15 - Run
Claire’s mother contacts her Nathan and tells him that their daughter is alive, she asks him for money, which he agrees to give her as long as she doesn’t ruin his campaign.
Hiro tells Ando that a hero needs to have hope. Just then they hear a woman crying. When they ask her what happened, she introduces herself as "Hope." The boys agree to retrieve her pink rhinestone-encrusted bag from her abusive boyfriend in exchange for an introduction to Linderman. Turns out she's some kind of a con artist, she punches Hiro in the face, shoves him in a storage closet, and takes Ando with her, leaving Hiro behind.
Matt goes to work as a bodyguard. Linderman hires Jessica to kill Matt’s new client because he stole the money that Jessica actually stole from Linderman. Matt accompanies him on a diamond buy in L.A. and learns that Linderman's "man" is about to come and kill him. Matt decides to save him, a chase ensues, with Niki making an appearance outside her mirrored prison to plead with Jessica to stop chasing them. Jessica ignores Niki and tosses Matt out a window. He survives, although his client is killed by Jessica, and Matt walks away with the Diamonds that the fat man hid before his death.
Zane Taylor, one of the Heroes, contacts Mohinder and wants to meet, but Sylar gets there first. Mohinder finally shows up, but Sylar has already taken Zane's ability and, which seems to be the ability to melt solid objects, and is pretending to be him. Sylar enthusiastically offers to accompany Mohinder on his quest to find more Heroes, and an unlikely partnership is forged.
Nathan goes to see Meredith and he gives her the money. He wants to see his daughter, but Claire has already left. Fortunately, she's hiding outside and she hears their entire discussion. Unfortunately, Nathan leaves without meeting her. Jessica gets another assignment. This time her target is Nathan Petrelli.
Goof: Notice that when Claire throws a rock at Nathan's car and the camera cuts to an outside shot looking at the back, the glass isn't broken.
When we are introduced to the "Hope" character we are led to believe that actress Missi Pyle is far taller than Masi Oka and James Kyson Lee, but actually they have almost the same height (hers being 5'11'' and James' 5'10'').
When Hope's supposed boyfriend walks Ando to the apartment door and walks in the bathroom it is possible to see that he's wearing a skin-colored underwear beneath the towel.
Goof: Malsky told Matt Parkman to drive him the Diamond District at 6th and Broadway in Los Angeles. After Matt is pitched through the window by Nikki and lying on his back, you can see several LAPD squad cars arrive. 6th and Broadway is in LAPD's Central Area and the squad cars should have "01" on the trunk, not "19" as shown. Mission Area, which is 23 miles away in the San Fernando Valley have the number "19" on the trunks of their cars.
Goof: When Sylar goes to steal Zane Taylor's ability, the position of the collar on his coat changes between takes. First it is pulled up, then folded down. Finally, when he enters the apartment, it is up again.
16 - Unexpected
The episode begins after Claire has discovered her Mother doesn’t remember her. She runs upstairs looking for her father (HRG), then drags her brother Lyle downstairs to their mother. They go to the kitchen and Claire asks her mother if she remembers them. She says of course, and everything seems to be fine.
Ted Sprague is in his cabin in the Nevada dessert. He is alarmed when his laptop starts to instant message him. His computer was not connected to the internet. He meets Hana, a girl who has the power to wirelessly interface with computers and the Internet. She can hack satellites, email, and all electronic information with her power. She says that she can find the people who have tagged them with the isotope. Ted agrees.
Mohinder and Sylar (Zach) go to find a new person with abilities. Dale is a female mechanic who has super acute hearing. She gets suspicious when they arrive but Sylar is able to convince her by showing her his new melting ability. She agrees to let them try some tests the next day.
Hiro is let out of the supply closet by the man in the hotel room. He has a gun and a tries to make Hiro tell him where Hope, the woman with the pink rhinstone bag, is. Hiro refuses unless the man takes him along, as he feels Ando needs to be saved. The man agrees and they go off to find them.
Claude is attacking Peter with a large stick. He is trying provoke Peter into using a power. After he gets beaten up, Peter uses telekinesis to break the stick Claude has been hitting him with. He realizes that he absorbed Sylar’s telekinesis when he was helping Claire escape in Texas.
HRG gives Issac a gun and tell him that by taking out Peter, they can stop him from exploding. Isaac also wants peter gone so he can be with Simone.
