18 11:13:44 UTC
Well when you initially meet someone I believe most people try to put their best foot forward, if however that is not the case your assumption might not to be too far off. I think that time is the one of the best ways to know if you have someone pegged all wrong. Over time people tend to show their "true color". I mean face it some people can put on a good front, but they cannot keep that up forever. The real them will begin to seep out eventually. Just because someone has not done something personally to you doesn't mean they are a good person. There are a lot of murderers, pedophiles, thieves and liars out there that we don't personally know but obviously wronged their victims. There are other things you can look out for but, you usually don't see these when you are first meeting. I am one of those people who gives almost everyone the benefit of the doubt but if I get a bad vibe or know for certain that they have done something wrong or bad, then I'd say walk away. Personally, the bad deed would stick in my mind and I wouldn't believe that they would treat me any different. Always better to be safe than sorry. All the best.
2007-07-18 08:12:25 UTC
First impressions usually tell me alot. I am an Office Manager for a consulting firm and have to go by first impressions often when going through the hiring process. The way someone dresses tells me how serious they are about a job. The way the project themselves while speaking to me is of importance because they might not get the opportunity if they don't speak well, chew gum during the interview. I am usually right by going with gut feeling, but sometimes if someone is hard to read I might have to give them a second opportunity to see what I get from that meeting. Most of the time I would say that from a first impression go with your gut instinct it is usually right.
2007-07-18 03:17:11 UTC
Dear Dr. Robi Cudwig,

To my knowledge and experience there's never be near accurate judging a new person. Human is still human. We are not the creator of the mankinds. Human can never get away with mistakes and forgetness. Absent minded will always in human. Apart from all these the instinct on hatred, selfish and so on are always in the human mind.

Firstly, let me admit that, I'm not a Doctor as you are. I can never be like you. Sure you know more than what I have in mind. You just want to find out what's the public view. My finding base on my experience that I have. Persons may disguise and pretend acting or what so ever. These goes especially to a person you want to convince somethings. This is the most difficult situation. However, in answering your questions, I have in mind few things in guiding me judging a person.

There are few things to be judge the first time meeting with some one:

a. The attire

b. The manners and behavior

c. The salutations

d. The social atiqutte

e. The protocol

f. The way of speaking in a conversation

g. The knowledge on current situation of local life and envirolement.

h. Attitude

All the above items have had being anylise and will come to assumptions of the person which will not exacltly comes to near accurate. At least, the personel information on his pesonallity being answered. Trusting a person will never be in the first time meeting. Sincerity of a personel will be on day to day life evaluation. The first will only leads to whether to trust or not to trust a person. Ofcouse the first impression typically influences the opinion. That's why young people in love with the 'first sight' than later some of them have regretted on the love of the first sight. In giving trust to gut instict will not be in near accurate. It's just a slight trust to be given. Anything can happen later.
2007-08-14 12:13:01 UTC
I don't believe first impressions are very accurate. This is partly from experience, and partly from just thoughts about it.

There have been several times that my first impression was wrong. (Someone would seem intimidating, but upon getting to know them, they are very sweet. Or someone may look shallow/without much substance, and then I'd realize that they usually carry a lot of hurt, or they're just still trying to figure out "who" they are.)

And my thoughts about first impressions are that they are based almost solely on visual assesment, and very very little of the person's actual character/personality/spirit really shows through. To really know a person, you have to have spent time with them, see their reactions to situations, talk to them, learn of their beliefs/likes/dislikes...on and on.

Gut instinct can be helpful when the first impression is crucial. For example, if your first impression of a person is that they are a criminal, or in some way a threat to you or someone close to you, then trust that gut instinct because there's too much at stake to worry if you're bein unfair to them. Even if it's way off much will it really hurt to avoid them? I can see no harm in staying away from someone who you don't actually know.

However, if the first impression really only pertains to whether you like/dislike that person, then it's adviseable to give them another couple chances.
2007-08-02 12:12:37 UTC
You know your first impression is accurate when you have met this person for a second and third time. After enough experiences, you will know your own personal score of how accurate you are, and than you can go by first impressions only. I suggest only if you are comfortable with 80% ccorrect in your judgment of others and up. If your a 50/50 kind of person, I mean if your only right half the time, then you to will be judged by that too, on their first impression of you. Don't be to hasty you may miss out on some fun people or catch the next

"America's Most Wanted".
Nina Redza
2007-07-19 06:48:15 UTC
Most times, you don't need words to convey a message. This is true especially when you meet a person for the first time. What you see is SO much more important in giving a first impression. It may not be the impression that you desire but it speaks volumes...

A person who has a "gut feeling" about a first meeting is unconsciously evaluating, not the words spoken, but the body language. A first meeting between a man and a woman, who is shy, may become awkward and uncomfortable because the woman may come across as being snobbish or cold.

She's just shy but her body language betrays her. She may shift her body position away from him, rest her arms in front of her in a protective manner and avoid long eye gazes.

She's uncomfortable in his presence, not because she's snooty, but because she's afraid of exposing her interest in this man, who's the object of her desire in the first place.

To answer the question, chances are, the gut feeling that you get from a first meeting is probably incorrect. A human being is a complex being. Take your time to get to know that person. Everyone deserves a second chance, don't you?
2007-07-19 03:15:14 UTC
Meeting someone for the first time, you would be only able to know if your impression is accurate when the one you have met has not treated you or has treated you the way you think any polite and a responsible being should act to someone he or she is meeting for the first time. In case the person treats you as if to say you are actually a friend to be with or to chat with, that means you grabbed your certificate of being accurate.

In a situation where she or he should just make fun of you because of how you presented yourself to him or her then you should know that you have failed the test. The next thing to do is that you forget everything go in again with a new style that might help you. Thank you.
Susan G
2007-07-18 21:24:43 UTC
I think people send out certain "vibes" and for people who are naturally intuitive, you can get a general impression of what this person is like. How people dress, carry themselves, use vocabulary and small snippets of conversation can tell a new acquaintance a great deal about who this person is. Determining whether or not a person is "bad" really can't take place until you get to know them better. I'm not sure what "bad" is: criminal, morally loose, or just not a suitable friend for you? I think gut instincts are usually correct but should be followed up with a closer inspection of this person if you are really interested in pursuing that. If your gut tells you to stay away from this person, then you'd better!!
2007-07-18 08:08:42 UTC
It really depends on the circumstances in which you meet, if the person is trying to impress you, the first experience may be very different than reality. No one shows their true colors when trying to make a good first impression, they try not to let any of their faults seen. If it is a romantic meeting this is almost always the case, if it is simply a social meeting, this can be less likely and the first impression can be much more accurate. The bottom line is you can't really trust a first impression. Get to know someone before you make any judgements at all.
2015-10-16 22:10:04 UTC
The second question is related to how accurate a first impression is with prior information (a friend's opinion or other knowledge of the person in advance of the meeting). Your 'wronged you personally' statement indicates prior knowledge from some external source. Unfortunately, this situation is where you could easily come into the meeting biased. So, this is where the person needs to go into the meeting with an open mind. You need to meet them, talk with them, view their appearance and mannerisms and wait until later to form that impression. Then, after it's all over, form an impression.
2007-08-10 03:28:32 UTC
If first impressions typically influence one's opinion, the latter on its part is generally colored by one's biases, background, etc. First impressions are never utilized as the sole or only basis for making crucial decisions like hiring or doing business with someone new. That wouldn't be fair to the person. Besides, important matters like these do take time.That is why we use psychological tests, background check, review of portfolio, panel interviews, etc. But when caught in a tight situation concerning your safety or of those you love, better trust your gut feelings. That built-in mechanism within us is there simply because we need it now and then.
2007-08-05 15:37:12 UTC
I don't think I can size up a person accurately by 'gut' feeling alone. I try to use all my senses are others reacting to this person? Observe their body they appear open or guarded? Are they speaking too loudly, or laughing too often? And very important, do they make eye contact with you while speaking to you? Does their smile reach the eyes, or does it appear 'pasted' on? It has been said that nothing is 'good' or 'bad' until we think it so. Also if you look only for the bad, then that is all you will ever find, like-wise with the good, leaving a lot of territory in between to go unnoticed. But ,in the end, if it comes down to 'gut' feeling, or some stranger saying "oh, you can trust me". Go with your least you know for sure that IT has your best interests at heart.
2007-08-03 08:01:11 UTC
When you first meet a person for the first time, the impression you will receive will be determined by what you are wanting or experiencing at that moment in time. Example if your looking for love with a certain desire then if that person seems not to show it right away your opinion will be that of your will or desire at that moment in time.

To understand the intuition (with- in )takes allot of patience and most do not strengthen the inner truth. People today are influenced by their desire or wants and does not really see or feel the inner truth of the first impression or the real with-in which each and ever one has or the soul with in the real self.

Women were given the wonderful gift of intuition but in today's world of rush and modern livings Women no longer seeks the gift with in nor do they use it or know how.

The answer to your question is look inside yourself first and see what it is you are seeing of your self in others and if what you are desiring is not in the other person then you will not get a true first impression.

Every soul is its own willor self truth. so my dear what is it that you will and then you will see what you will to see or what you so dessire to see in the other person . Their is no wrong or right in first impression it is simply your willed desire,

.Ask yourself what or why are you even wanting to meet this person and really what is your motive or the other person motive if any at all. seek with in then you will find all gut feeling as you put it is your will or desire . It is you that is the first impression sort of to speak for it is what your will or desrie that you will see in others.
2007-07-27 21:52:36 UTC
Your gut instinct is is due to your past. So trusting your first impression is the only thing you have. and even though you may give that person another chance , the first meeting will always be in the back of your mind, and if it was bad you will be looking for bad things to happen.meeting someone for the first time will depend on your state of mind at that moment.

So if you meet someone and you don't like them , look back over your day or your past , and make sure there is nothing in it that may have caused you to feel that way. Because everyone will disappoint you if you are looking for it.....................
2007-07-24 13:15:18 UTC
Intuition is a funny thing with the human psyche. I would say that ninety-nine times out of a hundred to follow your instincts. However, there will be times in your life when some one you meet doesn't match up to what you feel. For instance, you might meet some one who dresses like a slob, but tries to act or does act as if it doesn't bother him. Just because he dresses to be comfortable, but he is clean and healthy doesn't mean he is a bad person or some such. He may be a multi-millionaire who justs feels that it is wrong to judge people by the way they look. So, yes. Stay with your instincts, but don't mind the fact that sometimes they are wrong. Hope this helps.
2007-07-19 08:05:54 UTC
This sounds like a very simplified answer, but here it goes:

(1) A gut instinct -- something tells me something is not quite right with the guy or gal.

(2) Experience dealing with that type of person before.

Very few times has the red warning flag gone off in my mind when dealing with new people. I would be lying to you if I said it never has though. And yes, first impressions were always correct.
2007-07-19 07:49:57 UTC
We should accept our first impressions of people but not let them judge our complete opinion about a person. You shouldn't hold it against a person but do listen to your gut instint. Most of the time you can tell a lot from a person just by their appearance. A person in ratty clothes with stains on them could be trash, while a person in dress clothes with new shiny shoes and perfect hair is seen as upper class. But the guy inthe ratty clothes coud just be comming home from work, to take care of family and has a heart of gold. While the guy in the business suit stays out all night long with his secretary while his wife takes care of the kids and crys herself to sleep. Some people are capable of understanding a person by the way they greet you for the first time. Some people aren't. The only way to tell whether or not you should trust your gut is to draw on your past experiences. Have you met a person like a discribed above in the past? what did you think of them when you first met them? Were your instincts correct? Everyone has a different level of perception so you can't really get just one answer from this question because everyones past experiences are going to be different.
2007-07-19 04:16:20 UTC
A first impression is what you make on a perspective employer, or anyone else that you meet. My daughter use to get upset with me because I went by my gut instinct, and 9-10 times I made accurate choices. I think that life experiences influence your opinion of people, but opinions do change and evolve. You have to read people, how they act, how they speak, what they say and the expressions that they use. I do not look at their appearance, because that is nothing, I listen to them talking and if I think that they are full of BS or if they try to hard to make an impression, they have something to hide, life has taught me that.
2007-07-18 13:26:17 UTC
At the ripe old age of 49, I have found that I get into much more trouble when I don't trust my gut than when I do. For whatever reason, survival instincts, or whatever, some protective instincts have hung around in the human psyche. I call my instinct my "uhoh" button. When I get that feeling, I don't necessarily distrust the individual, but I do become more cautious than I would otherwise.

This instinct has been especially useful when dealing with my children as teenagers. One is 28 and the other is 18. When they bring new friends around, 9 times out of 10 we eventually learn that my "gut feeling" was right. There have been a few noteable excetions but these were truely the exception and not the rule.

Our perceptions come from many things. Truly listening to what others say and paying attention to whether what they say adds up and is truthful is one perception. How a person presents themselves is another. Body language and posture have a lot to do with first impressions. Things like closed posture, refusal to make eye contact, acting uncomfortable or "searching" for answers to routine questions can be a sign that something is amiss.

A lot of women are dead today because Ted Bundy was a charming man. He presented himself as injured to lure women into his vehicle. I am sure that at least one or two of those victims had a gut instinct to walk away instead of "help" him. They would be alive today if they had.

I used to be an adolescent substance abuse counselor and I have found that most parents had that "gut" feeling about their kids and their kids friends long before drugs became an actual problem. Many troubled women I have worked with have also told me they should have listened to their "Gut" about men who later hurt them....some who were financially ruined, some who were abused, some who were date raped.

That sense is there to protect you. Listen to it. Treat the person cautiously instead of trusting blindly. That is good sense in any situation, with any stranger.
me me
2007-07-18 12:50:01 UTC
You should always trust your instinct. But whether or not to out them out your life or not give them a chance to get to know them is wrong. I always keep my guard up but I give everyone chance. But I like to almost study the person’s actions, body language, sometimes career (usually fits there personality), eye contact, and always there over roll personality. This all can really tell a lot about a person. But if they give off that dangerous vibe, than I wont take any chances. But again I trust my gut feeling, and I haven’t been wrong yet.
2007-07-18 12:31:34 UTC
I would have to say let your record speak for itself.How many times in the past have you been right with your gut instinct when meeting someone for the first time? Many people just naturally give off "bad vibes" and its almost like a fight or flight response in your gut. Some people are more intune or aware of their surroundings than others. However, I will always give that person the benefit of doubt and let them prove if my gut feelings are on or not.I have been correct more times than not but I wont ever judge a person on that alone,I will always give people a chance before my opinion is formed.
2007-07-18 08:21:45 UTC
Part of the answer is in how important it is. Fair or not, if I'm in a situation where I could be harmed (e.g., walking alone down a street at night), I'm going to go with my gut instincts.

On the other hand, if it's a social situation, or a situation in which I have the opportunity to do something positive for a person - my first impression will only be one factor in my decision.

For example - in high school, there was a girl that I hated. She dressed "preppy", hung out with the "in" crowd, and I labled her "snob" in my head. She thought I was rude and mean. After our freshman year, we were forced to spend time together in a club. Turned out we had a LOT in common. She wound up being my best friend! I've tried to remember that when meeting new people.
2007-07-18 08:12:32 UTC
Are first impressions and gut instincts the same? I break it down like this: an instinct is something that I feel throughout my whole body. It is immediate, and its strength depends upon the strength of the energy I am receiving from the person/situation. It is like what animals must feel when first meeting a new situation/person.

A first impression for me is the feeling that forms a "mental picture" of the person/situation after observing many different things that are important, like body language, etc.

I am extremely observant/aware, and have relied on my instincts/impressions for more than three decades with success. The only time I have been disappointed is when I have not acted on something that I knew I should have, but I don't drive myself crazy about it. Being super-observant leads to lots of opportunities in life. Knowing when to act or what to do through instinct (common sense?) can make or break you.

Opinion, to me, is something different than instinct or impression, and is related to assumption. "Assuming" something just isn't kosher. You know how that saying goes. But our gut ANIMAL (yes, we are animals) instinct is very important to our survival, and the more aware we are, the better survivors we will be.

With so many responses, will you even read mine? One can only!
baby squirl
2007-08-15 20:05:27 UTC
What I personally do either way because I have been burned both ways - I am social, and nice until I can get to know the person better. I am very smart, but I am the worst judge of character that there is. I think things influence you when you first meet people i,e thru which friends, what there wearing, how they look etc, and I know I am a great person but on first impressions I come across intimidating, and arrogant but when people get to know me they love me. So my answer is not necessarily does there first impression alter how I may feel in the future. It depends on them, and the situation.
2007-08-10 09:17:26 UTC
You must try to get to know the someone as long as you are sure about them and as far as the first impression go it's better to go right in and make sure if its true if you are intrested enough beyond your first impression to know him. But you should be able to know a respectable gentalman from others so that a first impression could be wrong if its on a negative neighberhood but it a rather blank statement as well at times when it is. Usually when you take first impressions a lot you'll gave good experience to mkae it right a other time easyly. Hope you'll have good times with your first impressions and also care for your first impression and you'll by that also know what are the rreal good impressions and bad and where is itposible to be missunderstood. Anyways dont get a bad first impression here with me case of my bad spellings at least that I'm in a hurry even though I found you question intresting to answer in the first place mostly because got a kick to answering when yahoo emailed me that I'm one of their best users for answering a some questions that then were choosen the best answer. Bye.
2007-08-08 17:30:46 UTC
Impressions of people you meet are made within the first 15 minutes of meeting them. But when you make an an impression on the first initial contact, you are judging unfairly. However, your instincts or gut feelings are usually right on the money, I'd say give the person the benefit of the doubt and don't jump to conclusions or judge unfairly until you get to know the person.
2007-08-07 22:37:59 UTC
I try to be fair but on the rare occasion that someone just really makes an awful first impression for no easily explainable reason it seems to stick in my mind and it is very hard for them to change their status.

I have been wrong with my superficial first impressions and try not to follow these. I can tell the difference between judging a book by its cover and someone giving me a feeling they aren't trust worthy.

So I guess for me I don't let my superficial first impressions sway me too much but once someone starts talking that is where I really start getting impressions.

This is a pretty interesting question.

If someone still leaves a bad first impression even after I screen myself for simply stereotyping then I can't think of a time I have been wrong...
2007-08-06 15:22:21 UTC
I go with gut instinct, I usually get a feeling in the pit of my stomach that's hard to describe. It's not really fair to assume that someone is bad, but I've learned to listen to that feeling and be cautious. I avoid being alone with them and find out more about them from someone who knows them a little better. I am very cautious since I have been attacked and hurt in the past. If kids and/or animals don't like someone I know they aren't to be trusted. For some reason children and animals seem to just have an acute awareness about people. I guess I'm OK though since they like me! :-)
2007-07-31 17:03:26 UTC
I think temperance is always key, in most of life, but particularly in these situations. It's not fair to base whether someone is good or bad in one encounter, unless they do or say something extreme. If your gut is telling you to be wary, listen, but tuck it in your hat. If you have the opportunity to better acquaint yourself with him or her, you have your gut instinct, but you also have the exposure to this person and can make an educated decision. You may be wrong, you may be right.

However, it is never wise to trust someone you've just met. I would go so far as to say it's not wise to trust someone until you've shared some experiences together and have gotten to know the person fairly well, at which time they are allotted an appropriate amount of trust. It would simply be bad boundary practice otherwise.
2007-07-26 22:46:55 UTC
I believe we all have gut instincts developed from our past. Some of us are more honed in then others. For instance, I moved all over the country when I was a kid and even as an adult,my work has taken me to many places. Because of that, I have learned to size people up pretty quickly and find that 8 or 10 times I am right or really close in my opinion. It's whether you can look past what ever it is you feel that determines what happens from there.
2007-07-19 07:05:52 UTC
you don't know if your first impression of someone is correct, you cannot reveal certain things about your self to people you hardly know, and they shouldn't either. That is why you have to get to know people. It is OK to end a friendship or relationship if it is going nowhere. But you will never know anything about anyone if you judge them by your first meeting. I would never trust anyone I just first met. Keep an open mind and get to know people. If you feel really stongly about someone being a bad person keep them at a distance. Also you only need a few close friends and family anyways so don't worry about being a little picky.

You did say "is is really fiar to assume that this is true when they haven't actually wornged you personally?" this tells me that you might know of someone else that this person has wronged. I don't like to tell people that they will never change, but be aware that this person could wrong you at any time. Be open minded but also protect your self.
My world
2007-07-19 06:01:47 UTC
I have trusted my instincts for over 40 years. I have no regrets. If my gut told me that someone was no good for me, I had nothing to do with that person. I married my wife off of a gut instinct, we'd only been dating 2 months, and we've been happily married for the last 20 years.

If I missed knowing someone worthwhile because of my first impression, or gut instinct, oh well. You could say that I don't know what I missed, but I would say that what I don't know, I don't miss.
2007-07-19 01:54:49 UTC
I think that you should always trust your instincts, specially on something so important as meeting someone new, just like you do it with many other things in life, and you can always say ok, I was wrong and move on, like when you buy a fruit per say, before you pick one, you follow your instincts and ALWAYS end up getting the one you like better because you know that the other ones could actually be really good too, but you move on, and that doesn't mean you had a big loss, it's just that maybe they weren't meant for you. The same with people, if you follow your instincts when you meet someone, and you feel that there's something about them you just can't trust, then just trust yourself, yes, that person might actually be really good,but if you move on you'll never know it, plus the fact that this person could be great doesn't mean they'd be necessarily great for YOU. I always trust my instincts when I meet people, and many times I met a few with whom I had no choice but to interact with, or to somehow end up related to because of friends or family members, and I always thought there was something about them I just couldn't trust, but I just try to get along without showing my tue feelings, and later in life I find that they either talk behind people's backs, or are just being judgmental and so on, then I realize that eventhough I can't do anything about it, I should always trust my instincts, and specially when it comes to people. I know that my answer might sound a little harsh for some, but in the end no one should decide who could be right for you or not but yourself.
2007-07-19 01:14:37 UTC
In my experience ,it is not a good idea to judge by first impressions.There are some people who just plain dont make a first good impression(Churchill for example for percieved to be a total dunce and loser,Einstein's parents thought he,though somewhat intelligent ,lacked focus and discipline, would at best be a filing clerk).Often it can be cultural misunderstanding,for instance in the direct and egalitarian culture of U.S. ,one is expected to look into the eye while talking to people,no matter what their status.When person refuses to make eye contact when conversing is percieved as shifty or diffident whereas eye contact in other cultures ,such as Japanese or Middle Eastern ,especially when addressing a superior is considered disrespectful or even hostile!

There are various body language books that may be able to help you judge a person more fairly.Particular what a person does with his/her hands,legs or eye movements.

But please dont judge people by their zodiac sign :-)

As with so many other things,be initially fair and impartial to all first encounters while applying the skills and take into account cultural differences above.Over time you wont even think about analyzing a person because you are doing it subconsciously and that will FEEL like a gut instinct ,but it may not be....;-)However one thing is for sure ....You will be right about first impressions from now on!!:-)
Case C
2007-07-18 23:40:47 UTC
This is a 2 part question. I dont feel it is always fair to use a first impression because of different factors, but I have personally found that when I sense something is wrong, it usually is. Problem is, that it takes awhile to truly know someone and the skeletons that lye lurking. Also, that people usually dont reveal those parts of themselves until later. As far as how do u know whether to trust your gut or not, best to ask your gut and hope for the best. ;)
2007-07-18 21:59:47 UTC
It is not always good to go with first impressions or the opinions of others. Human nature has a way of contradicting, manipulating and deluding perception of others. Anger, bitterness, selfishness and rudeness can all add up to a false perception towards another person. Nice guys can be hated simply because they are nice and looked at as weak when weakness is mistaken for strength. The outside is not the true judge of the person, but who the person is in spirit deep down inside, human flaws and all truly shows that they can be a very kind person. Be careful, not everyone is as good at seeing through people as others and it is very dangerous and hurtful to mistake or misunderstand a person and take first impressions even over time. When you don't walk in their shoes, it is easy to point the finger to rid yourself of blame and guilt of who you date or who you accept for example. Ladies especially need to hear this if they want a true loving relationship. It also takes more than a degree, perfect record, fancy car and house and lots of money to have any understanding of love and accurate impressions of others. In fact, 9 times out of 10 someone that is the opposite is better off this way and can know and be a lot more than you realize.
2007-07-18 21:24:57 UTC
Brain research done in the last ten years has really helped us understand how important first impressions can be. You meet someone and you "get a feeling" about them. Research now tells us that what is really happening is we're subconsciously taking in information about that person at an extremely high rate of speed -- so quickly, we're not even aware we're doing it. We're picking up on body language, pace of speech and tone of voice, eye movements, breathing rate, and more. This rapid detective work involves many senses. So our "first impression," or our "intuition" is really based on the subconscious, immediate accumulation of clues.

Whether we interpret those clues accurately depends on how much experience we've had in the past, getting to know others and learning what these clues mean. If you're very young, you may not be able to process the clues as effectively as you will after you're older, when you've met and come to know more people, and can pick up signs more accurately.

Is it fair to make these kinds of assumptions? We can't help making these observations and assumptions. Our brain does it without our permission, automatically.

Should you trust your gut instinct? That depends...has your gut instinct been right before? Sometimes people are damaged in childhood, and the damage can skew their ability to interpret warning signs. Children with alcoholic or abusive parents (whom they loved, as most children love their parents,) may grow up to be attracted to alcoholic or abusive partners, because the signs they pick up from their partners, at first meeting, are familiar and feel "normal."

Having said that, there are some things that may affect your positive or negative reaction to a person, that you should be aware of. If a new person has attributes or characteristics that are completely new to you, your brain may react with subtle fear. The unfamiliar can appear to be a threat, when in fact the new person can be harmless or even friendly.

On the other hand, if you meet someone physically attractive, the brain may not be as cautious as it should be. Beautiful people appear to make our brains react as if the person is "good," in spite of other subconscious signals that may indicate otherwise.
2007-07-18 14:58:31 UTC
It depends on the nature of the (potential) relationship. If someone is a casual acquaintance or work colleague--or even a new relative, as long as their actions and behavior are within the bounds of what is reasonably acceptable, there should be no cause for concern--even if the person isn't someone you would trust on a personal level.

Now, if the person is someone who might become a close friend or intimate partner, then I think one must look very closely at how their actions match their words. This will only become evident over time. But since these sorts of relationships are emotion-based, I believe one's gut instincts are usually correct.
2007-07-18 14:14:38 UTC
We don't know if instincts are accurate or not. I believe only time confirms them. But there can be truth to those first impressions. I think if we are under time constraints, then we can use those as a marker, but if not, we should let time prove our initial impressions. It is very possible, a person we believe is dishonest, might just be a shy person who is not used to direct eye-contact, or perhaps a person who doesn't evaluate words and their meanings b4 speaking, even though he/she is well-intentioned. There can be so many factors influencing someone's reactions.

In short, yes I will listen to my inner voice but I will wait. If I can't shake off that uncomfortable feeling, I will most probably keep my distance.

I have been proven wrong with my initial impressions, so I rather not be over-confidant.
2007-07-18 12:39:13 UTC
I don't assume anything my Dear, I walk softly as one such famous person once said. I take it easy. If upon meeting this person for the first time and, that's going to be it, there's no need to get close to them unless there's going to be more meetings. If your going to be instilling great confidence on them for various reasons, then and only then, you can ask questions that will bolster your confidence or, tell you to step aside and let them go on their way.

It's only fair not to judge anyone and, I think they would feel the same if they are meeting you for the first time. After all, a business man has to be cautious and, he would expect you to be the same.

If this person may be your future friend, then you'd step gingerly until you've "felt" them out, I would.

I've been in every State in the Union, just about, and have met thousands of people, some are great and I'd like to know them, while others, that first meeting was enough and, I was glad I would be leaving.
Sandy Sandals
2007-07-18 08:25:22 UTC
Impressions are just that. But it is fair to form an opinion based on the only information you have about his person which is the image they present to you in your first interaction with them - the first impression. It is unfair to be judgemental or inflexible with his opinion when you only caught a glimpse of what they are like. You don't know if your first impression is accurate until you get to know them, which is an ever-changing process. It's human nature to form some sort of opinion to work from in the meantime. BUT there are some people that make a good first impression but still give me a bad vibe and no matter what comes out of their mouth or what their body language conveys, I hold onto that feeling. That instinct has never let me down and with those people I always keep the guard up.
2007-07-18 00:25:07 UTC
I have always done my best to reserve judgment based on first impression simply because the good Lord knows I have fumbled a time or two and deserved a second chance. If your gut is cramping and your skin is crawling to get away from them, by all means leave. Trust your instincts on that. If you are meeting someone for the first time and you have this strong of a reaction to them, leave! Something is definitely wrong with them and their intentions. If they make you a little uncomfortable when you first meet them, such as they are angry, reserve judgment. You might find out after you start talking that they got pulled over on the way to meet you, or some such scenario. If this person is interviewing for a job, then maybe they should take a moment to collect themselves and come back to you with a more positive attitude.
2007-07-18 00:09:37 UTC
Personally, I'm more of a sixth impression kind of guy. For a person that hates when people judge me, I judge people all the time.

I think that instead of judging how people look or say, judge them based on their actions. That's the problem though. For a given situation, a person can react or act however they like. You just don't know whether their action is going to be generally positive or negative. A lot of things come into play that may have some effect on their decision for that particular action like how they were brought up as a child, their preferences, etc.

Family and friends can guess how you act in a majority of circumstances because they've witnessed your behavior over time. From that experience, they " know" you and can generally extrapolate how you will act in a specific circumstance, but are still surprised when you act "out of your character."

First impressions come from the fact that we as a species are now competing with ourselves. These impressions can be benefit or cost us, but the decision to follow your gut instinct comes from a variety of reasons why we act the way we do in certain situations.
roy m
2007-08-14 13:45:25 UTC
Always follow instinct, By first meeting , If you get bad vibe

It might be true, If this is true, why wait to find out what the

bad vibe is? When you meet person for the first time, most often they will not wrong you. But if you get the sence, and bad vibe, my question to you is would you wait to find out,

in what manner the person will wrong you?

I give you example, lets take a muderer for instance,

you meet this person, even this person has not done you wrong, personally at first meeting, and you get bad vibe,

just because the person did nothing to you for the first time, well? will you continue to see him or her?

Are you not taking the risk? So follow the gut instince.

It is telling you something important.
2007-08-09 00:05:10 UTC
You must always trust your gut instinct first and foremost, whether or not it's accurate. I truly believe that human beings are blessed with social instincts that go beyond rationalization, and that by even asking whether or not the first impression is accurate, we second-guess our best defense against bad people. I have a story about how second guessing myself was a dangerous thing to do.

I get gut feelings about people, but I used to rationalize them away. In fact, I used to give people the benefit of the doubt on all occasions no matter how bad or uneasy I felt. It served me well for a long time, because almost all people are inherently good. (I did get manipulated a bit, but I knew it and didn't care-- it was a part of being a good human being as far as I was concerned.)

Then I met a sociopath. Yes, I had an uneasy feeling meeting him. Yes, I decided to ignore it and rationalize it away. And no, there was little way I could rationally know or perceive he was a sociopath. A year later, I was fearing for my life. I consider myself a reasonably perceptive and intelligent person, but I ended up in a situation where I lost everything. (I'm being non-specific, I know-- but specifics aren't the point of the answer.)

A charming, seemingly good person that I had intuitive, instinctive reactions to ended up being a horrible human being who was dangerous and manipulative to the core. The only thing that revealed that to me was my own instinct-- not rationality, nor signals, which I probably would have chosen to ignore anyway . . . It was instinct-- first impression that got it right. . . (And even later non-rational impressions, too.)

So, given that life-changing experience, I have had to completely revise my way of dealing with people. I'm not cynical, but now I trust first impressions whether or not they're right. You have to. It's self-preservation. It's our built-in defense mechanism-- and it's made me far wiser in my interpersonal dealings.

I also believe that our feelings tell us more than we want to rationally understand. If you don't feel good around someone, there's probably a reason. (People in abusive relationships or who are easily manipulated might be so good natured that these "feelings" are all they have to go on, because they believe good of all people...)

So, knowing the accuracy first impressions isn't important. You can treat a person respectfully and even get to know them better if you have a negative first impression, but second guessing yourself can be deadly.
Emmanuel G
2007-08-05 08:53:44 UTC
Yes its really true that first impression always influenced our opinion. As a person i personally think that this is really normal but when it comes to reality, most of the time our feelings could be a great deceiver. Of course on the other hand it could be an extra spiritual eye that can tell the initial truth. To assume a situation could possibly bring to confusion, hurts, that can easily lead to partiality. personally its only fair to give a benefit of a doubt either your instinct could be right or wrong.Actually it doesn't really matter when it comes to what is the real truth. its not who is right or wrong but what is really the truth that matters. the safest way to tell is to really go far beyond our carnal mind and pray for discernment . In this case most likely we'll get it right. As we develop to have a clearer link to God we'll find out that its not really us anymore but its the power from Heaven. As we learn to trust Him more He will direct our paths and thats the time where we can say, our intinct to rely on Gods power has the most accurate answer.
2007-08-02 05:04:51 UTC
No love(Hate) at first sight is just like love at first sight. Gut instincts are a mechanism provided by Nature to all living beings for discriminating between friends and foes. When it is really fair to fall in love at first sight why should it not be really fair the other way around, when in either of the cases there are no credentials of goodness delivered or wrong done by the other person?Does anyone disbelieve his gut instincts when he falls in love at first sight? How ever one might try figuring it out logically with a person who has fallen in love at first sight----you cannot win the case. It should be taken similarly when things are the other way around and one should go by the gut instinct. It is the INNER VOICE of all living beings. By assuming someone is a bad person the person is not being wronged unless you actually wrong him. No one can tell whether or not one should trust one's gut instinct or not. But only TIME can and does deliver the message to those who do not trust their gut instinct--an indispensable faculty provided by Nature.

2007-07-31 08:59:23 UTC
Gut instincts can have a good impact or a bad impact on first impressions. For example, if your gut instinct says this person seems dangerous and you listen to your instincts, you're going to try your best to avoid the trouble you think they may cause. If you don't listen to your instincts, you may find that they aren't dangerous but their outside appearance or conversation made you think they were. Also, if you ignore your instincts and they do turn out to be a dangerous person, you realize you should've listened to yourself and you're probably a person the regularly depends on other peoples' opinions. Also, if you meet someone and you think you simply don't like them, you probably will try to hang out with your friends and ignore that person and others you think you can't relate to. One day you may have a chance to become interacted with those people you chose not to like. If it's a group organization and you would like to be involved, despite the fact that you don't particularly like the others involved, you'll get to know them better. You may even turn out being their friend because they aren't as bad as what you thought based on first impressions. Then you'll think of the time you trusted your instincts and didn't interact with these people. Your instincts from first impressions can help you in many cases, but sometimes your instincts can cause you to miss out on something new.
Denise W
2007-07-30 08:40:46 UTC
Great Q! Makes ya think a bit huh?!

I use all my senses- I seldom use the "previous" knowledge of that person in my first impression of them toward me.

I study their movement, facial expressions and manners before they ever open their mouth. Upon our greeting and handshake, my first level of opinion is set. It will grow or diminish by the lack of eye contact and disinterest or lack of participation in the event.

My "gut" instinct is never wrong. NEVER. even if I don't know the reason for the "no no" feeling, I have never given that a second thought. I will stand by my choice. I can easily determine if my "mind" is using a previous experience in the case of each person. So I rule out that.

I have met criminals, saints and this life time and I can tell you the minute they touch my hand, I know. No matter what the "title" they say out loud, I can feel the truth. I never assume, the outward appearance is not the way to tell.

If we notice, our children and animals use instinct all the time. A lesson, that is "conditioned" out of adults. I still smell my food and "guess what" my nose is always right too.
2007-07-27 13:25:07 UTC
A wise man once said " You can't judge a book by it's cover", which is very true.

you first have to listen and observe a person to judge them properly. Even if it is your first time meeting them, doesn't mean that you can assume what you see is what you get. It's a possibility that a person can be nervous being around someone for the first time and you may not see the true person that they really are inside, my advice is to wail until you really get to know someone and that give your opinion, but your first impression of that person will defintly stick, But do trust your insticts after about the third time meeting.

I mean if it looks like a duck and quack like a duck that it's fair to say that it's a duck.
2007-07-25 13:35:58 UTC
Well considering that gut instinct is given to you for a reason all you can do is trust it. If you feel that your gut instinct is wrong then try to get to kno the person better to prove it to be wrong. If you decide that your instinct is correct then there is nothing more to pursue. Other than your gut instinct you have other ways to tell if the person is "bad" or not. Getting to know the person is really the only way to tell. It will not kill you to not get to kno the person nor will it kill you to get to kno the person. Unless the person does perhaps end up to be a serial killer then I can only say you should have listened to your gut instinct which in this case was probably correct.
michelle a
2007-07-24 06:24:13 UTC
Nobody knows if it is accurate until they can affirm it later by knowing them more or hearing/learning more about that person.

Instincts will send little reminders to you about things that have been said in bad situations in your past, whether on tv or in real life or hearing about them in books or other peoples experiences and they trigger alarms, even though I dont know if I am right, I am not prepared to risk it for the sake of one person when so many others out there do not cause alarm bells to ring.

Its just a safety mechanism, I back off until I learn more about that person. It would be foolhardy to go in head first as I believe instinct is the flickering of a memory that hasn't quite made its way to the surface yet.

You hear many people say, I knew I didn't like that person I just couldnt work out why and now I know!! I wish I had listened to my instincts, what they really meant was I wish I could remember what raised the alarm bells.
2007-07-23 14:11:23 UTC
I always went with my first impressions of a person. Rarely have I been wrong.

I went against my instinct once; saying to myself that it isn't fair. This involved 2 of my coworkers. One of which, I had gotten to know and we were friends. As I observed her with the 3rd person, I decided to be fair and not judgemental.

Well within less than a month of giving this 3rd person a chance, every single thing/vibe/instinct second/sight, whatever you want to call it, I had about this person came true.

The most important things I learned in all of this, is to 1. Never ignore your instincts; 2. Judge not for you to may also be judged; and 3. If your instincts/gut warn you about someone, treat them with a long handled spoon. Take your time in getting to know the person, don't involve them in your family, finances, or personal affairs. That way when you find out later that your gut was right, you would have lost nothing.
Angelina N
2007-07-19 09:15:20 UTC
I do get a feeling when I first meet someone. Although my first impression can influence my opinion about that person, I keep that feeling back a little bit in my mind. In the mean time I tend to watch their behavior and personality which can generally tell me if my feeling is correct. If I base too much on the initial meeting I can sometimes make rash decisions. I usually get a better idea by watching first.
2007-07-19 03:57:29 UTC
Dr., this is such an awesome question! I used to be a member of Toastmasters, International and we observed this concept awesome. Few people are what we really seem when we meet new people just in passing. It takes a RELATIONSHIP with someone to really get to know what they are really made of. This is the same with people and animals as well! The key to knowing the truth is to first be your sincere self. Don't wear a mask or masquerade. Secondly, look the person in the eye without judgment (very hard for many of us, but not me), listen to what they have to say and give them permission to speak from their heart withou malice or fear whie you open yourself up to make a possible lifelong friend. Think about the day you met the person who wound up being your best friend, your mate, your favorite teacher. Didn't this happen between the two of you? Yes!

Whenever I think someone is "bad," I remember what Mamma taught me. She said that we tend to put our own weaknesses into our perceptions of others. Well, she didn't say it exactly THAT way, but what was meant is that if you assume something about someone, it may not be true that they are that way, but chances are, they strike fear in you, bring out the worst in you or are simply a mirror of your own true nature.

I can go on about this topic all day! I love it! I love you, too Dr. You're so fair and wise. Keep up the awesome work! At least that's my "first impression" of you! LOL


2007-07-18 22:36:04 UTC
There's no such thing as "gut instinct". Instead you are having actual thoughts about someone when you meet them and like or dislike them. Whether they remind you of someone or it's their clothes, even if you can't identify the origin, rest assured you are drawing an opinion. And again, there's no magical way to discover whether your first impression is right or wrong other than to wait and see what happens. You could do that if you want or simply ignore them from then on and never find out. It's entirely up to you.
2007-07-18 22:31:54 UTC
I actually think that first impressions do not show the character of the person but how you are going to relate to that character. If your first impressions are good, it does not mean that person is a good person but just that you can get along with him or will give him the benefit of the doubt or will always think of the good in him and not the bad (in the future). If the person has a bad first impression, he maybe a very good person deep down, but you may not like him for some reason and may always think of the bad in him or her. It is just so that you can 'feel' good, in the fact that this person either is too different to you or that you do not accept his character because it makes you feel bad in some way (maybe fearful, may inferior, maybe too snobbish). The fact that first impressions exist cannot always be true otherwise people would never change, never have choices and no-one would ever be wrong. It just shows how compatible that person is to you (regardless of his morality). That is why some people marry bad people to only realize their wrongs later in the relationships and are deceived throughout it, or some good and honest people and harmless people(that maybe 'cursed' or misunderstood because of their indifference) maybe criticized more (and good people are often criticized dreadfully whilst evil people are accepted and admired who may do bad things to you later). This myth of first impressions is not just an old wives tale of instinctions being perfect, but it is a superstition that really makes good judgment and fair opportunity and representation obsolete. It may help in times of need when instincts are all that is available, but it does not mean it is righteous or moral. It is an adaptation that Charles Darwin would have liked but even he would know we all evolve, and the origin of character is not always shown in the first instance. It takes time to know people but in this short life we may not have it, so first impressions may count more. It maybe a time saving skill but it may also lose many opportunities and waste time too. In other words, you cannot be loyal to it, because it maybe wrong, but you can trust it, in that it will lead you to how instincts plan your survival strategies naturally. The accuracy of acknowldgement is not always right but it can be a good guide to how both instincts can adapt and can be compatible so you can be 'progressive' with him or her (again regardless of moral levels) .
2007-07-18 19:57:11 UTC
Trust your instincts almost always. But you are allowed to make exceptions. Try to limit the exceptions only to times when there are environmental signals that are aware to you. For example a person you meet rubs you the wrong way and you have a bad impression, however, as he asks you out, you happen to see to see a cardinal sitting next to a robin on a tree branch. Look for the signs if you think your gut feeling may be off.
2007-07-18 19:23:45 UTC
your first impression is just that,a first impression. Anyone can have an "off" day; maybe they hadn't sleep,just lost there job,and these days everyone being on the run, might mean they skipped a meal and are MEAN due to low blood sugar. Time Will tell more if you get that chance to spend more time. (that is what engagements are for too.)

Otherwise, you can watch their behavior with other people,listen to the content of their conversation.

My son worries he Will pick the right girl to marry. I tell him not to worry, that the girl can stay with our family for a summer. We seem to have a challenging (stressed ) life.

If any thing weird happens it happens to us. (Like the time a raccoon chewed into our attic and we didn't know there was a huge hole until it began to rain and the roof was leaking water into multiple rooms in our house. My kids were real troopers,they just put out the pots to catch the water. They happened to have a sleep over that night. Some "friends" never came back.Guess those weren't real friends!

Also it depends how fine tuned your gut impressions are. Do you really listen to yourself? I think it has been helpful in my life to have tried to become more finetuned. There are excellent books that help too,the most recent one Iread was by an author who helped pick jurors for high profile cases. It's

been nice as I've gotten older, to be burned less offen.
Chief High Commander, UAN
2007-07-18 18:10:22 UTC
No it isn't fair to assume someone is a bad person just based on a feeling. But too often, I've found my gut instinct is correct.

You base your future on what you KNOW was true in the past.

And part of this forms that instinct to trust or not trust. Certain co-workers that I haven't known a long time, I trusted blindly, because I knew I trusted these same workers in the past. I;ve discovered that this new instinct is accurate. Such is the nature of things
2007-07-18 13:31:05 UTC
It is obviously very difficult to not trust your first instincts, when you meet someone for the first time. I am usually a really good judge of character, and I have been able to meet someone for the first time, and tell the kind of person they are. I am wrong sometimes, and I will be the first to admit it. I generally reserve judgement, until after I have gotten aquainted with them, to make a final ruling. As I said, my first impression is usually not far off, but I do try to give the individual the benefit of the doubt.
2007-07-18 13:08:47 UTC
You can't possibly know if your first impression is truly accurate, because a first "impression" causes a bias. Let's say I meet you, and my first thought is "She's a control freak." The first time you do something even slightly controlling, I'd think "See! I was right!" However, these teeny weeny controlling thing might have been so minor that I would have never noticed, let alone cared, had I not had that first impression.

You can't prove a negative, so a first impression just serves as a hypothesis about a person that will eventually be proven correct.
2007-07-17 22:39:57 UTC
There are a lot of variables here. It depends. What did you base your fist impression on in the first place? What is at risk here by deciding whether or not they are a bad person?

If the situation is something like picking up a stranger and giving them a ride, or getting in a car with someone else if you need a ride, your gut instincts can be important, especially if you have children in the car.

I have 3 very small children and when you have that responsibility you can't afford to be naive. I realize that for safety's sake judgments need to be made sometimes, but it should be based on logic and circumstance, not on someone's appearance.

If you base your decision not to get in the car, or not to give a ride on the circumstances ie, it's dark out, there are not many people around, then that's fine. If your decision is based on the way the person looks, then that is wrong because you can't know whether or not they are a bad person solely based on how they look.
2007-08-11 18:28:32 UTC
Well, as one of my teachers says, if you have the "uh-oh feeling" about someone, you should trust it. It's always better to be on the safe side.

After meeting someone for the first time, you can usually tell if they're a bad person or not. If they've had a bad life, they're probably rude, but you can't judge a book by its cover. You ask questions about people that don't seem rude. A rude question would be, "Have you ever killed anyone before?" That's a total invasion of personal privacy. Even asking what kind of gun they use is rude, so you should ask, "Have you ever handled a gun before, ya know, in case you have to use it for self-defense?" But sometimes, you don't have the liberty of asking questions. Like my teacher says, if you get a bad feeling about someone, go with it.

It doesn't matter if they haven't wronged you personally. You could be facing a serial killer who chooses to keep his identity secret, and is doing a good job.

It may not be fair, but hey, it's better to be safe than sorry.
2007-08-07 16:04:12 UTC
First impressions are rarely correct. But you have to start somewhere. It wouldn't be easy for people to get to know others if they didn't take time to interact with others. By this I mean of course people are going have a 1st impression of anyone they meet. They can either steer clear of that person based on that initial impression. Or try and get to know the true make of that person, by setting that initial impression aside.

Have you ever heard people talk about another person that you've never met? Of course that information is likely to be on your mind the first time you meet an individual, in turn influencing your first impression. And after interacting with the above mentioned person. You find out the person that gave you their impression of that individual they had, differs from your own. I don't think first impressions are accurate, but do play a part in peoples interest in getting to know others.
Angelia Aorika
2007-08-06 18:06:41 UTC
I never judge, I never label, I let the actions of the person who ive just met influence my opinions of them. I never go off first impressions, cause I learn years ago that the first impression, most of the time, is the wrong impression. The fact is a shy person thats usualy very talkative under a first impression basis would be apprehensive at first. then open up as they become comfortable with you. And, thus begin to show their true more natural side. There are a lot of mental interceptors that hinder our natural behavior when meeting someone for the first time, Like Shyness or Anxiety. So to base how your going to like someone, possibly in the future, based on how they act when first introduced would not be giving them a fair chance for them to get to know you or Vice versa.
2007-08-01 06:40:10 UTC

However it is your first impression, so that is all you have to go on. You have no choice to do anything else. Even research into the individual can be inaccurate. But once again this is all you have. Everything in this life is a matter of working with what you have.

The best thing to do in this case is to look at the only thing that you have to go on that you know for sure. That is your own ability to determine the nature of the person that you are facing.

Once done remember to take whatever you determine with a grain of salt, tomorrow is another day. You can live with somebody for 25 years or more and find out you did not really know the person.

But once again, remember that is what this life is all about. We go through this life sensing only what is truly past. Yet we can only move into the future. You have your life before you in mutable form only in your imagination. Once you act it is an act of creation, It is cast in stone. We live with this every day. It is truly a miracle that we survive at all. But we do, and we will continue to do so. Because we are each a miracle.

2007-08-01 02:48:05 UTC
There is no "good" person or "bad" person, and moreover, that topic is irrelevant to first impressions. Whether or not someone leaves a "positive" impression or "negative" impression on you at first meeting depends on how you "perceive" that person's "impression". If their impression does not have a favorable appeal to you then make no judgments and avoid them. Otherwise, be fair and neutral unless or until they leave a "bad" impression or fall out of favor with your perception of them. As for "gut instincts", this is an individual's perspective, however, in my experiences I find these to be usually with merit. Yes, go for the gut instinct, but, do so dispassionately.
2007-07-28 20:16:22 UTC
"You only get one chance to make a good first impression"... or so the saying goes. The first time we meet someone is when we form a frame of reference around that individual. Most people have really good instincts about certain things and some may be quick to judge others. I always trust my gut instincts but do give people a second or third chance to shape my opinions.
2007-07-25 15:07:10 UTC
First impressions are important to get a basic feel. The first thing said in any report dictates what the report is about. As with said report, every sentence stated afterwards aids in defining the thought and structure behind it.

The important part is to take that first impression as just that, the first one. If you continue to take in what is said, through words, tones, and body language, you can learn much more and it will lead to an accurate depiction.

This has always been my approach, and I will admit that at times that first impression is wrong, but it is most often, in a basic sense, right. The times it was wrong has taught me to look further. Right or wrong, it gives the basis of information, and there are times when you only have time for that first thought. In every case, start with the gut.
Susan Kelly G
2007-07-19 06:43:07 UTC
First impression are just that,,, impression. I do not think people for the most part judge at first impression, however having said that, I do believe in the "Gut Instinct" theory and this theory has gotten me out of two situation that proved later that I was correct in my thinking of that person.

I am not sure just how you can tell, as in if it is just a instant feeling you get, or that old sixth sense, or the vibes, but what ever it is I believe that one should listen to them.

As in my case, my adrenaline was liking working in overtime.

I felt scared and had a cold wave wash over me..

I think people should not judge on first meeting,, however,

listen to what your mind and body is saying and maybe we

all would be alot safer
2007-07-19 05:26:16 UTC
You have instincts for a reason. It is to protect yourself. It has been my experience that first impression are the ones you should listen to. In the past I had a first impression and it wasn't so good but I ignored it and paid for it later. But most importantly is that you should always proceed with caution no matter if it was a good impression or bad from the beginning. Always get the opinion of a well trusted friend or family member too.
2007-07-19 03:07:46 UTC
First impression may or may not be accurate but usually when your gut instincts bother you about someone bad, you are typically more cautious which in my opinion is a good thing. One should take the precautions anyway when meeting someone for the first time and not pour out your heart feelings there and then. Let the due course take its role and wait for the 2nd, 3rd or 4rth meeting. Yes one should always heed inner instincts!
2007-07-18 23:02:21 UTC
First impressions are usually a poor means of judging anyone, safe on cosmetic basis. Usually, most people are on guard and will rarely expose their true selves to strangers. First impressions can be more deceiving especially if the meeting is pre-arranged. Gut feeling as a means of judging someone at first meeting may also deceiving in the sense that prejudices may prevail over reason. For instance, if one has a bias towards overweight people, one may not like an overweight person at first sight but with due acquaintance, feeling may change. Factors of race, language, body shape and dressing are quite influential in first impressions depending on individual biases, but are mostly wrong.
nguyen thi phuong thao
2007-07-18 22:11:25 UTC
Most people are not aware of the Law of Attraction and how it affects every meeting we have with every person and event. "That which is liken unto itself is drawn".

We also have the Law of Deliberate Creation which is basically what you focus on you get.

So you could meet a really crummy person but if you expected to see and meet only nice people that would be the aspect of the person you would draw out.

We are always a vibrational match to whom we encounter. If someone starts off being rude or ugly they are just the mirror of who we are at that moment. So rather than being upset you can thank the rendezvous and try for self improvement.

Your internal guidance is your gut feeling. Good feels good and should be the intention of the day.

There are no coincidences in the Universe, not even this letter.
Md.Yunus M
2007-07-18 21:02:44 UTC
When I met someone for the first time, it will impress typically influence my opinion especially someone who is bad person. I will only trust a person when I see the result. I cannot trust a person true gut instinct.
2007-07-18 17:02:11 UTC
I truly believe you should trust your gut. If your a people person you can usually tell what someone is like by the conversations you get into. There likes and dilikes there belieafs, there dislikes, there goals in life. Remember when you first meet someone that person is always on there best behavior there never gonna just come out and say yes I am a bad person or I did this to so and so. Its like a job interview when you are meeting someone for the first time.
2007-07-18 15:47:03 UTC
it depends on what qualities/characteristics that first impression was based on and how in-depth or analytical it was. a first impression is not necessarily a single, first glance.

example: if the person smells bad, clothes are filthy, dirty hair, nails, etc. i think a first impression of the person being lazy, inconsiderate, poor social skills, would likely be correct. but if the first analysis is shallow, you might miss important clues that would indicate a different story. like is the person embarrassed by the condition of their clothes, or smell? are the clothes of a good quality and the dirt is obviously from some recent activity or accident vs. ground-in grime? these are signals that may mean the first impression may not be what it seems.

another example is when someone uses a racial epithet or off-color joke/remark - regardless of the circumstance, a first impression can be made that the person harbors some level of racism (conscious or unconscious), may not be able to control their temper/emotions, may be poorly educated or lack a certain level of sophistication, or is prone to boorish behavior without regard to others.

so when meeting someone for the first time, it's important to be observant and notice detail AND to listen twice as much as speak...using this as a rule of thumb, i generally go with my gut instinct...
2007-07-18 14:21:18 UTC
Always I keep my opinion / gut feeling / instincts on sideways while meeting someone for the first time. Once the meeting is over, I compare my first hand observations with my instincts / opinion about the person. This is similar to gnawing by cow. First impression takes the final shape after the process of gnawing. And, my success ratio is more than 90 %. I am thankful to the almighty for my built in sixth sense.
2007-07-18 13:34:10 UTC
First impressions last although i can remember being wrong a few times.

Once or twice i really really did not like the look of someone,i wouldnt want the person anyway near me but ended up thinking they were absolutely great.

Once was the best boss i ever had and another was a guy i met at college who turned out to be a bit of a book genius.

I've been wrong the other way too unfortunately which has made me very short.

Nothing worse than someone who turns out to be a sneak.


Usually gut instinct is right,right for you anyway.

2007-07-18 12:42:04 UTC
I believe that first impressions are really a composite of our natural instinct and what society has taught us on at least a subliminal basis. For example, we automatically judge someone upon meeting them based on their appearance, dress, and mannerisms. This is human nature as we are truly from the animal kingdom and we subconsciously ascertain on this initial imperssion whether the person is "friend or foe" so to speak. However, if we use our best judgment, if the person's initial impression is one of "friend", then we should engage that person in conversation to determine their personality type, moral character and value system, and commonalities between yourself and that person. This should be done before you make a final decision about another person.

I generally take my time before I make such a decision, but have met people that I "felt" that something was not quite right about the person. In my experiences, I have found that in time that "gut instinct" or initial response to a person was pretty accurate. I believe this "gut instinct or response" to another goes back to our human instinct to survice and we should at least pay attention to it -- earlier in the development of man I believe this has saved their lives so we should not just discount it.
2007-07-18 09:05:08 UTC
You cannot rely on 5 mins with a person to know whether you think they are a good person or not. You need to know more about them in order to give them a fair chance. It all depends on the situation as well. Meeting someone by yourself in a dark alley in a bad part of town is a whole lot different than meeting someone at church surrounded by friends and family. Your guard is up in situations where you are meeting a total stranger without knowing whether you will see them again. The opposite is true as well: you will be more open to someone you meet at work, through a friend, or in an organization.

First impressions are extremely biased for these reasons. Give someone the respect anyone should be given until they prove that they deserve otherwise.
2007-07-18 06:49:17 UTC
I almost never go by a first impression, there's rarely a need.

Approach each new person you meet with an open mind, but with obvious caution. If you just meet someone and they do something like ask to borrow $1000, does it make a difference if they are creepy or extremely well groomed and slick? Either way it would be a bad idea. Many of the best con-men are good because they present themselves as trustworthy (which they've no doubt practiced.). I judge by the action taken, not by instinct.

Generally a person who expects complete trust when you first meet them (and gets indignant if you show caution) is most certainly not trustworthy. A reasonable person realizes they have to prove it to you they can be trusted.
2014-09-18 13:32:26 UTC
There could be something relatively extraordinary that they are experiencing. Also, when two people meet for the first time I think that both of them behave in an affected way to some degree. As an aside, it is said that one doesn't really get to know another until they get married. I say they perhaps get to know each other a little better if they get divorced. A first impression is just that. The first of maybe many, many more and probably limited by lifespan.
2007-08-13 16:12:22 UTC
One must search within to understand why they acquired this impression of this person. Is it a true gut feeling or based just on a certain look or that the person looks like another that you don't like. Reading body language tells you much. If your impression is based on a body language that gives you clues by all means go with it. Once we are comfortable with ourselves we can make accurate assessments that will prove true 99 % of the time. We must not fool our own selves by making excuse for just mean thoughts toward someone innocent. I think the key is knowing yourself and trusting your instincts. The eyes and body language tell us much. Do not wait to be wronged. Proceed with caution if you trust your instincts.
2007-08-13 13:42:52 UTC
It is usually the wisest thing to go with your gut in this situation. It is probably not fair to assume that you are right about the person, but better safe than sorry. You can usually be sure, or atleast be close because you notice a number of things about them during the first impression. For instance, the way they present themselves. The way they carry themselves, posture, smile, even down to how they dress can help determine alot. Usually also, the first conversation can help you determine their outlook on things Whether or not they approach things with a positive or negative attitude. Most of the time, you should just go with your gut.
2007-08-10 20:59:36 UTC
When its a matter of safety (meeting someone) and there is something that doesn't feel right (call it instinct or psychic ability or good people skills) trust your feelings. If you're wrong maybe you hurt his feelings. Thats mild compared to if you're right but don't follow that gut instinct - and find yourself alone with a dangerous individual.

When its not a romatic interaction, give the person a chance , but still watch your back. Always remember the Ted Bundys of the world who could charm clothes off a nun.
Eric W
2007-08-08 08:31:11 UTC
As a new employee with a company, I've meet a lot of new people these last few weeks. With this, I've learned that you cannot trust your first impression. People's outwards appearance is typically dependent on what has happened that day.

Did they have a tough morning? Came into the office in casual clothes, ends up their 2 year old spit up on them at drop-off and they only had gym clothes.

Do they appear lazy? Maybe they just finished a big project and need to take a break afterwards.

I've learned to take that first impression and file it away. Maybe it will be correct, but probably not.
2007-08-08 05:14:31 UTC
I believe that first impressions are not necessarily the best impression but I also believe in gut instinct. All of this can also be affected by the situation in which you first meet. The relationship in which you have at the time you first meet. You also enter into a relationship with someone (this is not to imply anything but first meeting not intimate) with pre-conceived notions that are part of your emotional, cultural, physical make up. So without having met this person you may have a formed opinion of this person. We are a product of our up bringing, our exposure to our environment, cultural bias, physical bias, social bias. Those that are open minded, accepting of people outside our social, cultural and economic class can look beyond and see people beyond first impression. However in today's society we must live in a society where we must be guarded and although many people open their hearts and minds to new relationships we may not get to know people out of our own personal protections.
2007-08-02 19:15:04 UTC
First impressions are usaully lasting ones. With that being said there is no exact science to knowing a person from a first impression. You have to give people a chance and really get to know someone before you judge because we all know you cant judge a book by its cover. You still have to be cautious this day and age. I always try to assume the best but keep myself prepared for the worst. Dont be too judgemental because the person you are judging could end up being the best person you have ever met.
2007-08-02 12:20:50 UTC
I've learned the hard way to trust my first impression of people when I meet them. Body language alone tells you if the person is honest. Then there's eye contact. There's a lot to be said about the eyes being the window to the soul. If a person won't meet my eyes when I talk to them I have to wonder what they're hiding. Usually, when I have ignored my gut instinct I wish I hadn't.
2007-08-01 00:12:17 UTC
The best you can do is go by your own personal past experience.

Analyze all of your friends. What first impression did you have of each of them? Were you right or wrong? What about other people you know?

Do you see a pattern? Now you have a better idea of how often your gut instincts are correct. Remember it and take it with a grain of salt.
2007-07-30 14:46:26 UTC
Normally your gut instinct is the best one you have. Something tells you it's not right, go with it. Typically it's a vibe you get or an inner most feeling that you are getting off of the person. Take and run with it. Maybe it's a personality conflict or just something you can't put your finger on.

In todays age, rather be safe then sorry, is what i've always been told. In the end, i've always been right.

Good Luck!
2007-07-30 06:44:52 UTC
Everyone somehow or other is warned from situations we come accross or people we meet.

We usually dont listen to our first gut feeling and only to realize wer should have.

First impressions are very important in every aspect of our lives. Going to a job interview ungroomed will only show the employer that we are probably be lazy, irresponsible, and dont really care to do thing the correct way, after all we dont even take the time nor interest to groom ourself

I think that if at first, you sense something wrong or bad in a person, you should really listen, now that doesnt neccesarly mean, you cant continue investigating his background.

If you should decide to ignore your feeling, I could only tell you to persue with CAUTION !
2007-07-29 20:03:02 UTC
I feel first impressions a very important. We all use first impressions to gage who we should trust and who we should not. Are we always However that does not mean we should not use those gut feelings. More often than not, they are correct. Is that fair? Yes it is...That is a protective measure for each individual, and we ALL do it. Furthermore, we all should trust out gut feelings, anyone who does not is being very nieve and is asking for alot of pain in their live.

I feel the more important question would be how do we know when that first impression is incorrect? The answer to that is simply time and experiance with that person. I feel one must be guarded with people that we don't know, opening up to that person little by little. Eventually, with experiance with someone, your feelings can change. But the other person needs to prove their trustworthyness to you.
2007-07-25 23:38:00 UTC
Normally I find that there are clues, when meeting someone first impression or not. I typically look at how you treat other people, and judge from that perspective. Because that's my role in allowing another human being in my life, and depending on if I make a good choice, or bad choice is going to present my future mentally, emotionally, spiritually, sexually, and possibly physically, therefore a good choice is imperative.

I generally like to go out to a dinner, or lunch first, in a setting such as this you can tell somethings about person for instance, if a person drinks too much, how they handle relationships, they are not close too, because if a person is not treating the person they are not close to right, I can imagine how they may treat me within the relationship when things are not going well, and that's extremely important, also if it's in appropriate gesturing, it may mean, that person dosen't know how controll their selves, which may be a clue that other area's may be less controlled in that person life, also at other people passing by or walking in, depending on how that person handles beautiful people, are they dress appropriate for the dinner in a leisure lunch or dress down dinner, also if that individual talks down to the person, serving them this may be a clue that the person themselves have self esteem issues. So in general when dining with some one it's like having a resume in person, and if that doesn't work, try a stroll in a park, the lake, if you have car go see about getting your car fix at a part store together, that will tell you everything.
2007-07-19 07:46:25 UTC
I always give the person the benefit of the doubt. My motto is " Prove me right!" If I didn't do that then I would miss out on life, people enter your life to show and or teach you things; if you ward off everyone as though they are going to deceive, hurt or abandon you then you're really not living. Life is about experiencing hurt as well as happiness and in order to experience that then you need to just give everyone a chance. That is just my take on impressions. Gut instincts are what they are it’s a cringing in your gut about someone, its up to the individual about trusting that, I don't. Life is about feelings so how can we feel something if were not open? So get to know the person….;)
2007-07-18 21:55:11 UTC
Your truest indicator is that little voice deep down inside you called "gut instinct", "intuition" etc. That little voice inside you can be easily overridden by what you consciously want to think or believe, but that little voice is always right. The more you learn to "tune in" to your intuition, the more you will learn to recognize and follow what intuition is telling you.

Almost everyone has met someone that was extremely likeable, etc, and on the surface, there was no reason to NOT like the other person, but gut instinct would insist on giving you a bad feeling or warning feeling about the other person that seems so likeable, honest, charming, smart, etc. And time would prove that your gut instinct was correct.
2007-07-18 21:00:01 UTC
In my opinion, you do not know if your first impression is accurate when meeting someone new. We humans have so many sides to us that a person that is in control can act any way they want to act when around another human. Being as we are not mind readers but people with mindsets; it could be possible that someone you are meeting for the first time is simply "testing" you. Although we do not like mind games, they are a form of protection against people that are devious and evil.

My gut instinct tells me usually that if a person is sweet and nice and being overly helpful---be wary; they want something, if not even their own piece of mind to simply say "I was a good Samaritan"

Everyone has a good and bad side and I would rather know just how bad they can be hoping that on the other side of the scale they are just as nice so as to be balanced.

Mind you, I am not a masochist and I abhor violence; it does scare me; but experience has taught me; watch out for nice people--they will hurt you as much as not so nice people.

Sad to say we must always be on our guard.

One should never assume because as my doctor told me it makes an "*** out of u and me", if you really want to know this person, ask them straight out; if they don't give you a chance to explain why you want to know then I might simply tell them "I just want you to be my friend but I am sure that there is something to what I heard, I just would like to hear your side of the story so that when someone confronts me with it, I am more able to defend you as a friend"
2007-07-18 20:01:13 UTC
Everyone of us has been wrong before in our first impressions, our instincts, inclinations, etc. So, we would be fools to rely on that as our sole method of decision making. But at the same time, everyone of us has experienced one of those thank-God moments in which that inner voice said, "Watch out," or "Get away," or "You can't trust him." So, equally, we'd be fools to ignore that inner voice. It's a little like the presumption of innocents in the law. The law says that we're innocent until proved guilty. So, we go in saying, "Okay, you've got my attention. My first thought is innocence. Is that how it will remain?"

If my first impression is in some way ominous then I pull back. I don't walk away, per say, but let's just say that I'm back and on guard. My brain is like a super computer on overdrive, processing information faster than ever before. Why did I get that feeling? What am I seeing? The presumption is at that point, danger. I need to find overwhelming evidence to contradict my first impression. But it can happen. Obviously it works much the same way with a positive first impression. Maybe my guard drops some, maybe I move in a little closer. But I do not completely trust a positive or negative first impression. They are simply the most compelling bit of evidence that I have at that time. Make sense?
2007-07-18 19:38:38 UTC
Obviously there are particulars in people others do not like. For example: if someone is very loud and the life of the party and another prefers someone who is shy and quiet, the life of the party is going ot be an immediate turn off.

Everyone have things they like to see in another character whether it is verbalized or not. These are perhaps the inner gut feelings that we are talking about. Not necessarily true the person is a bad person, it may be the person is not right for the other person's personality.

Deal breakers utilized.
2007-07-18 16:03:48 UTC
you cannot learn everything about a person with first impression. a first impression can give you the sense of a person's confidence and sincerity, not much more, why?

confidence and sincerity are not things you can just turn off, these are things you cannot just get over night either.

looks on first impression don't matter, why? here is an example. most people would assume that if they see a man who walked into a starbucks with long s jeans and a sweater with paint covered over it that he was either a slob or an uneducated blue collar worker. wether it is true or not you don't know. this is why first impressions lead people with wrong infomation. why? this guy has a college degree, a master's degree actually, but took some time off to paint his house. he is actually a CEO.
2007-07-18 12:58:38 UTC
Contrary to popular myth, one should never trust one's gut instinct. Gut instinct is based on emotional and inductive reasoning. Yet, even though gut instinct is usually wrong, most listen to their own gut instinct. Reason - it's a quicker way to make a decision in our fast paced society. We just don't have time to look over all of the facts. Chances are by looking over all the facts and using deductive reasoning based on logic we still might not come up with a conclusive answer. So we use our gut instinct and tell ourselves it's rarely wrong, then go on to the next matter at hand. Gut instinct is like the fast food of reasoning. It satisfies the hunger.
2007-08-13 10:14:52 UTC
Well that's the whole thing you really can't be for sure. You have to trust your instinct and gut feeling about people. I knew this one lady and at first she seemed so sweet just a really nice person and had it together. She ended up being a total nut case lol. Anyways their physical appearance and what they say has a lot to do with first impressions. I watched your show and I like it, but you wouldn't see me on there haha.
LiberiaVenture Capital
2007-08-02 16:51:43 UTC
First impression is important but you have to realize that meeting someone for the first time is just a split second of that person's entire live journey, it is therefore impossible for one to determine the true character of a person on first meeting especially taking into consideration the complexities of human behavior.

Another thing one should take into consideration is on a first meeting, almost everyone will perform to be someone else, they won't be themselves just to impress the person they are to meet.

Considering the human art of performance, portraying a different person for whom they are not, a first impression is not advisable, the wrong person could give you false impression of been the perfect one and the right one always tend to place impression which could be humble to the point where you won't see that fire you which for, all to test and read the kind of person you are, for them first impression is out of their dictionary and you could be wrong of your gut instinct and you could be missing an angel.
2007-08-02 06:35:52 UTC
I believe that a person has a gut instinct for a reason. It gives us a warning about people who could be potentially dangerous or harmfull. In cases where women have been attacked they said that when they saw the person they just new something wasn't right. Unfortunatly sometimes we may be wrong about someone based on a first impression, but it's always better to be safe. There is a reason there is that little voice inside your head.
Carrots and bunnies
2007-07-27 20:05:59 UTC
Yes it is fair to go with your gut some times. I have heard of so many girls who have avoided horrible things like rape and kidnapping by avoiding someone who gave them a bad feeling. One time a door to door sales man came to my house. He seemed nice enough but there was something that bothered me. When he asked to come in I declined even though he seemed like the nicest man. I called the company of the product he sold. They didn't do door to door! It turned out he was a much wanted mugger, who would enter the house and then pull out a gun to rob the place. TRUE STORY.

Oprah gave an entire article on going with your gut was often right. Similiar possibly to how dogs can sense if you're a bad person.

My rule is this: if you feel the person can put you in ANY danger, avoid. If it is a rather petty matter of assuming whether or not someone is a geek, a jock, gay, or anything like that, get more information before you make a snap judgement. Thanks if you acctually read the entire thing. :)
Answer Girl
2007-07-19 08:29:47 UTC
The old adage is true -- you only get one chance to make a first impression. Typically, when I meet someone, I can usually tell by instinct if they are all they try to portray, I can usually tell if I like them or not, and most of the time can tell what motive the person has. It is just gut instinct and I'm usually not wrong. Maybe women's intuition?
2007-07-19 08:20:02 UTC
When I first meet a person I either like them or dislike them. I always give them a second or third chance, but I have come to the conclusion in my 48 years that my first opinions, my gut instincts were always right. It's not because I have that in my mind all the time. I've liked the person then they've done something horrible to make my first opinion true.
2007-07-19 07:13:22 UTC
Life experiences denote your opinion.

Someone doesn't have to wrong me personally and may have no intention of doing me harm. However, If my gut instinct tell me not to trust a person and feel that they may wrong me given the opportunity then I suspend my decision as to whether I want to know that person. In which case I assume this person could be untrustworthy. My gut feeling kicks in and makes an assessment on a persons character and makes that initial judgement. The untrustworthy person has to prove to me otherwise that they are honourable, trustworthy, decent and I am open to accept that I got it wrong in the first place. I think we live in a world where it is sensible to assume a person 'bad' in the first instance if that is what your gut instinct is telling you just until you get to know that person better.
2007-07-19 07:07:55 UTC
There is this book called "Blink: The power of thinking without thinking" (by Malcolm Gladwell) and it is all about first impressions "the gut feeling". TRUST it. It is usually a message from the unconscious part of your brain, whereas it has picked up a pattern or SOMETHING that you actively do not see. That is one of the many jobs that your brain can do.

The unconscious part of our brain is responsible for breathing, heart beating, etc. (all the functions that are necessary for living). BUT it does other things too. It serves as another "thinker" only we dont have to actively do it. The brain does it itself and when it sees something, it tells you. That is how artists can look at a painting and know immedietly it is fake. That is how Moms know you are lying. That is how a basketball player can circle the court without even looking. Trust your first impression/gut feeling. It is usually right.
2007-07-19 02:11:19 UTC
First impressions are sensory and emotionally based and therefore can not be trusted in so far as making any long term decisions.

A used car lot has hundred's of shining, freshly cleaned autos and the first impression may prompt a sale but only by driving the car for a period of time can validate that first impression. Most cars are reliable which leads to a positive thought process that the first impression was correct. It's too bad people can't be as reliable as cars.
2007-07-19 00:54:55 UTC
The answer to all these questions is.....practice, practice, practice. When a person starts trusting their intuition and using it along side the rest of their senses, it becomes incredibly accurate. I cannot remember the last time I thought that I had been way off base when meeting someone new. What this means is that you have to go out on a limb and trust yourself 100% of the time; what you think, what you believe. Stand up and have an opinion and then back it. Most people can't do that.
wayne g
2007-07-19 00:08:18 UTC
Call it first impression, vibes or gut feelings. A person can

get that feeling that tells you that this is a person you can be

friends with. No one can have a personality that everyone

else likes. It doesn't always mean that the other person is

bad. It may only mean that you share nothing in common.

When I met my wife I spoke no Spanish, she spoke no

no English. Within 15 minutes through an interpreter we

agreed to get married. The next time I saw her we walked to

church together. The next day , Monday, we got married.

I would do it again. That was 37+ years ago.

First impressions count. It's said that the eyes are windows

to the sole. I believe that.
Sahana Ash
2007-07-18 22:48:39 UTC
i normally try not to give negative impressions of people i meet... because some behaviors they exhibit that is not you, or perhaps some reactions to things that you do not expect may give completely false impression on people... like if for example you baked cookies you're distributing when someone is introduced to you and he refused because he is either full or extremely shy, some people would read that as rude or sort of snub... but then, how would you tell ...

or that if you met people you can't look at people they barely knew in the eye nor do they make welcoming conversation, this does not necessarily mean that the person is completely snub or rude or whatever, but then, it could also happen the other way and you thought they are just being shy...

i do believe, first impression doesn't really give the all or the general in one's personality... i know so because i most of the time is a victim of bad impression, only to later get compliments with lines that starts with 'oh i thought you're...' and so on...
2007-07-18 19:59:32 UTC
I don't... I just do, lol=P

Hope that made sense. I am pretty analytical anyway and generally have a good "read" on people, I do get it wrong at times but rarely.

It (first impressions) does change over the course of time the more you get to know a person.

Observe and reflect upon your past opinions on judgments you made... if you've been right all along, it's a pretty good indication that your gut instincts are accurate - stick with that.
2007-07-18 19:43:44 UTC
The most important thing is that you have to have an open mind yourself and be free of emotion that you would project onto the person. Sometimes, in the language of object relations psychology, we engage in projective identification. Where we actually induce feeling states or behaviors in others. Obviously if we are engaging in this we are not getting a true read on a persons character.

The other important thing to realize is that, even if we are open minded and free of projections, we are only witness to a snapshot in time of another person.

Would you like to be judged on the basis of of your worst day? Or even a day when you were hungry and had had too much coffee and not enough sleep.

So an accurate first impression is just that, a good slice in time. To be backed up or disproved with more evidence.
Beautiful mess
2007-07-18 16:40:40 UTC
I remember the first time I ever met my step-mother. I wasn't in a very good mood to begin with and my parents' divorce wasn't the happiest part of my life. I was rude, unfriendly, and I looked awful because I'd just gotten back from spending the night at a friend's. I'm not a rude or unfriendly person at all, I was just having a bad day and a hard time in my life. I think first impressions can tell you a little, but you definitely shouldn't base a whole lot on them. What will you lose by takin a little time to get to know somebody? It'll be better for both of you in the long-run.
2007-07-18 16:31:29 UTC
I guess for me - I don't treat the person any different until I have a few more meetings. Sometimes I know I am running behind and appear frazzled - I hope that people give me another chance before judging me. On the other hand, I do trust my instincts and probably keep my awareness up if someone gives off a bad vibe on a first meeting.
2007-07-18 13:31:14 UTC
First impression always influences us. But when i meet someone for the first time and I get a bad feeling about them I just keep my eye open. I don't give them all of my trust, b/c trust shouldn't be just given to anyone we all have to work to gain others trust. So I just stay cautious of them till i can trust them fully. I didn't trust my current boyfriend when I first met him in high school, I thought he was just trying to play girls. So I decided to go hang out with him a couple of times. After a while he didn't seem like a jerk anymore, and I decided to be his girlfriend. We have been together for 1 1/2 now and I trust him more then anyone I know! First Impression aren't always the right Impression!
Janice K
2007-07-18 11:05:34 UTC
When someone has a bad mood, cramps, a family situation, they would not usually give a good impression.

I would pay attention to their smiles. I don't mind people not smiling at first if they are at least polite. I have a problem with people putting on a plastic smile. Whenever I see one I know I am in trouble. A fake smile, a rigid smile accompanied by negative talk is something I would watch out for. I would not label them a bad person, but they can be ingenuine, like to play politics, and use people to their advantage.

I trust my gut instinct, and I can tell whether they are pleasant to deal with or not.

Experience also helps.

It is absolutely fair to assume first impressions are true, because we are responsible for leaving good impressions.
Jen C
2007-07-18 08:23:23 UTC
If I have a gut instinct about someone on first meeting, I instinctivly look further to find why my "spider senses are tingling". I trust my instincts as they've been right way more often then wrong. So, while I do give the benefit of the doubt outwardly, inside I am looking for signs from the person that I am correct. I do believe very strongly that most people have a 6th sense, but not that many trust their first instinct. If more people trust in themselves, in their own gut, they'd find more and more often they are in fact correct. Its a skill, just like any other. It just needs to be honed and trusted.
2007-07-18 06:48:14 UTC
It's very hard to realize when you meet someone for the first time if that person are good, are bad....

If you have any experience with the people, usually you find out quickly how are there person.

If you haven't any experience, in that case it's more difficult.It's an important for the first time to observe and to watch carefully, to be a little reserved, "to stay away" for a moment, to Know much better that person, to observe how react or overreact the person.

Because, not only the experience it's a point with high importance but the character of the human people.

The person may dissimulate in your face, when you have the conversation and if she has a bad intention she can pretend other else.

So patiently, carefully and attentively you must initiate a relationship with she/him.

And in time that person will have a real behavior because she can't pretend for ever.

Or another's to"have a feeling"about that person or to judge her intuitive.It's possible to think right or not...don't make any action before thinking again!

Work with the people and try to "feel" them without any prejudice!

Yes, because if you feel that person it's bad but she don't hurt you directly, but you behave like that it's possible to have a wrong attitude.

So like I say, accord them a chance by observe them acting and behaving with the others persons.
2007-08-13 08:40:44 UTC
I always thought I was just "good" in this area. I didn't realize others feel the same way. I meet someone & right away know if I like them or not and my opinion has Always been right! My kids friends, etc., I spot the "good" from the "bad" & later, after they don't listen to my instinctive advise, they find out themselves (the hard way). I guess some people have a sort of "gift" in choices. I can't say I've ever chosen wrongly upon a "first meeting" opinion.
rey c
2007-08-10 07:10:41 UTC
I say trust your gut feelings, but "leave the door" open for the person and give them a second look. Some people bumble through situations because of not knowing how to act, so maybe that's why you get the wrong impression. With new friendships proceed cautiously and don't do anything that you aren't comfortable with. In other words, be in total control and confident. If a new acquaintance doesn't like that, remain true to yourself but be nice and cordial.
2007-08-01 23:57:32 UTC
Sad to say, there is no standard procedure to to know if your first impression is correct or not. It is considered correct until such time when that person has done something contradictory to your impression. Because people are changed by circumstances or environment, their character changes accordingly. Your gut feeling might be right for the first time but when something happened to a person to change it doesnt mean that your impression was wrong. We should give an allowance for personality changes and avoid putting everybody on a particular box of our impression. Otherwise, no one will be accurate of any first impression
2007-08-01 21:44:23 UTC
I always trust my gut. If someone gives a strong enough impression one way or the other to set off red flags or otherwise, then I would say my feelings are mostly accurate. However, few people actually set off the red flags, meaning that mainly, my first impression is indifferent, and I wait for some true colors to shine through before forming an opinion.
2007-07-31 07:17:44 UTC
thats a good question.:0) I learned to trust my instinct, I will give the person a chance but, would also ask questions that worry me about this person, I can usually tell by their answers. If it was something that I didn't like to hear that is my sign.

That's when I back off, I never trust anyone as it is very hard to trust anyone theses days.

Heres a good ? for you, my daughter is dating for the first time, he seems nice but, there is something that just does not seem right, I can not figure it out. I have been asking her many questions and reading his my space all the time, I just can't put my finger on it..........I asked all I could but, still I am unsure. She's a virgin and I am very protective, and he knows she is, so that makes me more upset, as she is 17 and he is 19. Both want to pursue the medical field. He had a bad life, my daughter didn't, his father beat his mom and him when they were little, will he do the same to women?
russ key
2007-07-30 09:32:10 UTC
you should always trust your gut instincts and use prejudice and stereo types when meeting people because s-t's are usually right i mean they do have to come from somewhere and if you think someone is bad but proves otherwise that is great you got to know the person safely and not with too much trust or areas to be hurt in if you assume everyone is good because you think its wrong to use stereo types and prejudice and the person is bad this can be very detrimental and precarious to you. I'm not saying isolate your self from every one but keep your guard up if you have a funny feeling about someone use history in judgments on people and never ever be politically correct.
2007-07-26 12:30:10 UTC
The first impression though matters as the saying goes but may not always be the last impression. It may tell you about the persons exterior behavior...body &verbal language , presentation etc. But ur gut feeling develops only after some time having appraised his background, likings , dislikings, philosophical ideas etc.

Assuming that the gut feeling says that his intent, in general is not focused or right, then it is fair to say that u dont trust him. A person with wrong intention gives himself away , when he is in a comfort zone.

With this kind of person, who may not have wronged me personally, I would never trust , coz. such personality behavior is never stable.
2007-07-23 20:38:11 UTC
I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. I believe that if you act like you expect the best from people (including the subtle nonverbal cues that show you mean it!), they're more likely to show you their best side. I know it's not a foolproof defense against people who might want to cause me harm, but it's served me well enough so far, since I don't think I get more than an average share of personal wrongs, and it's a whole lot more pleasant than constant paranoia.

I know my gut instinct to like someone can be wrong, though. Once upon a time when I was in high school, my class went on a field trip to the courthouse to observe whatever happened to be going on that day. I happened upon a juvenile murder trial. When I entered the courtroom, proceedings had paused for a few minutes for reasons I've forgotten, and there was a witness at the front waiting for them to resume. He was about my own age, and I thought he looked kinda cute and friendly and I daydreamed idly about what it would be like to hang out with him or go on a date. But then the things that came out of his mouth over the next hour were so utterly horrible! He talked casually about how his friend met someone who owed him money for drugs, dragged the victim back to a house, tortured him in the basement while the witness and a girl played guitar in the next room, killed him, and buried him under the basement floor in garbage bags.
2007-07-19 09:55:06 UTC
One key to knowing your first impression of someone is correct is knowing yourself. If you have a good grasp of who you are as a person then it's easy to read others. Of course, as with anything, experience makes reading people a lot easier.

The more extroverted people are the easier it is to read them. If they are introverted (shy, guarded, etc.) it's often hard to get a true first impression. Some are open but ashamed of their openness which leads them to give off a "false vibe" so to speak. A good example of this is a womanizing man who knows that if he comes across as such, his chances of meeting women are slim, so he hides his true nature and a less experienced person may perceive him, on first impressions, as a so-called "nice guy".

How do you know when to trust your gut instincts? It's easy. ALWAYS trust them. If you feel there's something bad about a person and it turns our you're wrong, then no harm done. You'll learn he or she is a good egg. But if you ignore that "something's not right about this person feeling", you could get into a lot of trouble or even seriously hurt.

So ALWAYS trust your instincts.
2007-07-19 08:36:30 UTC
first impressions are a 'glimpse' into that person...I think what you feel about the person the first time you meet them is important...but it doesn't give you a reason to like or dislike them. Gut instincts take longer than one meeting with someone sometimes(but sometimes not...depending on how long you get to talk and make that first impression)Everyday you will see characteristics come out in people...It is always wise to give people a chance to either prove you wrong or prove you right with a first impression!
j n
2007-07-19 07:54:20 UTC
Think about the poker table for a minute.

