AMAZING! Abosultely amazing. Why anyone would wonder in amazement about such a word is totally amazing to me.
Amusing too! But definately amazing.
And because it's so amazing I'm going to tell you that you -- YES YOU! -- are AMAZING too!
It's an amazing topic that you picked to discuss. I'm sure you'll be amazed with all the answers you'll receive. I love it when people are so baffled, stupified and amazed.
It's amazing! TOTALLY AMAZING!
While in a maze, the other day, I was wondering around thinking . . . well, how do I get out of this amazing maze?
And did you know some AMAZING facts: Madonna made an album entitled "Amazing" in 2000. It flopped, which is amazing to me, because, after all -- it's MADONNA. And everyone knows how amazing she is. What with all her movies, books and let us not forget the amazing performance she gave in SHANGHAI SURPRISE. I'm amazed that she's not running for Presidency of the United States of America.
And what's even MORE amazing is the idiot who had the amazing sense to register
What a POS website that is! And yet . . . it's amazing, isn't it!
Please don't be sick anymore. It's not amazing. Feel better ' kay?