Isaac says he can't find out where Peter is. Simone doesn't believe him as she says he’s lying like he used to lie about using heroin. She tries to give back the apartment key but he begs her to keep it.
Hiro and the man from the casino are following Ando and Hope. The man talks about partners and that he feels they are more trouble than they are worth, and endanger their lives. Hiro begins to question his decision to include Ando on his mission. Meanwhile, Hope and Ando reach their destination. Ando quickly discovers that he has been made a fool of when the pink bag turns out to be full of casino chips. Hope pulls a gun on Ando.
Sylar and Mohinder arrive back at their hotel. Sylar asks Mohinder more about what he means by helping the heroes. Mohinder explains that he has been working on a way to inhibit the Heroes abilities, sort of like a vaccine. Sylar is disturbed by Mohinder’s comparison between the abilities and a virus. Mohinder also mentions that his father was killed by a man named Sylar and, pretending ignorance of the events, Sylar comforts Mohinder. Sylar talks about all the Heroes he can feel, out in the world. He says they are calling to him. Mohinder retires for the night, but Sylar stays outside, grinning to himself.
Claire is trying to explain to her mother why she is losing her memory. She is concerned by her Father’s control over her mother’s medical situation, but Mrs. Bennet brushes her off saying everything is okay. Claire tells her mother she shouldn't trust her father so much. While Claire is explaining why, Mrs. Bennet collapses.
Back on the Devaux building’s rooftop, Peter asks Claude why he hates the world so much but cares for the Pigeons. Claude mentions that Charles Darwin bred pigeons when he was working out his theory of evolution, then implies that Peter may be the pinnacle of a new phase in evolution. Peter is still baffled by his behavior. Suddenly, Peter and Claude are being watched through a heat sensing scanner. HRG shoots Claude in the neck with a stun gun. He falls to the ground. The Haitian attempts to shoot Peter, but using his newly discovered telekinesis power Peter stops the pins before they hit him. Before HRG and the Haitian can reach Claude, Peter throws him over the edge of the building and jumps off after him. The next thing that HRG and the Haitian see is Peter carrying Claude on his back while he flies away. Peter flies over the city and disappears into the darkness.
While he is watching Peter, HRG's phone rings. It’s Claire and he tries to tell her it’s not a good time but she tells him that Mrs. Bennet has passed out and she has called an ambulance. He tells her that he will be back home as soon as he can. He tells the Haitian that Claude will have to wait.
Matt’s wife asks him about the ring he gave her. It appears that the jeweler accused her of stealing it after valuing it at about $40,000. Matt comes clean about how he got the ring and shows her the other diamonds. She tells him to give them back or hand them in to the police. She demands he call them straight away, but he is reluctant. Then the phone rings. Matt tells the person on the other end that he will be there soon and leaves his wife, the conversation about the diamonds unresolved and without telling his wife where he’s going.
Peter wakes Claude up. They are in Peter’s apartment. Claude hits Peters and accuses him of leading "them" to him. Peter protests that he doesn’t know who "they" are. Claude explains that the reason why he has become a hermit is because he was being chased by the same people who tried to take him on the roof top. Peter is angry because Claude blames him for the situation. Claude realizes that it must have been Issac who betrayed Peter and asks him if Issac has the mark from the Isotope needle on the back of him neck. Claude shows Peter a scar where his mark used to be, tells Peter that they have to split up so he can disappear again (to hide from HRG) and then frantically vanishes from the apartment, leaving Peter fuming at Isaac for the perceived betrayal.
Simone goes to Nathan to ask about Peter. Nathan doesn’t think it’s likely that Peter will come to him for help, but he has people looking for him. Simone tells Nathan that she thinks it’s necessary to alert the world about the Heroes ability. Nathan is very reluctant and tries to dissuade her from going public. Simone is disgusted with his perspective and leaves as Nathan threatens her not to uncover the Heroes.
Hope tells Ando to move by the car, just as the man and Hiro arrive in his car. A big gunfight breaks out between Hope and the man from the casino. Ando is shot and Hiro goes to pull him out of the line of fire. They both hide in a bus luggage compartment and talk about the situation. Hiro tells Ando he should never have brought him along on the mission, but Ando says that Hiro has shown him what it means to be a Hero. Hope finds them hiding and pulls her gun on Hiro. The gun fires, but Hiro tries to use his power. The bullet disappears back into the barrel and knocks the gun out of Hope’s hand. Both Hiro and Ando have their eyes closed and don’t know what happened. They assume the gun misfired. The police arrive and capture the man from the casino and Hope. Hiro is happy to find their rental car has not a scratch on it.