A guy sits down. You've never met him. He is young, smells of liquor and is sloppily dressed. He doesn't speak to anyone. He has a huge stack of chips in front of him. You see that he is shorter than you and a bit on the heavy side.

How much has this guy just communicated? Is it enough to judge whether he is easy money or a dangerous player? Is his game going to be loose or tight? Is his mood going to fluctuate during the night making him more likely to leave the table early? Will he be willing to buy in again?

What are the risks if you're wrong in your judgement and what are the rewards if you are right?

The real world is a lot more expansive than the poker table. We take more stereotypes and more emotional baggage with us every where we go. And like the poker table, we use these things to make power plays. But unlike the poker table, we don't consider risks and rewards when we measure up other "players."

At the poker table, you may think that the person sitting accross from you is a goofball, based on your first impression. However, a good player would allow this person to make the first move and rely on knowledge of statistics and pot odds rather than immediately playing loosely against this person. In real life, "pot odds" should also come into play before acting on a first impression. For example, what are the "pot odds" that someone actually is a bad person, based on your perception of the number of bad people in the world? What are the risks and opportunity costs involved in thinking that someone is a bad person and what are the rewards in being right? What could you do to enhance the rewards or hedge the risks?

You should also think about what your first impression says about you. A tendency to see young, sloppily dressed players as loose players may make you a more predictable poker player. It may give other players room to exploit your stereotypes and take down your game. Likewise, a tendency to see other people as "bad" in real life could make you a seriously unpleseant person. If you have a tendency to classify certain types of people as "bad," you may want to examine your stereotypes and predjudices. If you have a tendency to believe people are "bad" after you hear malicious gossip about them, you may want to take a long hard look at your ability to make up your own mind.
Amy S
2007-07-19 06:09:48 UTC
The easy answer is: No, it is not fair to assume someone is a bad person based on a first impression. However, base instincts are right enough of the time to make them reliable, and sometimes life-saving. A stranger doesn't have to wrong you personally to give you "bad vibes" from the start. When all else fails, introduce someone to your dog--they are frequently a better judge of character than you!
2007-07-19 00:54:32 UTC
It's a tough question and there's no way we can judge someone by first impression. It's more about how that person presents him/her self in away that could influence that gut instinct. For me, if someone takes advantage of another from first meeting whatever the request or favor was, based on that I can analyze his/her motives to come to a conclusion on the personality of that person rather than going with my gut instinct.
2007-07-18 15:10:20 UTC
Simple; I don't. I put *very* little faith in first impressions. Of course I have to make decisions whom to approach based on my first impression when I enter a room full of people & have to decide who to talk to, or when I enter a train compartment & must decide where to sit; I can't go hand out surveys first. But I will base my opinion of someone mostly on the ensuing conversation after I've spoken with them for a while, my first impression doesn't linger and I've totally changed my mind about people so often I now hold zero faith in my ability to judge people at a glance. Some people think a lot about their gut instinct, but I've learned to trust my gut to digest food & not opinions!

In the rare instances I'm adamant about defending or judging someone, those have been people that I've heard a *LOT* about, usually over the course of YEARS or that have either helped or wronged me personally (and not just once with something minor either).
2007-07-18 12:56:45 UTC
I have found that my gut feeling is very accurate. When I meet someone for the first time and engage in lengthy conversation, I can usually tell what that person is like. it isn't a question whether I've been wronged , but the feeling I get about this persons overall values, beliefs, and or thought process.

I find that when you go with your gut feeling you can never be wrong. And in some instances keep yourself out of harms way.
2007-07-18 08:28:27 UTC
There have been times when I did NOT trust my gut feelings and wished I had. I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt, but keep my distance until I am sure. We CAN'T tell for sure. We have many personalities in this big old world. Some people come across to others in the wrong way, giving them a neg. gut feeling.... then in time realize, hmmmm this is a really nice person, just a little shy on first meetings.... or maybe they have a low self esteem problem and that shines through as negativity.I, myself, am a nervous type person, always have Been. I grew up in a home where there was a lot of chaos. I am less nervous now, but still battle with it. I also am always being told to smile . I seem to carry my stress on my face. I have also been told by some , that they thought I was a bit snobby, until they got to know me as a very friendly type person.We just need to keep our eyes wide open and our ears set on high volume. BY the way, I watched your new show last night. It was really good!HMMM, a little racism problem on there to begin with, but it turned out well. I plan to watch again.
2007-07-27 17:08:37 UTC
Unconditional love comes to mind when meeting someone for the very first time. I would have to give that person the benefit of the doubt when it comes to trust issues. I do a lot of listening and less talking so that I can make an educated conclusion as to whether there is going to be a second meeting with this person. Unconditional love goes a long way.
2007-07-19 08:55:52 UTC
I think the first thing to consider is the threat level. If you have a feeling of danger, then you need to trust it, because there may not be a second chance to consider it.

If there is no feeling of danger, then first impressions need to be proved correct or incorrect. I believe we are all connected in some way, and when we don't feel that connection right away, we can tend to think that it is because of something about the other person, but it could be where we are at that moment.

Also, all relationships change. I think it is important to trust the process of getting to know someone.
2007-07-18 13:58:13 UTC
My first instincts have historically been right, unless it was relating to a chemistry reaction to a person. I go with my gut most of the time.

However, I admit my impressions have changed over time with people I am forced into contact with through friends, work and activities (for better and for worse) so I know that unless it's the WARNING DANGER light going off, I don' t have to depend 100% on my instinct.
2007-07-18 01:39:25 UTC
To 'know' about the accuracy of a first-impression, there needs to be some time and experience of this person to accumulate.

Only *then* can you honestly *rate* your first impression.

Your question is asked in what appears to be the "present tense" as tho your are dealing in a snapshot evaluation.

<<< impression *is* accurate >>>

To really know, you must acquire a knowledge base of the person. This also requires some investment of time and effort in a longitudinal manner.

For me this requires "remembering" what my first impression was, and unless there was something signifigant about meeting the person, that memory would have become somewhat hazy ... and subject to selective "warping" if there had grown any negative feelings.

Maybe there is a memory-veil that peopel don't like to acknowledge. I can remember meeting someone who I didn't really like very much at first, but later on we became good friends.

Kinda weird, since in some converstations I would just nod my head and go along with the crowd to say "yeah, my gut reactions are almost always right" .... when experience has shown me that it ain't necessarily so.

Inconstant? maybe ... but maybe honest to admit iinaccuracies ... since there are LOTS of other things going on all the time when a "new person" is encountered ... millions and milllions of sensory-impressions happen every day ... to "know" which ones are important .. or long-lasting in impact .. that's a bit overrreaching to assume a person can really know ...

me, the sceptic ... LOLOL
Anthony G
2007-08-14 14:44:12 UTC
I find that the best way to know for sure if it really is just me or if it is possible that the person is less likeable than I thought is to talk to my friends. Especially if they know about the person, better if they actually know the person. I had recent experience with meeting someone who I felt kinda bad about. It wasnt that she was a bad person, but the first impression I got was that she was very direct and unrespectful, but after I met her a few more times and talked with people who knew her, I just discovered that she was just as worried about first impressions as I was, so now she and I are good friends.

So I think the gut feeling is important, but it is also to ask others their opinion about it so you don't get too burdened by it.
Julie F
2007-08-14 11:19:18 UTC
There is no way to know if your gut instinct is steering you in the right direction or not. First impressions can be very misleading and often your internal prejudices and prior experiences interfere. The majority of people base their initial judgments on what you look like or who you associate with and that isn’t an accurate portrayal of who a person really is.
2007-08-12 22:51:34 UTC
'Gut Instincts' are not random notions. They are a natural sense of judgement fine tuned over a lifetime of experience. While it should not be relied on solely, it most certainly should not be ignored. Your instinctive impression of persions, environments, situations, etc., are the mind's way of interpreting a vast array of sensory imputs that could never be processed conciously. Things as subtle as body language, voice tone, and micro-momentary facial expressions are just a number of the minor details that fall together to form a usually accurate picture. Give these impressions as much credance as sight, sound, touch, smell, etc.

Put simply, 'Trust your instincts, but keep an open mind both ways'
2007-08-11 22:25:28 UTC
I don't know why but I think it has to do with chemestry that we expell from the body. Like in someway you can tell how is the personality of the other person, and if you met someone alike in the past that you didn't like, you end up judging the new person as 'the same' as the last one.

I've been wrong with my first impressions... so now I have to give second chances... although I'm pretty much right with my gut feeling.
2007-08-11 20:45:44 UTC
"fair" has nothing to do with it.

By-and-large, your initial impression is a visceral response at the most basic level of human instinct - do I need to fear him/her? Asking if it is fair is akin to asking if it is fair that pretty people get more attention than less pretty people.

However, assuming the person doesn't immediately beat you up and take your lunch money, then the question comes down to your own enlightened self interest (OK, this person might be advantageous to know better) and how you convey what you think about to others.

What you convey to others, I think is really where the issue of "fair" comes into play. I try to convey as little as possible about my own initial impressions of someone to others unless I think there really is danger involved.

If I decide I don't want to sit next to somebody because of an initial impression, I don't really see how it hurts anyone other than myself. However, over time, continually shunning someone pointlessly does tear at the very fabric of society.

That is, very few humans are capable of living without surrounding society. I can't ... the person that I am needlessly giving a bad rap probably can't either.

If someone looks like a devious thug, then (even though looks can be deceiving), it behooves me to study this person beyond a first impression.

The nasty case is, of course, the converse - the person who looks like he or she is either milquetoast or charismatic (vs. evil) - and turns out to BE evil. This is why it pays to be at least a little skeptical of EVERYBODY.
2007-08-11 05:31:44 UTC
It could all depend on your previous experiences, but I met my husband on a Friday and 10 days later we were engaged. We were married 23 weeks and one day after our first meeting and are now in the 39th year of marriage.

I have also met people and you know almost straight away that you like them. We have 4 sets of friends that this happened with, and we haven't been proved wrong. They are the nicest people you would wish to meet.

On the other hand I have met some women at my chosen sport and instinctively I know that they are not sincere and would stab you in the back if they could. I think it is a matter of chemistry, and the body language and signals that you and they exchange, as to whether you will get on well with them or not.
2007-08-09 18:09:23 UTC
The old saying goes that first impressions are always important. Meeting new people for some people can be stressful and make them nervous. (Like on a date)

I like giving people the benefit of the doubt. And not judge them because of a first impression. Although I am pretty good at knowing if someone is nice or mean. I pay attention to what they say, rather than how they behave. If someone says ' I am nervous' than giving them that makes knowing them easier. You sometimes have to over look things in life and not take how people are so seriously!
2007-07-25 11:23:03 UTC
I believe you could go many ways with this question. It's certainly not fair to judge someone based soley on first impressions, but in today's time, one does have to be cautious. If you are in a neighborhood known to have bad habits, then you tend to be more weary of the person than you would in one that's known to have good habits.

It seems this social habit has gone through a degeneration over time. As we grow, we watch and learn from other people: how they act, how they talk. We make these ideas our own and think nothing of it. A gut feeling is really a learned feeling. The same goes with anything else: religious beliefs, political standpoints, and attitude overall.
Kathy H
2007-07-25 09:44:33 UTC
I have learned that at times my judgement is not always correct. And you can't tell much about a person by only knowing them a brief time. So I now go past my first impression and weight how much I trust someone by how they react to situations in thier life, thier morals and judgements.

I base my trust on getting to know someone over a period of time. And slowly allowing them into my life, not just letting them into my life all at once. As I feel trust is something that is earned not just handed out to everyone.

As the most formal person who is clean and well kept can be the one who betrays you more then the person who looks like a hobo. So it isn't looks but it is a person's heart that I weight out. And that will then show me if I should trust them or not.
2007-07-25 08:59:54 UTC
While you cannot depend upon your "gut instinct" to be accurate in every circumstance, you do need to apply common sense.

You can treat anyone with kindness and respect, even someone who instantly rubs you the wrong way (i.e., the check-out clerk who seems offended at you for daring to purchase merchandise at her counter). You can smile and wish her a nice day.

But to move beyond day-to-day interactions--to trust someone with your friendship, your family members, your possessions, your credit card information--you must have some basis for trust. If every instinct is telling you that an individual is a "bad person," then there may be a good reason for it. Not prejudice... just good common sense.
Joe S
2007-07-23 12:29:09 UTC
Does a person have a "right" to be accepted? No. We all take risks when meeting new people. It is up to each individual to set their standards on how what relationships to pursue.

In short, I object to you question of if it is "fair" to assume something or other about a person. If you meet someone who your gut tells you is bad, I would advise you to take that into consideration. Do you feel that it is a situation in which you can take risks? Are there precautions that you can take? The last thing that you should do though is to ask whether your gut is "fair."
2007-07-19 08:31:33 UTC
I think we all as humans tend to judge people initially, we politely call it 'first impression', in order to avoid insulting some one. I feel it is social learning that causes us to do so. Some times we watch facial expressions, body language, to make our judgments. some times we are right and sometimes not. it is not really fair to do this, maybe the other person is nervous, it really depends on the situation, weather it be a job interview or first time date. what we should do is to put our selves in the other persons shoes so to speak; Think of how we would react, or feel about the current situation. Anything that seemed out of nature to us would typically seem strange coming from the other person-- although that would not be a fair judgment because of the level of openness per-individual. So, you have to go back to the basic open trust first until they prove otherwise. We are all human after all, and it is human to err!
2007-07-19 05:56:38 UTC
Your gut instincts are the BEST..when you meet someone you are seeing everything about a person....fresh...and it is better to go with how you feel and think about them from the beginning...and not be talked into by that person that they are something other than they really are....

...I have learned from experience that it is better to trust your gut instincts than otherwise....

...especially in dating and friend situations...if the person seems like they are a jerk or worse by the first impression...they are....
Ron E. G.
2007-07-18 19:16:15 UTC
More often than not, you don't.

I'm almost 60-years old. I'm not an "expert" on anything, but I know what I know.

I've often met people who made a HORRIBLE first impression on me, only to find out later on that they were really okay; and vice-versa, as I know I'VE made my fair share of bad first impressions on people over the years, myself!

One good indicator would be is if the new person in your life is an Animal lover.

They don't have to be fanatical about it, but if they have/or have had a Cat, Dog, Bird etc., chances are good to excellent that they're pretty compassionate & decent people.

Political note/other indicator.....I'm a straight, fairly conservative & Christian-kind-of-guy who happens to have his share of Gay, Liberal & non-Christian friends. I see ALL of my friends-old & new-with my heart. Try to see yours the same way.

That's MY "Readers Digest Condensed Version" of what makes a good first impression on me. Follow the above with a person's character, honesty, integrity & loyalty, and you may very well make & have a new friend for life.

Hope this has helped.

Ron E. G.
2007-07-18 16:53:31 UTC
I have worked with people for a very long time. When I was a young girl, I was the one that Everyone came to talk to. I not only seem to have a 6th sense about people, but have studied people; their behavior; body language; expressions; eyes; hands etc. I am just about always right in my initial impression. The only time I have failed is when dealing with sociopathic people that I have not had enough time to really get to know. One other error was a person who was a pathological liar, and again I was not afforded any length of time to make a determination based on provable information. I feel I am better than 80% accurate in my first impressions of people. Nana
2007-07-18 16:02:48 UTC
You tell me.

My first impression of you is that you don't mind stepping on people to get to the head of the line. You have a whopping 91 points, 9 less than what you started with, yet you have no problem having a banner question. You enjoy being favored don't you? How do you think that makes everybody else feel? In fact you don't even make any attempt to pretend that you want to be part of the people who pay their dues out here. You haven't even answered a single question. It might take 2 minutes of your precious time, huh? You obviously couldn't care less as long as your kisser is top center. I've answered over 10,000 questions and I've never had the opportunity to have a banner question. I wonder if you will even read what people took the time to write. Who are you in bed with at Yahoo? You must have bought someone off..
2007-07-18 12:29:53 UTC
The first thing you need to do is examine your frame of mind. Are you an opinionated, biased type person? If so, you are limiting your ability to see the real person at your first glance. If you have a preconceived notion already, when you meet the person your instincts can be masked.

You need to have a balance between what you see on the outside of the person and what you see on the inside. It's called discernment. It's a very important thing to have. And if you don't have it, you may be cutting of your nose dispite your face if you make snap judgements about others. Could could be missing out on a perfect opportunity or even putting yourself in danger. Give yourself time to acquire the gift.
2007-07-18 12:27:18 UTC
In my own experience when meet someone for first time I

know right that second = 99% if is a good or safe person to be around to. A gut feeling is called... I took my chance once and I am lucky to be a live so.

I just know it.

It had to do the way a person I grew up. The kind of people I grew up around with.

Even with friends works that way, when they meet someone and they ask me of what I think I am truthly honest abut it.

And yes 99% of the time, I say always is how I say it is.

Helps to live n a real life been realistinc is the key so.
2007-07-18 06:36:36 UTC
As a person who often operates more intuitively, I offer the following observations:

Contrary to how the question is stated, gut instinct and first impressions are NOT necessarily the same thing.

Gut instinct is "tuning into" somebody's energy, how you ~feel~ being around that person (in a non-physical-sense) regardless of what they look like or say. It is a feeling of how the person is "at heart" - the person's true nature and private self. Gut instincts are based on FEELINGS.

First impressions is more cerebral, analytical and physical ... it is when you sort of "sum up" the person by how he or she dresses, speaks, his opinions, etc. First impressions really are based on the evaluation of a person's public face. First impressions are based on JUDGEMENTS.

Gut instincts can be quite accurate. First impressions can be misleading!
2007-07-18 02:22:20 UTC
I would say your gut instinct is more a protection mechanism when meeting someone for the first time, or crossing paths of sort. First impressions aren't always correct. Someone could be well dressed, well groomed etc. and be the biggest jerk on the planet. Then someone with ripped jeans and obviously broke could be the nicest person you ever met. Now, when either of those persons open their mouths, that's when you sort of get a feel of what kind of a person they are. But you really never know someone till you are around them for a while. First impressions can be deceiving.
2007-08-09 09:45:00 UTC
It depends on what situation I see them in and how deep my "gut instinct" is. I know that sometimes I am wrong about people so I keep that in mind. However that being said I would say that my first impression is right on the money about 70 to 80% of the time.
Frederique C
2007-08-08 11:50:34 UTC
To Know "Really" - Ask and You will Know, especially from:

A Woman WITH Children ( Dead or Alive) OR Any Spiritual Educator, Or Psy. of The Narrow "Spectrum":

"Your Birth's History SVP". Did You Sacrifice Yourself in Anyway ?

If the Answer is "Yes" - Then proceed to Ask: "Would you do IT Again ?"

If the Answer is "Yes" - Then Doctor, with All due Respect:

"That Person is a

1. Liar

2 "Bad [Faith] Person" - as you say

3 OR/And A Complete Ignorant/Brute

As such IT is Fair to Assume: That Person is Harmful to the Community.

In Fact, You may probably never Get this Message as a Result. Check Our Yahoo Board. What do you "SEE"

Pregnancy (BIG QUESTION MARK) Parenting.

Result: "The Roman Games"
Lisa P
2007-08-05 07:30:14 UTC
when I see someone for the first time, I try to see how they conduct themselves, are they seeking for words, to impress you. I always ask God show me, that person, personality, and they feeling when I'm around them. Sometime when people give off a bad image, maybe they are scare to or they might have been hurt, and they try to act macho. I tell you trust goes a long way in my book. Trust is honest and you pray that the person say who they are, but go out in starting meeting them, before you just jump into a relationship with someone, you can say you trust a person all day, but if you do not have good feeling about the person, then you know your self if you can trust them.
2007-08-03 11:00:36 UTC
Gut instinct is only good fo a quick "go, or no go". Not to determine if a person can be trusted or deciding based on a first impression to give your whole life to someone (figutratively and literraly) Trust is built by giving a little of yourself at a time and seeing how that goes.
Pilgrim Traveler
2007-07-31 05:15:17 UTC
Obviously, you can't "know" for sure until you've actually had some experience in the relationship. However, in his book, "Blink", Malcolm Gladwell talks about the inherent skill we all have to make quick, accurate assessments of people and other situations by using "slices" of information the we analyze instantaneously in our subconscious mind. For me, I made a conscious decision years ago to basically trust everyone until they prove otherwise. I believe we all have a quantum connection and all have the same basic needs(Ala Tony Robbins). That said, there are a few people I have met that creeped me out instantly. Also, I don't "try" to make a good impression when I meet new people. I just try to be myself and be open and honest in relationships and I think that may somehow cause others to do the same, therefore giving you a more honest impression of them. Good question. Peace
2007-07-30 11:59:38 UTC
If you have only just met someone it is not fair to assume anything. If you get a bad first impression from someone ask yourself why. If perhaps they said or did something that goes against your own personal set of values then you should trust your instincts. If you made your assumptions without substantial reason you may be wrong. And should get to know them before assuming.
2007-07-29 14:00:10 UTC
Well its been said that our brains form first impressions by creating a composite of all the signals given off by a new experience.

How good these impressions are at making accurate judgments of people depends on the observer and the person being observed.

Most of what I remember of people I know now very well is a very different impression! I still remember what I assumed of that person's identity. Most of the time, I underestimated.

And for more personal relationships like marriage and such, I think the feeling you get from that first impression is what makes a relationship blossom. I still recall the feeling I got from my husband when we first met. And what I thought he was like. But obviousely, you grow to know them better, and things imprint in your mind from past as well as present.
Del A
2007-07-19 03:42:07 UTC
Instinct comes with natures basic survival kit to all creatures.

Ours, as human beings, has been dulled due to

millennia from our wild genesis. It is seldom needed to preserve life on a daily basis. So it is not a siren alarm and flashing alert. It is more an unconscious reaction and sometimes too subtle to give us the full warning we need. It is however a caution light. Pay attention, be wary. Your subconscious is sending you an alert. Usually with good reason. If someone or some situation does not feel right, be prudent leave and avoid that person situation. Better be safe than sorry.
2007-07-19 00:34:30 UTC
I always trust my gut.

Being a virgo I am very susceptible to stomache ailments.. it helps me read people, places and things.

I can get a bad reading of a first impression, but it changes with everytime I meet the person again.. it depends on the person and their situations as to whether that impression changes... I may not like someone at first, but then the next time I see them, It may be a more personable meeting.
2007-07-18 23:55:45 UTC
I do rely on my discernment. However, I do test it too. I make sure I don't act on that first impression until I can determine whether I was completely neutral when the impression was formed If I was feeling poorly, or under stress then my "Discernment" may become skewed.

Let me explain. My discernment is 100% accurate when I take "me" totally out of the equation. It is like I am a third person. I open myself up mentally and stay neutral especially when I am clearing out all the stereotypical crap that floats around in my head around. I am heavyset, which is a nice way of saying fat. The stereotype is I am lazy, or always eating or something like that. Those type of thoughts corrupt first impressions.

When I clear myself of them first, then objectively observe a person. I am correct on my assessment. To be sure sometimes, I will ask specific questions and listen not only to what they tell me, but how, and to what is NOT being told as well.

To use your scenario, if I perceive someone is bad, then I will ask questions to confirm my opinion. If I can't ask any questions, I steer clear!

I know, I am too windy.....but you asked!
2007-07-18 21:39:29 UTC
Because there are signs that the other person gives off that tell you either consciously or subconsciously who this other person is. For example, your hitch hiking and someone pulls over to pick you up. Before you get into the truck you look directly at them... you could tell 'crazy' from a mile away. If that person gives off that vibe, you wouldn't get in the truck would you? I believe everybody has their own vibe that they give off. Some people have nice personalities, and that shows through how they present themselves and what they say and do. Your gut instincts are usually your subconscious warning you. It's fair to go with your gut instincts even though the person hasn't wronged you because who we are make up what kind of vibe we give off... our thinking, personality, and what we do in our lives shows. I believe that you should always follow your gut instinct, it's why it's there... to guide you when your thinking clouds your judgment.
2007-07-18 21:26:16 UTC
In all fairness, I must admit, that I do not make first impressions and I pride myself on that. Your question does though bring a very valid and much needed query to those that Do make those very decisions. I have oft times been asked by my female friends and male alike what a "next" move should be. I have always advised that one cannot make a decision on one meeting, BUT, rather; a decision on whether that persons actions were the type that could or would either be fun and or be what their heart and or self were looking for. Our eyes oft times lie to us. Once that lesson has been learned, things look a lot differantly also. If you find yourself taking the time to figure out whether you should see an individual again, then you; obvuiously; should. You took the time to consider it, so, call him or her to go for coffee and have a nice how do you do discussion. I hope that my humble life experiances have assisted you in your quest.




John G
2007-07-18 20:42:43 UTC
Well the only answer is time will tell, but let me give you some advice on how to cut to the core.. First off as obvious as it may be you must realize that a first impression is going to be the most idealized version of anyone you meet. They will put on their best face, best behavior (unless its bad your both after) best clothes, you get what i'm saying.. so you must realize that.. Im not saying that for you to be cynical or anything like that but only so you grasp the situation as you walk into it and not be swepped away by your first perceptions.. that is if your looking for a long term kinda thing or looking for good people in your life.. ok now to the meat and potatos.. Listen to everything they say.. for effect let me retype that: LISTEN TO EVERYTHING!!.. I'm not saying be an active listener.. or follow along or whatever, im saying listen to every word.!! I have a saying it seems obvious so im sure it has been quoted to another before, it goes " a man's mouth is only as clean as his conscience." it is very true.. don't let the context blind you, listen to the content.. The words we use reflect our inner person, that is the person you want to know about not as the famous comedian said, "their representative." If a person talks about drugs off the cuff they say, keep note!! even if there's a punchline that follows, again if they speak of violence, decieving behavior, or any other undesirable trait.. keep very close attention to every word used.. no one is going to feed you a story that will show their bad side but they will use a word or two that can tip you off to it.. just one word that is all you might get.. words are very important just ask freud. google freudian slip. i once heard that a person will tell you everything about them in the first fifteen minutes if you listen to the words.. i believe that to be a good way to figure out someone by your first impression..
2007-07-18 19:46:43 UTC
Well, I think that is everyone has a inner thing that tells them if someone is a bad person. Sometimes they choose to ignore it and sometimes they don't. Most of the people who have been hurt on some form or another knew right off the bat that the person was a bad person. For instance, my aunt met this man online. She confessed her love for him and he moved in. He was not divorced and sueing his last girlfried of wife for over a million dollars (of which he never recieved) and the settlement money that she had recieved from her divorce he talked my aunt into spending. He also talked her into signing over her house and making her checking accounts accessible to him. My mom meets this man and instantly her gut says he is taking every dime she will ever get and disappear. Now, two years later, he has done just that. Her first impression was 100% accurate. I knew this one man I worked with was bad news. I later found out that he was a convicted child molester. You just know.
Summer V
2007-07-18 19:22:17 UTC
I always trust my gut because in the end I've never known my TRUE gut instinct to be wrong. That said, I don't judge a person on a first impression but allow this first impression to guide me in present and future interactions.
2007-07-18 17:50:58 UTC
There have been a few people who I've taken an instant dislike to when I met them, but found I actually liked them as time passed and I got to know them better. Then there are others who I've met who I had a favorable impression of, but ended up not liking them. Time, observing different facets of their personality, how well your personality meshes with theirs, what your relationship is--- and so many other factors determine whether you made a rash judgment, or if your gut instinct, was right on the mark.
2007-07-18 12:58:16 UTC
I learned at a VERY young age to follow my gut, it has never lied to me. If the feeling is not coming from my gut, then I usually am wrong. I've proven this to be true many times. Everytime I didn't take heed I've ended up in a bad way of things. When I did listen things ended fine. If the "feeling " a person gets from another is stereotypical then it usually isn't a gut feeling, it's a taught feeling. There is a definate difference between the two.
2007-07-18 12:27:30 UTC
I pick up a lot of clues from people's clothing, although this can produce mistakes. If I see a guy dressed in camouflage, wearing a big knife and wearing a T shirt that says something like "Make my day", then I'll assume this is an aggressive man who is probably not too safe to hang out with. Similarly, I've heard that people with more than 6 tatoos have been shown to have a history of violence. I automatically avoid outlaw bikers like Hell's Angels, and people who manage to insult you in the first sentence.

As for women, the above applies but so do more subtle things. Smokers are known to be more neurotic and anxious than non-smokers. I don't smoke, so I usually avoid smokers. I also avoid women who are ostentatiously religious, as I don't like religous fanatics at all. On the other hand artists tend to be quite individual in appearance, and it's easy to talk about art.
2007-07-18 11:45:10 UTC
People exhibit subconscious tendencies without noticing it and your subconscious picks it up even without your conscious knowledge, yet the subconscious knowledge will cause you to feel something is off about the person. Other times it's just association to past experience in which something bad has happened with a person of similar standing. You can tell by really following what it is that you don't feel right about and inquiring about. If the person is acting shady and avoiding questions or not answering them, you might be onto something. Otherly you might be wrongly judging them due to association. The best way to get to the bottom of anything is to explore it thoroughly. Spend more time with the person and try and relate, if you're compatible you probably were wrong about the negative assumptions. And if you're not compatible you may have been right, but the incompatability says that you two probably shouldn't be interacting regardless, so there you have it.
2007-07-18 01:02:35 UTC
So far, my instinct is always correct. I see people the way they are. Out of 10 people that I meet there is probably only 1 or even none that I like. My husband, my friends, and some co-workers whom I am close with know that. A lot of time people pretend to be somebody else. But I can see the real them from the first sight. From the way they say hello, from the way they move, from the way they look at things (objects or other people), etc. When people get older we tend to give excuses for different scenarios. Over time your mind become clouded. The result, you can't differentiate between somebody who is naturally nice or just two faces and later on stab you in the back. I thought I would try to give people a second chance. I did. I got burnt from it quite a few times. I told myself that maybe that one time was different, that maybe this one is not like the last one, etc. I gave up. I went back to my old self. I trust my instinct.
2007-08-14 06:55:24 UTC
People's impressions are more often wrong than not. I have a group of friends that play a game called Werewolf (also called Mafia). In this game, a couple of people are given the werewolf card and considered bad-guys. They must bluff that they are simple villagers. Meanwhile, at night, when everyone is told to put their heads down, they decide to eat one of the villagers.

Typically, there are people that from the start of the game are most often gone-after as werewolves. These folks have done nothing at that early point to warrant it. Folks just feel there is something about them that is suspicious. They are usually wrong about their impressions on that person 99% of the time.

I have heard that women make good secuirty guards because they are said to have an intuition about if a person means them harm.

Based on my werewolf data, people would be far better off using their reasoning ability versus their gut instinct in determining good vs evil.
2007-08-05 08:27:34 UTC
For me I simply trust my instincts and it's always better to be a bit cautious and on the safe side when meeting someone you have a bad feeling about. I know it sounds like a bad thing to do but first impressions are truly everything when you think about it.

If you meet someone in dirty clothing, them being dirty and unhygienic themselves there's a good chance you'll want to stay away from them and your first impression is probably that they are a homeless person and could pose danger. Sorry but it's true. At least in my opinion.
Sherri L
2007-08-05 08:05:24 UTC
My first impressions have been wrong many times when I meet a person for the first time. I think only getting to know a person over a period of time is the way to judge whether the first impression was right or not. There are so many factors to consider. For example, a quiet person can be misjudged as a snob at first. I know because I'm one of those quiet people who has been labeled a snob time and time again.
2007-07-31 02:54:00 UTC
What gives us the ability to know who is good or not at the first sight? It's our long revolution from the ancient time. (silly me, I'm talking with a PROFESSIONAL, just express my ideas anyway) So I think your question can change into: "can we trust Darwin for his 'Revolution theory' and in which case?" (just kidding).

I, has experienced myself, know that sometime our gut totally wrong. People know that, but they still can't stand their instinct. People still give first-sight-impression, it's how we survive. Trust our gut or not? It depends on who we are and which situation.

# Know exactly who we are first, then know who those people are. We usually don't take the time to explore ourselves. I think we should. It can be subjective but we can ask our families, friends etc... If you have known yourselves, you can know a stranger.

# How can we know which situation? Nope, we can't know surely (again, it depends on our gut). But, we don't lose our gut even though we don't trust them sometimes.

And remember not to judge somebody else except yourself. Even God can do that when we have passed away (in that case, we won't think about "judge or be judged" anymore, right?). If you don't judge them, why don't give them a chance? Explore them, share with them... You may make an enemy become your best friend!

Since you were born, you had already been a good person and so were the others. Believe people and you gut at the same time (so that you can protect yourself)
2007-07-31 02:19:13 UTC
The only way to truly know a person is to observe how they act.

That being said, people choose to look the way they look for a reason. It may not be the reason you believe it is but if you are observant you can get a general idea.

I will use myself as an example. I wear loose fitting clothing for comfort. I am always semi-disheveled because 1) I'm a slob and 2) I don't care what others think of me. I shave my head because 1) It is easier than having hair and worrying about hair styles and 2) It makes me look intimidating so it cuts down on the amount of people that approach me (yes I am anti-social in person).

Those would be the major things that people draw their impressions from. I'll admit that most people do it on a sub-conscience level and I'm sure I have more reasons than I am aware of but I think I made my point.
2007-07-29 11:09:47 UTC
I personally feel that when meeting a new person, you should never judge them based on a first impression. For example, if that person seems unfriendly or rude, he/she might just be having a bad day.

But unfortunately, first impressions usually stick and can be hard to get rid of. So, often times, a first impression really does make a difference in someone's opinion of a new person.
2007-07-26 11:04:40 UTC
Yes, I think it is fair to assume that someone is bad until they prove you wrong. The world is full of people with totally different values, beliefs, and morals than you have. It is human nature to "size-up" someone when you meet them. You can tell whether or not to trust your gut instinct by past experiences. How did you get that first experience? You got it by not trying to size someone up and it ended up biting you in the butt! As far as knowing your first impression is accurate, you don't but....then you remember your past experiences and figure your better off safe than sorry.
2007-07-24 10:41:58 UTC
I intentionally suspend my first impression of people until I have had more time to form an opinion. I think a big part of the reason I do this is that people so often get a wrong first impression of me. I have had many people who are now friends tell me that the first time they met me they thought I was very intimidating (I am tall, thin, blonde, well spoken but a bit shy by nature). Naturally, they have told me this later because when they come to know me they discover that I am not at all intimidating, nor do I have any desire to project that image. I was quite shocked the first time someone told me their first impression of me - clearly those impressions were based on what I look like, not what I am.

People are very deep, complex creatures. Even those whom we know most intimately can surprise us in good and bad ways. We can never fully know another person, so why would we expect to be able to get a completely accurate read in the first ten seconds?

My husband would completely disagree, he thinks that he can get an accurate read on someone 90-95 percent of the time within 5 minutes of meeting them. I love him dearly, but I don't want my world to be so structured that I need to categorize people in that length of time.

That being said, the one exception I have is those people who I allow to babysit/interact with my children. If I get a bad feeling off of a person for any reason, I will not leave my children in their care. (This doesn't happen often, but it does happen.) This has sometimes meant that I did not allow my children to spend the night at a friends house, stay in a Sunday School class at church, etc. Of course, I would never say to anyone "I'm sorry, I just get a bad feeling about you", nor would I say to another parent "I just get a bad feeling about that person". But, for my own children, I do trust that gut instinct and come up with creative ways to remove my children from their presence. Does this make my first impression accurate? Who knows, but I err on the side of safety when it comes to my children.

We should all try to look below the surface when interacting with other people. I don't want to be categorized based on people's first impression of me, so I try as much as possible to extend the same courtesy.
Ms Critter K
2007-07-23 10:24:56 UTC
There are little things in a persons behavior that your sub conscience will pick up on that you aren't even aware of. This sub conscience behavior is what tends to trigger that gut reaction. It may not always be a big thing but it is something that causes this warning from within you. Sometimes if you give it a little more time it will come out in the open to you. The problem with that is that sometimes it is too late to correct it. I have disregarded my gut instinct and lived to regret it. But I have never regretted anything when I followed it. Your sub conscience is a powerful tool.
Nikki B
2007-07-19 06:42:33 UTC
As long as you are not going by what clothes they are wearing. Your instincts are right even if they have not done you wrong, The instinct is there to keep you from giving them a chance to do wrong. There are alot of different people in this world and some want to trust, until trust is broken some never trust . Go with your gut!
2007-07-19 03:43:39 UTC
Only by knowing them for a long period of time. If you write down your first impressions and check again after some time, then you will have some idea whether or not your first opinion is the same as your latter. On the other hand you may know a person for years and still not know them - like how the wife of the green river killer must have felt.
2007-07-18 20:29:25 UTC
You should never trust your gut instinct in these situations. People always have a way of surprising you. Even if your gut is accurate 98% of the time, getting to know a person really well usually changes your opinion. There is always something about people we don't know, and that fact they are keeping from you may in fact be what would change your opinion about them.

At the risk of sounding preachy, not making judgments is the best judgment of them all.
2007-07-18 17:09:38 UTC
I do believe that instincts were given to us for a reason. I do, however, am cordial and corteous to those I have just met. I rarely meet someone for the first time and get a "bad" vibe from them. I usually like to meet several times, get to know them before making judgement. There are certain things I do look for such as:

1) The person looks me in the eye while talking with me.

2) The person does not talk about themselves incessantly.

3) If I have my kids around, I see how they react to my kids.

4) If my dog is around, he's usually a great judge of character.

If my instincts tell me something is wrong, along with my kids saying "I don't like this person", and along with my dog barking without his tail wagging, then I can assume that the person is not someone I would like to meet again.
2007-07-18 16:43:48 UTC
In my experience i think that judging based just on instinct may be a bit wrong. For starters who is theirself when they first meet someone. In my experience they hold back a fair bit of their personalities, expecially if they have rather out loud or talkitive personalities.

They understand the situation first before revealing more of themselfs. Its just a defence mechinism. So to answer your question you should trust your instincts but not 100% Your only going to be able to get a glimpse into them on first impression unless your a psycoligist and can read their body language like a book.

But of course, thats a different story now isnt it :)
2007-07-18 11:36:36 UTC
Well , you can stay around long enough to KNOW your first impressions are on the mark..or, that past impressions you have had regarding others has been accurate can be a good indicator to trust your instincts.

I have had more than impressions regarding people since a child. It took years to "hone" the gift so to speak. I feel personally it is the relationship we have with God, as our spiritual influence that guides us.. The more in tune with God , the more in tune with the insights and warnings.

Labeling someone because of their appearance, job status or lack of is far different than instinct. I have been in many situations where homeless individuals were more "spiritual" and willing to care and give the little they had, and less threatening than the millionaires I have too been around.

The old adage " Don't judge a book by it's cover " comes to mind.. But, too.. use caution when negative impressions come to you is wisest. .. There was a past news story of an individual in a very trusted job position, who had raped and murdered a girl.. Everyone else agreed this couldn't be the person who did it, my former husband related he too felt couldn't as knew the person. I had not, yet, everything in me said he was guilty... and, he was later convicted and found to be without doubt the one.. I don't always understand how or why I get impressions.. but, i have learned to be wise to follow . they have saved my life numerous times and that of others close to me..
Al Rose
2007-07-18 10:54:46 UTC
I personally think that first impressions are very important. However, I think that it should not be a mindset. I have had sudden "first impressions" sprung on me without warning and for reasons such as I just got off work, or feel under the weather, many factors into not giving it your all or not feeling like your usual self. I have had several occasions, when I thought, Oh man, I wish I could do that over again. But if your second meeting leaves you with the same feeling as the first, well your gut is usually not wrong.
The Redheaded Monster
2007-07-18 08:54:20 UTC
We all have first opinions. I really think that when you do meet someone for the first time your opinion is going to get in the way of getting to know them. But if you get to know them and become friends with them, you just might find that while at first meeting your first opinion wasn't true, but it could show in this person later. Yes I think that it is not fair to judge people, but if we didn't, we wouldn't be people. It is our natural habit to judge people. That can be good or bad depending on the situation. But overall you should not always trust your gut instinct, but when it over powers you then you should.
2007-07-18 04:44:47 UTC
Even though it may be hard to follow through on this, I think the best option when meeting someone new is to hold off on making any judgments until you spend more time with them or obtain more information. I have been in situations where I immediately had a bad feeling about the person I just met. In one instance, I just stood back and observed the way they interacted with others. My instinct never changed, though. This person later became a family member by marriage, and my first impression has since then proved to be true. (Sadly.) However, I have been in situations where I had a good feeling about someone and was proved way wrong later because I didn't want to allow my good feeling to be wrong. I don't think you can know without a doubt whether or not to trust your gut. Even if you have a flawless record, there's a first for everything. But everyone deserves to be given the benefit of the doubt. That's even evident in our justice system -- "Innocent until proven guilty." Then again, the jury could come in the courtroom with their predetermined views and not allow themselves to be swayed by the evidence. And that's just a sign of closed-mindedness if you ask me.
2007-07-18 03:28:36 UTC
Our gut instincts do not really kick in until we get to know something about the person, either through their mannerisms or by they way they approach us. Before getting to that point, one will already have formed a basic first impression, mostly based on the physical appearance of the new person. only when the two (gut instinct & 1st impression) coincide can one trust (or distrust) such a person. whether you have been wronged or not, this is quite fair as a matter of self protection as well as given the times we live in.
2007-07-18 12:02:37 UTC
I always go with my gut.

Typically, within five minutes of meeting someone, I know whether or not we will get along.

I've tested this theory.

The people I knew would become a friend, always did. I based my decisions on eye contact, body language, positive attitude, and their general personality/demeanor when we met.

The people I knew wouldn't be good for me, always proved me correct.

I met a woman, we'll call Anna. She had trouble looking me in the eye, had negative body language and spent the evening talking bad about people she claimed were friends.

Despite my better judgement, I gave Anna a shot at friendship.

At a party, a couple months later, a few people came up to me and told me all of the bad things Anna was saying about me behind my back.

This has happened with more than one person. My gut has never been wrong.

So, now, when I meet someone and my instincts tell me to stay away, I typically do.
2007-08-14 11:44:55 UTC
I am a push-over. I was taught to respect elders (in ANY case) And to be nice and to defer. I've been taught to be 'submissive' so well that I have to be hit with a brick to see what is right in front of me! Now, in my 40s, I'm trying to grow up to this modern world and to follow my emaciated instincts. Some would say I'm jaded, and others would say I was wrong, but I say this was my opinion and theirs is theirs. I don't think that a person that says categorically that I'm wrong or they are right is truly correct. Yes, I'm still learning, but I have very few regrets. I try to keep an open mind, but after being told what to do for so long.. my open mind is starting to close. Being insulted turns me off, no matter how 'funny' they thought it should be and how much humor they think *I* have. Lastly, there are enough fish in the sea to worry about whether or not I have wronged someone with misjudgment towards a potential future relationship. I hate mind games and dating games. If they have to play them, then I don't have the time to waste figuring it out and second guessing myself.
2007-08-13 22:09:25 UTC
When you first meet someone, and they seem like they are someone you can not trust. Mostly everyone will try to keep away from certain people. But people can change and be different. They could of had a bad day and just gave off a bad feeling. So wait it out and if they always seem to be like the first time, then you know they will betray you. Its an instinct everyone has. People are just programmed to like and dislike certain people.
2007-08-13 14:25:41 UTC
I have found that my gut instinct is the right one. I so far not been wronged by the "feeling" in my gut when I meet someone for the first time. After shaking someone's hand or saying "Hi" I have that inkling whether or not this is someone that I want around or want to do business with.
No C
2007-08-10 15:50:44 UTC
Experience is the best guide in whether or not to trust your gut instinct. I have friends who are very intuitive and and seldom (but sometimes) wrong about "gut" reactions. Personally, I have learned (by experience) that I'm not as intuitive as I wish I was. Therefore, for me personally, trusting gut instinct is a 50/50 proposition at best. Comparing real outcomes to your gut instincts is what experience is all about and will tell you whether you are truly an intuitive person.
Jack N
2007-08-08 14:15:11 UTC
You can tell about a person of just looking at them. How they dress, how they talk.........Now that does not mean that i am right but i will stick to my oppinion until im proven wrong. And what do you mean whether or not i should trust my gut instinct? When you meet a person (I) never trust them with anything. They have to earn my trust which takes a while and then i will let you in my life.
2007-08-03 04:55:59 UTC
You never truly know. No one's gut instincts are "truly accurate." Judging people is mostly influenced by your surrounding society. It is a learned behavior. Right now if you dropped an American from a big city into a foreign country where the people are completely different from what the American is used to, his or her "radar" would be completely off and he or she wouldn't know whom to trust. The American would try to use their "instincts" to asses people's personalities and be sadly mistaken. It becomes even more difficult when there is a language barrier. America has some bad places with bad people and it has become necessary to bring your guard up for survival. Unfortunately it is a balancing act between trust and mistrust that people leave up to society to define.
2007-07-28 12:48:50 UTC
I think you should talk to the person even if you feel a good or bad inpression about them. Sometimes your gut instinct isn't always right. There's times when people think other people are bad and at the end they really aren't and vise a versa. You will no down the line the true colors of the person. You should always be nice to everyone no matter how you feel about a person.
2007-07-28 10:07:10 UTC
If I find someone too "interesting" at first meeting, then I know for certain that this kind of charisma will cause problems down the line. I can tell by what someone says in the first ten minutes if they have something to prove. And I certainly can smell BS a mile away. Anyone who comes on too strongly either wants something, wants to get away with something--or has self-esteem issues.

My father had a knack for accurate profiling of character, and it seems to run in the family. But I have to be clear that I don't change my day to day interactions with anyone based on my impressions, without behavior to back it up. But I do practice discernment about politely refusing invitations for activities away from the workplace with people who trigger this internal warning system.
2007-07-23 11:53:13 UTC
You only get one shot to make a first impression and if your 'gut instinct' tells you something negative about that first impression, then there must be a reason for it (either consciously or sub-consciously.

A lot of people are very sensitive to 'vibes', 'auroras', eyes, mannerisms, or whatever you want to call it, and they can sense things about a person that other people do not. Most of time they are correct in trusting their gut instinct..
2007-07-19 03:34:08 UTC
Almost everytime that u meet somebody new it's not possible to decude from the first impression how a person turns out to be in the long run. He/She may be a sweet talker a charmer of all sorts but then it's a god's gift if one can truly feel the vibes from the particular person. Ur instincts will scream at u if ur really tuned in to ur sixth sense but thats not possible with every living soul coz half the time people don't even know it exists, or if they do they don't heed to it.

Lets say if u meet me and from ur first impression u feel that I'm a arrogant snob, but say after some amount u spend with me u come to know I'm a good natured person with ethics and straightforward personality ur first impression falsifies ur belief.

With me it's always happened that whoever I've met for the first time I just get a feeling , a positive or a negative vibe. Being a straightforward person I either get a good response or a bad response.

Altho some people may not harm u or do anything against u but in general we do know how the persom wud be if u heed to ur instincts.

I do not catagorise people into genuine peoples catagory untill I interact with them for a considerable period of time which can be judgemental or till I think they have a similar wavelength as that of mine. U think people are good and genuine if they have good thots, good deeds and most of all if they relate with u mentally and thus u share a instant rapport with them.

First impressions are very much deceptive and not to be really catered to so untill u experience the person doing wrong to u don't judge anyone as situations do influence people and their behaviour.

At times people get bad names due to some other events that have taken place in the past but it's definately a good idea to listen to both the side of the story to judge over that persons reputation based on the single event which has labeled him/her into a bad person.

If these people are really bad then it's just that u need to be alert and try not to get too close to them till u do form a opinion of ur own. there are ways to judge people and counter check on their actions by testing them in ur own ways. I hope this answers ur query to some extent.

This is how i feel and how i am with people at times. Listening to a third persons view has never helped to form my own opinion as views can be deceptive and misleading caused due to personality conflicts.

Cheers and regards.
2007-07-19 03:23:03 UTC
I Believe we judge people based on how our own experiences shape our memories and feelings, i believe an instinct is based upon something that is innate to our feelings but we can not quite fathom what it is exactly, whether it would be prejudicial or not concerning the other person, i believe that sometimes we can be right but often over time first impressions can often be wrong based on my own experience, it often takes awhile to form a proper and working impression of a person even if it may the case that you may have an unpleasant feeling of a person from the beginning till it subsides.
2007-07-19 02:11:55 UTC
There is a lot that can be gained by a first impression. Question is what do you hope to get out of it, and what is expected? If one deceives themselves about that first impression then it will ultimately be a false understnading. A miscommunication is evident.

However, if one is certain about their expectations when meeting people for the first time, then it will take a few more to really understand what kind of person one is entertaining.

understanding comes from observation.... and observation comes with experience. No one gets true experience a first time as it takes time to understand a thing or a person. same is true with marriage......

your sister,

2007-07-18 22:18:19 UTC
You don't! First impression, last impression. No one ever said it would be accurate. Generally, I can usually "feel the energy" of a person and know whether or not we "grok.". But that is very subjective and that type of evaluation of a person may not be acceptable for many. If your "gut" is telling you something is wrong then I think it is better to err on the side of caution. There is no harm in being a little cautious, but their can be much harm from being reckless.
2007-07-18 21:08:59 UTC
The first impression is what I get on a first look but lately I have found it is more of a first sight first smell first handshake

chemical sort of thing ....

In retrospect what I do above is more of a past in present

So I learned in the past effects the present in judging . Is it fair or just not in any way so if I found my "gut" is saying stay away I try to evaluate the person a second time. May be not eye to eye but memory to memory
Kristen B
2007-07-18 20:21:38 UTC
In my opinion, everyone makes an instant judgement when they first meet/see someone. The only real way to find out whether or not that first impression is true or false is to get to know them for yourself. I don't think it's fair to assume anything about a person, or to base your opinion of someone off another person's opinion of that person. The only way to be fair is to set your first impression aside and get to know that person and then you can decide whether your first impression was right or not.
2007-07-18 17:09:57 UTC
I think that if you meet somebody and something alarms you that they might harm you, then you trust that instinct to some extent. Instincts are really weird sometimes. A person could look at you a certain way or talk to you a certain way and a bunch of flags start going up. Its never really about the way a person looks. Ive had well dressed and attractive people around me that made me so uncomfortable by the way they acted around me. Its all in how they present themselves to you. We are sensing things that might or might not make sense to us and are going by that. If you feel like they could harm you then thats when you put distance between yourself and that person until you figure out if you are correct.
2007-07-18 15:51:46 UTC
How are you today?

I ALWAYS go with my gut. I've faired pretty well for 37 years, so, I trust it to keep me out of trouble.

There's been much written on the subject, and yes, I've taken the time to read some of this literature, though, my gut has never failed me. I can somehow "feel" a person's character. If the person has a bad character, it somehow levitates off of them. Don't ask me how I can sense this, and no, I am not claiming I have psychic powers. Psychics are a bunch of crooks, in my opinion. It's intuition, and I've always been a good judge of character. That's one of my three best qualities, the other two are survival skills and unending patience.

2007-07-18 14:01:24 UTC
Your first impression of someone means a lot, but it is not the only way to judge a person. Sometimes it takes time for people to show their true colors especially the shy ones. But you should definitely watch out for red flags and head the other way if you really have a feeling that the person is no good.
2007-07-18 11:59:30 UTC
Well gut instincts are the only thing that people have to distinguish the good or bad side of a person. It does not mean it is right to judge, but it is an inherent defense mechanism to avoid all things new or different. It comes from our animal ancestors. That is why like groups gravitate more toward people that are more like themselves. You always trust your gut unless you are forced to deal with others in an uncomfortable situation then you still will only interact if you have to. Everyone has some ingrained racism people still have some animal instincts weather they like it or not and this is one of them. Otherwise we would have conquered racism along time ago.
Jaami Roo
2007-07-18 06:47:45 UTC
It is wise to respect your gut instinct and trust it if you have a history of successful first impressions. In any case, proceed with caution on first impressions, whether favorable or unfavorable, because you can be hurt just as easily with favorable first impressions. Always be ready to change your assesment on subsequent encounters, to allow for the times you may be wrong.

I keep a record of how many times I have been wrong. My success ratio is 9:1 over a period of 50 years which has helped my assessment on first impressions. Unfortunately my wife's ratio was just 5:5 or 50% but she still trusted her gut instinct and as a result got hurt more often than I did.
Terry G
2007-08-15 08:52:13 UTC
Generally first impressions do not indicate that someone is good or bad. However, if there is a gut feeling, or if God is showing you that there is a problem with the person that you have just met, then it is advisable to take cauthion. A gut feeling is actually a good source of indication that something isn't right.
2007-08-14 12:09:13 UTC
That's the first mistake judging by appearance's , race , color,

body type , fashion , etc . What are the roots of this type of

thinking . This is one reason that so many have died in wars

for centuries , misunderstandings and a unwillingness to new

learning . Your question is shallow with out enough circumstance for a real answer . It would be a mistake to give a answer to your questions since history , situations , dialog to mention a few are needed for a formed impression . Otherwise it is called broken down profiling from statistics past .
Linda C
2007-08-12 11:00:15 UTC
I am generally neutral and do not usually have a first impression. Trusting people that you just met is one reason there are so many missing people. I meet people in group settings. Parking lots are no place to meet people. I get instincts about people. The person in the parking lot who chased my car or a man I met at a family setting. I told his cousin that his wife needed to keep an eye on him. 2 days later he left home taking his child . He was located and the child is safe. Linda
2007-08-12 01:15:54 UTC
Whenever I meet someone and I get the vibe that they may not be trustworthy or that they might be a bad person, I just proceed with caution. I know that my instincts may be wrong, and I just might be deeming them untrustworthy because they look the part of that type, or they just seem too forward, or little things about them that they would do, I wouldn't do and thats why I unconsidered them to be a bad person.

When I say proceed with caution, I mean, I would tend to not be so talkative, if I were to ask them anything, I'd try to find out more information about them, depending upon what kind of situation we are in.
2007-08-06 23:33:25 UTC
Weather or not to trust your gut instinct would depend upon how accurate you have been in the past using it. I know that for me I tend to be too trusting right from the start. I have learned to let the person show their trust worthiness over time rather then assume it and end up being very disappointed and/or suffering a loss.
2007-08-05 00:01:03 UTC
Yes I do trust my gut instinct, It hasn't let me down very many times.

I keep up my guard at all time, if I am meeting new people. But I am courteous, with my behavior.

I am civil to people,I can fell the present vibrations of a fake dishonest person.

And chemistry, in men when I get close to them.

And I sure have met a lot of two face people that is the ones that smile sweetly at you and talk about you behind your back . I can spot them real soon.

I'm not a very trusting person , when you get burn you don't like to get near the fire for a while. Queen Bee
2007-07-31 12:05:39 UTC want what all the girls want..the ability to choose right from wrong. I wish it was as simple as the last advice I gave my best friend. I just said "Trust those instincts, they are there for a reason, if it smells like bad probably is....".

But we all know there is some seriously expensive bad cheese out there......

I say it is up to each person. Trust your instincts and make no excuses.

If you are "rationalizing" behavior of another person that is a bad sign. Be real. Be honest. Even with yourself.

It will all be a learning process my friend matter what choice you make'
2007-07-30 07:50:57 UTC
Allot of time's we as people go by thing's the wrong way, we let Lie's get to our head and others past influence how we fell about them in the present. If your trying to impress someone, or your meeting for the first time an you think their a bad person you shouldn't go by thing's the wrong way maybe the way you treat them will change the way they act or their way's. If you hurt them they should re-act in a selfish way or some hide there feelings, but if they act in a selfish way or rude it's not there fault, because your the impressor, who made the wrong impression.
2007-07-27 21:05:15 UTC
I know that my first impression is NOT accurate. I do not rely on my feelings. It take me longer time till I stabilize my opinion. It happens quite often that my opinion then differs from my first impression (in both directions). I do not trust my instinct. If I meet a new person as a default I suppose he/she is a good person but am prepared for the opposite too. Later I fix or correct this preliminary presupposition according my experience with that person.
marsha s
2007-07-23 09:31:10 UTC
I have learned to trust my gut instinct! You have to know if you are intuative or not though! Many people are nervous when they first meet someone and tend to act out of charecter. So I feel you are better off not judging too harshly and take a little time before you form an opinion of the person.
2007-07-19 00:35:48 UTC
Well generally , your first impression is usually right on the money , but every now and then , you'll run across a wild card , that when given a second look , is your Ace in the Hole... I've learned that going with you gut is always best , but digging deeper than the surface will show you the truth..It's up to you though , if you're willing to take the chance on someone or not...
2007-07-18 22:17:12 UTC
My first impression of my husband was that if I talked to him, I would end up married to him-its been 25 yrs in January. So yes I trust my gut instincts when I meet people. I've also recently had a boss that I knew from the first second I met her she would be nothing but trouble- I was also correct on that one.
2007-07-18 22:11:35 UTC
I think you have to kind of do both. You have to trust your gut instinct. I think that this instinct gets better as we get older because you become a better judge of charactor. Really look at a person and what they are in to. In order to know what a person is in to then you have to know them beyond just a first impression. So you can trust your instinct by keeping a little distance, and, you can listen to what that person is talking about to find out "what" they are "about". Good luck with your situation!!!
2007-07-18 21:24:38 UTC
i know i have a built in system, developed as a young child, with moves to new schools and having to learn very quickly, who were the goodies and baddies. I use to love staring at people,[until reminded by mum and dad, it was rude],

i think this has helped me to sum up people pretty fast!

On the occassions when I have over ride my instincts and allowed for allowances, I've been sorry I hadn't been a little wiser in heeding my first impressions.

It's not neccessary to know the whys and wherefores of why a person is to be wary of, the fact is, for each of us, it may be vastly different, depending on our values and lifes experiences. We are all different. But I do think we need to respect and value the impressions we have recieved from an individual, whether for positive or negative.
El Guapo
2007-07-18 21:11:42 UTC
First of all, I want to say great show! I watched it last night and was instantly hooked. I can see how in this day and age first impression's influence the way people see each other especially people of different races from their own. I've made my own first impression of people that are less than stellar that would end up being very close friends. I'm the one that makes the worst first impressions. I want to say I don't believe in it, and it's shown me how wrong I can be and I can only imagine how wrong other people can be of others just because their skin color or background is different from their own. I don't think people should be judged on first impression's alone. The gentleman on your show that voted the young black gentleman ever time and ended up voting for him is proof that first impressions can and usually are wrong.
2007-07-18 21:00:04 UTC
"If you feel that someone might be a bad person"

Wow, that's a loaded question! This isn't just "first impressions" of average people. First impressions are usually "well, he's nice" or "she's quiet" or "he's kinda mouthy" or "she's kinda picky". If I feel someone might be a "bad person" what that means in my world is that they are seriously dangerous, and I don't care what anyone else thinks, I'm steering clear, end of story.

I'm not "assuming" in this case, I'm feeling a threat.

"Is it really fair to assume that this is true when they haven't actually wronged you personally?"

What? I'm supposed to hang out until they've shot me, attacked me, raped me, BEFORE I finally trust my gut instincts?

I don't think so.
2007-07-18 14:31:19 UTC
First impressions are not always accurate I feel. It takes time to get to know someone and sometimes your thoughts are influenced by your own personal experiences and we tend to put people in categories or perceive things that people may do or say that can trigger feelings of past experiences. I feel in order to get to know someone you have to spend time with them...alot of time. Alone time, but also in social situations, have them meet your family, friends, and listen to what someone close to you thinks. Sometimes, when we are close to something, we need to step out of the box so to speak and look at it objectively. Red flag behavior is something I have always watched out for when meeting new people and establishing friendships/relationships. I don't feel you can tell thru your gut, however, if something doesn't seem right, or simply doesn't add up, then it usually is best to walk away.
2007-07-18 13:09:26 UTC
I think that you should always go with your gut when meeting someone for the first time. However, I find that I am some times wrong when judging by first impressions. I think you should always give people a chance, but be careful while doing so
2007-07-18 11:02:53 UTC
I believe first impression could be wrong a lot of times, don't get me wrong it could be right also but more wrong. If first impression is always right, there wont be as many divorce as is now. You will know this person is not for you.

when people are sick and are diagnosed they always most of the time want a second opinion. Judging someone for the first time you meet them could do more bad than good. That being said, if that person gives you the reason to think and believe that he/she is a bad person by all means you have the right to judge them the way they were presented to you.
2007-07-18 00:50:00 UTC
I have a really good, time-tested set of instincts, especially about people. While I trust those instincts quite strongly, I also temper them with a measure of my family's widom on the subject, as well.

The best advice I ever got on the subject was simply, "Don't be afraid to ask afraid of the answer you didn't try to get."

In situations where I must feel things out, sans questions....I remember a few things to take note of.

What is some one wearing and how? Are they comfortable?

How often do they look folks in the eye? If they don't, when they can, this should warn you off them, and/or what they might be selling.

How does everyone else tend to treat them? Are they deferred to? Do they seem to have other's respect, love, and/or fear? Look for a consensus and trust a friend if you feel TOO biased.

Also, what are they taking into themselves--and what are they putting out? Overt hostility is easy to see, what about subtle manipultaions? What are they drinking/eating? Are they healthy? If they don't have their own interests at heart, odds are good they might not have yours either.

When in doubt, I roll the dice, say hi, and keep to faith. That helps, too.

Hope this helped.

Good Luck and Goddess Bless.
2007-08-15 09:48:11 UTC
I think human beings have a natural instinct that we've used for thousands of years that helps us identify enemies and friends. It's the eye contact, the gestures, the tone of voice, and the overall appearance of someone that helps us decide whether or not this is someone we can trust. I think it develops more with age and experience, and everyone judges in their own way, but I do think there is a universal way of judging people, too.

In my experience, you can tell alot about someone by how they present themselves, but not always. But many times when I have tried to give a chance to those that I had that "icky" feeling about, 99% of the time, it turns out to be a bad situation. I think we are taught to give people chances, through religion, our parents, our peers and society. In the end, most of the time it ends bad, but once in a while there is an unexpected surprise!
Debnil S
2007-08-13 17:55:53 UTC
The best way to tell this is by talking to them. Nobody is a truly bad person. Talking to people lets both of you know each other better, regardless of your initial opinions of each other.

However, if you can't talk extensively, you can see how the person acts around people. That really gives an impression about somebody.

Finally, the eyes are probably the best way to see a person. Some people have shyness and nervousness in their eyes, while others have joy and confidence. The eyes are like a window to the soul.
2007-08-11 19:24:27 UTC
I'm sorry in advance for the book, but this truly is a topic that touches my heart and I want to give you my real life example as well, so that when meeting someone that doesn't make a good impression, you'll see they're worth a second look.

You don't know for certain that your first impression or your instinct are correct. Sometimes a "gut" instinct of something wrong could very well be that the person we are meeting is in trouble, desperate for help, maybe losing a loved one or just simply having a bad day. I know that I am certainly not always "on top of my game" and sometimes in a hurry to keep up with a busy schedule, I'll rush through an initial greeting and while I'm worthy of a second meeting - I'm sure that I've appeared rude or despondent to many that I've met for the first time. If you feel that someone might be a "bad" person , then proceed with caution but don't decide until you know for certain, that person might just need your help. As for when to trust your gut instinct - instinct is a feeling inside that something is wrong - in no way is that an indicator that someone is definitely bad just that something isn't quite right. I would not recommend prejudging based on instinct and would allow instinct to merely be a guide in how to proceed with the new acquaintance.

Real life example: As a manager of a real estate office, I had to hire and terminate employees - as well as train and oversee - I had an employee that was older than me, that always came to work angry or crying, yelling on her cell phone and I thought over and over that the previous manager should have never hired someone so unstable. I avoided her and trained only when I had to. One day while returning from a meeting late, I saw this woman stopping by the office to finish up some things she had left undone, being that the office was closed she had brought her husband. I watched as she unloaded heavy ramps from the back of her old truck, rolled his wheelchair around to the side and proceeded to support the chair while he lifted himself up and over to the chair, she then put everything back as it was - loading the truck by herself. As she pushed him toward the office door, she introduced him. As we were making small talk on an initial meeting her husband proceeded to tell me that he knew from her that I didn't like her much and that she felt that from me but that it was his fault, she had spent the best years of her life having to take care of him as he was paralyzed from the waist down in a construction accident, she was forced to live 600 miles from all of her family and had buried her father and brother the previous year and was having trouble finding the time to grieve. Needless to say, my first impression of "unstable" was incorrect - tired, emotional, loving wife, caring daughter and sister, fragile, strong, loyal - would have been much better adjectives. I was wrong. He really opened my eyes - this woman and I became the best of friends and still are today. When my own father was sick with cancer and we lost him in 2004, she and her husband held us through the pain and did their best to protect us from the harshness of death and the hurt that comes with it. Imagine the friendship I would have missed out on had I went with my first impression. Time and a peek into her life from her husband allowed me the opportunity to reevaluate my first impression and I am glad that I did.
2007-08-06 08:54:46 UTC
No, that is not fair. We all make bad first impressions at times and naturally, we would hope that we get a second chance at a first impression. You can safely give that second chance to someone without putting yourself at risk of being wronged. Also, a good way to tell thier potential is to have a look (if you can) at thier relationships with other people. If they have a bad track record on doing others wrong then chances are you are no different.
2007-08-02 11:04:12 UTC
I don't think it is possible to know whether the person at first glance is trustworthy or not, to decide that about a person it takes time and concentration, to really note the good and bad things about a person, you can't judge a book by its cover, the saying really comes out here. I don't think you can actually have a tremendous amount of trust in someone you just met, like I said before it takes time and concentration, to really get the story about the person, and then realize if the person if trustworthy
2007-08-02 05:44:45 UTC
Your "instincts" or "gut feeling" is a very basic way for the brain to alert you about something important. Please analyze the idea that you see more than you remember seen or noticing; that your brain processes more information that you ever realize. So all that extra information ends up being analyzed without you noticing and when something catches your subconscious mind's attention it comes out as a gut feeling. Trust it but verify. Be weary but allow logic to probe the truth. Gut feelings are not Voodoo you just need to learn how to use them. I am usually very comfortable with most strangers but when I get a gut feeling or the hair on my neck raises I pay attention, even if I have to appologize or change my attitude later. Is better to be prepared than sorry!
2007-08-01 00:25:01 UTC
There are millions of people in this world that you will never meet or get to know. You will meet more people than you could ever remember. Trust you gut and stay away from a person you believe to be bad. Your gut is your way of feeling and processing all of the things that impact you, at that particular time, that you don't concisely see or hear. In today's environment we are in too much of a hurry to get to know even those people that we believe are good. so trust your gut and take your time, and try to avoid those that may be bad.
Cathy C
2007-07-28 14:07:11 UTC
When I have a negative reaction to a person the first time I meet them, I make a note of what it is about them I don't like, and I proceed with caution. I don't dismiss them entirely, but I do watch them more carefully than I would have, had I not received a negative first impression of them. After gathering evidence over a period of time, I either include them in my life, or I don't. Some people don't need a lot of time to get themselves excluded. It's not a matter of "wronging me personally." The issue is quality of life. Spending time with people you'd rather not be with lowers that.This is especially true of relatives. Toxic relatives can really lower the quality of your life experiences. Distance does wonders for those relationships. Fifty-three years of experience have taught me to trust my instincts about this.
Sarah N
2007-07-26 12:43:13 UTC
It may be unfair to follow your guttural instinct, but I feel I must say that the majority of the time my gut instinct is correct. Of course I have been wrong before. But in my experience I would rather be wrong about a person than get hurt in the process. In fact based on past instincts I think I need to hone my instincts some.
2007-07-23 11:42:36 UTC
It is so hard these days to sum someone up on a first impression. But I have also known someone for years & went with my gut & was wrong, as well. But my gut instinct has been right more than not. So, in my opinion, you are taking a chance with anyone.
Kat G
2007-07-19 09:17:54 UTC
There is an old saying you never get a second chance to make a first impression. In life we often put our best foot forward. Often it is human nature to give an opinion after a first meeting, however I have sometimes found that by seeing the way someone treats others in a social setting is an indication on if I would like to continue to have them in my social circle. As it is very difficult to be something you are not.
Cool Dude
2007-07-19 07:21:30 UTC
Wether Your First impression is accurate or not Depends upon

1. How others will see you. (Visual)

» Are you groomed well: Do you look like this date is important to you? Did you take some time with your appearance?

» Does what you are wearing compliment your body style?

» Are you conscious of your posture? Standing straight projects confidence while a slouchy posture can make you appear weak.

» Watch your manners: Bad manners turn people off.

2. How others will hear you. (Vocal)

» Is your voice pleasing and positive? People are drawn to, and comforted by, an individual with a pleasing voice who speaks positively.

» Is your voice rushed or aggressive? There is a distinct difference in assertive tonality and just being rude. In your excitement, don’t be overconfident – it can come across harshly and scare people away.

» Is your voice too soft? You might come across as insecure. If you speak softly, make a conscious effort to speak clearly – don’t make your date have to work to hear you.

3. What others will hear you say. (Verbal)

» Do you speak positively? There are some things that don’t need to be said - the many people you hate, or even your dogmatic political preferences – until you’ve had a chance to get to know one another.

» Use your listening skills. People have a natural desire to connect – let them know you are interested in what they have to say by repeating it back to them.

» Think outside of the box. – don’t say the same thing everyone else is saying.
2007-07-19 01:06:47 UTC
It has been a proven fact to me that 9 times out of 10 your gut instinct is the right one to follow. Granted, that person may not have wronged you personally, but you need to ask yourself whether or not you and your heart can afford to be wronged again. Your gut is telling you these things for a reason and it is always best to listen to that. Your heart is not the thing to listen to, as it might be way more lonely than you like to admit.
2007-07-18 23:34:53 UTC
First impressions are like any other assumptions, they could always be wrong; but I try to be as giving as possible. If things go sour a second time, then I'm done with them.

The best way to go is to ask for the first impressions of the same person from someone you trust. What's the harm in asking right?
2007-07-18 21:04:29 UTC
You don't know if your first impression is accurate. However, the only time I would not suppress my first impression is if I get a sense that the person is unbalanced, or in someway could be harmful to me. Then, I won't spend anymore time with that person, or allow myself to feel vulnerable. The fact is, unless it is a business situation, where you always give someone more time, I generally go with my gut feeling. I don't care about being fair. I care about my own personal comfort level, and what it takes to stay safe in a modern world.
2007-07-18 16:11:02 UTC
Refuting the old saw that your first guess is always best, 33 studies over 70 years suggest sticking with your first instinct is not always a smart tack.

The first impression you have on someone is probably wrong. You can't judge somone that quickly.

I always end up feeling bad when I get a first impression to be on the negative side. Usually, thoes people are the ones that turn out to be my friends.
2007-07-18 14:05:15 UTC
Well its an old saying "First Impression is everything". It is 90% true that first impression tells you what the person is like.

If they are bad and you feel it then give them a chance and see how it turns out. Guy instints is something that you need to trust. it tells you how confidence you are and if you can trust yourself or not.

Most of time we do feel wrong but you should never judge someone untill you even know them a little.
2007-07-18 11:01:13 UTC
Gut instinct simply means you are judging people on an emotional not rational level.

If you do not expect to meet these people again, if it is a one time encounter, this might be a useful way to decide who you want to talk to.

But to really understand people in the long run you need to interact with them over a period of time.

First impressions can often be wrong. So it is best to delay judgement, best to put off assumptions until you know the person better.

Meet these people in groups where you can interact with them and until you feel secure being alone with them.
2007-07-18 08:20:15 UTC
My gut instinct has never let me down. I am a people person.

First impression is a lasting impression. In most of my past experiences that's all I could depend on. Being on my own in big cities was really creepy sometimes. You don't know if you can trust somebody just because they seem to be OK. If my gut says don't do it! I listened. I have gotten myself into some serious situations were I could have been in serious danger. But if you listen to your gut it's sure never to steer you wrong, even if it means you missed out on a golden opportunity sometimes it's worth the risk.
2007-07-18 07:55:34 UTC
I usually start out by not judging a book by it's cover. But in general I believe that's it a good policy to watch a person's behavior to situations or their body language. That tells me on a more accurate level than a gut instinct. I started using my method about a year ago, and so far my first impressions of other have been about 85% dead on. My gut instinct on the other hand closer to about 60%.
Somily K
2007-07-31 11:09:16 UTC
It depends on a lot of things. If they are known not to be kind or anything like that, than you should really see for yourself before making an opinion. The answer is that it is not fair to assume that they are a bad person in any way until you get to know them better. You can have a sense of if your first impression of somebody is accurate to you, if they do not seem weird to you in any way.
2007-07-30 06:46:28 UTC
You don't know for sure but instinct can be a powerful influence over how you feel about someone. I don't think you should totally ignore those feelings but you do have to get to know the individual in question better before you can make an overall judgment. But when dealing with that person initially that vision you have of them will dictate how you view them until other evidence is available.
2007-07-19 05:50:28 UTC
I think there's a lot of misunderstanding regarding the sanctity of first imprressions. Trusting ones gut is only a good idea if we are really hearing from our gut and not from our old attitudes or our fears. Pay attention to your first impression and then take a wait and see approach. Those so-called first impressions are often just old fears and pre-conditioned attitudes masquerading as intuition. If you clear the deck of these old expectations, you may be able to see that other person with an open mind. Also we need to realize that people are complex with many different factors making up their total being--none of us are all one thing (i.e. that person we label as a "b----" because they said something we take objection to, may also have a deep well of compassion,generosity or any number of wonderful qualitites that we have failed to notice because we are hung up on what we didn't like during that first impression. Most of us unfold gradually--we don't reveal all of who we are in one interaction.
2007-07-18 14:03:03 UTC
Hello again,

It's not accurate, but it's not significantly unfair to the new kid. For each person, there's a level of privacy other individuals should respect. While our immediate judgments of "potential invaders" might be wrong (very wrong), but these instincts are natural for the purpose of privacy and safety, and they are harmless as long as we ourselves do not cross the line and hurt that other person.

In other words, there should be a balance between judgment and respect when meeting someone new, it takes time to know someone, and ironically, we discover that most people are not rotten in the heart, so of course we should be respectful and careful at the same time on the first meeting, as President Ronald Reagan had said: "Trust, but verify".

HOWEVER, certain information triggers high level security response, say for example, that new person "looks" like he/she fits the profile of drug dealer or criminal, then it is best not to interact with them unless there are confidently safe guarantees.
2007-08-11 02:21:19 UTC
I do believe meeting someone for the first time is truly based upon your gut feeling which is always right. The first impression is always crucial to meeting someone for the first time, because somehow, there is a sense of just knowing, it is a natural feeling that I would definitely go with. Trust me, it is worth the taking.
2007-08-09 23:58:28 UTC
kinda like don't judge a book by it's cover

u know I've been pretty accurate when i do this of coarse there's always that one that sort of "got away from me." with that in mind no i don't think it is fair to assume that the person is or will be bad but if u can't trust ur self then who can u trust I've always found it fit to tell that person "hey u know when i first met u i thought u were a dog" and then i apologize for being quick to make assumptions most of the time this works other times it takes awhile but all ends well
2007-08-09 08:12:35 UTC
I believe that I am a very open minded person when it comes to people and the first impressions they make on me. I find that I do not try as hard to get to know them, yet, I can ignore the first impression they gave me if they prove later to be better as a person than I would have expected. I try not to judge people to much before I really get to know them as a person, and not dwell on the fact that they may have made an *** of themselves or acted high and mighty at first. Some people send the wrong messages as to who they are at times. I know I may have done that. I would not want someone to judge me before they get to know me, so I will give the same respect to others!!
2007-07-31 10:51:53 UTC
I don't feel that your gut instinct is always correct. I thing it is fair to give some one a chance to prove themselves. I work with the public. sometimes when you meet some one for the first time they may put off a negative vibe, but once i start to talk to them they change, you get to know a little about them, and you find out most of the time why you got that vibe. you may also have a positive vibe from a person,and while talking to them, realize they aren't that great.
carrie douglass
2007-07-30 12:03:40 UTC
I think sometimes your gut feelings are usually correct. But in this situation getting to know someone new you probably should give them a chance and if then they seem not nice and what your gut said but who knows they could turn out to be cool and not what your gut said so give the the new person a chance and see from there what you think.Or you can just go with your gut feeling about this person OK.If you need any help on anything else just e-mail me.

yours Carrie Douglass
Michael C
2007-07-25 14:40:54 UTC
Gut feelings can be misleading. You can never know what a persons true intentions are until they carry them out. That is why trust is a very valuable commodity. The other side of that is that when you get a reaction it is a warning from whatever belief structure you believe in and it can be correct most of the time. The thing is that judgement is not for us, because we do not posess that ability to look into a person's heart to see what their intentions are. So we are left with our belief structure.

Look into what you would do in that situation and base it upon that.
2007-07-24 11:29:38 UTC
I just don't trust instinct. We are a little out of practice as humans. But, I am not in the habit of judging someone right away. I've been proven wrong many times before so I have learned not to do that. There are times that I meet someone and dislike them right away but I try not to act on it until I have the benefit of time knowing that person.
2007-07-19 08:34:33 UTC
You know through time and experience with that person, when they either validate your opinion/impression by their behavior or actions, or do not. Your instincts about the person have to be proven or unsubstantiated by them.

If you feel that someone is a bad person, it may or may not be fair, but it would be impossible to deny these feelings in your interaction with them, and therefore your gut instinct is always trusted, at least until there is evidence to beleive otherwise.
Sword Lily
2007-07-19 00:48:37 UTC
My gut is almost never wrong. If I have a bad feeling about someone upon meeting them they are usually bad news. Assuming that someone is a bad person and listening to your intuition are two different things. I don't just write off that person saying they are "bad". I am simply cautious. I don't get too close unless they prove me wrong. I know to trust my gut based on years of my instincts proving right. It's just a matter of taking time to listen to what your common sense tells you.
2007-07-18 20:42:47 UTC
It is best to always to trust your first instinct. However, since it is not fair to judge anyone by first impressions, be very cautious when dealing with this person. Sadly enough, you can never totally rely on first impressions. Sometimes you get very good vibes from a person and they turn out to be very dangerous. The best advise I can give is to not totally trust anyone until you have known them for a very long time.
2007-07-18 18:03:50 UTC
I have always felt my first impressions of people are fairly accurate, no one should assume anything about another person though, that is not fair, and I think even if you feel they are not good, it is best to not assume, but rather just be aware for future reference. I pretty much always trust my gut, and find I personally am very intuitive. That has just been my experience so far.
2007-07-18 14:51:01 UTC
I will always give a person a second chance to make "a first impression." I trust my gut, but I'm willing to give someone the benefit of a second meeting to see if I feel differently. My first impression is almost always accurate.
Smooch The Pooch
2007-07-18 14:11:55 UTC
You based this off my answer on your last question then reworded your question. Hmmmm. You DON'T know until you go a little further. In some cases, it is justifiable to assume the worst if your safety might be at issue, otherwise, I say then give it a chance. Most of the first impressions I have had of people are never what they are about at all. My best friend struck me as an arrogant, snobby east coast girl (by her words and actions) and as it turned out, she has the biggest most non-judgmental heart ever.
2007-07-18 13:37:14 UTC
You can't always tell who someone is at first glance. Some people are excellent actors at covering up who they really are, and at giving you what you expect from them. But there are other telltale giveaways: their general grooming habits, anything they say that seems artificial or forced. You have to let the situation play out, until they reveal who they really are. So I'm learning the best approach is to not trust anyone, and let people approach you. When they do, ask yourself: what does this person want from me, because if they are making the first move, they want something, which is usually to be seen as something that they're not, and what they want from you is a reflection of what they're trying to be. With real, genuine people, events happen which reveal they are real.
2007-07-18 13:27:01 UTC
I have been a bartender for 20+ years I have also worked as a customer service rep the last 8 years. I have met a lot of people and feel that I am a pretty good judge of charactor. This did not happen overnight. I have learned to read a persons body language,listen to their tone and for me the telltale sign is weither that person looks you in the eye when they are speaking to you. I also am weary when the conversation is all about me,me,me. My gut is usually right but I can say I have been wrong on occasion
2007-07-17 23:27:13 UTC
You don't know if it's accurate, you're just forming an opinion based upon past experiences to help you size up the person. No, it's not really fair to assume that it's true before they have wronged you, however, if it is in a social situation such as at a bar or club, it is a safety precaution that needs to be taken. If it's in a work environment or a safe atmosphere, it's best to keep your first impression in mind, but try not to treat them differently because of it until you see behavior that reinforces it.
Deborah M
2007-08-10 20:47:08 UTC
I don't like to judge people at first but there are a few things I look for initially. I look into their eyes watch their body language. Soft kind eyes will meet my eyes directly right away. A real hug with arms around me and no pat on back or a solid hand shake whether your a woman or man feels right even if they stammer and spit when trying to talk. Eyes that are cold, critical with a forrowed brow perhaps judgemental, and a wimpy hand shake or hug with pat on back, do not feel right to me. probably no 2nd chance. Direct eye contact , real warmth, and soft eyes, even if they trip over themselves get a 2nd chance if they want. Then there are eyes that piere you and make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. These eyes ar usually steely, cold, arrogant , scary. I make direct eye contact so they know i am not impressed . There is no hand offered and i step back and make an excuse to go. NO chance. I trust my gut feelings every time because when I do not I usually regrete it.
2007-07-30 14:26:16 UTC
Our nervous system forms a giant antenna array. We receive and transmit messages we never realize are going out or coming in. There are a few slightly different individuals who can interpret this information. Most of us call it gut instinct or feeling.

I'm one of the lucky one that can interpret this information. That doesn't mean I can't be fooled. Any one can be fooled. Usually this information going out that isn't realized by the sender is right on target. We must always be wary of few who do realize the information is going out, for some of them may possess the ability to send out false and misleading information.

Also there are those that truly believe they are good, but are in reality not good at all, or just slightly good and mostly bad. They are the most difficult to ferret out of the heard. They have a right belief, but a wrong attitude or way about them. They are the ones we really have trouble with.
2007-07-24 20:22:26 UTC
I've always been told to go with the gut. I use it in my careers and it hasn't steered me wrong, however, I should use it more when dealing with meeting new people. I always want to give people the benefit of the doubt, even if my gut says run the other way quickly, and 90% of the time, my gut was correct, the other 10% could possibly my naivity. Is it fair? No. I do think it could save someone's life or future headaches later on if we would just listen to our gut. Great question!
2007-07-24 17:28:18 UTC
With all due respect, I must admit that I have a bit of a problem with the question. "Bad person"??? What, exactly, is a bad person? People are just people. No one is all good or all bad. EVERYONE is a mix.

Even the best person can occasionally do a horrible thing -- and even the "worst" has some good at their core. People just won't stay in those pigeonholes you put them in.

Why would I need to decide that someone was good or bad? Labels simply don't mean anything --even if I'm doing the labeling.
2007-07-19 08:31:09 UTC
Most of us are better judges of character than we give ourselves credit for. We may not be accurate 100 % of the time making a judgement on first impression, but I would be willing to bet that we are right more often than not. It really is all about that gut feeling. The key to remember is that we should all be open minded though. It is easy for any of us to have a bad day, and it is important to give others more than one chance to make a good impression most of the time. We would want others to give us that chance as well.
2007-07-19 07:21:34 UTC
Gut instincts or first impressions are - for my situations - very reliable. There are always going to be shades of gray regarding behavior - not as dishonest, not as unlikable, not as bad - but my first impressions are a gauge for me to modify my behavior accordingly. If I have any hesitation or second thoughts based on a first meeting, I'm certainly not going to throw myself head first into a 1 on 1 meeting with someone new. I rely on my head to judge first, and many times, my heart doesn't even need to be involved at all.
2007-07-18 21:04:32 UTC
I suppose there is no way to know for certain the true nature of a person upon first meeting them, but instincts are not mere fallacies. First, no matter now long you are in contact with a person to plague them as good or bad, it is all relative. But within that relativity, you can reinforce or alter your opinions especially the ones from your first encounter. I take my gut feelings and gauge them based on later actions, words, and feelings.
2007-07-18 19:34:41 UTC
It is just like judging the book by its cover. You will never know the content of the book unless you will read it. But in some cases you may have an idea about such book by its title though it is not always safe to assume on such findings..Its just like the person, u may have an impression on certain things but you cannot guarantee your impression on this. Nevertheless if you are a keen observer perhaps you may be right. Or in other case instincts happens.
2007-07-18 19:10:37 UTC
I think first impressions are usually for a good reason because, at the very least, they are never wrong in a sense. For example, if you talk to someone for the first time over the phone(without seeing them face to face)and you think that they sound might judge them for that, because maybe they were a little rude on account of them not being a phone person. So, in a sense, your first impression is accurate because it lets you know right off the bat what peeves you about someone else.
2007-07-18 16:56:33 UTC
You don't close yourself off to getting to know the person better. You just keep yourself more guarded then you might with other people. You don't just automatically trust them. If they care, they will pick up on the fact that they need to earn your respect and your trust.