Meanwhile, Dale is working late on a car. She sits up because she has heard something. Sylar appears. She says she didn’t hear his footsteps, and he explains that there weren’t any. She asks what the sound in his heart is. Sylar replies, "murder."
The Doctor talks to Claire about her Mother’s condition. Claire tries to explain to the Doctor what happened to her mother and how the Haitain can take memories by touch. The Doctor doesn’t believe her.
Matt arrives at the meeting point. Ted is there with Hana. Ted explains what he has learned about the marks on his neck comes from a specific needle and radio isotope. Hana reveals that Primatech paper has been ordering the needles. Matt is skeptical after what happened when the FBI raided the place. Ted and Hana convince Matt to come with them to Texas to search for HRG and answers to the mysteries which surround their kidnapping.
Mr Bennet arrives at the hospital. He tells Claire and Lyle that their mother can go home in the morning. He speaks to Claire about what she said to the Doctor. She continues to attack him about what he’s done to her mother. He tells her about Sylar’s visit to their house and why he felt she needed to forget that. Mr Bennet promises that it will never happen again. Claire rejects his apology.
Mohinder and Sylar (Zane) drive up to Dale’s garage. Mohinder asks Sylar if he is OK as he’s been acting oddly. Mohinder goes to see Dale and Sylar stays in the car, obviously in pain from the new hearing ability. Mohinder runs out of the garage and throws up. He has seen Dale with a section of her head removed. He knows this is Sylar’s work. Sylar appears surprised by Mohinder’s knowledge of his methods, but persuades him not to call the police until they are back on the road because it would look bad if they were caught at the scene. Mohinder agrees and they leave.
Hiro tells Ando that they must go their separate ways before he gets hurt, but Ando wants to stay with Hiro. Hiro tells him to go home and gets onto a bus alone.
Claire’s Mother comes home from the hospital. Mr. Bennet tells Claire that everything will be okay but she doesn’t agree. She tells him that all she wants to do is run away, but she doesn’t want to leave her family alone with him. Ted appears, and Mr. Bennet tells Lyle to get Mrs. Bennet and himself out of the house –- fast. Matt appears at the bottom of the stairs preventing that from happening. He tells them they have a lot of questions as he points a gun toward the Bennets.
Isaac is in his studio painting the future. When he opens his eyes, he sees a picture of Peter staring darkly at him. He turns around and Peter is staring at him, just as in the picture he’s just painted. Peter asks him why he betrayed him and Issac responds telling him he’s dangerous and will destroy New York if he’s not stopped. Peter checks his neck for the isotope marks and Issac has them. He asks him what they mean and Isaac tells him they mean nothing. Peter screams at Isaac not to lie to him and telekinetically throws him across the room. After Peter presses him further, Isaac admits that he resents Peter for stealing Simone away. As he reaches for the gun the HRG gave him, Isaac tells Peter that he did it for New York to stop the bomb. He pulls the gun on Peter and tells him he will stop the bomb right now by shooting Peter. Peter goes invisible, Isaac is thrown off by this and searches desperately around the room for Peter, jumping at every noise until he eventually fires the gun twice. Simone is standing in the doorway with two bullets in her chest. She starts to fall, and Peter becomes visible to catch her. Simone gasps for breath a few times, before her head falls backwards. Her open hand holds the key to Issac’s apartment. Peter stares at Isaac.
When Hiro is getting on the bus, the driver asks him if he is travelling alone. This bus driver is Stan Lee, creater or co-creater of many of the flag ship characters of Marvel Comics, such as Spiderman, the Fantastic Four, X-Men, the Hulk and Iron Man.
The scene in which Isaac returns from his trance to normal state is used in episode "Parasite".
Charles Darwin, while keeping his developing ideas about evolution a secret, took every opportunity to question expert naturalists and, unconventionally, people with practical experience such as farmers and pigeon fanciers, but didn't breed pigeons himself.
This is the first time Hiro uses any suffixes for Ando, calling him Ando-kun three times.
Goof: When Hiro is driving to find Ando with S.R. Gustafson, he has the poster tube with him on his lap. When we see a shot of Ando with "Hope", the poster tube is in the boot of his car. This is further emphasized by Hiro getting the poster tube out of the back of the car when he leaves.
When Mohinder and Sylar were at the garage, Sylar had that hanging hook pushed by his back, but after that it somehow moved in front of him.
Goof: While Isaac is trying to shoot Peter, the painting of Hiro vs. the tyrannosaurus is on one of the stands. That painting was given to Hiro to take it to Vegas and was torn by his father, so it couldn't be in Isaac's studio now.
When Mr. Bennet and The Haitian were trying to kidnap Peter Petrelli and Claude, Bennet's cellular phone was not set to silent (it rang after the failed kidnap attempt), but it should have or else their plan would be foiled for being noisy.
Goof: In this episode, it shows the characters in Bozeman, Montana. On the license plates, it has 90 for the county number. The state of Montana only has 56 counties in it.
17 - Company Man
Mr. Muggles is running through the empty Bennet house and barks at the door. The handle is melted off by Ted, and he enters along with Matt. They look for his computer, and begin trying to hack into it, when the entire family comes home. Ted suggests that they take the entire family hostage, Matt disagrees at first, but ultimately goes with the plan.
The two confront HRG when he brings Claire to the side to talk to her. HRG tries to deny their claims that he's anything other than a paper salesman, but Ted calls him out on it.
Flashback to fifteen years previous and HRG is pronounced the regional manager of Primatech Paper by a mysterious man. the two launch into a discussion about the "company" and how people need to be protected from what they do. HRG is assigned a partner who turns out to be Claude.
Back in the present Matt tries reads Claire's thoughts and finds out that she knows about her father, but she denies it until Ted shows off his powers. Then she admits that he is not a paper salesman.
While Ted Guards HRG and the rest of the family, Matt tries to read Claire's thoughts. He finds out that Peter Petrelli is able to do more than just read minds, and also finds out that Claire has the ability to heal. She is left wondering if her father created her ability like he did Matt's.
Flash back 14 years to HRG and Claude. The mysterious man seen in the previous flashback is talking to a Japanese man who turns out to be Hiro's father, while a young Hiro plays the first version of Nintendo Game Boy. The mysterious man takes Claude aside and HRG talks to Hiro's father and finds out that he is to adopt a baby Claire. He is also told that if she manifests any powers that she is to be given back to the organization. Claude wishes HRG a happy Father's Day in Japanese.
Back in the present the situation gets more out of hand when Matt reads in Ted's thoughts that he is willing to kill everyone. HRG tells them that there is a safe in the den, and while Ted and Matt are distracted HRG pulls a gun. Ted and Matt are able to get the gun away from him. Ted takes Mrs. Bennet hostage and Both Claire and HRG insist that Matt shoot Claire to trick Ted into calming down. Matt shoots Claire.
Ted is freaked out by Matt's shooting Claire and HRG helps Matt gain Ted's trust by sending him instructions with his thoughts. Matt makes an excuse to move Claire's body on HRG's insistence, and they bring her up to her room where she heals and coughs out the bullet. HRG reveals that he didn't "create" anyone's power and that Claire would have been taken away if the people he had worked for knew that she existed. Matt discovers that HRG is telling the truth, and the two decide to work together to prevent Ted from setting off his power. They try to get Ted to go to the paper plant, but he decides that he's going to stay with the family.
Flashback to 14 years ago. HRG is talking to the mysterious man and reveals that his wife found some of his equipment. The mysterious man informs him that they found a boy in Haiti who has the ability to make people forget, and thus HRG's wife's life can be saved. HRG lets the Haitian in, and tells him that his wife is up the stairs.
In the present Matt and HRG go to the plant. HRG tells Matt that he's going to stop Ted with a tranquillizer dart and that he had signaled the Haitian. At the house Ted is playing with his powers, and Claire watches while hidden. Back in the factory HRG and Matt meet up with the Haitian and HRG confronts him. The Haitian reveals that someone else told him not to erase Claire's memory.
Flash back to seven years ago. Claude and HRG are in a car together. HRG asks Claude if he's been hiding someone with special powers. Claude tells him yes, and also informs him that he was in HRG's office when they told him to kill Claude. They stop at a bridge and get out. Claude tries to win HRG's sympathy by bringing up the topic of Claire, but HRG shoots Claude while accusing him of betraying the company. Claude turns invisible and apparently dies when he falls off the bridge.