First impressions aren't always right. And often we misinterpret peoples actions, their tone of voice, their body language, and the very things they say. So still giving a person a chance, and trying to get to know them better is worth it. But not without caution, especially if your first instinct says, this is not a good person.
2007-07-18 16:26:37 UTC
I trust my first impressions, but allow time to prove me right or wrong. An interesting thing that I have learned from various people is their first impression of me always seems to be that I am somewhat reserved. The opposite is true as they have verified after knowing me for a short time. Perhaps I come across that way because I am trying to decide what my first impression should be of the ones whom I meet.
2007-07-18 14:15:36 UTC
The truth is: you don't.

There are too many variables at play and you may not get the best of what that person has to offer. Maybe his/her mind is on something else or he/she is feeling unwell and so appear to be rude. Of course, they may appear nicer to you than what they actually are: maybe they need something from you.

Not less important is what impression you will cause on the other person: they will act in accordance to it and generate a sort of "emotional feedback" to you.

Many experiences have found this "emotional feedback": treat someone nicely and chances are they will be nice to you. Be rude to them and you get the same back.

In general, a little bit of caution is allways sensible. Do not go too strongly on first impressions. Build any relationship slowly and build up trust as you go. After you accumulated enough experiences with a person your opinion will be a lot more balanced than on a first impression.
2007-07-18 13:26:14 UTC
Due to my career, I have been misjudged numerous times by others as they have later told me that I tend to come off as very uptight, serious, professional to the point of perfectionism, and extremely proper and almost snotty. As they have the time to get to know me and learn about me (especially outside of the work environment), many have apologized to me and laughed about how their first impression of me was wayyyy off base. This has taught me to be very cautious in my first impressions of others. I do my best to not be judgmental; however, I have been blessed with discernment and tend to be pretty right on about a person. If my gut tells me to be cautious, then I am until I am either proven wrong or right and can at that point make a further decision to assertain at what level my relationship will be with that person. Granted no one is perfect, but I tend to be able to see thru others and "masks" they put on moreso than others in my family. While, I do my best to give the benefit of the doubt to people, I still firmly believe that the bottom line comes down to character. If their behavior reflects character flaws, my gut will usually pick it up and I will be very cautious and proceed as such. People tend to be habits of creature and being perseptive enough to read character in others by observation and gut instinct should not go without merit, all the while we should be balanced enough to realize that we all have off days and may be incorrect in our first assessment of someone if they are having an off or bad day.
2007-07-18 12:27:43 UTC
I'd try to see how they act on days other than that one. See how they treat people in other places (if I see them in other places) because you could see someone for the first time when they're having a bad day and you'll get the impression of how they are when they're not up to their everyday personality.

Its not fair to assume how a person is if you haven't really seen the real person they are- all of them.I try not to go with what I see at first sight. I try to see how the person will act after that. It the behavior is continuous, then thats probably the way to assume they are.

But the only thing about people is that we change with our environment. So a person may act one way with one group of people and completely different with another group.
2007-07-18 12:12:45 UTC
When I first meet a person I am usually more concerned with making a good impression on them. If we carry on a conversation for a while it is likely I will get some idea of their core values.

I find that usually my first impression is correct, even if I doubt it until later. I.e. I will give people the benefit of the doubt, even if my first impression of them says not to. I do not place myself in a position to be taken advantage of or hurt because of that little nagging doubt and quite often that defense mechanism proves useful and correct.

I guess it comes down to what personality type do you trust?

I have been described as a Jungian blue-green, I tend to dislike self absorbed people and overly friendly people and migrate toward intelligent and sincere people. I guess opposites don't attract, a least not for me. ;-)
2007-07-18 10:02:03 UTC
I feel like you should always be cautious. My gut instinct almost always tells me a person is genuine and sincere, when in fact, maybe 30% of the time, I'm being deceived in some way.

I try not to develop an opinion or extend trust to anyone I don't know. I will ALWAYS check references and reserve judgement.

If my gut instinct tells me a person is BAD, I make sure to go that extra mile, and approach business and personal interaction with caution, eyes wide open.

It's more than fair to trust your gut instinct. It's wise, it's necessary. Gut instincts are your first level of defense. If you don't trust them, you put yourself in harm's way.
2007-07-18 07:30:17 UTC
When I have a gut instinct like that, I keep my mind open regarding what the person is like and what kind of person they are. But at the same time, I do remain on the cautious side. As my dad once said, "You can fool a person for a while. But after so long the person lets their guard down and you see cracks that reveal who they truly are through the fake mask they wear."

By that I mean that I let time reveal whether my gut instinct was right or wrong. I don't think it is smart to totally ignore one's gut instinct while at the same time it's not fair to totally judge the other person based just upon one's instinct. So I use caution until they prove my gut instinct right or wrong. Sooner or later they'll let their guard down and reveal what they are truly like whether it be good or bad. A person may only see glimpses of it or just slight cracks at first. But as the person gets more comfortable around you they will tend to focus less on those guards they put up and the cracks will get bigger.
2007-07-18 06:46:09 UTC
You have to trust your "gut instinct" if you don't know anything about a person.

You might ask yourself if your instincts and first impressions generally turn out to be wrong. If you have been overly critical in the past, maybe you are too cautious or fearful. Look for opportunities to get to know people in a safe, group setting.

You can sometimes check out your first impressions by asking others what they know or how they feel about a person.
Moody Red
2007-07-18 03:06:42 UTC
First impressions may be deceiving. This is not the way to judge a person. For instance,Ted Bundy was very amicable and a first impression was, "what a nice guy!" First impressions are as inaccurate as the weather forecast. It takes time to get to know a person, and there are some people you never truly get to know well. If your gut tells you something is wrong though, I believe you should take heed to those primal instincts. It is better to be safe than sorry.
2007-07-17 23:18:00 UTC
While you "think" you can guess about people upon meeting them and with first impression thoughts, you really can be totally wrong about that individual. I believe it takes times to know a person and to see clearly their character and the core of the persona.

However, I often can take some measurement of another person by eye contact, their language, body movement and listening to them for a few minutes. But this in no way tells me everything about that person.

When I look back at the few wonderful girlfriends that I had, each of them absolutely did not like me upon the first meeting. Indeed, one of my girlfriends told me, "You know if you were walking in a mall and passed me by, I would not take second look at you!" Oh my.

My point is that these women took time to get to know me, pealing layers of my life back day after day. A growing trust and blossoming love came forth. To this day, I'm so happy how those relationships developed. And that was over time.

Of course in business and at our daily jobs, often times we don't have the opportunity to have much time to get to know people. In any event, we have our guts and brains and we must be steadfast in being who "we are" and living up to our own standards and doing the best we can possibly do as others are watching us too and probably thinking this very same question here.
343 Remember
2007-08-11 11:19:47 UTC
I do not believe anyone can say across the board that their first impressions have always been right; however I have been fairly successful. While it may not be 'fair' to make an assumption on someone.. the real question is this: If you feel someone is bad.. do you make your feelings known to them? My answer to this in most cases is NO. If you make a decision based on first impression - you do not need to make it known.. if you do not have to interact with this person politely excuse yourself. If you do have to interact with this person then be professional, courteous and take care of whatever you need to do quickly.

Gut instinct is all we have in many cases, especially when it comes to safety.. and this is where I truly believe, while someone may be wrong in their first impression of another....if they feel unsafe.. then it is better to be wrong than .. hurt or attacked.

Many times people will make an assumption of someone solely based on race.. to me that is wrong; however I do not know everyone's past experience.. and while I know that if someone of one race hurt another.. that does not mean that everyone of that ethnicity will.. but and please forgive this parallel .. I have met many people that have been bitten by a dog.. and instead of being afraid of that 1 dog or that breed.. they tend to be afraid of ALL dogs..

As humans we learn things by experience and direction.. depending on our experiences and the directives we've received from our family, friends etc. much of our behavior is influenced by those external factors.

I do believe that gut instinct is more intrinsic; however it can also be 'surface' gun instinct.. which to me is not as reliable.

I feel that if you do not trust someone and you simply excuse yourself from their presence it is ok to judge.

I wish you well!
2007-08-10 15:11:34 UTC
I watch the person's eye's and facial expressions. I personally dont automatically judge people completely on first impressions. I leave room for some one to "redeem" themselves. Even if a person is a jerk, if someone "calls them out" and their facial expressions show remorse or humiliation that shows me that the individual is human and has room to grow.

I always watch for repetitive actions. How a person treats other people. ESPECIALLY how a person treats their friends and family. If a person treats people he/she are supposed to love and care about poorly... Then I put that away in my mind and watch for "indicators" of repetitive poor actions.

Also I tend to believe that the majority of people are good people. Even the ones that most individuals call "Bad" are good people who make bad choices. This doesnt mean that those individuals shouldnt have to deal with the reprecusions of their poor choices.

A person shouldn't wait to be personally wronged before judging an individual to be a poor choice of aquantance/friend/love interest at that point in time. If you see an individual repetitively making poor choices or acting in ways you consider immoral/unethical, it's probably a good idea not to invite them into your inner circle.

How to tell whether or not you should trust your gut instinct? I believe that our "gut instinct" is some part of us that has picked up clues though out our life and in our experience on certain things. When we are faced with similar situations (they dont have to be perfectly parallel) Our body reacts. For the sake of self preservation, if a "gut instinct" is strong enough an individual (and therefore myself) should follow that gut instinct until the "bad" individual proves otherwise.

I always leave room for analysis and try to consider the "why" Why is a person behaving like this? Why did a person do this? Could this action have been prevented in a different situation... etc etc. And then I watch for repetition. I dont full on judge a person initially, but I put my "gut instinct" and observations away in a corner in my mind so to speak and wait for further "data" to come to a better conclusion.
2007-08-09 22:50:50 UTC
From my experiences, I can say it really isn't so much a question of fairness as it is a question of safety. While you should give people at least two chances, is that really safe? If you decided it isn't, is it because you are being unfair or is it more erroring on the side of safety? To me, it depends on the situation. At work (for example), where you have little choice and a fairly high degree of safety, I think it would be very unfair to not give someone multiple chances to prove they are a "bad person". If, on the other hand, it is someone you meet at the bar, that would be more of a safety issue than a fairness issue. Be smart - be safe and leave them behind.
2007-08-09 02:47:24 UTC
I try to remove judgement from my life, of course being human this is hard. I get energy from a person immediatly, and then that is how I choose to proceed, if I feel no immediate danger, then I may linger, but I also dont like bullshitters, people who arent who they say, I can see through most masks. My husband says I'm an elitist, I dont even like the snobs. I dont like that depiction because if your nice, and compassionate, and a good person, I dont care what you drive live or do for a living. At the same time i am very comfortable with me, flaws and all, I dont lie because its too much work and who cares if everyone in the room thinks I am stupid, mabey I am. I am rarely wrong when I sum someone up, but just two weekends ago I had to let this guy a friend brought over, she was also embarrassed, that I totally misjudged him. He seemed so Cheesy and Dumb, it was classic, but after we started talking it was amazing how similar our ideas and how we handle things were. I realized it is because like me he is totally himself, who ever he wants to be he is really, not just says it but is it. That is how i feel whatever you decide to be be that and the best, even if your just a slut, be the best damn slut out there. Just be
Jared C
2007-07-29 22:34:35 UTC
I'm usually a pretty good judge of character. Really though, it's not like it's shallow or anything, simply using the skill of observation. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they look. You know, clothing choice, hairstyles and beards, etc. There's actually been some scientific research to support the theory that passive/aggresive behavior can affect your growth and physical appearance.

Anyways, I tend to judge peope more by subtleties of character, moreso than appearance. Whether that is a first impression or not, I'm not sure.
2007-07-26 15:08:30 UTC
It is simple there are people who are of the lie narcissist and they will harm you every time. it is easy to see these people once you have dealt with your self for your own issues. Once you have than it is much clearer to identify others.

i would recommend two books and tapes.

1. "People of the lie.

2. john Bradshaw books and tapes.

3. There is an older movie of an Austrian or other Easter European Psychologist who works with a Narcissist and take you throw the 3 stages of their defenses 1. Win you over, 2. sympathy,3. attack. I think this movie is called "Gloria" which I would love to get a copy of this with the full name and date.

When you understand these things it is easy to know your gut instinct as it is trained. And when you have looked into the mirror and dug deep with your self than your gut will not be a part of the lie.

Today the self has over come the good from the 1960's to today and it is seen every where you look.
dan h
2007-07-23 21:33:58 UTC
well not every one has this instinct . Ive seen women married to gay men for years just to get divorced because they come out of the closet. And Ive said (how can you NOT tell) Some people have what I was told (neurokniticks) where aperson has a gift of reading a person in seconds( ie chris angel) or an fbi profiler. but every day person can have it too.

Alot of people have no clue what is right or wrong with a person when they first meet them, just because of a past experience with a similiar type of person. ie not all black people do drugs ect. so this question is mixed.
2007-07-23 09:04:10 UTC
Actually when you think about it it isn't fair to the other person because they might be trying to make friends.I think that it isn't fair to them because their looks aren't everything. I mean I was kinda mean when I was a kid but I had very few friends. You should sometimes trust your instincts but sometimes you shouldn't. If you can clearly see that they look dangerous like they have gun out. Well your instincts should know that that person is not going to be your best friend. If they look dangerous then you should watch how they act. If they aren't doing anything think about how they could make a difference in the world I mean if you have friends and they don't like your other friends they won't interact with each other that would be you with a stranger.
2007-07-19 05:40:09 UTC
Well I do trust my instincts and I have yet to be wrong. But I always ALWAYS give the person in question the benefit of the doubt by trying to befriend he/she and really get to know that person. I can tell if the person is just having a bad day. Perhaps they had a tragedy. But I tend to look deep within and can usually detect pure vs evil immediately. Regardless of that I still try to get to know the individual if their is a common interest or I am forced to associate with them via work associates etc. I do not like being judged by my looks why should I do this to others. Treat those as you would like to be treated regardless if it is returned onto you. (") Jesus Christ

God Bless
2007-07-19 01:57:09 UTC
Yes, I believe that you should trust your gut. Myself, I generally read people like a book. There is a rare occasion that I am wrong. However, I'm right at least 95 percent of the time. Body language, the manner in which a person carries themselves and the nature of how a person might look at you in passing, are all clues to the trustworthiness of that person. Subconsciously, the source of our "gut instinct," those clues register in your mind even when you do not realize it. I believe that it is always best to trust your instincts in any situation because it is the form of communication from your subconscious mind.
2007-07-18 21:52:02 UTC
It's not fair to judge anyone based on first impressions. The person might be having a bad day or facing a difficult time. Besides, people are complex and there is so much more to each person than you could figure out in one day.
kyle s
2007-07-18 20:18:55 UTC
i think you only know is when you meet the person more then once and see how they are and what there about are they nice around others[ and give front] or always a good person and do they dress impressive all the time most people go off the first impression and its not accurate some people have good days and bad days

you just dont know thats life
2007-07-18 20:12:07 UTC
Normally if your gut instinct tells you that there is something wrong with the person you meet for the first time. I have always found that your instincts are normally right. And you will usually find if you do give them the benifit of the doubt that they will normally prove your instincts right. Doesn't always work this way but the biggest part of the time it does.
Tanya B
2007-07-18 18:59:06 UTC
Its all experience.

If you more often than not trust your gut and more often than not are correct then its worth holding into account.

Also , whats wrong with being wary of a stranger at a first meeting?

Trust takes time to develop and suspicion is an excellent defence mechanism.

Something like your "bad person" example could be explained by subconciously picking up on negative body language.

As we are animals , scent plays a part too.

Maybe the body chemistry between two people is just not compatiable.
2007-07-18 16:38:48 UTC
When I meet some one for the first time I do get an opinion like many people I guess. What I do is let the people prove to me they are bad or good whichever my instincts tell me. I am fairly good at this and have been doing this for a long time. I think you develop a knack for instincts by knowingly or unknowingly practicing for years. I guess like they say you can develop ESP.Some time it works for situations as well, not only people.
2007-07-18 15:44:24 UTC
I think at a certain point in your life you get to a time when you have gone through the mistakes, the wrong decisions, the misjudging people, then and only then, with time, experience and alot of life experiences, do you find that your gut instinct 99 percent of the time is correct, because you have been through so much by this time that you know alot more than when your first growing up and maturing, you have gained wisdom, and when you do trust it, trust yourself and your mind...
2007-07-18 15:35:42 UTC
You never really know weather your first impression is accurate or not, it is all about what you believe. We usually have strong belief about people or things that we never see, hear, feel, touch, or even know about. Most of us are convince by the lingering thoughts that never leave, but those thoughts are not always true or accurate. We still have to follow our minds, and trust our gut instinct in almost every situation, because that is about the most secure way that we know.
2007-07-18 14:07:29 UTC
When the person has problem in talking fluently, i.e., he or she wants to think about every word used, because the person will be lying. Ask to go and see where he or she lives even when you do not mean it and watch his body reaction. People who are not serious would start twiching and mild sweat would appear around the forehead.

They do not look you straight in the face because they know or think their eyes might give them away. Should you ask the same question a few times you would get different answers.

When in doubt, forget it.

Trust your instincts for they are usually right when you meet people for the first time.
2007-07-18 06:10:00 UTC
If you ignore your gut, you won't know for SURE until you're proven wrong, which in my experience usually happens pretty early in the friendship/relationship...usually within the first 6 months.

If you trust it and avoid getting to know someone based on your instincts, you'll never know for sure if you were right or not...unless you see them on the 6 o'clock news. :)

I think certain people are blessed with "the feelings" we get about people. I wouldn't be surprised if those "feelings" were inherited, either. My mom is very trusting and doesn't usually get the creepy/shady vibe from anyone. My dad is the opposite and he's rarely wrong.

The same goes for me. And the only way I've been able to prove it is through my husband's friends. Since we've been together, he's had 3 friends I got weird feelings about. And ALL 3 of them proved me right.

I say go with your gut. It's better to be wrong than to take your chances and find out you were right along.
Dustin M
2007-07-18 03:15:15 UTC
You generally get the first impression "feelings" when you meet someone. You can generally tell if this person is sincere, or is out to get you in one form or another. Are these impressions correct all the time? Of course not. But we have instincts for a reason, they are for our protection.

You can listen to your gut instinct without letting it control your life personally though. By limiting how this person can affect you, until they have shown to be trustworthy. Even people who you have good feelings about, can end up "a wolf in sheep's clothing" so to speak. Also known as the Dr. Jekyl, Mr. Hyde persona.

You need to get to know the person, and of course be careful with whatever you have, and yourself. Even if the person feels trustworthy, don't leave your checkbook or money laying around, thats just not smart to do regardless. But after awhile, you should know if the person is "out to get you", or just simply a good person, looking to be in your life. And always, pray about the person, to get wisdom. See what their motivations are in life, and where they plan on going.

With love through Christ Jesus,

2007-08-15 12:52:01 UTC
I'm not authoritative, but I can tell you what I do in a situation such as this. I take my instinct into account. If I meet someone that gives me a Bad Vibe, I treat them politely, listen to them, and watch for signs that they are disingenuous. If it turns out that I am just being overly cautious, or worse, that I have some kind of prejudice that I need to deal with, I can adjust once I have gotten to know them a bit more. If I find out that I was right, I say a prayer of gratitude and carry on.
Robert K
2007-08-13 19:05:29 UTC
Hello Dr:

I'm a firm believer in endorphines. I certainly am no authority, but I have run into this situation a few times. Eye contact, a soft voice and the heart starts racing and ya turn flush !!

My first happened just that way. Twenty years later he's still my best friend. Gut instinct I pretty much live by.

Who knows, maybe I'm just lucky.

Sincerely, TK
Jeff Sadler
2007-08-07 22:34:43 UTC
I do not trust my first instincts completely, despite that mine are correct more than they are incorrect. However, first impressions can be wrong. I will take the oppurtunity to get to know just about anyone. If I do not its probably because personality wise we start off conflicting. There is good and bad in everyone.

Here is the clincher though, getting to know them doesn't mean I will put myself in a situation where trust is required. If I get a bad vibe then I am more reserved and guarded in what I say and do.
2007-08-04 13:33:37 UTC
I am going to move forward with the best information I have. If I only have first impressions about a person and I need to make a decision about him/her then I will go with my first impression. BUT if I have more time with that person I will continually learn and make judgment and "correcting" Judgments about a person the longer I have association with them.

Very rarely do I get to trust someone so completely that I no longer need to evaluate them.

My wife is one of those rare individuals that I trust completely and no longer judge them. Others include my parents and siblings, and about 2 close friends -- everyone else I evaluate and act on how I trust them.

I do this mostly subconsciously but I will act on first impressions if that's all I have.

2007-07-27 16:31:09 UTC
I've learned over time and with age not to always trust my first impression. When I was younger, I always thought my first impression was the right one and I proved myself to be wrong so many times. I stopped relying on that judgment. We always judge someone by the way they look, which is so unfair, there are always good things lurking inside everyone. Lots of times, I try not to trust those gut instincts.
2007-07-18 12:24:37 UTC
You go with your gut instincts which may not be right, but in most cases it is your most reliable resource. Of course not everyone is right all the time, but usually you have some idea of the person's overall character. Gut instincts should be used with a careful degree of objectivity without bias. Bias plays a role when you begin feeling certain emotions that have no basis in what is presented by the outward character of that person.
2007-08-12 13:23:51 UTC
I have had my gut instinct be wrong both ways.

If you instinctively feel strongly about someone, it is because something about them resonates with you on a sub-conscious level.

Sometimes it has nothing to do with the person at all but with how their overall presence is interpreted by you.

The best way I find to deal with such things is to always be polite and courteous and to continue to observe a person more to obtain information about them to make a fair assessment of them.

Until they do something to prove or disprove your instincts those instincts are only an initial assessment.

Take, for example, the long haired, bearded, hippy, biker type who would beat the crap out of anyone who would harm an animal, helps little old ladies pick up their spilled groceries, carries them to her car and makes sure no one harasses her, all while smiling at her and calling her "Ma'am".
2007-07-31 04:42:36 UTC
You cannot know whether your first impression is accurate. In the big scheme of things, however, a false first impression is harmless. If I choose to stay away from someone based on this, neither of us is harmed. We are both free to make other friends.

On the other hand, if I ignore my gut and become friends with someone I do not initially trust, I can be harmed.
2007-07-25 13:55:35 UTC
When I think with my gut, I realize it can be wrong. What influences me in my first impression today is if the person has stability. I stopped trusting somebody I met in a bar, because I met some "wrong" people there. My intellect is a better judge of people because I trust people too much. My best friends today have been married to one woman and I try to use them as role models. I go to them for advice because they know we all make mistakes and I trust them to not judge me.
Molly B
2007-07-19 09:03:56 UTC
People always have first impressions, but they are not always accurate or reliable. Try to get to know the person even if they have a strange first impression. They may be acting a little strange because of a bad day, death, or any other depressing event. You two could become very good friends just because you took one step further.
2007-07-19 08:56:13 UTC
I don't know if my first impression is accurate as I have been disappointed quite a few times. As I am a person that is "what you see is what you get" and not a "phony", I responded to others in that same manner only to learn that most people are the opposite of that.

Now I proceed cautiously as I learned that a first impression can be very inaccurate.
2007-07-18 23:20:50 UTC
We can't ever really know for sure because we often base our opinions of people on what we're given, and if we get a bad vibe from someone, chances are we won't allow ourselves to get to know them that well or let them get that close to us thus feeding into our first impression and making the person just that in our eyes. Generally your gut instinct won't do you wrong.
2007-07-18 21:45:40 UTC
I trust my instincts for the most part, second and third impressions usually prove them right. I rely on my second impressions to make an accurate judgment about someone though, just to be sure, or sometimes a third. Behavior is unpredictable, and you just can't make an assessment about someone without analyzing them in differing circumstances. Otherwise you're just guessing really, going on your feelings more than real data, and that often gets people into trouble.
2007-07-18 19:02:41 UTC
Personally, I feel that most first impressions are a front. Most people are at their best behavior upon first meeting them. I do find a bit of give to that when meeting someone in public like at the grocery store and such. when people are just living life day to day, they are showing us exactly who they are. I think that if one felt uneasy upon interaction with a person that is acting all crazy, heck yeah, get away. Now, in meeting people in situations such as dating or, at work for the first time, a new boss, new co-workers friends friends etc....people are usually not acting exactly as they do on a day to day basis. I have more often than not, been wrong about someone's character. It takes so much longer than 30 seconds to 30 minutes to get to know the real person in each of us. The people I thought I would like, I don't. The people I don't much care for in the beginning, I end up liking...a lot. You also have to be open to getting to know people and not assuming that who you meet for that 30 seconds is who you think they are.
2007-07-18 15:29:41 UTC
We can't possibly jump to conclusions when meeting someone for the first time. In situations of serious trust, however if some bells go off there may be a reason. The true scam artists and cons are quite refined at it and can come off charming and "worthy of your friendship" even though they plan to rob you blind. So it's only over the long term that you can observe and get to know an individual to see where they are coming from. If you've watched W5 lately you'd see some scammers within churches who have got lots of money out of people for "investments" and these investors have never seen their money again. So what went wrong there?
2007-07-18 12:56:19 UTC
i always really wanted to know that there is good in everyone. but from my experiences...i have had people hurt me so many times because i didn't react sooner and i ignored my gut feelings even though in the back of my head it was killing me to do something - but i never wanted to think badly about these people or their intentions....too little too late - costing me thousands of dollars owed by my cousin (who has yet to pay me...some family huh) and my old room mates druggie sister who he was "helping" get better...ended up robbing my entire room of everything that was worth something....and all because i didn't act i've learned my lesson as to not trust anyone - especially if you have a bad feeling about for first impressions - it is always an important factor - if you want someone you meet for the first time to think of you the way you WANT - then first impressions are very important......we all have our bad days and bad moods and new people catch us off gaurd giving them the summary of what we may actually be - when its just human nature - so if you feel that something is just wrong - act on it in a mature manner - if you're not right then it's okay - we all make mistakes - but it's better safe than sorry.
2007-07-18 12:45:59 UTC
The only way to know if my first impression of someone is accurate is to wait until I know them better before I decide what kind of a person they are.

If I feel that someone might be a bad person, I don't care whether it is fair to feel that way or not. Someone doesn't have to actually wrong me personally in order for me to assume they might be a bad person.

One way that I use to find out about what kind of person someone is to watch how they treat others. If they are cruel and insensitive to others, I certainly will not allow them to get close enough to me to do me harm.

I always trust my instincts if I feel that someone is bad. If I am wrong, oh well, at least I felt safe for awhile. I think it is dangerous for me to not trust my gut instinct. I would rather be wrong about assuming someone is bad, than ignore my gut instinct and trust someone who is a threat to me.

Whether or not this is fair to the other person does not concern me. My main interest is personal safety. If someone has a problem with the way I feel about them, they can make an appointment with you and whine about it because I don't want to hear it.

About 2 months ago I chased a man out of a large department store because he was carrying a screaming little child who was calling for her mommy. I assumed she was being abducted so I booked out the door behind him. By the time I reached him he was strapping the hysterical little girl in a car seat. I asked the man if everything was ok. He said that this was his daughter and that the child had been crying in the store so her mother had asked him to take her outside. I asked him what her name was. He said: "Elizabeth". I got between him and the child and asked her what her name was. She said: "Elizabeth". I asked her: "And is this your daddy." She said "yes". I looked at the man and said: "Sorry. I thought she was being abducted." To my surprise, the man thanked me for my concern. Suppose the man had not thanked me. Suppose he had gotten angry at me instead because I had the audicity to assume he was a child abducter. Should I have cared if that man thought it was fair for me to assume he was abducting a child? Hell, no! It's my job to be concerned about the safety of others. I will continue to trust my gut instinct.
2007-07-18 11:19:55 UTC
Your first impression is almost never accurate. You haven't even met or talked to the person, so is it fair to judge them based on what you assume? Like you said, they haven't done anything to you to give you the impression that they are bad in the first place, but I guess in some situations it can be obvious to judge whether a person is good or bad based on how they dress or look. You can't neccesarily make actions based on a gut feeling. It's just not right.
2007-07-18 09:41:02 UTC
In fact you don't know untill all the evidence surfaces. But after working in the field of mental health for thirty years, I trust my instincts and use them as a guide but not solid eivdence.

Caution is always best, especially when the outcome could impact on your finances, employment, and other friendships. For sure once that "trust" is lost, I find that the chances of regaining my trust has little to no chance.

Over the years I heard caution from others as I reached out to socialize with someone but since I did not find those "internal" cues, I allowed the relationship to develop. In most cases, the recommendations from the others were in accurate and I am glad they did not cloud my giving the person a reasonable opportunity.
2007-07-18 08:24:40 UTC
Dear Dr.

Good question. I think that most people make incorrect judgments about others. Especially those who may have a distorted view of the world and of people, because of some self justified image they may have of themselves.

We all have certain characteristics that we like, and some we don't. It does not mean that the other person is the problem. I think that I would evaluate why I dislike some personality trait. It could stem from some cultural symbol or system that is borne out of ignorance or prejudice.

I am reminded of a quote by Dr. Andrew Weil. Said he: "there is a great deal of physiological, social, and cultural investments in what we eat." I think that this is true of every aspect in our lives.

There is a spirit in man and woman, and when the two meets, it is those entities that communicate the truth, but usually, men for sure, is concerned mostly with the way she looks, or the shape of her body.

As for what women look at first, well, I can't say. I would love to know though.

First impressions aren't lasting ones. One only need to consider the number of good relationships, and marriages that has gone south to understand this. I like wholesome dialogue. It is mentally stimulating to me. Please write.
jose g
2007-08-13 04:43:32 UTC
it is true that first impressions of other people have an impact on your opinion. that is why they say it is important to make a good first impression. And then on the other hand that person might of been having a bad day or might not have been feeling well, so i would have a second appointment with that person, and if i still felt that this person might be a bad person, then i would cut him or her off
Doug favors universal insurance!
2007-08-11 03:27:02 UTC
Great question. I try not to go by first impressions because they are often wrong. I believe in the old saying, you can't judge a book by its cover" It would not be fair to judge someone because your first impression is he or she is a bad person. There is no real way to know if your right unless you give the person a chance and watch that person and find out.
2007-08-10 21:40:01 UTC
Gut Reactions Are Usually Accurate
2007-08-08 09:11:32 UTC
Being successful with my instincts in the past reinforce my impressions now. It is important to follow that little voice on your shoulder. Your mind and body are receiving messages and information instantly as soon as you meet someone new, I believe your first instincts are usually correct, if your usure, you still are in complete control on far you want to bring that person into your world. I am a poker player, I have learned to follow my instincts and not ask questions, it is amazing how often you are correct when you do that.
2007-08-02 07:16:02 UTC
It may not be fair to judge this person as a "bad" person, however, we all judge people based on previous experiences good and bad. I try to trust my gut instinct, but I find I'm too trusting and give people the benefit of the doubt 60% of the time. That's just me and my past experiences talking.
2007-07-30 12:26:17 UTC
I find it difficult to really tell if the person seems to be nice with your first impression and you have heard stories or rumor's sometimes you have to set that aside and let the person you are meeting to show you that these rumor's that are being spread are not true but if something is telling you to stay clear I would go with what it's telling me so you wont get hurt in the long run why stay around if you don't feel very comfortable in that situation I wouldn't !
2007-07-27 06:29:02 UTC
Through calibrating their eye movements and language patterns sub-consciously, most of us either like or dis-like people almost immediately. Unfortunately when "voting" on people we are often hasty to judge and lock in these original impressions for quite some time.

The best way to know if your "gut feeling" is correct is to ASK people who know the person better specific questions AND also to test the person by asking questions and seeing their responses. If they do the same thing 3 times you can generally deduce that it is actually happening and not just a pigment of your infatuation.

Feel Joy

Frisbee Jamie

Spin Dr.
2007-07-26 21:50:46 UTC
The old saying "It takes one to know one" comes to mind. You can generally tell if people are like you after a very short time of interaction. So, what type of person are you? Okay, okay there are some very naive people who will trust anyone, but I fell those types are the exception to the rule. Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you I am a decent person and inclined to initially be friendly to anyone I meet. However, after very little interaction, I can tell if I am going to get along with someone, be simply civil/professional with them or not be able to stand them. Why cause I recognize traits in them that I know I have in me, or notice those traits are unfortunately absent.

So, if you're a decent, but not naive, you'll very quickly recognize another of the same ilk. If you're a con artist, well another saying is "Never try to con a con man". When one type meets the other type, they'll each recognize the differences, unless it's a well practiced con man, and act accordingly.
2007-07-25 00:04:59 UTC
I have discovered over the years that my first impression of people is usually right on. If my gut is telling me that something is not quite right about a person I tend to go by that. I have learned the hard way. When I allowed myself to be talked out of my first impression of a person I suffered the consequences.
2007-07-19 05:22:03 UTC
What matters here first is what kind of person you are.

Are you a realist? Have you made good choices in relationships? Do you learn from your past and not repeat the same mistakes? Are you self confident? Do you like yourself? Do others admire you?

If you can answer yes to all of these, then yes, you can trust your first impressions.

If you can't answer yes to the above then you need to watch people closely and make sure their actions match your first impression. If their actions match, go with your first impression. If their actions are different, then you need to rethink what you know about the world in which you live.
2007-07-19 01:56:13 UTC
first impression are most of the times incorrect...u never know when a person might change..or if he/she was pretrending to be someone else and faking it..

its only time that allows u to judge people and not the first impression

therefore..everytime i meet someone i do assume a certain image of that person..but

its only the time that confirms my assumptions or takes them the otherway around

also,gut instinct isnt the same for every individual

my gut instinct has proven me wrong most of the times...
2007-07-19 00:32:06 UTC
You don't. And if you think you do, you are very busy fooling yourself. Thinking that you "Know" a stranger is called both hubris and prejudice. (You think you are smarter than others and you "pre-judge" people) If you want your "instincts" to work for you, shut up, pay attention, and give the situation some time and distance. No one is compelling you to rush in to any social situation.

With time, you can get an accurate picture of another person based on what they do, not what they say or what you guess. Then you can decide if someone has earned your trust.
2007-07-18 23:52:56 UTC
First impressions are SUPER important! Too often, this is the point that makes or breaks the way someone will,, and can perceive you. I have always been taught to try and put your best self out there, because you may not have the oppportunity to do it again. Though 1st impressions can be marred by nervousness, just try and present the best you you can to someone without all the pretense, and you'll be amazed at how well everything can fall in place!!!
monday's child
2007-07-18 20:01:03 UTC
It's all about body language. If they look you right in the eye and seem genuine when they first meet you, that's usually a good sign. My Mom always said to go with my gut and it's most of the time true for anybody. I do not ever judge a book by its cover but if you take a little time and notice the body language you will usually get your answer.
2007-07-18 15:36:27 UTC
This is based on so many things, that if a person knowingly changes any part of their character, be it appearnce, talk, behaviour, etc., than you will have a good gut instinct about those particular characteristics but because the person is not being truthful, you aplly them to them believing that they are their own. So, on the game show, unless those being judged have NO REASON whatsoever to change their characteristics, even if it's just cause they are on the show, than you won't be seeing them for who they truly are. In real life, you won't have as much such influence, even if there is a reason to act diffferently.
2007-07-18 14:19:00 UTC
you can't fully trust your gut instincts because nobody knows everything and and may be wrong. I guess maybe somebody may have a very high sense of fashion and keep up with all the latest fashions and known right away how a person is dressed and appearance by all of the latest fashions. Maybe somebody might have certain questions about certain subjects that mean a lot to them and when somebody gives what they may think is a wrong answer they judge them right away?
2007-07-18 11:22:23 UTC
They say face is the mirror of the mind. A person's character is inscribed on his face. Some are more conspicuous some are less. When you are angry, the facial muscles move to make your face tense. When you are happy also the relaxed muscles will make your expressions more appealing.

Now for a person who has the experience of seeing many people and knowing their character, his first impression will always be right. This is also depending on the chemistry. This first impression, if given a sincere and dedicated evaluation, is bound to be right for those who critically evaluate people.

My hobby is watching people at different situations. I am learning to predict their character and habits even though I do not know them. Many a time , I am right. I do these with checking with people who know the person I evaluate.

By the way good and bad is relative qualities. A person who looks good to me may not be good to another person. This involves the human magnetism as well.

The subject is so interesting and need more time and space.
Dave J
2007-07-18 11:10:41 UTC
Yes, it is fair to assume someone could be bad without knowing for sure. Why? Example- If a strange dog is approaching you and growling, is it a fair first impression to think that it may bite you? Of course it is. The perceived risk of being bit outweights the reward of petting the dog.

How about if the strange dog approaches you ears down and wagging his tail? Think it'll bite? "Probably not" is a fair impression. The rewards of petting the dog likely outweigh the perceived risk of being bit.

That leaves the important question- "Why should someone trust their gut instincts?" Gut Instincts are perceptions based on one's personal experiences, and thus big part of one's person. At the first impression, your instincts are always right. Ignoring them is the equivalent of trying to lie to yourself.
Frederick S
2007-07-18 09:34:07 UTC
Your first impression is not accurate, but I believe it's a natural fight-or-flight response. When you've been taught and brought up a certain way, your mind will pretty much stereotype certain profiles. That's why people feel uncomfortable or stressed out by particular races, people who dress a certain way, and those who act differently in public than they do.

It's unfortunate that many people have been taught to be prejudice against certain people for no real reason except to hate. But I also feel many more people in the USA are by-products of their environment and the media. Whether you've been a victim of a crime by a certain race (or know of someone close who was a victim) or you watch TV and movies depicting a race of people negatively, you will most likely stereotype a person of that race. That person could be a great human being but we have a negative first impression because of our experience and "education" by our families, environment and media.

I guess my real question is... Can we classify this as prejudice? I would say yes. Thought not a prejudice driven by hate.

Of course, it can easily work the other way around. Where we foolishly trust a person who's really a untrustworthy person because of our first impression and stereotypes.
james m
2007-07-18 02:42:53 UTC
Fair or not fair has nothing to do with it.Gut feeling (instinct) is a natural thing,and should be listened to.As an ex police officer and a three tour Vietnam Vet,my instinct has saved me more than once.If you have just met the person for the first time they have not had the chance to wrong you yet.This is not to say you should mistreat them,but you should be on your guard.My situations were of a more serious nature than in normal situation,but the principal is still the same,but yes,go with your instinct and be wary.
2007-08-14 10:15:53 UTC
I personally believe that the way people think and treat effect their talking,looking and even their face. We are all able to imagine how is the face of a person who is bad or intend to do bad things and therefore from first glance you can absorb some information about the person you meet. Generally first you see their face and from the first shaking you can undrestand whether someone is friendly curios or even has a bad feeling about you and even what about you attracts them more you jewelwry your skin color your muscle your clothes and of course all of them reveal some secrets about them to you can see through their eyes if their eyes glint when their eyes aims your whatch it shows they are somehow jealous and you should be more careful. So there are many ways that makes you able to entere the deep down into their characteristics and in these circumstances your keen eyes+your gut feeling can help a lot.
2007-08-14 08:52:37 UTC
first impressions are the basis for how people will be seen in your eyes for possibly the rest of their lives.but in order to keep your opinion fair and mature you should genuinely try to get to know someone before molding them into what you would assume them to be. We women were born with that gut instinct in which we so highly pride ourselves so if in getting to know that person you find out your were right after all give your self a pat on the back.
2007-08-13 18:07:18 UTC
I think it's instinctual to judge someone by their appearance and the friendliness of their personality. I think humans evolved from primates and it is a form of survival to make judgments when encountering anything new. But, then if you totally rely on instinct then you tend to generalize and be prejudice. There is always dischord with relationships... some more than others. Sometimes all you have to go on when meeting someone new is your instincts and the environment (are you in a safe location with other people around).
flor m
2007-08-13 13:54:15 UTC
It is not fair to assume anything about someone that you don't know. Gut instinct is difficult to trust when it comes to people; you never know when your right or wrong. Some people try to be rude when something is wrong with them, so that you don't ask questions and go away. Everyone acts differently to different emotions and we can catch someone during the wrong time. Always be nice and act with fairness and respect. It takes time and patience to get to know someone.
2007-08-10 12:16:26 UTC
I always go with my instincts, they've never failed me before. To be fair though, I do the three strikes rule. Just because I don't like you upon our first meeting, doesn't mean I think we can't be friends. If said person offends me or someone I am friends with more than that, then it wasn't meant to be. my instincts have been right so far, and giving people chances sometimes isn't a great idea. But, hey, I wouldn't want somone to snub me just because they think we won't be friends. It's the Golden Rule, and I apply anywhere and everywhere.
2007-08-08 09:56:31 UTC
When I meet someone new I look at them not just for looks but for mannerisms. Do they look me in the eye? Do they pay attention when I speak or do they seem distracted? Is their body language in tune to what they are saying or are they at odds?

Sometimes you can get a gut instinct just within the first few seconds. If this happens then go with it. Do not decide to get into an elevator with a man if your instinct says not to just because you are afraid of offending them. Polite does not keep you safe.
2007-08-05 11:58:49 UTC
there is a saying which says the first cut is the deepest.the first thing that happens when you meet or talk to someone will register in your mind and that's how you will view that ever it is not fair to judge someone from the first impression because when we meet we will be in different moods.someone might be excited or sad when you meet so it's better to know someone first and then judge.

one might have the wrong impressions when we meet someone because we might judge from the physical appearance or the facial expressions which is wrong way to judge because the real person is inside.

we might also judge from waht we have heard others say about that person yet we might have the wrong picture because that person has never wronged or done anything to us personally but to the third party.

it is difficult to know someone the first time we meet.
stacey b
2007-07-29 01:28:58 UTC
I always trust my gut instincts because they tell me this new person is a new person. How could I decide who this person is when I have only just met them and even if I could decide what power do I have that says I can judge that person?

I look at people as individuals I mean if I were to look at people from the same origin as me I can see that they are different from me. Even my own family members are all different, how could I begin to think that just because someone is of a different race that they would be anything like another person from that race?

Being prejudices is one of the most ignorant ways someone could think of or subject someone to. When I meet someone of a different race/culture I welcome them to teach me about their culture. If we don't question what we believe how will we be able to be honest with ourselves and know that we are choosing the best methods or standards to live by. I heard a saying eliminate all of your beliefs and all you will be left with is the truth.

Someone is usually prejudices because they were taught to be and it is a vicious cycle that has to stop. One of my best friends is black and you wouldn't believe some of the hardships he has had to face because of it. We all need to unite and stop living in fear and start working together to make the whole world a better and more productive place to live. Otherwise we will all be making unnecessary problems for Innocent people that don't deserve to be treated different because we are afraid of what is different. We are all here living together and need to start appreciating each others specific and individual talents and cultures.
2007-07-28 15:28:29 UTC
I think that most 1st impressions are based on either positive or negative experiences and prejudices that have been ingrained in your upbringing and life experience.

It would be difficult to say in words what those things can be. I think the decision about a person is on a level that is more subtle.

For instance I don't like people who have bad teeth. If I came across someone that had bad teeth, I may instantly not like them. But I do have good friends that have bad teeth.

So what is it about them? It may be the culmination of several factors that influence my decision in a matter of seconds. Things like attitude, smell, dress, hair, eyes, speech all play a part.
2007-07-28 01:34:06 UTC
Use your gut instinct as a first warning. If this person is someone that you are attracted to you need to check it out further. Sometimes first impressions are wrong. Sometimes not. As in all personal relationships of all kinds, you need to know the other person and make judgements of their character as you get to know them. pay close attention to warning signs, You certainly don't have to be friends with some one just because you have an animal attraction to them. Choose your friends carefully. Your lovers too.
Jill knows best
2007-07-23 10:57:37 UTC
As you experience life you just learn to trust your gut. We learn from our mistakes, including from who wronged us in the past. In most cases we can tell how someone is or is going to be just by the way they present themselves. You just know by the way they act. First impressions are important in this day in society. People should understand that by now. You should always trust your gut instinct no matter what. Your gut is almost always 100% correct. Expecially if you have good judgement.
2007-07-19 08:58:07 UTC
You won't know if your first impression of an individual is true unless you take the time to get to know the person.

Our background and experiences in life lead us to either explicitly trust or distrust people. Depending upon the way we were raised, we may be more or less judgemental and trusting.

I often find my gut instincts regarding people to be correct, but I also find myself ignoring them sometimes to try and believe in the best in a person.

I was raise in a non-religious (but not anti-religious) home in a common-sense way. My parents are good people who struggled to raise 6 kids through a lot of adversity and most of us turned out okay.
2007-07-19 07:35:07 UTC
First impressions still stick in your mind more so than second or third impressions. Hence the saying "make a good first impression."

But I try and give people a second chance as well. Sometimes we all need one.

Gut instincts come from body language and voice inflection.
2007-07-19 01:36:02 UTC
I would say that my first impressions of people are 90% correct. Body language, demeanor, how far apart their eyes are, how far their eyes are into their face, and the hard to explain eye expression. Which is a combination of pupil dialation and other things. Is it fair? Perhaps not, but its 90% accurate. The same goes for how can I tell if I should go with my gut, general impressions, are crucial in EMS, so going with your gut happens, quite a bit.
2007-07-18 22:43:46 UTC
my gut instincts have been right every time and has never let me down, for instance there was this guy that my firends were firends with and when I first met him I was like, 'oh I should try being firends with him because my best friend liked him and I should probably firends, but then there was something I did like about him so I was jsut being mean to him. My friend (who liked him) asked me "you dont like him do you" and I said staright out, NO! so because she is my friend (and some other stuff she said she didnt feel right about) she told the guy we should be together. So after a while we found out that he was a disguisting pervert and a sexual predator and tried seducing young girls. So from that point on I trust my gut.
terisa s
2007-07-18 21:12:35 UTC
I don't think you can tell it it is right or not. But I have learn to trust myself enough to try and learn something before I judge to harshly. But I have also learned to go with my gut if I and alone with this new person. Just say as nice as you can I would feel better if there was more people in the room, would you like to join the others in the next room. If there are a good person they will understand and you can enjoy getting to know them. Instead of warring if they will hurt you.
2007-07-18 20:52:55 UTC
Because God has given you a spirit of discernment and mostly likely if you have an bad feeling about something or someone 9 times out 10 you are correct. You should always go with that instinct or should I say that first mind, you could never go wrong.
2007-07-18 16:45:37 UTC
Some people are better than others at reading new people they meet. It's an instinctive depiction of the stranger's facial expression and body language combined with their speech. Although I always try to remain objective, because sometimes first impressions are wrong (person might react differently to strangers than with people he/she's comfortable with, bad day, personal pressures, etc.) I am fairly good at reading people at first introduction and I'm pretty accurate.
2007-07-18 08:25:51 UTC
It is very unfair to judge a person by your first impression or gut feeling. You should get to know a person before you form an opinion of him or her. It is so true that people marry someone based on first impressions, and then after several years of marriage they find out that they did not really know the person. Plus, people do change over time. Yet, I know very well that the tendency to depend on gut feelings is a very real thing. Personally, I always try to discipline myself into not forming opinions based on first impressions, and it has worked well with me.
2007-07-18 01:58:05 UTC
In my own personal opinion .I don't think anyone should judge another for how they look on the outside or what they wear ,we all have what we life to wear ,makeup,clothes,shoes and etc. so when you first meet someone you really can not say they are bad. They may come off to you as a bad person the first time maybe they had a bad day or something but i think you should give that person another chance for another time to meet and really get to know them inside because sometimes the inside does not show until later. some people are afraid to show there self at first so they come out to seem mean when really they are or could be the sweetest person you could ever know if you really got to know them for your self and not what you hear from others or on first impression.

Good luck hon ;)
2007-08-14 10:55:38 UTC
When I was younger I thought everyone that I met was who they said they were. However, as I am older now and my circle of friends and acquaintances have grown. I am finding that to be very far from the truth. I think time is the only useful tool in determining the character of a person. There have been times when I felt that my gut was telling me to be aware of potential danger and I did. I have also found that my gut can steer me wrong. There are con artists out there who can make themselves out to be what ever they think you want. They are very good at what they do, and most times we are not aware of the danger we are in. Whether it be emotional or physical. I also think there are times we feel a connection to a person that comes from our spirit, it is then, I trust what I feel.
2007-08-12 10:17:23 UTC
well first off there is no way even with your gut feeling that you can tell what kinda person anyone really is and if your listening to other people remember "Opinions Are Like Assholes Everyone Has One" and if you pay attention to your surroundings and where he came into your life from then you should be fine or you will get exactly what is coming to you. Or see ya when you get out fool!! There is only 2 people you can trust and be there for you and that is your Folks unless you really pushed them and deal with it you should of never crossed that line
40 hightower
2007-07-27 10:37:05 UTC
By instinct I believe we don't have anything else to help us accurately judge a person when we see them for the first time. A first impression is all we have to build upon. To better ourselves, we should examine the surrounding environment that we see the individual in. It could have an effect more times than not to how the person will behave.
2007-07-18 15:12:43 UTC
I don't tend to notice my first impressions, but they are generally very positive. However, I find that most of the time when I think negatively of a person upon the first time I meet a person I am wrong. My very closest friend was one of those few people that I didn't get along with very well at first. So my general rule of thumb is that if I don't love the person on sight it is false.
2007-08-16 10:41:49 UTC
I never judge people on the first meeting. I am always the one who is judged. It does not matter where or when, most people assume that i am unapproachable. I could be very nice cordial and respectful, but its that first impression. It has to do with society today. Everybody who meets me has a big problem with how I look and after meeting them the subject gets changed to me and why i am so skinny. It has happened at job interviews, school, work, functions, the mall. I do not like meeting new people because of this. My instinct is good when i meet people and most of the time they are good people. its the 1 percent that scares me.
Bob D
2007-08-08 21:12:01 UTC
Instinct is good for situations like going down a bad allyway (inless your so scared of them u don't want to go see them). For me its all about guess and check, i first look at the person and make a personal judgment, then when you start a conversation I think about their answers to some of my questions, ( now some of my friends have done bad things but, for me it seem i only attract the loners and the people who use to do "bad things) and then i just ask a personal question (not too personal though). If you do that and you still find him/her wierd then fine, go, as long as you don't feel guilty got juding some.
The Beast
2007-08-04 09:28:41 UTC
you will never "know" if it's accurate. but each person's experiences in life are different, and the summation of who we are as an individual is responsible for that first "two minute snapshot" of another person. it is not making any statement about the other person other than compatibility, and my belief is this first impression is an accurate sense of this compatibility match. it is not saying the other person is good or bad, rather it's just whether we would like/dislike being in that person's company. i go with my gut instinct on this measure.
2007-08-02 09:55:26 UTC
I'm not sure gut instinct is really the best way to describe it. When I meet someone for the first time I do notice how they treat me and the other people we are talking with. I do notice the way they talk about other people with us or not with us. I do notice if they inturrupt conversations or shun people. I do notice so many little things about how they act that I form an opinion about them based on that.

I also don't think "bad person" is the best way to describe it. People are rarely all bad or all good - and whether they are or not couldn't be linked to how they have or have not wronged me personally, it would be dependant upon their treatment of mankind as a whole. Otherwise, it is too subjective with one person considering them bad and another considering them good. But I do think based on my observations of the persons attitude and action in our first meeting I can make a reasonable estimate about how likely the person is to hurt me or someone else I care about.

During that first meeting I am able to see how self-centered or other-focused the person is. I am able to see how likely they are to talk badly about somone behind their back. I am able to see how lazy or giving they are. I may be able to tell if they use flattery to get what they want.

But at the same time, I am able to determine how much we have in common in our interests and goals. I am able to determine how this person feels about issues I think are important. I am able to determine how much interest the other person and I have in spending time in mutual pusuits. All of this together helps me determine how likely, or unlikely, this person is to use me - and how much I am willing to let them be involved in my life.

Unfortunately, things other than the other person's personality can affect my first opinions - such as jealousy or envy; associating with another person I don't like or my mood. I think it is very important to ensure my opinions are based on the other person's actions and attitudes alone - not on my issues. In that way I can trust I have accurately assessed who the new person is.
2007-07-31 12:40:23 UTC
You really can't. People are usually on their best behavior when they meet you the first time. It could take years before your really know someone.

At my former job of 9 years, I was in human resources. We quickly learned not to look at outward appearance as a sign of being a good worker. Those who dressed extremely nice usually pulled a stunt and weren't working for us anymore - within about a two week period.

Go by cues like this: Do they look you in the eye, what does their body language say?

Another case altogether is that you meet someone when they are dealing with a death in their family, unemployment or the like. People act in ways they would not normally act during stressful times in their life.
2007-07-28 22:13:56 UTC
hoo-hoo! that´s easy!

You get the first impression, because when you first meet, the eyes will glide to each other. It´s a natural DNA coded gene (to act or react to a predator´s eye) so basically it´s that.

When you greet the eye, follows the smile. Then you know if you are in tune...

Following the smile, goes the eyebrows...(they raise if you like the person) and last but not least the voice tone...

There...a complex equation mistery broken in pieces...

is there another one? :D

And the fact that you haven´t really grown up besides this new meet person, doesn´t influenciate your judging because, basically you´ve arrive at a point of life where you meet. And this is also another DNA encoded gene: "All of the same kind gather in the same place"....

hahhaha....want more?

ps: this makes me laugh so´s basic psychology :D.
2007-07-26 19:03:16 UTC
I guess your job has you questioning this sort of thing alot, huh?

Personally, I like to get to know people before I decide anything about them beyond "wow, she's pretty" or "why do people have to get such hideous tattoos?" I guess it's easier the younger you are, because things have been changing alot since my generation was born. There are more interratial couples, gays and bisexuals are more accepted, and more and more biratial children are being born.

Most people don't agree with this, but I hope that one day it will be impossible to tell what race anyone is. I think the more we mix, the more tollerable people have to be.

But, the only first impression I get of people is rather or not I like their style. I'll get to know anyone, no matter their color, their religion, pierced and tattooed, plain jane, I'm a friendly person who doesn't believe in discrimination.
Janey from Louisiana
2007-07-25 12:06:39 UTC
Always trust your gut instinct or what others says a womans intuition. Or go with yoyur animals instinct they usually will let you know the good or bad in a person and they don't know them. My dog loves everyone just about they had a friend of my husbands come to the house and the moment sshe met him she would growl at him everytime she saw him well one day we had a few things come up missing from the house come to find out it was him through eye witnesses and then we heard about him beating up his girlfriend and going to your instinct.
2007-07-19 05:15:32 UTC
First impressions do matter and I always listen to them. I don't however do a judgment on that first impression. I save that judgment for my assessment of "How I am treated and How they treat others". Besides I don't feel that being a "bad" person means you are one 24/7/365. My family grew up with life lessons all passed down from my Grandmother.

One of the best is " If people didn't make mistakes, they wouldn't put erasers on pencils."

Where she learned it I have no idea. But even the worst person deserves that "eraser".
2007-07-19 00:01:35 UTC
i tend to not trust my first gut instinct. it has let me down to many times.. first impressions are not always the right ones.. i find getting to know the person is the most practical approach.. however.. , being a survior of child sexual abuse and domestic violence, i have found that a true deep down gut feeling about a person being bad.. is usually true. do there is no real way of knowing and a first impression.. i would just view the person with a clean slate.. until they prove otherwise
2007-07-18 18:02:37 UTC
I think it's safe to say that every person has made at least one inaccurate judgment of another, based on a first impression. As we make ourselves perfectly aware of, upon determining our impressions of others, not everyone is perfect. What we fail to be conscious of is that that includes us- we're included in the portion of the human race that is imperfect. Therefore, mistakes are inevitable and we must learn from them. Allow yourself to acknowledge that everyone deserves a second chance to represent who they really are. Even if someone doesn't appeal to you on the second or third meeting, your judgment does not reflect that of everyone else, including the person being judged. Therefore, first impressions are not the only flawed decisions that we make. However, most people are fairly consistent regarding the manner in which they judge others so all we can do is rely on ourselves to be cautious, while also being objective and open minded.
2007-07-18 17:34:23 UTC
If I pay attention to my instincts, I'm usually right. There have been a few people I was introduced to and I immediately felt uncomfortable and literally needed to step back from them. Other people who weren't so "bad", I was able to read them quickly and I was usually right. I have ignored some of the first impressions of someone not being trustworthy or reliable. I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, but in hind sight, I wish I listened to my instincts.
richard s
2007-07-18 15:49:04 UTC
I honestly try not to judge people on first impressions . It is hard sometimes so there is always a first impression. I usually try to watch peoples mannerisms how they talk and carry themselves. I don't get caught up in clothes or watches or jewelry cars etc. Some of the worst people I met wore some of the best clothes and had nice watches etc. It is the words they say and how they react to different situations. But that is all hard to determine the first time you meet them.
2007-07-18 15:23:52 UTC
accuracy of a first impression can only be substantiated with further impressions and evaluations. Nothing can be 100% accurate except gender, age, hair color etc. It is adding to the initial...feelins are just that, feelings. That is emotional, and subject to change. And what may seem to be "bad" to a person might not be bad to someone else unless that person has immoral and/or illegal behaviors.Even our gut while important, is not absolute.
2007-07-18 09:39:20 UTC
It could be personal bias. But more likely it is instinct. As to whether you are right or wrong, only the future will answer that. I once met a man that I felt was the worst individual I ever met. We even worked together for some months. Once we happened to be together ( Not by choice of either) and a very dangerous situation occurred. We could both have been killed. But neither would leave the others side. I asked him later why he didn't run? he said why didn't YOU? We were fast and close friends from then on.
2007-07-18 06:44:29 UTC
You can't really know. If you believe your instincts are normally correct about this and you get a bad feeling about someone then you need to decide if you want to be associated with that person a bit longer to see if your instinct was right or wrong. I guess what I'm saying is that the circumstances sometimes have to affect your decisions. At the same time, you have to realize that your good feeling might also need to be revisited. .
2007-08-11 11:53:32 UTC
I don't think you can get an accurate first impression of someone.

Women are absolutely horrible about making judgements about people's character and they havent even met them yet.

There are people who will make a judgement about a person and avoid them, and they've never even sat down and spoken to them or anything. They don't even know.

I'm sure that you can get more books on body language and all that, and face reading, and everything.

A lot of it is just intuition. - But still that intuition can be inaccurate.

I think the best thing to do is give people a chance, until they prove themselves untrustworthy.
2007-08-09 12:00:45 UTC
people are like music cds and movie dvd's! If you think they're no good you have to try it a 2nd and 3rd time. If they're no good after that - get rid of em. I have met plenty of people that i thought were good the first time i've met them, but by our 2nd or 3rd time out i've discovered things i couldn't stand about that individual. (i'm sure i've affected other people in a likewise manner). I've also met plenty of people i did not like after a first encounter - but after a 2nd and 3rd time out found those individuals to be very interesting, fascinating, and a few have turned into very good friends. I've also met some that were no good from the start and were worse by the 3rd time out - those people i have no use for in my life.

In some cases your gut instinct JUST KNOWS. in those cases just go with your gut instinct. If there is a reason for that person to be in your life than luck and circumstance will bring that person back to your life when the appropriate time comes.
2007-08-04 10:35:18 UTC
I don't think it's fair to automatically assume that your first impression is accurate. If you don't know someone. Of course if you don't know someone your not going to trust them. But you don't have to trust people to like them. There are alot of people I like that I don't know well enough to trust.No I don't think you should trust your gut instincts. Unless its in a case where your life is at stake. But that's not your gut instincts, that's common sense telling you not to put your life in the hands of someone you don't know.But to dislike someone for no reason is not fair.
2007-08-03 13:10:01 UTC
People who make snap judgements of people in the first three seconds of meeting them are fools. Orcs know and love this! We can sometimes disguise ourselves as people they can trust so that we can later rip them to bloody shreds.

Off the Orc Soap Box: Of course people make mistakes, but sometimes the "mistakes" weren't really mistakes, but failing to do intentional harm. There ARE people that commit vicious and destructive acts at a wide array of levels: physical, sexual, psychological, economic, and other creative ways of abusing others. What is unfortunate is that, those most successful at harming others do so under a pleasing disguise - particularly in the first impression. These people are properly called psychopaths, but over time political correctness has watered the terminology down to make it sound almost the opposite of first appearances: anti-social personality disorder. In fact, these filth are the smoothest talkers you'll encounter.

So snap judgements that people are wonderful are unreliable.

Now let's look at the opposite extreme: people that are genuinely nice and dedicated to helping others. They might come off as patronizing or one might presume all sorts of horrible things. I've seen it done on more than a few occasions. Then the person snaps at them and doesn't give that other person the time of day because they decided to hate at first sight. Is this a character flaw of the person being judged or the one doing the judging? Hell, even when you get to know someone there are plenty of people that will be very nitpicky about things they think are important but are really just window dressing used to stereotype people. And since I'm not the sort to pull punches on these things, I'll start with religion. Any psychopath can claim with some appearance of credibility that they are religious and agree with you just to put you at ease. But what about that person that doesn't agree with you? Some people will take an instant hatred to people that disagree with them. Again, this is a character flaw of the person doing the judging.

What pisses me off the most is the promotion of the idea that constantly judging people on first impressions are not a sign of a character flaw. Granted, there are some logical reasons to judge people on first appearances - like work interviews for example, where you can expect that the person *should* know how to dress appropriately for the job - but it ends there. Blanket presumptions of character goes too far.

Overall, I am telling you that ANY blanket judgment of a person based on first impression is foolish, particularly if you do not leave that judgment up for revision. Instead, it makes more sense to suspend some "final" judgment to somewhere approximately close to never, but react to situations appropriately...

Sorry, I feel the anger that I would even need to explain this to an adult welling up in me again:

Back on Orc Soap Box:

Orcs know right away if our first impressions are right because the only judgment that matters is if we can bash in their skulls. You can figure that out right quick too! Either they have the bashed skull or you do! We like being brutal jerks, so it's our perrogative!!!
2007-08-01 18:38:04 UTC
You would have to spend time with them on several occasions before you would truly know. It is definately not fair to assume your first impression is correct. For instance, When I first met my now husband I thought he was a total geek. He was a security guard and I was an Administrator of a Law Firm. I thought he was a low life. He turned out to be a super kind and thoughtful person. I would have never got to know him or wanted to for that matter except that we had some issues in our office that we needed him to sort out and it was sort of like fate. I got to know him and WOW what a great loss had I gone by my first impression! I have learned to never judge a book by it's cover and always give someone a chance unless they do you wrong.
2007-07-29 20:37:55 UTC
The first impression is always the lasting impression. Trust your instincts. Yes, people change, and meeting someone doesn't immediately qualify you to right there and then know them like you've known them for 20 years.

I trust my instincts and I trust my thoughts. If something about someone bothers me, then it will influence my decision until proven otherwise.
Mary K
2007-07-29 16:49:16 UTC
I feel comfortable with my gut instincts however I don't rely on them 100% If I feel a shadyness I simply know to be cautious when I am around that person. That will buy me time to get to know them better and be sure of my opinion. I have never been let down yet as when it comes to my instincts leading me into a negative relationship. Thank goodness
2007-07-23 17:01:38 UTC
You should never assume anything about anyone. If you want to know something about someone, you should ask questions. Always have an open mind and a loving heart when meeting someone for the first time. It's okay to be friendly. Keep your guard up but never assume anything about anyone. You must remember that you can't take people at face value anymore. You must get to know them for who they really are. You can't judge a book by the cover, you must read between the lines.
otisbaba the great
2007-07-19 03:46:11 UTC
you should know ur first impression is accurate if by reason of use over time, it has proved you correctly. I know our senses are sharpen by reason of use as we build a backdrop of experience on which the brain compares what we see to judge that we see.

What we judge now becomes an impression which varies from person to person by reason of age,culture,education and exposure.

For me it is not fair to judge someone who has not wronged u personally primarily on first impression u need to prowl once more to have a confirmation by reason of what they'll come up with later.

This goes to buttress the statement of Late Dr Martin Lurther King Jnr who once said that "he will want an america where his four little children will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their heart"

Most people are good but have been made bad by the way people treats them. Their ego become deflated, they don't value life anymore and often time are depressed with thoughts of suicide in their heart. All these could have been avated if someone somewhere has seen the need not to judge them basically on first impression.

So my dear doctor, for me don't trust wholly on ur gut instinct based on first impression when it comes to humans, but for situations, sensing danger and on whether to leave a place or stay u can trust ur guts.
2007-07-18 21:46:10 UTC
Most of the time, when I meet a person, I look for eye contact, sincerity and clarity in an individual at first meeting. If the individual hesitates in a handshake, cannot look me in the eye, and acts indifferent, I assume the return greeting is not a fiendly one and my reactions from then on are guarded. However, I rarely meet someone that I dislike at first meeting so it is ard to determine if this is the correct way to generalize the way they really are all the time.
Tiny Jr.
2007-07-18 19:37:10 UTC
You can't go on first impressions although you should always put your best foot forward when meeting someone, only time will tell. It is not fair to assume that your first impression is correct. You can't trust your gut...... you have to wait and see. People that I have not liked upon first impressions have turned out to be good friends.....
2007-07-18 19:33:18 UTC
This is one of my favorite questions, I work at a restaurant and I train the new people hired, I try hard not to have a first impression because most of the time I am right, so I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. And Judging people is not our job, it is a higher power called God. If you feel that you cannot trust them, that is your deep instinct in the pit of your stomach, go with it.
2007-07-18 19:07:30 UTC
I would say that there is no way of being 100% sure. If you are generally a good judge of character then believe in yourself, however remember that we have all left a bad impression at some point and time, as well as a good impression. I would say to take a little time to talk to this person as well as sit back and watch and listen if the chance arrises
2007-07-18 17:11:57 UTC
I don't think first impressions can be either accurate or inaccurate for that matter. What we glean from an initial meeting would be either confirmed dispeled by subsequent future interaction with that person. I think the vibe that one gets of another person at intial meeting is really the general nature of the person in question, and of course, the mood of that person.

At least from my POV, i try to remember that the other person may also be as nervous or as relaxed as I am feeling at that moment. That, on top of my general knowledge of the effect I have on people.
2007-07-18 14:28:09 UTC
I think you really dont know for sure. Sometimes you can have a feeling based on past expierence and feel that your impression of that person is the right one. However, that feeling or impression can be the wrong one because people are all different and perceive people and situations differently. So, basically it's all a crapshot of your perception and just hope that you have the right impression .
2007-07-18 12:07:58 UTC
Well, gee! How about if we all follow the rule, "Judge not lest ye be judged"?

You are talking first impressions; just because the first impression says that person is not the kind to associate with doesn't mean one is labeling that person a "bad" person.

Life is too short; everyone makes mistakes, but it is better to err on the side of caution.

E.g., if I see a person smoking, I want nothing to do with that person. PERIOD.

Why waste time getting to know someone when they don't fit your profile?
kelly e
2007-07-18 09:15:53 UTC
I think you can have a huge gut reaction and know right away if someone is good, bad or other-

I would say that the old saying holds true with love.

I knew the moment I met my now husband that this was different -

on the flip side I have met people who rubbed me totally wrong and later have learned they are just "shy" or anything but that initial person I assumed them to be.

I say always trust your gut but remember everyone deserves a chance - and by giving them that you get a better feel

and opportunity to know someone.
2007-07-18 05:14:07 UTC
You do not KNOW much about a person by your first impression so accuracy is a crap shoot. I think we all have gut instincts upon a first meeting with someone and many times those instincts will turn out to be accurate. However, there are many other times when we have a negative or positive first impression and it is blown apart after you get to know a person. Perhaps that is because of the myriad of venues in which we meet people and other variables in circumstances. For instance, we all behave differently in church than we would at a night club. This simple change in the location of first meeting can drastically impact a first impression. Another example is meeting someone when they are with their family as opposed to meeting them when they are with other friends. Consequently, while it is important to listen to some of the instincts you have, you need to temper those instincts with solid confirmed information. After all, you can't always say that by listening to your instincts you are being 'prejudiced' in any way. There are certainly times where instinct has saved people from being assaulted, kidnapped, etc. Perhaps that 'fear' vibe is wrong -- the one that tells you that the guy you just met is not a person you want to be alone in a car with. But if your instinct is right...In conclusion, the aim would be to use your instincts and intelligence to guide you.
2007-07-18 04:02:01 UTC
You don't. But you have to trust your instincts. You can also do your "homework" - if possible, try to find out as much about this person ahead of time. WHY are you meeting this person? WHO set up the meeting (if it wasn't you.) ? HOW did this person get your name? WHERE is the meeting going to take place? (2nd why) WHY meet there? Use your common sense. You can always say, "Let me check my calendar and see when I'm available," to stall or to ask the probing questions. First impressions ARE sometimes way off, and it's an unfortunate fact of life that sometimes you have to do damage control.
lili dauphin
2007-07-17 23:57:52 UTC
It's hard to judge a person at first sight. A person's behavior at first may not always predict his/her character. Sometimes a person may wear a mask for the longest time solely to impress another.

When I meet a person for the first time I generally assume they're honest until I get to know them. Only time can reveal a person's true character. Sometimes a person will appear kind and nice at first only to disappoint you later.

Sometimes a person might appear goofy and strange and will turn out to be the most amazing human you've ever met.

Because people are so unpredictable, I tend not to judge them and try to at least give everyone a chance and leave the rest to time. Sooner or later, their true colors will be revealed. Only then, can I truly judge.
2007-08-15 19:09:44 UTC
Unfortunately for me, I have to trust my gut. Even tho my gut say's I should stay away from this person. I then give this individual benefit of the doubt. (thats the natural thing to do) However if I get that greasy feeling - like I gotta flee - then that's what I do. Should I see the person in the future I am wary of him/her and I make sure there are other people nearby before I approach again just to say hello. If again I get that feeling leave now. It's usually in good interest that I leave.

Odd how we as humans try to make it work out even tho we know we need to cut our losses and run.
2007-08-12 13:56:24 UTC
A first impression is just that, an impression.

An impression made on clay can be molded with time, but the initial shifts will alter what is likely to happen in the future.

A masterpiece may be molded from a mess, or a mess may be cast into a masterpiece, yet it's safe to say that a masterpiece is more likely to draw the effort from you to make it even greater, while a mess is likely to be cast aside.

And who can blame us?

a mess might always be a mess, while a masterpiece seems to hold greater potential.

In short, man invests his time and energy where he sees it prudent, and not otherwise.
2007-08-10 02:18:14 UTC
Your gut instinct can be fooled. It takes more than just a mere meeting, I think. I have been fooled with just a working relationship and was totally disapointed in the person. You can look in their eyes and think you know, but evil wears many beautiful faces. Satan is a very good actor. Look at some of the worse killers, and they are good looking and have nice personalities. It takes time, and pray that your gut is right.
2007-08-06 15:26:35 UTC
If they have wronged someone else chances are strong they will do it to you also, not always though, it is good to trust your gut feeling, every individual is different, they have different justifications in the actions they take, some are simple some are complex, there is good there is bad there is right and wrong, upbringing plays a role in a persons morals and values ted bundy never wronged me personally and yes i think it is fair to say he is a bad person, did I get the answer right?
2007-08-05 08:37:27 UTC
I have been in the security installation related industry for the past 28 years.I have been and witnessed numerous accounts with people in different situations that either I thought about my 1 st impression and followed through with my feelings to the situation.My feelings turned out to be approximately 75 % acurate.I meet alot of people in my installations and I have learned not to trust anyone.This day and age there are so many individuals that are two faced or knowingly have a certain secret or skeletons in the closet and are bringing them out for the public to discover.Unfortunately there are more individuals that are willing to be among the public to do their dirty deeds and try to get away with it than the good people getting recognized for their achievements.
2007-08-03 11:27:04 UTC
That really depends on their overall appearance. Being a teen, I feel that when walking by someone, say, dressed as a gangster, My first thought is "Why does he do that? He must commit crimes." But really, maybe he's just doing that because he wants to be like his big brother, or his friends. He could be a completely honest and pure person. When you step back and really think about it, there are millions of reasons he might dress like that. It doesn't necessarily mean he's a bad person. I think it's best to get to know someone before you form an opinion.
Kristina H
2007-07-30 15:27:46 UTC
I believe this it be very true and that you should always trust your gut instincts in any situation! I have ignored them on first dates before and found that the person turned out to be just as I had feared in the beginning.
2007-07-29 04:53:35 UTC
Its a case by case decision, if something serious happened on your first meeting w/ this person , that you know is not a good thing or your gut tells you to be aware then that first impression is wrecked.. However,sometimes bad things happen to good people, or they are in a bad place (mood) so a second chance is warranted and important , snap judgments are not fair to anyone.
2007-07-29 02:21:02 UTC
I think that before you really get to know a person, your first impression should be a neutral. Because the people you describe as a bad person may just be troubled and a person you label as nice could be looking for trouble. So if you keep your image of a new person neutral you can get to know they just a little bit more before deciding on whether or not you want to be around that person.
2007-07-25 00:50:40 UTC
I don't think anyone knows their first impression is accurate its just something your brain automatically does.

And, it definatelly is not fair to judge someone with out spending a day in their shoes, knowing where they came from, what their childhood was like. I think you should only trust your gut instinct is if it would be a life or death situation.

I think this question could bring up another great question.

Do you believe in love at first sight.

I mean for someone who says gut instincts are always right, wouldnt you have to believe in love at first sight, and if some one says no to your question like they dont believe you should judge someone by looking at them, how can they say yes they believe in love at first sight?
2007-07-24 17:26:57 UTC
You don't....Look at the women and men who date Mr. and Miss Perfect and when they are married, Mr. & Mrs Perfect turn into Mr. and Mrs. Monster. Look at the children who see this nice man or woman and trust them, then are molested or killed. I don't really trust anyone despite how they look. I get to know people and watch for clues or hints that they are not really all nice, or, if they are what they first appeared to be. Maybe I worked in the Court system too long and saw way to much. Also, I worked in a place where the people would appear to be angels walking in and the minute they walked by you would have a knife in your back. Also, I watch a lot of true crime TV.
2007-07-19 09:09:37 UTC
Gut instincts were developed when mankind was first put on earth. These feeling were made to protect us from danger and life threatening situations. Of course now, we dont' need them as much as we did thousands of years ago, But there's a reason we still have them..

So if you have a bad feeling about someone, maybe you should go with it. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY.
2007-07-19 08:49:28 UTC
Is this man meets woman or vis-versa?

Any meeting between humans is based on chemical reaction. That's why people fall in love!! [or not].

Obviously go for initial reaction as this is important for survival and happiness.

I used to run a club.After a while you could spot a troublemaker a mile away. The police are also trained to look at peoples reactions and demenour.

Allow time and your experience with this person to get a good idea of the person. do you know that two people can have a different "feel" to the same person?

All to do with chemical reaction.Trust me. I know.
2007-07-19 03:58:20 UTC
You can't know. Knowing someone is a life long experience and first impressions are just that, first impressions. To know is to have a more in depth accumulation of impressions that are gathered by many get togethers and activities. At best a first impression is a shallow preception that is stimulated more probably by your mood or mental state at that moment. If it was positive than pursue the association to glean more impressions. The auto dealers of America have been making fortunes solely on first impressions thus we now have lemon laws.
April D
2007-07-18 21:30:37 UTC
I haven't read all of your answers yet. But in my experience, the best way to insure you have a good person with you, is to take him out to dinner and see how he interacts with the staff of the restaurant. If he is a jerk with the waitress or waiter or is light on the tipping, well there is your answer.

Make sure he is not just putting on a show. Even take him to a place where there are lots of staff. Like a zoo or store. If he gets short with anyone without reason, then you know. "Hey, this guy has some issues." Or "this person is just plain rude." Or he's an awesome considerate, good tipping individual. :)
Karen M
2007-07-18 14:18:05 UTC
It's a natural reaction that our first impression influences our later thoughts in further judgement. However in a influencing world with commercials that are fantasy, and death in the news being reality. It's hard to trust people on a first glance, so we should actually be suspicious of practically everyone until proven otherwise I'd have to say.
2007-07-18 13:21:41 UTC
I want to quote a simply example to this question, though there are exceptions yet its true in 90% cases. Everyone says that love is blind, how true it is that when you love, you completely ignore others flaws and mistakes. As soon as that couple bind itself into a relation, lets say marriage, they start picking things in eachother and termed that relations into a divorce.

Therefore, you can not judge anyone by this first impression. Some wise person said, "you only come to know about people when you either start living with them or you really need them at time".

A beautiful prover, "anyone who takes you out of the s_hit, might not be your friend and anyone whot push you into the s_hit might not be your enemy". Hope im loud and clear.
2007-07-18 08:54:23 UTC
Frau Doktor,

Obviously your question is in the way of, what shall we call it, rhetorical self education encouragement for the benefit of the answerer. Very clever, you must be in education. Very clever.

As you no doubt already know, the first impression is usually very strong in the observer’s memory and future decisions. Unfortunately, it is also almost always invalid.

A fairly valid first impression might be achieved by someone trained in human dynamics (this, of course, excludes all but competent PhD’s or MD’s with a good residency in psychiatry). In my experience a Masters in Psychology may but only may have trained a student to succeed in pursuing the field.

The faulty first impression goes to the prejudicial reasoning process of the average person anywhere in the world. I imagine that most people never take the time to question their own misconceptions so that it follows that these same individuals never question the first impressions of others they hold so dear.

That’s my take.

Jim D
2007-07-18 06:43:22 UTC
We don't know for sure consciously but our subconscious does. The reason we know is because of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. Our behaviors have developed and we have learned to interpret others' behaviors accurately. How do fish know that another fish want to mate? They don't talk to each other. It's through nonverbal communication that has evolved and adapted over time. Trust your first impression and adjust it with time. Being cautious at first is much safer than trusting someone too quickly, so if your gut instinct tells you to worry about someone then worry and adjust with experience. If it doesn't then you should still be cautious but a little less so.
2007-07-17 23:04:01 UTC
I believe a gut instinct is different than prejudices and being unfair. If you follow your gut instincts and impressions enough, and learn what it feels like to follow them, you soon discover whether or not they are correct. You will particularly find out whether or not they were correct if you ignore them. Your gut instinct is not about being fair. It is about keeping you safe. And so whether or not it is fair is really not applicable. And following your gut instinct is really about respect for yourself and trusting yourself personally. If you believe that you are not worth trusting or believing, then by all means, don't trust your gut instinct. I, however, do believe in honoring and respecting myself. Therefore, I don't question my own ability to receive information or impressions that will keep me safe, whether that safety is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, safety still comes before what other people think of me or whether or not it sounds fair.

What is more, a gut instinct is very different from judging someone by appearances. You have to have tapped further down than mere superficial levels to be able to recognize gut instincts.

Furthermore, what does it matter if someone hasn't wronged you personally if they are a bad person? Are you going to let someone hurt you before you accept that they are bad, all in the name of being fair?That, I believe, is correctly called guilt or perhaps even pity. It is a mistake to assume just by looking at someone that they are bad. But then again, judging someone and recognizing gut instinct are definitely two different things.
amanda t
2007-08-14 08:42:06 UTC
i believe that it depends on the situation. i have always believed in giving people a chance. in one of the answers that were given someone said something about not dating or marrying a topless dancer. he does not know why she does what she does and he doesn't care to find out. maybe she is doing this to pay for college or support her children or maybe she was abused as a child and all she knows how to do is use her body to get what she wants or maybe she is in an abusive relationship and her partner is making her do it and she does not know how to get out of the situation. i believe that there is a reason for everyone's action. i feel that people should get to know other people before passing judgment. i would be extremely cautious around certain people. in my opinion first impressions and gut instincts are not always right.
2007-08-13 16:16:18 UTC
I always trust my first impression, whether it be good or bad about someone. However, I am open to giving second chances. If I get a bad vibe from someone based off first impressions, but see them at a later time and see a different side of them, I change my opinion of them.
2007-08-06 15:59:55 UTC
At the time I am writing this there are 1756 answers, so I doubt that my thoughts will carry much weight. In 53 years I've learned that your gut instincts are not always correct. The best you can do is get to know someone before making a decision.
2007-08-05 12:11:39 UTC
I think history and modern setting with people have made some people decide how that person is. Like if you see a guy in rags and he smells, it means that he is poor, but he could be someone in disguise. Or a guy in baggy clothes or a girl in high skirts and revealing clothes means they are bad. Blame media for this. You should only not trust someone if they are impending your danger. Or if someone like that has wronged you before that is a big influence too. We should all be a reader who is really flexible and reads all the books, not just the nice looking ones.
2007-08-04 16:06:39 UTC
Always trust your gut. That's why we have instincts. But we are being trained to dull these instincts down to seem "PC". Nothing's fair, I guess, but I know myself better than anyone else and if my first impression is a bad one than red flags pop up. If that person proves me wrong then it is refreshing. But if I'm right then I'm glad I listened to my gut and took the correct measures to protect myself and my loved ones.
2007-07-19 08:46:14 UTC
When I first meet someone, first and foremost, I observe whether they look me straight in my eyes. A person that can't look you in the eyes or avoids looking in your eyes worries me. To me, I take the avoidance as deceit. Another thing is when I shake someones hand, I am looking for a good firm handshake. I say go with your gut instincts because 90% of the time, they are probably right.
2007-07-19 08:44:51 UTC
Well, primarily you do not really know the person at all, but normally I will get a gut instinct, and I go with it. It's called intution, and I use it all the time. I usually know who to talk to and who not to talk to, or be associated with, but that's just me. Sometimes first impressions can be wrong, but then again they could be right. So just be careful when you judge people.
2007-07-19 05:43:51 UTC
I always trust my gut. The only time I really get in trouble is when I fight with my gut. As I've gotten older, though I tend to listen to my gut but will give others a fair chance to prove me wrong. So far my gut instincts have proven to be dead on.
2007-07-18 21:13:09 UTC
All I have to say is be careful. I have somebody that's probably going to read this because of a virus put on my computer. I thought she was great, sweet, just the kind of FRIEND you want. But because I'm not at all attracted to her my entire life has been turned upside down. Everybody else loves her and I'm the asshole. Why because I'd NEVER be with this woman. It doesn't matter that I told her 2 times face to face and even once in writing that she was a FRIEND. She's so outgoing and carismatic, not to mention her family is rich, that I can't get away from her. Now even my old friends are out to ruin my life just to prove our SICK LOVE for each other which doesn't exist. I'd rather be dead then spend my life with a woman I have 0 attraction to, and that seems to be peoples goal.
2007-07-18 20:47:14 UTC
I prefer to rely on my own experience and also try to keep an open mind. That is why my first impressions are not based solely on my intuition. People are not as clever as we like to think. We can control what we are saying, but not how we are saying it. We also often ignore our body language, therefore it is the most honest way of self expression. I like to think that people teach you on how to treat them, if you pay attention and watch and listen to them long enough. When meeting someone new, I reserve forming my opinion until I had the time to observe. Needless to say, I am rarely wrong. Smile. I hope that was helpful in some way.
2007-07-18 19:14:59 UTC
Gut Rules=that's what it's there for: to keep us safe from people who set off the hackles response. We watch for silent clues and those feed our gut response to people. The way their eyes shift and don't look at us straight in the face. The way their hands move in jerky fashion perhaps for a weapon? The way they rush at us=huge first impression there. Invasion of space issues. Sometimes just a tone of voice for those of us who have studied those, will set us off on the wrong foot. It could be a smell=alcohol? OR pot? that relates back to a childhood experience that was harmful. The combination of words in a strange fashion. Using cruel language in inappropriate ways. There is so much to be "first impressed" with. It really isn't one first impression it's a combination of quick events that build up to a HALT reaction. As in Hold All=Life Threatening.
2007-07-18 18:28:49 UTC
In all honesty, most of us do not know 100% whether or not our first impression of someone is reliable. What we do know, from using previous experience up until the meeting point, is that we've come to certain conclusions in life. Specifically in regards to who we let into our lives and from that point who we let near our hearts. This is important because those we let near our hearts, we make ourselves vulnerable too.