Back in the present the Haitian and HRG argue about what the safest course of action is going to be for Claire, and Matt points out that the safest route is going to be to give Ted what he wants. At the Bennet house Ted hears a noise and goes upstairs to check on Claire's body. Claire then shows up downstairs and releases her mother and Lyle who were tied up. At the same time Ted discovers that Claire's body is missing and runs downstairs, he captures Claire and Lyle runs out the back door, but Mrs. Bennet stays and discovers that her daughter has the ability to heal. Ted ties up the two. Claire and Mrs. Bennett have a talk about miracles and giving HRG a second chance. Ted figures out that HRG told Matt that Claire wouldn't die, and stops trusting Matt at that point. HRG and Matt walk in to find Ted threatening them with his power. HRG tells Ted that they have the file and that he is risking his life by showing him it. They make a deal to release the family and the Haitian leads them out. HRG reveals that there is no cure, and that Ted was harmless when they found him. The mysterious man comes in and shoots Ted, setting him off. Matt and the man escape the house, while HRG stays and tries to tranquillize Ted. Claire decides to go after her dad. Inside Ted continues to go critical. Claire makes it inside and tells HRG that she'll stay and inject Ted. Matt goes into the house and helps HRG escape. Claire manages to get close to Ted and then an explosion goes off. Claire walks out, charred from head to toe, and then heals, and hugs her family. HRG notices that the mysterious man saw her heal.
Next HRG and the Mysterious man are walking down the hall of the paper plant, and the mysterious man reveals that the Haitian has gone into hiding. They arrive at a cell where Ted is locked up and under sedation, and the mysterious man says that they'll find out what gives him his spark, and the two leave, turning off the light in Ted's cell. They then visit Matt who is unconscious and being monitored. The mysterious man brings up the option of working with Matt, and then asks HRG when Claire is going to be brought in. HRG says that he will bring her in right away.
Claire and HRG are riding in the car and they discuss what will happen to her. There are no real answers and Claire tells HRG that he is her dad.
Flashback to three years ago. HRG is trying on his horn rimmed glasses for the first time with Claire watching and she calls them "Grandpa Glasses." HRG reveals that Claire is adopted when she asks about whether or not she will need glasses.
Back in the present they stop at what looks like the same bridge where HRG shot Claude. The Haitian is waiting for them. Claire and HRG get out of the car and the Haitian pulls a gun. Claire asks if there is a better way, and the Haitian tells her that it is the best way. HRG shows the Haitian where to shoot so that he won't die. HRG is shot with the same gun he used to shoot Claude, Claire runs over to him and hugs him. She also tells him that she loves him. HRG responds, "I love you Claire-bear." The Haitian comes over and holds his hand over HRG's head.
Micah is seen playing a Playstation 3 in this episode. We know that the events of season one all take place before November 8th, 2006, because that is when the bomb is set to explode. However, the Playstation 3 was not released commercially in the US until November 17th, 2006.
After the Bennet family enter their house (before Parkman and Ted show up), Mr. Bennet and Claire are talking and he grabs her arm, but Claire shook's him off and yells at him, then Parkman and Ted appear and it goes to commercials.
After the commercial, the scene repeats, but this time, Claire and Mr. Bennet argue and Parkman with Ted appear,eliminating the part when Mr. Bennet grabs Claire's arm.
Mr. Bennet's glasses are not actually horn-rimmed, but are a Browline Ronsir style. During the flashback he does try on a pair of horn-rimmed glasses, but Claire tells him they look like "grandpa glasses." so he tries the last pair on which they decide he should keep.
The roof that Mr. Nakamura presents Mr. Bennet with baby Claire is the roof of the Deveaux building, where Claude currently is keeping his pigeons, and where Peter tended to Mr. Deveaux prior to his death.
When Claire goes to stop Ted through his radiation field. It's similar to "X-Men 3" when Wolverine had to stop the "Phoenix" by going through the fiery heat to stop her.
In this episode it is shown when HRG told Claire she was adopted. In the flashback she doesn't look much younger than she does now, which is wrong because in the third or fourth episode she told Zach that she found out about being adopted when she was very young.
Goof: If Claire was shot, and a bullet was inside of her, wouldn't someone need to take it out before she could heal?
Explanation: She coughed it up, therefore she didn't need someone to remove it, it came out.