We use these conclusions that we've formed, to make certain assumptions towards people that we meet. From that point we test these assumptions, not because we want too. Because, we feel the need to avoid the possibility of experiencing additional pain.

Unfortunately though, it is not fair to assume certain things about new people that you meet. But, as we all know life altogether is not fair. If life was fair, then we'd just have to accept our place in life and not do anything about it. Life is not fair and thats a good thing, that's where all the power comes from. So, you get to choose what you get out of this life.
2007-07-18 13:31:15 UTC
who cares? i mean, people who pay too much attention to first impressions are simply shallow, so why worry? The ol' saying, don't judge a book by it's cover applies. Always trust your gut, but take it as a grain of salt.

If it is a first impression that will be the only chance, such as a job interview, then you can take it more seriously. Those situations are pre-meditated first impressions.
2007-07-18 10:53:29 UTC
This is my opinion after years of experience.

1. Never be judgmental at the first instance. For Ex: The person @ the opposite end of the table may be shy in the beginning which may come across as 'lack of confidence' while the actual reason could be that the person is shy because of lack of proper communication skills. At the other end, we may come across people who tend to be over friendly when in reality the person may be superficial.

2. Depends on the nature of association. For ex: I will never make an impression of the person I will have to deal with on a day-to-day basis [be it at work place, business relation, or in parties, etc] because the true nature of the person is revealed as we get along. And I do not waste my time and energy trying to figure out the true nature of the person whom I will never have to meet in life again!
2007-07-18 07:13:55 UTC
You asked, "How can you tell whether or not you should trust your gut instinct..."

For me, I have a very dependable built-in radar that makes me feel very uneasy in the presence of someone who is a bad person. My heart races a little bit, I feel a little nauseated and I listen and pay attention to that person's every word and movement. This "radar" has never failed me.

I change inside, as well. I am normally a "very nice lady." That is how people perceive me and this is how I am. But when I sense that I or my family is in danger...look out! I turn into super bit**! I use language I wouldn't use otherwise and I fear nothing! I even surprise myself. I wouldn't hesitate to attack (physically) if I felt I HAD TO! (Part of this "no fear" attitiude was because I was raised in a rather tough family and you HAD to be tough to survive!)

My kids (now grown) would sometimes bring home a new friend and I could tell instantly whether this person was good inside or bad. I would give my kids my opinion. Two weeks later, my kids would tell me, "Mom, I hate to admit it, but you were right!" I could always tell when this person was the type to do something bad to my kids.

Dr. Phil once mentioned that he and Robin were out for a stroll when a man began to approach the two. Dr. Phil's radar went off and he stepped in front of Robin and ordered the man to "Stop" right there and turn and walk the other way (perhaps in different words ). The man was surprised and turned around and RAN away. His intention, Dr. Phil believed, was probably assault and/or robbery. But how did Dr. Phil know??? Gut instinct.

I was once in a warehouse, alone, to retrieve some business records. It was a small building, but dimly lit. As soon as I walked through the door a man entered behind me and asked for the time. I turned abruptly and stormed toward him telling him that he was tresspassing and to "Get the hell out of here!" He was shabbily dressed and I could not be sure what he really wanted. I yelled after him that there were plenty of people he could get the time from OUTSIDE! Anyway, I startled him and he left without hesitation. I locked the door immediately and when I left the building I had my eyes open to every part of the area I was in.

You have to be on guard these days. I think there is nothing wrong with self-preservation and the willingness to protect oneself and family. The secret is to not give anyone the opportunity to "wrong you." Safety first!
2007-08-16 11:27:19 UTC
Well I can actually speak from experience on this particular topic. See when I first met my husband I did the old judge a book by it's cover move. I took one look at him and thought good looking, built/athletic physique, and right away I assumed full of himself, and must be an outright "cocky" bastard!! Unbenounced to me he was actually in complete persuit of me right from first sight. Come to find out he was the exact opposite of what my "gut instinct" had told me. I now believe that my first instinct was more of a past experience driven assumption I had made based on previous experiences I had, had with the opposite sex. In some scenarios your gut feeling may in the end prevail but in my situation it was an unfair judgement. Luckily I didn't read much into my own assumption and allowed my now husband to continue his persuit. All I can say is give it time. Getting to know someone can only help your initially feelings and help you come to a more accurate conclusion. Unless your gut feeling is so strong you cannot fight it I say give everyone a chance, learn from my mistake. I am now happily married to my best friend and to think I thought this person was a conceited jerk at first.....
2015-06-02 18:44:42 UTC
There are other factors as well - everyone and everything give off frequencies that are picked up by our subconscience mind. Some can pick up on the frequencies/ vibes and others may not. Such is no different than those who are adversely affected/effected by bad weather long before it presents itself ... I wake up some days feeling really bad and do not know why until it pours cats and dogs a few hours later - or sometimes I may feel really bad for two or three days before the storm comes in and am relieved of the ill feelings when the weather breaks.
2007-08-05 10:58:32 UTC
I go easy with my first impressions. I have experienced a lot of people as being "nice", but they turn out not to be. Physical appearance is less important to me than the information and communication skills of the person. As far as being "bad", ideally I wait to see the effect of the person on me, but I keep in mind that a person's track record is important information. Going on your gut is OK if the potential for negative results is minimal or recovery from bad results would be fairly easy.
2007-07-18 20:35:23 UTC
Some people I just instinctually trust, and others I choose to trust until I'm proved wrong. I always keep an eye on the ones I choose to trust. Appearances have little to do with it. In fact, the shiny pretty ones are almost always a disappointment. It has to do more with the comfort level we immediately establish with each other, which sets the tone for the whole relationship.
seminary bum
2007-07-18 11:03:18 UTC
One way to see if you first impression is accurate is simply to spend more time with them. If similar causes for alarm keep occurring, then maybe they are not trustworthy. Another way is to do a little homework, like check out their facebook page, etc. Sometimes the friends a person has indicate the kind of person that they are as well. However, caution needs to be taken when evaluating a person's friends. While friends are influential, they are not the only influence in a person's life.
2007-08-10 07:46:27 UTC
I always try not to go with my first impressions. But I've found that my first impressions are usually correct. I've also always regretted not paying attention to my instincts. I have no idea what is going on, but some psychologists have said that we may be subconsciously picking up on the signals that they're giving off via their body language.

We associate certain signals with specific actions based on prior experience. A rule of thumb is this: If an alarm bell goes off in your head pay attention. Pay attention to what your instincts truly is better to err on the side of caution.
2007-08-09 19:44:56 UTC
I think it all depends on the situation.....if you are in a potentially dangerous situation I think it is justified to rely on your first impression so as to be might not have time to know if you were right or wrong nor should you care that have to make a speedy decision. In many other cases, the only I way you would know if your first impression was right or wrong would be to get to know the person either directly or indirectly....hear them speak their views, witness their character, etc.....and even then it might take a very long time to see if you were right or wrong, like we all show our true colors eventually.
2007-08-08 08:07:19 UTC
First impressions aren't always the right ones...yes they influence how we see someone initially but ultimately they don't make the whole person. Case in of my best friends is a guy that I've known since high school, and the first time we met we had a fight since we didn't like each other. And I mean not a yelling fight, fists were flying.
2007-08-07 19:01:44 UTC
Usually your gut instinct is right - I find that I never feel wrong or questionable about someone who is genuine. It has to do with maturity and not "wanting" someone to be one way or the other upon first meeting them. Deep inside you can hear with your "heart" what people are trying to convey with a first meeting. Sometimes it's simple things - Are they speaking too fast? Are they trying to convince you? Are they just too much of themselves? Are they relaxed? Just little things. Someone told me to watch women's make-up - if it was heavy or light - I thought that was nuts until they said it had to do with what they were hiding - were they ashamed of who they truly are? But then I thought - how would men disguise their flaws? Follow your gut - you'll know.
2007-08-03 16:26:23 UTC
Depends on your current and intended relationship with that person. Complete strangers require a greater amount of scrutiny before you can make any type of judgment, so I think you may want to put a little less weight on your gut instinct with random strangers. Of course, you decide, based on the intended relationship and your tolerance for risk, how much effort you're willing to exert to get to know the person before you confirm or deny your first impression.
2007-08-01 12:19:18 UTC
Most reasons for people not liking someone upon meeting for first time is because someone who looked, sounded or acted like that person wronged them in some shape way or for. Therefore, an imprint was lodged within the mind/brain. And unless you change a negative into a positive it will remain negative.

The same thing is represented when meeting someone you like for first time.
2007-07-27 20:11:06 UTC
Experience should give a person some insight into what type of clues you pick up and how reliable your radar is in this situation.

You seem to be implying something about a relationship, which might be one of your biggest deficits or you strongest depending on your personal make up and psychic powers. So you should have tested it and remember the outcomes. It takes experience and notes to fine tune your own assumptions.

Also, people can learn and get better at certain types of insight.
2007-07-24 12:16:56 UTC
Believing in first impressions is merely wishful thinking. You would like people to be drawn to you for the facade you've practiced for too long. The basic question to ask yourself would be, "Should this person trust their instincts when meeting me for the first time?-or even second or third? The term is called "impressions" because it's a desire to impress in order to attrack. If those impressions could be trusted they would be called first accurate analysis'.
Nadezda *
2007-07-19 07:16:09 UTC
You can't be totally sure when meeting someone for the first time, you can pick up on certain moods/energry, without them saying a word to you, and you can get a general idea of who that person is in a matter of minutes. However they might be coming across as hostile, because their having a bad day, or depressed, because they just lost somone close to them; you never know until you've walked a mile in their shoes.
2007-07-18 21:32:57 UTC
There are two approaches:

1.) engage in a cautious, casual relationship to determine if your first impressions are an accurate assessment. If your impressions were correct, disengage. If not, you are free to pursue a friendship, with your initial opinion in the back (really far back) of your mind.

2.) if the impression is so strong that you feel truly uneasy around this person, it is wise (in my opinion) to trust those instincts.
Zizi, dreams come true
2007-07-18 21:05:32 UTC
Your gut says so. I know this because I usually get a gut feeling, or vives, also I look at body language and the eyes.

the eyes are very important. The overall look is important.

The way they talk, smile, their clothes, all this creates an

everlasting impression of either you like or dislike. Sometimes you may get an eerie feeling or a wonderful enjoyable personality which is what we all look for. Just remember that when you see someone you are really looking in a mirror. What you like is what you are and what you dislike is what you fear.
2007-07-18 21:00:09 UTC
I don't think you do know if your impression is accurate. Given a situation and the desired results in regards to meeting someone, I think a person will read the verbal and nonverbal communication and then act accordingly to produce a desired outcome. (All of this may or may not be subconsciencely.) I think people see what they want to see depending upon our moods and feelings at any given time.

I think it is okay to disassociate myself from people who haven't wronged me because I don't have to like everyone or have everyone like me. For instance, I was at the pharmacy today sitting on a bench listening to this woman speaking with this elderly woman. She hadn't wronged me but I didn't like her attitude with the other lady so I didn't even look their way. She might be the best person in the world but I didn't need to befriend her and vice versa.

There has been one person I used to work with who I thought was my friend and I had a good impression in the beginning and I tried my best to get along with her but the more I advanced in my career, the more jealous and evil she became. So I think actions speak louder than words in regards to first impressions. In this case, the gut was not right.

I usually trust my gut instinct regardless of a situation. For instance, these strangers wanted to buy my car but they were from another country. My husband was out and I got a weird feeling. As they knocked, I began talking to my "husband" who wasn't even home telling "him" they were his friends and I didn't feel well; he needed to let them in if he wanted to. (I was in a very small apartment.) For some reason, I wouldn't answer the door and didn't want them to know I was home alone. Weird, but I never saw them again after that and they were supposedly living in my complex. I personally think God and guardian angels protected me that day--but, maybe not.

Funny, but back in the 80's (my friend and I still laugh about this) I saw a figure floating toward the back of the store while in the front line at a pharmacy store and I told her, "get down" and pulled her down below the check out. Weird but it was only a lady wearing a turbin but she seemed to be "floating." When we realized it was nothing, we both cracked up! So I definetly can't trust my first opinion of someone. However, I will continue to act according to my gut instinct....well, because I just can't help it and one of these days I will get it! and maybe will save myself from myself.
mac m
2007-07-18 20:35:35 UTC
2007-07-18 18:21:16 UTC

First impressions tell a lot in terms of a person's natural re-action.

For example, when you meet someone for the first time 'face-to-face,' that person tries to show you a face he or she thinks is necessary at that point in time.

And invariably, it is the impression he or she aught not to show you. By so doing he or she is actually assuming that you are of a certain intellect, class, background, education, or status

And more often than not, you get the impression that he or she is merely trying to impress you, or being nice!


Bonnie B
2007-07-18 17:45:31 UTC
You can only trust your gut if you have a good one, meaning, if you're a fairly intuitive person with a good track record of accuracy. I personally think it's something you're born with, but it can be learned to a degree.

I can honestly say I've only been wrong once about a first impression, and then only kinda wrong. I've moved a lot and met a lot of people, so you learn to be observant and trust what you see. However, I always leave room to modify my original assessment of someone. (It's just rarely needed!)
2007-07-18 06:21:49 UTC
Sometimes it is difficult to get a read on a person I've just met, but other times a certain characteristic or trait seems to be written all over them. After a first impression, the traits or characteristics that I thought were evident may either not be present, or not as dominant as first thought.

Confirmation of a first impression I've had regarding a person's personality may often come when an action or words spoken by this person display the hinted traits or characteristics to the exclusion of demonstrating other possible traits and characteristics in a given circumstance.

An example might be "sneaky". If I've concluded from a first meeting that a person seems sneaky, and in conversation alludes to trickery, or self-aggrandizing complicated interpretation of parameters (rather than being straightforward); my thoughts are that this person can indeed be sneaky.

This may not be my whole definition of the person, and in fact his/her sneaky traits may be overshadowed by other traits that come out as we interact, but it is in my mind confirmed that my first impression was correct.
2007-07-18 02:33:38 UTC
Well the body language is important ,whether the palms are kept open , whether the person is smiling or has a stiff upper lip, whether he has a good handshake,whether he is looking honestly into your eyes or not. All these things are important in making up a decision if he is trustworthy when you believe in gut instinct. Of course yoou should give him a second chance maybe he was a bit tense the first time.
::A'La Mode::
2007-07-17 23:19:45 UTC
as someone who has been told by ppl who know me that i come across as mean at first, I feel that first impressions are hardly ever accurate. I am just a very blunt person ... whereas some ppl I know that make great first impressions, they are joking & friendly yet actually very cruel & different behind ppls backs. So to sum it up, it is okay to have a first impression of ppl, we cant help that, but to base a judgment upon that person without knowing them in & out is not wise.

you know the saying you cant judge a book by its cover, well alot of our first impression is based on physical and superficial things a person says or does, and especially how they look. How many of us actually open ourselves completely to strangers? none, i'd bet. so if that is the case, its fair to assume that other ppl are not exactly as they appear. bottom line you dont know a person until you get to know them. that said, keep everyone at arms distance until you do know them.

remember how ted bundy lured his victims, pretending to have a broken arm, Id bet those women would tell you all you need to know about first impressions. They are usually not accurate for someone can portray whoever you'd like them to be, it doesnt make it real.
2007-07-17 23:04:19 UTC
Imagine if it's a first date, an important job interview. C'mon. Who has the knowledge to judge someone by the first impression? Ok, maybe a streetfight. It's an old saying that has some validity when that person is overbearing. Give other people a brake.
2007-07-17 23:00:11 UTC
Everyone has a little predjiduce, no matter what we try to tell ourselves. It's natural, an nomally, your first impression of a person will tell your intuition how to act. Like after 9/11, all the muslims were put in all the security checkpoints, yet the others were let go easier. It is just how our society works. Like the Mexicans today. They are treated horribly because of illegal immigration. Just how society works around here, sad but the truth. Most times, your gut instinct is the right one.
Jay B
2007-08-11 07:30:03 UTC
Our first impression(s) call upon our past references--references about which we have of similar circumstances. There is no way we can positively know our first impression(s) are correct or not, but it better to listen and react accordingly. If we are mistaken, we can always make it right with the person. If we are correct, we may save our lives. I realize that just because of physical characteristic we often look down on someone, or the way they dress, the way they talk or their posture, but what we see first is their personal advertisement--like a billboard so to speak. I often react to their advertisement which is what they think of themselves, if they don't care, why should I? Better to be safe than sorry later.
2007-08-09 22:04:49 UTC
I tend to trust my first impression of someone. I am confident that what I feel is coming from something I am receiving from them which then mixes with my own perception. Now my own perception is based on all of my past experiences. i also believe that if it is danger I feel from another... better to be safe than sorry... So I also believe that my first impression may be totally different from another person.

So.. all in all I trust my judgment but I always leave room for another chance. Maybe I was off that day or maybe the other person was off that day. If it is meant to be then another chance will produce itself... If not.. then that is ok to.
2007-08-09 09:37:11 UTC
i always go by my gut instinct and have never been disappointed up till now you can usually tell by the way some one looks at you. The look in the eyes if they have a genuineness about them that's taking into account that they might be nervous shy ect they might have a disability that is making them feel awkward. I listen to the way they talk about other people they might be very nice to you, because you are there in front of them, but there attitude to family members, neighbors work colleagues ect might be very different.
2007-08-09 02:10:06 UTC
I have studied people for years from the times I watched them through the maternity ward window; how one baby would start to cry when things got too quiet and then suddenly stop when the noise level was comforting, all the way to couples at restaurants stealing glances at others peoples plates. I have found no one who could keep the act up very long they all had flaws that were betrayed some where along the way in the way they smiled, turned their head,expressions on their face , the way they walked etc.. it took me a long time to recognize these little nuances but they do exist.
2007-08-05 19:53:23 UTC
I always go with my gut feeling. That does not mean that I do not get to know that person. It means I go slower and and let that person in a little at a time. Sometimes it has made that person and I the best of friends and other times my gut was on target and I am wronged...but at least I gave it a try!!!!
2007-08-01 14:45:32 UTC
our gut instinct usually always comes true., however, you should take a little time to really see just what the person is really like. Eye contact and their interest in what you are saying, coupled with body language will help you make a comfortable decision. You also have to realize that some people are not talkers.....meaning someone who just rambles on. I like to give everyone the chance to prove themselves through communication(s).
2007-07-23 21:05:29 UTC
First impressions are tense. One would have to take in all circumstances involved a first impressions. Meaning your first encounter with this person. Did you approach this person in appropiate manner. what type of day was it? For you and him. But then you don't find out these things until much later. So along with gut instincts; we have to be sympathy and objectively observate.
2007-07-19 08:09:37 UTC
For me personally, it is generally a gut feeling. Of course, just like everything else, that first gut reaction is usually the correct one. That is because a genuine person will be conscious about how they treat others...and, also how they present themselves.....whether this is a first meeting or the hundredth meeting. So, a person's core personality will always shine through....whether they are aware of it or not.
2007-07-19 03:13:36 UTC

Experience, I have had a few occasions when, I meet certain people, this person tries to befriend me and something in my mind is telling me stay away om him/her, meet that same person again and it's as if my mind is speaking to me, saying to me stay away from him/her but, unfortunately this person seems so very friendly so, in time this person gets closer and

However, after knowing this person for about 2 years and talking, this particular person and I got to be really good friends, Going to the pub together, disco's, I going to his home, coming to my home, you know the usual, I found out that this person was thrown out of the Army for he said striking a superior officer, on further Questioning I putting 2and 2 together that leading up to his assault of the officer,

he had been a very bad boy when he and friend was out on the town during the army days, they did things that you or me wouldn't have done so, I will say no more.

I believe my first impression of a person is usually correct, because this happened on a few occasions, before and since.

As a matter of fact these people I am referring to are not my friends any more I don't speak to them, they want to speak to me but I simply ignore them, in fact I go out of my way to avoid them if i see them first, if I didn't see them which is very rare, I quickly make an excuse that I am in a hurry.

Gut instinct is always correct, all of us have an inner contact that is trying to guide us and keep us from trouble and harm.

We are like mere puppets in this world and if we just listen to our guide we will hear.

Most people will be saying that's hearing voices, no you don't hear voices, that would be called schizophrenia, what I am talking is called intuition, unless you are an adept time is the master, time reveals wolves in sheep clothing they can't keep on the sheep clothes for very long.
2007-07-19 02:19:53 UTC
Because certain people give off bad vibes and if your gut instinct is telling you something I usually go with it.I've learned that sometimes you can trust people and sometimes you can't.This is where your gut instinct takes over and you learn to trust it.If too many red flags are waving in front of you then your gut instinct tells you that this person is somehow not telling or being honest with you.
2007-07-18 22:32:27 UTC
If you're able to examine the situation objectively in retrospect. If not, then something or someone, perhaps even an unconscious psychological need on your part may have influenced you more than you should have allowed it to. Your "need" may be as simple as revenge for what someone else has done to you although it isn't fair or rational. Oftentimes we project onto other people in order to allow ourselves to cope with/resolve issues & conflicts. Sometimes we use others or situations in order to act out what we secretly wish to do or perhaps we are testing out possible future scenarios. Judgements are made consciously as well as unconsciously, not only by us but by others. Eternal and internal factors weigh heavily even in the smallest incidents and often we don't recognize this until afterwards.
2007-07-18 22:19:56 UTC
First impression should only be used if there is no further contact with the person. It would be a very poor judgment if you let the first impression influence you too much. Give a benefit of doubt whenever possible but do not be naive.
2007-07-18 22:10:38 UTC
One really shouldn't go with their first impression. You have no idea what that particular person has been going through, or what is on their mind at that particular moment that you first meet them. Society today can be too judgemental of anyone, especially with first impressions. You should take the time to get to know the person BEFORE drawing any conclusions about their character.
2007-07-18 21:43:54 UTC
First reasons are BS. Personally I've never had a gut feeling on the first impression, but either way that doesn't influence how I'm answering this Q.

Take for instance I meet this one person through a friend, he came off kind of pervy to me in my eyes. I don't like pervs. However, turns out he wasn't trying to be pervy at all. Later, as I got to know him more, he was just being an overall comedian. That's it. Sure he would like a girl friend but he wasn't/isn't a perv. First impressions are not as they appear to be.

Before making any judgmental decisions about someone, you should really get to KNOW them first. Which means building a relationship with them, not eying the cover of the book or the blurbs that come out their mouth in a quick pass by meeting.

Another example is, most parents who don't bother to talk to their kids about who they hang out with or even talk to their kids friends for that matter NEVER liked me. Of course now since I'm older they're ageist tendencies kick in until I make them realize they should question me. As I was growing up and even know, parents don't like me ... unless they get to know me. The automatically think due to my political stance and social behavior that I am the ultimate BAD influence on their youth. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, I'm the number one person who steps up to try to keep people off drugs, heck even smoking cigarettes. I'm straight edge what can I say. However, until those quick judgmental paranoid people learn to get to know me they will never know how much they would appreciate from me. Some have, and they are very greatful that their kid has a friend like me (even though most still don't agree with my disdain for authority). After all, real friends like me are hard to come by ;-)
2007-07-18 14:17:40 UTC
I never base my trust on first impressions. If I really want to know if I can trust someone, I will observe them from a distance.

That's what I always do with the people I meet. I observe their behavior from a distance. What they do and how they do things especially how they treat other people will tell me the type of person they are.
2007-07-18 12:18:15 UTC
Gut instincts are very important. They are there for a reason. In my experience whenever I have a gut instinct and follow it I am usually in good shape. Also, in the past whenever I have given anyone the benefit of the doubt I always get screwed or let down.
2007-07-18 09:52:02 UTC
My husband gives a great first impression. That's what makes him such a great salesman. Don't get me wrong he's a great guy any way or he'd have been gone instead of me being married to him for 9 1/2 years but as I got to know him I learned a little thing about him. His first impression is usually a mask. He puts a great front on and it takes time to strip it away and to reveal the wonderful guy underneath it. The reason for the mask is the hurt he's had in his life. He builds a wall to protect himself and as he gets to know a person he slowly reveals himself. So people need to give others a second chance sometimes.
2007-07-18 09:46:50 UTC
first impressions can sometimes be right, but usually they are can't tell what someone is like just the first time you meet them...maybe they are having a bad can never really tell what a person is like unless you have known them for awile...if they have wronged someone you consider a friend, it is right to feel that this person is should trust your gut instinct a little, but you shouldn't let that control your overall opinion of never know what they could be dealing with...give everyone you meet a few days to prove to you that they are a good person =}
2007-07-18 06:24:44 UTC
Do not judge them or base assumptions. They may be nervous or scared to be meeting you or be in this new environment.

I once worked with a women, about 28 years old, who passed judgment immediately after meeting them without knowing a back-story. We worked for a magazine, and once got a call from a property owner, who's cal was taken by "Karen". After hanging up, she started telling people that the woman who called was drunk and was slurring her speech. The matter was blown into insane proportions, and for days, the story of the drunk, word slurring property owner passed through the office. A week later, when the order came in, I made my way over to the property for a photoshoot, in which I met the supposed "Drunk" owner, who was not drunk.

She had suffered a stroke year prior and lost some facial movement, causing slight slurring in her speech. And she turned out to be the nicest person I could of met. I took the story back to the office, where I confronted Karen with why the lady always sounded drunk. Karen had no remorse, and in her mind, the lady was a raging drunk.

When Karen left, I found out I had judgment passed on me also. I tturns out I was Dyslexic because I couldn't tell the difference between drunk and not drunk.

Moral of the story? Just don't judge on first impressions and keep an open mind about the person our meeting.
2007-07-18 00:42:11 UTC
First impression is driven by many factors - instinct and society.

INSTINCT. Humans are naturally born to be aware of first impressions because this is one way for humans to adapt and survive new things and changes. This includes meeting new people.

SOCIETY. Society nowadays have created a lot of stereoptypes for people - what you wear, what you act, and how you respond to first meetings affect a lot on how people would think about you.

People always say that "I don't judge people on their first impression". Not quite. People always do, whether intentionally or not - that's instinct. It is actually up to the person to gossip about it or keep his/her ideas to him/herself. And if you do not meet that person again, that first impression will stick in your mind.

So how do you know if first impression is accurate? Nobody knows.. It's a 50/50 chance to be right or wrong. You cannot judge a book merely by its cover (but you can read the cover!). Reading the cover is what we call first impression.. You can judge it later when you have read the book entirely (in short, when you get to know that person well enough)

We are entitled to our ideas, our first impressions. That what free-thinking is all about. Right or wrong, we learn from our instincts, and experience sharpens our instincts.. I think experience is actually the root to accurate first impressions, and not basic instinct..
2007-08-15 18:18:21 UTC
Sometimes good people are afraid to trust others they don't know and they get confused. Does this make them be a bad person? Some people are like gold wishing for others to see them that way but showing differently. Always asking for forgiveness helps the situation I hope. Some people can not stay away from something that means alot to them and need special people in their lives and don't know when to see the real truth when it is before them but always asking for second chances. Knowing there is that something inside that you can never let go of and you want it for life.
2007-08-08 15:02:27 UTC
Whenever I ignore my gut instinct I more times than not regret it. I believe the Holy Spirit speaks to us and tells us whether we're dealing with a bad person or good person; a shallow person or deep person; an honest person or deceitful person. Experience plays a big roll as well. Have a blessed day.
2007-07-28 16:08:50 UTC
I usually can trust a person if he looks me in the eye. I ask questions and I pay close attention to the answers. Sometimes I can detect an error or slip-up in the answer that reveals a lie or fabrication. I observe the person and keep watching and listening. Many times I will ignore red flags because I want to like this person. Later on (maybe even a year) I remember the red flag; it points directly to a character flaw.
2007-07-19 02:11:45 UTC
Don't rely on instinct only. Keep an open mind. Trust your gut instinct but leave room for possibilities.

You never really know if the person is bad until you personally know him/her. It's not fair to conclude anything about anyone until you've proved yourself otherwise.

You'll be surprised. =)
Terry L
2007-07-18 20:46:21 UTC
First impressions are similar to your first inclination when asked a multiple choice question. You discover that 99 times out of 100 you should have gone with your first choice. There is something in a person's first words, expressions or behavior towards you that gives you an idea as to what type of person this probably is.
2007-07-18 15:53:26 UTC
You can never judge someone off the basis of a first impression. Most people, when you meet them for the first time, may not be themselves entirely. So you must give it time before they can "break out of their shell."

Also, people tend to have certain perceptions of the world. Most people allow these perceptions to influence how they react to people and situations.

How you act towards someone will also influence them and they may react differently to you.

This is why a first impression isn't a legitimate judgment of people you meet for the first time.
2007-07-18 12:01:19 UTC
You have to know yourself. To figure out if you can trust your instinct you should know how good your instincts are for this situation. If you are always wrong in judging someone than you should not rely on that. If you are usually correct, then trust it. One should take into account who they are judging anyway. Take a look at who the person realy is. Ask yourself "is it even worth judging this person anyway". Who are they to you? If you want to know about someones true self greet the person with enthusiasm. This approach always brings out the truth. The only "bad" people that will be hard to see are liars. Some people are really good at lying.
2007-08-16 00:49:58 UTC
I think that in this case it's more important to determine the risks involved.

A good friend of mine let me down and I nearly lost my apartment. Founded impressions can be just as misleading as first impressions.

If you are putting yourself or someone else in danger by trusting them, it is probably wise to be more critical of the person in question, whether you know them well or not. If it's simply a case of acting cold towards them, the chances of you suffering for giving them a second go are very minimal.

Everyone inherently deserves a another chance. The question is not whether they deserve the opportunity, the question is the circumstances under which they should receive it. If your common sense tells you not to, you shouldn't.

I advocate taking your guts into consideration, but being very careful not to ignore other evidence as it comes in. Ignorance may be bliss, but most of us are not ignorant enough for that to work. Partial ignorance is not bliss. It's a lot of pre-emptive mistakes waiting to happen.
2007-08-09 20:07:08 UTC
only time will tell if your first impression or instinct is correct.

it might not be fair to base one's opinon of another person on the first impression or a gut/intuitive feeling, but sometimes it is right and crucial for one's safety to trust that feeling. given time and contrary evidence one can change their impressions of a person.

by getting to know the person more is how you can tell whether or not you can trust your instincts.
2007-08-09 16:27:51 UTC
In my experience, about 60% of the time my first impression was right. Although if you don't give someone a chance then it may seem your first impression is correct even though it might not be. Everyone has some good inside.
2007-08-02 17:13:09 UTC
Our gut instincts are there for a reason--many times they are the manifestation of responses that through our enculturation as social human beings, we have learned to ignore--quite often to our disadvantage. But as we get older and have had experiences with others that stand out in our minds, we tend to develop prejudices, whether most of us want to admit it or not. So, yes, sometimes our feelings lead us astray, disguised as "gut instinct".

Sometimes we just call any bad feeling a gut instinct. But usually a gut instinct stops us "dead in our tracks"--replete with a skin-crawly "hey-somethings-just-not-right-here", slap in the face kind of feeling. Pretty unmistakable.

The secret to handling your gut instinct is to listen to them--that does not mean you have to follow them! Whenever your spidey senses tingle, look around! Is there a reason that you do not trust this person--do they remind you of someone that you do not like (Bossy old aunt Joyce, or that know-it-all from accounting that thinks he's God's gift to women)--it may be just a case of guilt by association of sorts. So yes, it would be unfair to just assume that they are a bad person


But most importantly, remember that you NEVER owe anyone your trust, when you've only just met them. You DO, I feel, always owe anyone you've just met social politeness--but trust, NEVER! Trust is built by experience, not granted as gift or virtue.

Hope this helped you out somewhat!
2007-07-31 06:59:00 UTC
I've learned the hard way its best to trust my first instincts. This usually is more male than female though But being married 3 times I guess my feelings were way off

I really believe some people aren't meant to be married
2007-07-23 23:25:09 UTC
Something like that happen to me yesterday at the groceries. I was using a lotto scanner along side the wall by a passage way. I saw a young lady (16 or 17 yrs) w/her mother sitting on the other side of the passage way on a bench. The young girl had a shopping cart with her and left it side ways opposite the directions of the pathway to sit with her mother. An older lady yelling on a motor wheelchair trying to get through the pathway but couldn't because of the shopping cart on the way. The young girl and the mother acted on deaf years and didn't react on move the shopping cart, until I reacted and asked the young girl if that was their shopping cart, and she said yes. She still didn't reacted on moving the cart, until I told her to moved it because that lady wanted to passby. She replied by telling me that the lady didn't ask her to. Well, I automatic judged them as ignorant. I was appall when the mother reacted offended that I snapped at her daughter. I couldn't sustain myself by telling that lady and her daughter that if they didn't have the decency to move a shopping cart out of the way for a handicap person that those were the signs of ignorant people. I felt so bad afterwards for placing judgement that I gave the mother and daughter a blessing. Many times we judge but hold it silence because we don't want to offend or call attention to ourselves that we turn the other way. When one knows what is right or wrong one should react with their gut instinct. I'm sure the mother and daughter won't forget my comments but I hope and pray that will change their being.
2007-07-19 07:10:21 UTC
My first impressions are always right, however, I don't look at just the outside of a person when I meet them. I see everything. Most people just others based solely on appearance and those impressions are usually wrong.
Karamcheti J. N
2007-07-19 04:27:04 UTC
When meeting some one, look at his dress, face and top to toe. See the body language and look into his eyes. Telling a lie is difficult if you look at his eye. Telling a lie is easy on telephone.

If you do not know the person, never disclose your personal things like Bank account number and social security number etc.

There will be still few tricksters who knew how to open conversation with any type of person.

He will talking more and will not give time to think.
2007-07-18 21:30:43 UTC
When I meet someone I rely on my gut instinct. I have not before and have gotten myself into a lot of trouble. I can usually tell by the eyes. They say alot about the person, also body language says alot also.
2007-07-18 20:39:27 UTC
I truly do not think that first impressions are lasting unless you are going on a job interview. However, I feel that if there is a bit of chemistry this is quite a different thing. It could be a slight smile or glance. Usually if there is something negative that happens at a first meeting, that in itself is lasting. However, if there is something positive, I need a lot to reinforcement. Basically, believe nothing you see (unless its negative- run for your life) and half of what you feel.
2007-07-18 17:15:55 UTC
Kept eye contact

And also just be yourself. If you look at the situtation as oh my goodness im never going to be able to do this. then chances are you most likely won't be able to get outta there with good instinct.

Also I think if you've heard bad stuff about the person then you can't really believe that unless you've seen or got the information from the "bad" person. Don't listen to the rumors and never assume
2007-07-18 13:32:38 UTC
Well I have seen both sides where they have turned out the opposite. I have met people that gave me a bad vibe but turned out to be a good friend and then someone I got a good vibe from that turned out bad...I usually go with my gut instinct but always give a chance as well. I can get a better feel for someone after talking with them. You can learn a lot about a person and their personality and the way they respond to certain things.
2007-07-18 10:35:30 UTC
You can't.

You always pick up on things that in your past have meant either good news or bad news. Sometimes you'll peg someone as good or bad because they act, look or talk in ways that remind you of someone else. Much of the time most of us who have had a wide variety of experiences with other people are fairly good at choosing who to spend time with.

However, it is possible for bad people to learn how to act in ways that other people trust. If you meet someone and there are things that don't seem quite right, don't ignore your instincts. Be observant.

There is a really good book on this subject called the Gift of Fear by Gavin DeBekker. I've recommended it dozens of times over the years. It is about how to learn how to trust your instincts to keep yourself safe. If your instincts are saying to be careful, you should heed that advice. It means that you're picking up on something that's not quite right, even if you can't quite figure out what it is.

It was written quite a few yeas ago, but I think it's still in print. will have it.
2007-08-06 08:55:35 UTC
It depends what you mean by BAD PERSON..

a persons habit might be irritating to one but enjoyable to other..

but a real bad habit like lying or back biting is something which turns everyone off and then it is kinda fair to assume that person as a bad person..

And everyone has their own choices.

and first impression usually just gives you the outer layer of a person and if you don't like its outer personality at all then there is no way you would like hidden qualities not even if you spend years together..just finally getting along doesn't necassarily mean liking..

and if you don't like a little part of a person then that idea gradually always changes...since you weren't sure wether you liked or disliked the person at the first sight..
2007-08-04 22:37:31 UTC
You let them do all the talking,you can tell if this person a lier,

by changing there story,and by how ruff talking you wouldn,t want them mad at you. Listion if they brag how mean they could be with someone they don,t like.Now if they talk softly ask you a question in nice maner and lets you take turns to talk sounds like be very lovely person.The hold thing is watch and listion to them. And get them tell a little about there self,,than you can pick what kind person they are.Yes some times we can--be wrong on judging this person.
2007-08-04 10:26:51 UTC
It depend on how in touch with your inner guide you are, i first met my wife in 6th grade and through the years till high school something inside told me"she is the one",we dated for five years before marriage and abstained from sex, we saved to pay for our marriage and it has lasted over 23 years!If I really listen to myself, I make great decisions, but I sometimes am fearful of my thoughts and ignore my own intuition. My intuition is always right, you have to give it enough time to communicate though,think before you act or open your big gator can be a life saver..........I am still working on increasing my awareness and examining things like tolerance and studying life goals , and realizing the world can be changed for the better just by our positive thoughts and trust in a higher power which releases the self induced stress to handle everything ourselves, it all fits together neatly if you look from a distance and see the whole picture.
2007-08-01 19:23:13 UTC
I have been around for quite some time, and I have studied people and animals all of my life, and one thing I am quite sure of and it has never failed me, since we are all animals but, humans are supposedly on a higher plane, which sometimes I question that, but notice almost every animal you see when they meet a new animal of their kind the first thing they do is smell of one another, if every thing appears to be okay then they will play with one another or if there is something wrong they will fight, and from my experience when I meet some one it is easy to smell most people unless they have so much Cologne or deodorant on, it may mask their odor, but, with a little time you will get their odor, and if it is offensive to you then stay away from them as you won't ever be friends and you are opening your self up for a lot of trouble,
2007-07-27 06:43:32 UTC
First Impressions - My best example would have to be the first time I met Jimmy Buffet - Here was this man who had done so much in life yet looked like a beach bum in his clam diggers and Hawaii shirt, yet he spoke with such education, life experience, and has head for business.

As in all individuals I meet I would have to say there appearance either good or bad gives me a sense now of their lifestyle instead of determining who they are, anything after that I would have to say I notice someones eyes, and their personal mannerism, body guestures(language), and attitude when the speak.
Teresia S
2007-07-25 00:34:01 UTC
They say to always trust your first instincts. I've tried to do this throughout my life and it's never steered me wrong, so yes, I believe first impressions are accurate. Without these built-in instincts the world would be an even more dangerous place than it already is.
Captain Atom
2007-07-24 05:59:51 UTC
The only way to know whether a first impression was right is to see the subsequent behavior of the person who has been judged. While the accuracy of a particular first impression can be jmeasured in retrospect, the reliability of further first impressions remains unclear.
2007-07-19 09:04:46 UTC
I am a door to door sales person. So this is something I deal with daily . I always find it in the eye contact and the tone of voice. I look at there eyes and if they continue eye contact and don't look down or away within one second then they are able to trust you .(some what )they may want to hear more to what you are saying.

I also tell a joke and if they laugh I know i have made a good impression with just my appearance and domineer if not then they are not trying to hear a word I have to say . hoped I answered your ? proper.
2007-07-18 21:07:39 UTC
First impression is intuitive. It is hard to alter this impression with facts discovered later about the individual since first impression is often not based in logic. Positive impression will be reinforced by positive facts. However, a negative first impression will only become confused with positive facts and trust will be an issue in this case. Trust of self versus trust of the facts as they evolve.
2007-07-18 20:46:31 UTC
Beleive it or not, the first impression whether it be relationship in dreams of meeting your better half or being at a job interview and questioning "should I hire this person?" It is always the "GUT" that you need to sense. Get to know them better. Have a second interview/date and pay attention to details. You'll get your answer whether you want that particular answer or not. Stick with your gut instinct. It never fails.

Thanks for your time.

Ms. Tammy
2007-07-18 19:57:52 UTC
My experience is that a first "impression" if your are intuitive you get a vibe if the person is one to use caution with or if they are good person. My gut is not always right or should I say I do not always listen to it. When I listen to my "gut feelings" I am usually spot on. It is like when you have a multiple choice question and the first answer you choose is often the correct one!
2007-07-18 18:51:00 UTC
If you get the initial impression that someone is bad, it is for a reason. It would be unfair to make a final judgement of character on a first impression, but if the person comes across as bad, expect nothing good to come from them...and then be pleasantly surprised if something good does come. But if they seem bad and you expect goodness, you will be bitterly disappointed when your first impression turns out to be true--as it often will.
2007-07-18 12:44:34 UTC
We have instincts for a reason, they have evolved over the generations; only a fool ignores them. If over a good period of time the person proves you wrong, then you have the option to try to get to know them. Finally, the older we get and the more people we meet, the better our instincts become; well most of the time ;-)
2007-07-18 12:01:05 UTC
I trust my gut 99%. But just because my first impression is negative, it does NOT mean that the door is closed. I don't think there is such a thing as a "bad person." But there are plenty of people that have particular qualities that I do not want in my personal life. I can still be cordial at work, etc., but everytime I've gotten bad vibes and then let them into my personal life.. I've regretted it!
2007-07-18 11:56:06 UTC
You cannot trust your 'gut instincts' completely, because they can be affected by irrational prejudices, emotional attachments to people who look or act similar, preferences for pretty people, etc.

It is best to take note of your initial reactions and let your experience wtih the person serve as your true guide. After some time, you can sit back and evaluate whether your first reactions were accurate or not.

If you do this regularly, you can help 'train' your 'gut' to be more accurate the first time!
Deep Thought
2007-07-18 09:06:51 UTC
Reacting to one snapshot in time makes for poor decision making. You have to let a situation play out for a while before you choose to make a real decision on someone.

I had a neighbor who after my first conversation I felt was irresponsible with money and a real pain in the rear. I got this impression from our first conversation when he said proudly that he would be running his air conditioner 24 hrs a day because he didn't think the bill would be that high. I held off on my judgement on him for a while. Then I started to see how he lived and the fact that he hadn't worked for 8 years at that point but had enough energy to walk down and get his 40oz really confirmed my suspicions. I didn't need to wait until the end of the month when he got his $400 electric bill and was asking my wife to spot him money to buy his kids food to know that this guy was going to be a pain in the rear.
2007-07-18 08:58:25 UTC
First impressions are a useful warning signal, drawing sub consciously from all our accumulated experience and instincts. In our evolution it must have given us a survival advantage, when we had no time to think and make considered judgments.

But we must always be prepared to amend that first impression, as we get to know a person better and in fact we do. I have heard many women say that when they first met their future husband they did not thing much of him. And in fiction, when boy meets girl, they often start with a quarrel.

Incidentally, thank you for an interesting question.
2007-07-18 08:48:20 UTC
First I'd like to say that I approach everyone with an open mind. My reactions are based on the individual and I usually have them in one of three categories before I finish the initial conversation.

A person who smiles all the way up into their eyes, who meets your eyes and has a firm handshake (not too long) is someone I might want to know. Self-confidence is so sexy and comforting.

The person who hesitates to shake your hand and won't meet your eyes is much harder to judge. Sometimes they lack self-confidence and will loosen up enough that you can get to know them, but they could also have something to hide. It takes a long conversation to know the difference.

These people I tend to casually know, but I rarely call them friends.

Then there is the person who grabs your hand and holds on to it and whose smile doesn't reach his eyes. Bad news. They are putting on a show and hiding what they really are. No thanks. I like honesty.

It usually takes a conversation to firmly reason out why you instinctively disliked a person. I remember encountering a guy who looked good, clean-cut, etc., and hearing his complaint that no one in Douglas, WY liked him. That was REALLY odd since folks in Douglas are very tolerant. It's a small town and there's room for everyone. Ten minutes into the conversation I discovered that he was the most radical bigot I'd ever encountered and THAT was why people didn't like him. At the end I advised him to get on a bus and don't come back because bigotry like his is not welcome in my home town. Oh, and I wasn't diplomatic about it. This guy was BAD.

My neighbors were right to shun him. I just had to find out why for myself.
2007-07-18 08:18:25 UTC
It's been often said 90% of what we assume is wrong.

So when meeting someone for the first time, it's fair

to say that we do not know if a person is "a bad person".

We all are imperfect and have short comings.

It would be nice if instead of assuming things, that we

give each person a chance.

John 17:3
Ken D
2007-07-18 07:18:11 UTC
I recommend reading, "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking." This book by Malcom Gladwell discusses thin slicing or the human capacity to judge based on instinct.

Instinct is our ability to quickly make a decision based on our vast experiential database. Should you trust your instincts? Well, what is your track record. If you have been a good judge of character, I would suggest that you can trust your instincts. Another point I will make is that you are not obligated to have a relationship with anyone. If you want to take a pass based on a gut instinct... and you pass on knowing a great person, it is your loss. In other words, you bear the consequences of your own decision... which is fair and just.
truth hurts
2007-08-09 14:59:21 UTC
Its not fair to assume a person is a bad person when meeting them for the first time. The person could be having a bad day which can have an impact on how they interact with you.
2007-07-31 10:09:34 UTC
It is never accurate. First impressions could deceive in a majority of cases. Other intervening variables could determine the impressions people put up on a first meeting. It is wrong to allow first impressions to becloud one's opinion of others. It really pays to keep your options open, and give whoever you meet a chance to prove that they are not worth being with in the first place. First impressions could sometimes be a product setting unusually high standards of expectation of others. Positive assessment of people is the best way of relating with them form the first day.

Chris Alozie
Donna Le Oiseau de Feu
2007-07-30 20:34:03 UTC
This is very much fun...and i have been good at this one except when distracted by raging hormones or instinctual needs. To know you must engage a person in a conversation which interests them ; if they are already speaking hang on their words and believe all that they report. If they are inconsistant in word and deed or braggadoscious you know that they arebullshit, trouble or both.They are probably also selfish. If they are not ,anaylize the needs, wants and desires they express and you will hold the sercet to their success and your own with them. Provided you tolerate and can accomodate what they would like to accomplish with you or others-- which in some cases may be nothing.. Therefore we must also know how to interperate silence and speak -no speak- conversation(i.e. meaningless, trite and moronic crap) We must also evaluate the level of education, training, accomplishments , experience and mental capacity of the person we speak to base on these factors . Learning how to do this in 5 minutes to one hour is extreme sport.
2007-07-19 08:46:30 UTC
First you have to make sure your not gambling with anything you find important. If you are you obey your instincts without question and watch the subject of interest from a safe distance, if they scare you they interest you so this part is easy. If your instincts decide its safe to approach them you interact with them until you get to know more and then they either prove you wrong and your instincts get a tuning or they prove you right and the game goes on with nothing learned. We are all proving ourselves everyday if not to each other then to nature but we are constantly proving ourselves, its life take away the struggle and you just have a mass of people sitting in their own excrement, crying waiting to die.
Robert S
2007-07-19 07:06:33 UTC
It is very important to me when meeting someone new that the old cliche "can't judge a book by it's cover" is so very true. I realized years ago that just because I get rubbed wrong by someone, it isn't always their fault; sometimes it is me. I'm usually pretty accurate with my first impressions, but I've been wrong on several notable occasions, so I'm very careful not to let my first impression wreck a potential friendship.
Lisa G
2007-07-19 05:44:51 UTC
Just reading a book called Blink. It's about how your unconscious decisions made in those first 2 seconds in any situation are very often very very right! Decisions shouldn't necessarily be mulled over for endless amounts of time! If something doesn't feel right in those first few moments-------trust yourself! We're chemically wired to make decisions BEFORE our conscious comes into play! Great book by the way. Really funny and fascinating. Quick read too!
2007-07-19 01:39:35 UTC
Prejudging someone is part of instinct.

Just because the first impression is bad, does not mean most people are not willing to socialize again.

Sometimes you are right with instinct, sometimes you're not.

Is it fair? No.

Is anything fair? No not really.

You can't tell, instinct is a pre-programmed thing in your mind. As far as you know, that wasp on your arm is going to sting you. You kill it.
Cecilia C
2007-07-19 01:12:28 UTC
The first impression is very important if you meet the person without prejudice and without including your wishies about this person.

If you feel that the person is bad let this person go away from you because the bad things do have a strong energy ,a kind of magnetisum and before this person will complicate your life better leave her.
2007-07-18 22:00:54 UTC
Most people today put up a "front" so it's not that easy to make an accurate first impression of someone. A person can try to pass himself/herself off as whatever they want to be. But with that said, I still think we should still follow our gut when making an opinion on someone although I think we should make a more conscious one based on other cues such as their demeanor, body language... the something deeper.....
2007-07-18 19:15:22 UTC
Well if the first time I meet them they pull a gun, and demand my wallet I will usually count them toward the "bad" people. In a less dramatic example I usually will look for additional clues to their make up. Subtle things like general politeness, kindness, humbleness, empathy, and concern all translate into 'good' traits I look for. I do take into consideration circumstance, as everyone has a bad day. But eventually a pattern will develop. If I see radically differing behavior, and things seem forced when circumstances don't warrant it, then alarms go off. Mostly I'm trying to look behind the social mask people wear.
2007-07-18 18:17:37 UTC
Of course it is not fair to "assume" that your first impression is correct. This is absurd. Particularly for a professional. You may have preconceived ideas about older people, or younger people, or people who dress a certain way. How could you possibly know what that person is capable of, or what their intelligence or character is simply by seeing them for the first time.

The problem with Americans is this: too eager to "judge" everyone else and hold them up to "standards" that are arbitrary and meaningless.
2007-07-18 13:18:48 UTC
I use my initial impressions as indicators, not absolutes.

There are certain clues to behavior that are apparent from

the moment that the brain begins to process an individual.

I trust them as much as I trust anything, by asking myself if I Am I usually right about this particular indication, and what

percentage of the time that is so. So there are certain gut

reactions that I am dead on about, while with others I must

wait a little longer for more info.
2007-07-18 12:01:33 UTC
Some people are not bad, but just bad for you. They may have habits that won't affect others but the habits could affect you. I find that I have to make personal judgements that affect me. With my children, I have noticed that one child will do well in school no matter who she is around. My other daughter can be with a certain group of kids and she will allow her grades to fall each time and always ends in up in trouble. She is a follower. What I'm trying to say is that one child doesn't allow people to influence her, but my other child does. Thus, this tells me to trust m y gut instinct with her friends.
2007-07-18 00:05:33 UTC
I think as time goes on we learn to read people, its a matter of protection. It's a skill we have for survival. No, we're not always right, and it's frightening to think that we may shut out very good people as a result, but isn't it more frightening to think that we let the bad ones in because we doubted ourselves?

I usually have a 'first impression', and it's usually right.

I don't judge someone entirely based on my first impression, but it does help me determine how close I want this person to my life. If I feel wary I can keep them at a distance until further notice. I don't feel this is being unfair in any way. I have a right to look out for my own best interests.

For me, I know it is time to trust my gut and go with it whenever someone makes me feel uncomfortable. This is one of the best warning signs around. Nice people know their boundaries.

I almost never entirely trust someone just because I got a good first impression either, some people are great at coming off well in the beginning. They are charmers and can lure you into their spell, and then they let you down, again, and then again. I'm good at picking people out like that now too.

See, like I said, we learn to read people, it's experience, and we should trust what life has taught us.

I was told our brains recognize patterns, and with this being so it makes sense that as we get older we get better at recognizing the pattern of behavior associated with certain types of people. We should always give some credit to our own judgement, even if we choose to ignore it.
2014-09-24 20:00:23 UTC
There is also the important fact the person being observed may not presently be acting as they mostly do. There could be something relatively extraordinary that they are experiencing. Also, when two people meet for the first time I think that both of them behave in an affected way to some degree.
2014-09-11 18:14:44 UTC
However, these impressions can be swayed by our prejudgments which are often nonsensically based. Various reasons can be previous experiences (having nothing to do with that person), racism, classism and personal taste. You can have a good first impression of a bad person if they are physically attractive or if they have a charismatic personality. You can also have a bad first impression of a good person if they are shy, quiet, having a bad day or if there is something about them that in your mind makes them unattractive.
2007-08-15 02:54:31 UTC
If you dont say anything and just listen to that person they will generally tell you all about thereselfs,who they dont like and what they dont like. If you asked them a simple question -just to see there reaction to your question, hostility in there voice over nothing may show a bad person. If they ever tell you what they have done to someone and if this was very terrible and you notice they really dont care what makes you think they wont do this to you. Its very hard to trust anyone you meet for the first time.
Sweet n Sour
2007-07-24 12:55:30 UTC
You don't know, can't know, if it's accurate until it is proven to be accurate. But you can take precautions until you find out if it's accurate or not. If you have a feeling, instinct that tells you something, then just beware. Be aware of that person you have met, and don't let them take advantage of you in any way, until time and experience give you a reason to change your initial impression.
Writers Instincts
2007-07-19 03:22:02 UTC
First Impressions are sometimes wrong. Because if you give a wrong first impression, and the guy or girl that gave that impression might do disame to you. There's nothing wrong with impressions but as long it is good. And the person that you gave a wrong impression might also be your friend someday.
2007-07-19 00:10:22 UTC
look for the trigger that sparked the feeling. Are there any encounters in the past that you could validate the feeling is of substance and not your head trippin u up. Also If there are holes in the bucket thats all the proof u need to know it wont hold water. Their expressions will contradict what they say.(many facial expressions are created by involuntary muscles. They are very quick and the only real way to see em is to record and slo mo (frame adv) until u know what you are seeing. Personally I never used a tape or disc to train, just kinda always saw it.
2007-08-14 15:22:17 UTC
I would say go with your gut. Tryin to think this out logically is just unprdictable and may cause you to do all the things that may seem bias and even sterotypical. When you have done something try not to think it over because then you develop doubt. Doubt may be good because it prepares you for the worst, but at the same time, this isnt a war so its best just to leave what is inevitable alone.
2007-08-09 19:49:17 UTC
I would have to say make it a short visit/date go home and get some rest and think it over before making any quik assumptions.Our minds want to keep us safe but we cannot always annalyze someone so quickly for all sorts of reasons.

The world would be full of people judging others on their past.Knowing what you are looking for and seeing the qualities in another will give you a better understanding of what may be to come.really depends on what your peevs are and openess to another being welcomed in to your life.

If it is a unsolved gut instinct and your not sure research it.Never go on instincts alone anyways.
2007-08-06 06:11:56 UTC
First Impressions are not always right.Depends on your Personality, some People are more out going other introvert. I think you can misjudge introvert People more, since they are more Private.

For the most part I trust in my gut-feeling, so far I have been lucky in not getting in w/ the wrong crowd.
2007-08-01 22:39:19 UTC
I rarely do meet someone that gives me that feeling, but I have a few times. I always trust my feelings. The few times it has happened, I felt like I could not get away from the person fast enough. It has nothing to do with logic or what has been said or seen. It is all about feeling. Who cares if it is true or not. Truth is relative!
2007-07-31 13:19:28 UTC
How do you know not to touch a fire. How do you know to jump off a roof. We learn from the day we're born how to protect our selves. We amass knowledge and experience and create formulas for self preservation. We don't always have the luxury of time when making decisions that protect us so we condition ourselves to act and react quickly. This common method is used for every decision we make. Even judging people we first meet. If they look and/or act the type of person that has been a negative experience for us, then that's how they're judged.

Keep in mind that respect and trust are things that must be earned. They are not a right.

And we are all responsible for our actions. If you want to present yourself in a certain manner, then you must be ready to accept the consequences of your decision.

It's my right to choose how I react to you.
2007-07-29 15:46:39 UTC
No offense at all to you, Doctor! But, why are so many people answering your question? Just because someone "famous", let's say, asks a question and chooses someone for the best answer, that doesn't mean you're gonna get 1 million points or something. If I didn't know you were a doctor, I would answer your question just as I would answer someone else's. I don't expect you to pick me for the best answer at all, but I would just like to give you my perspective. Have a nice day, and good luck looking through all of the answers you have! It might take you a while!
Syco Simps
2007-07-19 06:58:49 UTC
Your first natural instink on someone is usally the most offen or not the correct one. But some people do have unusal tendiences to be nervous and maybe say to much at the beginning. People may be trying to figure out what kind of person you are as well. So judging them at first may actually be judging yourself in a negitive way.
Dawn V
2007-07-19 06:34:25 UTC
I always give the person the time to redeemed themselves if the 1st impression was not a good one ,but after that ,what is is.Like for insantance.When Im at work, and busy dont try to have a idle conversation with me, because I have to much going on to stop and listen,but the truth is Im a great listener,just not at that moment. So your first impression of me might be that I dont care to listen to you, but the truth is I would love to ,just not at certain times .
2007-07-19 05:26:36 UTC
I'll say it is fair to use the data gathered from 'first impression' as fact, and then just replace it when a new data comes along then that would validate or crush this "first impression"

If your gut tells you that a stranger is bad then just observe or interview this person in such a way, you will observe or interview a good person. unless of course, running from the scene seems logical when a stranger seems "too bad", or flirt, get naked when "too good"
2007-07-19 05:02:58 UTC
I could be wrong or right about a person sometimes, I know I am not always accurate on meeting someone that Is a total stranger,It depends how I think or feel about that person.

Even on the Internet, I have issues with International community talking to me sometimes, I don't mind helping people who are coming to America who are seeking education asking me for the Information. When It comes to those that seek to harass or take advantage of people I try to avoid them.
2007-07-19 03:12:18 UTC
I believe that gut instinct is never wrong- its that bad feeling you have that just won't go away. If you will be spending more time with this person, you can have some reservations and see whether you are right or wrong.
2007-07-18 21:59:43 UTC
When I first met my younger sisters boyfriend, something didn't seem right about him. I brushed it off feeling bad that I was judging him before I knew him. My parents got the same odd feeling and had him looked into. He's got a record for assault and robbery and possesion of stolen firearms. My sister admitted to knowing but believes he can change. So, I feel that in most cases we should go with our gut instincts. As for my sister, she still sees the good in him she hopes that will one day surface.
2007-07-18 21:00:02 UTC
i do not think you can. it takes time to know someone. you have to use first impressions for safety and other things. you use them when you walk up to a group and ask a question. as far as trusting you gut. you feel what you feel. there is really no accurate way to answerer this because life experience plays a huge roll in you impressions of someone.
2007-07-18 19:36:23 UTC
First you ahve to have developed a trustworty gut instinct. To do this, you have to work on being non judgmental and you have to develop powers of discernment. Trust yourself and the spiritual forces of the world to protect you. If a person makes you feel uneasy, then, it will probably be because that person is not for you. Still, be wary and be careful. Check out their body language and talke for awhile, just to be sure.
2007-07-18 15:43:34 UTC
History and precedence. There have been too many times where my first impression has turned out to be dead-on, despite my later revisions or attempts to give someone the 'benefit of the doubt' or for whatever reason, it has always come back to realizing that my first impression was correct--I completely trust my first impression.
2007-07-18 14:25:54 UTC
Offer them a drink or two. Most people will lose their inhibitions when they've had a few. Then the real person comes to the surface and you'll soon know, especially if you goad them into and argument, who they really are. Watch out for the aggressive drunk, they can be dangerous. Some will just have a good laugh, others will go to sleep.

Which are you.???.

Nah, you're cool. I get the feeling from your question and Avitar picture that you are a good soul.

Good question.
2007-07-18 12:35:07 UTC
First impression does not act as a base to judge a person. You can really not judge him or her bcose u know nothing about him/her.

To form a opinion about a person you need to meet the person couple of times. everyone has good and bad qualities . Its just the way you see that makes a difference
2007-07-18 09:57:21 UTC
The question is a fallacy. To explain that anyone can know such a thing is impossible even with third party help.

Media attention, a large peer group, and even loose personal experience does not grantee anything as far as knowing anyone as good or bad.

Also in this country especially the gut instinct has been so well suppressed and "gutted" that no one would rightly trust such instincts branding someone as bad or evil because of our gut would be a rare thing in my experience but odds are they are correct.

In any case how we perceive someone is our natural invaluable right despite being wronged by someone or no. Whomever you meet and however you feel about them to treat them with respect and civility and dependent on how you feel stay near them and learn more or go about your business.


The greater solution in the world is not the knowing of whats good and bad to you since this is a relative perspective... And idea of good or and idea of bad maybe close to popular concepts or not. Sadly if good and bad ideas are more popular they make them right... When simply the truth of controlling others lives or hurting them is the only true wrong that exists.
2007-07-18 08:44:08 UTC
I don't think it's ever possible to be sure about first impressions. The worst con artists can often make the best first impressions because they work harder at it, while people who are genuine and just being themselves may not make an overwhelming impression right away, but they often turn out to be the better friends. That's why I object to the whole concept of speed dating. It isn't possible to learn anything truly meaningful about anyone in only a few minutes, and it's misleading to encourage people to think that it is.
2007-07-18 00:04:35 UTC
First impressions are too subjective ! form a tentative opinion and observe the person for a period watch how they behave when they have been bilked - do they fall into a rage or sulk etc Listen to what their peers say about them. some people know others surmise their character from the first meeting and perform an Academy Award performance for the occasion if deception is their motive - No! do not form a definitive opinion from the first meeting
2007-08-11 11:53:20 UTC
I try to look at them in the eye, possibly ask a question, look for some vulnerable place and see if they allow people to go to the second level of who they really are. I can usually see if there is a defense mechanism, or a shell, or an insecurity blocking me to get past the surface. I usually do this by being open or vulnerable myself which sometimes allows them to put down their guard. If they don't, i walk away. I have failed several times and judged people wrong and been burned or been surprised. But I at least have to try.
2007-08-09 22:56:56 UTC
When I meet someone for the first time I am usually friendly and open to them...when my gut kicks in...I logically anylize myself first to see if its something coming from me that is causing me to feel "that gut feeling". I am a Landmark Education Graduate and have learned about how my negative reaction is from my passed and not necessarily from the person in front of me...that is of course if the negative feeling is immediate and without justification....but if the feeling persists to the next meeting or two...then I follow my gut and just move pushing or fighting just defenses...hope this answers your question...
2007-08-02 16:16:17 UTC
You don't always know if it is accurate. It's something that you have to figure out later on. You really can't always trust your instinct. Sometimes they can be wrong, other times, right. It depends on the person, and their personality. I'm sorry if I can't give you a more specific answer. I tried to answer the best I could. Sometimes I can trust my instinct, other times I can't. It's something that goes on and off.
2007-08-02 15:48:56 UTC
To me that's like saying ok you are in a rm and a group of Mexican American and Black American group of kids come into the rm and everyone grab their purses..Then you have another group of White American kids come into the same rm and no on flinch..ok then the White kids pull a gun and rob every one in the rm. Then to find out the first group of kids were there with a church group of kids. ...Then there is a young lady walk into the rm with purple and green hair and dressed in black. Lipstick and the works.. u turn ur nose up at this young find out she is a straight A student....So to me first impression are not always accurate. I think you should at least get to know the person before u form an opinion about some one. Trust everyone unless they give you reason not too.
Edward S
2007-08-01 11:31:55 UTC
We all have life experiences from what we have seen. If you can hear someone speak your first impression is based on their level of speaking. We do see the "roughness" of the road on people and we also see beauty as a weakness or the sign of an easy life. I have found that people whom I do not like at first end up being my friends ... Usually the person who approaches you first with a strong desire are the wackos.
2007-07-31 11:48:28 UTC
Always trust your gut instinct. But of course, saying someone is bad is a little harsh. I always get the chance to know someone before I decide this is a bad person. Of course, I wouldn't trust them until I got to know them.
2007-07-28 19:56:25 UTC
This is so up my alley. This was a recent occurance I had experienced with someone I knew who was dating and now has a couple kids with this dirt bag loser. Iknew from the get go that he was a no-good trifling, have nothing but a bunch of kids here , there and everywhere. He works no where, she has to look for a job to take care of him and the kids. My bloody instincts were on the bloody mark. I tend not trust folks.
Mr. Cellophane
2007-07-19 09:08:29 UTC
Well Doc. I think First impressions are what set the tone. Sometimes you have to go with your gut. I believe Dr. Phil says it best *and you'll pardon me if i get thsi wrong* that Past behavior is an indicator of Future behavior. hate to say that, but, a leopard doesn't changes its spots.

What influences you is how the person is. how they carry themselves. How they act around others. That is what sets the table. Its hard to overlook things.
2007-07-19 06:22:09 UTC
If my first impression about some one is that the person might be a bad person I'll try to observe him/her for some time before being friendly with the person.If the person is really bad his/her behavior will show it.It is better to be on guard than being deceived.I personally don't trust those who seem to be very sweet & agreeing on every thing.
2007-07-19 05:11:29 UTC
First impressions are never the whole picture. I have changed my opinion many times after getting to know someone better. Unfortunately most people don't give second chances after a bad first impression.
2007-07-18 23:03:55 UTC
It is important to realize that you never know until time passes and you have more experience directly or indirectly.

Being modest about your own infallibility might help you stay in touch with reality.

On the other hand, if you have to make some decisions about the person that affect your safety or heart, you need to listen to your instincts and be open to the messages from within.
2007-07-18 20:26:39 UTC
There are many indications that allow me to make an initial judgement. I listen very carefully to responses to our conversation as well as asking certain questions to determine what type of person the individual is based on their answers. Eye contact ,body positioning and attitude all give me a very good idea of what kind of person they are. I will say that it is a truly rare occasion when a first impression has been wrong.
2007-07-18 19:47:57 UTC
Only Time will tell with hindsight being 20 20 and think about your track record on other past first impressions where you right or wrong? I always trust my Gut
2007-07-18 18:36:18 UTC
I try not to judge a book by it's cover,my first impression of someone may be totally wrong after talking with someone, even if I have heard or know about his past, I would not judge him until I after interacting with them, it's important to note that people are driven to act in a certain way because of "some pressure" from elsewhere, if someone has'nt wronged you personally, then give tham a second chance
2007-07-18 16:43:24 UTC
There have ben times in my life when trusting my instincts kept me from getting into some bad situations and later I found that my first impression was correct. Ordinarily I try to be less judgmental until I get to know them better.
2007-07-18 11:18:02 UTC
I have a natural tendancy to distrust smooth talkers, and I think I can tell fairly quick. When someone talks fast and flies loosely with the facts and promises 'to do' or 'can do', I notice; an alert goes up in my mind. If I double check the facts or the person fails to deliver (even on small items) a second alert goes up in my mind.

There is a subtle contradicition here: people who are extremely well versed at gaining trust may often be the least trustworthy; they are hustlers, and part of their game is gaining trust and dangling fruit (false promises). People who speak slowly and choose their words carefully often do exactly what they promise; they believe their words can become obligations, and so choose their words more carefully. This hesitence can misinterpreted sometimes.
2007-07-18 11:13:17 UTC
Well, I normally listen to my gut instinct. It hasn't steered me wrong yet. If anything, I believe, that is a true saying.

I have a close network of friends that I am now very close with, and have been for the past nine years. Well, before that, there was one female in the group that I thought was a bit jealous and shady. We all had that feeling, but brushed it off and decided to hang with her.

To make a long story short, she was not our friend at all. She would gossip with other members of our circle and try to turn each of us against one another..finally, we confronted her and as we suspected in the beginning, she was trouble.

So, first impression for me, is last impression!
2007-07-18 09:16:48 UTC
as a nurse with over 40 yrs experience I have developed an ability to be observant of both verbal and non verbal clues to the actions and behaviors of people.

do they make eye contact while conversing or watching body language and voice volume and pitch

are they guarded or verbose in conversation

do they allow free exchange of thought and idea or does their conversation center on them and their interests

it is an instinct or gut feeling as to whether a person is honest or trustworthy

I tend to be wary of anyone that sets off my "red flag" until I am sure of their motives and veracity

Fortunately I have rarely been wrong about my assessments

open mindedness but caution will never lead you astray in interpersonal relationships or interactions

judge not by physical appearance but by "internal radar"

if you are secure in trusting yourself you can be secure in whether or not to trust someone else
2007-07-18 09:02:42 UTC
Personally, my instinct about someone's almost never led me wrong. I can always tell when I will either get along, or hate a person, but that doesn't stop me from giving them a chance.

Although most of the time I'm right, I've found that some people just don't care about the image other people have of them, but it doesn't necessarily make someone not worth knowing.
2007-07-18 07:07:39 UTC
I know this is probably going to sound 'off the wall' to some, but it's the only way I go. When I meet someone, I always check in with my spirit. (inside...some people call it "mother wit') The Spirit of God is never wrong in making discernments with regards to people. There is going to be something about them that your inner man will make you aware of. Listen to how they talk, the way they move, how consistent their words are. The longer people talk, the more of themselves they will give away. People who talk a lot or for long periods of time rarely listen to others. You can tell an introvert or extrovert immediately. There are certain qualities and characteristics that envelop people that are revealed. No matter that - you should always trust your 'gut' (spirit inside) instinct.

I have also learned that the longer you live and the more experiences you have with people, you will get sharper and become more and more aware of how people 'work', 'act' and respond.

You don't have to verbalize your thoughts about these people, but you can file it away in your memory and rely upon this information at a time of need.
J Lee
2007-08-13 20:59:42 UTC
I don't think it's fair to assume that a first impression is accurate but it's been about 75% accurate for me. My first impression of my ex-husband was not good but time changed that. In the end the first impression was right on target. I tend to be wary of people when the first impression is not good because of that but I think maybe we shouldn't depend on first impressions always.
2007-08-09 12:52:20 UTC
I completely agree. You cant judge a book by its cover.....i sometimes do have gut instincts that i shouldnt associate wit sumbody, but usually i already know a tad of info about them, that i know they cant be trusted...but i am always willin 2 accept as long as i don have a gut feelin or if i know some1 isnt the type of person 2 be around. I am not prejudiced tho no matter what. DONT JUGDE!!
2007-08-08 13:11:29 UTC
I am going to attempt to answer your question as best I can. From a Christian stand point..... There is a lot more to be said, it depends on the situation, the following talks about judging others. Please let me know if this helps.

The mark of a true Christian is love for others and obedience to God’s Word (1 John 2:4; 1 John 2:10).

It seems that whenever one person confronts another person over an issue, the statement "Do not judge!" comes up. Christians are often accused of "judging" in contradiction to what the Bible says whenever they speak out against a sinful activity. However, that is not the meaning of the Scripture verses which state, "Do not judge." When Jesus told us not to judge (Matthew 7:1), He was telling us not to judge hypocritically. Matthew 7:2-5 declares, "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, Let me take the speck out of your eye when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

In Matthew 7:2-5, Jesus warns against judging someone else for their sin when you yourself are sinning even worse. That is the kind of judging Jesus commanded us not to do. If a believer sees another believer sinning, it is their Christian duty to lovingly and respectfully confront the person with their sin (Matthew 18:15-17). This is not judging, but rather pointing out the truth in hope of bringing repentance in the other person (James 5:20). We are to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). We are to proclaim what God's Word says about sin. 2 Timothy 4:2 instructs us, "Preach the Word ; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage — with great patience and careful instruction." We are to "judge" sin, but always with the goal of presenting the solution for sin and its consequences - the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6).

It is safe to say that I feel the answer to your question is that you should love others, this does not mean you give them an opportunity to harm you or anyone else if you have a creepy feeling, but that you love others and treat them the way Christ treated them.

God does give us his spirit though adn if you are truting in the Lord the spirit will guide your decision. You can give others trust and at the same time trust your gut instinct.

I guess the answer to your question is very situational.


Good question sister..... :-)
2007-08-02 09:20:28 UTC
well, lets say u have a bad first impression, someday u might end up becoming best depends on the person 2 trust ur gut instinct,i know from personal experience.b
2007-07-27 07:58:19 UTC
I don't believe it is fair to judge someone before you meet them. Most people judge them when they first seem them and then assume things that could be false about that person. When this new girl came to my school, I saw her and thought, what a nerd! She was the one getting higher grades than me and at first I was jealous. I got to know her a little bit and we became best friends. People judge people so much by their appearance, I still do it, and sometimes I observe their attitude towards people to get to know them. I really feel bad for judging people before I get to know them, but I think it would be pretty hard to not judge them on appearance. The way that one dresses, walks, or talks can tell a lot about them too.
2007-07-19 09:02:29 UTC
I alway's trust my gut instincts as they have never, yet, showed to be misconstrued or incorrect. From speaking to someone - even the very first time - you know whether or not you like their personality. If you do not, you can grow to like them over time but more often than not I seem to be able to "sense" if I will get on with them.
2007-07-19 07:29:14 UTC
This is how you know: If you are who you say you are, if your belief system (your integrity) is intact as a person; meaning again that you are who you say you are, then all that you address concerning a judgment call is accurate. How someone betrays your assessment of them does not fail your sense of perception.

.. and finally after all of this is done.. people change, circumstances beyond their control (or ours for that matter) can play a role in character behavior, so I say and believe for you: stick to you guns and trust that first impression because it is a result of your cultivated instincts.
Carolyn xx
2007-07-19 05:10:50 UTC
First impressions help us make sense of this confusing world, often they are wrong as the person you meet presents an untrue social veneer that projects often the opposite of what they really are. Over the years I have learnt to reserve judgement as the most confident people turn out to be the most insecure, the loudest people turn out the shyest and the nicest the most jealous!
2007-07-18 20:32:50 UTC
You don't always know if your impression of someone is accurate. It wouldn't hurt to trust your gut feeling once in a while especially if that gut feeling is very strong. The best way for me is to give the person a chance to show who/what he/she really is, but not give away too much of yourself. Don't trust a person too much if you don't know him/her very well. Coz if you do, before you know it, you have bared your soul to someone who turns out to be someone really bad and not trustworthy.
Peter B
2007-07-18 20:19:54 UTC
First impressions concerns about gut-level choices. You must have a lot of down-to-earth experiences in the past, or maybe in the past-life, that you can associate your decisions in the past to your present impressions. There is something spiritual in first impressions and if you have trust in your guts, usually first impressions lasts forever.

Peter B.
2007-07-18 19:46:57 UTC
You don't know, accuracy is not only a perception but a goal. Trusting a first impression is left up to you. If you have proven correct or as accurate as possible in the past, then it is a good choice to trust your first impression. If you feel yourself questioning your reasoning behind your judgments then disregard them and try again. Haven't we all given pieces of our lesser selves on a first?
Al H
2007-07-18 19:09:44 UTC
I have always used my "gut" feeling, and found that most of the time I was right. I think that initial contact you have with a person you can pretty well judge if the person is "bad news" or someone you may find to be decent. I always recommend to use your gut feeling.
carol p
2007-07-18 10:00:06 UTC
I canusually judge someone the first i meet them, and i am not often wrong, its just something i look at the person watch, listen and observe and i can usually tell what they are about. I sometimes do not like that as i do like to give a person a chance, but being usually right, i go with it I always say go by your first instinct it usually is right, that's like most everything the first thing that comes in your head on decisions and things like that go with your first idea, it usually is right.
2007-08-06 19:09:01 UTC
It is not fair to judge a person upon meeting him or her the first time. TWT (time will tell ) is a better approach I would assume. The thinking man is very deep. By nature, man has the ability of illusion.

It requires careful observation coupled with analysis before attempting to conclude about a person . Man has got the power of his mind to his advantage. If his mind is well developed, he can be what he wants to be.
2007-08-01 11:26:42 UTC
When meeting somebody new, its good to get to know them first, than judge them right away. That way you can see if they're a Jerk, a Sweet person, a bad person and so on by their personality. Yes, sometimes you might get the impression that they are a good person or a bad person by the way they look and the way they dress. Your eyes always decieve you, it doesn't matter if somebody looks like crap and they dont care how they look, it doesn't mean they're not a good person. It depends on their personality. Not the way they look.
2007-07-19 07:10:08 UTC
Well it's so great to meet you Dr.Robin Ludwig! And to answer your question,I believe you should go with your gut instinct in these types of situations because you never know if you'll be right or wrong.Just take a chance!
2007-07-19 00:17:22 UTC
My mom told me once..."Son first impression is the best impression no matter whom u r meeting to, you have to always leave best impression on them". Sometime it happens that your friends, colleague or anybody tells that so and so person is a bad one so stay away fm him/her. I meet ppl whether gud or bad for some reason which cud be professional, business or personal so I try to leave a best impression with guts instinct to win their heart. You can only leave best impression with gentle, politeness & calmness and however bad the person is, he/she will respond in the similar fashion.
2007-07-18 13:22:14 UTC
You don't actually know if your ifrst impression of a person is correct.Its just like they say do not judge a book by it's cover and i think that every should go with this.Trust me it's true and no matter what no one will bee as accurate as they were for the first time that they meet you.
2007-07-18 07:58:41 UTC
I believe that first impressions offer a key insight into the other person that is based mainly on body language and nuances that we are not consciously aware of. We are animals who have evolved with our own set of instincts and body language is ingrained into us so that we can react more accurately to our surroundings. We have lost the cognitive portion of this ability due to the fact that we evolved into verbal communication beings, however, the ability is still there.

So I believe that first impressions are where you are more easily connected to the intuitive grasp of body language that is normally hidden because of language. It's hard to lie with your body language, but it's easy to lie with what you say.

If the first time you meet someone, they are having a horrible day and come off very cranky.... You can still give the person the benefit of the doubt. However, you just have to remember that you have seen what the person is capable of when they are in a bad mood.

From my personal experience, I always keep my first impression tucked into my mind. I may give someone the benefit of the doubt, but I don't forget what I initially thought. I've learned from my experiences where my first impression told me to avoid the person, but I gave them a second chance. Then the second chance turned into a situation where I was hurt badly. I don't want to condemn people to guilty before innocent, but I still have to protect myself.
2007-07-17 23:21:47 UTC
First impressions are not reliable. In meeting friends, it all adds up, the first awkward introductions, the establishment of common interests, the testing of boundaries, shared experiences...

There are a few times when the first impression was best. I walked into a room, a social gathering, not quite a party... there was this big, tall guy all sprawled across the couch. He pointed at me and said, "You! You're a woman! Come sit on my lap." Uhh, quite the first impression. I later learned that he had majored in philosophy and earned a master's in English instruction or something, and although he was apparently an intelligent and well-educated man, I always thought of him as a big, dumb brute. Eventually, he moved to New York City, because he could not get laid here...
• LeeYo •
2007-08-14 14:02:03 UTC
First impressions are lasting impressions!

If that certain someone did something bad in front of me or said something that wasnt good, that would be the only way I would take that person as someones bad.

But then its not good to judge...for the Lord said judge not for ye not be judged. So when you think about it, it all comes down to your own knowledge cause the Lord didnt not say be dumb, so if you know that someone is not right, dont mess with them for your own good!
2007-08-12 03:14:27 UTC
Hello Robi

i read a book called thin slicing which indicates that you do not have to study someone in a long term to know if he is bad or good only trust your first impressions and mostly they are right and in this book he gave examples on that but personally i do not take any chances trusting people and my advice to you is not to trust your first impressions and take your time scanning the person you meet. we have two ears and one tongue which indicates we need to listen more than talking especially about ourselves
2007-08-07 02:27:32 UTC
Your first impression of a person can be wrong, but if you will observe this person and give them the benifit of doubt,they may fool you! Try not to be so judgmental at first ,but if you observe certain traits and behaviours,and no doubt in your mind, be careful! you need to be careful in this day and time Iknow, but try not to be unfair. always go with your built in gut instinct. AND DO WHAT IS BEST .
2007-07-30 17:03:45 UTC
Yes, others impressions do influence opinions.

yet, those opinions change,

then some realize,

that their life is similar to the other,

and appearances are not to be the first impression.

when people meet and a bad feeling occurs inside,

it is you who compare your experiences of others,

and assume the same answer applies,

they have not wrong you,

you wronged yourself,

in situations of trust,

listen to your feelings,

listen to your experiences,

listen to your highest thought of yourself,

whenever any of these differ,

from what you have been taught,

by your teachers,

and read in books,

forget the words,

words are the least purveyor of truth.
The Invisible Man
2007-07-30 00:27:25 UTC
I DON'T know that my first impression is accurate. In fact, I don't get why people say this. I almost never rely upon my first impressions of people because I'm so often disappointed by those I think are good and am so often surprised by those who don't at first impress me so much. I've learned from experience, being in the teaching "profession," to reserve my judgement of colleagues and refrain from saying anything that conceivably could be used against me by duplicitous colleagues.

One impression I haven't changed (and I've told you this before): I still think you are the most gorgeous woman alive!
2007-07-27 21:31:44 UTC
After many years of seeing that people are animals of habit, this understanding of human nature enables you to have the skill level needed to predict their possible actions or reactions based on categories each individual can be identified by, abrasiveness,hygiene,posture, communication skills,calmness,compassionate gestures, no single factor could give instant and unmistakable clarity to what type of person you have encountered,this being said if they are to nice to be real, then they have had many years of practice making people see a reflection of them selves that is not true and far more danger ls waiting under the surface, But thats only what i think, have a very nice day.
2007-07-26 10:04:15 UTC
When you're convinced without a doubt that that is indeed how they are. Expedite the "getting to know" process by stepping out of your comfort zone and...

1. Ask more questions

2. Invite them to hang out with you and some close friends

3. Share some personal things, they'll likely do the same

When you can say to a few close friends in conversation and they can agree..."Bob, he's a wild guy" or "Jenee, she's hilarious!", then I think it's OK to trust your gut reactions ; ]
2007-07-23 21:03:11 UTC
Obviously, we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but we are also unable to prevent an unbiased early opinion upon making someone's acquaintance.

This opinion should then secure the direction f/ which you view this person's development from.

Always leave your mind open to detect information contrary to your suspicions, but don't underestimate your early intuition.

Eventually, through enough exposure to this person and trustworthy data received f/ reliable sources, you will arrive at an opinion that you can feel confident with.
tammy s
2007-07-19 09:26:44 UTC
I dont think you should ever go by first impression. Always give someone the benefit of the doubt.

You may have met them on a day when they had a bad day, or they may just be shy at first, then warm up quickly.

Always give someone a second glance, and never judge a book by it's cover.
2007-07-19 00:24:49 UTC
If by some impression your gut tells you, listen! hell yeah!if you know their past to be true,and not gossip, why set yourself up for disappointment ? Gutt instincts? Right or Wrong? Black or White? Don't sugar coat your opinion, if you assume wrong, own it, that person has to earn your trust.We all come with a past, and Hey! the only one you can trust is? "YOU"..
Lee V
2007-07-18 19:30:24 UTC
it easy to tell when a person is tellingyou what they want you to here and not tell the hole story and you can tell that right away. The way you dress and if you are groomed makes a huge difference to me any ways. Asking then about there past? is a dead give away every time. Life expereince helps alot also and make things easy to tell about another person.

MAybe easier for me as I was multi-business owner and had contact with different people all the time makes it simple for me any ways. Just a few key question is all you need to ask/
2007-07-18 16:45:14 UTC
If I spend time with someone, my first impression will be confirmed by how they treat others, especially people who are providing service and strangers.

All those cliches about "alarms going off" and "gut feelings" seem to apply to me. I think my unconcious speaks to my conscious when necessary to override my usually friendly and open nature. People usually do something immediately to tip me off like getting too close or being loud or too personal.

My only problem is I have been brainwashed to override my own instincts and have paid a great price for it.
2007-07-18 15:15:32 UTC
Unless you can actually read another's mind you can not

know all about a person from a first time meeting. There are

so many different sides to a person. We may pick up a few

vibes, but no way can we know it all. If one wants to hide his

true self by putting on a different self it is impossible to know

if this is the real person or not.
2007-07-18 14:24:49 UTC
People do usually judge by first impressions. Some times that judgement can be true or sometimes false. The real way to find out is to get to know that person more to see if your prediction was correct!!
2007-07-18 13:07:16 UTC
My wife, when we first met, admired my bow to no one attitude and she still does. She helped me to break my anger and hatred for the human race and accept others for whom they are. She cared when no one else would and we have been together for 16 years without the threat of divorce or separation.

Most others loathe my attitude for not giving in or kissing @#%. But my wife loves it.

When it comes to others, my wife showed me to trust with my heart, not my gut. I showed her when it comes to survival, trust your head, not your heart.

I was indeed a bad person and she turned it around for me. Our children have also been a major influence too.