This is a bit geeky, but during the flashback with Mr. Bennet and Hiro's father at one point the subtitles read: "You and your wife have been trying to conceive, Yes?"
The Y of the "Yes" should not be a capital letter as it is not the start of a new sentence.
As incredible as the scene where Claire stopped Ted was, couldn't the Haitian have just used his powers to supress Ted's. He's done it many times before at a fair distance away from his targets and the fact that Ted couldn't control his power shouldn't have stopped the Haitian stopping it.
EXPLANATION: The Hatian only blocks mental powers, such as Matt's telepathy and Sylar's telekenesis. This is why Peter and Claude were able to maintain their invisibility around him as well as Peter being able to stop time and fly off.
Given the amount of damage Ted caused to the Bennet house using radiation, it's pretty certain that the radiation levels to which HRG was exposed would be high enough to kill a person in a very short period of time. However, HRG still managed to escape the incident without even minor radiation burns.
Goof:Ted Sprague gets mad at Mr. Bennet and kicks him, but his hands do not catch on fire.
There is a scene where Matt tried to listen to HRG's thoughts but he was thinking in Japanese. There were no subtitles but HRG was actually thinking, "I must save my family. Protect them at any cost."
This is the first time that we meet Mr. Bennet and the Haitian's direct employer, Thompson (guest star Eric Roberts).
This episode tells us that Hiro's father has or did have some connection with "The company." It is possible that he doesn't have these connections at this current time due to the fact that Hiro has powers of his own.
18 - Parasite
Issac and Peter are mourning the immediate loss of Simone. Issac blames Peter for Simone's death in a fit of grief and once again tries to shoot Peter. Peter runs, turning invisible, out of the apartment leaving Issac alone.
Flash to Las Vegas where Hiro tries to go into a casino to see Linderman. He is stopped by a couple of bodyguards who claim that he has been flagged. Hiro tells them that he is there to see Linderman and he is knocked to the ground. Hiro tells them that he will find a way inside.
Flash to HRG without his glasses on. He’s being questioned by the mysterious man who doesn’t believe that HRG could possibly forget about being shot or having his daughter kidnapped. HRG expresses his concern for Claire and states that he will go looking until his daughter is home safe. The mysterious man states that the Haitian has run off with Claire and has erased HRG’s and his family’s memory. HRG wants to go after them, but the mysterious man denies him. HRG is reminded that Claire was just an assignment and not actually his daughter. The mysterious man reminds HRG that he is to be loyal to the company. The mysterious man leaves the room and it’s revealed that Matt and a woman are behind a two way mirror looking into the room where HRG is. Matt tells the mysterious man that HRG is telling the truth. The mysterious man goes to leave the room and Matt asks about the deal they had made to set him free. The mysterious man leaves the room with an ambiguous answer with the woman, leaving Matt strapped to the chair.
Flash to a truck stop in the desert where the Haitian comments that Claire hasn’t said anything for a while. Claire mentions that he wouldn’t tell her where they were going. The Haitian tells her that he’ll tell her when he knows where they’re going. Claire expresses that she wants to know when she can go back to her family, and the Haitian tells her that the “Company” would do things to her that she wouldn’t be able to recover from. The Haitian gets out of the car and talks to someone briefly on the phone and informs Claire that they are leaving the country that very night.
Nathan is sitting in his office and is visited by a couple of FBI agents. It is revealed that Nathan is working with the FBI to bring down Linderman after chastising the agents for coming directly into his office. The agents inform him that they want him to wear a wire when he meets with Linderman later in the day. The agents leave and Nathan turns around to find Peter in his office. Peter tells Nathan that Simone is dead and that he needs help. Nathan tells him that he’s going to make an anonymous phone call, and that Peter should stay with him. Peter expresses that everyone around him gets hurt. The FBI agents come back distracting Nathan. When the agents leave Peter is gone.
Back at HRG’s house Mrs. Bennet is talking to HRG about how the flooded basement is like a vacation for the family, but regrets Claire missing it due to the cheerleading retreat she’s at. HRG digs through a drawer and pulls out a picture of Claire. HRG tells Mrs. Bennet that he needs to take a trip, and Mrs. Bennet turns on the radio and tells HRG that she hasn’t had her memory erased, and that HRG had told her explicitly to tell him to not go after Claire. A knock at the door interrupts their conversation and it’s revealed that the woman from the interrogation room, Candice, is there. She tells him that Issac is in trouble, and that they are to go and help him out. HRG refuses at first, but Candice tells him that it is an official assignment. HRG leaves to get ready, closing the door and then Candice slips her foot in the door and enters the house and talks to Mrs. Bennet, commenting that she likes her hair.