Normally, I trust no one. There are two types of people in the world. Friends and allies. Friends can go bad at a moments notice. Whether it be for money, lust, love, or jealousy. Allies will always back you no matter what. I have yet to see it happen any other way. I have seen many friends go bad. Here's an example:

"If your associates and friends cannot be trusted with you, then they cannot be trusted with your enemies."--Sun Tzu
2007-07-18 08:35:15 UTC
I always go on the premise that just because someone is nice to you doesn't mean that they are a nice person, and also that some of the most wonderful people you will ever meet are sometimes reserved and hold back when meeting someone new. There are always people that you click with as soon as you meet and then there are those that after awhile you realize "Wow that person is really pretty cool once you get to know them". Of course we all make that snap judgement when we meet someone based on their appearance, demeanor, etc. It is unwise, however, to take that initial meeting and apply it to that person across the board.
2007-07-18 03:25:03 UTC
If it's fair or not, we all do it.

Being good at character judgement from first impressions is a skill we would all do well to enhance.

Of course the other side of this argument is giving a good initial impression is also a skill

The accuracy of your ability to judge a persons character on first meeting is a measure of your judgement skill rated against the presentational skill of the person met.

Typically the more charismatic a person is the more difficult it is to get an accurate estimate of character from first impressions.
2007-07-18 03:12:48 UTC
Well as much as sometimes our gut insticts are on point.sometimes they can be very misleading..may be that person has reminded you of someone you really liked or hated hence already your impression about them is interfered with.

My advice and what I always do is to give someone a chance to prove me right or wrong!so i trust in them until they breach my trust.Let me say however that this does not mean that i trust everyone.You also have to rely on your gut to help you decide who to give a chance and who not to.

But first impressions are sometimes very deceiving.From a personal experience I am always told that i look to uptight and serious but all people who get to know me are amazed at how easy going and good natured I am and that am not so serious..I can have fun as well...
2007-07-17 22:33:16 UTC
It is said that it takes 7 seconds for you to make a first impression. So after those 7 seconds, that person has already made up their mind about you. You will never exactly have a persons first impression correct, this is why it takes on average 25 more times for you to see someone in order for a person to change their mind about you and realize that you really are nice or you're really not. Get what I'm saying?
captain kirk
2007-07-17 22:30:16 UTC
You can't always trust your gut instinct. We are human and our opinions of good or bad are influenced by our personal experiences and environments that we've been brought up in. Someone else's behaviors may off set us because we're not used to it or it is something different than what we've been around. In any case meeting for the first time means just that, the first time. That tells me that you are only seeing one behavior trait and no one can realisticly have insight to what kind of a person that is based on one or two meetings. If you're un easy than don't see this person again, but if you're intrigued by them than slowly get to know them to find out if what you are thinking is true enough for you.
2007-08-15 20:48:45 UTC
Usually, i do a couple of small tests. The tests are not systematic : the ideas are coming in function of the situation. Like criticizing unfairly a common friend's personality and see if the guy is following. Even if you're risking to give a bad impression yourself, it works. You can after that be sincere, explain to the person your prejudice, apologize...
2007-08-09 18:41:51 UTC
Hi, it's been my experiance that the "gut instinct"

is something the good lord instilled in us when we were born. depending on how stong you feel, what you feel should decide how much you should listen to it.

The basis for this theroy is you have "gut instinct"

for a reason just the same as all life in the world.

I hope this helps& best of wishes.

2007-08-04 18:31:49 UTC

Instincts are instincts, they are natural, there is nothing you can do about this but try to be curteous about your behavior. There is no way to tell your impression of someone is correct, but it is vital to give someone the benefit of the doubt.

I adore your television show, I think it exposes the thought and logic of everyday people and I think you have a bright future ahead of you.

I believe it is very important to explore this EXTREMELY touchy subject and I'm glad somebody had the guts to do so.
Steve H
2007-08-03 22:51:37 UTC
You really don't know. Its not fair to judge anyone based on appearances or even over a 5 minute conversation. It takes time to really get to know someone. I've met people that I thought I wouldn't ever talk to on the street. But later, after meeting them and actually spending time with them I felt like they were ok. Then others that I would say hello to, wound up being stuck up or just stupid in their actions. There is no way to know for sure, its obvious simply by what you read in the paper every day that you really never know for sure. I really just try and be nice to everyone, regardless of who they are. But one thing for sure is that I wish the kids and some adults would pull their pants up over their buttocks. That started in the prisons where men were willing to concede to sexual intercourse with other inmates. Is that what they are telling us by their actions?
2007-07-30 15:32:19 UTC
Ofcoure first impression matters alot; specially in many job interviews often they dont look at your degreees or experience but your way of speaking your style that attracts and just because of good impression you can get a job; job like pharmacy technician or customr service representative; they always Look for great impression.

Its not fair that just because of impression you would say hes bad but its also not fair to give him another chance. In real life is there is no such thing like "second chance". We have only one chance so better get advantage from that. Like Life we commit sins in our lives but may be at the day of jugement we wil say oh God i wish i could get 2nd chance if i would then i will be the person ever. In this case it will be unfair to those who did not commit any sin in a life (just example who dont commit sins).
2007-07-28 05:45:23 UTC
Sometimes you just get a "gut instinct" feeling that tells you to be cautious. You need to listen to that inner voice. Just last night it happened when I saw in a store with my wife. She had the same feeling so it was good to have it confirmed and we left the area so as to not have a confrontation. It was a very odd situation.
2007-07-27 17:52:48 UTC
♦ I see what kind of answer you’re expecting ma’am; but my life experience says that first impression is rather true! I also asked myself, why? I developed sort of a theory on this issue, and it never failed so far.

♥ only one case was an exception. We started with a row (I don’t remember who of us started it though). Next day we just smiled to each other (I don’t remember who of us was the first). Since then we have always been good friends. And what’s remarkable this person being not popular in general, yet was never mean to others!

♠ this case does not disprove my “theory”; moreover I suspect here is a clue!
Shelley L
2007-07-19 07:11:01 UTC
I'm not always sure I give off the best first impression because I'm kind of shy. I've had more than one person tell me later, once they got to know me, that they thought I was a b*tch or a snob when they first met me. That said, I don't judge people too harshly when I first meet them. I'll give them a second chance before I decide if they are worth my respect or not.
2007-07-19 06:31:31 UTC
Time . Time will tell all

Actions will tell what kind of a person you have met.

Yes I think most people -of any age - can trust gut instinct.

I proceed with polite caution and, according to the situation protect myself.

These are scary times . It pays to trust your 'gut' instinct!
2007-07-19 06:06:06 UTC
well, it is the stereotype of the community to judge a person by his cover, though we always say its shallow to do so. we form opinion of what we see physically, and respond to them accordingly.

therefore, WE WILL NEVER KNOW IF OUR FIRST IMPRESSION IS ACCURATE WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW because the we just judge that person based on their looks and the way they deliver themselves.

let say if the person is confident, he or she will portray him or her in the positive way, that is, to allow people to see the "good side" of them, to the extend of hiding their true self, so that to get a positive impression on the first meeting.

we always put the"best form"of ourselves in meeting people, especially for the first time.

there is no fair to assume, because everyone does tell whether you should trust your instinct in these situations, you have to see the way they interact with you. because upon first meeting, the physical appearance and the gesture and tone they protray will certainly holds a degree of the way they really is,"the true colur" so to speak..
2007-07-19 04:13:29 UTC
It is hard to know. I have been right in my first impressions at times and I have also been wrong. Sometimes I have found out later that my first impression of someone was actually correct, but only for one aspect of that person.
Robert C
2007-07-19 02:45:29 UTC
You always trust your gut, not matter what. It will be correct many more times than it is wrong. Ok, you may miss out on something great, but you have to weigh that something great against all the bad that could happen if you do not trust your gut.

2007-07-18 22:27:06 UTC
I go with my first instinct.

Impression to me is not the same as instinct.

I think most all individuals are born with the instinct that tells them who they should be cautious about.

When my children were old enough to express them selves, they would very often say they didn't like some one.

When they were younger, they seem to huddle close to me.

It was evident that they had a fear for certain people.

I'm very observant while relating with new friends and also old friends.

Sooner or later their true color comes out.

Better to be safe, than sorry.

Very good question.
2007-07-18 21:19:21 UTC
Well you are right about this.It really is not fair to judge someone by their first impressions. But the eyes tell all. It is important to think about your feelings and really trust yourself. Everytime I have been right about first impressions. But I try and put my feelings aside and get to know them . Its has been rare when I did make a mistake. How I do this is by looking in thier eyes and watching thier body language. I believe that a persons behavior is not be decievable. You can lie by words but for most of us its really hard to do this with our body language and gestures. It is something we just do and don't think about it. most people are not aware of what is so obvious.
2007-07-18 20:01:08 UTC
go with your gutt feeling while I try to look for the good in other people .People rarely make a 360 degree change, what you see is what you get. Read the book 'Blink' opinions are formed in the first few mins of meeting the other person. And 99% of the time they are accurate
2007-07-18 16:57:43 UTC
I find my quick over view assessment has been usually correct when reflecting back over a longer period. I do trust my first opinion and when I prove myself wrong I have corrected myself. I can say a few times I have become not only good friends but when we compared thoughts we even had similar negative vibes when we first met. I have not delved deep in to these times but I do try to keep an open mind - knowing that if in doubt I am cautious by nature.
2007-07-18 14:03:04 UTC
Well I've been trying to give people a second chance despite of my first impression but every time I did that I regreted and I say to myself: I should have trusted my instincts, but it's always very hard to deny people just because of a feeling but I can say that has happened so many times to me. Maybe because I'm an experienced person and I've met so many "samples" that I concluded that that's nothing "supernatural" people often show themselves, they give you clues of who they really are through their eyes and words.
Michael Kelly
2007-07-18 11:23:05 UTC

More often than not you do not know. I never liked that slogan that says you never have a second chance to make a first impression. It takes months if not years to see the true colors of people... even those you love. Like that old Klingon proverb from Star Trek says, trust and respect are things that are earned, not readily given out.


Michael Kelly
2007-07-18 09:47:15 UTC
I typically don't trust my first impressions...I tend to not like - or trust ANYONE when I first meet them. I think it stems from my "not so great" Jr. High and High School years.

After meeting someone a few time and getting to know them, I will change my opinion, but almost always my first impressions of people are negative.
2007-07-18 08:55:52 UTC
I think it is important to follow that instinct, frequently our subconscious notices something about the person that we cannot quite put our finger on consciously. I am not saying you should "judge a book by it's cover," but that it is important not to negate your instincts, it can keep you out of trouble, (this can be very important for most women in the dating world.)

It is important to realize that this feeling is different from the prejudices and judgments that one might arrive at because of the way someone appears or how they speak. You shouldn't pass judgment, and if you do, get to know them first!
2007-07-23 09:31:03 UTC
NO!Its not fair to judge a book by its cover because if you do that you really might be missing out on the best thing that could of ever happen to you give that person a chance to show you how they actually are then if they do something wrong to you then make your decision!
Carol C
2007-07-19 06:12:14 UTC
Experience! We always have a first impression, how often does it turn out to be correct? People being people, there is no way to be right about everyone every time. We will always get surprises! Be fair and reserve judgement until you know a person better.
♥♪Its all about me♪♥
2007-07-18 21:23:26 UTC
well, I have always liked to go by my first impression, but as you said people change. The only time I ever rethink, is when I really think that a person means what they say when they say that they have changed. And if they are telling you the truth, then it is wise to trust them because they could be a great friend!
2007-07-18 12:22:13 UTC
u dont know if your first impersion is correct

people you are just meeting for the first time are generly nice and want to be taken in a good way not a negitive way.

i think you dont get an accurate protralal of a person untill the third time then you can have a little bit better of an understanding of how that person can be
2007-07-18 06:35:04 UTC
You don't know how accurate your first impression is, but sometimes that is all you have to make a judgement about continuing a relationship -- or finishing a conversation -- with someone you've just met. Otherwise, if you have the luxury of time and familiarity, you can pursue that impression whether good or bad and see if you can fairly continue that relationship.

Some people have good "radar" about "reading" people in-tune with their likes. Others are less clear or inconsistent about early impressions, and are therefore more cautious.
John K
2007-07-18 04:27:12 UTC
First impressions should not cause an opinion of someone in any case. Many years ago, I was transferring to a new crew. Several people in my current crew told me about this guy that is nothing but a complete jerk. First impression upon arriving - a complete jerk. As time went on, though, I found out that he was having some family issues and actually wasn't a bad person. I ended up learning more from that person than anyone else.

Also, first impressions are why the 6+foot tall guy with the slender/medium build and a decent face is a better ripoff artist than others... after all, they have that 'America hero' look about them. We also know that everyone is trained in proper facial expressions and body language, as to convey a certain feeling with regards to the issue at hand. This is why we have become a nation of B.S. artist.
Joseph, II
2007-08-11 12:31:43 UTC
I feel that I have pretty GOOD judgement when it comes to people- & even BETTER "gut instincts". But people can be VERY complicated in their emotional & psycological makeups. So it can be very unwise to trust ones, "first impression" of someone based solely on first observations. Certainly- "bad people" abound. But in WHAT context??! Are they "bad" to EVERYONE- or are they such only towards certain people for reasons unknown? If someone is particularly MEAN towards One person & one person ONLY (for whatever "reason", real or imagined), does THAT mean we should label him "bad" & thus unsuitable to be our acquaintance? The bottom line IS; NONE of us live "fair" lives...- So how we turn out is often a reflection of what we've lived through & how we've dealt with it. Based on our OWN sense of Security- we pick & choose who we want to associate with, and accept them for who & what they are. It's never "fair" (& often unwise) to assume ANYTHING about others (lest they do it to US!). One takes each person as they come- & then decides for themselves if that Relationship is worth pursueing. If you limit your choices to first impressions & hearsay evidence alone, you could end up depriving yourself of rewarding relationships.
2007-08-09 15:07:10 UTC
Well, if he hasn't wronged you and you've just met him for the first time, how can you feel that he's a bad person? Do you know if he has wronged anyone else? Spend Time with the person for about a month or 2, see how he acts, how he talks, the way he talks, and then you'll know if he's a nice or bad person.
jersey girl
2007-08-08 13:07:30 UTC
Look what happened to those young kids in Newark NJ this week-they texted each other-thinking they should leave-by the time they all agreed-3 out of 4 of them were shot to death.

God gave all animals instinct for a reason. I believe humans are the only ones that question it.
2007-08-02 16:46:42 UTC
I can only talk to you from the basis that I am 71 years young and have made a lot of mistakes in my day. I would say that 99% of the time, you should rely on first impression. I have not always done that and usually ended up regretting it.
2007-08-01 19:26:24 UTC
I usually try to get a feeling from body language and intuitive thought process. The level and sound of voice, Moving and talking to quickly, the answers to questions quickly etc. To be quite honest if I feel like someone is a bad person I go the other way.
2007-07-28 07:46:57 UTC
If you believe someone to be a bad person based upon a "gut" feeling when you meet them for the first time, are your thoughts not evil? Do you even have the right to judge in such a condemnative manner without evidence?

Give people time to demonstrate what sort of people they are. They will all produce "fruit" over time, and their fruit will expose them for what they are.

Yankee Micmac
2007-07-19 13:26:51 UTC
Over the years, I have modified my gut instinct and first impression until the first five minutes, then everything starts to click in a way.

Unless someone is walking up to me with a weapon or is obviously intoxicated, I'm going to approach with caution, no matter who it is.
tony b
2007-07-19 02:29:44 UTC
I have often been told that I have a "good gut". I don't rely on my gut to make my decisions for me, but to serve as a caution flag which says don't headlong trust this person until there has been time to observe his/her behavior, gather objective information not only about the individuals interactions with me, but with others, as well, and then determine whether the caution flag was appropriate.
2007-07-18 22:05:49 UTC
I look at their eyes. You can tell alot by a person's eyes, even upon meeting them for the first time. Eyes can't lie, even when the mouth is. My gut instinct kicks in, when the eyes aren't right, and the body language is contradicting everything else.
Heidi E
2007-07-18 20:36:49 UTC
You can't know if your first impression is right and your "gut instinct" is only based on what you have been programmed to believe and your past experiences. While it is SOMETIMES wise to go with that feeling, if you want to broaden your horizons and experience new things, you will need to put that aside and allow yourself to open up to other people who may not be like you.
Fresh choice
2007-07-18 12:49:16 UTC
Dear Doctor:

I would have to say that it would be incorrect to show suspicion or to be judgmental when conversing with someone you have never met. I would go on to say to accept the individual until the time he/she proves otherwise. Some people have stronger senses then others meaning smell, feel or just by what they are feeling. I do believe it would be inherent of an individual not to take note of it. My example would be that a common cold is felt well in advance of its symptoms.

Have a great day,
2007-07-18 10:46:50 UTC
Keep a diary of your first impressions. After 6 months of knowing someone, compare notes with your impressions.

A woman's intuition, if listened to by her self, is usually right on. Trust that, ladies.

I can just look at a person and tell what their core is. I surprised my daughter after school one day waiting in the car for her older sister who attended the same school. As the kids paraded by, I assessed them one by one in one short descriptive sentence with the car windows up, of course. I was right every time. Needless to say, she was amazed.

You learn to trust that talent, every time. Run the other way if you feel trouble.
2007-07-18 09:47:16 UTC
First impressions are usually true, but not all the time. When I meet someone, I usually look at her or his eyes and those eyes could give me a clue as to whether this person, in my opinion, is a nice person. If she looks straight to my eyes with a smile and acknowledges me, I think she is friendly. If she looks at me very briefly or does not even bother to acknowledge me and immediately excuses herself, there is no doubt in my mind that I do not want to deal with her in any manner. Those are just examples of how my first impressions work . Each person is different and therefore there are different ways of predicting whether a person is good or not after the first meeting.
2007-07-18 07:30:30 UTC
I think, generally, that the human mind is pretty accurate as to how you feel about someone when first time meeting them. I might add that it could also depend on your mood at that particular moment. However, there are con's of the world who are experience and know how to trick the unsuspecting new meet to their advantage. I might add that the mind will in all likelihood help you decide immediately whether you care if you ever see them again, or peak an interest to pursue any more meetings or make definite decisions to see them again, or never to see them again. A second meeting may be more in tune with what is really on your mind concerning an individual.
2007-08-08 13:58:51 UTC
Always go with your gut. At first someone may seem okay but they really may not be. My friend once disregarded her gut instinct and then got raped and killed by that person. We dont know what people are always like. And we may not always be right. But never ever disregard your gut within telling you that something is wrong with someone.
♫ Fr3sh Queen♫
2007-08-07 07:03:22 UTC
I think when you meet someone new, you should not judge them at first. And your first impression should be how they act, talk, and who they like to play with. And if you feel someone is bad person and haven't wronged you personally, then I think you should observe them more and just sit and talk,but if you know this peraon is a bad person you should probably not follow this person because he/she might be a bad influence.
Feminine Is Good
2007-08-06 04:45:51 UTC
Possibly some reflect, unconsciously or not, upon prior bad experiences, in terms of emotional or other injury. That if tampered with, harassed, or injured enough, one might become more apprehensive, else suspicious or untrusting (less any absolute paranoia). Lack of trust oft results from maltreatment of some kind. Bias premised upon appearance, even theatrical display of image with respect to character are sometimes incorrectly interpreted (in this instance remembered) due aforementioned injury/abuse, else mere incorrect conscious association, e.g. image-association (may be more easily healed through correct attentive therapy).

Gut instinct may suggest any of several possibilities: (1) fear, concern, or other hypothesized upon prior experience or notion; (2) warning due self-preservation, e.g. contrast with prior experience, else poss. conscience whereas one holds certain anger, resentment; (3) inaccuracy of intrinsic psographic property, albeit if significant enough perhaps more than accurate to that person, at that moment (independent perception).

If the threat/concern truly feels real, then simply removing oneself from the situation perhaps a more logical answer.
2007-08-05 09:47:21 UTC
The fact is, you DON'T know if your first impression is accurate, however, you have to listen to whatever signals you get that give you that impression - be it your gut, your heart, your mind, whatever you pay attention to. The key is paying attention to those signals and proceeding accordingly.

Women, who are naturally more intuitive, especially need to trust that first impression. When red flags are waving, we need to heed the warning. It's our darn trusting open hearts that get us into trouble...that want to give people the benefit of the doubt.

Experience and wisdom have taught me to trust that first instinct. It's usually right.
2007-07-30 20:41:13 UTC
why shouldn't you trust or go with your instincts? or first impression. Then, if you and that person are thrown together by circumstance and you find that you were wrong you can change your tude toward them. But if you never see them again, so? So what. Did you have a relative that taught at Hunter College?
Mike V
2007-07-30 19:41:12 UTC
I think every person, regardless of first impressions deserves a chance. I would say that if you feel uncomfortable about a person, there is a propensity to dig around to find out more about them. Where you have to be careful is not listening to idle gossip that may influence your decision incorrectly. Try and base your feelings on as much as you can find out on your own and temper what you hear with your own feelings.
Wayne D
2007-07-25 08:14:12 UTC
Sometimes our best guide,in this type of encounter,is how that person interacts with the people he/she comes in contact with.By being observant and just listening to how they speak,their body language and how others act around that person;one can usually get a feeling about the "wrong" in that person.We,as humans have that ability to sense,as do cats,dogs;whether or not to stay a caution flag that goes up.If a person does not have that in them,the tell-tale signs are usually apparent by a story they tell due to that "bad person" doing them wrong.It's within us,we just have to indulge in that ability and broaden it's positive affect.I hope this answers it better.
2007-07-24 08:06:58 UTC
First impressions don't determine what type of person someone is. They give you a feeling whether to move forward or back away. If someone interrupts the peace in your spirit then you probably don't want to pursue a relationship with them. It's not that they are a bad person, their just not someone you need to be associated with.
2007-07-19 08:54:42 UTC
good try !coming from a doctor! humans sum up people instantly weather good or bad ,we find excuses and faults

thus comparing our self thinking we adequate but in fact not

we all have to ponder the same misery of daily life therefore

by forming a new relationship is a basic instinct

hurt will result in your decision and personality, therefore your judgement would be on your life experiences

trials you undergo will detemine how you will respond to such

situations we all do make mistakes but life is a learning experience trust in your self if you are geniune .if you are not the answer is all ready knone!
2007-07-19 04:01:27 UTC
It actually depends on who you actually are from the inside. It depends on what you went through. In my situation, i find it hard to trust some people. That is mostly because of my past. I can trust myself. I can trust my innerself and my gut instinct. My gut instict will be right most of the time because of the experiences i went through and the way i started to learn about myself.
pavan s
2007-07-19 02:39:28 UTC
The first impression is from the clothes are worn perfectly. It the opposite person would talk quite good and feel interest in your self then we can say the our first impressin is accurate when meeting someone new.
Joe H
2007-07-18 21:32:59 UTC
I strongly believe in these "first impressions". I was in the military as a pilot for many years and did see a lot of combat. I learned to deal with high pressure issues in an instant. I have to believe this contributed to my developing a measure of "right now" in many areas. So many stored details and visual inputs are involved to have the skill for the instant judgment. The factors are endless and likely based on learned issues and quick replay mixed with abilities and situation awareness to determine response and measure the presented human factor. Put short, you best have your s--t together.
G is for Grover
2007-07-18 20:40:16 UTC
Discernment is like a sixth sense for some people, it's more than just a "gut feeling." If you are a generally open-minded and apathetic person (meaning you do not approach people with a social or emotional bias), you can trust that your initial reaction to someone is warranted.
2007-07-18 20:29:07 UTC
By actions & asking about person from others or question actions, speech, style, dress.

Gut can quantify.

Me I need to know how to "read people"- Body language.

Id help

Plus I have AS- Aspergers Syndrome.

Its hard socially.

Dont know when Im being "used" or "abused" by others save very obvious.

Need more Self Confidence.

Does this help.

More U know self the Better U are.

All ages over 18.


Those with Autism have it worse.

Bad social manners etc.


2007-07-18 20:23:30 UTC
Evolution is responsible for first impressions. Usually pretty accurate, evolution...

Evolution for men is concerned with having relations with as many women as possible, to reproduce their set of DNA as much as possible.

Women, on the other hand, evolved to choose a mate carefully, because they can only pass on their DNA about once a year. Quality, not quantity, is a woman's goal.

The first impression is designed by evolution to indicate a good set of DNA to combine with your own.

And, it can usually be fairly trusted to be accurate, as a quality DNA sensor. But if you're looking for more than DNA (like how about a great guy who will love you and not break your heart), I'd get to know him better before trusting your instincts... evolution doesn't care much about your happiness.
Edward Z
2007-07-18 18:38:56 UTC
well, the first thing besides ur gut instinct, is to look at things like body language and the language that the other person is communicating with.

other things such as consistancy, eye movements, perspiration, and the tension the other person expressesing

its all these things combined with ur gut feeling that leads u in the right direction

good luck and all the best
2007-07-18 16:27:28 UTC
Generally as a rule I have always trusted my gut reactions to someone new and to be perfectly honest...I am 98% aaccurate.

I suppose it takes years to develop gut reactions for some but I have always been able to just know or feel the honesty of a new person.

I have been wrong however it is not the rule for me.
2007-07-18 10:38:02 UTC
I am a firm believer that we should always trust our instincts/intuition. Even if we don't know why, right off the bat, we had a negative impression on someone we should learn to trust that.

Chances are, sooner or later, you will figure it out and learn that your instincts were correct.
kat k
2007-07-18 08:41:56 UTC
I hired a gay male as a sitter, against my husbands turned out really well, he was the BEST sitter in the world!

My gut instinct told me he was safe..and it was true.

Even the kids dad had to agree after a year.On the other hand I have Russian neighbors that I really get a bad feeling about, they live in a 2 million dollar home, drive brand new sports cars, their young son just got a new hummer, have a nice yard, and have always been good neighbors, I just felt something was not right..then while shopping the lady was in line ahead of me, she had a huge hunk of KOBE beef, and king crab..paid in FOOD STAMPS, really ticked me off..gut instincts are usually right!

would LOVE to be on your show!
2007-07-18 04:32:21 UTC
You can't. Some people are very skilled at misrepresenting themselves. They will seem truly genuine but they're not. This does not necesarily mean that they will take advantage or hurt you though.

First impressions are used often but they are actually quite wrong. Statistically they are no better than picking someone at random.

If you've not been wronged personally by someone then accept and trust them (until they do). Depending on the wrong done though you should be a bit lenient (people do make mistakes). If it is a minor slight then let it slide.

My rule of thumb is based on "3". If someone has done something quite irregular with regard to our friendship or relationship three times then I let them go. If not then I just let it slide and don't consider it.

Some people use "7" instead of "3" still others "7 x 7 = 49" (thought I can't image why).
2007-08-12 20:05:38 UTC
It's the way that they react, talk, and act in front of people. It can be accurate but at other times not. I'd say 50% right. I know it's right or wrong by getting to know about the person more by talking with him/her. But to help know how someone truely is. I know when they talk to other people about things. I can tune in sometimes. Also the stuff that they wear and act can discribe someones personallity. The reason for 50: 50 is because that is just one time and that is just the outside not the inside of a person on how he/she truely acts or whatever for their personallity.
2007-08-06 15:29:29 UTC
First impressions are significant, but the important thing to consider is what criteria is to be used by which to "judge" that person. By physical appearance--looks or dress? Or some other measure?

I "read" a person's "vibrations" through posture, eye contact, and body language. how he/she uses the voice, to make my initial assessment of that one's character. However, I suspend judgment, and give the individual a time to reveal more of self before I decide to go into further relationship with that one
2007-07-29 20:34:39 UTC
usually based on what you see, you can tell a lot about a person. like one glance can tell you, If they're in good shape, how much money they got, and what they're into. But you really have no idea till you talk to them.

Personally, my instincts are always right when it comes to it. Maybe its cause I give off a bad first impression so its easier for me to tell if they're a good person or not.
2007-07-23 18:06:44 UTC
If i feel i do not trust a person, but hardly know them, i usually give them the benefit of the doubt. That is a true honest answer. Even when people do wrong me I usually give them second, third, and fourth chances to redeem themselves. People go through bad times...It doesn't mean they are a bad person. However when i do reach my limit you can be sure that (even if i forgive that person) i will be a little prejudice.

(Depending on the circumstance)
2007-07-19 11:06:58 UTC
You can't know. You can only trust your instincts, only time tells. People often surprise you too. I met an old lady totally demented - in advance stages of dementia who babbled but could not make coherent words never mind sentences. I sat with her for a while, she merrily babbled on.

Then her son arrived. He said something in Spanish, she replied with the lord's prayer, clear, crystal and confident. Word Perfect in Spanish. The son, her husband of 60 years, her still surviving brothers (late 80s) all said that nobody knew she could speak Spanish at all, had never heard her or knew how she had learned.

It was a Spanish care worker who had answered her telephone in the lady's presence that had accidentally discovered the lady's talent. She retained the ability to ask for things in Spanish right up to her death, extremely unusal.

Amazing. First impressions are just that. First impressions you don't have to trust them.
2007-07-19 07:03:20 UTC
Unless that person is foul-smelling or dirty first impressions are not reliable. An exercise I like, is to look at the person and ask myself what someone else (a partner, mother, child or dog) loves about that person. Most people have both good and bad parts.
Harrison S
2007-07-19 02:32:39 UTC
I will know if my first impression is accurate when meeting someone new when:-

a) the person i meet expresses interest in me

b) the person comes back to me

c) the person talks good of me

d) the person requests my details ( phone, email address etc)

e) Some people will even mention thank message
Sarosh K
2007-07-19 01:36:24 UTC
I feel in my personal experience, that my first impression of someone is accurate when I myself have put together consistency in my emotions. By that, I mean that when I develop an opinion on someone it will ususally be guided by whatever I feel at the time. As long as my emotions around that person are consistent with how I felt upon meeting them, my initial opinion of them is accurate.

2007-07-18 20:41:19 UTC
I think that the best answer to this question is found in your own ***, because that is where all of the vampires are hiding. You should expect a letter in the mail soon that explains everything. If you care to join me, we will be taking off in 12 minutes. Just a reminder, though, herpes is a serious medical condition, and you should only participate if you have had diarrhea before. And that is just for starters! will you marry me? I hope this is just a rash, because i don't want to go to mr. Pilanski's cellar again. She is a drama queen from hlel and i have had enough of your stupidity. Yiou better listen! Your mother's friend is cute, can i have her phone number? Thanks. See you later. Will you at least consider marrying me?
Dog Lover
2007-07-18 15:16:17 UTC
There is an old adage, "When someone shows you who they are the first time you meet them; believe them. They have shown you their raw, unvarnished persona with no agenda other than being who they truly are." I'm 55 and I've never seen this fail.

You have a gut reaction to people and things for a reason. When you have mastered listening to your gut, you trust it. The few times I thought I was being to harsh in my assessment of someone and gave them leeway, I later very much regretted it.
Enrique J
2007-07-18 12:37:08 UTC
Trust your instincts. They are a valuable measuring tool, and we often doubt them. I've met someone who I know will be trouble and say " hey that's just negative thinking or I should give her the benefit of the doubt" as i would like for someone do for me. Only to realize, time after, that my instincts were right on the money.
2007-07-18 07:59:31 UTC
I would like to meet a person a couple of times before making any accurate impression....

I think one needs art to really make an impression about any one... for adults especially.. As adults go through ups and downs in life and are able to come out of real expressions and can mask a lot.
2007-08-16 10:34:46 UTC
First impressions typically influence the type of person that I feel they are in social status, openness of personality and in general how they treat me. Good people do bad things to their friends also, so it takes me a good year to get a good feel of how close of a relationship that I want to have. If a person is out right rude and exhibiting dangerous behavior trust your gut instincts and get away from them, if someone has no respect for themselves they are not going to have any for you either.
2007-08-16 10:34:18 UTC
There is a difference between disliking someone and your gut telling you to stay away from someone. I make it a habit to follow my gut. To ask people what they think about that person. Sometimes it might be you just imagining things. Though always check out someone if your gut tells you to. Though if you don't like your first impression of someone give them a chance. You might make a friend.
2007-08-10 12:28:28 UTC
It would all depend on your life experience. If you're a sheltered person you may think that a group of men in leather jackets with tassels were "dangers" unless you looked closer and noted that those tassels are pastel colored and the men seem to be with a group of people from a group home.

It's not a good idea to base an opinion of someone on looks only or gut feelings.
2007-08-05 14:51:55 UTC
I felt I needed to answer this, because I'm getting more like my Mother when it comes to first impressions. It really annoyed me as a teenager that my Mothers instincts were almost always right We go by the gut instinct, but also by looking at their eyes or body impressions. (Like how much they squirm or won' look at you directly, etc.)
2007-08-02 21:49:17 UTC
We all have that instinct that tells us to stay away or come near.

I do give the new person a chance to disprove my first instinct

and am able to pull back to allow him (her) start over. If a person turns out as I first expected I know that at least I gave them the chance and I don't feel bad.
2007-07-18 20:39:18 UTC
There are many subjective impressions that factor into your first impression. I find that you can live with someone for years and years and they can still surprise you even tho' you think you know them well. First impressions are important to open a door but it takes time to tell if your first impression was correct and then are you really sure?
Becky F
2007-07-18 14:09:38 UTC
It really depends on the situation. Some people can fool alot of people and know how to play the game. I always follow my gut instict in some situations. But if it's not a serious situation, I usually give them the benefit of the doubt.
2007-07-18 09:22:12 UTC
I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, and not judge them solely based upon the first encounter. I do not trust them completely, but will allow time to show what the person really is like. Unfortunately I have been hurt in the past because of looking past certain gut instincts. Other times I have been pleasantly surprised.
2007-08-08 14:55:39 UTC
I think instincts are a great gift we posses that we become more and more derived of. Therefore, if you instincts tell you something about the vibe of a person you should take that very seriously. Since instincts sense things that a rational thought process can't.
2007-08-06 13:54:59 UTC
We, as humans, when referring to our "gut feeling" in actuality are referring to our intuition. Many times we do not pay attention to our intuition. All animals, domestic and wild have instinct, which is a similar to intuition, and they (animals) make their decisions (i.e. if danger is near) based on this instinct. Since we are civilized (supposedly) we have intuition. However, we tend to second guess what should be natural to us.

When something says to us "something just ain't right" we need to listen and take heed. I always listen to my intuition, I trust my judgment and proceed with caution. 80% of the time I am correct in my judgment. So yes, I believe first im;pressions are accurate.
2007-07-30 16:14:42 UTC
A first impression is that a first impression. It is not something we can control... in fact it's completely involuntary. With that being said there is something about the person that made us feel that way and at times it is indeed up to them to change that initial impression that people have of them.
2007-07-26 23:06:41 UTC
It doesn't matter if they haven't wronged you or not. Their level of eye contact, facial expression, tone, etc, all determine whether or not we trust someone. I don't judge, but I still keep my guard up. Guess what? These three guys who looked like they were gonna hassle me actually did, three black guys with their asses hanging out and bandanas on. Guess what they said. "Yo, get the **** out my way, *****!" This doesn't mean I am prejudiced towards all black people, just those that look like they got out of prison, or initiated in a gang. Appearance isn't nothing. It has a purpose. Am I supposes to believe the guy with ragged clothes, missing teeth and a wine bottle is a millionare

that contributes to society? Appearance is everything, so get of your ******* high horse.
2007-07-24 15:45:48 UTC
Humans tend to make mistakes and one thing we should always remember is that people are rarely themselves when they first meet someone. Thus, proving that first impressions are easily mistaken. I know that my demeanor is very strong, but I am funny, playful and very sensitive. It is human nature to judge off of one's instinct, which sometimes when taking risks, can go a long way in a relationship.
2007-07-24 14:50:27 UTC
Interesting. I usually start a small conversation and see how the individual responds, their tone of voice, and how they project themselves. I look at the total package but one can tell a lot about the book by the cover and from past experiences. I look at it like the bell curve. Most will fall within the bell shape and there are time when some fall outside the curve. BTW I think you are ultra sexy.But who knows you could be a jerk.
2007-07-24 11:58:06 UTC
Most of the time my first impression is accurate, & in those times I have not listened I have gotten burned. Now, I trust my instincts till they are proven wrong. This does not mean I treat them badly, just watch myself if I have any futher contact with them & I certainly do not put them in any position of trust till proved one way or the other.
2007-07-18 22:29:31 UTC
I always go with my gut instinct, if i get a strange vibe from the person i casually conversate, but make no plans for the future. I am not judgemental because who is to say what is 'normal' long as the person is not disrespectful i can pretty much deal with anyone.If you get the willies from them, simply don't be bothered with spending any futher time with them.
2007-07-18 21:33:05 UTC
I don't really know if my gut instinct will turn out to be correct. But I usually look at the other person's eyes and watch out for other face and body language. I don't normally entrust my life (or money) to a person with shifty eyes or someone who can't even make eye contact (unless he/she is shy). I also treat with reservation people whose facial expressions and mannerisms do not jive with what they are saying verbally.
2007-07-18 20:47:02 UTC
Follow what your gut tells you. Also look for clues like if they talk more about outside things such as their car, job, people, they are probably superficial. Most good people have an awareness of others and are good listeners and learners which makes them more emphatic and caring. After three times of meeting someone, you should have a good understanding of them as a complete person.
2007-07-18 19:02:15 UTC
I think intuition plays a big role in the way we analyse situation and people. Our upbringing and experience in life help in our assessment of people and situation. And I tell you, most of the time, we are correct. You can trust your gut but not completely because some people are good actors and may portray what they are not, and at the end deceiving us. Anyway, the first impression is always correct!
2007-07-18 16:25:45 UTC
Something I've learned over the years. Never, ever, ever, judge a person by their appearance. You can lose a lot of good friends that way. Conversely, you could also be tricked and humiliated. Keep a healthy amount of safety. Let them proove theirself trustworthy. All the while, completely neglect their clothing and such, unless it's obvious they're trying to make an obscene statement with it.
2007-07-18 16:24:01 UTC
You will probably never even get to my answer with the hundreds before me, but if by chance you do, I will tell you that, in my many, many years of experience, I have met and dealt with people who will charm you to death with their grace, stature, warm smile, endearing words and an image of sincerity and integrity. As a naturally trusting person, I have been duped many times in my earlier years. Unfortunately this world is full of people who will beguile you with their smile and stab you in the back at the same time. I now tend to take each new meeting with a measured degree of caution and awareness. My trust must be earned. As the old saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you - Fool me twice, shame on me".
♥Celebrity Hotline♥ (Thumbs up!)
2007-07-18 14:47:02 UTC
Usually I judge people too fast.

However, I have not been successful in giving people multiple chances. I am one to change, so in the past I have thought maybe other people will change to.

Usually people's behavior will exhibit their priorities. Do they treat you terribly? That is what they think of you.

It's also time to move on if there is no initial chemistry or you don't really like them, but don't know why.

Gut instinct is essential. There are many excuses to give people lots of chances, even when they don't deserve them.
2007-07-18 13:32:55 UTC
"We just knew" is the appropriate answer for me. DH and I met and fell in love in 30 seconds, were friends for 9 days and engaged for 8...and yes, we are still happily married!

DH likens our meeting to the French "coup de foudre" and the scene in Godfather 1 in which the girl comes running through a meadow, their eyes meet--and zap!

There are weird coincidences we have found along the line:

1) His grandparents and my father lived about six blocks the 1880s in Montreal.

2) DH and my father were both born in Montreal and brought up speaking French and English.

3) And the real shocker!!! I knew he had broken off an engagement before we met because the woman was too domineering. He told me her name (a very common name). Six months after we married I asked him, "Did this girl ever live in an apartment above a Five & Dime on Lincoln Avenue?" Shocked, he asked how I knew that. My reply? "Because my best friend and I used to go up and play with her in the 1940s!"

And the real kicker? DH is from Montreal and I am a native Californian. We have now been married for 36.5 years. We *think* it will last LOL!
dark light 90
2007-07-18 10:19:27 UTC
Well, first impression I think is important for every one as it helps you in your work you know but sometimes it's truley unfair as for example the frankeshtain monster he was really kind heart but the people first impression was that he is a monster,cruel,bla bla bla.... so I think its human nature that people judge on anyone from the first sight... so it's not fair you assume that this is true.....

but my opinion you cant tell weather i can trust my instinct but I should give a second chance..... but sometimes women instinct are true in most situations I dont know I think its our nature...( lol )
2007-07-18 09:17:47 UTC
I think most first impressions are right; you have to go with your gut instinct.

I have been meeting people on line for a few years now, and I have second guessed my gut instinct when talking to them, thinking that there was nothing they said that was wrong, rude or inappropriate, so I meet them in person anyway... only to find my gut instinct was right.

Some people sometimes deserve a second chance, but if your gut instinct tells you NO, then I suggest listening to it.
2007-07-18 05:04:49 UTC
You don't. You just have to decide weather you'll go with the gut feeling or the logic assumptions... I made an average between those to - and the winner is gut feeling. I don't rely 100% on it when dealing with people by time always tell that gut feeling was right from the begining and that your fist impression was true.

I can't give anyone such an advice - gut feeling is something very personal, so you'll do what YOU FEEL.
2007-07-17 23:07:03 UTC
You don't know if first impressions are accurate. The best confidence tricksters are utterly convincing. My test of any investment is firstly does it seem too good to be true? The next is do I want to spend time finding out - and if so why, to determine whether it could be worth it, for pleasure or profit. Then I'll follow my nose, keeping my eyes and mind open. I reckon that to treat anyone else from the outset as though they might be a potential enemy diminishes one's own humanity, as well as theirs. But giving others alert respect gets the same in return, and often rich rewards.
2007-07-17 22:26:31 UTC
I don't think that first impressions are always accurate, but you get better at judging first impressions the older you get. Probably, the best purpose of a first impression is to use it as a reference for the next time you meet that person.

The question to ask yourself, is why am I telling myself that this is a bad person? Is it because of their race, or their appearance or the way they talk? If you feel you are making this judgement because of one of these things, you might want to give this person another chance.

If you think this person is bad because you saw them slap their wife or they're holding a crackpipe, this may be an accurate observation.
santosh d
2007-08-12 07:24:02 UTC
It is a difficult question to answer. I think it all depends on your past experiences with dealing/ meeting with similar people. I personally thing that if you have some similar personality match with some other people, you tend to enjoy his/her company and feel great about meeting them. The other way which I try to judge someone is going completely out of the normal conversation and bring an irrelative topic and see their view on that, so that they might answer or present themselves in the way they are and you will get a hint of their way of thinking.
2007-08-11 17:49:39 UTC
If you are an unbiased person always trust your instinct. Then as a truly good person forget your first impression and give them another chance at a "first impression".
2007-08-06 20:13:18 UTC
Don't push the person away, so to speak,

but be extremely cautious.

You can never be too careful. I've usually

been right when it comes to instinct, but

there have been times when I was

completely wrong.

If they really are a good person you dont

want to give the impression you don't like

them, it can really damage a would-be

good relationship.
Greatful White Wolf
2007-08-05 11:40:41 UTC
Gut instinct is usually the one to go with. I myself follow that rule because I have learned to listen to it. I have had good things happen because I diverted my path or taken a different road due to those feelings. As far as people go, I tend to watch what they do and to some extent what they say when they think that no one is watching. They will reveal themselves to you good or bad by what they do when they don't feel like they are in the spotlight. That little voice inside you that tells you to stay away....It is your guardian angel watching over you. Be safe and trust yourself.
2007-08-03 05:49:36 UTC
I think that comes only with maturity and experience.

In the meantime, all you can hope for is that you have

role models who are teaching you the basics first hand,

and helping you grow by setting a good foundation for you, and communicating with you.

Even when we are adults, we don't always make wise choices, so it is important to have stable role models, because you are who you hang with. If you are around people who shop alot, so will you.

If you are around people who eat alot, they may persuade you that you should over-eat too, even if that was not your goal.

If you are around people that pick losers, and hang out with

thugs, drug dealers, and dope addicts, you might me influenced to date a loser/pick up a bag of coke, even though your attentions may have been to just "just be the friend the poor loser never had."

I am saying poor loser, but in reality, their are no poor losers.

Only poor decisions that detour you from win-win situations, and keep you down when you could be growing.
Neat Kitty
2007-07-31 18:37:47 UTC
You can trust your instants. when you meet someone for the first time and you think I do no like this person ways. There is a good reason why you do not like this person ways. So pay attention to your instants and just be nice to the person who you do not like and do not tell them any secerects are loan them any money. Keep looking for other friends else where.
2007-07-27 13:11:42 UTC
When I meet somebody for the first first impression would probably be their manners and behavior...If i feel that someone might be a bad person i wouldn't be so sure of myself because i never really know him that much...I wouldn't say that he's a bad person because he never did anything wrong to me that would make him bad...
Princess Kushinada
2007-07-27 07:39:20 UTC
Gut sense...

People give involuntary sub-messages all the time, and one need only to learn to read them. The more you know one certain culture, the easier you can catch these messages.

And the gut instinct is exactly the moment one catches them. They are so small, so short that sometimes we can register them only subconsciously. Sometimes they are more obvious. Only to catch such sub-messages one needs to possess certain observation/communication skills. Such skills can be developed by studies, tests, and most of all- communication.

However, here lies the problem of misinterpretation of these messages. Someone with high observation/ communication skills and knowledge will be able to give various interpretations and as the conversation goes, will be able to pick the best one according to the information he has got so far. Someone with poor skills will stick with single interpretation which will meet his own prejudices.

The answer is to practice one's communication and observation skills and to study more about the different cultural groups.

Please excuse my poor English and my messy expressions.
2007-07-26 07:46:05 UTC
Experience. Your gut reaction is all you have got at first. Typically, it is going to be right unless you are a lousy judge of character. It is up to the other person to show you their true colors so stop worrying about it and get on with your life.
2007-07-19 09:02:29 UTC
I think most people would be better off if they listened to that little warning.(first impression) A lot of times people will brush off these alarms( gut instinct) and they end up getting hurt. We are more intuitive than we know. We need to use this defensive measure to protect ourselves.
2007-07-19 06:06:27 UTC
You have little choice to be accurate or not. If you need to make a decision on the spot you must draw on all of your experiences to size up the person and then live with your decision.... until the next time you meet (or hear other opinions) when you may or may not be able to confirm your hunch and draw another conclusion.
2007-07-19 05:41:16 UTC
usualy, It's small things. Ok, your meeting face to face for the first time. A cell phone rings. It is answered, and for a few moments, you do not exsist., A cigarette is lit up, and no one bothers to ask, if it bothering the other person, and more.

those suggest that the person you are meeting, realy has no intrest in you, or, he / she, would have been more thought full.

What is encountered at the first meeting, will happen all through a relation ship too.
2007-07-19 03:58:53 UTC
i have found through out life, that my first impression when meeting someone, was always on target. As soon as one opens his mouth, he is either going to impress me, bullshit me, or downright exagerate. i have never been wrong. I have an uncanny feeling right away whn i think someone is not being honest, or if someone trys to get so much in, all the while trying to cover up the real self. I have always been right, and not upset that i didnt pursue the friendship.
Kathy C
2007-07-18 20:55:04 UTC
Because my gut instinct's are always right!! Besides, when you first meet somebody, I think that you can sense if there is more than meets the eye with the person.
2007-07-18 20:50:12 UTC
It goes as easily as three simple rules. Like, dislike, neutral. If you like the new person based on your conversation with the person on the first meeting than by all means go get to know she/he more. If you dislike the person, why bother giving him a second chance if she/he is a bad person or not? If you feel neutral about it than it'll probably won't be one of the close friends or a long lasting romantic relationships.
2007-07-18 20:38:01 UTC
I am 35 years old have have realized first instincts are usually correct. Even of haven't wronged you personally you get an instinct if the person is okay for you. Sadly--life experience ha taught me this.
Elegant Grace
2007-07-18 19:52:17 UTC
My answer to the question might sound clich'e but if you believe in a higher power, meaning God, you'll know the answer to your question. I met my husband and talk to him for 7 days ,knew he was the one and the same on his part and then was married after 2 months. So during those 7 days we knew we were meant to be together. now things like that don't just happen but you have to know who you are and have an idea what your purpose in life is. Everything in your life plays apart in meeting the right person, seriously. Trust your self and God and his infinite love for you!!! Things will happen exactly like it's suppose to, effortlessly.
Big Sam D
2007-07-18 12:33:23 UTC
Yes, I believe it is wrong to label a person good or bad on first impression. I feel first impressions of others have more to do with how the person making the judgment feels about themselves. For example, If they feel venerable they will judge with fear. If they are conceited they will judge cronies against enemies. If they are materialistic they will judge on what other have on, what they drive or where they live.
Nemo the geek
2007-07-18 12:05:21 UTC
First impressions are somewhat important, but I dont go entirely by them. The person you are so quickly judging might be having a bad day or be under some stress you dont know about. Keep your opinion flexible until you know more about this person.
2007-07-18 07:56:50 UTC
First impressions are as true as the receiver of the impression. Which is to say, those who seek the good will fall for the virtuous, while Nature's victims are instantly enamoured of the dangerous.

Personally, I always take a first impression of the person's face using clay and keep it on my mantlepiece until I can get an impression of other parts of their body.

I hope this helps.
Fred C
2007-07-19 05:15:25 UTC
Never judge a book by its cover. There are predatory jerks in Giorgio Armani suits and real heroes living on the streets, and each one his his/her own story.

Don't be overly naive and think that a guy/gal in a hard hat is going to cite the U.S. Supreme Court's most recent decision, but don't be surprised either when a CEO lies through his/her teeth (most of whom, alas, I have found to have that fatal predeliction)

Just keep an open mind. By prejudging, you're denying yourself a chance to meet some fantastic people.
2007-07-18 14:45:03 UTC
I have learned not to judge someone based off of a first impression. There are a lot of people who after the first time I didn't like them much, and now they are some of my best friends.
2007-08-10 21:01:52 UTC
It has happened to me more than once. I suspected that someone was a liar based upon a first and second impression, and my suspicions were later completely confirmed. It is a gut feeling but I always give people the benefit of the doubt.
2007-08-09 15:28:21 UTC
We have to be careful when we sum someone up based on limited information. Our past experiences with others tend to color the image of the new person before us but this can lead you in the wrong direction. I tend to look for visual cues from the new individual. Eye movement, breathing patterns, speech patterns. These things generally tell me if I am dealing with an honest person or not.
2007-08-09 13:31:28 UTC
Always trust your gut feeling. What's happen here is the energy that you are picking up with that person is not matching your energy. Remenber all things are energy, and when you need to figure out something break it down to energy and you will find the answer. What energy does is bring all things to it base, which makes things simple. This is the shortage version that I can give you.
2007-08-01 20:15:49 UTC
I can say that I honestly try not to judge people by first impressions only, I mean you meet someone and it most cases human nature is to associate what you see with any given judgement of someone. In my class my professor was telling us what gives each one of us has, when she got to me, she said that I have the gift of treating everybody equally, even when in some circumstances, she herself has made a judgement about that person, she then said I am the most nonjudgemental person she nows. I am not trying to brag or anything but I try to find good things in anybody, sometimes, people can be deceiving, but in most cases I have been pleasantly surprised!

I am just saying we can just identify almost with anyone, we just have to really try.....and I did said almost!

Hope it helps,

2007-08-01 13:44:31 UTC
For the most part yes it is true.If you give them a second chance at a good impression you usually get a made up on their toes to impress you act.The first thing you saw in will see it again and probably worse as time goes on after they don't feel the need to act anymore.But also be on your toes for those who have spotted you first and are already acting.
2007-07-26 22:33:48 UTC
In my fifty plus years of making my own decisions about people. I have found the only true rule is your tummy. Your Brain will tell you what "you" want to hear. Your Heart will tell you whatever makes it feel good. Ah, but that tummy. Even as small children we are given this gift. It's only when we get "older and smarter" that we make Judgements about others. Generally speaking Judging others should be left to the professionals. Besides, tummy's are faster on the uptake~
2007-07-26 22:15:55 UTC
Well it depends (taking this from a 14 year old girl) on wat kind of person u r if ur a person who is judging ur opinion might be accurate and u will keep with that opinion on that person until u see some sort of change in them then u might have a different opinion. but if u r not the judging type of person u r most likely to have a different opinion on that person. except for a woman woman normally have diffenent opinions depending on how they feel or felt. men on the other hand (no offence)have one opinion about a person and stick with that opinion.
2007-07-19 08:10:11 UTC
making first impressions is overrated, you'll always have a second third and fourth chance to make a good impression. I find that people usually forget that the first impression after awhile of getting to know you. People live in the NOW! not in the THEN!
2007-07-19 04:19:22 UTC
first of all there is no one that is bad as much as they are good ,,We all come in to this life as a bran new package

and from the beginning ,its a struggle to conform upon

rule as an object based upon affection as if as a transaction

based upon as much as for the good as the bad,,

i will consider that we can not judge anyone by looks..

i would say when two people meet or have to deal with each

other i would consider it as much a mutual need ..and what happens from there, it is up to the individuals to consider

it is by chance one meets and its always by excuse on both parts that you choose to trust and the day you start ..

its based upon a a job to consider in

respect for the challenge ..not based on need or excuses

as far as situation or personal harm or for one to blame the other...and not trust...well surely ONE WILL ALWAYS CONSIDER IT AN excuse gut instinct..the good and the bad comes in...and there is the meaning of ....unfortunately we as

of very young believed in trust in selfishness and all you spoke about as negative no TRUST...

this is not your fault nor theirs this comes from your

nest..and what you were taught to believe some of us

just consider it an experience some consider it an excuse

and i believe ..that shows the strength in character and

one must consider we might had learned but those whom

do not //// it has nothing to do with bad...its a weakness..

on like and if you look for love...

well get takes two not one and its but a motive..

its not an occasion..its a job...other wise do not ..

consider to bring others in too your you

will st reach this further by involving the innocent...

and there comes the real reason...why .ONE must learn

the word Empathy you do on too others as if you will do on too yourself...and this watch it grow as

its your life NO ONE Else's...and if you fall does not mean you blame it on anyone or stay on your knees .never use it as

an excuse its all but a night and day,,

and more the reason to pass it on as a lesson...

its not Fired but all passion as a leader...

accurate and right or wrong ...good or bad...

has a reason..But...tyipically instinct...and influence and

impression was meant to be taught on the road to all

success as no one has the will to judge on first impression
2007-07-18 23:00:32 UTC
I have always relied on my instincts, and my "gut" reaction to meeting someone for the first time, it wasn't based so much on what they wore or what they said that necessarily led me to make up my mind initially on where they stood with me - at least the men - women are a whole different animal, (no disrespect intented).

I look for how a man carries himself, how he moves; does he move with an economy or motion or is he always gesticulating with his hands - as if to distract your attention away from himself. I check out his overall demeanor - does he stand erect and move with purpose, or does he slouch and shuffle. Is he light on his feet - when he turns does he pivot on the balls of his feet - or turn himself like a big rig on a narrow road? I watch his eyes, do they make contact with the person he is speaking with, or does he look away, - down and left to lie, up and right to make up a story, does he repeat your questions? Another bad sign - trying to give himself more time to work up a plausible but untrue response - there are a host of tells and body language and facial displays that people unconsciously give away when they are holding back, or being untruthful - even when there is no reason to lie - they can not help themselves.

I was with Special Forces in Viet Nam, and part of my Training was was in interrogation techniques, - specifically the non-verbal "reading" of foriegn speaking prisioners. Meaning i could sit in on an "interview" and act as a "Lie Detector" for the "Interviewing Officer", even if I did not speak that particular dialect or language. I would watch the prisoner as he was asked questions, and when I felt that the response was evasive or untrue I would surreptiously signal the interviewer that the prisioner was lying. This technique is effective when the subject is not tortured or beaten or subjected to any kind of physical punishment.

Of course there is always room for error, when forming a first imprerssion of someone, Stress, physical pain, mental anguish, depression, mental ilness, guilt, mourning, - any number of extreme emotional distresses can cause radical changes in a persons psyche and attitude, causing people to be abrut, rude, distracted, short tempered, or uncharacteristically out of character - and since you may not know their usual demeanor, - it is easy to mis-understand that something is not right, - and judge these people too harshly.

Alcohol and mood altering drugs can bring about the same mood swings and changes in personality, and to the untrained eye, you may not recognise the symtoms of substance abuse and a temporarily altered personality.

So what are you to do? I always suggest that you err on the side of caution. If the alram bells go off when you are introduced to someone - trust those feelings, until your first impression is proved wrong. Who is a good second opinion? For me - in Viet Nam, he was an incorigable Lifer Marine with chronic bad breath, terrible table manners, a legendary libido and a non-regulation haircut named Sgt.Sampson. Sgt Sampson for all his faults had saved the lives of more Marines in Hotel 2/5 than any other during his 4 tours of duty. He had been awarded 3 purple hearts, and as far as I was concerned he should have also been awarded the Medal of Honor. On the Battle field his position was always on point, and he unfailingly sniffed out booby traps, and enemy positions. Sampson uncovered enemy tunnel fortifications that held incredible amounts of VC supplies, - rice, weapons, dried fish, medical supplies, ammunition, artillery & mortar shells, mines, grenades, gas, blankets, sandals & the infamous black pajama uniforms of the VC, and everything else a modern army needs to march on. Oh, I forgot to mention that Sgt Sampson was a bomb interdiction dog, that was trained for jungle fighting, - an uncommon soldier in an unpopular war, - and worth his weight in gold. I would watch "Sam" - if a "New Guy" earned a growl from Sam, that was good enough for me - I didn't like the SOB either.

I Understand you have a TV show, - sorry I've never seen it. But thank you for the work that you do. I have a great and abiding respect for Psychologists and Psychatrists, and all of the Mental Health Worker Community and the terrific work that you do and the suffering that you ease. God bless you and your fellow physicians and therapists.
2007-07-18 20:32:34 UTC
i read somewere that following your intuition does more for you than you think, it can even do more what doctocrs can do. I read that our intuition, or gut feeling, works by using stored memories in our brain and quickly applying it to make our judgemnet or perseption. For example you see a beautiful lady wearing glasses with hair tied in a pony tail and reading, from the past youve encountered a movie were a lady wearing glasses with hair tied back and reading in a bar was described as single individuals, so while looking at that individual past encounters are telling you that this person means no harm and that this person is single. so following your gut is really helpful for you
prince charming
2007-07-18 12:44:17 UTC
You can only trust yourself when you truly know what type of person you are.

there maybe things you hate or/and like about that person, but those are jus the reflection of you.

If i'm superficial, i would know my instinct kinda suck. If i'm more of a reserved person who has more experience in observing, then my instinct would definitely be reliable.

Your instinct tells you something, but it never tells you to hate or like. It's up to you to figure out that strange feeling by further observing that person.
2007-07-18 11:45:23 UTC
I don't believe in first impressions for many reasons, one being that the individual may be in a emotional mood that would affect their opinion. It depends on the persons mood at the time. If you know yourself then your own personal alarm bells would go off at the first sign of trouble or discomfort and whether you pay attention to your inner instincts and then ask yourself why are these bells going off! my opinion
2007-07-18 07:40:59 UTC
I have learned that 1st impressions aren't ALWAYS accurate. Sometimes people are just having a bad day, or they are just in a fowl mood at the time. But, if you meet someone and shake hands and just get a really bad feeling, that's what you should go with. Sometimes you can feel it in the air , or in the room from other people around you also. Dont let others opinions decide for you, decide for yourself. Some people are just hard to get to know .
Emil Alexandrescu
2007-07-18 06:55:42 UTC
People NEVER change actually. It's they add protective layers of behavioral disguise; and that works because society forces us to judge based upon facts. That has been done precisely because the ones who lead us are big liars who liked the playground to fit their needs. So they continuously force us to get evidence since it's evidences they can hide and not their own nature; that nature shows, but we are forced to ignore it. Got that dirty game? It's called power!

Take count that the cortical areas involved in speech recognition are twice larger than necessary. Why? For being able to lie and detect lies! (and that's a scientific discovery; yes, it puts humanity to shame, but it's still scientific)

This gut instinct pre-dates thinking; so it's old - therefore fine-tuned, reliable. This is why you'd better trust your guts, because until you will gather those facts - assuming you could - it might very well be too late: that pretty face in disguise already killed you or had your a s s or... I let you figure out things!
2007-07-18 05:35:52 UTC
I don't know I can tell whether or not I should trust my gut instinct. Usually, I just do. Sometimes I'm wrong, but I can't know for sure until I get to know the person I've just met. The only thing you can do, is to follow your instinct and see how things go!!
Kourtney M
2007-07-18 05:19:48 UTC
My first impressions are usually correct or very close to what I originally thought. I usually can tell if I am going to get along with this person, if they'll get on my nerves, or if they are one of those people that we will go out seperate ways. It may not always be very clear at first, but I usually can tell when there is something not right about a person. I call that my gut instinct.
2007-07-17 21:46:12 UTC
your instinct, esp or whatever you want to call it, is tuned to past experiences you have had. In your own makeup you determine what people should be to fit into certain categories in which you can either accept or not accept. When you first meet someone your first impression goes through those computerized categories in your mind and you determine in the first few minutes whether you will like them or not.

What if a person wears a fantastically smelling cologne and your husband wears that same kind and so the smell brings you pleasure so you determine on the next person you interview for a job that there is something you like about them but you don't know what (well it could be the cologne and not some instinct or some esp thing where you have determined that they are the best person for the job in the first few minutes that you saw them or spoke with them).

So not always is a person's first impression accurate; it may or may not be accurate for other people but for you it may be accurate. It depends on what situation you will be in, whether it is a close situation, whether you will be hiring them, letting them into your home, allowing them to drive you home, etc. In personal situations you should trust your gut instinct. In public situations you should have other people interview them and not say your opinion tell they tell you their opinion. False judgments can be devastating to people so one needs to be careful with their judgments.
la varonesa
2007-08-14 14:38:41 UTC
Actually its happened to me several times, but even if my instinct tells me "beware", I treat them well always, BUT, with my eyes very open. I let time tell me if I was right or wrong. Ohh and those "beware" senses, 9 out of 10 I've been right.

The diference is that even if I have a negative sense, I try not to judge them without knowing them well, In case I'm wrong I didn't hurt anyone, and if I was right, well I was saved of a heartache situation.

It works for me.
2007-08-13 17:44:47 UTC
If your gut is really telling you that this person is bad, then by all means; stay away! If you're not sure, than you should do your homework and see if he has any criminal history, a good/bad reputation. It all really depends on who, and where you're dealing with. Listen to your instincts, but if you really do want to stay away from this person; be very subtle. Hope this helps!
2007-08-08 17:47:17 UTC
well, no it isn't actually fair to judge, But, I do the same thing, I have a gut feeling and I go on those feelings.

Never, have my feelings been wrong.

Sometimes I have over ridden my instincts, because of guilt feeling. Then, with in a year or so, I am kicking my self in the head for NOT listening to my gut feelings!!!!!!!!!!
2007-08-06 02:43:58 UTC
I've learned to trust my first impression. it is always right. God gave you that to help you rely on your instinct, so that you trust correctly. Most people try to misjudge their first impression when in fact it is most likely correct. For instance, I was married for 17 years, and I had impressions about this man before I married him, but I figured they would work themselves out. Of course, being young I didn't realize that they wouldn't work themselves out, they would just get worse. The second man I married, came to a store I worked in, and my first impression of him was, "he is safe, he is kind, he is a good man". Do you know, I've been married to this man for 7 years, and its been the happiest 7 years of my life, and he was just as my first impression told me. This is my man for life, and I chose wisely, thereby trusting my first instinct. Remember on the first man, although I knew he was a decent person, I knew instinctively what I was in for, and what kind of road he would take me down before I married him. My first impression was right with him also.
Salsa Shark
2007-08-04 17:06:36 UTC
My gut instincts are generally confirmed or re-evaluated after listening to the person in conversation. Real bulls**t artists tend to always have a better story than you and constantly manage to work in how much money they made last year.
2007-07-26 02:52:58 UTC
I know it happens with us , but I think it's very wrong. My son has had cancer and been very ill. When he goes out people will stare at him , give an obivous censuring look.He's a wonderful person ,and has faults.How would anyone know what they are missing, if they pass him off. He's suffered what no person should , and did it with courage. Unless they stay to get to know him , they'll lose out.He has a good dry sence of humor ,good morals and many interests.He's, shy and with the diability ,a prejudice person can hurt him bad.
2007-07-25 19:49:03 UTC
Judging by my own past experience first impression is usually correct 75-80%, with this in mind I always give a person time before I make full judgment. You really never

2007-07-24 06:44:27 UTC
Many people do what they do best on when on first meeting them. It takes time and practice being around them to pick it up but usually it can be easily to find out pretty quickly if they are a good person or a bad or immauture person.
2007-07-23 09:12:05 UTC
The first thing is to ask yourself if you were open and interested in them? Did you encourage them to elaborate on things they said? Did you allow them to complete their train of thought before talking. Just because someone is finished talking does not mean they have finished their thought on the topic.

Chances are if they had a bad day or a recent event that may make them act undesirably you will know and can make a better observation.
2007-07-19 07:44:47 UTC
When I meet someone and feel he/she is a bad person just out of mere intuition, it is wise to reconsider my position first toward this kind of people, because it is probably a projection; a hatred to my own suppressed traits that I have seen in this person. It might be a kind of reflection of a hidden self hatred. It is not because I don't believe in intuition I am saying so, but because people often confuse intuition with other neurotic mechanisms.

Also, people usually have so many parts in their personality, usually they are contradicted and this is the same reason that prevents us from making a unity of ourselves. These parts are like bags, one time this bag is opened, and he/she is so nice, so adorable, the other time another bag opens, then the other side shows itself. Human beings are so sophisticated to be understood in one single time. And the more we are divided from the inside, the more it is hard for people to know us for real. we stay like the dark depth of the ocean, untouched, unseen... and most of all, an object for projection prejudices, and wrong expectations.
2007-07-19 06:14:57 UTC
It just so happen's I have recently met someone whom I have very bad feeling's about , It was a younger boy whom came to our door and introduced himself , as he had just moved into our neighborhood, which I thought was very nice! then he come's over and has no parental supervision We have to practically run him out of the house to get him to leave, I kinda felt sorry for him but at the same time he ask for food, if he could check his myspace on my computer, and if he could borrow my son's 360 games all in the 1st three visits to our home. He ring's our door bell as late as 11:00 oclock at night, when all the light's are out. Ive ask about his parent's he say's he calll's in to them but I have never seen him do it. He does not look abused or unhealthy he just make's us uncomfortable. So we have been trying to distance ourselve's from him.Ive learned over the last forty years Iam a good judge of character so I follow my instinct's even though Ive given him a chance I cannot afford to risk something happening.
2007-07-19 06:04:49 UTC
If they don't walk away immediately with a look of total disdain you are doing well ! No but seriously there is no harm in forming "1st Impressions" but always keep an open mind for if you meet that person again they may surprise you.
Ngeli C
2007-07-19 05:52:49 UTC
Facial expressions, dress code, tone of voice. I think I`ve been right 90% of the time. I trust my gut feel but I allow myself to get to know the person. I will admit that on a few occasions I`ve been horribly wrong.
Matt B
2007-07-19 04:50:06 UTC
In general i dont think you can truly verify a "first impression" the first time you come in contact with someone. The verification will come with impressions from future contacts with them. This is aside from obvious negative or unattractive traits or mannerisms that one would not normally display to a new acquantaince. Should this occur they are just not a quality person to start with.
2007-07-18 20:16:00 UTC
for me i dont believe in the saying ' first impression lasts'..

when u met someone for the first time, u have this first impression of them.. for me i observed the person, ask him/her safe questions and as the conversation progresses u can gain bit of infos that u can use alongside w. ur first impression of the person... if he/she can be trusted a nice person to be with etc. but still 2-5 times or more hanging out w. the person can really tell if he/she is a good person to be w. i dont rely on first impressions and i dont rely on what people tell me about what kind of person he/she is..
Richard S
2007-07-18 16:01:23 UTC
Whereas prejudging is wrong, one cannot altogether throw out first impressions. First impression is really not prejuding in the truest sense because of its etiology.

Our non-verbal behavior is just as important and louder than our verbal. If you are angry, sad, happy or whatever- people can tell immediately.

The brain is constantly assessing attitudes and mannerisms. Because of our human experiences, we know right off what each reaction means. In my personal experiecnes, my first impressions have been 90% accurate. I do not look for oddities, my brain automatically and subconsciously pick up them up and draws its own conclusions.

Non-verbal messages are stronger than verbal ones because as humans we covertly project who we are, unknowingly to the world. The right thing to do is to allow the story to unfold. We can draw our own conclusions when we see the totality of what we thought initially.

First impressions are subconscious and involuntary. Prejuding is conscious and voluntary. It is possible to prejudge based on first impressions.
Al Capone
2007-07-18 14:02:23 UTC
Well, that is the million dollar question. The answer is simple, don't go with your "gut", go with your head. As people go, we all have our flaws and shortcomings the one key factor with an untrustworthy indivdual is that they'll slip up within the first few minutes. The key is being able to pick up on the subtle aspects of what the individual is NOT saying e.g. body language, gestures, and expressions.
2007-07-18 13:37:10 UTC
Hard question with no easy answer.

I, personally, go with my gut instincts to begin with but hold off on making a final decision until I get to know the person better. That may sound confusing and it sometimes is to me, but that is what I do.
2007-07-18 06:04:07 UTC
Your first impression is usually right. If you read Blink by Malcolm Macdowell you will see. If the person is new to this country and culture you may need to not be too hasty, however we do have gut instinct for a reason.
Wilson C
2007-07-17 23:38:57 UTC
If the person looks scruffy and untidy, I would assume that person might have done something or just got out of bed. If he comes across as in a hurry I would definitely ask what is wrong. I know my first impression will be right if I am at peace with men and God.
Henry B
2007-08-13 16:00:02 UTC
When I meet somebody new I tend to trust my "gut". This not scientific but, it has never failed me, yet. In general I probably judge by eye contact or the lack thereof; General agreeableness; How that person responds to me; weather we like the same things. This is the way I make the decision to trust or not to trust. This is by no means a scientific criterion but it works - for me!
2007-08-13 10:34:45 UTC
I say, "Don't judge a book by it's cover." But I truthfully have to say that I do judge people by their appearances. It is a habit I am trying to break, but as people who use the same judgement know, it's hard to break that. But I know that some people, like tv stars for instace, look pretty and beautful then you read that they are doing drugs. I look at a person in a subway car. And at the next stop, maybe I will switch seats. I just can never trust a person I have never met. Who can? Someone who can read minds? I feel very terribly about all of this nonsense I do and then I think about, "What if I looked big and burly and had bunches of tatoos? (Man, would I look UGLY! I'm a girl. No offense to anyone who looks like that, it's just I wouldn't look good. lol) (But seriously...) I feel that we should get to know the person if we have to know them and if we don't want to know them (If we feel that these people really aren't good, we heard about bad things about them or we just don't feel that deep down in our hearts, we should mingle with them, we shouldn't.) I also feel that beautiful people seem to be, you know, misunderstood. Like I said before, beautiful stars do drugs lots of times, (Look at Anna Nicole Smith) but I also believe that some people who aren't beautiful, and I don't believe that I show this enough, but (not to be rude) the uglier a person is, the nicer they are. Not in all cases, but most people who care more about their looks do not spend enough time on friends. Again, not in all cases. I hope everyone agrees with me. And if you don't, screw you! No, no, just kidding. If you don't agree with me, I would love love LOVE to hear your opinion. I would actually like to know how you can judge a person without prejduice. Thank you for you time. I'm sure this is a terrible answer, but hey! I'm only a teenager. No, seriously. lol Do you belive me? (Besides the fact that I used bad grammer and spelled some things wrong?) Can you judge my avatar without prejudice? Can you judge me without prejudice
Janet E
2007-08-08 09:23:50 UTC
I think that you should have a bit of faith in your first impression. I will give folks a little bit of a chance to change it but not much.

When I was much younger I dated a guy and I didn't like him at all. I thought he was stuck on himself and so we didn't go out again.

Several years later I met up with him again. I was in a bit of a dating drought so I went out with him. I had convinced myself that I must have been wrong about him.

I wasn't he was self absorbed jerk and I wasted a few months of my time. He even had his name printed on his truck door handles. Yuck! I should have trusted my first instinct!!
2007-07-29 22:23:57 UTC
First impressions are not always the best way to judge another.Give them a chance to prove themselves. "Gut" instincts work some of the time but not always !!
Lee B
2007-07-24 17:42:45 UTC
I don't go by any kind of gut instinct. I don't form opinions until I can logically form one. I have to get to know someone first. Usually, just by their actions, you can tell what kind of person they are. The way they speak, the way they hold themselves. I don't think gut instinct can lead you in any direction. I believe to form opinions, you have to know someone first.
2007-07-19 06:14:43 UTC
women have what we call women's intuition. its this little voice in your head that tells you whether something is wrong or right. it also lets us see how a person really is. if you meet someone who is arrogant but you can see that they are really nice trust that judgment. same goes if you meet someone who acts really nice but you can tell by looking at him hes a total jerk follow that judgment. and if all else fails try this. there's a old wives tale that says a dog can see bad for its self. if you have a dog who is normally real sweet to everyone and it starts acting different to a new person that dog is telling you that there are bad. there has been quite a few times where i didn't listen to my intuition or my dog and it turned out they where both right.
2007-07-19 02:35:48 UTC
I think one can very well judge a person within a few hours of time if he or she has himself or herself had many experiences (be it good or bad) in life. The more hurdles in life , the more falls , the more experiences , the more mistakes , the more future alerts and hence the more perfection in judging oneself and OTHER as well ( be it a life partner or a friend). I believe that judging someone is similar to judging the inside of yourself.

My father for an instance since his childhood till adulthood did all chores of his house even after getting hard beatings on small things from his father. He during his college life managed to do his job of steam engine driver overnight and earn for his family . Today he is a Colonel in INDIAN ARMY!

He did not get through in his first two attempts just because of hurdles that proved to be unlucky. But because my father was fearless and flexible after facing so many hurdles of family since childhood , hurdles were like friends to him now. Hence he got through in his third attempt because he was determined enough . Even today my father is fighting from problems from his family but he becomes less tensed and furious now .

We change places every two to three years and have met several kind of people with different kind of problems and some with no problems. Nowadays after 19 years of changing places and unstability of mind i believe that iam becoming mature enough to judge right and wrong in life. It seems as if it does not take long for me to take decisions as it would earlier be. The moment i point out something negative in a person i start judging myself . As it is nobody is perfect in this world . there are alway some negatives. But reaching upto that perfection in character is due to experiences. It is true that a lotus flower blooms in a pond of dirty water. Even the Indian Army judges a candidate in less time and the panel of judges are themselves what the candidates want to become in future.
2007-07-18 17:48:46 UTC
Well,since we know their noses will not grow like Pinocchio..there is always another way to test them.You hit the nail on the head about those gut instincts.They are and have always been there,although thru the eras we have not honed in on them as much,thus..we have lost a good bit of our intuition in these matters.Are we looking at the person for what we see on the outside at first? If so,then we can start by looking at their hygiene as in nails,hair,etc. &shoes,they are a tell-tale sign of a person's self worth.Old worn out shoes,then he or she either needs some TLC,or else his pocketbook is worn thin.Either way,get ready for you to nurture this person or be the enabler.Either way,you will spend your money or your time on this person. And as for your remark about "wronged personally",..well if they have wronged one person,it is not right in my book(depending on the guilt they bestowed)..even if it was not me,if I knew about it,well ...forget any trust with me.Life is too short to have to analyze people too long,and with that said.. think I will go throw away some shoes..I don't want people to assume I am poor and enept...I may stop by the shoemakers and check out all wooden dolls noses too..just for good measure.♥
2007-07-18 15:56:29 UTC
i have found that my gut instincts are always 100% right, when i meet a person... i know if i will get along with them or not. first impressions last a lifetime with me.

i have thought about the way i choose who i 'like' and it does not changed over years of knowing the person... they are who they are and they do not change!
2007-07-18 15:54:32 UTC
My first impressions are almost never wrong. My gut is telling me something my subconscious has picked up on. I may not realize what it is for a while, but it is a very accurate system for me.

Whenever I have ignored my gut first impression, I have usually regretted it.
2007-07-18 12:57:44 UTC
To be human is to error in judgement.

We create our socio norms based on hypocritical judgements that are passed on to us by all forms of media and influence.

From childhood to adulthood we must find our own way to qualify the reality and the unreal world we live in and the assumptions people pre-dispose upon us. -- I would venture to say that more than 80% of people in our material world are not the best judge of character, especially in the first gut instinct timeframe.

We are more in need of the ways to untangle our webs in order to better understand who we are getting gut instinct it primal or based on information relayed to us?

Good luck..we are not who we say we are...and we are far from what we think we are... may the day come when our society truly supports us and we can find a true balance in life.
2007-07-18 08:45:21 UTC
You don't. It's a survival instinct. It's not fair to assume someone is bad without evidence but it's not wise to ignore gut feelings. It's better to investigate but there are risks.

Unfortunately, when we are all time strained, it's hard to weigh the risks and easier to just stay away from someone that you perceive as bad.
2007-07-18 07:40:46 UTC
Truth is you don't always know. You may be good at reading people and you may be right most of the time but there is no guarantee. Try to read their character. If you know a persons character, for example are they honest, or a liar; are they arrogant or humble; do they have concern for others or only for themselves; are they greedy and selfish or giving; if you know these things then you have a good idea of what kind of person they are and how they will treat others. Character can only be known over a period of time, its unlikely most people can discern a persons true character from just a first impression.
2007-07-17 23:13:23 UTC
First impression is very important, it is not from previous experience, but what is the origin of it ? and how much we can trust on it?

In Islam there is answer for these question and that is the reaction of your soul to others. The souls before joining the bodies of mankind were in groups, which were alike to each other amongst the group.

When you like some one at first glance, it means that, that person has simillarity to you, is from your group, not means that he/she is good or bad.

Everybody can evaluate him/her self by first impression to others and study the one, for whom you had good or bad first impression, but the main point is your judgement and criteria for good and bad.

With really correct criteria you have the right evaluation.
2015-03-13 22:18:43 UTC
I wouldn't assume this person is necessarily a "bad person" (perhaps he or she just reminds me of someone else), but neither would I assume this person to be a "good person." If I were considering some kind of partnership or anything that involves some risk, I would want to do some more research and spend some time getting to know the person better. The bad feeling would stop me from moving forward without more information.
2007-07-24 21:59:29 UTC
A girl I work with, was a contestant on this game show. She walked away with $25,000.00 dollars. Way to go Heather.

No, it is not fair to judge someone, solely on first impressions. Especially if they haven't wronged you in any way.

What are you judging this person on? Their looks? Their clothes? How tall they are? You dont know how this person was raised, or their financial situations, or their level of education.
2007-07-24 08:47:07 UTC
Does it matter? If a guy with a knife and a mean look in his eye comes up and stands next to you at the bus stop, do you really have the time to assume "Oh, maybe he's chef?" I'm paraphrasing the comedian Dov Davidoff by the way.

We make our decisions and hope they're right but if not what does it matter?
robert e
2007-07-23 12:49:49 UTC
Always trust your gut instincts as they will be correct most of the time. If you still feel that you must talk to that person then proceed with the utmost caution!
Willie F
2007-07-18 23:02:58 UTC
nine times out of ten your gut is right. they may seem good at first nothing wrong but as you go the distance it all comes out and you wish you had's two saying to remember. you never lie to yourself. ans what goes on in the dark always come out in the light. some people feel the need to hide, when they should just tell the truth and let you decide.but human nature is not that way.
2007-07-18 18:00:23 UTC
the truth of the matter is it takes time to get to know someone reguardless of your first impression. over time you can see if the person changes from the first time you met them because many people are nervous and try to do or give a little extra to leave a good first impression.. time is your best friend and so are actions..
loretta l
2007-08-09 01:54:10 UTC
I believe first impressions hit pretty much what you see through out the relationship. Trust that gut feeling.

It was all up front in your face, but didn't see it.

Then through out the relationship, bits surface.

If they are negative, they will stand out like a sore thumb.

If they are positive, your gut feeling would have no doubt.
Diva Mama
2007-08-07 21:41:52 UTC
When I first meet someone, I shake their hand, and look in their eyes. I can usually tell by the strength in the hand shake.

And if they look away , I have a problem trusting them. But this has happened once in my life, and the person turned out to be a good friend. She was just shy. So sometimes we just have to take a chance. I just pray about it.
2007-07-26 20:32:24 UTC
well I have to trust my instincts. If I notice any wierd behaivor, the first impression hasnt gone well. but If this person really seems sweet then the first impression went well. I always think my first impression is accurate.
2007-07-24 12:34:02 UTC
If your first impression is bad. Trust and believe in yourself your heart was the first organ to be developed in your body and your brain the last. Know that you are not making assumptions. Know that spirit for a split micro second is being allowed to see and give you that warning to protect the self.
2007-07-19 08:19:48 UTC
"Meeting" to me is a general term. I prefer to be in a strangers presence, their being aware I am there but not directly addressing me. I try to watch their interaction with others, their posture, facial expressions. This mode I feel that 7 out of 10 is correct. If it is a direct meeting scenario the accuracy is only 5 out of 10 at best.
2007-07-19 02:14:01 UTC
Hind site being 20/20 my first impressions have usually been correct - unfortunately I don't always go with my first impression.

I've learned to listen to my dogs - how they act toward someone usually dictates my own behavior. The Golden Retriever I have found to be pretty free with his affection, the Yorkie-poo loves everyone for a moment - but I have noticed she will avoid "iffy" people".
2007-07-19 00:54:57 UTC
Trust your intuition--it's not wrong--thousands of years of evolution--it's there for a reason. Tune into how you instinctively react to someone and you won't be wrong. Use your brain to be logical and rationalize why the person is this or that, and you'll have clouded up, and over-ridden that instinct. Trust yourself. Try it, it'll work.
2007-07-18 22:57:41 UTC
Very difficult. Gut feeling lasts very very long. I will look for the best answer to this question, but frankly I don't think someone can be sure that his/her first impression is accurate unless it is proven in the long run.
2007-07-18 21:41:04 UTC
Well I just moved to a new community and Ive met a lot of new people your first impression because that's how people think of you as the person you showed them. Like that's who you are. I hope that answers your question.
kirk b
2007-07-18 19:37:52 UTC
well most of the time you can tell a person by their first impression on how they greet you. because if you are a real straight forward person they would fake their impression to throw you off. but if you hang around and see you'll know that your guts was right,but if you are a phony person then you won't tell until you get to know that person.
2007-07-18 17:52:20 UTC
hm this is a tough one..

if you're planning on actually seeing the person on a daily basis, and being thier friend or if you see them alot, dont judge a book by its cover. get to know them before you have an opinion of them.

if you arent going to have any kind of relationship with the person, then just go with your gut feeling. it could get you out of alot of trouble.

ex: if you're walking home from the store and you see a shady looking guy walking down the street--that you've never seen before--then its ok to think hes a creep and to try and avoid talking to him.

if you see the same guy at your sisters house and he is a long time friend of hers--then dont judge them as harshly, get to know them and if they are a bad person- at least you have a reason to think that.
2007-07-18 17:09:00 UTC
I've learned from past experience that my intuition is, nine out of ten times, dead accurate. I can look into a person's eyes, read their facial expressions and body language, and within a few minutes, know the general personality of that person. It's not always completely accurate though; for example, one woman struck me as being very 'hard', as being rather snippy and shut-off, but I learned much later that she was because she had been hurt before for being too open.

I've learned to trust myself, simply. A new co-worker struck me as being dishonest, I kept an eye out and within two months, I caught her stealing. (This scenario repeated itself twice, in fact.) Another new co-worker gave me a very bad impression. I ignored it, and trusted her with some information that, while not a secret per se, I would rather have not been spread around. In about thirty seconds, she turned from being sweet and nice to being vicious and attacking me verbally. She stormed off to her 'girlfriends', other co-workers, and told them what I had told her. Ten minutes later, she returned to normal, but I never forgot the lesson.

In short, trust your instincts. Your instincts may be dulled or confused by years of ignoring or mixing them up, but it's never too late to learn to trust yourself properly, and the pay-off is enormous in terms of trust, security and happiness!