In Mohinder’s apartment, Sylar finally gets to see the “list.” Mohinder is concerned for the people because Sylar has killed most of them, so they need to be warned. Sylar says that he’ll help, as Mohinder goes to check on the kettle that has just whistled. Sylar tries calling Issac, but the line is busy. Mohinder offers him tea; Sylar drinks it, and then asks about who they should call next. Mohinder reveals that he has tricked Sylar by drugging the tea, as he knew who Sylar was.
In Las Vegas, Hiro runs into Nathan. Hiro realizes that Nathan is real a big softy who cares about other far too much for his own good, and convinces Nathan to help him gain access to try and steal the sword. Nathan gets Hiro past the guards.
Flash to Claire and the Haitian in an airport. Claire complains about the way that she has to disappear and steals the Haitian’s boarding pass and ID after the Haitian has told her that it is impossible for her to stay with Peter. Claire eludes the Haitian throwing away his passport and boarding pass.
Back in New York the NYPD pay a visit to Issac’s apartment asking about Simone. Issac seems to be cornered until Simone shows up at the front door asking if anything was wrong. The officers leave and HRG shows up. Simone turns out to be Candice, who is a shape shifter, and Simone is still dead. HRG tells Issac that a crew is coming to clean up the mess and Candice taunts him about shooting Simone. Issac wants to escape what’s happened, but HRG tells him that the only thing he can do is keep painting. Candice and HRG leave.
Flash to Jessica playing a video game with Micah. Jessica gloats to Nikki that she’s a better mom than she is when DL breaks in. It seems that DL has discovered that Jessica has taken over until he reveals a picture of Nathan that he found in their bedroom. Jessica tells DL that Linderman just hired her to be a card dealer, DL believes her and leaves. Jessica confronts Nikki in the mirror accusing her of leaving the picture on the pillow.
Flash to Mohinder’s apartment where Sylar is strapped to a chair with an IV in his arm. Mohinder tells Sylar that he won’t be able to control his powers with the IV. Mohinder tortures Sylar with a tuning fork, and then calls Sylar a parasite, even threatens him with a gun. Sylar pulls at emotional strings, mentioning Mohinder’s father and sister. Mohindr decides to not kill Sylar, but instead decides to continue his father’s research. Collecting a sample of spinal fluid from Sylar, as Sylar screams.
Hiro comes out of an elevator and walks to a man behind a desk offering the painting he has been delivering. The man acts in a business like manner and Hiro convinces him to leave the room. Once the man is gone, Hiro goes onto the computer and looks up the sword. As he goes up to claim it from a drawer, the man comes back and alerts security. One of the guards comes up and assaults the man, but it turns out to be Ando, who has been following Hiro. The two push a massive cabinet in front of the door to stop the other guards from getting in.
Nathan is talking to the FBI agents via the wire. The agents are in a separate hotel room and Jessica breaks in, informing them that Linderman knows that they have Nathan wired. She then kills them both.
Mohinder has found the answer to his father’s formula, and can generate a new list. Sylar demands to see the list, but Mohinder decides to kill him. Mohinder raises the gun, in an act of revenge and fires at Sylar, but the bullet has stopped mid air. It turns out that Sylar had stopped the IV drip; he frees himself and walks directly towards Mohinder.
Issac is going through all his paintings that involve Simone, and dips into his heroine again. His powers activate and he paints, but all the scenes are of people with their brains removed.
In Nathan’s hotel room, Nikki removes the wire and warns Nathan about what Linderman knows and that the FBI agents are dead. And that he has to trust her.
At the Bennet house HRG and Mrs. Bennet act like they have both forgotten until HRG turns on the Faucet. Mrs. Bennet asks HRG if he’s found Claire yet, and HRG declares that the company has to be stopped to keep Claire safe, but only upon the deceptive encouraging of Mrs. Bennet. Mrs. Bennet answers the phone, stating that he will be a problem. The mysterious man and some lackeys come in, revealing that Mrs. Bennet is actually Candice, and that “he” is none other than HRG. Candice apologizes to HRG for the deception.