Have a nice day. :)
2007-07-18 11:05:45 UTC
For me first impression is important but doesn't totally impact my thoughts on a person. Everyone has bad days, who knows if that person was having one when you met them and thought to yourself "Guess someone hasn't had their coffee this morning" or "man he/she woke up on the wrong side of the bed!" I like to give people a second chance. But to answer your question I try to believe everyone is a good person. But sometimes you gut just screams "this one gives me the creeps" or "I bet you are a ticking time bomb". Sometimes it's just the facial expressions, or the way they talk, I can't explain what it is that gives off that "vibe" but sometimes they just do, they give off a vibe that says be leery or stay away. And to be honest, when I go with my gut it's usually dead on 97% of the time.
2007-07-18 09:44:17 UTC
Often times you can trust your gut reaction to meeting a new person. But How do you make sure that it is right?

Ask them to describe something in their life which would give you a hint of their character.

Ask questions like: What would you do if you found a wallet full of money with the persons ID in it? Be sure to watch their body language, especially the eyes. If they bllink a lot, they could be lying. If they cross their arms, this could be a sign that either they are uncomfortable or they feel guarded towards your question.

If they are guarded, you can reassure them "Hey, I'm only curious." This should relax his/her arms, causing their arms to relax by their side.

You should have good eye contact with them. If they avert their eyes, you can casually step one or two steps into their line of sight. This causes them to look at you, giving you their full attention and eye contact.

There is much more but I want to keep this short.
2007-07-18 09:04:43 UTC
For me, everyone starts at a level of 50% trust, and it can only go up or down from there. I have tried trusting people implicitly from the very start, and it has burned me. Likewise, I have given people little to no trust and have lost time and missed significant opportunities because of my caginess.

Luckily I grew up with fairly prejudice-free parents in a multi-cultural area, so stereotyping is not part of my first impression process. I do, however, think people can rid themselves of such socially harmful faculties.
2007-07-18 08:53:32 UTC
you really don't know. first impressions are a lot of pressure for those who think about it more than others... the thing is, first impressions are crucial and impersonal. most of all, you never really meet someone the fist time around. it takes maybe another event, another lighting, or even another time of day, etc. all im saying is for the majority of us, first impressions do no justice. so you really don't know if the first impression is accurate at all. who's to say others are at their best when you are at your best, and even so, you don't expect to get along with everyone you meet the first time around, do you? chances are we're not gonna get along with those that may clash with our personalities, character, and so on. most of that is base on first impressions. P.S.--you only want to know more about a person after you've liked what you see the first time around. don't give yourself such a hard time. you will know when someone deserves your presence again,,, or not.
2007-07-18 08:14:38 UTC
My son once asked me to give someone a second chance who I didn't think much of but of whom he thought a great deal of. So, I gave him a second chance. He was a nice enough person, but didn't give off good first vibes, so I suppose that gut instinct isn't always accurate, but I would still put it out there as accurate 85% of the time.
2007-07-18 07:46:08 UTC
If one has been around enough ppl in many different situations, usually one can tell if their first impression is somewhat accurate by their own instinctual feeling. Some ways how are to determine the other persons body language, communication skills, by their appearance, mannerisms, etc... I would say it would be more fair to follow up with a second meeting, however.
2007-07-18 03:18:19 UTC
To have gotten that far; thinking someone is a 'bad' person, would have taken several motions that would have gone against my grain, as I generally want to think the best of people. It's not nice encountering pigs.

Lest the trample my pearls underfoot, it is best not to waste precious time and energy on people that are just awful to be around.

From experience and intuition, you can generally tell how a person is going to make you feel around them. If you don't feel comfortable around a person to begin with, 9 times out of 10, your first impression is right.

It's when you give a person time and the chance to mould around what they perceive to your comfort zone (to manipulate you), they don't actually appear to be what they really are.

I don't regret past relationships, as they've made me the person that I am, but part of my experience with bad people is that they've honed me against their kind, so in a good way, bad people have made me careful and wary.

It's best not to give someone a chance to wrong you, in case they actually do some major damage in your life. You have to be careful who your inner circle is.
2007-07-18 01:12:09 UTC
when you meet someone for the 1st time you're meeting their Representative.. the real person doesn't surface until date 4 or 5.. so i would advise all the guys out there to just go into the friendship/relationship knowing that the nice pretty woman you just met has a different only give about 35-40%..effort. so you really dont lose too much in the end..
Riley Daniels
2007-08-04 12:49:28 UTC
Not relying on gut instincts gets more people into trouble than possibly "missing out" on someone that hasn't wronged you personally.

Our society seems to teach us to be very trusting and open which may deaden our real intuitive sense of people, safety and dangerous situations.

We need to be more in tune with the energy of ourselves and the people around us to be well served on determining good or bad individuals.
Big Larry
2007-08-01 09:49:11 UTC
You can't know. And because of that, you will be much happier going thru life assuming everyone is good as opposed to assuming everyone is bad. That is, until you get really hurt.

I hate to be cynical but I think the golden rule is that everyone will generally do what is best for themselves, and most people will do it at the detriment of others, especially strangers. So you should always assuming the best about others, but be watchful for signs of the opposite.
rat racer
2007-07-30 08:13:29 UTC
An inner flag goes up that's telling you something, whether it's fair or not to the person. I don't care. I'll listen to my inner instinct first. I just size it up in my mind (it doesn't take long), then go from there. There's no rudeness, because it's all in you thoughts.
2007-07-27 05:58:59 UTC
Your opinion of someone is visible to the other person in varying degrees and their opinion of you is reflected in the same way. If you show fear, they see you as vulnerable and a possible target. If you present a danger, they could fear you. Physical size is first, gender, then age and strength. Your past experiences would give you the next level of trust. Knowledge of the other person is important to establish trust.
ken j
2007-07-24 13:29:12 UTC
i thjink that as i have grown more mature ( notice i did not say older) that i kind of hold off judging someone the first time. after several encounters i think you make an assumption of how or what a person is. however with that being said in most cases first impressions can be lasting!
laura m
2007-07-19 09:30:48 UTC
My mother used to say, " to assume" is to make an A** out of you and me!" you can't know if your first impression is right unless you ask the person the correct sequence of questions to come to your conclusion, you should never try to get an impression until you have enough information about who the person is, because until you gather enough information, you can't make an acurate decision, therefore, you lake understanding! and understanding is the key to knowledge, which the world proclaim's to be power, but I say, with out understanding, knowledge isn't enough!
new creation
2007-07-19 04:00:24 UTC
It takes years to hone your gut instinct. And even then it's hard to trust. If the person makes you feel like you are about to crawl out of your skin then get away. If not then proceed with caution.
2007-07-19 02:21:58 UTC
In my sense first impression is good impressions when we meet the person for the fist time. He had to think O what guy he is! He will Respect to everyone, like that say .
helen r
2007-07-18 23:33:36 UTC
instinct can be different from feeling as u base feelings on how u feel and wot they feeling they could have had anything happen or said and u wouldnt no it ave u ever thot that person moody/ignorant but maybe had bad news or argument may have lost someone. instinct is quite different totally based on gut instinct brain does the work were as feelings based on emotions
dats p
2007-07-18 22:53:26 UTC
There no way to know wether your first impression is right or wrong at the very time you meet the person. But after meeting, there's a lot of ways to know the person's background. You can ask people who know him/her, you can hire an agent to do background investigation, you can go to the FBI to check if he/she has criminal records, you can ask his neighbors and the local officials in their area, etc.
2007-07-18 15:07:12 UTC
Trust your gut instinct as long as you aren't being judgemental. If you feel like the person may be dangerous, don't go around them unless someone is with you.
2007-07-18 14:11:40 UTC
We cannot totally trust our first impression. Why, because we judge people by their appearance and behavior. Our judgement may be wrong but it still influences our first impression. Appearance comes first. Behavior is important too, but it is secondary. We often overlook appropriate behavior because of the negative outward appearance of the individual.

Making a good first impression is a matter of respect for yourself and others. If you are sloppy, it is like saying "I'm not important enough to take care of myself." Or, "Your opinion of me does not matter so I'm not bothering to look my best."
Ben Benjamin Benny
2007-07-18 13:04:24 UTC
I read BLINK, which proves that your first impression considers many aspects in your unconcious mind and therefor it is often more accurate then your rational thinking. Although, also written in BLINK, your first impression may be misleading, due to a unjust stereotype you've got from someone.

Because I'm not racistic, my first impression is VERY accurate and I adjust my first impression. I know, because I know myself, therefor I can know other people as well.
Jan G
2007-07-18 09:09:14 UTC
Another mind blowing question Dr. Robi ! Spmewhere between 25 and 30 years of age I discovered my gut instincts. They have never let me down and all these years later, I have also learned that these gut instincts come through 100% of the time.
2007-07-18 08:55:39 UTC
I always trust my intuition, but i am careful because there is real info from your intuition and there's info from the way you are educated, because you're scared, because you're having prejudices,... Which is also difficult because sometimes you don't listen to your intuition because you think it's prejudice inspired, while it wasn't. But in general, if you're truly honest with yourself you know the difference and your 'real' intuition never fails for you! The person you are judging may not be bad, but may be bad for you or the combination with you may be bad, so it is fair to trust your gut instinct but I think your impression is never accurate since you never get to know someone else completely.
Deja Vu - Indonesia
2007-07-18 07:02:50 UTC
The four minutes first! I've read a communication theory that says, people will decide to like or dislike with the people they meet at the first time. Even it's not very accurate thing, people have what we called "intuition." Talk to your heart and get your impression about people you meet at the first time. It's very helpful if previously you know more background about the people you will deal with, face to face.
2007-07-18 06:16:01 UTC
When Im not "swayed" by other influences,,such as the place we met or people associated with that person my first impression is pretty much right on.

When we take the time to learn about someone it's easy to find out who is real and those who arn't Example:

I own a Massage Business so I've had a lot of offers from men,,

!.) Just for sex: These guys are in their 60's, widowed or divorced to old for a girlfriend but still active no doesn't bother them because someone will have sex with them for a price!

2.)Just to hang out: I tell my Therapist don't do this! These guys are lonely. Going through a divorce or rocky marrage.Someone is bound to get hurt.Maybe even looking for a free service.Sometimes I work 10 hrs. a day I don't need a guy calling and me saing no and he gets all upset about it!

3.) Date: These guys are "Jugglers" because they know where you work, times and what you do, it's easy enough to "date" for a while and be droped for another!

4.) Marrage:ha ha my fav! I had a few clients who really wanted to marry me one even just wanted me for a misstress.Sorry fellas,, way to independent for you !Your looking for Your Mom and Iam not her!

First impression: My Man Gary,,He came into my shop just as I was closing. He stood there dirty, slumped over, and tired.He asked me if I massage dirty men.I knew what he ment just by body languge alone and let him in. I showed him the room then pointed him to the shower.

When he was on the massage table he did nothing but sleep as I massaged him..3 days later he was back and this time we talked as I massaged him. Again it was at closing time but this time after the massage I asked HIM OUT to dinner. He talked about friends , familey, his job,,, he listeded as I talked about the same.

We have been together for 3 yrs now going on 4 I love him and he backs me 100 and 50 %

Your Gut Instincts are your true feelers! Not your heart or head! It's the sub-concious we all have,, our little voice inside our heads,,Unless it tells you Your God, or Kill Someone I say listen to the voice,, It's there to protect you!

Watch body langue, eyes, listen to what they have to say and how they say it. If the meeting isn't construcitive,,Polightly excuse yourself and walk away,,,,
2007-07-18 00:34:39 UTC
Your first impression is going to be physical. Do you like the features of a prospective mate? That is the start. They might tell you what you want to hear on the first date, but it is the later interactions that tell you what the person is made of. They can only fight their natural reactions so long. Your first impression's should carry some weight for future, but they should be a loose base to start relations on.
2007-07-17 21:52:21 UTC
It's not gut instincts. It's taking notice within time. First impressions CAN sometimes be usually right, but this isn't all true for everyone. It's when getting to know the other person better that you will realize how their personality deepens, whether it's deepening good or bad. Isn't this how friendship works out? Even relationships. You talk to them the first time, but you're still not sure if he's the right kind of person to be your friend. However, keep getting to know each other to better understand their true nature. Sure they may still hide some feelings, but I've said this before. Time is important.
Harihara S
2007-07-17 21:43:56 UTC
Doctor, your question makes me assume two things.

1. First impression about someone new

2. Judging the accuracy of the first impression

Both these are true only for a person who meets people while their subconscious is awake to the other persons reactions. There are people who do not judge at first meetings, never make any opinions about people who meet for the first time.

Coming to your question, to know my impressions are accurate, some time needs to elapse. There should be atleast few more meetings and actual interactions between the two in such a way that it can be judged. So to answer "how", I should have an enormous amount of impressions recorded in my memory so that I can make my judgements accurate at the first meet.

Such a thing is not possible for children below age of 10. Even adults at the age of until 20 makes lot of unfair decisions about persons they meet and fall in love and suffer. So to make an accurate judgement about people we meet, we need a whole lot of experiences gathered in various ways such as personal experience, reading in books/mags/newspapers, hearing from friends and neighbors, watching and observing others' life and so on.

Therefore most of the time, I know it through my gamut of recorded impressions which forms part of my gut instinct to tell about some one new. But still allow myself a room for a brand new experience to happen with a new some one.
2007-08-05 09:10:38 UTC
Unless the person shows no redeeming qualities at all, I'd suggest meeting more than once before writing him/her off completely. Sometimes a person will be less than comfortable on first contact and may not put their best foot forward. Give it a chance to work.
John M
2007-07-19 09:12:23 UTC
I know right off not to trust certain people. If my intuition says, "Run Away, Run Away!" I know to trust that feeling. I used to give people the benefit of the doubt when I felt that, but no longer. As for other people, it can take time to get to know them, so I try my best not to jump to conclusions about most people. Some turn out to be good, some bad.
house mouse
2007-07-18 20:49:35 UTC
If you are attracted to someone and not sure about their caracter always check both sides of the stories you are hearing about. If the attraction is really great I think you should take a chance but be very carer full not to get to involved too soon.

I have found when I got in a relationship quickley it did not end well.
2007-07-18 11:22:43 UTC
I go with my gut until something happens to prove different. If during a first meeting, theother person does not look me in the eye, puts their hand over their mouth without thinking, or coveres their ear..I get the feeling that 1] they are lying and

2] that they don't want to hear what I am saying.

I also go with my dogs impressions. he has only not really liked one person who came to visit, being a laid back mellow fellow who seems to like everyone, but one person he growled at and reacted strangely..that person is in jail I guess the pooch had reasons of his own, his own gut feeling of the not rightness of the man.
Goofeyland Survivor
2007-08-13 14:00:54 UTC
First impressions are an important element in factoring, your like or dislike for another person. Many variables influence first impressions, therefore, first impressions are only an impression, they are not the finished piece.
Ke Xu Long
2007-07-26 17:36:58 UTC
I didn't write this. My BFF Des did. But I think it's a great answer:


If, into blindness

hobbling, wandering


fall upon a door

that will not open,

orange door

wet door

unyielding to your thrust,

If, upon hearing


dizzying, rattling silence


knock upon a window

wooden window

boarded up

splintering your touch,

Know I once was yours,

opening, yielding

flesh-soft blush

Know then

Lost Soul,

The house divided

is no more

not window

not door

not me

to be yours


.45 Peacemaker
2007-07-25 03:24:34 UTC
Depends what you mean a bad person. If you mean a potential threat to life and limb, by watching mannerisms look in there eyes. If they are dress inappropiate for the weather IE heavy coat in warm weather can be a tip off for contraband.

If your talking about poor moral character that takes a little more effort. One of the things I was taught when interviewing a suspect was to ask myself, "why is this person lying to me?" If the story is consistent, logical or can convince me they are telling the truth based on experience and training.
2007-07-24 18:56:25 UTC
you should always trust you gut instinct. Once you meet the person and in the first two minutes you know if it is going to work out. If not politely excuse you self and tell them I am very sorry this is not going to work out.Time is precious and I refuse to waste mine
A1C Lopez
2007-07-23 19:42:43 UTC
Never Judge A Book by its Cover, Give the person a second Chance, looks can be deceiving so get to know that person, because they may be a really nice person, and who knows they may be important now or a later day.
2007-07-19 07:28:31 UTC
You cannot trust your gut instinct -- you could have et a bad burrito...First impressioin of a person --- a drunk at a bar is an impression--- as long as your their --- thats everyone perception. Either a bar slug and lush or big boozer. ..There are no bad people -- just uninformed and abused....
2007-07-19 06:48:00 UTC
Well my answer to you will be if this person wants to meet with you for a second time it usually means you have made a good impression. If not then well you know what that means.
2007-07-19 05:18:50 UTC
Golden rule-Never open all yr. cards in the first meeting--Make yr. own judemennt-meet more then once--don't get trapped by sweet/honest talks--they may be false---U hv. all the right not to believe a person in the first meeting---Do not wait for some damage before u form an openion---Afterall what r u hurring for--what is the hurry---wait and observe---depending how serious or what for u r looking for that person!!?
2007-07-19 03:56:55 UTC
Gut instinct, or intuition, cannot be explained rationally, objectively, or by hitherto known scientific/mathematical methods. You have to look for some new tool to measure your "Intuition Quotient (IQ)," compared to other beings (human beings) - probably, some statistical tool. I say this, because it has been observed, empirically, that some people DO have a very "dependable and accurate intuition."
2007-07-18 21:35:28 UTC
Gut instinct is not rational, alas neither is good faith. Is one allowed to have an opinion, isn't that judgment? I personally don't judge people when I first meet them and try not to later on. I don't express judgment on anyone and expect not to be judged, but that is only I.
2007-07-18 18:46:22 UTC
You don't trust anyone on a gut instinct ever. Trust is something that is built up over time. Proof is in the pudding.
2007-07-18 16:54:52 UTC
You don't, but, if experienced, you punt. You will see the physical portion (Americans tend to give great credence to physical attractiveness) then the presentation, both verbally and non-verbally, will give you clues as to where to go from there. If you are judicious, you will gather quick data (no, stereotypes are not necessarily evil, just a method of quick filing), then take for action further investigation; if formal or informal, place a judgment call, based on your experience.
2007-07-18 14:09:17 UTC
Never trust your first impression.

Sociopaths do very well on first impressions but by definition have ulterior motives.

Those with a strong sense of justice may appear to have alot of angst or hostility, by they'd give you the shirt off their backs.

Sexual predators may appear to be "Mr. Right" and be the perfect candidate for marriage, but it takes a few weeks before you realize they're not going to be there when you need them.

Never, ever trust first impressions.

Big Bear
2007-07-18 07:19:04 UTC
I am fortunate because my gut feelings are sensitive and usually pretty accurate when meeting new people. I am very seldom wrong.

There is usually something about the questions the person asks, the way they speak, their train of thought, and their body language that can tell me what path they are headed toward, even if they haven't wronged me.

I always trust my gut instincts.
Farhan R
2007-07-18 06:29:25 UTC
Well, There is really no telling what their personality is. He might look like a bad person, but he might be good. So there is no telling if you should trust your gut. Just talk to that person in the way that suits you.
2007-07-18 05:00:41 UTC
You need to know something about yourself: in the past, how accurate were you with your first-impression hunches? Some people give misleading first impressions, but more often we misread some cue, reading too much or not enough into something. Time will tell if you are correct. Your past track record on reading first impression tells you how you have done thus far...

One more thing, always pay attention to gut hunches that something is 'wrong' with the other person. We ignore too many danger signs in our daily lives.
2007-08-13 15:30:43 UTC
You should always pay attention to your gut instinct, but proceed with caution. In the world we live in today, you can't afford to ignore gut instincts. Often people leave themselves open to abuse or crime because they don't want to appear to be prejudice or politically incorrect. When it comes to the safety of yourself and your can't be too careful.

That does not give you license to mistreat someone but you don't have to be friends with everyone you meet either.
2007-08-12 18:27:47 UTC
I just know...I always have....and sometimes they wind up fooling me for some time and I think that this time I was wrong, but it may take days, months, even years for the truth to surface. I will be cordial to them if they are friends of my friends, but I make it a point not to get close to them. I don't know how to say it exactly, but its like I physically feel something upon our first interactions that doesn't feel right. I've been having that feeling about a friend of mine who started out as my best friend's friend, but after many years we became friends. I used to have that feeling about her for a long time...I'm starting to think she has fooled me or maybe I just fooled myself, by not listening to my instinct.
2007-08-11 16:14:45 UTC
Personally I only suspect bad things of people who strike me as a bad introduction.Assuming they are not desirable is not really my way.

But my suspicians are usually the right judge.However I give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

I have misjudged people the wrong way before so everyone gets a promising vote of confidence at the start.

Judging a book by its cover is as wrong as a jury putting innocent people in jail because they struck them wrong.

You just never know. God made the world diverse for our pleasure not our judgment. ya-who (Gus Pedigo)
andrea l
2007-08-06 20:14:14 UTC
Somebody once told me " that you shouln't make up your mind about somebody just based on the first impressions" because everyone reacts different when meeting should always give people a chance to show you who they are and what they are worth...but keeping also always present that since you didn't judge them at first if they screw up... the wont be getting a second chance
2007-08-03 21:46:09 UTC
First impressions are very seldom wright, we all present three to five faces to the World.

One to our Mothers, one to fathers one to our Boss, one to our friends one to our partner or lover one to someone we want to impress.

My first advice is don;t rush in, see if you are happy just talking together for a long time without needing entertainment.

Ask questions , don't believe all you hear, until you are certain if it is true, take your time to learn his or her good points and bad points, then when you are certained you share command ground, then you are on your way to a relationship but take slow and it will last, giving a gift to early is a bad move.
2007-08-02 08:19:58 UTC
I would try to find someone who knows them well and find out or many people. a strong gut feeling is there for a reason so you just want to be sure,especially if you are going to go out with this want to ,of course, give others a fair shake,but better safe than sorry.
2007-07-31 20:00:51 UTC
I would trust it the first instinct and go about your daily life as usual. Wait and see if you know anything about the people he/she hangs out with and ask questions. Never put your self in a comprimised situation for your own safety.
2007-07-23 19:25:16 UTC
I believe that the only way confirm a first impression is to observe a person's behavior and listen to their words as you engage in conversation. Sometimes personalities that clash gives you an un-easy feeling, but it doesn't mean that the person is bad.
2007-07-20 00:53:15 UTC
Its influenced by our intuition and past experience.

If your intuitive opinion on the persons we met early turns out to be reliable, the same continues with other persons also.

we may not have any solid base for judging people, but most of the time, our sub conscious mind works correctly.
2007-07-19 09:15:24 UTC
Well I met my husband when I was 14 and I did not like him because at that age I listened to evryone else and rumors. When I was 16 I ran into him again and was able to get a better impression of who he was, we have now been married for 11 years and together forf 19. So we all change, and grow, so who knows, but you won't know unless you give someone a chance to get to know them.
2007-07-19 06:27:49 UTC
Well i live in austin tx.... All i have to do is look at a person to know if they are safe or not.. If they smell horrible, or if they are talkin to themselves, drooling all over themselves, cursing at the world and no one in particular, causing trouble in some sort of way, then i will stay away from them.. But if i want to talk to someone, i will make sure that they arent ANY of the above answers and all around sane..
2007-07-19 00:32:53 UTC
An excellent thought provoking question. But the answer is very simple. If somebody is capable of reading the body language especially that of face of a person, he is sure of his right assessment about the concerned person he met for the first time.
2007-07-18 21:24:35 UTC
Learning when to trust your instincts on new people is very difficult, but it's one of the most important life skills. Practice can only be obtained by meeting more new people.
2007-07-18 20:21:48 UTC
You will never know until you get to know that person more. It takes time to know a person you just met. Are you willing to take that risk, because you might end up liking the person even if their first impression to you appears that he or she maybe a jerk. If so, I'd say give that person a chance.
2007-07-18 18:24:41 UTC
Past experience is a wise teacher; I've learned to trust my instincts because they've never let me down; it's when I've chosen not to trust myself and have ignored that little voice inside me, that I've made some serious and not-so-serious errors in judgment.

Always trust your gut - it's your best friend.
2007-07-18 14:47:41 UTC
Typically you can tell by their body language, the complexity and rhythm of thier speech, eye contact (or the lack thereof), and facial expressions. I use this approach and it has rarely failed me.

However, some of the best people to approach with this sort of query would be HR reps from various sized companies on how they judge a person by just what they say, wear, or do.
2007-07-18 10:19:08 UTC
you dont know for sure, but that little flag will be raised if their is another encounter. I believe then the impression will stay with you. If you get a bad vibe the first time, you will be somewhat on guard but tell tourself well not all first impressions are accurate. The next one is the one that counts.
2007-07-18 10:11:16 UTC
Although I do think first impressions are very important because of the emphasis people put on them, getting to know someone is no differnt than getting to know/learing about anything...a language, a book, tv show, a class you took in college, ect...the more time you spend with it, the better your understanding your will be. It is important to give people chances to show their true colors, often the first time meeting someone can be nerve racking, and they need time to feel comfortable enough that they can be themselves
2007-07-18 09:17:11 UTC
As an attorney I rely heavily on first impressions. While in the social world it may not be "fair" to assume a person is "bad" on a first impression, in the world of business a first impression may keep you from getting involved with someone who is unethical or who will harm your business.

I always trust my gut instinct, it is a very rare instance when it has failed me. If for a potential client my first impression is negative about a person, I will at least question that person more about their case and get them to sign a document outlining our work on their case. If the person cannot convince me that they have a legitimate case I send them on.
2007-07-18 06:06:40 UTC
I think you should give everyone a second chance. I know a lot of times when people meet me they think I am b*tchy or angry or something like that. I really am not like this, i am a pretty serious person and that is the expression that is on my face naturally. If everyone judged me by there first impression, i don't think i would have many friends.
2007-08-10 17:46:13 UTC
you can usually tell if the person you're meeting is able to respond back and there might be a possibility of a continuous conversation. a smile and questions are always and should be asked frequently by the person you are meeting for the very first time.
jerimiah 1
2007-08-12 10:07:23 UTC
Eye contact, when first meeting someone, making eye contact is crucial. Someone quite shy may avoid eye contact as well as someone with something to hide. Other forms of body language will help to show the difference. A friendly smile also speaks volumes.
2007-08-10 14:40:41 UTC
I would say it's pretty fair to give a person three tries. Parents always know. Mom's get "that gut feeling". Have them meet your mom if possible. They are good judges and very honest.
peter c
2007-08-09 22:48:59 UTC
The TRUTH in "first impressions" is in the doing. What the person does/acts should tell you who/what they really are. How YOU react to them determines how the relationship [if there ever is one] evolves. Do you treat a "bad" person the same way you treat a "good" one?
2007-07-30 13:15:41 UTC
i am a big person on the first imression, if the first time i meet someone and there is something that dose not click i will bw a little hesitant to further a friendship or any other connection and i can honestly say i have not been wrong yet my grandmother always taught me to read someones eyes because it tells a million stories??
2007-07-28 09:11:59 UTC
When I don't like some one right of the back I will some times try to be open to things like they might be having a bad day.And if after that I still don't like them they I'll never like them.If at first I likesome one and get a long with them,but then after that I can't stand them then yeah I'll just talking to that person.
2007-07-25 19:59:59 UTC
like theory says , first impressions aren't right . giving a second chance might be a wise move but dangerous..

i used to have this crush on a girl like an angel she seemed sweet but when i got to know her she was like the devils messenger. so i strongly agree that if you dont have good instincs about this person dont date them or do stuff to them..

you should go with your head not your heart!

this is the rock

the people champ has sighed out
2007-07-19 01:00:56 UTC
First impression lasts...yes! And because of this, there were too much expectation towards that person...that is why there are disappointments as well.

This happens in most relationships, I think.

I think first impressions are not accurate coz you can't really know a person overnight.
2007-07-18 21:14:19 UTC
There are signs about which there is some universality....nervous gestures, darting eye motions, not being able to meet you gaze for gaze when conversing. Limp handshakes can be a sign, but I've met some really sweet people who couldn't give a good grip to save their life, so that isn't a deciding point.
2007-07-18 20:33:22 UTC
character defines ones actions each of us must decide whether or impression of them throws up any red flags sorry to let you know but you asked for it it's called labeling if we didn't do this we would know every one. we have placed people upon a first impression way before we or they even smiled and said hello.I think that is our main problem right next to trusting our neighbors a little to much or not enough see what I mean. luck
2007-07-18 20:00:21 UTC
When you meet a person for the first time it tends that you might give a negative impression about him/her behavoir or physical apperance. Those observations that you percieve on the first time you meet him/her might be a result of his/her moods on that time or there might be other reason why you percieve him/her that way. It is unfair for any person if other people judge them negatively without them knowing him/her better.

Usually when i meet new people and they acting differently, i used to understanstand his/her behavior at that time even if i dont have any idea why he/she is acting that way. Most of the time its is too late for me to realized that that person is really really bad because i used to give so many considerations. When the time i said that a person has a bad attitude they had already made too many bad things to me and to other people and when that happen i never believe and trust that person unless they realized the bad things that they did and they have the initiative to correct thier bad attitude.

My teacher in psychology told us that the personality of a person can be hereditary and/or influence by their environment. In my own experience wheather it is hereditary or influence by their invironment, they have personal intention why they behave badly. Most common reasons are they are lack of attention, they always want to be better/good than other people and they hate to see that other people is better/good than them, they envy other people so they bulley them, they make fun when they see other people misery, or sometimes for tangible and intangible gain.

2007-07-18 17:24:42 UTC
I don't usually decide about a person's character on the first meeting. But if I have doubts the second time then I know I don't want to be around them. I go with the old "when in doubt...don't."
2007-07-18 15:50:23 UTC
I treat everybody equally politely when I first meet them regardless of the first impression. Of course I will be more careful if I feel they are a bad person.
2007-07-18 15:42:55 UTC
Always trust your first impression of anyone. Instinct is a basic gift that God has given us.

And always remember that you only have one opportunity to make a first impression on anyone.
2007-07-18 13:30:31 UTC
I think first impressions aren't always accurate, but it's very difficult to overcome them. If someone comes off as a jerk, maybe he or she just had a really bad headache or was having a bad day. Or maybe he or she really is a jerk. I've heard of cases where people avoided being victims of violent crimes just by avoiding people who looked like creeps.
2007-07-18 11:42:29 UTC
We all have a filing system that gives us input on first impressions. Usually, they are right, however, being in sales, I have found that these impressions can change rather dramatically within the first couple of minutes of meeting someone.

I like to surprise people, however, I have trained myself not to give the impression most people anticipate.
2007-07-18 09:53:46 UTC
I feel that there is no way to tell who you are meeting when you meet for the first time.People put up a "front" most of the time.

My ex was so wonderful when I met him but gradually he changed into someone I had never met before.Right after we got married,he changed so much.He still loved me nomatter what he said.he couldn't even bring himself to say the word"divorce".

The truth is,he doesn't even know himself.I happened to break into his inner self that he didn't want anyone to know.It scared him to think I knew him so much,after he had struggled so hard to be this other man that everyone knew him as.Maybe he just didn't (doesn't)want to be who he really is.He loved me,I know that.Environment made him believe he had to be someone else.(friends influenced him a lot)

All this being said.Here is my answer.

I feel that we have to continue to trust in our hearts and take the leap.Listen with both your heart and mind.It's all we can do in this crazy mixed up world.

I would not change the fact that I did have that person I knew I always wanted.I really loved him.He was my "Mr.Right "even in the bad times.I even went by the saying "if you love something,set it free".I gave him the divorce he wanted.I didn't want to,but I always wanted him to be happy.In some way,it made me happy just to make him happy.

There is happiness,it just has to be found.Right time,right place,right person.It isn't luck.It is fate.Also, always remember,what seems to be the worst thing ever,isn't, it will make us stronger.

I have become a better person since my divorce.I don't feel sorry for myself even though I am very sick.I go into the hospital very often.I have almost died many times.Nurses often pity me,but I don't understand why.I have the best mother and a very supportive family .

I don't know if I am with the right person right now,but I am just waiting to see what happens next..

People aren't always what they seem,sometimes,they are just really confused about their own life.There is good in everyone,they only need the right person to bring that good out of them.Who they appear to be at first meeting is probably not the "real " them.Most of us don't know who we are anyway.No one can know until they find that one person.

There are soulmates.Some of us just cannot have them.It is no one's fault.

It is just life.

Best wishes to you.I hope that I helped at least in some small way.

We only get one life,we have to take chances and live.I am glad for everyday I am in this world.
2007-07-18 09:29:43 UTC
Instincts NEVER lie.That's why its called, 'instinct'. For years I have tested my own instincts and related with a person I felt bad about and 100% of the time my instincts were always right. Now, I just follow them without question.
2007-07-18 02:47:54 UTC
You never get a second chance to make a first impression! As for a gut feeling, well? I personally would go with your gut feelling. From the Immoral words of "Forest Gump!" "Life is like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what your gonna get!"
Mr. Wizard
2007-07-18 02:03:53 UTC
"Judge not, lest ye be Judged", a time honored parable many of us "ascribe" to....or do we? We're quick to defend ourselves, saying to all who'll hear us when we say "I am NOT a judgemental person......". But, when it comes right to the bottom line: we ARE judges--virtually during every waking second of our daily lives.

First impressions are those we hear from our instincts--and sometimes, even those w/ the 'clearest' abilities of on target correct instincts, can find themselves blinded by others they encounter--for whatever reasons as individual as we all are as humans.

For me, I pace myself during an encounter with a new potential friend, opting to use common sense measured by self control--balancing both with an unbiased open mind.

I am careful what I disclose of myself. I also watch carefully for the 'body language' cues that may indicate further sensitive viewing of what / how one speaks or behaves/carries themselves. And importantly, I also reflect on how interacting with this person makes ME feel; am I comfy or uncomfy around this person.

If the latter feeling surfaces and reasons merit it's confirmation, I go for the diplomatic approach and make efforts to distance myself from that person who causes me discomfort.
2007-08-15 07:36:39 UTC
There's a difference between instinct and opinion. An opinion reflects one's character while an instinct reflects experience. As experience is more objective than character, it's wiser to follow an instinct than an opinion.
2007-08-15 04:42:56 UTC
NEVER GO ON ASSUMPTIONS ALWAYS GO ON KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM OF THE WISE. none of use are perfect and thank you for that what a boring place i like all walks of life if i meet some one i don't click with could be a great person or not don't matter we will never see eye to eye. there's a difference don't judge because there different and pick who you want to be around its good to be around all types how do we know good-bad nice-naughty love-hate unless we know both cannot have one with out the other. go with own standards and morals and its always good to have a wide variety of good humor learn from all.
2007-08-05 07:14:18 UTC
You cannot know beyond doubt. Also you do not have to trust anyone, that is earned. Your gut instinct is used only to determine whether or not to trust them from the start.
2007-08-05 02:17:46 UTC
I think first impressions and instint is what you should go by. Instints are usually accurate..Not to say you have to be rude just be polite and excuse yourself now in today's world your better safe than sorry. Trust your gut be careful and always be aware of your surroundings trust is something that is earned.
2007-08-03 08:48:02 UTC
You don't just tell someone is bad for one thing bad that he does. You can't judge someone by your first impression. Your first will of course give you a clue of what kind of person this person MIGHT be but not what kind of person this person actually is.
2007-08-02 18:06:58 UTC
I've had experiences meeting people who had given me the impression that they were not good people. After learning about some problems or negative experiences they had suffered in their past, my view toward them changed because I had an understanding as to why they may act or may of acted as they had. I was glad that I had the opportunity to get to know one of them since now she is a good friend.
2007-07-26 11:09:59 UTC
Hello...From experience. The older one gets the more wiser one should become. I go by my first instincts. If I hear something that displeases me or watch their actions I usually can determine if this person is worthy enough for my standards. Have a wonderful day!
2007-07-19 08:45:35 UTC
you wouldnt really know if your first impression is accurate or not unless you get to know the person well...with regards to gut instinct...most of the time they are true so might as well follow them..its safer that way...
Nate of the North
2007-07-19 07:48:57 UTC
I think that "gut" feeling is something in the primitive part of your brain screaming "danger, danger". 75% of all communication occures on a non-verbal level or what you would call "body language". You subconsience has picked up on something that your consience mind has not picked up. Go with your gut. Now you don't have to be rude, but you can simply choose not to do business with someone or choose not to hang out with that person in a one on one setting.
2007-07-19 07:47:44 UTC
I always go with the 'gut' feeling. The only times I've been wrong in my life about people are the times when I haven't listened to that initial feeling. Don't over analyze it - if he/she 'feels' like a bad person, chances are they are - at least for your circumstance.
2007-07-19 06:29:31 UTC
I almost always trust my gut instincts about other people. Especially when it comes to my children, or my husband. I find that when I don't trust my own instincts that is usually when I am wrong .
2007-07-19 01:33:49 UTC
i always let other people to be themselves by making them comfortable with me...sometimes, they themselves who open and 'tell' who they are to me...their gesture, eyes, the way they talk, their words, their act...all become one and form my instinct about that person...sometimes, if there's something wrong about that person...all that i've mentioned above will collide each other...nothing is matched...example: their gesture or act is not matched with their word...their eyes is not matched with their act...i just know it...sometimes magically they will show up who they are themselves and i just capture them in a second...

and if there's nothing wrong at first sight about that person, then i go to 'next level', instinctly, i want to know this person even further...and if there's really nothing wrong, without my realize, i've already had a new friend... :)

but one thing i always imply to my self...i won't push my friends to agree with my opinion...but i will push my family to see what i see...because i want to protect my family (i have experienced about this and quite dangerous yet insulting), while with my friends, i think i'd better choose this way: i'll always be at their sight when they found that someone i thought 'crazy' or 'sucks' hurt their feeling...that's all...

i read agatha christie and one of my conclusion is: No one can lie forever nor being honest day, they will show up themselves, who they really are...what i do is just waiting there like a photographer...ready to capture some characters...
2007-07-19 00:48:56 UTC
These first impressions are almost always based on stereotypes. You may look at someone with an unfavorable appearance and immediately single them out as a criminal. You have to get to know someone before you make assumptions.
2007-07-18 20:40:09 UTC
I almost always trust my instincts when meeting someone for the first time and I pride myself on being able to do this effectively.
2007-07-18 15:41:49 UTC
When you first meet someone they have no expectations of what to expect or what you like or dislike. So, I actually believe (contrary to popular belief) that the way a person acts is what they think is acceptable and attractive to MOST people. After they get to know you, then you get the real person.
2007-07-18 05:26:38 UTC
I guess this type of judgment has to come from experience. If you can fairly judge someone accurately based on first impression in the past, then you can trust your instinct. Of course, we should not judge people, but we are not perfect. Everybody is self-centered.

I personally believe that we constant compare others with ourselves. For those who are similar to ourselves, we categorize them as "Good". For those who are not, we categorize them as "Bad" or at least "Different".
2007-07-18 05:09:11 UTC
I have to say that I really resist the premise of your question here, and I guess on your show as well, though I have only heard about it. You seem to deny that anyone can learn to use their judgement, and that to use it is somehow wrong.

Of course we can be wrong, but the more we practice getting impressions, the better we are going to be, and having good judgement keeps us out of a lot of unpleasant situations.

The cost, that we are wrong sometimes, is most often a victimless mistake...that is, we don't trust someone that we could have trusted. This is a loss, to be sure, but not a serious one.
2007-07-18 04:25:50 UTC
Of course, my first impression isn't always accurate. I only find out later whether it is right or wrong. However, mostly my experience and gut feeling gives me some messages that I can't just ignore. The measure by which I determine if my impression on others is correct or not is my experience. As the relationship lasts or deepens, I just realize what is right.
*Fountain Girl*
2007-07-17 22:49:57 UTC
ok sorry but i think its funny how the first guy who answered this question put that you are probably interested in that show about first impressions, haha she isnt just interested... she is actually on the show. lol.

anyways, i think that people always have made a first impression of you. its just natural and part of being a human. but most of the time you are wrong because you can't just assume the intentions or personality of someone. you have to give them a chance to explain themselves and for you to get to know the "real" person that they are inside. that is one of the biggest mistakes that most people make; only seeing others by the first impression they gave off to you and never letting them have the chance to redeem themselves from what they have automatically been labeled by you.
2007-07-17 22:12:32 UTC
The real test is to ask the person to validate your experience.

Get rid of the idea that someone is a bad person. They are people who often act out in ways you dislike or disrespect. It is only your judgment. There is no universal standard of good and bad. What is good in one culture or social context can be judged bad in an other. All judgments are cultural situational and relational. Everything is very subjective. Everything is temporary.

To test your first impression, go ask the person if you experienced them as they see themselves. If you are truly interested, you can speak to almost anyone and get a straight answer. Ask a straight question. Get a straight answer. Want an example?

Say something like, "I experience you dressing to look dangerous. Is that the effect you want?" Keep your tone level. And if you are skilled you will soon be having a conversation with the person. Later you decide if the person fits into your values model. You choose based on experience gained in trusting yourself and spontaneous behavior. You choose based on what you learn first hand.

First impressions are wrong many times.

The way to know is to ask the source.
2007-08-07 09:29:57 UTC
Usually more times than not your first instincts are true to you.

From experience I am right on about what kind of person you are when I meet you. Enough to know enough from the start of the meeting.
2007-07-28 18:54:12 UTC
You can't give an opinion about someone unless you talk to them. It's not about what's outside, it's all about what's inside. You can't say a person is respectful just because the person has good looks. No matter what the person looks like, you have to talk to the person in order to see the person's personality.
Frank K
2007-07-28 10:25:25 UTC
Tough question, since most humans rely on their first impression. It is my opinion that first impressions are simply that - a first evaluation. To test the accuracy of the first evaluation requires additional interaction. Caution: even saints have bad days and nastiest blood thirsty hellions have good days.
2007-07-19 05:13:10 UTC
Just from my own life experience's your first gut instinct is the correct one. I do believe that every day is a new day and someone can change, but god gave us that instinct for a reason use it!
2007-07-18 21:43:08 UTC
I have met people and have had intense irritated feelings towards them for no reason whatsoever. For some reason they would annoy me even though they would be nice to me and give me no cause to dislike them. Further down the track something would occur that would prove me right. On other occasions I would meet people that didn't bother me but others would be bothered by them and I couldn't see it to start with and so I would give them the benefit of the doubt until the nagging within would start and I could see it for myself. The intense irrational feelings of dislike is usually a good one to go by in my experiences.
sandy j
2007-07-18 20:16:58 UTC
Your first impression is not alway correct. I have gone out with people 1 time and thought no that person isn't for me. Then later on meet up with that same person, and we really hit it off. Don't judge people so quickly, or you will really miss out.
Louisiana Boy™ - Go Baylor!
2007-07-18 17:51:40 UTC
Lets see. If I meet someone for the first time and I think "that person is stupid", then later on I find out that they are really intelligent, I would feel stupid. I would trust my gut if this person acts really stupid.
2007-07-18 07:54:53 UTC
First of all... when meeting someone, my first impression is always accurate because I am the kind of person that is myself 24-7 and I do not pretend to be anyone else. Therefor, how could it not be accurate? second of all... when meeting someone new, you don't need to judge them by how they look and you sure don't know if they are a bad person if you've never met them before, ya know... the only advise I can give is that it is wrong to judge and you need to keep this in mind when meeting someone...
2007-08-15 14:43:38 UTC
Almost everytime I've strongley disliked someone on a first meeting they became one of my best friends a little later on. Once I really got to know them I really liked them. Go figure. So much for first impressions. Don't trust it.
2007-07-19 05:17:03 UTC
The times I haven't gone with my gut instinct I have regretted don't have to display your feelings..just like the person who is unsavory can hide their feelings, so can you. In the off chance that you may be wrong then and only then can you adjust your feelings.
2007-07-19 03:00:21 UTC
This is going to be multi fold. When I meet a person, I look at their eyes when the speak to me. They need to be looking at my eyes too. That person needs to be holding their head up when he/she walks or stands. A strong hand shake is good. We all have an inner radar regarding trouble because it usually radiates from the person who reeks it. I don't give that a second chance ever, it keeps the drama level down in my life.

I hope I helped you.

2007-07-18 20:17:43 UTC
It doesn't matter what you think. Do you really need to carry around a heavy backpack full of opinions about others? If you are genuine to yourself, and not deeply or unknowingly invested in your ego, it won't matter if a first judgement about them is "right or wrong". Just what the heck are you risking, anyway? As in nothing, really.

Quit judging. Enjoy the company of others without a critical eye.

And enjoy yourself.
2007-07-18 19:54:10 UTC
You should always go with your gut feelings right from the start. If there are doubts then you'll only second guess yourself. If that is confusing then get a dog because dogs are a good judge of character
Laughing Libra
2007-07-18 19:46:15 UTC
If a person is bad I kept away from them after the first impression. He or she would have to prove to me that they aren't bad.

It's not unfair, it's just survival instinct. Would I pet a dog bearing its teeth or barking? No, it would have to prove that I could trust it.
2007-07-18 11:25:23 UTC
There is no guarantee in life. If you have a bad feeling about someone, then for what ever reason, you probably are right. You could be totally wrong, but there is something that set the alarm off. It may be subconscious, but there is something to alert you, even if you can't put your finger on it.

Most of the time, it seems to me, that your first impression us normally right.
2007-07-18 10:18:35 UTC
You can only get the right first impression if you sent the right first impression on meeting the person. If I get the wrong vibe from you, I'll most certainly would 'fake' mine. Appearance - I think - can be reflective. Have you heard 'good begets good' or respect begets respect. But if you send the right immpression and stick to it, the other person would eventually come around to appreciating you for who you are.
2007-07-18 08:16:33 UTC
There is no certainty that your first impression is the correct one, which is why you have to keep an open mind and keep collecting data.

Even though first impressions are prone to possible error, they still have some accuracy (on average). Of course you can find anecdotes where first impressions were wrong, but this doesn't disprove the value of first impressions.
2007-07-18 06:47:35 UTC
I generally don't form first impressions unless the person strikes me as aggressive through their body language. I tend to stay away from people I find aggressive as we will surely not get along.

Many situations are artificial like a job interview or speed dating so first impressions in those situations don't carry much weight for me as people are often not being themselves and are only telling you what they think you want to hear.
2007-07-18 05:09:47 UTC
Going with your gut is the way some people live. My dad used to screen all of my preppy boyfriends by delivering a firm handshake and a stern look in the eye. He could weed out the bad ones from the good ones, and even "found" my husband for me (I knew he was the one when my dad let me talk to him in the middle of the night).

At the time, my husband was covered in tattoos, had his head shaved, and his ears and tongue pierced. Ten years later, he is the best husband a woman could have, and an even better father to his two little girls.

I only hope they grow up having the same gut instincts as their grandpa - who is, incidentally, a church leader.
2007-07-17 22:58:24 UTC
One can't know for sure if first impressions are accurate. I believe it's OK to be discriminating about who I allow into "my world." I try to do my best to limit the harm my choice might cause, so I might make a "polite excuse" that doesn't reveal the true reason for limiting a person's access to me. Also, I'll give most people general access, but I'm also more discriminating with people who I give close access. I don't believe I have any obligation to let someone into my life, so I don't see it as unfair not to.
2007-08-11 07:26:18 UTC
You don't know, but you have to trust your instincts. Failure to act on instinct can put us in dangerous situations that can be easily avoided. Fairness has nothing to do with it.

If I sense that someone is up to no good and then rationalize that I'm being prejudiced or racist or whatever and don't follow my instincts, I'm just setting myself up to be robbed or beaten. If a woman senses a man is up to no good and doesn't listen to her instincts, she may set herself up for rape.

Our right to protect our personal safety must override our impulse to be "fair."
2007-08-07 22:40:09 UTC
I don't!

I simply shy away from being unassuming, until I am ready and get the feel of a person I am with.

I might Have known Jack the ripper and I should be aware of him. However, if I am behaving negatively it would probably be met with another negative action that may result in more negative events...
michael d
2007-08-06 20:21:31 UTC
you dont have to be a doctor to know a bad person usually your gut feeling is always on target always trust your instincts i would listen to that little person inside me like the old lost in space robot would say danger will robertson danger michael d
2007-07-19 09:03:56 UTC

I believe in my insight -- i don't usually base a person's character on their general appearance... once in a while i might, but not typically.

Take my last boyfriend, for example... we were actually dating, and at first i thought he was very nice, BUT i wasn't too sure about his character.... i didn't think he was dangerous, just full of baloney, pretending he was someone he was not...... and perhaps needy. I was right, even though he was a genuine good person... i couldn't go there.

I can usually tell a toxic person from a genuine one.... who i won't be able to tolerate, and who i might be able to relate to almost right off the bat.

Must be instinctual?

take care.
2007-07-19 07:58:57 UTC
I like to give others the benefit of the doubt, but I try not to be alone with someone I don't trust. I listen and observe behavior and response to dialogue. I try to find out as much as possible with discrete but personal remarks like, "So, have you lived here long?" Strangers who are too personal and too friendly get a prompt, "Gotta go. Bye."
Crystal Amol
2007-07-19 05:28:32 UTC
Do the following at the time of end of the meeting / leaving the meeting place.

Read the face of the person carefully, the expressions tell you what you have done.

Listen carefully to the sentences the person says you at the end.
2007-07-18 21:30:44 UTC
When it comes to people, I am not much on "wanting" to meet anyone new, but if I DO, I go by their body language, behavior and in general their "attitudes." I have been through 3 marriages, (am on my 4th), lost over half a million in property in one way or another by "being" too "trusting" and been through the mill with people I allowed to be my "friends." Over the last twenty years, NOT having new contacts, has made for a BETTER life for I am not weary of who is and "will" screw me AGAIN..........
2007-07-18 18:25:35 UTC
Well youll know to trust some one when they have told you something special and you will know when that time is.Also you know your first impression is good because you will have fun and you can see when the other person is haave ing fun.also when you find some thing you both love or love to do.
Nathan A
2007-07-18 14:58:33 UTC
The best rule in life someone once told me:

Be quick to understand,

Take long to Judge.

This means you can understand where other people are coming from, and how they perceive things and how things may look. It will give you a better understanding before you make any judgements.

Mind games.... Everything is a test of character.
2007-07-18 10:50:55 UTC
critically research shows that within seconds you assess someone you meet and that the things you notice are huge in number. Being human though what you are looking for is presentation of threat or compatability, balanced between the two. So people we take to are often like ourselves, if we like ourselves, as no-one is less threatening to us than us. You cannot trust such a subjective assessment beyond the instant of evaluating 'non threat' as it serves no other purpose and even that can be suspect.
2007-07-18 10:26:16 UTC
Nobody really knows if their first impression is accurate. Mine USUALLY is accurate so I proceed accordingly from there.

Just because someone hasn't wronged you personally doesn't make them trustworthy. How they treat others says much about their character.

If in doubt then you should trust your gut instincts. Better safe then sorry.
2007-07-17 23:40:24 UTC
While something as subtle as a gesture can trigger a "red flag", intitiated from some early experience or association, one might continue "referencing" this outlook to see if time creates legitimitization for the first impression. Other qualities and circumstances may either inhance or detract from this initial suspicion.
2014-05-24 18:53:08 UTC
It may take me a few times being around them to pick it up but usually I find out pretty quickly if they are a good person or not so good person, according to MY moral judgment. Something always happens to confirm what my gut told me in the first meeting.
2007-08-16 03:49:17 UTC
By conversation!!! What looks good on the out side may not be good on the inside. you know the old saying you can't judge a book by it's cover.In order to know if the book is good, you have to read it. A cake might look good on the box, but unless you bake it , you won't know how it taste. So I say conversation, get to know the person, find out what they like and don't like, check out their environment, and if all else fails, gut is good!!!, because it throws up a red flag that says cautious. It's Gods way of saying check it out first!!

Kimberly V
2007-08-10 08:28:56 UTC
When you have it at that moment when you are feeling that a person isn't good for you, you have to trust that first response, when it is targeting towards you! Because when I trust my first response (impression) it is always right! Guess, what! When I do not I always find myself in the most worst sistuation that I every want to be in, really. Trust it........
2007-07-31 15:21:42 UTC
well, that happend to me few times, and my first impressions turned out to be all wrong. In my opinion, until you know the person you should not judge them. What they were, what kind of hair style they have, how they look can't tell you anything about them
2007-07-29 21:39:34 UTC
First impressions are composed of many things and tend to evolve quickly during the first contact with that person.

We use our five senses to assist us in making a judgement call on the person.

First we use our sense of vision, to inform us of the persons body language, style of dress and other information such as noticing something out of place.

Then we use our sense of smell to inform us of what type of person this is. Do they need a bath? Are they aware that they smell like yesterdays garbage or that their scent will be thought of fondly later that evening.

Our sense of hearing tells us many things about the person, their accent tells some of thier lifes story just as the way they walk tells a tale. Someone who has a sense of purpose will sound far different then a person who has no drive, and that is before they even open their mouths to speak.

Our sense of touch comes into play when you shake hands or have some other sort of physical contact with them. That too is very telling and based upon the style of handshake, you can learn a lot about a person.

Taste comes into play as well. The taste in your mouth when meeting them tells you how your other senses percieve them and of course should it be a first date, you may end the night with a kiss where upon you will have a bunch of work to do with your taste buds as you process the way the kiss tasted and felt.

Then there is your "gut instinct" what I refer to as the 6th sense. This is the ability which we all have to connect with our higher selves and spirit guides. Though meditation it is easy to connect with ones guides and as you go through life they will assist you. As one becomes more tuned to the vibrations of the universe, you will find that you will simply know a persons intent and if you need to know things about their past, that too will be revealed to you if needed.

I used to live a pretty ordinary life and was a complete skeptic in all things metaphysical. Then on January 24th of 2006 I had a ghost materialize in my home and walk right through me. It sparked the unfolding of my abilities and now I work as a psychic medium and animal communicator. Now my life is one that up until recently I would have classified as pure fantasy. I can speak with living and deceased animals without having to be physically present. I communicate with our ancesters and the spirits of our passed loved ones. I can sense many other things including the ability to scan your physical body for illness and injuries, past and present. There is more but you get the idea... and of course to cap it all off, both my wife who is sensitive too and I were talking about just this thing the other day. We get like a shiver or brief chill when we come in physical proximity to somone who has aligned themselves with lower vibrations.

So back to the question, use your gut instincts if they have proven to be accurate in the past for you.

2007-07-18 06:55:09 UTC
First impressions are so much bunk. This guy is too fat, this girl is too ugly, etc. You should always ignore your first impressions. Would you buy a new car from an unknown manufacturer without ever having seen it, test driving it, or heard any reviews about? NO! So why do it to a person?
zainab gangaali
2007-07-18 05:21:33 UTC
First impression actually leave longer, how to determine whether you are accurate or not is ask so many question that can actually irritate the person, you would get the real person out of him or her within the short period of time you met.
2007-07-17 22:32:36 UTC
I believe that your first instinct is mostly right, but that it shouldn't determine our decisions 100%. Powers of observation is usually the ultimate determinant, I think.

Also, different strokes for different folks. We all have different perceptions as to what is "bad" or "good", and we tend to evaluate people based on that. I also believe that experience arms people with the power to tell the difference between someone who is genuine and someone who is not so good.

As for pre-determining someone is "bad" without them actually hurting you? Well, you don't need to stick your hand into fire before knowing that it burns.

If I came across someone whom my gut instinct told me is not a "good" person, based on my observation & interaction with him, I wouldn't go around telling people to stay away from him, but I would be more guarded the next time I meet him.. and if I was wrong? Well, the truth eventually reveals itself, all in good time. :O)
2007-08-12 16:05:57 UTC
Just because you meet someone for the first time doesn't mean you have to like them. You aren't being fair to yourself if you don't trust yourself. If that person has any redeeming qualities, they can show them off at another time.
2007-08-12 10:52:33 UTC
Well...I don't think that your first meeting with someone should decide your ultimate opinion about said person...I think that in order to make an informed opinion of should get to know the person better. That's just my opinion, though.
Mary D
2007-08-09 15:35:22 UTC
i have learned from experience that your gut never lies to you.

whether it is a first impression or a thought that something is not quite right, it always pays to go with your gut. of course you can be wrong on occasion so that is when you go for that second chance so you have time to change your mind if needed.
2007-08-08 04:20:58 UTC
I just know from experience that I can trust my gut feelings. It is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and is called the gift of prophecy. Somehow I just have these vibrations when I meet someone.

Peace and blessings!
2007-08-05 19:41:10 UTC
I myself cannot tell about someone when meeting someone new for the first time.

Sometimes, when you are asking them questions, and if they hurridly (sp) change the subject, your "gut instincts" start to kick in, and you become very wary of the person or the people.

So far, they havent proved me wrong yet!!
2007-07-31 12:14:37 UTC
Trust your gut first, then ask around and change your opinion later on about that person. Better safe then sorry, that's why you were given the gift of intuition!
2007-07-30 02:42:32 UTC
Personally, I give every one the benefit of being a natural honest good person.

while the first impression is usually what I base my opinions on, I dont judge until after the second or third meeting.

I've been wrong before, but I just take it one day at a time.

like they say:

fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me a third time. God help you cause I sure wont.
2007-07-27 10:15:22 UTC
Personally I have found my gut insticnt is what I should had gone with.

I've tried doing what you are saying a giving a second chance only to really regret it. So for now on I go with my gut instint and nothing more.
Darren T
2007-07-18 21:26:47 UTC
When meeting someone for the first time,I gather most of my impressions on their body language..with men,the firmness of a handshake usually gives me a feeling they are comfortable and confident in my presence..with females,if they touch your hand or arm while talking,they have allowed me to be assured they are at ease with me..yet above all,I believe the eyes fortell one's "good vibes"..if they look you in the eye when talking,one can detect indifference or interest immediately..
2007-07-18 19:50:32 UTC
You acknowledge that this is your impression, then set it aside. Don't judge them and don't act on it. Most people don't see another as they really are, they judge them as being similar to someone from their past or as a stereotype. Or else they see them as being something they wish the other person would be.

Aside from that, people change. Most people are multifaceted, but each person only sees, at most, a few sides of them.
2007-07-18 18:23:27 UTC
You don't know for sure. You have to watch, wait, and listen. Finally, if it is strong gut feeling; heed it. But be aware that you can in fact be wrong, and be on the look out that that is not colouring your opinion of this person unfairly.
2007-07-18 14:13:16 UTC
I always trust my first impression unless I see over a series of encounters that I made a mistake. While this sytem isn't necessarily the best, it works as long as I am always willing to admit that I made a mistake.
2007-07-18 13:40:36 UTC
Honestly Dr Robi cant we all have a degree of badness in our characters being human and not perfect so need more substantial stuuf to go on thank you not simply yours or mines first impression of a person on meeting for the first time
2007-07-18 11:48:31 UTC
my first impressions are usually always right on. first impressions are based more on just what clothes they wear and how they act. first impressions are gathered by watching carefully the body language and facial expressions. listening carefully to what is said and the way it is said can easily tell alot about the person. noticing how the person reacts to others sharing the same space with him can easily be read. really i do not think reading people is some big dark secret. i think anyone can train them selves if they focus enough and listen enough. most people just don't really pay attention to the many clues people leave about themselves.
Belinda F
2007-07-18 11:30:26 UTC
You can tell by someone's personality. If they are nice, or if they are rude, most people can not fool the gut instinct, but there are a few clever ones out there that can and has!
Gymnast :)
2007-07-18 09:23:44 UTC
I don't think that first impressions make a difference. Example:

The guy I am seeing now met me for the first time at a block party, and I was completely trashed out of my mind. He didn't even know me, and he was the one who ended up carrying me into my house and tucking me into bed. He took care of me the entire night, he walked me to the bathroom and rubbed my back when I passed out...and made sure I woke up lol...

Long story short.. I made the worst first impression... and the next day he asked me out on a date...

So yea.. I don't think first impressions are good to go by
ajit s
2007-07-18 03:30:50 UTC
It is the Mind Set up once u have decided that this Person is bad , you will think in negative so always try to have Positive attitude . Right and Wrong is the Judge of Mind so if that person is bad for you but he will be good for someone.
Fade To Black
2007-07-17 23:41:02 UTC

First impressions are way over rated and actually down right inaccurate.

Let's take a little peek now at what you've asked.

>> How do you know if your first impression is accurate when meeting someone new?

Answer: You don't. No one does.

>> If you feel that someone might be a bad person, is it really fair to assume that this is true when they haven’t actually wronged you personally?

Answer: It's not fair to assume anything about anyone ever. Wait until you have facts before you form an opinion.

>> How can you tell whether or not you should trust your gut instinct in these situations?

Answer: Often times you will find that your initial impression of someone was dead wrong once you took some time to get better aquainted with them.

Further comments:

>> Some say gut instincts are often correct...

... but more often they are an unfair guess.

>> ...but can anyone be sure?

Answer: I don't want to be prejudged. Do you?

>> Are initial impressions enough when it comes to measuring someone’s character?

Answer: Well, let's see.

Dr. Ludwig got her doctorate from an unaccredited distance learning school...

Should we say that that speaks volumes?

The degree has classes like "Media Psychology: Writing, Publishing & Promoting a Self-Help Book" and requires no clinical experience.

Promoting a Self-Help Book? And what? No clinical experience?

Those inside...the profession have criticized her technique of relationship counseling...


As opposed to looking at the systems of interaction between family members and emphasizing quality family relationships as important factors in psychological health, she instead focuses on behavior modification therapy— that is, quickly changing a behavior without investing time in discovering the cause of an unwanted behavior and systems in the family that cause it.

Without investing time in discovering the cause of an unwanted behavior???

Sounds a little prejudgemental to me.

Her show “One Week to Save Your Marriage” often assigns blame to a family member and focuses on changing “damaging behaviors.”

Let's just blame someone?

...her thesis is "most of us, whether we admit it or not, sometimes have violent, even homicidal thoughts toward our spouse."

Should her husband be cautious around her and sleep with one eye open?

>> Help Dr. Robi Ludwig, host of the new GSN game show Without Prejudice, find her answer.

Looks like we found several answers here.

Now that we have an initial impression, can we assume it is accurate?

Tell us, Doc.

It works both ways, you see?

Best Wishes

i sharpen
2007-07-17 22:26:30 UTC
It depends on how you define "first impression" Obviously a first impression is natural and automatic. I don't think one has to "wrong" my personality for my intuition to be keen or accurate. And I believe one can exercise a good judgement of character upon meeting somone new, and it doesn't necessarily have to include a judgement. It's simply the beginning of an impression which obviously isn't formed yet. I also believe exercising appropriate caution upon meeting any new person is normal. Especially for females, for obvious reasons.
Steph W
2007-07-17 21:45:25 UTC
Honestly, you can never tell right off hand. If you sense bad energy from a person then you shouldn't make yourself talk to them. Knowing someone is a bad person and assuming is totally different as you well know but, take this for instance, Someone looked at you and thought the same thing. Would that be fair or be considered by you to be offensive? They really don't have to wrong you for you to know that they aren't good for you to be around either. You can pretty much tell within the first 5 minutes (if you're a smart person) that it is unhealthy for that person to be in your life. It is your decision but stick with the first one unless directed otherwise by light of a situation. In other words, Don't get yourself caught in an uncomfortable situation. If you are content without that person there then steer clear but if you want to give it a risking shot. That is up to you. I say trust yourself. Who else is going to without knowing who you are?
2007-07-19 04:32:25 UTC
There is no way to tell, only time can do that. From personal experience, I now base most of my decisions on gut instinct ONLY if it is REALLY strong.
2007-07-18 19:40:53 UTC
you really can't prejudge someone with the frist impressions. some of my best friends ,when i frirst met them, ididn't like but when i got to know them and knew why they felt the way they did and where they misconceived ideas came from ,it put a good insite in heir character. no one is the same and we each have baggage and hange ups from life and it's experiences and people should not pre judge people at first site.get to know the people before making judgements on them and try to understands we all came from different molds ,with different expereiences in our lifes that shape us some good and some bad but there are reasons for the way we are.
2007-07-18 12:51:33 UTC
I try not to judge people on a first impression. If they seem to be a nagative person, they might just be having a bad day. I try to get to know them before making assumptions.
2007-07-18 10:07:26 UTC
trust your instinct but don't mistreat them because of it... If they make you feel uneasy at least for a time don't go anywhere alone with them. If you like them, still be cautious and let them earn your trust but still trust your inner feelings about someone.

God gave us instincts for a reason. but you shouldn't get your first impression by how they dress or what school or job they have but on their attitude, common sense, personality, and other stuff like that.
2007-08-10 12:09:21 UTC
i think time and experiences make this possible,for instance children may lack that ability because they are too trusting or naive.also some people just are not very smart.i have lived long enough and met many people and usually can pick out a liar or someone whom should not be trusted.the only time this has failed is when i have ignored that voice and tried to trust someone who was unworthy.never lie to yourself!
Debbie L
2007-08-01 18:00:32 UTC
They don't call it instinct for nothing! Just like animals, we can smell when something is not right or safe for us. Always trust you gut it is usually right on. If they prove you wrong, which is rare, that's another story.
David J F
2007-07-31 11:01:39 UTC
It may be best to talk to them first, find out what others think, if possible. But I think everyone has the ability to know immmediately or with time. First impressions are not always what they seem at first. I would have to agree with Encourager4God's answer.
2007-07-30 15:16:57 UTC
I trust my gut instinct depending on the situation.
Dennis Fargo
2007-07-30 05:40:18 UTC
Experience. Mine and others. It is not fair to assume someone is a bad person but you don't have to trust them either. Should you let yourself be in harms way because you trust everyone in an misguided effort to be fair.? Trust is earned.
2007-07-28 04:20:53 UTC
Hi Dr.

By the body language(( Eye motion,arm movement)), and tongue actions((Repeatable words,praising them selves)), amount of inhale and exhale of the person,Loud talkers.Usually a calm person is more trust able but in the same time it is a Cunning person.A good listener is in between 50-50 Deal.

That's what I think.Thanks
2007-07-27 10:10:52 UTC
You basically go with your gut on this decision. No, its not always right, and no, its not always correct, but it is sort of a subconcious way of protecting ourselves against what we perceive as threats to our well-being or that of others. Many of our most important decisions in life are spur-or-the-moment-shoot-from-the-hip decisions and so we've got to learn to trust our instincts. You'd be surprised how correct they can be.
Daniel A: Zionist Pig
2007-07-19 08:04:06 UTC
One should trust one's gut instincts when it comes to decision making, but one should also remain open to the possibility that their gut instincts are wrong. You can respond to gut instincts without prejudging someone.
2007-07-19 07:14:32 UTC
wisdom is vindicated by her children. Our impressions are validated by consistent behaviour over time. If perceptions are not borne out by behavior we must change our view to be consistent with reality. Give all people the benefit of doubt but be willing to cede wishful or negative feelings to the reality of behaviour. Judge accurately for time will judge all, including me in my impression of others.
2007-07-18 20:45:10 UTC
my opinion is that it takes a while to develop a gut reaction and then over time you'll know if your good at it or not.

when i drove a truck i met such a wide group of people

to me it's hard to tell because some people don't come out of there shell right away so im guessing that it's a percentage of time that your right or wrong about them
2007-07-18 16:46:39 UTC
you dont . like everything else the truth is revealed in time , whether or not a person is good or bad , but , on the other hand youi can tell if you and said new person are compatible within the first or second meeting .
2007-07-18 16:25:27 UTC
Short answer: You can't, and neither can anyone else. That said, you will be correct FAR more often trusting your first impression than doubting it. You just have to be willing to revise you opinion at a later date.
2007-07-18 15:48:28 UTC
From my experience when you meet someone new you don't know if "what you see is what you get". The person maybe having an off day or maybe they are in a bad mood. But to learn more about that person you have to take that risk to get to know them....
2007-07-18 08:16:09 UTC
I meet a men and I married because I assumed he was mr right but as it turns out he wasn't . We have only been married 5 months out of that 5 months he has moved out on me twice I mean left with all of his belongs as well. I am in love with this man. After all that has been said and done I want him back home but how can I trust him not to do this again ?
2007-07-18 07:00:39 UTC
I dont . I unfortunatley jump sometimes to the wrong conclusion about the person and never attempt to get to know the real person inside. i go on how they dress is what i base my opinons on. i know that is terrible but i have a trust problem as i have been hurt so many times it isnt funny. i am not sure it is fair to assume this person is out to hurt me but i just dont give that person a chance i just move on with something else in my life...
2007-07-17 23:50:20 UTC
Well, that's the interesting part of our human minds. No body can really make concrete evidence and proofs but we know by ourselves that sometimes we have to follow our own instinct instead of following what we are told to do.

The guts or what u called as instinct is the subconscious mind or feeling that is not contaminated with outside world. So, meaning to say, it is totally pure. (i suggest to check on encyclopedia for more reference about subconscious mind) This guts is going to warn us when something will happen to us (e.g bad things or good things). we just can feel it but there's no scientific proof.
2007-08-15 07:44:04 UTC
Bethany R
2007-08-12 11:23:05 UTC
Never judge a book by its cover!! Find out about the person befor you say there bad or not. Go with you gut if it tells you her or she is right for you!
2007-08-08 21:42:25 UTC
Being Asian, I have to admit that we tend to stereotype people much more readily than Westerners who tend to be less judgemental of people of different ethnicity, sexual orientation, financial status etc.

The world owes a lot to the West for its democratic institutions. In casual encouters with people in our daily life, I think we Asians also can learn a lot from the West to make such experience more pleasant and productive.
2007-08-01 12:34:07 UTC
Forgive my bluntness, but it is vital that we listen to our "gut." This gut feeling is usually our subconscious picking up on nonverbal cues that we're not overtly aware of. If I am involved with this person for a business purpose, I take full stock in my gut feeling but will treat them with respect based only on their actions. If my involvement choice is of a personal nature, I would probably keep one eye open and not place myself in vulnerable or questionable situations.

Thank you for a needed question.
Angel <3
2007-07-24 13:28:41 UTC
Id say you should always get to know the person first because going with your instincts sometimes is not always a good idea. Like I always say "Don't judge a magazine by its cover." Plain and simple that you should always get to know them before you judge them. Hope this helps.
2007-07-19 07:12:29 UTC
The answer is "yes", if your gut tells you someone is a bad seed, go with it. That doesn't mean that you treat them any different than you would treat anyone else, in fact you take scrupulous care to treat them just as you would anyone else. Knowledge is power and protection in a situation like that. If 'they' don't know that you know you are in a position to control them......
2007-07-18 19:16:31 UTC
You can't be sure until they wrong you yourself. But you're gut tends to be correct. I've given up lending things out to people because either i never get it back or the people that i lend them out to turn on me, even though at first we were ok. First impressions are very misleading.
Jessie A
2007-07-18 18:29:45 UTC
I generally try not to base my opinions of people on my first impression of them. Just because someone displays themself a certain way doesn't mean that is the person they truly are.
2007-07-18 08:09:18 UTC
actually, first impression is applicable only to people who only meet once., because they dont have a chance to know each other more right. so the tendency is to trust their instincts. But you really cant figure it out when you havent known the person nor talked to them.
2007-07-18 07:45:11 UTC
You don't know and knowing that is the key to being a better person yourself. Rather than letting that first impression affect how you view someone long term, it is best to judge them over the long term. Now, some people can be read very quickly and you know. Others take time. It is only fair to yourself as well as them that you give them the chance to show who they are.
2007-07-18 07:19:33 UTC
One Word: Experience.

Life is one big lesson. A child certainly can't properly judge someone and most children find adults creepy. It boils down to experience, either in your own life, from others or even books.

For example, I have learned to instantly recognize the Passive/Aggressive personality and stay very far away from it, it just rubs me the wrong way. I consider Passive/Aggressive to be "bad" but I won't outright call them a bad person. I'll just say they are not right for me. And I think that is more than fair.
2007-07-18 07:17:53 UTC
No it isn't fair. Your first impressions are far more open to suggestion than you think. If your life and your work bring you into contact with a lot of people and a lot of situations, then your gut instincts are more likely to be accurate than if you lead a sheltered life. If your work or life doesn't introduce you to other cultures, for example, it can be very useful to actively expose yourself to positive role models from other cultures, so that your first impressions will be more likely to be more positive.
2007-07-18 02:34:04 UTC
How about the Sherlock Holmes approach? Form your impression of the person as accurately as you can, then present your impression to the person so that he can comment on it. For instance, "Sir, apart from the fact that you are a recently retired member of the Armed Forces in India whose wife has recently left him, I know nothing whatever about you."
2007-08-15 12:55:54 UTC
My answer is to "always" trust your gut...maybe not act on that trust but trust it anyway....always keeping the "feeling" in mind when you interact with the person. If the "gut" was harm protected yourself...if the "gut" was have not "acted" have just been careful.
2007-08-13 05:26:39 UTC
It is either bad or good luck to meet someone for the fisrt time.

Exreme care is needed in every action we take. And some reservations may be necessary when we meet someone for the 1st time .
2007-07-30 13:55:35 UTC
i think you have to feel the situation out. if your gut tells you this person is bad news then sometimes it can be true, but also you should talk to them anyway and really see what they are like. although i still do think first impresions are very importent you shouldn't jusde a book by it's cover.
2007-07-18 21:14:35 UTC
Always trust your gut instincts. You could easily be misleaded down the road by manipulations. I just say, trust your gut instinct, that's why you got one.
2007-07-18 19:16:14 UTC
To be honest with you i notice when i judge someone bad im always wrong. thats why they say dont judge anyone to you really know them. But sorry its just something inside of me that does that. I realize when i usually judge a person i may say they have a attuide, they think they are all that. And when i talk to them i realize its the opposite. They are very nice and sweet/
2007-07-18 08:13:36 UTC
Actually I don't use first impression about someone new as a judgment about him or her. I use my perception skills instead of instincts. My perception uses so many features that some of them are impossible to describe. For example eyes language, body signals, talking, shaking hands, dressing, head's movements, blinking, voice, ideas, etc. And it really works, as mistakes are so rare.
2007-07-17 21:58:19 UTC
When I first meet someone and for sometime after I am always watching things like body language and listening closely. I do not pay much attention to how someone may dress because in my experience that often does not matter. I like to look into peoples eyes and I like to watch mannerisms. I like to listen to responses and if possible see interaction. I do feel that you can let your instincts guide you. In my experience I have had very positive impression when meeting someone new and it turned out really well, but I have also had great first impression that upon further interaction not turn out so well. Sometimes people can give a fabulous first impression but in the end if you watch closely enough they show their true colors. I have also misjudged people who were maybe nervous because they were meeting me for the first time (I used to do interviewing for a company I managed) who seemed a little shifty but when I gave them a chance they turned out to be fabulous. I think this is all really subjective as to what we each believe is a good first impression. Very interesting though, you have got me thinking.
2007-08-15 13:39:33 UTC
If you are in a dangerous situation you should trust your instincts-its better to be wrong than injured or dead. If you are safe-always hold off judgement until you have enough information to be able to say to yourself "I know this person."
2007-08-10 21:34:56 UTC

3 Hot House Tomatoes (hydroponic)

4 Roma Tomatoes

6 serrano peppers

1.5 cloves garlic

1/8 cup cilantro

1 tb. Olive Oil

1 tb. Balsamic Vinegar

1 tb. lemon juice

8 oz. can tomato sauce

1/2 t cummin

1/2 t chili powder

2 t brown sugar


Mix pico de gayo salsa: Peel tomatoes. Dip tomato in boiling water for 30 sec. and then set in cool water. Peel skin off with a knife. Core tomatoes.

Chop tomatoes to desired chunkiness.

Chop cilantro. Press garlic. Grate peppers (i used fine grating on a cheese grater).

Mix together with olive oil, vinegar, and lemon juice.

Mix tomato sauce recipe: Heat tomato sauce with spices and sugar.

Simmer on low heat for 15-20 minutes Mix tomato sauce in with pico de gayo. Refrigirate Serve and enjoy!
Go Dogs
2007-08-10 13:53:09 UTC
I listen to what they say and how they say it. I watch their body language. Most often, this is enough to determine the type of person I am dealing with. Once the impression is made, I look for reasons to dismiss the first impression and reasons to solidfy my first impression.
bored at work
2007-08-07 08:03:29 UTC
I trust my gut but keep opinions to myself.... that way if I somehow got the wrong impression upon first harm done.

However, if I'm right about them... I've been cautious, and hopefully haven't gotten hurt physically, or emotionally.
2007-08-06 13:19:37 UTC
There's a big difference between not nice and potential danger. If the person seems just not nice, so what. If our paths are going to pass again, then I will get to learn how to effectively react to and with them. If I feel I am in danger with them, I will talk nicely, but keep in place safety measures should I need them.
2007-08-03 17:19:05 UTC
The warmt smiles from the persons face shows an 'acceptance' which gives you an accurate impression,but this is achieved when your greetings is mixed with sincere praises.
2007-08-03 08:02:17 UTC
I would never think wrong of someone until I get to know that person. I wouldn't continue to talk to someone if they gave me a bad vibe when I first meet them because I wouldn't feel comfortable around them.
2007-08-01 07:48:32 UTC
I don't look at the person on the outside I judge who the person is inside. People's appearance may look like someone out of motorcycle gang (Hell's Angels) they are the meekest people I met. On the other hand Have met people who are well off and treat the rest of society like they are scum and low life's.
2007-07-31 16:18:24 UTC
I believe that you should not forgot the feelings that you felt when you first met the person. You should give the person a fair chance, they might have been having an off day or moment. Treat them cordially and respectully.... and watch.
2007-07-26 12:09:46 UTC
I honestly try not to form assumptions about anyone I meet until I can get some information about them in person and assimilate it, them the gut kicks in and is usually totally right!
2007-07-19 03:36:29 UTC
You should meet people some other time to know about your first impression
bob go go at reality city
2007-07-18 20:11:15 UTC
in the long run the way i felt about a person the 1st time as a bad person turns true for me " in a very bad way" cheaters , con people , people in the first place i known i count trust!

but i try to turn them into a good person and all that happens is" they yes my words to GET SOMETHING FROM OTHERS"
2007-07-18 19:30:39 UTC
I usually go by my gut instinct. Also, if you have a pet, watch how the pet reacts to the person. Pets usually have a good instinct when it comes to people.
daniel s
2007-07-18 13:54:40 UTC
You could never tell, the proof is in all the breakups that happen latter on after meeting that person who left such a good "first impression".
2007-07-18 13:20:59 UTC
It usually takes me about a month, before I know if my initial impression was correct. There are times when I figure someone out immediaely, and on other occasions, it requires more analysis. You just never know, because people are funny that way.
Trish C
2007-07-18 11:47:27 UTC
I judge someone by their behavior, the way they talk to and about others and how they treat the people around them. A nice person doesn't talk crap about their friends when they're not around, an jerk does. If everything that's coming out of the person's mouth is negative I have a pretty good idea what kind of person they are.
2007-07-18 11:38:48 UTC
when i first meet a person for the first time,many come up to me because they have seen how i carry myself and we get to know each other ,it is what bond we share that they may not share with another person that they have wronged.when the person that has been wronged by the person i share a bond with and tells me

negative things about that person,i just keep it to myself,i donot wish to start an extra fire between the 2 that have a problem with each other. i donot judge a person by what i hear or what i see, Iif i donnot know a person and may hear things about that person that i know are true,i still donnot mistreat that person ,i have no reason to.but when a person that i know well has done me in ,it hurts and it is a hard pill to swallow,especially when you did nothing but kind things,.FORGIVENESS
Indiana Girl
2007-07-18 07:53:17 UTC
The only feeling I pay any attention to is the Creepy Vibe. If I get that feeling I defiantly pay attention to it. Other than that I try to refrain from making quick decision about a person before I talk to them and get to know who they are. However, I used to not be this way, I would make a decision about the person before they ever opened their month. What has changed me is the fact I work at a non-for-profit counseling agency and work with lots of people form lots of different back grounds.I am thankful for the change.
Debbie G
2007-07-18 06:21:38 UTC
I hope people are willing to give me a second chance a lot of the time. I might be having a bad day, maybe my toddler is having one of his terrible two moments, any number of reasons could explain why I wasn't myself the moment I met someone for the first time. I would hope I'm not forever judged by that one encounter.
2007-07-18 04:29:14 UTC
When you meet someone for the first time either you remember something very good about his personality or you remember something very bad about him. It doesn’t matter how delightful the person might or how bad he might be, if they do not register in your mind. You don’t have to rate your impression.

According to Albert Meharabian’s research work (, first impressions are based on the following criteria: 55% is visual, 38% is voice, and only 7% is based on what he actually says.
2007-08-06 17:11:10 UTC
It seems to me when I meet a new person there is a 'feeling' I receive from the person I am speaking with whether I want to continue this new association.

2007-08-06 11:02:54 UTC
I believe that our maker (the creator of all living things) as instill in every human being that little detective light, which blinks whenever something does not seems right.Therefore, in the question asked above, one should re lie and his or her gut feelings;because often time that inner man is correct.
dolly l
2007-08-02 13:22:35 UTC
sometimes i think i have a sixth sense about first impression is right on about 90% of the glad i followed my gut feelings because some of the people turned out really bad eggs
2007-07-27 22:09:50 UTC
when the person's body language tells

- the feeling transmit to you immediately through brain wave

- their facial expression

- their eyes (balls) movement shows

- direct feeling of like or dislike

- any strange feeling

- hypocrite action

- behaviour

- voice tone/pitch

- sincerity

- motive behind the heart

- the movement reaction from their hand/sign language of body movement

- the way they speak

- the question they pose to you

- the length of conversation and interest

- the easiness of their reaction

the gut feeling really from the observation, feelings at that very moment instantly tells a great deal.
2007-07-24 05:51:38 UTC
i trust my instincts when i meet someone new. i am still nice to them, but if they do anything suspicious, i stay away. there was a person in a class i was in one time. they were mean to my friend, so i stayed away from them. after a couple months, they were expelled for doing something really bad. after that experience, i have always trusted myself.
2007-07-19 11:38:58 UTC
You do not know.

You hope for the best.

You hope that later encounters will alter your overall impression.

Well I do.

I think some people try to be on best behavior when meeting someone new, then they get relaxed and let their guard down, then you see the truth of the person.
2007-07-18 03:10:20 UTC
I must admit. I'm one of those ugly people who looks at people and then make quick assumptions on who and what they are. Unfortunately my people skills are terrible. I have never summed up a person correctly. By this time I kinda know that if I don't like someone, they always turn out to be great, and same goes for those I like immediately, they all turn out bad.

It's such a bad habit, I wish I could stick to the ideal of getting to know someone, before I judge them. Like they say, don't judge a book by it's cover, in most cases the bad casings are the best to read.
2007-07-17 23:37:21 UTC
Sometimes its good to trust first impressions, but with my experience, it has often proved untrue. Check and recheck. People have thier moods and varies at different times or situations. Nobody wants to be on the wrong side. Give them another chance.
2007-08-09 04:46:39 UTC
The fisrt impression is not always the last impression.As you try to

intimate with a friend and as the time passes,you see some good/bad things in her/his.

First is not the last always.
Booster Gold
2007-07-26 11:20:13 UTC
Of course it is. In spite of popular opinion you actually CAN judge a book by it's cover. Look at people like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, and Britney Spears. What you see is what you get. And people don't change either, once evil, always evil!
janice k
2007-07-24 16:28:48 UTC
Simple...Give people the benefit of doubt...Everybody can change too...When I begin the new year with my students, I tell them this is a clean slate...I don't listen to comments from their previous teachers....Usually those first impressions can be quite incorrect...If someone is "bad", you will find out soon enough, but you will feel so proud to know that you did give him/her a chance....the benefit of doubt!
2007-07-24 13:12:57 UTC
"How can you tell whether or not you should trust your gut instinct?"


You shouldn't.

People "trusting their instincts" is idiot-speak for letting emotions run their judgment--something all-too-many people do all-too-often.

Another way to phrase the answer? Insufficient data.

You don't know someone until you know them. Period. --Or, as you pointed out, until they wrong you personally...or do right by you, for that matter.

A wise man once said, "Thinking is hard work. That's why so few people do it."
2007-07-19 01:27:33 UTC
when i meet a person i trust my gut instinct about people and all the time my instinct is right
2007-07-18 19:15:31 UTC
Ive always been pretty good at knowing whether or not the person im meeting for the first time is being real or fake...or not being themeselves...A little bitter sweet sometimes..but I guess if you have the knack then you have a knack...
2007-07-18 19:04:33 UTC
I usually go the by energies I feel from them. A person can be very nice and respectful, but release a lot of negative energy. So I go by what I feel from an inner perspective, rather than looks. Also their body language says a lot as well.I go more by what they are showing rather than saying.
2007-07-18 18:44:39 UTC
i don't. I rarely go by my first impressions, because people aren't always themselves upon a first meeting - or esp date - 6 months later you may find the real person This is esp true of the opposite sex
2007-07-18 17:08:49 UTC
This is a mistake that many people make. You need to get to know about a person inside before making any snap judgments. These snap judgments have been holding society back for thousands of years.
2007-07-18 11:20:04 UTC
You don't know if that first impression is correct. I tend to stay open to the possibility I am wrong. But 90% of the time that bad feeling is right.
2007-07-18 09:34:02 UTC
I always trust my own feelings when I meet someone and 99 percent of the time it is correct. If I think someone is not good then I usually can tell when I first meet them
2007-07-17 22:12:11 UTC
Happiness in yourself is the key factor I believe that will tell you if someone is right or wrong for you. I do not think most people truly knows what true happiness means to them with the way the structure of soceity has been for so long. Most will put up with someone that makes them unhappy or miserable because of the life you have lead to this point. I for one am a firm believer in gut instinct. The question is can you talk your mind into taking the right path in the situation.
2007-08-13 02:36:50 UTC
Usually the first impression will not give you any good ways to catch someone in a lie. You need to remember what they did the first time, and the second time you meet them,i dont know more...................!thanks and bye
2007-08-05 18:25:02 UTC
i am very god an precast a person,85 %i am not qoit right ,but closs enaff.i stating sam sagalegy tha it alwes get the impession,at the first time you look a peson,tha fist impression iflouence you opinion,but in time you lern to examing you self,if you thots are corect or not,let examing this ferst imptesson.if you see same one

50 yiars old wolk down the stret,bere footer, you asoum, samthin hapen and he forgot to pout he shous on,it mians you give hem the benefit of a dow,?if you see him the nex week,with no short,no shous and not so clian,then you say to your self he is a bom,wat we have hear is my inpresson is corect,so we can aculy brotict the stares of indivijol

with out a prablom, but agen same times is totoly deferent that wat you look,
2007-08-03 22:28:32 UTC
If you do not trust your gut feeling the first time then you should remember all the times that it could have been prevented before.
2007-08-02 22:12:59 UTC
Well, although ur gut instinct or first impression of a person isnt always correct, i think its the pursuit of happiness, that makes u go to the next step, and the insecurities of your past that hinder our own pursuit of happiness by being judgemental especially from the start. A baby isnt born casting judgements, being scared, prejudice, or hating.. it comes with family, society, and person expirences. When ur raised to always to be safe then sorry. You tend to avoid situations that set off the alarms in your head that u were taught to be aware of. Your parents and teachers teach u to be aware of stangers, even ones that act nice.. Society and news portrays those that dress like "thugs" as people that are bad.. so families rasie their children to be filled with hate because of the color of someones skin. Churches sometimes preach judgementally against those that dont believe the same way you do. Society portarys judgement on different financial status. Education levels. Judgements are cast upon us everywhere we look from day one. So it all depends how u were raised on how many judgements u actually cast by someone on first impression bases. Theres good and bad in everyone no matter the race, or religion. I to find myself being prejudice at times but not by religion or race, but by additudes and style.. although im sure theres alot of really good people that just like the "thug" look because its hip and seems like the cool thing to do.. i do cast judgements , i mean if i had a choice of walking down a dark street with a man that was dressed head to toe in what looks like "gang" related clothing, vs. a man wearing a suit and tie.. id pick the suit and tie.. although logic tells me that i may not be any safer with the one wearing the suit, id take my chances. Is that wrong? probably, but what has lead us to believe such things? men wearing suits and ties have been promoted in our lives as men of stature, and guys dressed like thugs have been shown time and time again in society, as hoodlums.. So id rather my sons looking up to a man of stature, then their role models being those that promote a hoodlum lifestyle whether they actually are or not, thats what they are protraying. And the same with girls.. society has promoted sex sells.. and our girls see everywhere they look their icons wearing little to no clothing, so thats what they want to be like and what happens to a girl that wears skimpy clothes, she gets portrayed as being easy. Doesnt mean she is.. but thats how society looks at her. So u cant always trust ur gut as far as it being the truth, but sometimes u have to ask urself is it better to be safe then sorry? And although u should trust to a degree, how much trust do u give before it comes back to haunt u? And even those that we trust, doesnt mean they are the better person. Ive met alot of people that portrayed themselves to be something their not. Maybe your question should really be " why have morals and values in society gotten so loose where people have to make judgements on people based on only first impressions?"
2007-08-01 14:16:56 UTC
I was always told to follow my gut instinct . If I'm wrong then we'll meet again another time if it was meant to be.Leave it to the stars.
Sarah M
2007-07-30 18:13:36 UTC
Since I am a Christian and have been blessed with the gift of discernment, I go with that! The Holy Spirit is never wrong. As for others, I guess experience would have a lot to do with it. Sarah
2007-07-23 11:38:28 UTC
When I meet someone it's a feeling in my gut that tells me if I want to get to know them.Your first impression is usually right.
harry g
2007-07-23 10:20:02 UTC
You really don`t know. Listen to your inner thoughts, and gut instincts.Define a bad person?My beliefs on being wronged by someone is a choice , one allows themself to be wronged. We find many a reason to excuse our own failure to except that we made a bad choice.Move on .
2007-07-19 08:07:39 UTC
Always go with your 1st thought. Dont even question it. In the long run you will find out you were right to trust your instinct.
2007-07-19 06:36:47 UTC
Well when you first meet someone. you have to give it a chance without interference from anyone else. see how they are by themselves with out anyone else around. this is how you can see how they really are. And you can come with some kind of judgement before inversting in the whole situation. yeah.
2007-07-19 00:14:42 UTC
To a reasonable extent by his body language , content of conversations , answers to some typical questions which have reflection on his personality , his interaction with other people known to me aswell and their opinion about him , his behaviour and manners etc.Actually it is normally formative stage of opinion forming and the opinion is formed on the basis of a lot of things put together,some of which are mentioned above.
2007-07-18 20:54:28 UTC
Gut feeling
2007-07-18 12:58:43 UTC
you can't, people will ALWAYS act different when first meeting someone.

for example, you like someone and they look like the nicest person and they are VERY good looking and you get to know the person and that changes either they get Even more beautiful/handsome or they start to look...well you don't like them.

in my opinion you cant have a first impression of someone be the only valid one.
2007-07-18 08:48:01 UTC
Look into their eyes and as a famous relative of mine would say "up side their head" a light should come on and a peace when you shake their hands. Guts works for me. The test of time always proves the pudding. If you feel uneasy something is probably not quite what it should be....
2007-07-18 07:04:29 UTC
I would listen to my gut instinct and pay a close attention to my physical reaction when I'm near somebody BUT I won't assume anything about that person. I would probably keep a safe distance where I can keep an eye on him and observe his behaviors or mannerisms.

OUR BODIES KNOW when somebody does not have our best interest at heart ..Ie, feeling sick to our stomach whenever near him/her, tense up, etc etc. - there's always a sign! The question is we humans always pay attention to any signs that our bodies are giving us???
Alina M
2007-07-18 04:51:21 UTC
Two may talk together under the same roof for many years yet never really meet nor get to know each other, and two others at first speech are old friends. People are often split personalities, I would not rely for 100% on my gut instinct.
2007-07-18 03:13:33 UTC
I know it is logically wrong and unfair to judge someone without knowing them but I think that in practice instinct is rarely wrong. I think we are endowed with a system of quickly assessing another person, probably without being aware of exactly how we are doing it.

If you think about the design of the human animal, with all kinds of built automatic responses to danger, fright, flight, agression, pain, is it not also logical that we would have similar automatic detection systems to quickly identify people who will likely put us into danger or conflict?
2007-07-18 02:37:13 UTC
As long as you will use your instincts more and more you will see they will not fail you.

I can see that you do have instincts by only witness that you ask that specific answer... and may even presume you are a Scorpion sign (not sure) only because i know Scorpion are "afraid" and usually don't believe to their own "powers" or instincts ..

Therefor i can only recommend you to trust your inside instincts they are there for a reason.
2007-08-14 18:11:00 UTC
Sometimes you have to follow Your instincs.Not much of a choice,but`s allyou got.It`s not fair to judge anybody for the first time,or when your first meet them.But most people give that impression on a one to one basis.I think it`s just a matter of survival."Instinct",for us humans to react that way.GibertD
2007-07-19 03:26:14 UTC
By using a combination of past experiences with people and an accurate hunch .

but i would always double check just to make sure i made the right decision ,who knows sometimes we are perfectly sure about it but it turn out that we were wrong.
Sarah Nicole
2007-08-13 07:32:25 UTC
i usually go by my instincts and most of the time the people are good u can just kinda feel it by sometimes getting vibes that the person is bad element to be around
sweet & sour
2007-08-11 01:53:01 UTC
I think the gut reaction usually does work unless you have pre-conceived notions. I met someone's Mom, not wanting to like them because they had not been the best Mother to my friend. Turned out, she may not be perfect, but she was not all bad either.
2007-08-06 12:36:48 UTC
Simple let its roll on until you have to have some one with you as you can tell that person as you losing trust in him or her and see if he and her are going to improve the relationship otherwise get out and away from each other.
2007-07-30 05:41:34 UTC
depending on circumstances involved i would say always trust your instinct...people tend to be more on guard when meeting someone for the first they say you only get one chance to make a good first impression.
2007-07-29 19:38:32 UTC
If you listen, your instincts will tell you the truth right away~ if you feel uneasy or slightly creeped out by this person......then stay away! Usually, you will know within 5 seconds or so.

Of course, perhaps you need to be intuitive to feel this!
2007-07-28 11:01:33 UTC
Manners speak a thousand words about someones character, and if someone lacks manners they are sure to lack much more. Combine that with your "gut instinct" and run !
Anita V
2007-07-23 23:47:36 UTC
I always belived that when you feel that your gut say's NO it means no; your inner self is usually right 99% of the time. I my self never juge a person by what he wears; but if my gut says no then I will end the date.
2007-07-19 09:13:08 UTC
make an opinion but dont form a prejudice against the person .... an opinion may also come from ur gut feeling , but a prejudiced behaviour could be very harmful for the relationship ...

so dont let the flowers die even before they bloom ....
2007-07-19 06:54:10 UTC
you should follow ur gut feeling initially, you have them for a reason. then give the person a chance to show who they really are as they say "give him enough rope and he will hang himself". so if u dont find them swinging on the end of your rope maybe there are ok and u were wrong. but only you knows you are judging so no embarassment there
2007-07-19 02:17:20 UTC
Hi Dr

I'm afraid this is effectively a non-question, since whether it is or isn't a good idea there's plenty of research to show that we all do it, and that most of us are fairly good at making accurate assessments.

For example, see Professor Robert Rosenthal's "thin slice" experiments.
2007-07-19 00:30:18 UTC
Instinct. Trust your gut.
Carly Jacks
2007-07-18 22:05:15 UTC
I allways try to proceed calmly and open minded. My inituition starts kicking in and I am forced to notice. Over the years, my ignoring my inituition has been costly, time consuming, wasteful, hurtful and counterproductive I have found when I listen and trust, I am not harmed, my time is not wasted, my feelings are better respected and I feel more in control of myself.
2007-07-18 18:29:27 UTC
i feel that in most situations that you somewhat know a person at first meeting..although it is tough to say because it is such a strange world we true answer is that you just can't trust anybody anymore. your gut feelings don't mean **** to shinolah. what is this world coming too you ask..just live with it and deal with it..who wears the mask? nobody knows..good luck..Chaz
2007-07-18 15:49:47 UTC
My first impressions are usually correct. If you can't trust your gut instincts then what can you trust?
Blue Oyster Kel
2007-07-18 13:01:03 UTC
Instincts are there for a's the things you can just seem to pick up on without any apparent reason...and I have learned to trust mine. They're usually very right.
2007-07-18 12:41:48 UTC
You should never make broad assumptions about a person based on a first impression. Our advanced theory of mind is an amazing ability of humans, but it also enables us to lie as well as make unfair assumptions about others.
Larry T
2007-07-18 12:27:30 UTC
First impressions are based upon our Life experiences, educations, and our own personal concepts of the world.
2007-07-18 06:07:13 UTC
i try not to judge a book by its cover but if i meet someone and they are not so nice to me then that leaves quite an impression on me and one that is hard to shift.

as ive done in life, if, after getting to know this person, i realize that they must of been having a bad day when we first met, then i approach them and let them know how i felt on that initial meeting and usually they are quite shocked about how they treated me that day. i hope they make a concious effort to be more aware of how the first impression counts, and it does.
2007-07-18 00:12:41 UTC
Always go with your guttural instinct. I didn't and it cost me thousands of dollars in hospital bills. Time,experience and mutual acquaintances will answer the question of the true character of a person. I would rather be wrong about a person than dead
2007-07-17 22:58:14 UTC
I believe I can do a fairly accurate assessment to at least screen out jerks/a generally bad person by listening to their speech - both pattern and content. I am not referring to their dialect or accent, but rather how they treat people such as waiters or a person in line, or how they address people over the phone. Are they deceptive, short tempered, rude, overly flirtatious/brownnosing or full of themself/arrogant?

This does not say that I'm accurate on whether or not the person is "good" I'm just accurate on weeding out the "bad"
2007-08-13 08:24:28 UTC
Believe it or not, when you meet or come across anything in you life your not familiar with, your pineal gland or rather your 3rd eye zips into action releasing certain chemicals into the brain giving you, or rather telling you something is not right and this new person you've just met, just doesn't make the right connection in you brain.
2007-08-12 12:58:13 UTC
it is not fair at all to assume the peoples personality.

in my opinion , always I should trust any person i meet until I see something take of the trustiness between us. but there r somethings "important" u can't put your self in risks for person u don't have experience with him.
2007-08-03 08:14:29 UTC
Some people will say,"your first impression is your

last impression".I,on the other hand disagree-I'd say-"your first impression may be a lasting impression".People do change,Everyone is not bad and we all are entitled to our opinion.
2007-07-30 12:59:39 UTC
I know that many people have misjudged me based on a first impression. I tend to be a little quiet when I first meet people and it tends to come off as snobby, which I am far from. So I try to remember that when meeting people and realize that there are many reasons that people may come off as one way when you meet them, and they may not really be showing who they really are.
2007-07-25 07:01:03 UTC
I Find that when you go against your gut ,it usually doesn't work out very well. Then your sorry you didn't trust your gut feelings. My mother always said that the gut feeling is really your inner intelligence speaking to you.
2007-07-19 06:28:38 UTC
You'll know if your first impression is accurate after getting to know this person for a longer period of time. It is not fair to be prejudicial, in any instance.
2007-07-18 20:10:25 UTC
well, in my experience, all people have instincts that carry on throughout their entire lives. circumnavigating these feelings can lead to better impressions. follow your heart, but do not get involved with someone wrong. if something feels bad. get out. in all, trusting is key, but being yourself and discovering these plains can lead to great things.
james w
2007-07-18 19:42:48 UTC
I have learned a lot from animals , maybe because we are animals . just a higher degree but, when I meet someone male or female if I don't like their smell, it is time to retreat, and if you notice almost all animals do the same wild or domestic, I have learned the hard way many times and I don't like being taken advantage of and almost without fail if someones odor don't appeal to me it happens,
2007-07-18 14:05:32 UTC
It's probably on eye contact. You should be able to read someone's character based on what type of eye contact they provide you. It's not fair to assume someone is a bad person based on looks, but that's how American society accepts it to be.
i like turtles
2007-07-18 07:20:33 UTC
You really should never trust your gut instinct. I usually don't have first impressions, because you can never tell what a person is like by the way they look. You can't just look at a person and be like..."Oh, she looks nice, cuz she smiles a lot." That's an example, and a person that smiles a lot can be the meanest person never. It's possible. Therefore, you gotta get to know a person before you can judge them.
frieda l
2007-07-18 06:57:36 UTC
I personally feel that intuition is a key factor and usually I try to curb its influence to a small degree but use caution as I continue to go along with that individual...The way to trust or mistrust that first impression is too something that holds back my trust in someone....and usually I do go with it ....leaving a door to changing my mind but usually i do find it difficult to open completely but I have been known to learn to trust that individual...but yes, there was a long lost time that did get wasted but you can always catch up rather than get stabbed

do use your intuition.....but go with opened eyes. really tricky....
Jesús Ernesto Miguel
2007-07-18 06:26:11 UTC
You can never be 100% sure of it. The target is being the closest to what it really is. We are talking on many options here. Evry human, being composed of mainly the same elements, is different than the rest, that makes lots of options. Human relations most of the time have a risk, hard to go totally off it.
2007-07-18 06:24:59 UTC
Umm this is a hard one, interviewing its first impressions and gut reaction.

Meeting people socially I rely upon my gut reaction - If I had a bad reaction i would not turn my back i would just be cautious until I felt differently.
2007-07-18 05:58:24 UTC
in my dictionary face is the mirror of mind. so it does not matter what type of person is standing in front of you. it does not matter what is in his mind or what else the person is thinking about you. There are few things you have to do in front of somebody like...

1. before meeting someone be particulars on your topic.

2. when you are talking with him never keep down your eyes look straightly to his eyes and keep talking without breaking your words.

3. keep a little smile on your face.

4. be confident that what you are saying is wright.

5.sit properly or stand properly, don't move your hands as well as legs while talking.

if you are following these five steps then no doubt the front person will surely convinced at your can judge it when he was trying to ask more questions as well as giving more interest on your topics and lastly he will give you a little smile and saying you thank you very much
2007-07-17 23:26:35 UTC
I do not fel that sOo,'called is something that one should truly depend on!?! It might be better to get to know just a few more detailed reasons!! in order to help a person make the final choice in most matters !!?!! Furthermore; That matters of the heart stuff you may hear about at times concerning your social or romantic status is a bunch of[m`a'-lar;-key} too'`!
2007-07-17 23:14:16 UTC
I Never rely on First impression anymore, coz I got trick a few times. The first I met this people, they were like, gggoooodddd. With just a few meetings after that, they show their stripes....
2007-07-17 22:55:07 UTC
I am one of many people who must follow their "gut"- "little voice" whatever you want to call it. IT IS NEVER WRONG--the only time it is wrong is when I try to rationalize it's decision because my mind does not like its decision. I have suffered many consequences, some of them harmful to myself and my family for not listening to "gut". I have learned that it is actually the very first thought that comes into your mind that is not yours but is actually this "gut/voice", the next thoughts are your own which have come about by analyzing this person--appearance, behavior, demeanor, and character. People do not have to "wrong you" for you to be dead on regarding their intentions or demeanor. It is a basic inner instinct we all have but few of us fine tune into it to protect ourselves and we all should. Is it every wrong? Not in my case, but Yahoo doesn't allow enough words to be written to tell you how many, many times that voice saved me--and to further convince you of this theory--take into consideration the story of the daughter who didn't want her mommy to go to work one day---and she didn't- and she worked in the twin towers and that day was 9/11. That little girl was not psychic, she just felt or just knew she needed for her mommy to stay home.

People do change and it has happened where I did meet up with someone years later and my perception of them had changed also. Isn't that why we are here on this planet but to better ourselves?
2007-08-11 19:08:39 UTC
Always trust your gut-!! If unsure ask a question about family, look and listen, if you still have no gut feeling climb into a box and just stay there...
Clifton C
2007-08-11 07:51:28 UTC
being agood listener you could tell whether or not aperson are right for you if the person doesnt talk than you doesnt have that communication thats when you go for body language which doesnt work all the time. when you do get them to open up and they have more than three major problems. RUN.
2007-07-18 01:53:53 UTC
When I meet someone for the first time, especially within a group, I pay close attention to their interactions with the people around them, and especially their reactions to questions and comments from the group. I then ask myself, of all the people I have known, who does this person most remind me of? If a name springs to mind, I then try to anticipate this person's reactions based on my knowledge of the person who came to mind. If I can do this successfully, then I will trust the accuracy of my "gut instinct".
2007-08-15 07:16:10 UTC
If your reaction to this person is not biased upon the looks of this individual, meaning thier color of skin, clothing they were, speech (their ability to speek, not cursing, slang,), ect; then I would say yes.

Many times the person gives off degrees of light or dark from their spirit, kantra, ect. I have met immacultly dressed people, I wouldnt turn my back on, and bums who have a inner light about them. Always remember, your eyes can decieve you.
2007-08-15 00:42:54 UTC
Use your instincts first ,your gut second and if their is a question you can always rely on your brain. The heart is usually the one that gets us in trouble.

2007-08-13 20:06:34 UTC
like animals humans have instincts to protect them selfs the problem is that unlike animals we are influnenced by communication of others and memories that suggest a pattern which may not be the case. we rely on sight more than tought. your first impresson is always right.
2007-08-11 17:44:16 UTC
My DOG always knows. in 22 years, she has never been wrong at First Impressions. IF only I had followed Her lead everytime.
2007-08-01 14:28:10 UTC
I have found that if I don't listen to that little voice something goes wrong. I get a strange feeling in my gut about certain things and I am starting to seriously listen to it. Its a feeling deep inside.
2007-07-27 20:01:18 UTC
Watch for all the visual facial clues in the beginning. You'll

will almost know immediately whether you're going to like this person or not. All the body language will decipher in your brain and there you have it.
2007-07-24 10:29:38 UTC
I am forty nine yrs. old and have found a person does not need to wrong you personally for your first impression of them to be true.If you have heard of a person doing bad things to other people rest assured that if you get mixed up with them eventually they will wrong you also.
2007-07-19 08:31:23 UTC
Well, Doc; As of this writing, there's 1206 answers to this question, but I'll give you my 2 cents worth of outhouse psychology 101; Look at your past, have you been accurate about how your "gut" has steered you in the past? if so, stay with it, if not; perhaps it's time for you to rewrite your algorythm!
2007-07-19 07:45:10 UTC
I think first impressions are *usually* accurate.

Something to keep in mind: professional con men are experts at making a fantastic first impression.
2007-07-19 00:40:50 UTC
I dont like people who chat on mobiles for a long time when they are in a formal party, or people who are not humble, those who seem to be lost in their own world, when others like us are around. I dont like youngsters who do not show any regard for elders. And I have been 75% correct in judging them as notorious fellows later. I also dont like people who chat and chat all the time trying to grab everyone's attention. BUT these may not be bad people (50%).
Master M
2007-07-18 19:37:48 UTC
Impressions? Prejudices? Opinions? Individual thoughts?


What has the world come to? Way too much fault is being found in personal choices. "Most people" are granted the right to choose "things". The real question is why are the "rest of them" chastised for the choices "they" prefer?
2007-07-18 13:31:11 UTC
I always trust my instinct. Usually if I don't then I wish I had. That is just me though. My instincts have never steered me wrong when I listened to them.
2007-07-18 11:16:02 UTC
if between the talk, there is some laughter and at end there are lighter moments and one feels confident.Even if the talk shares some of the topics that are liked by both. Then one can say that the first impression is accurate.
2007-07-18 10:38:12 UTC
Difficult as it usually is to steer away from that first impression and gut instinct about someone you've met for the first time, I believe that everyone deserves more than a one shot judgment. Although I believe the majority of people tend to stay with that first gut feeling impression everyone deserves a second chance, even when meeting someone for the first time. Could be a serious case of nerves so the person may talk too much, or even not at all or stutters. Someone may have had a particularly dreadful day at work and as I was told over & over when I first was hired to work for United Airlines (although a 5th surgery on my right shoulder has since rendered me unable to work at all, darn not with them or any company for several years now-just an FYI) you don't bring your personal problems to work. So if they've managed to keep those personal problems at bay the entire time they've4 been at work, those problems may then be right on the surface when meeting anyone new so that person could seem to be extra-ordinarily angry or sad or inattentive but may actually be so pre-occupied with a personal situation they're not themselves at all, didn't expect to be introduced to anyone new, and therefore the first impression they give someone new isn't really them under normal circumstances at all.

We don't arrest people for non-violent crimes and just throw them in jail forever after just one arrest. We give them that second chance! Everyone deserves AT LEAST that, and even a 3rd or 4th chance, depending.

If someone is meeting a "boy" or "girl", for that matter man or woman for the first time, they may be so shy it takes a few meetings before they can actually speak if they're that shy and nervous!

Chances and patience people! This society passes judgment on people so quickly and sometimes they do so with no thought of what they may say or do and the effect it has on the person they've just met.

I guess my first thoughts go to someone right after the attacks on 9-11-01 and someone who's introduced to anyone who might only remotely seem to be the same as the people who actually did all the harm to the US on that day that they take it upon themselves to "go after" the person they've just met, figuring they're going to cause harm, or just plain and simple prejudice! Something we have far too much of in this country as it is!

And as I live in Colorado and have for many many years, so was livnig actually not far from Columbine High School back on 20April, 1999 when Klebold and Harris went on their killing spree. Eveyone automatically wants to crucify their parents as well, but I honestly feel just as bad and sad for their parents as I do for the others. After all, they lost children that day as well. But for a majority of the people, if they were to meet these parents for the first time, and this I guess really doesn't deal so much with a first impression of meeting strangers but more upon a realization of who these people are and with no regard for the pain they, too, are suffering, tend towards revenge for all the good it would do anyone.

Everyone deserves equal chances, even at "first" meetings!
2007-07-18 07:00:53 UTC
Its almost never right.

I know this for a fact because once at school, I think it was the first day I sat at this table where the people appeared to be friendly but they were absolutely NOT. Everyday I would regret sitting there until I got enough courage to leave the table about 3 months later and decided to sit at another table. Now I learned my lesson.

Also people thought I was a ghetto person that would beat someone up if they looked at me wrong..People thought I was a mute because they never heard me speak..People think I'm weird but I know I'm not. But if you take the time out to know someone your opinion can completely change.

I am not a shy person, I just like to know someone before I open up to them because you can never really trust someone. People thought I was mute but I talked sometimes but they are usually not paying attention to me.

Like I said before take the time out to know someone and go by that old quote, "Don't judge a book by its cover"
2007-07-18 05:55:25 UTC
Interesting question. As part of my job, I interview software engineers. One of the most important lessons I've learned in this process is to avoid the temptation to establish a *conclusive* opinion on the candidate within the first five minutes.
2007-07-18 04:28:50 UTC
I know for a fact that my gut instincts are wrong when meeting new people. I have always found that the people that give me the worst impressions at first have turned into my BEST friends! Funny, huh?
2007-07-18 03:08:11 UTC
I have been pretty accurate in my first impressions of people. But I try to keep an open mind until I get to know them. It makes me more conscious of how I appear to people too. Everybody deserves a second chance!
2007-07-18 02:32:36 UTC
i listen to my gut and i watch body lanquage which gives people away i look them in they eyes.

i am a people person . trust in earned. time tells all. most of the time i am right. worked in the red cross disaster, was a cop for several years. supervisor for over 20 people in my department.

my gut instinct is highly developed.

I had too .sometimes it means life or death,
2007-07-17 23:10:17 UTC
It is not right for any one of us to judge another (you know, never judge a book by it's cover). However, most of us do, but I don't trust my gut instincts, unless I am in a threatening situation.
floyd w
2007-08-10 13:00:35 UTC
Always give a person a Chance. With all people the first time you met them be careful.
2007-08-08 12:46:24 UTC
I spent 31 yrs of my life judging others on a daily basis,and my first impression is always accurate due too my expierence
2007-07-28 18:18:31 UTC
okay, I'm a weird one , but I feel like sharing. my first impressions are in default. I'm usually very aware of who is around me at any given time. I can sense if there going to be trouble or fun. I love the company of matter one or in a hole crowd. even as a girl I was able to see anger and false faces in people. and it has saved my "buns" more than once in my life. sometimes i don't even notice some ones color. only their voices give them away. BUT.... when it comes to picking someone to settle down with , they change to where their me. Eu. cant live with someone who becomes ME> i like myself in my own skin not in theirs.
2007-07-26 14:07:18 UTC
you should always watch and listen to person,because their actions say alot about them. letting a person talk will really give you a general idea as to what the person is all about. sometimes it's better to pray about a situation like that when you are not sure about an individual.
2007-07-24 06:34:14 UTC
Yes, you should trust your gut at all times.

Wrong or Right.

Called common sense.

Of course you can always change your mind and you never harm anyone in any way because of your gut reaction.
Cal W
2007-07-19 08:17:13 UTC
Ask questions and listen to their answers. Allow the person to tell you about themselves. You can tell a lot about a person the way they talk about others and their relationships. Everyone deserves a chance, treat others the way you would like to be treated and you will be surprised at the result.
2007-07-19 05:25:04 UTC
You never really know,, First impressions are really right on. You need to get to know a person before you know a person. Don't be quick to judge.
2007-07-19 05:17:36 UTC
I am a supervisor on a night-shift job,and I have been able to tell who could make it at their new job by not even meeting them.I just stare at their photo ID's,and by using the shape of their mouths to to read into them.So far, so good as I have won bets with my co-supervisor.He asks me how I am able to judge so right.Instinct or psyhic,I do not know.
2007-07-18 18:06:05 UTC
you never will. because first impressions arent always accurate. the person you met mightve been in a bad situation so what he mightve appeared as a first impression to you couldve been influenced by a negative experience. so..
2007-07-18 10:20:17 UTC
You can never tell if you made the right decision until you actually know that person. Only time will tell. But always trust your instincts.
kd s
2007-07-18 06:51:51 UTC
First impression - you are judging and being judged.

If you are being yourself and the other party(ies) are as well, there is bound to be personality likes and dislikes.

Its human nature.

We are all different.

There is too much time wasted on "awwwwee my feelings are hurt" BS.

If you clash... move on.

If you connect... make a friend, network, etc.

Life is too short to worry about this.
2007-08-16 01:52:40 UTC
You can't judge a book by its cover,but I think you can tell alot about a person by the way they talk and act. Also somewhat by appearance. I guess you just have to trust your instincts, but be a little leary of strangers.
2007-07-26 06:31:13 UTC

2007-07-18 22:49:36 UTC
I take a wait and see attitude and give the other person a chance to change my first impression.
2007-07-18 18:24:25 UTC
When ever anybody meets someone new they are acting like they think you want them to act. Sociologists have proven that first impressions do not show you how that person really acts.
Andrew B
2007-07-18 14:43:12 UTC
Always trust your gut feeling. If think someone is not a good person or someone you will not like proceed with caution.
2007-07-18 01:25:03 UTC
As you get older, snap decisions are quicker and more correct. Discriminating thinking is more refined. This is called experience. You ALWAYS trust your gut. If your gut's wrong TOO MANY times, you die and you don't have kids with bad intuition.

If it looks like a scumbag and quacks like a scumbag... YOU CANNOT TAKE CHANCES IN THIS DAY AND AGE.
2007-07-18 00:18:38 UTC
If my job was 'personnel', I'd probably only be 75% right about an interviewee, but as I only need to judge whether I'd like or trust a person, (or they would like or trust me,) then I'm 100% these days having had lots of practice.
2007-07-17 23:06:43 UTC
It is not fair to assume by first impression of a new person either as good/bad.In a given society there are norms & values for gestures (accepted gestures like saying hallo/hai, how do you do, nice meeting you.By chance a new person exhibit new gestures not known to other, few people may assume strictly based on gestures to be followed as someon a new person is not following the ettiquet (& may conclued with their impression of good/bad. A new person may be candid in his opinion & frank. People in a conservative society never express inner feeling easily & scoff.grin when some one is not following usual social norms.

One should try to understand why one is giving a different impression of himself.How he/she is a product of a different society /group having their own system of values, ettiquet., & social behaviour.People with understanding & maturity (people with knowledge of multi culture) may not develop straight conclusion by first impression.

After dealing for sometime with a new person if his heart is fully understood /his passion & behaviour is identified one can conclude their impression.(may be as Hypocrate, good/bad / not appropriate to go with etc).
2007-07-17 21:35:22 UTC
I think a gut instinct is good in some cases but it could also be tainted by our subconscious prejudices and fears or in the opposite, hopes and expectations. I think whatever the instinct you get, the purpose of it is to proceed cautiously to find out if what you are feeling is true in actuality. You initial impressions of someone could be affected by your mood, your previous experience of someone like them, visual cues regarding their dress, speech, manner or perceived threat or friendliness. Also the thought of their motives may also cross your mind in those initial moments when you meet them too.

Society teaches us to be skeptical with trusting anything that can't be measured, like gut instinct and psychic ability, so probably most people don't trust their gut instinct for this reason too.

Personally, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt at first meet until something occurs after that to make me think otherwise.

I think we are geared to make choices that help us to cope or survive in the moment. The measure of the success of those choices, whether by gut instinct or rational thought is, I think, relative.
Jesse S
2007-08-07 08:18:48 UTC
First impressions are the most lasting ones so appreance and greetings are very important during this point of the encounter.
2007-08-05 09:08:18 UTC
You don't. First impressions don't allow you to see the true character of the person.
2007-08-04 07:54:09 UTC
I think you will know by the way you reacted so sit back and think of how you reacted. Lets say you hissed at him or her and bypassed him or her, you have to go to the person and ask for forgiveness but if you didnot see the person ask God for forgiveness and thats all so you will know that by the way you reacted because you cant make the matter to start afresh
2007-07-31 22:40:48 UTC
First impression occur and culminates from our prior experiences. Let us assume they have not wronged us till the time being, but It will be safe to be precocious in further dealings.
2007-07-27 17:33:59 UTC
My first impression is never usually correct. I have in the past laid judgment and after have known them better I realized that my first impression was way off base.
2007-07-25 00:49:28 UTC
I’m not really sure what the question here is. Anyway, we all create our own first impressions when we are with another living being-human or not. It's all about destiny and fate when 2 persons cross paths and they seem to know each other-in a bad or good way.

I believe in reincarnation and souls have a way of reincarnating: to finish, start over or correct a past life (or they can choose “the Light” to rest their weary souls). If there are 2 souls that meet -w/ a different body in a different time-they will know each other-in a bad or good way. Although they do not know why they feel these way.

That's why if I had a soul of a criminal in my past life, and you have a soul of a-let's say-the judge who persecuted me-and our paths cross-I will freak out and be hostile (even to the point of killing you) just by meeting you and without even knowing the reason why. (Even immediately after we are born! A baby's soul inside it's mother's womb already know whom he/she will be interacting before he/she is even born! If you’re a Christian, remember baby John inside Elizabeth’s womb when Mary the mother of Jesus visited her? It was a good reaction though. As if they knew each other happily before in a past life.)

But then finally you or I will know-if we both wish to know-the reason of these feelings.

If not, then what happened in the past to your soul will happen again and again as we will reincarnate repeatedly to fix the problem and make good out of a bad feeling or experience.

So this is how we judge others-without reason at all.

If you feel ‘cornered’, fear, sweaty, shaky and awkward –just plain seeing someone you do not know picking out the best lemons 20 feet away in a grocery store-then that’s past life prejudging someone. It does not mean that person is bad. Maybe your soul just had a past life bad experience with that person’s soul. If these are your feelings-the moment you see or meet this person-then stay away as faaarrr as possible from him/her (That’s the gut instinct to do.) Since your fear is creating hostility. Unless you will overcome that fear, then it will bear possible results like a smile, a small talk and then finally into friendship. And all bad opinion thrown off.

One example is between a dog and a human. If you’ve never liked dogs, chances are you’re going to get bit by one or even more times in your lifetime if you ever try to get near one-with fear and hesitation (I know a friend that was bitten 5 times in her lifetime.). Dogs and all kinds of animals have this kind of sense that ‘offends’ them when you feel fear and hesitation towards them. These animals will attack you because they feel your hostility (the effect of fear) towards them.

Just like humans, we get offended when someone isn’t sure on how to deal with us (Shyness is a form of hostility also. People tend to stay away from shy people because they are offended of the effects of shyness-don’t talk much, cringe, etc. Humility creates humility. Again let’s take a look at an aggressive dog and 1 that’s not. When these 2 dogs see each other and one is not affected and just sit and look eye to eye of the other growling dog, you will notice that the aggressive dog will calm down and actually lie on its back showing humility. Sometimes the aggressive dog becomes friendly.). Say if it was me picking out those lemons in the grocery store, then our eyes locked and I smiled but you did not and made a frown instead. My FIRST IMPRESSION was: I saw and sensed your hostility (being “fear”). And I would defend myself by being hostile myself.

First impressions towards others are ALWAYS accurate since we all create them from the start within ourselves. If I am to judge you as being bad-even if we do not speak to each other, the first time we met, there must be a reason that I myself do not know. Our soul that uses our body as vessels must know. But our human mind does not know unless we seek help (professional or mystical). And no, it's not fair especially if he/she hasn’t wronged us. First impressions w/o reason at all is created by past life recurrences.
2007-07-23 19:44:44 UTC
You never know until sfter the date. people get nervous and therfore say the wrong things. No ones perfect. And you should always trust your instinct because its what you feel, listen to your self.
2007-07-23 10:24:05 UTC
This posing is really disgusting. Pay for your advertising space like anyone else. And don't pose questions the only design of which is to generate some interest in your moronic television show.
2007-07-19 05:55:17 UTC
You'll know. After you meet a few times and you are comfortable with the person then you know your first impression is acurate.
2007-07-19 02:41:30 UTC
It's not fair to have first impressions but, you're just a human being.

You'll know that your firts impression is accurate when you talk to him personally.
2007-07-18 22:03:45 UTC
Your instincts take over. The body language feels right and the approving nod says go for it.
2007-07-18 12:10:53 UTC
I feel that as humans we have the ability to have our inner voice tell us right from wrong - or in this case, let us know what our impressions are of someone
2007-07-17 23:52:54 UTC
No sometimes I don't think it is sometimes people when you first meet them they make a bad impression b/c their nervous and once you get to know them well that impression changes from the first time you met!!
2007-07-17 23:30:05 UTC
"Gut" instinct is really an autonomic reaction to stimuli. Time will prove you right or wrong of course, but so will the people you're reacting to. They may give off subliminal signals which we pick up on, but their signals may be misleading or our interpretations may be wrong. Learning comes through experience, so we should all be careful.
David J
2007-07-18 22:29:48 UTC
Your first impression is accurate when you have good conversation with this person, and both of you had a good time
2007-07-18 11:54:33 UTC
I have found that if I get to know a person this is the way to tell if I was right or if I was reminded of someone else and looking at that person the same way.
2007-07-18 09:05:16 UTC
For a first impression, just be yourself. Trying to put off a false image can hurt you in the long run. If people dont like you for who you are, then its time to associate with other people.
kick it
2007-07-18 04:41:01 UTC
I always should go with my gut times I've second guessed myself and was proven wrong in the long run. My first impressions are always right on the money. Always.
2007-07-17 23:57:18 UTC
I do not feel your perception will be accurate in every persons opinion but you can tell whether or not this will be someone you click with by your personal values. for instance I do not want to associate with someone who refuses to shake my hand or look me in the eye, i prefer confident people not pushovers. So i think it is just a matter of what is important to you.
2007-07-17 23:41:14 UTC
i have found for me that if i like a man usually they are no good. so i trust my first impressions not to be in my best interest. with woman that is a different story, if she is scandalous then that is what she is a scandal. And with family i would rather roll over and die. Because i always do more than i should for them and I do not believe that i am helping them one bit.
2007-08-14 17:59:16 UTC
Time is the only indicator to judge whether your initial impression was correct. I'd keep my distance to some extent, allowing incremental contact to further my judgments.
Black Beauty
2007-08-08 07:04:56 UTC
In my case, I always put Jesus first. So, I would ask the Lord to show me if this is the man for me or not. I don't get serious right off the first date or anything. In some situations, following your first mind sometimes be the right thing to do if you ask God for help. Think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it over.
2007-08-08 01:09:38 UTC
You're show is trash. It aslo presents a false portrait of typical intelligent Americans who would never say the things your judges say about those assigned to judge. Don't pretend to be doing anything noble.
2007-07-26 22:35:10 UTC
well it neer hurts to give the person a try .... even tho yo might think xthere bad have a talk with them get to know them just a little but not alot so yo uguys ant friend friends and if he still seems bad to you and they have aculy show evidence of the kind then just talk to them lesser until u guys arnt talking it sounds meen but its what the heart might want
2007-07-19 09:56:15 UTC
Let them talk, get them to talk, about anything and everything. I have found that the more a person like that talks, the more they start to give you more information confirming your first impression. For instance, I was talking to another guy at a party and he seemed to want to be friends awfully fast, and was trying too hard to impress me,but in a cocky way. I had a feeling that his bravado carried over into his personality, so I kept him talking on different subjects such as work, family,friends, interests, and in almost every area he talked negatively about someone and gave details and information you just don't share with a stranger. But when the subject came to women, which with any man it will, he had nothing at all to say that was good. To him they were untrustworthy, users, only good for one thing, and he said that he tried , to have as little contact with them as possible ,except when needed. Well, my next words to him were," Really? ,because most of my idols and role models I look up to ,and who have helped me the most through life are women. " He said, " Oh, glad I found that out. I don't need friends like you." I was amazed. He thought that I was the bad one, because I thought positively of women,and here he was full of hatred for over half the worlds' population and he considered that normal.

I have tested this over and over again, just getting even a group of people all talking on different subjects,and you would be amazed to find out , that even friends you thought you knew well, turn out to be prejudiced, selfish, closed minded to new ideas, had phobias you knew nothing about. But on the same token, you also found out some terrific things, like how much charity work they do, their multitalents and abilities, interests you've had in common , etc. So this not only works with strangers, but with getting to know your own friends better. Also , in a group situation, talking about many subjects around friends with strangers, you have an instant thermometer, in your friends and other strangers, reactions to people's remarks and attitudes. They will slowly edge away, or you see them shift uncomfortably, or they show it on their face, or they even remark after , what a jerk that person is, or if they are kind, they say, "It's too bad that person feels that way about that issue. "

Also, if you meet them at a friend's party, but you don't see them at his mutual friend's parties, then it's usually because the friend was doing it because , the person was around when he was inviting someone else,and he felt he had to ask him as well, or he did it out of kindness, and not because they were that close. I will be a casual acquaintance to a person like that, say hi to them when I bump into them , but never hook up, or you get a rep just by association.

Another interesting fact I have found, is that if noone is inviting this jerk to anything, you ,dthink you should feel bad because he has no friends. Wrong! A lot of these people have many friends, who all happen to think and behave the way they do. I think they hope to hang out with a better group of people, but don't realize that their behavior or issues are offensive and at times disturbing to others. They should work on themselves if they want to move up socially in the world. I have tried to educate some who were socially inept and some just don't want to be ,changed and like behaving badly.

You can tell, who the clingers,gossipers,trustworthy,blunt,honest,liars,and pretenders are, if you get them talking. Because most people love having the stage and spilling their guts when given the opportunity. Those that don't, you know are genuinely shy or repressed, and that isn't usually a bad thing. You could be the person to make that person's soul blossom, by bringing them out of their shell and have a lifelong friend for your efforts.

Nobody can judge a person,unless they've walked in their shoes. But information right directly from the person's mouth , gives you a fair assessment of knowing if you want that person in your life or not. But even some bad eggs are basically good until their expiration date expires.
2007-07-19 09:04:36 UTC
People use such hueristics to form a first impression- it makes no sense whatsover to claim a seperate hueristic validates the first.

One hueristic followed by another is the same as one hueristic. Get it?
2007-07-19 05:07:03 UTC
Don't judge by 1st impressions... although they do make the strongest impressions, people usually welcome a chance to relax & show themselves better.

I usually give dates many many chances... unless if i see a very huge potential problem, or someone took me for a fool, i usually remain nice enough as a (normal) friend
2007-07-19 04:59:30 UTC
I am short, fat, dark and not good in communication.My body language is not all that good.

Do you mean to say that anyone who meets me for the first time will have a poor impression of me?

It is god's mistake sir and not mine
shaun h
2007-07-19 02:10:46 UTC
well judging people is risky and not always true people have the ability to know what is good for themselves and can nderstand if someone will fit in to their lifestyle. if correct one can ultimatly make thier life better but dont jump too quick make sure to get a personality reading one said person
2007-07-19 00:44:32 UTC
always trust your gut instinct and it is fair to have that oppinion.

Doesn't mean you have to act out negatively.

You can just politely remove yourself and not hurt anyone
2007-07-18 08:13:50 UTC
I try to give people the benifit of the doubt. When I get that " gut" feeling some where down the line they do something to show that I'm right.You can't judge a book by it's cover tho, you have to open it and read it :)
2007-07-18 04:29:29 UTC
I am people watcher, and while I do typically form an opinion when I meet someone, since this opinion can be tainted ( either for good or for bad ) by the circumstances of the meeting; I tend to wait to see how people present themselves over a period of time. One of my biggest consideration is how they treat others, even if they are pleasant to me, if they treat others badly, they are people I don't want to have in my life.
2007-07-17 22:56:35 UTC
I've heard that a first impression is usually made within the first fifteen seconds that we see someone, and I know from

experience that the first judgements we make are not always


As we mature as idividuals, we learn why it is unwise to make judgements based completely on a first impression, and I think that one reason why is because the first time that

we see someone we are more likely to judge them based on

their appearance rather than their moral standards.
2007-07-17 22:34:35 UTC
As unscientific as it may sound, I think we've had the little voice in the back of our head since the days of really wanting to take a short cut for hunting at the grazing fields, but sensed danger in the jungle.

I listen to the little voice, if it says their is an issue with a coworker, that doesn't mean I spray them with holy water while going all "Constantinople" on them, rather, I watch, and wait.

Forewarned, is forearmed.
2007-07-17 22:17:00 UTC
True, you will be influenced; but if you follow your initial instinct, you will be a fool. The fact is, we have evolved to avoid the "different" so as to decrease the chances of contacting another of our species (or other species) that might give us disease, or cause harm. Any large deviation from the norm will cause us to receive a bad first impression. People are so variable, physically, that we frequently avoid people we might otherwise want to meet, and trust people we should not. The fact more of us arent harmed is a tribute to the fact many people are trustworthy and kind, since we also evolved to co-operate, as a survival strategy.
2007-08-16 06:55:53 UTC
Iam always cauti0us when I get bad vibes but that doesn't mean I simply acccept my need to keep an open mind always look for both strengths and weakness when evaluating people
2007-07-31 18:03:20 UTC
Sometimes our "gut instincts" are influenced by past experiences in our lives. Our reaction is not intuitive but many times our perceptions are conditioned. Every race and every culture has a stereotype attached to them and unfortunately many believe the myths they hear concerning various people and cultures outside of their own. We are quick to judge someone when certain characteristics of an individual appear to be similar to the misguided thoughts that have been fed to us through prejudiced resources. When a man of middle eastern descent is in our presence, despite his patriotic loyalty, his appearance alone will cause people to be uneasy about his presence. This is a conditioned reaction, a "gut instinct" which is nothing more than a taught behavior. If certain personality types in your history have brought you misery, then people who mirror this type of behavior will affect you in an adverse way. This may not be a conscious reaction, and you may not be aware of your selective reasoning, but certain character traits are going to raise red flags in your mind. I also bellieve people create different types of energy through various mannerisms and verbal communication. If someone has negative thoughts brewing in their minds or if it is the intention of another to do you harm, there is something in their countenence that triggers a reaction from people who are around them. The reaction may seem instictive, but many thoughts are readable simply by the looks on a persons face. What goes on in a persons mind is sometimes communicated by facial expressions. Consider for a moment a loved one who is upset but does not say a thing. There is something in their eyes and facial expressions that is abnormal and we are able to discern something is terribly wrong. Sometimes we are unable to definitively identify the problem, but we are aware there is something wrong, despite how many times they deny there is a problem at all. For those who are younger and naive, they may not have the discernment abilities of an adult and they may be completely oblivious to any possible threat that stands before them. We have heard miracle stories of children escaping seemingly inevitable victimization. I believe divine intervention plays a role in our ability to walk away from potential chaos. So, how do we know when our first impression is accurate, we don't. We often take risks by listening to or ignoring that voice from within, but there are so many influences in our life that distort that voice and sometimes it is unreliable. As far as making assumptions about another, as long as your assumptions are not based on racism or any form of bigotry, then self preservation is your first priority. If you feel threatened, get out, if you are unsure, seek the advice of family and friends. Get others you trust involved and do your best to accurately discern the feelings you experience from one person to another. As a total stranger, I have no expectations from you . Despite your reputation, I will not allow my preknowledge of you to influence my opinion of you. You know nothing about me so I cannot expect you to trust me without first being deemed as trustworthy. If I wanted to meet you, despite what I have written in response to your quiry, would you want to meet me or would you be apprehensive. There is no template or instruction manual that tells us what to do or how we should do it, but hopefully with exemplary role models growing up, one can make proper decisions and has a voice from within that can accurately discern the good from the bad.
2007-07-18 20:03:50 UTC
I'd have too say that I have a 97% acuracy on people on my first impresssion of them.I can't explain why it's just a feeling or vibe or aura or whatever you want to call it. So I just about always go with how I feel.
Fallen Angel
2007-07-18 18:28:31 UTC
I'll Make it Short,

Never Trust anyone at the first look.

Even so that he/she seems pretty clear that good/bad..

Never take quick judgements..

Its always wiser to talk some time with them rather than give

opinion by just look.

Stay with me ppl..

2007-07-18 06:48:53 UTC
The bottom line is we're all animals. As such, we act (or should act) instinctively to preserve ourselves from something bad happening to us. That's how animals in the wild stay alive, that's how they survive. And that applies to us to some extent.

So for those who said that trusting your gut is wrong, I must stand you corrected.
2007-08-10 17:27:08 UTC
Immediately put yourself in a position Where That Person Can Not Hurt You. Then, be nice! Even if they Were planning to harm you, that usually makes them so confused that you'll be able to escape.
trish r
2007-08-09 08:15:26 UTC
you cant judge a book by its cover,but as animals have instincts,for danger,i believe humans have a sixth sence,we should always trust what we feel about that person,always trust your gut instincts,so not what we see,but what we feel,and always keep a little part of yourself aware of this feeling,never forget it and always look for clues of it.
2007-08-01 11:53:28 UTC
I think you should always give people a second chance cause maybe there having a bad day or something...Then if you still feel uneasy go with your gut.
2007-07-28 17:49:14 UTC
well a lot of people assume people are good bad shy ect because the way they look or dress. like lets say i see a girl wearing all black and as a tough attitude i would assume she isnt friendly and probably try to ignore her cause i would be thinking "oo better not mess with her".
2007-07-26 17:07:34 UTC
Only way you will know for sure is fine out about that person or item. Usually for me my gut is wrong and I can live with that.
vivi mil
2007-07-25 20:20:22 UTC
If you can't go by you own gut instinct due to it is how you truely feel then it would be very hard to trust yourself.
Edward A
2007-07-19 08:30:26 UTC
an individuals initial perception of someone is often misleading. Give yourself sometime to understand the different dimensions of the person in ?; your gut may be wrong.
rebecca f
2007-07-19 05:24:22 UTC
Even if you feel like the person is bad news, they may be a really nice person. On the other hand, if person seems nice they can always be a serial killer. You never know!
2007-07-18 20:29:23 UTC
you cant really tell

you cant judge a book by its cover

if you get the first impression and you dont like it

have the person stick around for a second impression
2007-07-18 20:10:48 UTC
I know it true when what i feel that person will do.As simple as that.I trust my instinct 50%,my eye(what i see) 35%,what i hear 15%.Eye and Ear support my instinct
David V
2007-07-18 18:56:13 UTC
You'll never really KNOW. It's a matter of making decisions and sticking with them. Developing a comfortable level of confidence is your goal, not being the next Svengali.
2007-07-18 18:42:46 UTC
no one can tell the behavior and personality of person in first meeting. It takes time to know a person
prince charming
2007-07-18 14:14:32 UTC
some times its hard but if they show up with an attitude and are not dressed for the particluar job or function it would make me be a bit wary of them until they prove themselves. i sure wouldnt trust them with the company stash if they made a bad impression .
2007-07-18 13:17:34 UTC
Hindsight. I've learned to trust my first impressions of people after giving trust against my instinct and having it betrayed, or just mislaid. Inevitably, I would think back to my first impression and notice it never failed to warn me (as well as tell me who was trustworthy). It was me who failed it...

Pay attention to handshakes, they really reveal alot about people.
Crystal C
2007-07-18 12:20:40 UTC
Life is full of feelings and decisions. You won't always be accurate, and no one will ever ALWAYS be right. But, hey, that's what makes it life. We don't live in a perfect world and we never will.... this is all just a part of the adventure through it.
2007-07-18 12:07:55 UTC
My first impression and gut instinct has never been wrong. I trust it.
2007-07-18 10:51:46 UTC
I know I've met many people I've immediately liked and some I just could not tolerate nor like without any real reason.

I feel that we all can sense the essence of another person and from that we decide about the person.
2007-07-18 06:23:29 UTC
Aways trust your gut instinct. If you don't listen to that small voice something always happens to tell you "listen up." If you still avoind your gut then inevitably somthimg worse happens then you begin to wonder. If you still are avoiding your instinct you will regret it and will be saying "I knew it." you may find your self in a predicament that you would not want to wish on any one.
2007-07-18 00:03:29 UTC
You don't require much time to understand that you can guess that within a minute of meeting him/her by talking to him/her with eye to eye contact and if he/she talks to you with the same manner i.e. eye to eye contact it means you have a good impression in the mind of that person else say good bye to him/her. For a test you can try this out with one or two persons. Best of luck.
2007-07-17 21:33:34 UTC
Sometimes it can depend on the same thing as buying a home. Location, location, location.

However, it may depend also on the reason you are approaching someone else in the first place.

You have to have faith in order to step out and deal with new people.

The person you may be unsure of may be just as unsure of you.

Yet at the same time, sometimes if you follow an instinct that is screaming out atr you to avoid a certain person, then maybe you lose nothing by doing so.

Maybe you would feel better meeting that person in a different circumstance, say, with a friend.

It is always wise to seek the counsel of someone you know is mature and in whom you can trust if the situation feels unresolved and in need of further action.

There are a lot of variables in the question that were not asked.

2007-08-11 15:59:15 UTC
you act like u trust him or her and keep being nice to him or her but u need to watch them and make sure they r not a bad person or u call the cops and 4 any of u that do not know u dial 911 to call the cops
2007-08-09 08:47:27 UTC
Lady I know what makes a person tick in 15 min. I'm seldom wrong. Give my an hour with you and I'll tell you things about you you did not know yourself.
2007-08-07 08:06:35 UTC
If that person, seems interested,you know when you have impressed someone,It shows Action's and body language tells all.
2007-07-26 19:09:07 UTC
Basically it is a matter of intuition. I don't look. I feel. I believe we are all born with something that can detect this sort of thing. Dogs and little children can spot negative people in an instant.
2007-07-24 03:17:52 UTC
Always trust your own gut instincts, if you cannot trust yourself girl, then you are in trouble.

Gut Instincts are always, always, always correct if you are a balanced person.
double E
2007-07-23 09:29:41 UTC
The answer is simple; one cannot trust a first impression.
2007-07-19 09:30:29 UTC
I think go by your gut instinct. They also say psychotics avoid eye contact and fidget alot. Women you have an advantage, as then women's intuition can come into play!
Bobby Jim
2007-07-19 08:38:34 UTC

Your second and third impressions will affirm or contradict your first. Keep an open mind, because anybody can have a bad day.
2007-07-19 05:53:33 UTC
first impressions are never accurate. u dont really "know" someone the first time u meet them! people who think "what you see is what u get" are plain stupid and cant think outside of the box
Faerie loue
2007-07-18 22:02:56 UTC
You instinctively know the person. Don't know how-but you do. And you are never wrong. Check back on your past encounters and see for yourself. It's like "the nose knows".
richard b
2007-07-18 21:27:38 UTC
when i meet someone for the first time, i look into their soul to tell what kind of person i am dealing with. i read body language, and emotions like most people read books. it is a skill i have developed over the years out of necessity. while i do make mistakes, they are few. that said i do give people chances to redeem themselves.
Lou C
2007-07-18 21:03:18 UTC
You can tell by the response that you receive from the encounter. Through further conversation their character will reveal itself. You always give the benefit of doubt, but character flaws can only hide for anight.
2007-07-18 20:24:57 UTC
Your discontinuous social science approach to this problem evidenced by an ill posed question is not worthy of an answer. As I told you before; people such as you make me glad I do not have a TV.
2007-07-18 15:07:36 UTC
You can't... at least not by way of the intellect.

However, the soul or psyche, if you will, may rightly

advise you to "trust your gut...." Wasn't it the Greek sage, "Hericlitus" who spoke to the soul (psyche) as its

own source of unfolding. I go with the gut!
2007-07-18 14:07:55 UTC
I find it's usually best to error on the side of caution. If you get a bad feeling about someone, there is something about them that you may be instinctually reading be it looks or mannerisms or what have you.
2007-07-18 10:55:29 UTC
We have our instincts for a reason.

There's a difference between being put off by someone because they were in a bad mood or having a bad day. And being cautious of someone you have a bad feeling about.
2007-07-18 10:50:48 UTC
You can't judge anyone by looks or clothes. I was working for this computer company and there was one tech everyone seemed to like. He was a sharp dresser and seemed to have it all together. Well he was found cheating the customers and company, even the owner was shocked
2007-07-18 10:19:12 UTC
I have found our little mixed breed house dog is a good judge of character and if she doesn't like you on first meeting, she remembers and never will. Certain people, and we don't have many guests, that I thought were ok and she went berserk at have turned out to not be very good people.
Jovan J
2007-07-18 09:34:20 UTC
Unlike some, I tend not to make a conclusion about someone's character based on my first impresion of him, because I think it's discriminating (especialy if it is a negative impresion). I will never relly on this person in the begining, I will just let his acts speak instead of him. Later I will make a conclusion.
2007-07-18 05:28:06 UTC
I have met people who at first impression they come off as arrogant and not nice to be with, but further contact has shown me they're completely the opposite.

I don't believe the first impression is the right impression, at least, not always.
2007-07-19 03:51:11 UTC
it is very simple if you are with a group of friends the person that you just meet won't talk to you at all or if its just you and that person well they won't talk to you either or they will leave.... i think? but yeah it is not fair to assume someone is a bad person just because you don't know them you gotta hang out or just talk to find out who they really are.
2007-07-18 22:20:23 UTC
We typically assume what we want to believe. Ask yourself if you are convincing yourself of a matter you wish to be or of a matter that is real. Time may be the only answer.
2007-07-18 18:36:49 UTC
Simply, all you have to do are get involve with a casual conversation and that will settle your instinct about their status in general. Either . the converstaion becomes enchanting or boredom
2007-07-18 07:19:47 UTC
When i met my husband i thought he was big headed, vain and shallow. When i talked to him more he seemed nice and didn't seem that i married him and had children with him i found out in time i had been correct in my gut instincts..I unfortunately didn't listen to my gut instincts and am paying. I am now divorcing after the kids have grown up. And that is my story!
2015-03-25 19:41:25 UTC
I was in a confrontation at work in which a person said to me that they were a "superb judge of character." I asked them if they were ever wrong. They said "no, never." I told them if they were never wrong, they most likely weren't learning or honest with themselves, and should be trusted the least with character judgments and walked away.
Migdalia F
2007-08-11 20:23:57 UTC
If the person is trying to be very friendly or very nice to you, even if he/she never talked to you before, i assume that person is into something, or is a lonely person and want very bad your company or friendship. I like to choose my friends, with that i mean that i don't like to be pushed into a relationship. Also, lonely person give me the creeps.
Sandy D
2007-07-29 16:32:26 UTC
I would go with my gut feeling if I felt they were dangerous, otherwise I would try and give them a little more time and give them a chance to change my opinion of them.
cuzn deb
2007-07-26 07:46:44 UTC
If a person can't trust their own feelings they don't believe in their self. If you can or don't believe in self what else is left? Without anything else to rely on , a person should at least trust and rely own self
Rashid K
2007-07-19 09:48:41 UTC

Give your feeling 75 % chance. leave 25 % to judge by opening dialogue, or by knowing the actions of that person that you like ot judge to confirm your feeling. some times feelings are correct some times feeling is deceiving.
fireman sam
2007-07-19 03:56:57 UTC
you just have to trust your gut feeling... simple

but people do change so build a fresh opinion about someone every time you meet them almost... but remember people are not the people who they just were, they are who they have been throughout the time you have known them...
jorge e
2007-07-18 22:37:47 UTC
Unless you feel in immediate danger, then give them a chance to prove to you that they are not bad. Otherwise, whatever the impression is that you get initially,, wait until they prove to you that they are who you first thought they were.
2007-07-18 19:55:44 UTC
I always say what you do or say let it be done or said because you like them not because not because you are trying to get them to like you this way if they are not what you want them to be no love lost it was all about you anyway and it's a lot easier to deal with your own disappointment then someone else rejections
2007-07-18 17:35:49 UTC
I am really good at predicting if someone is good or bad or what their personality is like so I trust my instincs I wait a while before I am sure though.
2007-07-18 17:24:43 UTC
You have to know the person a little bit well to judge. If you met that person through a friend, ask as much people that know them about it, then figure it out for yourself.
2007-07-18 09:59:21 UTC
I can't really say its 100 % accurate but if I see someone who looks kind of 'creepy'/makes me feel uneasy for some reason I kind of stay away from them and I don't think theres anything wrong with that. A lot of people i get a bad 'vibe' from end up being bad people which I'm always glad I avoided.
Heidi W
2007-07-18 09:55:54 UTC
There is no way to know whether your first impression is accurate when meeting someone new. The only way to tell is to continue the relationship.
2007-07-18 09:35:20 UTC
I think we all have a "gut" feeling inside of us...If I feel something weird or wrong about a person I don't push them away right away I just keep my distance until i get to know them
2007-07-18 09:08:56 UTC
Never ignore an internal alarm. If more than the initial contact with the individual is necessary then air to the side of caution until proven otherwise.
2007-07-18 06:47:16 UTC
Check out my First Impressions Blog, many answers!
2007-07-17 23:54:25 UTC
Its just a feeling I get and I trust my instincts.

I wont judge the person, there is only one that can do that and I don't wish to step into his shoes.

However I will be vigilant.

best wishes
2007-07-18 22:35:07 UTC
Like all animals the first sence of danger is general right.

If one wishes to be friends after sencing danger may be one worse decision. It is best to keep this person at arms length.
2007-07-18 19:09:56 UTC
After meeting them, ask three people from different points of view of the subject's reputation: personal and professional. Just say, "I was just introduced to Mr. or Ms. X, do you know anything about them, they seemed pleasant?"
2007-07-18 19:07:19 UTC
good question, i guess that depends on your life's experience,but hard to tell,that day the persons allergies may be in action,or there cat died, or worse...unless the person is cussing every other word or sneezing in your face I'd give another chance to make right, but i would be honest with the person if no second chance is given,he or she may kill you right there but at least you were honest
Jean B
2007-07-18 18:32:09 UTC
Trust. But Verify!
2007-07-18 13:35:50 UTC
its not fair to assume someone is not a good person just because you think so try walking in someones shoes before judging them right or wrong let god do that
2007-07-18 06:24:10 UTC
I very rarely am wrong when it comes to first impressions...I look for intellegence, sense of humor, a true likeable quality, and just a person I can say I would want to get to know..
2007-08-11 16:22:10 UTC
The only way to know for certain is to actually take the time to get to know the person.
2007-07-24 17:40:31 UTC
Well, sometimes, I can feel safe by picking out the people that will most likely attack me, but what makes me feel really safe is that I carry a Glock 19 9mm handgun.
2007-07-23 09:12:51 UTC
i say go with your first instinct, but sort of se if yor correct or not, like try another date and see if you still get the same vibe. first impressions arent always correct but you neer know if it is the right one
Elizabeth F
2007-07-19 04:28:43 UTC
The wisdom found by Reverend Biggs in "The Preachers' Wife" to look into someones eyes works for me. Anyone for whom you can find love there, you know that they have your best interests truly at heart.
2007-07-18 22:46:43 UTC
Usually when I talk to someone new if they constantly make me feel bad like saying rude comments or just rude the whole time yes I might not like them or if I get a real bad vibe from them. :)
2007-07-18 21:42:36 UTC
i live on the principle that everyone deserved to be given respect and courtesy until they prove otherwise. sometimes i even give them a couple of times before i start to change my opinion or rather to have an impression on them and then it is really, really hard for them to earn my respect back!!
2007-07-18 21:21:51 UTC
you don't know if your 1st impression is accurate that's y u should get 2 know sum1 b4 u start judging them b/c they could end up being really close 2 u...don't judge a book by itz cover that's all i've got 2 say
2007-07-18 18:30:56 UTC
You should always trust your gut instict. Its usally rite. But people do change and they do make mistakes, so every now and again look at them and figure out if they are still what you thought they were.
2007-07-18 13:59:01 UTC
there is no way to accurately gauge someone on the first meet. unless you can try to set the meeting up that will reveal his inner person (thats why I never dated a psychiatrist)

my take on this is : first we try, then we trust

it is human nature for us to cover our flaws.

there is only one person I ever met who once told me he shows everything on the first meet. his opinion was - if you can take my worst, then we can be friends
2007-07-18 13:19:41 UTC
I don't want to make light of the question, but if you meet them again and you still have that feeling, pretty safe bet that you were dead on the first time.
2007-07-18 10:30:55 UTC
I am a woman, and my gut tells me when to trust someone and when not to! Whenever I have not listened to it, oops - things went wrong! Anyway, one' s character is emanated not only by his words, but also by his body language and facial expressions. Males, who do not have this female intuition, may rely more on these features.

It is good to trust ourselves!
2007-07-18 06:59:20 UTC
Most of the time it would invovle the reason for meeting them

(a social gathering where everyone knows the hosts or member of the host's family) It can also be matter of personal phobias.
2007-07-17 23:00:57 UTC
The first impression is inaccurate. However you can determine a bit of the cultural background of the person but to really know him/her you should meet several times.
Let me steer you
2007-07-17 21:48:51 UTC
I used to be arrogant enough to think that my first impression was always "right on". Over the years, and after working with many hundreds of people, I have to admit that I was probably wrong as often as I was correct about people I disliked on first impression.

First impressions are formed based on quirks that annoy you or a demeanor that is contrary to those you enjoy engaging. Learning more about the person and their situations often allows you to ignore annoyances and enjoy the attributes they offer.

However, those I instinctively like on first impression, I almost always turn out to be correct.
2007-08-05 15:01:40 UTC
I always trust how i feel about anyone I've just met and don't judge them by appearance or manners. We're all unique and unless wronged, shouldn't feel uncomfortable with first encounters.
2007-07-18 00:22:09 UTC
you only know it better when you continue meeting ,talking etc I believe though if your guts are having you FEEL very uncomfortable then dont continue to force any kinda relationship.I t doesnt mean its actually true and this other person is bad but some negative energy/yin/yang is present so why bother.Luckily there are plenty of other people with whom it clicks.....just energy flowing or blocking our feelings.I always listen to them
2007-08-13 22:50:01 UTC
wow...mmmhmm.....the only way to know if ur gutts were rite is to talk to that person....mistakes happen.....whether to'll never know...but usally best to go with ur basic instinct. But know that people have judged me as one bad, yet wen they get to know i'm not.....the military is told to trust your guts but have killed their own men for the best way is to have a more evidence/proof on what ur concerned
samy n
2007-08-13 16:06:02 UTC
when meetingsome onenew i let him to speak until he finish i alawys notic his eyes carfuly follow his hand movements and from time to time i ask him to speak again insome prevous points and in my mind quicly notice if thir is diffrenceabout that he speak before 0ne hundred percentag i succeedto make acurate impression my work as a great officerbefore dealing with thousendssoldiers with diffrent educations and beaviours helped me so much
2007-08-13 12:51:52 UTC
The way the person presents themselves. In the way they speak, what they speak about. How they dress, stand, posture, eye contact. The distance they keep between you and them. Their body language. The tone and volume of their voice.
Anthony F
2007-08-12 16:46:05 UTC
how much does this person make eye contact, if he or she is talking what kind of expressions is on their face, are they always twitching, do they seem nervous, what are they wearing, are they groom properly, if you meet them for dinner what kind of table manners do they have, analyze them without them knowing this, and last never let them take control always be one step ahead. GOOD LUCK

P.S. I have a Masters in Criminal Justice
2007-08-12 16:45:39 UTC
I don't think anyone should ignore their instincts. If you get a bad vibe from a person, chances are you are right.
2007-07-30 07:29:26 UTC
We can tell anything or nothing until we should trust our good

instinct in this situation.
2007-07-28 11:37:41 UTC
You don't know.

You just have to trust your gut.

When I say your gut, I mean what you believe, not what the movies and media says or shows.
2007-07-24 23:39:45 UTC
We ca not say anything on the first meeting but if you sit with and see and observe his/her behaviour then you might be able judge wether you were wrong or right.
2007-07-24 23:30:55 UTC
If I just act the same as I do to any other aquantances then if I get back what I what out of it great if not then we don't click and I hope we don't meet again, simple
2007-07-19 08:48:26 UTC
u will mark that everybody having idea about the same on looking the face of concerning ,if concerning is selfish and u not give his demand he will not look well, if he is honesty he will give hints so u can understand if he/she feel that u are not impressive he will be show no interest in u
Shirley G
2007-07-19 06:28:13 UTC
My mother always said "go with your gut instincts" ... it's rare when this fails. You don't have to stick your hand in the fire to know it's hot.
2007-07-19 04:27:36 UTC
I have to trust my first impression. It may not be accurate but it's better to play safe.
Mildred P
2007-07-18 21:30:02 UTC
no ..... you need to study the person. to know who and what they are about. In these days you can't go by the first impressions. it's danger to do so . take your time get to know the person well.
2007-07-18 10:59:32 UTC
If my GUTS tells me something is wrong then i will go by it and wont let anything make me believe anything Elsa, but if i haft to go by what others say then I'm wrong, why shouldn't we give the benefit of the doubt that there is good in every one.
2007-07-18 10:57:59 UTC
I usually like to get to know the person a little bit first before I make any conclusions about the person.
2007-07-18 07:21:03 UTC
A woman always knows to trust he gut instint:) The Best thing we have among other things:) lol Sometimes it my take a bit longer, tale it day by day see how you make out. Remeber no one is pefert & people make mistakes:( Some can come good of it & bad GL:)
2007-07-18 04:58:43 UTC
Because first impressions last and months after meeting a person, I realise that the first impression I had of them is the correct one and it lasts forever.
2007-07-17 21:31:39 UTC
Of course First impression is a deciding impression in my words, but need not be the best.

In course of time, ur ideas and opinions change.

May be the person was not in the right place in the right mood when u see him first. And just from this, u can't make out saying dat he/she's a bad person.

Opinions always evolve. they r not just created. so, its fair enough to give a second chance and if possible, a third.

First impression only grossly gives u an idea of wat the person is like. and in fact the ppl whom i quarrelled with and had a big fight (verbal and sometimes physical) at my first meeting, are now my best friends and we can't stay away from each other now. (seriously true. I'm not kidding).

So, u being a Dr, i don't need to tell u all this. So decide for urself and I wish u all da best.
MARTY party
2007-08-15 20:12:00 UTC
people will always try to impress you the first time you meet , you really have to spend time before making a judgment call.

always have that six sense about yourself.
2007-07-18 14:29:33 UTC
be carefull an A- type personality may be coming across as bad . meanwhile he [or she] is simply aggressive and there fore very productive. You can not tell in a few minutes if a person is anti - social or mentally deranged.
2007-07-18 14:12:14 UTC
the only way to really *know* is to get to know them..I'm guessing you know that and are trying to provoke thought

my first impressions are usually right on the frontal lobe kicks abstract thinking is in the superior range and my ability to see patterns in stuff is off the charts..even the head of a psy department said i struck him as *intuitive*
Chris J
2007-07-18 10:04:50 UTC
When taken beyond the asthetics, i believe that much of our so-called 'first impressions are drawn from expectations and pre-conceptions from our pasts. whereby we tend to classify and catagorise a Person from some kind of precedent.

I truly believe that one of the greatest aspects of knowing a Person is getting to know them., honestly and objectively, and that means keeping an empty slate and wysiswyg!.

Take care, C.J.
2007-07-18 02:47:44 UTC
first impression lasts.. trust your instinct. always.

if in case you were wrong, there's always a way to say you're sorry. other than that, go back to the first rule.
2007-08-13 14:37:33 UTC
At frist when you meet somone new you usually think that they are weird and all but if you like just hang out with them you can really get to know them like at first you think you two have nothing in common but you figure out you love eerything like them.
2007-08-11 10:01:27 UTC
If it person is going to be important in your life then ask someone who has known them about them.

You cannot tell a book by it's cover. I have been mis-guided both ways.
Donald C
2007-08-09 18:40:34 UTC
The first time I meet someone I form an opinion. My opinion is sometimes wrong.Then I hurt someone .
2007-08-05 10:54:54 UTC
it depends on how many times your gut instink was wrong before, and also how you were raised. we all should take in consideration of first impressions, that really determines who we are as a person, and who we allow in our lives.
2007-07-23 21:21:30 UTC
well if you meet them while they're in prison then it's probably pretty safe to assume they're a bad person. If you meet them in church then about 95 percent of the time it would be safe to assume they're a good person. Other then that I can't help ya much.
2007-07-19 08:58:40 UTC
An impression is just a thought or feeling and not reality. the person before you is reality in this moment.

Try that.
2007-07-19 08:46:17 UTC
It depends how quick you need to sum them up. If you give it time you will find out. A quick way is to observe their interactions with others, the eyes give away a lot too.
2007-07-19 07:57:30 UTC
My first impression is that this is a second-rate way to promote a third-rate TV show
2007-07-19 03:42:20 UTC
I believe in the saying "First impression last"...but first impression is not always correct...

Trusting your instict could save you a lot of troubles...
2007-07-19 00:21:09 UTC
You should ALWAYS trust your gut when it says not to trust someone. However, if your gut tells you that you should trust someone, don't trust your gut.

In other words, Don't Trust Strangers. Trust is earned not bestowed.
2007-07-18 22:23:06 UTC
What you see is usually close to what you get! It isn't hard to sense if they are positive or negative even though the positive will most likely be heightened a bit... read between the lines.
2007-07-18 19:21:44 UTC
I have to really say, a second date, at least a week later. It gives that individual an amount of time to rethink their, comming on, so to speak. It also gives you that chance to revaluate your thoughts about them, and second chances is a make or break.
Leon the african
2007-07-18 07:40:39 UTC
to tell u the truth, i always follow my instinct and of course my sense of observation. when they both converge on one point, i just go for it and trust the person. if they diverge, i don't automatically accept that person.

the fact is that i don't rely on my personal feelings only, but i also try to notice anything wrong inside this person. the body talks, and if we know how to read this body language, we can avoid a lot of mistakes.

thanks God, i rarely get abused, which has happened twice or thrice in my life by people for whom i had a big esteem. but we're mere human beings, we're not perfect.

and everybody deserves a second chance.
2007-07-18 07:18:51 UTC
I try to accept all new people at face value. However, once in a while, I get a bad 'vibe' when meeting someone new. I have not been wrong in these 'vibes'. I can't explain it. It just happens.

I tend to be able to tell when someone is 'putting on the dog' to impress people. I really can't stand plastic people.
2007-07-17 23:39:55 UTC
I recently took a training class in Oregon, it was about working with people and they said that something like we judge people with-in seconds, based on body movements, dress, and was a real intresting glass.

I beleive that you should go by your feelings, first impressions, but leave enouph room to be wrong also!
2007-08-05 23:49:26 UTC
Ok My mom is going though the worst marriage of her life cuz she thought this guy was a great guy but she said that her gut was telling her no but she loved him, Love before marriage Wat a load of balony it was just puppy love, Now they get in fights and she moved with him AND LOST EVERYTHING AND EVEN LOST ME because he threatend to punch me, so i left, and she has cut her wrist because of him and she stabed him and SHE IS STILL WITH HIM so that was her choice but i say GO WITH YOUR GUT THEY CAN CHANGE JUST LIKE THAT

P.S. They can put on a disguise until he knows your gonna go with him and then you marry him and THEN HE SHOWS HIS TRUE COLORS!!!!
2007-07-18 17:45:54 UTC
First impressions say A LOT. They say I care about myself and i love myself or I don't. I hope everyone loves and cares for themselves but we both know, that's just not the way it is.
2007-08-13 12:51:31 UTC
If the conversation lean more to the postive side, this could be a good person. But if more negative, I'm not interested.
willthe thrill
2007-08-11 03:47:05 UTC
thats the fun part,meeting someone new is like riding a bicycle for the first's scary and exciting at the same time,my opinion jump in with both feet and ride like you stole it.
2007-08-08 13:41:52 UTC
u should not judge a book by it cover but if u think someone is bad just give him a chance before u go and blow off a good friend. WISH THE BEST OF LUCK TO U!!!!

Write back.............
brendon g
2007-08-05 14:27:41 UTC
i have a knack of knowing that someone is just not right,i think its body language and facial expressions and abit of gut instinct,and peoples eyes i just can see thru people.
2007-08-01 05:53:14 UTC
never trust anyone. your gut instinct is usually right. pre judging is prejudice but its better to be safe then sorry. I think its OK to judge early but keep the verdict to your self. time never lies.
kyle g
2007-07-24 14:44:35 UTC
I don't trust my decisions about people. Some people lie and are cunning. I just wait and see and don't invest too much of myself or give what I mind loosing. It's an issue for me.
2007-07-24 03:01:12 UTC
One can never make a 100% accurate guess through normal means. Human behavior is rarely consistant with the first impression. Not that there are not exceptions to this rule, it is just uncommon. Some are just as they appear, most are not. And even if a person gives a bad first impression it does not necessarily mean that this person is unrighteous or unkind. Some people, like myself for example, will hide their benevolent natures in order to prevent others from taking advantage of them by acting cold or indifferent initially. While inversely and more commonly, as many are all too familiar with, people can do the exact opposite.

Now, as for the "gut" feeling, I can honestly tell you that it is wise that you trust it when it is noticibly strong and alarming. The stronger the feeling the more accurate the reading. Because the "gut" feeling you feel in situations like that is actually a psychic indication of danger. Pete A. Sanders, the author of a very renowned book that teaches people how to tap into and control their psychic abilities, calls this "gut" feeling "psychic feeling". He provided several examples of this in his book and even discovered in his studies with himself and with other people that when one concentrates his/her attention on the stomach area when trying to attain a psychic reading of anything, whether it be on people or information in general, the accuracy of the readings were improved dramatically. There are even 3 other ways to retain information about people, places, things, and events psychically and everyone's natural proficiency in them varies. All of Mr. Sander's claims have been scientifically proven in controlled conditions.

And now that I have given you a little background on the "gut" feeling I believe I can answer your question more effectively. The nature of your question leaves me with no choice but to answer it in two parts:

In situations where your gut instinct about a particular person is alarmingly strong and only occurs in THAT person's presence I believe that it is fair to trust it and take advantage of it to protect yourself and/or others from any kind of direct or indirect harm inflicted on that person's behalf. Of course, this gut feeling should only be taken as a warning, not as an impending premonition. Gut feelings are there to help you PREVENT catastrophe. It is also best to deal with these situations as quietly and creatively as possible when possible.

In a situtation where the feeling is very vague and unclear one must merely keep an eye on the person just incase, because you need to try to be more rational and believable and don't want to take the chance of making a fool of yourself in the process. As another long before me mentioned, when you are unsure of the first impression you just need to sit back and observe from as safe a distance as possible. And Beware, the severity of the gut feeling makes all of the difference. A minor gut feeling about someone may only mean that they could make your time or someone else's time at work or where ever this applies less pleasant than usual.

So, in conclusion, the choice of whether or not to trust the gut feeling of the first impression or to be realistic and wait it out for the consistent behavior to reveal itself is ultimately determined upon the severity of the gut feeling and the risks involved with either decision. Unfortunately, gut feelings are the least accurate of the 4 pyschic senses and needs to be used carefully. The most accurate of the psychic senses is psychic intuition and one of the only ways to have 100% accurate first impression.

If you yourself wish to hone this common psychic ability or others you may have a natural talent for I highly recommend reading Mr. Sanders' book, as it was designed to instruct ordinary people with no psychic experience or talent to tap into and improve their latent abilities. I hope this answer was worth as much time reading as it was for me to type.


I should have made my conclusion more specific and forthcoming, but it was late and I needed sleep. Here it is:

In general, the only time a first impression should be taken as a negative one without physical evidence is when the psychic sensation is definitely noticible and very specific. If the sensation fills you with dread or induces abnormal levels of anxiety you must take action ASAP. If your first impression is too subtle and/or unclear then you need only proceed with a reasonable and varying amount of caution to prepare yourself for whatever could come up. Again, just sit back, be patient, and observe from a safe distance.
Bren B
2007-07-19 08:36:15 UTC
I have always gone with first impressions, and when I feel bad vibes, that person is marked, my percentage rate is around 95% positive.....
linzey p
2007-07-19 06:38:42 UTC
well, what i usually do is give them a second chance, if u think hard enough im sure you can think of a time that u wished u could have made a beter impressio. just give them a chance, if you still feel a negative vibe the next time, your probably rite about them.
2007-07-19 00:09:25 UTC
I think that in these situations we are not always able to control these feeling, its an instict that we have as people and i think it would be nieve for us to not form some type of opinion at all.
Diane D
2007-07-18 23:11:36 UTC
just with your heart and your gut feeling ...if you have a bad feeling about meeting someone there is a reason why you have that feeling .just go with the flow and see what happens and if your not comfortable with it dont do it !!
Good Ol' Gary Shanty
2007-07-18 20:36:18 UTC
If I meet somebody new and my first reaction is that they are a bad/annoying/stupid person, they usually end up being a good friend.
Lyz M
2007-07-18 19:17:56 UTC
No expectations should be made when you meet someone. If you learn not to have there will be no place for jugdments of any kind and most of all you wont feel dissapointed.
Bubble Head
2007-07-18 18:59:05 UTC
one key thing for me is if the person curses alot. i cant stand that. also if they- like- ask where you got your clothes, and when u answer they are like _ o. trust me i have known people like that, i still made friends with them, and now i pratically hate them. but still, try to be friends with them, dont make them ur bff. just have coffee once in a while. and if they still give that impression, just give it up.
2007-07-18 13:45:39 UTC
First impression may not be accurate everytime, gut feeling may be wrong, give second chance.
marie e
2007-07-18 13:39:19 UTC
any one ive met i can usually tell if they are good,or bad,its this feeling you get in the bottom of your gut,cant really be explained,but if my feeling is someone is bad,i dont associate with that person,my gut feeling is usually right.
2007-07-18 11:11:52 UTC
I believe you should trust yur gut instinct, it's kinda like your sixth sense but only time will tell if it is right or not.
2007-07-18 02:01:09 UTC
I really don't think about it much. If a person is cool, then it's all good dawg. Word up. I'm down with my homees, chillin, killin' time, and feelin' fine. Most people are snobs anyways. You can try to change them, but most of thier prejudices are innate.
2007-08-11 05:03:48 UTC
I am intuitive and I know what people are about when I first meet them. Experience has taught me that I can trust my intuition. That is just the way it is.
2007-08-09 16:32:02 UTC
My opinion may seem very stupid to you,but I think people whose appearance seem beautiful, they are beautiful inside too.But this beauty shouldn't be a fake one.So people who seem very peaceful and confident AND beautiful are beatiful inside as well.

This is what I think,but I myself am careful not to make a wrong decision with this belief.

Another thing is EYES.Your eyes never lie.
2007-08-04 23:44:32 UTC
You wont. it is more important to project a good impression to anyone good or bad. in my opinion, it is unhuman to assume anyone bad who has not personally wronged.
2007-07-23 19:08:49 UTC
you can say hello how are you doing today and see the way they answer you! if they answer you ruedly then trust your gut and say well then i guess this isnt a person i would like to talk to then. or if its a polite answer then say to yourself ok this sounds like a nice person maybe i should start a conversation!
2007-07-18 19:25:37 UTC
When you first meet some one watch for how the act and how they talk. If you have doubts about then ask questions.
2014-07-13 08:39:08 UTC
One more thing, always pay attention to gut hunches that something is 'wrong' with the other person. We ignore too many danger signs in our daily lives.
2007-08-12 22:20:39 UTC
2007-07-30 14:10:50 UTC
Offer them a chance to make a second impression :)
Chris B
2007-07-27 08:06:21 UTC
my first impression has never let me down for more than thirty years you really get a weird feeling about people mine is 99% accurate.
Sean G
2007-07-23 09:07:25 UTC
I have learned that first impressions are a good helper but should not be the "be all end all" of how you treat someone.
Yvonne B
2007-07-19 06:28:32 UTC
I listen to the tone of voice and I observe the body language.Apart from this one must really listen to what the person is saying.
2007-07-19 05:59:06 UTC
Most of the time you can. But nowadays, & from experience, you have shady people who present a fake persona. so you just have to get to know a person.
2007-07-19 01:29:05 UTC
go with the gut feelings or the 1st thaught that comes to your mind when you meet. if you question the 1st thaught, then your decision will become a choice base on how you was trained to asses people.
2007-07-18 22:17:46 UTC
most of the time, I trust my gut instinct by just 'feeling' their appearance.
2007-07-18 18:20:38 UTC
kathy l
2007-07-18 15:57:35 UTC
Go with your gut. And when I say this I mean your real gut feeling. It's usually right.
2007-07-18 15:29:26 UTC
In reality, you can't. People tend to "put their best foot forward" when meeting someone new or you might meet someone who is "having a bad day."
2007-07-18 08:59:52 UTC
no, ice cream doesnt have wheels; therefore, a computer mouse cannot block the radiation of a paper clip, unless it is a thursday, or the sky isn't not sometimes gray, sometimes. Otherwise, no, you cannot paddle a garbage can up a rollercoaster, unless you are using a hands-free cellular device.
2007-07-18 04:52:37 UTC
Interesting question.

I think it is a matter of perception.

When i perceive someone as a possible problem - i`ll approach with caution.

If i`m wrong, i`ll open up, but if not, the fact my 'shields are up' prevents me from getting hurt.

One very reliable way is watching how dogs respond to a person. If someone is bad - they`ll know.
2007-07-17 23:10:11 UTC
The body language of the persons indicates the inner part of the person. You can always assess the personality of the person through his or her body language and behavior. Of course dont assume the person.
2007-08-03 20:27:56 UTC
The only way is by getting to know them. First impressions only tell you if that person is warm or cold or personable or not. How they welcome YOU is what tells you the most about them.
2007-07-26 09:01:35 UTC
don't listen to what your gut says gut get to the person without that the world would be a better place.
2007-07-18 14:39:19 UTC
i happen to be one of those ppl who are very analytical, and therefore happen to be very good at judging ppl accurately. Even still although i've been right on 100's of ppl's charachteristics smart, popular, funny, etc. or vice versa, without even talking to them, i still find that occasionaly i make an error in judgement. Therefore in my opinion it is never wise to judge without evidence of someone's 'goodness' or 'badness'
trader ed
2007-08-13 03:58:08 UTC
I believe facial impressions and personality would direct you to the right conclusion.
2007-08-09 12:15:04 UTC
i was badly abused by husband,had bad feelings toward men for long time. i met a guy at lake,actually cursed him out because i felt he was just looking to please himself.i kept running into him different places by accident,we have been together now over 8 years,he treats me like a queen,so i was wrong to go by first in stinks.
2007-08-01 15:33:43 UTC
I tended to assume that people were mean when I was younger, but now I have learned that that is the easiest way to make enemies.
2007-07-23 19:38:44 UTC

Billy Butthead
2007-07-20 06:54:01 UTC
If there was any way of knowing your first impression was correct,think of all the divorces that would be eliminated.
2007-07-19 00:33:31 UTC
as far as I think the person would start speaking more realistically than he/she uses to speak before his or her friend in the relaxed and casual state and start to raise the your positive points percepted by him/her on that very occcasion in a sophisticated manner and he/she would also try to influence you by showing his best behaviour and tend to show faint signs of nervousness of his/her looks and way of speaking before you so that you don't lose your interest and begin to notice the strangeness and various 'not to be shown aspects' of the person you speak to.
2007-07-18 21:49:26 UTC
i belive , most people touch me , could be a hand shake ,a tap on the arm or a smile then a pat o n the shoulder ,

no contact no impression
2007-07-18 19:37:18 UTC
it isn't fair to judge someone before they ever wronged you. but when meeting someone new, it's really important that you gotta listen and allow that moment to let yourself be explored by that person. still that doesn't mean you should let yourself be a doormat by then. but you gotta know your limit that new person's limit. the fact is important to keep an open mind.
2007-07-18 19:24:41 UTC
one way is to try to evaluate your opinion. figure out if your impression is because they are acting like someone else you know or if it is just a feeling out of the blue
2007-07-18 19:10:37 UTC
Honestly some people don't believe in God but when I wanted to know that about the guys I was dating I would pray and ask Him and he would give me an answer! I asked Him to take them out of my life if they weren't the one and He did! I believe God does give us our intuition and often we don't trust it! However you have to ask yourself if you are just using your prejudice's and being judgemental.
2007-07-18 14:37:27 UTC
Its better to go with your gut instinct. and hope for the best.
2007-07-18 08:44:04 UTC
The truth is :

You don't know !

If we knew - first impression of a person is right on -

It would not be our FIRST it will be the Fact !

And we wouldn't need Psy Doctors either.

You have to be careful !

And learn as you go !
2007-07-18 07:31:31 UTC
You can't until you get to know them, and in the business world there just isn't enough time to do that. That's why it is always important to make a good first impression, i.e. don't show up to a job interview with six nose rings or your pants down around your ankles.
2007-07-18 05:41:27 UTC
Our "gut instinct" is the result of millions of years of evolution. It is there to help us survive and thrive in the human society. It is not infallible (since we are not omniscient) but I trust it completely.
Bashful Reader
2007-07-18 03:08:42 UTC
My experience is I am usually right and if not I then apologize to the person for having been wrong and usually they don't hold it against me.

I just keep my judgments to myself until I am positive then that's it. Either I was right and its so long or I was wrong and I'm sorry.
2007-07-18 02:37:00 UTC
as they say first birdes get the Seid .

will your first impression is vary important fallow your gut's it is a year's of privuse experience of your life to listen to and fallow

you might be wrong but being wrong better of being too sorry and you never know wear to end..!!!.
2007-07-17 22:22:58 UTC
I think that except in extreme circumstances, you should give someone the benefit of the doubt. If the person seems withdrawn or stuck-up, it is possible they are shy or having a bad day. Unless the person is truly being rude, I don't like to fully judge a person upon first meeting. Of course everyone gleans something and makes some sort of opinion out of first impressions, but I guess for me it takes a lot for me to think really badly of them. Circumstance also is important, for example a woman by herself might feel more threatened by a male if she meets him in a certain situation that could potentially be dangerous to her, rather than if she met him in a group. First impressions and gut instincts exist for us to protect ourselves, but I think situation is a big factor also.
Rare girl
2007-08-15 12:34:02 UTC
well,when i meet a new person in my life...i 'll not trust him very easily...i'll talk with him in serious way & with cool mind.i cant trust any body in this situation...because i trust to that person whom i feel he is very close to me & i never saw any thing wrong with him.but some time i go through my when i meet some one (new person),i feel that this person is good or bad through their personality(how they behave).if i feel that person deserve's to trust on him i'll try to be closer to him as much as i can ...then i'll see if i have to trust on him or not
2007-08-03 06:28:45 UTC
You should look at the way they dress .

The way they keep their car.Their posture, walking gait ,eye contact ,body cleanliness as objective views and combine this with your gut (intuitive)feelings.
othmane b
2007-07-18 20:36:04 UTC
you just have to give her a chance most the time when you judge a person wrong you always loose and when you loose you will be so mad at yourself next day as like why i didnt give that person a chance maybe she was the right person for me ...its to late now.
2007-07-18 20:33:31 UTC
it hap pend with me, when i first met this person i lost my balance, it was a great attraction, controlled myself several times, consoled myself for this fatal attraction, i know i was going in a wrong direction, still next moment i started thinking about this person ,i was under cons-tent plane, how to meet again? it all happend with me..i know that person is not for me n came to know soo many things about him which are not suitable to my temperament, the same feelings he too had about me, he too knows that we r not on same panel , we r great friends today ....all this shows to day to me is the

'''chemistry'''.. its true..if chemistry works between two people, the rest find balance in equation...
sweet pea
2007-07-18 09:25:12 UTC
You will know, we all have that some what a filling. and the person them self will also know, just look at them in the eyes.

If you are not a good judge of people take someone with you when you are meeting this person if you are alone look him in the eyes, the eyes tell all.
2007-07-18 08:59:01 UTC
You really don't know, but the biggest percentage of the time, your "first impression" is the right one. Of course there are going to be exceptions and we will be incorrect.
2007-08-13 21:57:47 UTC
You cannot abosutely know your first impression of someone is accurate! You have no's just your thoughts of the person.
2007-08-13 02:45:49 UTC
i trust people at first but with a little scare...

i believe that every thing that u think about the people,affects your behavior in relation with them,so, being positive is better than being negative!
2007-08-12 01:45:30 UTC
I trust my instincts...ALWAYS.But at the same time,I also leave room for mistakes.I deal with everyone on a person by person basis.
2007-08-02 14:15:22 UTC
You don't.

Just like a child first seems like to their mother.

They can be a bundle of joy in the beginning, but when they start pooping anytime, anywhere, and they're always crying, then you see another side of them.
Ginger M
2007-07-31 18:28:32 UTC
I think you should always go with your gut instinct
2007-07-28 16:28:02 UTC
I'm always wrong so I should probably go with the OPPOSITE of my first instinct.
2007-07-23 09:45:23 UTC
every body judges unfairly i was in a mall a few days ago and these girls started laughing at a janitor for no reason who the hell are they to judge someone but sadly that's the world we live in it's not like the 50's like my grand father lived in when people were polite they said things like thank you,please,sir,ma'am but we live in the 21st century where every laughs at every one and to hell with any body's feelings
2007-07-19 04:34:20 UTC
Your 1st instinct and gut instinct is sually always right
2007-07-18 20:53:16 UTC
Be causious. There is an old saying" You never know a person until you live with him". That goes for a woman also.
2007-07-18 16:41:49 UTC
You can't know and that's why you have to train yourself not to allow first impressions to be LASTING impressions... easier said than done, but something to strive for!
2007-07-18 11:29:24 UTC
Through psychological testing no one can go wrong picking a dark haired dark eyed woman. They are considered trustworthy based on their looks. As are attractive men of all types. That's why Ted Bundy was able to kill so many women. I have never been wrong, maybe I am psychic.
victoria c
2007-07-18 09:23:28 UTC
you learn to read body language and look at their eyes, not their clothes or what they look like. It is the inner person you are trying to reach out to and it is obvious in their face and actions as to what kind of person they are. That is your gut instinct
Loraine H
2007-07-18 08:31:15 UTC
I usually watch the body language, eyes, closed or open position when speaking.

Also,if the person speaks badly of another person, you know you could be next, watch for the negative remarks.
2007-07-18 04:23:26 UTC
First impressions are never accurate due to the fact you're judging what someone is like in a few seconds while their personality is probably far more complex than you can truly fathom in such a short time.
2007-07-31 21:42:48 UTC
Inevitably people find me misanthropic and despondent and perhaps creepy.

They are probably right. I'd like to think all people are shallow, at least in America. Self-absorbed culture, that is.

I await their destruction.
Anthony E
2007-07-19 07:01:15 UTC
You really don't know if your first impression is accurate, it's all just a chance you take.
Anna Lynn
2007-07-18 14:26:56 UTC
I'm a highly intuitive person. I trust my instincts and fare pretty well.
Omar M
2007-07-18 03:45:16 UTC
i do not believe in first impression,when meeting a person ,at first,u will panic which will cause you to do things that you yourself did not want.and you cannot trust a person at first sight,it takes time..just be yourself and try and be natural BUT dont pretend,never expect much also....
Amber the Tattoo Girl
2007-08-03 12:36:03 UTC
You can't. The best thing to do is to get to know that person and see what they're actually about. Most of my friends are the "rejects" (not to me) and to be their friend I just got to know them instead of judging.
Creflo_Tenney W
2007-07-30 13:23:04 UTC

my name is creflo tenney,the only way is that when meeting someone for the first time,u need to studying him and make sure u notices his behaviours.when meeting someone u need to know what he does and u need to know maybe he his telling lie or saying the truth.

to me and looking for someone to love.sorry to say.u have a steady beauty?

bye for now
2007-07-30 02:53:58 UTC
well, you should try to just age gracefully. few things are sadder than a washed up, talentless actress trying to appear sexy. the answer is to peer inside yourself, really improving your qualities so you can help others more effectively and selflessly. forget all that face lift nonsense, it won't do you any good.
Marcia K
2007-07-23 23:43:06 UTC
I have no explanation but when my kids were in high school and brought someone new home, I knew within minutes that they were going to mean trouble. Now my kids look back and ask me, "How did you know, Mom"?
2007-07-19 08:58:41 UTC
Just listen to what they say and how they act when speaking to them. That pretty much should sum up if your first impressiona is accurate. Simple and plain.
2007-07-19 05:24:54 UTC
You know by looking at experience, in retrospect how many first impressions were changed.
2007-07-19 01:07:00 UTC
you will know your first impression is accurate when you realize you didn't have to pretend you were someone your not when you were with that someone and if you both were talking like yall knew each other forever
Robin Jill D
2007-07-18 20:05:55 UTC
Always trust your gut, as they say, actions/feelings speak louder than words.
2007-07-18 14:42:23 UTC
Uh, have some courage and ask like a big boy or girl would. Why is everyone so scared to just ask what they want to know?
2007-07-18 14:07:03 UTC
Easy question...the answer, See them again! and again, if need be. Gut feelings are not always correct but the more you get to know someone the better your judgement of their character.
2007-07-18 13:17:25 UTC
You don't. You give everyone a chance to show there colors, so to speak. And if not always Remember, if you don't throw out the trash, you end up living in it..
sara r
2007-07-18 11:05:21 UTC
If someones words, spoken or unspoken don't match their actions and or appearance that's reason to be suspect that the person is being dishonest in some manner.
2007-07-18 09:24:06 UTC
Our unconciousnes is created by sorroundings and teachings. Thus when we meet some one for the first time, what we believe is what our unconciousnes tells us. A wise person takes the 50% opinion of it and the rest 50% he/she explores his/her own self.

Thats how it works with me.
2007-08-02 13:05:03 UTC
Your gut instinct is what makes you, you. If you cant trust yourself, than who can you trust.
2007-07-18 15:28:20 UTC
cuz at timesits simply better to trust the gut instincts cuz i guess our sub conscious really knows more abt personalities n ppl then it lets us know ...
2007-07-18 02:13:46 UTC
right or wrong many people go with their GUT. over time this instinct works more times than it doesnt. its just that simple.
justin s
2007-08-15 13:45:32 UTC
if the person is sky at first time they meet someone new. they also will start to get scary of the person.
2007-08-13 10:40:34 UTC
How do you know if your first impression is right?

Go by your own track record.
2007-08-04 22:27:05 UTC
Consider your own mood before passing judgement onto someone you have just met. After that, always go with your gut.
2007-08-03 16:33:40 UTC
Who cares? Cut back on the Botox.

And you're cheating only one question at a time.
2007-07-29 15:41:11 UTC
Because i been around allot of people...and i judge by the way they look and the way they act...their Ora/karma they bring tells me who they are...and i am 98% right all the time
2007-07-24 15:01:17 UTC
can not read a book by it's cover, sometime people catch us when we are not doing to great, and come off as rude/ugly, so i need to meet and get to know that person first, dont know what is going on in there life's.
2007-07-19 08:06:53 UTC
Only time will tell if your first impressions are correct.
2007-07-19 07:42:47 UTC
i think if u dont hear anything about this person ,so your first imresion will be right about him , cz u r imresion does not influenced by misleading pre existing thougts in the deep brain
2007-07-18 21:31:31 UTC
if our first impression is accurate so we should wait until they approach to u if u think that u really need them then u should approach or if u think u need a contact only then u should have to approach to them.

One thing i wanna tell u that there is not any bad one it is our thinking that we assume them bad.
2007-07-18 21:08:00 UTC
I cannot and will not answer this question in this place and context. To many variables! Every situation is different and needs a different response.
2007-07-18 16:22:29 UTC
^I tend to go with my gut feeling, better to be safe than sorry. If I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt, I proceed with caution.
2007-07-18 14:35:20 UTC
You don't, that's why you take the time to get to know people before forming an opinion.
2007-07-18 11:23:56 UTC
I think it's better to be safe than sorry. There are probably victims of Ted Bundy who talked themselves out of their natural instincts because he was so good looking, charming and intellegent.
2007-07-18 09:12:00 UTC
It's mostly never accurate, that's why when i make a judgment about someone, I always tell myself that I could be wrong about that person.
2007-07-18 08:09:21 UTC
100% Intutuion is Very Credible. Silence Speaks So LOUD.(AKA Body Gestures)
Deborah F
2007-07-18 04:40:29 UTC
Looks can be deceiving, I have learned to trust that gut instinct. when you feel something there that's all of your seances warning you somethings not right , pay attention. your intuition is there for a reason. may you find your answer within ,LOVE . PEACE and LIGHT
2007-07-18 03:14:13 UTC
You can't. You can't judge the person basically with your first impression with him or her. You'll know that you're first impression is accurate once you get to know that person truly.
2007-07-17 21:57:45 UTC
On a whole over the years I have learned that if gut instinct tells me some one is good or bad that it generally turns out to be correct. Power of observation. Bad people tend to send of a powerful vib .
2007-07-25 13:50:20 UTC
I feel first impressions are often more correct than not. Have been hurt my not following them, more than once.
2007-07-19 02:18:06 UTC
what?accurate?,OK,first of all,if you have to change something about yourself when meeting someone,then you are not being yourself. if they don't like the person they just met,it's their loss.if someone can't except you for who you are,then they won't be a good friend.NEVER TRY TO BE SOMEONE YOUR NOT,your only lying to yourself,and them.
angie s
2007-08-13 08:47:04 UTC
first impressions are to smile at someone,than go from there.It is not good to judge a book by its cover unless you get to read (know) that book.just like on humanbeings.
2007-08-12 10:14:23 UTC
u have to go with how the feel about the person because some time your feelings are right
2007-08-11 22:16:15 UTC
Trust no one, follow your own heart, and by all means get the first punch in.
2007-08-07 14:53:54 UTC
I try to move in with ease when getting involved with new people. It doesn't matter if it is a new boyfriend, co-worker, boss, aquantance.... People have to be carefull now days. If they are good people to be involved with you will find out in time.
mrs. goofy
2007-08-05 09:29:50 UTC
well you dont really know, some people just can show exactly who they are but some cant , they hide everything abou them, ive learned thatjust by looks and the way sombody talk isnt really hte person they inside of them.
2007-08-03 16:40:20 UTC
I try to avoid rash judgments. In general my preliminary asessment usually is not too different from the definitive.
2007-07-29 21:38:09 UTC
This is the straightest answer you will ever recieve get to know them before you judge them and become there friend before you trust
2007-07-28 22:19:14 UTC
always use your better judgment to those that you can trust trust is the main choice to make if someone is truley honest toward you also be the same way with them
2007-07-28 10:55:18 UTC
I think that your first thought is the right one. Second guessing your self is a sure way to get hurt!
2007-07-28 04:13:20 UTC
I think your question is about as smart as taking a dive into the dead sea.. First impressions are for suckers!
2007-07-25 20:45:44 UTC
i guess its not really fair, but its human nature. if i have a bad feeling about someone, i go with that feeling until i learn something about that person that changes my mind about them.
2007-07-19 04:13:09 UTC
Sit back and watch their life for a while and you will either confirm your suspicions or realize you were wrong.Get to know them BEFORE setting your opinion in concrete.
2007-07-18 11:53:56 UTC
As a therapist I would hope you know the answer to your question. I assume you're asking it just to stimulate a discusson here.
2007-07-18 10:59:26 UTC
It is hard to really tell for the first few minutes someone can act really nice but can rob you dry with out you knowing it
2007-07-18 06:31:31 UTC
i judge people thru the 1st impression .for example ,1st time meeting strangers, if they look kind i will tend to 'trust ; them on the other hand if they look 'mean' i will be 'afraid' of them and be more cautious .however ,after they have become my friend i no longer judge them by their appearance but character and by how they treat me
2007-07-18 04:14:40 UTC
Ofcourse first impression influences, still one should have to analyse the situations. all teh time first impression wont be right
2007-08-01 00:33:28 UTC
well my first impression is to try to get a million videws on youtube im trying to make a video with a million hits so share it and keep on showing to friends and just click on it for the funn of it
2007-07-31 17:11:30 UTC
most of the time if you think someone is bad then thy really are bad and you really can not tell if someone is bad unless you here them say something bad to someone else and if i think someone is bad i i try to see if thy really are and if thy are not bad then i will talk to them and stuff but if thy are bad then i stay away from them and i love you show and i watch it ever time it comes on
m s
2007-07-18 20:33:51 UTC
first impression is 1st inpression.

how people project is what you get.

trust your instinct. get more information.

if you are uncomfertable it's ok to move on.
2007-07-18 11:33:01 UTC
You don't.....look at the reasons WHY you came up with the impression in the first place, eliminate as much cognitive bias in your thinking as possible...and wait.
Dr James Sandi
2007-08-15 16:27:09 UTC
Trust your gut instnct until you get more evidence.
2007-08-13 21:44:00 UTC
with out even assuming, you can use reverse sinology

on an total stranger. because they doesn't know you nor you know them. if they is speaking on a different level than what you are normally comfortable with then it's time to leave peacefully.
2007-08-06 08:39:16 UTC
We don't until we begin to observe them through a relationship/friendship or association over a period

of time.
2007-08-05 03:05:58 UTC
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bethany d
2007-08-04 08:50:51 UTC
I always make a good impression
2007-07-31 10:45:14 UTC
trust your gut up to a point and also leave room for chances and have alot of forgiveness
ike e
2007-07-29 11:11:23 UTC
hi my name is valentine . whan you meet some one for the frist time you has to give time and know your differences between you and it . and on the line try to be friend so to get the best from it .because there are many kind of people on earth today .good ,bad and fiarly

2007-07-25 10:21:16 UTC
Only time will tell. Nothing stays secret for long. I also see what others who have met them have to say about them.
margaret k
2007-07-19 04:29:36 UTC
first you can fell it in you, secondlly how he will talk to you- if he is braging or just talking about himself not giving you a chance to talk, then he is the wrong person but if he is himself and asks you about yourself then he is ok. (take time to choose because guys know the trick nowerdays)
Kannan J
2007-07-19 01:38:30 UTC
I will bet my head that the asker is not going to sit and read even 10% of the answers.
2007-07-19 01:16:08 UTC
I trust my instincts and go with it. Second chance ain't given.
2007-07-18 20:15:39 UTC
people can change, my friend

first impressions arent always correct, dont judge a man until youve walked two moons in his moccasins (heading from the book "walk two moons"
2007-07-18 17:06:08 UTC
u don't know if ur impression is right until u get 2 know the person!
2007-07-18 11:53:03 UTC
Usually that gut feeling is the one to follow.
Is it ?
2007-07-18 11:35:39 UTC
personally I see how do they behave around people of perceived higher status ( body language/eyecontact/tonality/respect )

for guys I see how do they behave around attractive women.. Are they supplicating/boastful

your hunch is seldom wrong.. Of course that doesn't apply to paranoid people.
2007-07-18 04:40:31 UTC
Simple- by the way they treat others and by their reputation! I don't care how nice or great a person is to me, if they treat others badly, I don't want anything to do with them. Many people often overlook how a "friend" treats other people as long as they can hang out with that person with little or no problem. I agree with Jesus' policy on that- What ever you do to the least of my brothers you have also done to me! -Matthew 25:40. Also, actions speak louder than words! My ex- wife used to tell me she loves me even after she cheated on me several times with several partners over several years during our marriage and AFTER she filed for divorce! Would you believe her?

Neither did I!
2007-07-17 21:31:34 UTC
I'm a firm believer in trusting your gut instinct. They might not have wronged you, but maybe they have the potential to do so. Doesn't mean you should act unfriendly towards someone new, but just be aware for the fact that you don't know the person, their history, ect.
2007-08-03 23:33:28 UTC
unless they have like a gun and ski mask, or a sign on their head, or something obvious, you shouldnt judge them. gut feelings are different though, unless your already racist and predjudice, they might be right, but then again could be wrong too.
2007-07-25 12:41:51 UTC
Look at their eyes, it is all in the eyes. And the eyebrows and forehead. If it gets wrinkled up like they are angry, or eyes open and bright like they are glad to see you, or a little cookoo or glassy or wild looking like they are insane.
Lisa D
2007-07-18 12:05:15 UTC
when most of the things that are in your mind happens or your gut instinct actually prove right, then you know you weren't judgmental.
kim j
2007-07-28 08:27:35 UTC
well you never will no how a person is til you take thsat chance and see how they are, many people say that im risk things because life is too short to stop because of one person that broke your heart
2007-07-19 05:09:51 UTC
many times we judge a book by its cover as well as a person, i have found out that many people gossip about a person because they don't"t like that person, i base my opinions on how they treat me and there actions.
2007-07-19 01:28:17 UTC
i will get positive response and if my opinions are being discussed in depth accepting my solutions then i will know that my impression is good and i can carry on
2007-07-18 14:46:09 UTC
"How do you know if your first impression is accurate when meeting someone new?"

You don't. Until later .
D Town Mom
2007-08-03 20:38:36 UTC
Eye contact and the condition of there hands! I think you can also tell by the poeple they hang out with.
2007-07-29 13:42:34 UTC
well u dont really u just have 2 c them a cuple times and c if they act the same or change
נυѕт ѕмιℓє
2007-07-24 15:24:35 UTC
You can't really know when to or not to trust your gut. sometimes it is for the best sometimes it can ruin everything!
2007-07-19 07:05:36 UTC
i don't think you really know for sure what the other person might think, all any of us can do is put our best foot forward, be ourselves and leave the rest up to the powers that be.
2007-07-19 00:58:12 UTC
That meeting if its in office with camera will find after meeting was over.
Crazy, Sexy, Cool
2007-07-18 16:10:07 UTC
There is really a simple, easy answer to this question. LISTEN! Be observant, and try not to do all the talking.
2007-07-18 11:47:13 UTC
My first impression of someone is generally right on target. It is really quite scary.
2007-07-18 01:22:17 UTC
Did you know that 70% of the time a woman FEELS her spouse is cheating on her, she's right?

Look it up =p

It helps you raise or lower your expectations of someone.
justina h
2007-08-16 05:37:38 UTC
hi am justina h from nigeria ido believe greatly in my instinct but ido not judge people from their first impression ,but i do believe that in everything we do in life must be done carefully and also with respect.
2007-08-15 08:24:27 UTC
Trust your instincts unless they are not politically correct. Otherwise someone will call you a racist, a sexist or a homophobe.
2007-07-31 18:09:33 UTC
it is not incumbent upon me to be accurate. it is the place of the person trying to give ME the impression to be accurate. that person knows themselves. i do not know them.

I will operate on the information presented to me. if it is not accurate, that is not something that is my job to solve.
2007-07-19 08:53:28 UTC
I usually judge by their eye contact. If someone cant look you in the eye then they are probably hiding something
2007-07-18 21:32:29 UTC
well I met ted bundy once and he really seemd creepy , but hey he never molested and killed me personally so I had a beer with him, is this the drift I sense in your question?

well yes if you have a feeling go with it god may be intervening
2007-07-18 14:13:47 UTC
people always make a first impression of me that is so far from who i really my advice is the classic..don't judge a book by its cover
2007-07-18 06:14:05 UTC
Police go on instinct all the time and it seems to serve the public fairly well, correct?

Intuition is very underrated in my opinion!
2007-07-17 23:19:39 UTC
trial and error.

you still interact with the person for whatever reason and conclude if your gut impression is right or wrong.

that is how it was with me and my best friends, but that's a long story.
2007-08-15 11:13:30 UTC
alway's keep a open mind things are not alway's as they seem.when you meet some one for the frist time try and put your self in there place.
2007-08-05 05:44:32 UTC
gut instinct should be taken seriously never found it to fail me yet
Steel Rain
2007-08-02 10:54:40 UTC
It depends on whether their covered in blood holding an axe in one hand and your head in the other.
Arthur G
2007-07-29 18:46:49 UTC
The answer is: Wait for the Revelation
2007-07-24 16:21:15 UTC
No, I do not think that anyone should be quick to judge. Trust should be earned. Use caution, just don't rush to judgment.
2007-07-19 04:44:15 UTC
I trust my instincts. Always.
2007-07-19 04:39:04 UTC
We're not supposed to know things

like this.

If we did, we would lose our privacy.

Just think of what a hell it would be,

if somehow, we were always forced

to tell the truth.
2007-07-18 20:24:18 UTC
When I meet someone that is ''specail'' I have that feeling.And deep down inside I just know that he is the right one.Hope that makes sense.!!
2007-07-18 20:00:13 UTC

There are dog-whisperers ( , and horse-whisperers (, but it sounds like you are looking for a human-whisperer.

I think an fbi profiler is meant to be a human whisperer ( They are supposed to be very good, very effective, and very accurate based on very little information, but the right information, processed the right way.
2007-07-18 08:15:18 UTC
give someone the CHANCE first, and if they prove your instincts right, then say, my first impression was correct, so i'll stick with that. but not before giving them the opportunity to prove themself.
2007-07-18 07:16:34 UTC
Your first impression is rarely accurate. The person you just met may have been stressed about work, money, or family; ill; or any other number of things.

You should always "meet" this person on two separate occasions, before making any judgments about that person's character.
2007-07-18 04:32:52 UTC
I never know if it is accurate or not, but I keep it in the back of my head just to keep me aware......

....but, I think it comes from a life's experience of dealing/meeting with people. You get better and better at it as life goes on. Humans are great sorters.
2007-07-17 22:42:47 UTC
Simple answer -- you can't. Too many variables. A first impression doesn't contain enough information to make any realistic judgements about someone as complex as personality.
2007-08-01 14:37:42 UTC
One has to start somewhere when determining social contact.

Why not follow your instincts?,

It is fairly basic in our natural self to do so, and so we do.

This tends to lead us to where we fit in.
2007-07-19 07:52:21 UTC
They call it women's intuition. Not sure how it works, but I've been pretty much right on my whole life. I am getting sick of saying "I told you so" to my girlfriends about guys the are/were dating!!
2007-07-19 05:32:02 UTC
You cant tell the book by its cover.But it would be important to to try and tell by the cover if its important that you make a decision about it there and then.
Nick R
2007-07-18 19:48:38 UTC
I always bring up my genitals during my first conversation with someone. That way I know that they won't think I'm weird later on if they're still my friend.
2007-07-18 17:50:18 UTC
i got a fortune cookie once that said, "a second thought is more important than a first impression." it has always stuck with me.
Holiday Magic
2007-07-18 07:03:54 UTC
I don't. A person can look, say and act any way they please - as I don't know them. I, personally, need to know someone for quite some time before I feel that I can believe or trust them--or not.
Jumpin' in the Dark
2007-07-17 22:15:39 UTC
Usually there is something about that person that makes me uncomfortable, although she has not done anything to prove otherwise. Eventually, though, we get into a conflict that proves my first instinct was right. What I do is not judge the person and try to take her as she is, unless she has done a grievous deed that destroys the friendship.
2007-08-13 00:59:47 UTC

I know myself inside and out....

Now... I trust my inner radar ....It is accurate every time!

Stop and tap into your inner radar and listen can guide you through life to make the correct choices...

This can also save your life!

This takes work on your part....

Learn how to use your gift...
2007-07-23 19:30:47 UTC
I wait to see their first couple of reactions. That usually tells me right away.
2007-07-23 16:29:17 UTC
well i would say sorry ser or ma'am but i don't know and i can't trust a person that i don't know personally. and if they say that there you're long lost causin than say that you will report them to the athorities for horasment
2007-07-18 18:34:07 UTC
If they talk to you again then you must have made a good impression.
2007-07-18 15:30:07 UTC
By the way they look at you if they look you in da eye it means youre dressed properly,respectful,truthful try it out and see if it works
2007-07-18 10:14:10 UTC
That is very easy.

Time tested. Are they still what was impressed apon you?

Adjust and learn. Soon you will be an expert in readin people.
2007-08-13 19:00:39 UTC
i don't believe in first impressions!! people change over time, and sometimes it is for the worst and sometimes its for the best
thomas p
2007-08-11 11:40:02 UTC
First impressions are not true impressions.
2007-08-07 08:26:17 UTC
well first imperessions usually arn't accurate, but they are commonly used today. i say don't judge right away. instead learn alittle bit about the person.
2007-08-03 13:40:10 UTC
your facial expression tells how u feel about the person ;u shouldn't jump to judgment about a person especially if u don't know them
2007-07-23 12:22:08 UTC
wait till you meet them again, the second impression is always right
2007-07-19 08:28:28 UTC
well truelynobody know if your first impression of the person is accurate because truelypeople change as you get to know them...........
gabby c
2007-07-19 07:09:50 UTC
well if you feel they might physicly hurt you then next time you see them bring someone else with you but if you feel they might backstab you then dont tell them anything personal before you get to know them
2007-07-18 23:45:23 UTC
as the word is, it's just an impression.. our idea of sum1 solely based on how we see him that instant.. How do you tell if its accurate?? get to know him better
2007-07-18 22:16:52 UTC
The age old staying stays.."you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover".
2007-07-18 17:23:29 UTC
a recent study, shows that when you meet someone new, and you dont like them, ( they give you a bad impression) is because their facial features remind you of someone who you didnt like (subconciously) so you should give everybody a chance and not say: well i dont like this guys face...i dont know why...but i just dont like him
2007-07-18 15:12:26 UTC
you should not ask some one about them i think that when you like some one you just now it trust me i asked some one about some one and it turns out we are dating so just make shure that u now the person before you ask them out or if they ask you out because some times you might think that you now them but you really dont nnow them.
2007-07-18 08:50:01 UTC
I can answer your first question, but not the second and third.

There is only one answer to the original basic question. Unfortunately, the only way you will ever know is if you marry them. And then it is too late.
2007-07-18 02:08:35 UTC
get to know the person better, go out for a meal chat go dancing etc then when your really sure you will definitely know i did it with my husband and were together ten nearly eleven year trust me it works
2007-07-17 21:54:19 UTC
it takes 3 to 5 sec to tell if you like some one or not and your first impression is always the best and look at that person and get their body lingo they can run but they can't hide when it comes to that and you never get a 2nd chance to make a first impression so go with what you feel and see and you will all most never go wrong the gunslinger said that
2007-08-11 11:19:33 UTC
2007-07-29 09:15:27 UTC
Well, you should go with your instinct first. Sometimes it can be wrong.
2007-07-18 05:20:50 UTC
I think your gut reaction is usually the best. That doesn't mean to write them off completely, but just be cautious. The only time I didn't listen to my "inner voice" was when I met my ex-husband......and boy I should have:-)
2007-08-15 22:56:12 UTC
what you feel at the moment you are with your date on the first date.If you feel comfortable,confident and composed then it is a first good impression to the person.ok
2007-08-08 22:47:53 UTC
When you still have that same impression after MANY, MANY second impressions.
adam h
2007-08-01 16:11:20 UTC
i think you should always trust ur gut instinct
2007-07-28 13:03:08 UTC
i NEVER judge a person i have just met cuz 4 some reason im just that kinda person

if i know them then thats different
2007-07-24 13:03:28 UTC
walking down a road, you see a dog chained to a dog house, its a pitbull. do you cross the road and stay safe or do you walk by the pit. and risk getting bitten?
2007-07-19 08:51:36 UTC
Turn the situation into "emergency" status and of course spontaneously we would see the true colour of him/her.
2007-07-19 07:06:31 UTC
i dont know-but i know someone who does(or is very

likely to,which is the same thing.

So, im going to ask them at the philosophy catagory.

See you there.
2007-07-19 00:25:32 UTC
You don't. But, Having said that, If your intution is screaming at you rather loudly, don't ignore it. Better to listen to it than make a mistake.
2007-07-18 21:30:00 UTC
'Good or bad' doesn't always come into it, at first. As a man, your first mental picture is either banging her if she's a woman, or duking it out with him if he is a guy. Thereafter, you evaluate their other qualities.
2007-07-18 11:20:31 UTC
You don't know. You won't know. Always trust your instincts. Better to be safe than sorry
2007-07-18 09:39:32 UTC
The most important thing to do is to try as much as possible to be yourself without any pretence or trying to please the person in anyway. You have to relax and listen more than you talk. This is very helpful.
Michael B
2007-07-18 04:48:05 UTC
if you are meeting someone by observing them unnoticed then you may trust your impressions. BUT if it is a one on one direct interaction then you should always approach it with an open mind.
kevin f
2007-07-17 22:21:59 UTC
i usually say go with your gut better safe then sorry but there are times when you could totally misjudge someone so u could meet them 2 or 3 times because they might be nervous around new people and if u still fill the same way then move on.
2007-07-19 06:48:41 UTC
It can't be accurate!When people first meet they will only show there best side.
Howard C
2007-07-18 19:33:26 UTC
our current complicated society, I usually do not believe in " love at first sight".

You need to share, "evaluate" and " meet" more than just one time.

No one is perfect in this world, and no one is right every time in first time.
2007-07-18 10:19:14 UTC
Don't judge a book by its cover.

Don't judge a person by first impression.
2007-07-17 21:34:16 UTC
You never know for sure about someone until you get to know them better. I would say to go with a gut instinct, but if at all possible, try not to judge someone by appearance to make everything easier.
2007-07-18 19:43:11 UTC
i think you know when u get to know the person and u usually discover that you are right, sometimes you are wrong or you think you are wrong but the person ends up showing their tru colors. i think thats how you know.
2007-07-18 11:03:42 UTC
while I feel that my radar for people is pretty good

I have done 10,000 service calls doing feild service.

I try to reserve ANY judgement of anyone until I have spent at least an hour talking with them.
2007-07-18 07:05:30 UTC
I can't tell you any particulars, but I guess I just use my common sense. I normally can tell if a guy is a jerk or a nice person. I consider myself as a nice person, so I guess that's a start.
2007-07-18 04:54:26 UTC
Start talking, ask questions, it won't take long before one of the personality traits comes out in to the conversation. They all like to be on center stage when they have an audience.
2007-08-13 08:25:20 UTC
in my opinion i dont juge books by their covers they may look bad but when u get to know them they may have family probs of even just want to be diffrent. btw love your show
2007-08-08 07:20:00 UTC
you cant ALWAYS go with your people a fair shot is the only way to figure out who they are...
2007-08-07 12:16:02 UTC
i think you ask the important questions first than the in common questions really don't get to know someone until you spend time really.
2007-07-31 19:38:57 UTC
You really never know. But you have to believe in yoursef. But you can sometimes tell by facial expression. But you really never know.
billie c
2007-07-19 00:20:58 UTC
the way a person speaks and carries him or herself lets you know right away if it is someone you connect with
Bud C
2007-07-18 22:09:12 UTC
If the 1st impression touches your heart (not your desires) then listen to it. remember your heart can't lie to you-your hert don't know how to lie
2007-07-18 18:25:48 UTC
I think its complicated cause its depend. Anyway if some one really want to meet you again.
2007-07-18 15:54:07 UTC
You have a gut feeling
2007-07-18 07:44:10 UTC
I never trust firt impressions. Any dummy can wear a nice suit. I always look beyond that. I question, and observe, THE I make up my mind,
Old Man
2007-07-18 07:07:59 UTC
Sometimes your first impression can lie to you. I met this guy who I thought was a real jerk. We got stuck working together. He ended up being one of the best people I ever worked with.
Pamela V
2007-07-18 06:55:28 UTC
I truly can't remember a time when my gut was wrong.I think we all have this built in alarm system.Some shrug it off however I always listen to mine.
2007-07-17 21:58:51 UTC
over the years i have learned that my first impression isn't always the right one. i no longer trust my gut, sometimes it's right, but not always. i take time getting to know someone before making a decision about them.
2007-07-17 21:29:46 UTC
The answer to your question depends on how the first impression is formed. If it is based on something legitimate that makes sense, then sure that is wise and appropriate. Yet, if you based a first impression on something random, irrelevant, or worse, nothing at all, then that is not fair and not helpful in any way. For example, if you look up physiognomy (sp?) where someone's character (trustworhiness, honesty, work ethic) is judged based on, say, height, race, or any other physical appearance, you'll see that is nonsense.
2007-08-16 04:55:18 UTC
By Interaction,We can come to know what kind of a person he or She is
2007-07-18 14:45:05 UTC
The intuitive side is the premise of all psychics and we all possess this ability.

It is god given for protection, so use it!
2007-07-18 10:52:29 UTC
I think nature has made mechanism in us to judge somebody.And generally it is right.But sometimes our own instincts does not work well.
sexy lady
2007-08-07 16:25:27 UTC
that's the time when u follow yo heart and if he is the right one then he would have no problem beening honest with u
2007-07-31 19:13:14 UTC
having supervised alot of people you develope a sense as to who the person is and what he or she is about by talking to them
2007-07-30 17:32:51 UTC
You could try trusting them and find out
2007-07-28 11:51:25 UTC
Hey Robbi, there is only one way, trust in The Lord Jesus and the sent Holy Spirit who leads and guides us into ALL truth, speaks only what He hears the Father speak, reveals all hidden things, and protects those He loves even when they mess up, as they repent and seek His will in ALL matters of life's issues. Nothing, will He withhold from those who walk uprightly! Whether your confronted by a bad or good person, one who trusts The Lord who given wisdom from above as they stay sensitive to The Holy Spirit and His Word in th everyday affairs of life, they often receive a peace about a person, or that check in their spirit (you call gut instinct), we must continue to love and be led in His wisdom as to the process in furthering the relationship, if any, with the person, or gracefully nipping it in the bud, so to speak if a warning is being ignited by Father God, setting His child at guard in protective mode, while they are led cautiously in word and deed with the person. The Lord also reveals the sincere, and contrite of heart, who genuinely seek after The face and Favor of their Father in heaven, with whom we His people, disperse great and tender mercies on, as The Father doe's as well with us, no matter how many times they mess up and repent. He also shines His light on the worldly, and self sufficient, the independent of The Lord, who sadly assume wisdom is found in experiencing as many world beliefs, religions, and systems as one can possibly experience. As Yeshua (Jesus) so aptly put it; if you gain the whole world and loose your soul, of what value is it to you? Without Him, The One True Creator and God, we are all but fools led astray into a self righteous wilderness of self indulgences void of Fathers protective barrier's, that aways empties out into a larger separation of who we each were created to be, our true roots and heritage as kings and priests of The Creator of The universe and His Kingdom, and children of The King. Regrettably missing the only truly fulfilling purpose of our journey through this present life, and exclusion from life in the next chapter after death we all, have to eventually read. So, in conclusion, in all relationship new or on going, This is my best advice, which did not originate with me, but with the one who holds humanities blueprints intact- As James 1:5-8,says-.If anyone lacks wisdom he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like the wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from The Lord; he is a double minded man, unstable and vacillating back and forth in all he does. So, Robbi, trust in The Lord, delight yourself in Him, and He shall give you the desires of your heart, as you commit and trust them completely to Him. So,again in conclusion...................................................................................... be led of His Spirit and just ask!.....Works every time!
2007-07-18 12:57:50 UTC
when u think its right if u r young shut up and watch disney when your imppression is the best one make is good out of all of them then its accurate.
2007-07-18 08:24:15 UTC
Humans are essentially fickle being.

You cant know what kind of people they are by their impression.

Do you really think you can be categorized by the unreliable impression of yourself?
2014-04-27 18:47:03 UTC
I adore your television show, I think it exposes the thought and logic of everyday people and I think you have a bright future ahead of you.
2007-08-09 18:55:35 UTC
2007-08-06 08:54:38 UTC
i want to ask you something if it is ok with you

i was takeing a shower the other day and my sister came in and watching me i did nothing what is wrong with me
C. M.
2007-08-05 15:44:47 UTC
This question is one I have often thought hard and deep about, and it caught my eye..

We can never be very certain of our first impressions. It is not that they are not always correct or not, either; Sometimes we misinterpret our own feelings and lead ourselves astray.

And there is another side to the question I almost never see someone ask or point out: When we ask, we tend to focus only on the bad or negative impressions. Why? It is just as equally possible that we could get a positive or favorable first impression about someone which turns out to be false. How many times have you felt someone was really good, or trustable, or otherwise a great person, only to find out they're "just like everyone else?"

That leads me to wonder.. Just how much of our first impressions really are a "gut instinct," and how much of it is ourselves telling ourselves what we want to think?

A common example I get from talking to many girls (I seem to give off the impression to girls that I'm the kind of guy they can talk to about their life stories :-P), is one where they met the perfect man, got excited that the guy took interest in them and asked them out on a date, only to have the date totally bomb out--Either they guy was too stuck on himself, or was checking out all the other girls, etc.

And all too often, these same girls tell me that "in retrospect, [they] should have listened to [their] gut instinct," which somehow was telling them not to go, but they didn't listen. When I hear that line, my first thought is.. Did you really feel that way, or are you just making yourself think that *now*, in hindsight?

Another common scenario I have heard is when someone gets a negative first impression, only to later find out it was false. Again, since girls talk to me a lot, I hear a lot of stories about how some guy really "creeped [them] out," but after getting to know they guy, they found out he was really a nice guy.. "just misunderstood."

There even seems to be a strong romantic appeal to being "just misunderstood," but it makes me wonder.. On the one hand, they're saying their first instinct, their first judgment about a person was too harsh, not to be trusted.. But now their opinions and views should be trusted without question?

I bring that last point up because it brings me to what I believe to be the crux of the matter. Most people make snap judgments based upon limited information, but few people want to even consider if they could possibly be wrong, especially if it casts themselves in a bad light. And who wants to think of themselves as being that "creepy, bad person?"

All of us struggle through our daily lives, fighting to believe in ourselves, dealing with issues of low self-esteem/image/worth/etc. We tend to build our own worlds, where everything is understood, makes sense, and could not possibly be wrong.. or if we're forced to accept that something we believe in is wrong, then we have some justification for our own error.

And there is nothing wrong with that--It's nearly impossible to live through life if you never believe or trust in yourself, at best. At worst, you'll only create a situation where your self-esteem/image is so messed up, you won't even know fantasy from reality, nor will you ever be able to truly trust another if you cannot trust yourself.

Putting it all in context of the question asked.. You're in a position now where you know you have to trust yourself on some level; But to be fair to others, you should also be wary and question yourself. With those two competing interests, how do you resolve it?

What I have found, that works for me (your mileage may vary), is that I pay heed to my gut instincts, as well as my head and heart. I take it all into consideration.. but withhold judgment until such time as I can verify it all. In the meantime, I can proceed cautiously, wary of any potential dangers or problems, and simply avoid them, without necessarily avoiding the person.

In short, I am not going to put myself at risk, but I am not going to assume or pass any judgment, either. I'm a mature, rational adult capable of observing, evaluating and thinking clearly. I value that above all else, even when I almost always trust my instincts.. they're rarely wrong. I learned how to truly read my own instincts, without letting my head and heart get in the way. But I don't discount them, either--They serve a purpose, as well. My heart guides me, and my head takes it all in, considers, weighs, and finally makes a decision. (I hope I'm being clear, even amid all the contradictions and competing interests! ;-))

The only exception would be when it comes to children. We teach them that if a situation FEELS wrong, it probably is, and to get away from it. For children, we should teach them that, until they have enough experience in life that they can start observing, recognizing danger signs, and making sound judgments.

I've only scratched the surface on my thoughts on this topic.. But this is already overly long. :-P
Raynada D
2007-08-05 13:45:57 UTC
If they keep chatting with you, and if your making a good impression.
Southern Belle
2007-07-28 07:35:43 UTC
It's easy, you just get that gut feeling.
2007-07-25 19:41:48 UTC
It depends on the aura visual, and the chakra energy they are experiencing.
2007-07-23 13:21:28 UTC
how do you know if your first impression was the right one ?by paying attention to the results of their action.
2007-07-18 21:39:13 UTC
This can be determined by that person's reaction whom your meeting with.
2007-07-18 15:22:15 UTC
You again.

It never is, but why is it so important to.

Again you are putting people at an unnecessary risk, to not judge them.
2007-07-18 13:16:38 UTC
Trust your instincts you'll not be disappointed!
2007-07-18 03:35:16 UTC
Usually if I get a pleasant surprise I'm like a horse with blinders on
2007-08-16 11:22:40 UTC
if i meet someone new i wll like 2 know mush about him or her so i will her better
Lucia I
2007-08-11 21:00:26 UTC
First of all it is unbelievable how many answers you received on your question!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you know better than every one of us. Is this a test? Or a survey?
2007-08-10 18:05:40 UTC
You must trust in your inner voice. That is all you have to go on. Should you doubt it and thenget killed or raped?
2007-08-07 10:55:57 UTC
I think that whomever you get ideas from, that you should pay them a percentage of whatever profits you accumulate from using them.
2007-08-01 09:41:56 UTC
i try to folo my instincts but lately my instince have led me to wrong ppl ugh im so confused
2007-07-28 09:46:51 UTC
Well it only matters if you see them more than once get to know them more that is the only way.
2007-07-19 01:20:46 UTC
i found out that my first instinct is right and i go with that and it has not fail me yet
2007-07-18 23:22:57 UTC
first impression is the last impression
dimples (loves llcoolj)
2007-07-18 19:11:43 UTC
well,because when they see you again they give off a good vibes, like you made a good impression, you know when someone don't like you, ya know
2007-07-18 18:09:33 UTC
If my dog's don't like them that is usually a pretty good indication.People will come over that I already know and don't like and my dogs don't like them either.
2007-07-18 14:34:14 UTC
You don't; that's why people need to stop making snap judgements based soleley on their first impression.
nicole c
2007-07-18 14:13:30 UTC
listen to yourself!!!! if your first impression is bad, i can gaurentee, the second, third, ect.... is going to be the same. people send out signals, good and bad!
2007-07-18 12:38:09 UTC
Look to their eyes -don't just watch their lips. The eyes reveal the soul.
2007-07-18 12:34:37 UTC
are you REALLY a doctor, because if your are, you would know yourself. You're probably a fake and i trust my gut.
mag g
2007-07-19 00:14:27 UTC
Steve W
2007-07-18 19:49:15 UTC
Give the person a little test first. for example introduce them to a friend, leave them alone, see what happens. Loan them something small, see if they return it...
2007-07-18 10:00:49 UTC
I usually go w/my 1st impression, then give them a chance to change it.
2007-08-06 15:48:50 UTC
your a Dr and asking Advice on Yahoo Answers

your not very good are you?
Gina L
2007-07-18 20:33:26 UTC
When I wouldn't mind running into that person again!
2007-07-18 14:49:56 UTC
meet them a second time
2007-07-18 14:16:47 UTC
honestly, first opinions count for absolutely NOTHING! i dismissed this guy the first time i met him, but it turns out that he's now my best friend!
2007-08-07 21:35:06 UTC
i think first impressions and only impressions just create more stereotypes which we do not need.
2007-07-27 19:49:52 UTC
well if u feel there a good person then thats good but if it's a bad feeling then it's bad
2007-07-18 17:07:47 UTC
Observed him, when he does not know, his being observe. particularly during unexpected moment, take note of his expression and reaction, when he think he is alone and nobody sees.
2007-08-16 00:41:58 UTC
when i meet to the person that which is not known by me earlier firstly i tell him,his negative points like u r ugly,have no manners.
2007-08-16 00:47:01 UTC
Um, aren't YOU the one with a Doctorate? DOH!
2007-08-10 12:15:38 UTC
it just depens on the guy if you had a good first impression
2007-08-07 12:09:10 UTC
you can not tell if some is not nice untill you have been

around that person for a while
Sarah smith
2007-07-18 18:51:51 UTC
first impressions arnt alway what they seem so always try to get to know someone.
2007-07-18 16:19:28 UTC
Just go with your gut feeling. Hell, you won't know anyway.
2007-07-18 08:01:33 UTC
i think that u would have to ask the person if he is a bad man and let him tell u wat he is about and does he hit on his women because if i meet some one that i did not know then i would ask them the same thing
2007-07-18 06:07:35 UTC
i don't think you can truly ever tell, some people are really good at covering up who they actually are. i think you just treat everyone with the same amount of respect. and those who you wish to get closer to... well.... just BE CAREFUL!! you can never really know someone.
2007-07-18 05:55:37 UTC
Take a deer in the woods if he hears a twig snap he will run, now you might train him away from that, but good chance you will get him shot
2007-07-18 01:56:08 UTC
you must always trust yourself. you are all you have.

anything is possible, regardless of if you call it early on or not. people are innocent until proven quilty. so let them surprise you.
2007-07-17 21:52:11 UTC
I usually go with my instincts and their body language.

I try not to judge based off of things that can be changed, like appearance, but the inherent qualities that people cannot change at will.
Tarra Y
2007-08-16 07:59:23 UTC
I always go with my gut instinct. It has never steered me wrong.
2007-08-05 20:09:04 UTC

rahwa t
2007-07-27 07:38:40 UTC
im rahwatesfildet i leve in asmara pleasc help b/c grath harmoan tawrayd saeck plwasc help
2007-07-18 11:02:30 UTC
If they are creepy lookin That would do it for me but I think you always need to get to know a person first!
2007-07-18 05:20:56 UTC
Must not be an important issue if you can only muster up 215 answers in like 2 weeks of asking.
mike m
2007-07-24 10:10:01 UTC
2007-08-13 00:59:57 UTC
u right by trusting what ur feeling ok now my name is angel and can we be friends my email address
Grampa B
2007-08-09 10:33:48 UTC
I would go with the info I have until proven otherwise.
2007-08-06 09:35:02 UTC
you may think that you trust someone buy then they can go and spred remores about you and make ur life realy hard.
2007-07-24 19:26:36 UTC
You don't. That's why it is called first impression.
2007-07-19 02:33:51 UTC
i try to always trust my gut but sometimes have been proven WRONG!!
2007-07-18 18:04:44 UTC
I know a loose girl when I see one.
2007-07-18 10:54:11 UTC
You don't.

You follow your gut and make the best of it.

You can't always be right and you can't beat yourself up over it.
2007-07-18 10:13:51 UTC
lao tse says the more you try to impress. in the very tension of attracting u distract others.

don't try to know & it will be known.
2007-07-18 03:43:31 UTC
I can't tell, I just avoid them, unless them say something to me, then I have to speak to them even if I feel they are rare. Jimmy.
2007-08-10 15:13:10 UTC
Human is human...

Human is allowed to make mistakes but s/he is also able to think...

But be a little bit easygoing ma'am...
2007-07-28 12:33:06 UTC
its usally the eye contact. and the way they present their self. sometimes its the feeling you get while you are looking at them!

Chef dad
2007-07-18 12:57:02 UTC
I am a very good judge of people.
2007-08-07 01:04:25 UTC
not at all if i feel some one is bab i ignore to meet him next time.
2007-08-06 07:23:53 UTC
Always trust your gut...intuition is God warning you.
2007-08-02 10:41:27 UTC
flip a coin
2007-07-26 10:31:54 UTC
well i would just follow my instincts....i dont think i really understood your question....but i hope i helped you at least a little bit!!??
Tinkerbell eats Yahoo!
2007-07-23 17:03:50 UTC
its usually not accurate, after you spend more time with that person you see who they really are : )
2007-07-18 23:39:59 UTC
You can never tell, because people are always changing
2007-07-18 10:32:40 UTC
I do not think it is possible people lie way to much and act on top of that.
2007-07-18 08:37:22 UTC
You will know it when you you feel it. Maybe its not you it may be its the person your meeting.So don't go so hard on yourself.
2007-07-19 05:50:08 UTC
this goes into one's sub-conscious mind without one's knowledge. to that extent, human being is likely to faulter!
2007-07-18 21:40:47 UTC
well or judging a person just see his way of taliking to u
pam s
2007-08-06 21:18:06 UTC
you should always go by your first impression, because it is usually always right.
2007-07-26 13:27:35 UTC
i think that ill be me coz what ever happened and give others to themselves also give it the time to take decisions
2007-07-18 22:49:00 UTC
You don't know, and you will never know unless the person lives up to your expectations.
2007-07-18 21:52:32 UTC
you don't, even if you think you have the interview in your hands, it may well be just in the interviewer pants , or skirt witch ever it maybe
2007-07-18 20:34:58 UTC
you don't and you can't but if you fear danger it'r probab;y better to be safe even if the person winds up to be good.
2007-07-18 19:25:16 UTC
because my instincts tells me and they haven't been wrong yet!
2007-07-18 16:47:17 UTC
why would anyone thing they can make a judgment call about someone's character so quickly?
2007-07-18 00:31:20 UTC
i think nothing to do with first impression, try to be what u are & act smartly but not oversmartly, be urself distinct from other, i think by this u can impress
2007-08-11 01:28:09 UTC
we trust in Ur answer not others .We know what I said is right so we trust in us not others
2007-08-11 00:19:04 UTC
if i treat him/her in a good manner & disipline i know that i make an impression.
2007-08-10 07:41:07 UTC
If your head is throbbing go with your heart. If your heart is throbbing go with your head. If your ****** is throbbing, just go....this works all the time under all circumstances......
2007-08-07 08:39:36 UTC
Only time will tell, you just have to remember that.
2007-07-18 11:56:28 UTC
first impressions do .but i try and give everyone time to prove themselves
2007-07-18 03:54:08 UTC
Its just how they carry themselves and give a vibe always tell something about them.
pritam p
2007-07-18 00:45:32 UTC
if the person give you fast response, then you can think that he/she is impressed...and if he is ignoring you than that he/she is not impressed from you.
I Know Everything
2007-08-16 10:37:11 UTC
I like turtles.
2007-08-05 11:52:31 UTC
Always go with your gut...You'll seldom be wrong.
2007-07-18 09:19:22 UTC
You can't always. But if the alarms go off, its better to be cautious than not.

2007-07-18 07:46:07 UTC
Depends on how we were raised, and how we make judgements and our gut feelings. Whatever.
2007-07-18 07:12:18 UTC
People need to be open-minded.

Like in a job interview, the CEO is probably full of himself because he is the one giving the job.

We all make mistakes!!!

At the end of the day, we are all human beings and we all take a dump every morning.
2007-07-18 05:23:59 UTC
everyone makes mistakes.

the first impressions doesnt have to be the conclusion
2007-07-18 04:10:49 UTC
It doesn't matter what they look like on the outside, it matter what they do on the inside, and thats what counts.
2007-07-17 22:16:24 UTC
you can't. you can't tell but to not make such a mistake on doing the wrong thing you should observe. observe what they do and how they act like after you make a bad first impression of them. you can't ever judge a book by it cover. for me if i ever thought some one is such and such i get to know them. i dont nessary gotta like them jjust get to know them and rethink of what i thought tha first time and just make sure that i dont blurt or said thing that might hurt their feeling just on my first impression.
2007-08-16 04:43:36 UTC
talk to them and be friends for a day or so and see
2007-07-19 07:49:31 UTC
when i see them doing the perp walk with cuffs on. Then I know.... you were right again.
pretty granny
2007-07-18 20:32:24 UTC
Because it has never failed me yet. I don't know nothing I don't know. You figure it out. I didn't loose nothing I didn't have.
margaret moon
2007-07-18 20:09:37 UTC
Body language,says it all.
2007-07-18 10:00:11 UTC
You can't know for certain. That is the beauty of it all: that's life, sister. No one gets to know it all.
2007-07-18 09:32:55 UTC
forget your instincts and treat everybody the same.
2007-07-18 07:53:59 UTC
your gut never lies. it is how you feel and feelings are real .you must accept your gut reaction but not react to it .people are not books you can't judge them by there cover .
2007-08-13 19:29:31 UTC
always trust your gut its ususally right or mine alwayts has
2007-08-06 12:32:24 UTC
I would use my mind not my instincts.
2007-07-18 21:17:36 UTC
A firm hand shake...look in there eyes and you will feel it!!
2007-07-18 14:47:10 UTC
try talking honestly to the person.
Dr. Obvious
2007-07-18 09:36:48 UTC
The voice of intuition doesn't nag.
2007-07-18 03:50:10 UTC
hmm..for me...

i wont judge it quickly and tell others..sumthing like that

first, i'll get to know him/her more..and then i think that will be the time to judge him/her..

and also...i dont think i have the right to judge anyone w/o looking at myself...right?

anyway...hehe...that's it..
2007-07-18 01:27:01 UTC
I have been so right about it for so long.By now i trust myself.Even my husband knows
2007-07-17 22:42:28 UTC
my first thought would be if the person was a put on me . i look at the person who isnt like that my first thought wuld be yourself. in my opion/
2007-07-31 19:41:15 UTC
i always go off of my first instinct... it has never led me wrong...
2007-07-19 00:13:59 UTC
You can see it in their eyes they hang on your every word
2007-08-07 17:16:45 UTC
It isn't. Now will you leave Yahoo! Answers?!
2007-08-02 16:01:04 UTC
I feel it in my gut.
2007-07-31 03:01:03 UTC
Women's Intuition. It's never let me down!
2007-07-27 22:31:50 UTC
compare it with your second impression
Gavin S
2007-07-19 06:06:45 UTC
They may or may not punch you in the head.
angelica m
2007-07-19 00:26:57 UTC
your instinct knows whats best period
2007-07-18 22:12:59 UTC
By his/her body language.
2007-07-18 19:10:32 UTC
trust me u will be able to know ask god. andmu will know he will help u. give it time
2007-07-18 18:02:26 UTC
One doesn't know. That's the problem.
2007-07-17 21:07:24 UTC
blahblahblah, ill edit later
2007-08-08 16:11:10 UTC
No I don't have an opinion of anyone.
Zach Y
2007-08-08 13:54:40 UTC
no you should never judge a book by its cover
2007-07-29 10:08:07 UTC
nguyen van hien
2007-07-26 11:56:31 UTC
if you feel they are bad stay away but if you feel hope they are good. in my opinion.
2007-07-24 17:48:05 UTC
how much do you get paid to put your face to a question you didn't type in?
Sandie B
2007-07-18 07:59:04 UTC
If I was a guest on your program, how much would you pay for me to answer questions?
2007-07-18 07:38:31 UTC
I married from first sight
2007-07-17 22:24:36 UTC
you know by body language and then the way the person changes in talking to you
2007-07-18 08:33:27 UTC
It is simple, you could read the someone thoroughly
2007-08-13 20:47:04 UTC
only your heart will know. Follow what your heart say's.
2007-08-06 15:09:03 UTC
Let me put it like that :

"Innocent until proven guilty !!"
2007-07-29 23:27:35 UTC
You don't unless you acted like yourself.
H.I. of the H.I.
2007-07-28 12:38:12 UTC
Generally, I tell the difference between my friends and enemies by allowing whomever comes to me to tell me in their own words or reveal themselves by their own actions. In the mind of my enemy I may be subhuman, inferior, submissive, weak, diseased, ugly, evil, and or lacking. Sooner or later their evaluation becomes evident in their words and actions. In this day and age, I have the option of using technology to enhance my abilities to gather information and it is a matter of time before I form an idea of what I think, believe and expect are the real reasons why some body has come to me. How exactly do they see me fitting into their model of self and world? How do they talk about me when I am not in their presence? In the case of those who have come to me intending to hurt me, hopefully I find out and find out before any loss, injury and or damage occurs. How do they treat other people with whom they interact? How do they refer to other people with whom we share association? I ponder my relationships, I question those who come to me, I listen to what they have to say, I observe what they do and make up my own mind about myself about all I find. I weigh the potential risks and benefits of investing my energy, space, and time in my relationships. I do not invest my energy, space and time in a relationship with a person who is too ashamed to be seen with me in public and or too ashamed of the nature of our relationship and or ashamed of me because they believe that I should be ashamed of myself and I am not. If a person makes one of these kinds of displays of shame, then this indictates that I am probably doing something with this person that I should not be doing; like investing a significant amount energy, space and time in a relationship. Maybe a person who is too ashamed to be seen with me in certain social situations will abandon me when and if the going gets tough. Maybe a person who thinks I should be ashamed would condemn me when the going gets tough. That person is probably not a friend, and is possibly an enemy. If someone tells me that they think I am 'evil', 'demon possessed', 'insane' or 'crazy' then that indicates to me that this person may be my enemy. This person may be my enemy because use of such phrases to describe me suggests that I might occupy a status of an enemy in the model of self and world built within the mind of this person. A person who uses such phrases to describe me is suggesting to me that I should accept a judgment made based on a model of self and world built within the mind of this person. If I were to build in my own mind a model of self and world that is similar to the model of self and world that this person built within their own mind then doing so would lead me to have low self esteem and low world esteem. I think, believe and expect that low self esteem and low world esteem would make me more vulnerable to predation by other life forms in our body consuming biosphere. If someone tells me that they are my enemy then certainly I would be inclined to think of that individual as such. Maybe because presenting themselves to me as friends is a good way of getting close enough to hurt me, some of my enemies present themselves to me as being my friends.
2007-07-27 16:55:28 UTC
dr robbi,

I will tell you if you push my t shirt line on TV.
Clark in the City
2007-07-19 04:07:34 UTC
Are you supposed to be this famous person or something?
arnett e
2007-07-18 19:04:08 UTC
look in their eyes for the truth
2007-07-18 14:45:08 UTC
O)nly time will tell and people will ALWAYS let you down!
2007-07-18 05:24:38 UTC
pay attention, watch, and confirm your feelings or prove them wrong and adjust your ability so it is more accurate.
2007-07-18 04:16:18 UTC
Treat everyone as if you can trust them, but be minutely aware should they be a wolf in sheep's clothing.
2007-07-17 22:08:21 UTC
Sometimes you just have to listen to that tiny little voice in your head that tells you when a person is good or not.
2007-07-29 23:27:45 UTC
It's always wrong
2007-07-18 15:40:33 UTC
Judge not yest ye be judged.
2007-07-18 13:32:22 UTC
First of all i smile. That's it they are my friends. I don't know why this happens.
2007-07-18 09:47:28 UTC

2007-08-05 12:44:17 UTC
From their attitude
2007-08-03 11:28:29 UTC
Why would you have to decide then...Just step back and rush..
2007-07-18 10:45:35 UTC
Yeah, it is fair.. its a first IMPRESSION.
2007-07-18 05:20:42 UTC
I don't know Doc, but my first impression of you was that you are pretty easy on the eyes.
2007-07-28 16:42:31 UTC
Cowey Moorie Moo Moo
2007-07-18 20:23:50 UTC
When they say "You look nice!", and "Wow! Are you looking good today!"

Does that answer your question?
roney s
2007-07-18 15:19:37 UTC
if they Ask whats yours contact number
2007-07-18 03:26:40 UTC
well if you watched the movie Crank, then im sure you know what the crank im talkin about.
2007-07-18 00:58:02 UTC
It's never accurate.
2007-08-16 07:25:04 UTC
just be think with your head. the rite answer will automatically be obtained
2007-08-06 18:34:23 UTC

2007-07-31 11:18:38 UTC
its riduculous that this has 1000s of answers...
2007-07-19 06:44:53 UTC
by keeping thinking of your first feeling,,

wesh you good luck,

with regards !!! how do you feel ???

Aca M
2007-07-19 03:12:34 UTC
you never can be shore that is best part of new friendships
2007-07-18 08:34:41 UTC
if this person remember your name and smile to you i think it's a pretty good sign!!!
patrick o
2007-07-18 06:54:06 UTC
this whole internal seeing eye thing is very dodgy
ritesh s
2007-07-18 04:15:49 UTC
i think look is important and it works before talking to that person
2007-07-18 01:13:08 UTC
Time will tell.
2007-07-18 00:23:28 UTC
i always shake a good firm handshake
Kristian C
2007-07-17 22:15:05 UTC
first impressions and vibes are a combination and usually when you get bad vibes never a good thing
2007-07-18 20:38:45 UTC
2007-07-18 10:54:29 UTC
I would not go out with heim at all.
jack w
2007-07-18 10:27:59 UTC
Only time and experience will tell.
matt culling
2007-07-18 07:33:15 UTC
you dont know. but your gut feeling is your very best and most acurate guess
2007-08-13 08:43:55 UTC
if she is female then, fist i wish him and then i invite for a date.
2007-07-19 07:02:55 UTC
when they spend more time looking at you and not their watch
Silly Steve
2007-07-18 23:09:42 UTC
You are hot doc!
javida c
2007-07-18 20:19:49 UTC
2007-07-18 19:20:33 UTC
I'm normally right.
2007-07-18 13:08:02 UTC
nice question, i gave u a star!
2007-07-18 06:36:12 UTC
watch their body language, and try not to be overly judgemental
Bill W 【ツ】
2007-07-18 06:28:21 UTC
Your name is Ludwig? How can I take you seriously now?
2007-08-11 14:06:42 UTC
hi i dont have time sry
2007-08-01 02:23:15 UTC
shut up
2007-07-19 09:13:08 UTC
Only if your perfect like me...
Uthman A
2007-07-18 23:04:22 UTC
By his/her actions
2007-07-17 22:03:45 UTC
No one ever lives up to my expectations of them and if they do they are lying. We are all molded from the same common clay.
100% Español
2007-07-30 07:36:28 UTC
from the feedback i get i guess
2007-07-25 17:56:31 UTC
i guess all we have to do is give them a try
2007-07-19 12:38:15 UTC
brain no under stand?
sreenath k
2007-07-19 03:08:04 UTC
yes.but some time i have troubled
2007-07-18 14:38:06 UTC
you never know, thats why you shouldnt judge
2007-07-18 21:07:48 UTC
It is just stereotypes.
2007-07-18 05:46:19 UTC
You feel the chemistry
2007-07-31 20:51:48 UTC
you should never be too quick to judge.
2007-07-19 06:36:23 UTC
get to know them longer.
2007-07-18 23:09:42 UTC
You can ask them questions, and ask them why they do stuff and stuff.
2016-01-25 05:58:16 UTC
Miss Lady
2007-07-25 13:18:31 UTC
religion, gender
jane l
2007-07-18 00:17:43 UTC
you can't know until you have get to know that person
ninja monkey
2007-08-09 12:37:03 UTC
I hate your show.
2007-08-01 08:21:22 UTC
be nice, it pays off
2007-07-24 02:08:24 UTC
who knows-with my tattoos, they may think I'm a freak or ex-prisoner....
Angie M
2007-07-18 23:07:50 UTC


that's all
Taruna Arora
2007-07-18 22:57:50 UTC
he/she will try to contact later. Or ask for your contact no.
2007-08-02 11:23:24 UTC
its,there,personalty,i,look,for,first,i,act,all,shy,dont, no,why,maybe,its,passed,history. s/q
2007-07-31 17:00:18 UTC
2007-07-19 03:38:05 UTC
Go with your gut feeling.............
2007-07-18 10:21:11 UTC
I don't know. I don't do impressions....
ssekitooleko f
2007-07-18 06:38:42 UTC
when she/he facial expression is positive,positive resposes and when she/he calls later.
Robert C
2007-07-18 03:24:55 UTC
You don't - until you get to know them better.
2007-07-18 05:18:33 UTC
You can always trust your gut feeling.
2007-07-18 04:01:14 UTC
it comes with experience.
rini s
2007-07-18 03:13:50 UTC
its simple.....just check their facial expression.

i for that smile :)
Lovely unicorn
2007-08-11 21:45:57 UTC
You don't. It is a process/
2007-07-30 13:39:57 UTC
cause im psychic
2007-07-23 11:13:48 UTC
face impression(SMILE)
2007-07-18 12:32:29 UTC
i never say my first impression is right!!!!!!!!!!
2007-07-18 04:48:32 UTC
Easy, your first impression is almost NEVER right.
2007-07-19 03:28:22 UTC
u just know or u will never know..
2007-07-18 08:26:09 UTC
believe in your heart
2007-07-18 04:38:04 UTC
good impression
mitt romney
2007-08-13 21:39:37 UTC
who gives a SSHHIITT
2007-07-18 20:53:53 UTC
You don't
2007-07-18 11:02:27 UTC
2007-07-17 22:38:21 UTC
if d nex time u c dem u still hav dat same opnion of dem
2007-08-12 17:46:44 UTC
pray to god
The Game
2007-08-05 00:44:33 UTC
2007-07-18 21:09:28 UTC
you don't know that's the problem.
■ Jessie ■
2007-07-18 11:38:16 UTC
you just get a vibe about.
2007-07-18 10:36:28 UTC
If it smells like a rat.....
It's Ms. Fusion if you're Nasty!
2007-07-17 21:28:56 UTC
What I've figured out through life experience is that visually, first impressions can be inaccurate. You can't "judge a book by it's cover", as the saying goes. However, "gut impressions" (gut instincts) about someone or something are rarely wrong. I think we are given these instincts to protect us from danger and we would do well to pay attention to them.
2007-07-17 21:27:18 UTC
As the maxim goes the first impression is lasting.To a certain degree I disagree with this cliche or maxim.Why?We all look through our own perceptual lenses and many a times we are biased because we naturally stereotype.For example:An attractive person will receive more favorable reviews than a less attractive one.Lighter skinned Africans are more favored.If you are from the Middle-East you are more like to be a terrorist with with the demise of the USA on your mind.Women are the weaker sex.Fat versus skinny.White versus Black.The list is endless.Most of us will make immediate assumptions when meeting someone for the first time.If the assumptions are without grounds ,our opinions and judgments are flawed and harmful to the other person(s).

It is difficult or nearly impossible to tell if the other person is bad or not,unless you are a psychic with extraordinary abilities.

How can you tell whether or not you should trust your gut instinct in these situations?You can only do this if you can get rid of your own stereotypes and judgmentalness and clear your perceptual lenses.

Lastly people will respond to how you treat them.How would you feel if someone you have just met look at you with contempt or oppositely with respect?
2007-07-18 05:08:08 UTC
you're the doctor so you tell me! really, ive been wondering that one, myself.
Rev Debi Brady
2007-08-04 18:33:15 UTC
Almost every time...!?!
2007-07-29 10:59:48 UTC
I don;t think so. lol lol
Hermes Trismegisto
2007-07-19 03:09:22 UTC
Dear Dr. you are in wrong category, this question has nothing to do with general television duh ?
2007-07-18 20:59:52 UTC
my gut has never failed me...
2007-07-18 20:38:21 UTC
their humor
2007-07-18 20:10:19 UTC
shrink it
2007-07-18 13:02:06 UTC
How do you know it's not?
2007-07-18 12:46:49 UTC

2007-07-18 05:51:25 UTC
If you know your self , you will know how you performed.
2007-08-14 12:12:06 UTC
your show sucks.
2007-07-31 10:20:17 UTC
2007-07-27 12:43:06 UTC
with experience. =)
2007-07-26 02:57:48 UTC
Women's intuition.
Tea Crazed Person.
2007-07-18 20:31:50 UTC
nobody is going to see my answer so.....F*CK you all
2007-07-18 01:15:17 UTC
um, bug their house?
2007-07-17 21:22:14 UTC
That is hard. Because some people can come off nice and sweet and truly be a back stabber, I just experienced this today and I am more cautious of who I trust some people may not be overly friendly but may have your back in hard times.

I ask God for wisdom guidance and strength what to say as well as what not to say.

I believe people give off vibes or energy and there is just "something" about them that you like or dislike.

Be careful of who you trust and you you think is your friend because they may prove otherwise.

I don't like being around people who are false and talk behind other peoples backs and are devious as well.

There is a risk you take when you become friends with someone but as I learned today those who love or like are not always the ones you can trust.
2007-08-15 11:26:41 UTC
michael s
2007-07-18 15:07:21 UTC
i am psychic
2007-07-17 23:37:46 UTC
simply looking at his/ her eyes!
2007-07-17 21:49:14 UTC
I always have and rarely has it been wrong.
Ashley B
2007-08-03 20:41:35 UTC
you can never know.
2007-07-18 09:17:01 UTC
Your the doctor, you tell us!
2007-07-18 02:38:59 UTC
hi. how are you.
scott m
2007-07-17 21:18:46 UTC
i always trust my gut. im not saying i dont have an open mind. there are so many diffrent people in this world alot of them are good and a lot of them are bad. it doesnt matter if they havent wronged you or if they done something good. you just never know. what you think may be a "good" person can turn to be bad.
2007-08-13 13:37:04 UTC
you dont
2007-07-19 08:33:34 UTC
do you love Me ??
2007-07-18 18:39:05 UTC
2007-07-17 21:34:50 UTC
Just be Simple and natural.

but be responsive.
2007-07-17 21:26:22 UTC
As soon as you catch that person in a lie is when you can officially say that he/she is not a person with good intentions. In the business world, honesty is key. Honesty is also key in the dating world. So, catching people in lies is key to knowing people's personality. Usually the first impression will not give you any good ways to catch someone in a lie. You need to remember what they did the first time, and the second time you meet them, make sure everything is consistent with the first time.
jeff f
2007-08-13 09:43:11 UTC
screw you robi you suck
Stephanie D
2007-08-01 19:31:09 UTC
2007-07-18 03:20:35 UTC
you dont know until later!!!
2007-07-17 21:31:28 UTC
google thier name
2007-07-17 21:18:49 UTC
There's exactly the problem in today's society, dear. The first impression of the other person usually tells you right away or give away clues that tells you that they shouldn't trust you just because you're physically different and especially in many cases where people you meet that you don't know of but may know someone who knew you before that they hear rumors from them about you which stipulates that they shouldn't trust you.

But in my case, many times you can tell whether a person is of good nature mainly how they approach you or how they say or what they say. Sometimes we have to almost be on top of it just so you'd know how to reactwhen we meet a person whether they're good or bad. But spending a little of times together with a stranger can give you some idea of him/her. However, sometimes you shouild never trust your gut feelings when you first meet strangers. We have to give it ample time to get to know each other before we can really trust each other. For me, I usually can almost trust people who are of religious nature and most of the time some strangers will let you know that. Good enough, dear, yes?
2007-08-02 11:49:14 UTC
your show is stupid
2007-07-23 18:22:06 UTC
screw you robi you suck
2007-07-18 05:35:20 UTC
u hav to judge the face of the person

& listen to brain & not wat heart says
2007-07-17 21:06:10 UTC
I have to trust my instincts. I meet people in vulnerable places like walking along canal banks or in poor areas where people are homeless. I think(?) my instincts are based on body language, eye contact, tone of voice, size of pupils, odor, track marks, etc. But to be honest I'm not sure. It is not by their clothes or possessions that is for sure. I don't usually have a problem with bad people because people to me are not good or bad, only human.
2007-07-27 13:50:35 UTC
2007-07-17 21:11:04 UTC
I've learned to never judge someone by the first impression. I've been told my first impression is that I'm mean, but I'm really not. I've made the error too many times and judge someone based on our first meeting. Walking away from that person, disliking them. An example of that is my best friend. When I first met her, I didn't care for her. She came off rude and unfriendly, but I couldn't been more wrong. She's a wonderful person and someone very important in my life.

Just like the season change, so do people. It doesn't snow all year long, it. It doesn't stay warm all year long, the trees don't lose their leaves all year long, and the flowers don't bloom all year long. The seasons change, just like people do.

We shouldn't judge anyone by a season. You might meet someone in the wrong mood. Give it another meeting before you judge them.

Someone sent me a wonderful email with that message.
2007-07-17 21:14:39 UTC
A lot of times my first impression is wrong... but when I get that feeling that something isn't right I'm usually right... I handle it by stepping back a few feet and observe... Keep them at arms length for awhile until they prove otherwise... but I ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT I COULD BE WRONG!
2007-07-18 22:46:52 UTC

can you please just make que more clear?
2007-07-18 06:12:12 UTC
You don't know.
2007-07-17 23:34:38 UTC
you can't
2007-07-17 22:31:48 UTC
You don't!!
John R
2007-07-17 21:23:23 UTC
Well, of course you don't and you generally can't. Seems to me the more different someone is, the more likely most of us are to be wary. Sort of an ingrained reaction. Some of us are better able to 'read' various non-verbal cues and make fairly accurate subconscious assessments, but there are no guarantees with us fallible humans. Attractive people, of course, can over-ride that kind of assessment. It's dumb, but so many of our 'hind-brain' responses are kind of dumb, when you come right down to it. That sort of short-hand, like stereotyping, is only moderately useful and needs to be supplemented by the conscious mind.
2007-07-17 21:03:36 UTC
I just don't know if my first impression is accurate or not. If I feel they're a bad person, I'll be suspious, even without reason to be. And then I'll realize that I'm being ridiculous (if I have no real reason) and do my best to treat them well (when I was littler, I just treated them badly, and now I feel guilty about that). But on the other hand, if I saw someone, and my first impression was something along the lines of them treating someone I know really badly (or stealing, etc.) , I wouldn't treat them well at all. It's not right, but that would be me.
2007-08-11 10:47:04 UTC
2007-07-28 11:48:59 UTC
you are fat
2007-07-27 12:14:41 UTC
2007-07-18 07:21:43 UTC
You don't! LOL!!!
2007-07-18 06:57:05 UTC
2007-07-17 21:04:49 UTC
I wouldn't rely on a first impression myself. I believe you need to get to know someone before making judgements about who they are. People are deep. But I do believe a person could make an overall assumption of what that persons personality is. But someone should not rely on this, they should get to know the person. It's very easy to be wrong on gut instincts, and this can cause lots of confusion and hurt feelings.
2007-07-17 21:04:08 UTC
When you meet someone new, you see the way they behave, and since you don't know the person, you assume that is how the person behaves most of the time. First of all, that is very wrong, almost all the first impressions a person gets in their average life, are false. You can never make an accurate impression, because you do not know the person, for all you know, he/she feels judged at that moment, and might act a different way than he/she normally does. You can only know if your first impression was accurate after you get to know the person, and until you get to know them completely, you can't rely on that impression when you judge them, thats what I believe in at least.
poornima m
2007-07-17 21:13:20 UTC
i am having one frd but i will not say his name when i saw him at first time i impressed on him somedays i watch his attitude and finally i found that he has a girl frd later i left my something for his attitude now iam agood frd for him
Rachel T.
2007-07-17 21:11:54 UTC
That's a great question. Sometimes they are fabricated and sometimes its genuine. You be the judge :0
2007-07-28 13:01:34 UTC
Because I'm awesome, duh.
2007-07-18 08:29:27 UTC
2007-07-17 21:13:20 UTC
gut instinct is preconditioned bias and fear that allows us a logic that precludes our avoiding said person or the deemed situation

avoidance that comes from the gut that reacts by non logical instinct [the fear of the unknown ,results in realised avoidance and even actual evil in perpetuating the means to avoid

that becomes a self fullfilling verification ,

that remains untested because our minds cant be changed , because we have a[voided] the means to change

first impressions are preconcieved facilitation that precludes avoidance ,

accorded reason only by virtue of gut [intrenched] fears ,that remains inherant till the fear or bias becomes placated ,by realising we are all created of the one [all loving ;all knowing good [god]
w s
2007-07-17 20:59:25 UTC
you just know!
2007-07-17 20:57:44 UTC
I don't not always! Maybe that's why I have such a hard time trusting others. Maybe my social instincts isn't as strong as even the average straight male's.Hmmmm........
2007-07-17 20:55:26 UTC
Hello again,

Instincts are instincts, they are natural, there is nothing you can do about this but try to be curteous about your behavior. There is no way to tell your impression of someone is correct, but it is vital to give someone the benefit of the doubt.

I adore your television show, I think it exposes the thought and logic of everyday people and I think you have a bright future ahead of you.

I believe it is very important to explore this EXTREMELY touchy subject and I'm glad somebody had the guts to do so.
2007-07-17 18:08:15 UTC
with all do respect, this question is very subjective. depends on what i see as first impression, if i just heard that a murder was committed in my neighborhood by a white man and i meet a white man on the road hitchhiking and has blood all over him , my first impression would be just like yours! if i meet a woman who is a topless dancer, i won't think of dating her; for sure marriage is out of question since i know the chances of her having many issues, IE; mental, is very very high, and most likely she has been molested as a kid! if you are educated, specially socially, you have a better chance of judging them better than if not. one can generalize rather than overgeneralize. give us a scenario next time!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.