Hiro takes the sword down declaring “I did it” and the guards start breaking into the room. Ando encourages Hiro to use his powers to teleport away, and Hiro tells him that they are both going. They teleport five years ahead in time to a post-explosion New York.
Claire is in an apartment building knocking on a door and Mrs. Petrelli opens the door revealing that Peter is gone. Mrs Petrelli talks to Claire by name, and it’s revealed that the Haitian is with her and that she is Claire’s grandmother.
Niki tells Nathan that Jessica was hired to kill him and the FBI agents. Nikki advises him to run, but Nathan decides to kill Linderman instead. Niki then forces him to knock her out.
Nathan is lead to the kitchen of the hotel where he confronts Mr. Linderman, who is making a pot pie. Linderman asks Nathan if he’s happy, and Nathan reveals that he’s not. Linderman launches into a speech about a life of meaning, and Nathan reveals that he is going to kill Linderman. Linderman reveals that he has important information Nathan needs to hear about himself, Peter, his daughter and "all those others like him" (indicating Mr. Linderman may have connections with "The Company"), and that he is going to lead Nathan to the Presidency, leaving him with the choice to kill or go with Linderman’s plan. Nathan lowers the gun.
At Mohinder’s apartment, Peter walks into the apartment, and wonders where Mohinder is. A couple of drops of blood land on his face, he looks up to see Mohinder on the ceiling. Mohinder says “Sylar.” Sylar comes out of nowhere and says “I remember you,” to Peter and slams him against the wall expressing his interest in seeing how Peter’s powers work. He starts to cut Peter’s head open. The camera cuts away as Peter screams, and a lock of his hair falls to the floor.
Malcolm MacDowell as Linderman waxes lyrical about time, the past, the future and meaning. It is very reminiscent of the discussion his character, Dr Tolian Soran, has with Captain James T. Kirk in Star Trek: Generations.
On the episode of Last Call with Carson Daly, which aired March 2, 2007, Masi Oka showed a clip from this episode of Heroes.
This clip took place during the meeting between Hiro and Nathan at the Las Vegas casino in which Hiro tells Nathan that he is a "lone wolf". Due to Hiro's thick accent Nathan doesn't understand and he has to repeat the line several more times before Nathan gets it.
This scene was not in the original airing of the episode "Parasite", may show up later on the DVD.
When Mr. Bennet feels pain from the gunshot wound, he holds his right side. However, he was shot on the left side by the Haitian in "Company Man." This is later revealed as a view from a mirror.
The scene with the aerial view of Las Vegas was used before in "Collision."
The exact same scene in which Isaac snaps out of trance is used in the episode "Unexpected".
Hiro appears to be wearing different glasses in this episode to those which he normally wears. His new ones have white frames all the way around the lens whereas his old ones only had frames around the top half.
As everyone remembers, George Takei, Star Trek's Sulu, joins the show as Hiro's father. This episode, another ex Star Trek actor joins the cast: Malcolm McDowell (Linderman) appeared on "Star-Trek: Generations" on 1994, as the evil Dr. Tolian Soran.
It was suggested by Heroes' Co-executive Producer Greg Beeman that "Parasite" should have a warning attached in the beginning of the episode for the weak-hearted viewers.
Jessica and Micah are shown playing Heavenly Sword for the Playstation 3. However, the episode takes place in late October or early November, before the Playstation 3 was released, and Heavenly Sword isn't due for release until mid-2007.
FBI Agents Quesada & Alonso are reference to Marvel Comics' Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada and Executive Editor Axel Alonso.
Heroes Co-Executive Producer and writer Jeph Loeb is a popular comic books writer currently in exclusive contract with Marvel.
19 - .07 %
Bennet is sitting in his cell. Claire bursts in telling him she’s sorry because they’ve caught her and she’s scared. Bennet holds her and realises she is Candice. Thompson appears and tells her to leave them alone. He asks Bennet if he needs anything. He tells him that he doesn’t know where Claire is and they can’t make him tell them something he doesn’t know. Thompson tells him they’re being easy on him. He reminds Bennet all of the things that the Company has done for him. He tells him he got too close to Claire. Bennet questions Thompson’s relationship with Candice describing her as “his girl”. Thompson says Bennet is on death row, they are waiting on the order. That’s how the company works. Bennet sits alone.
Nathan is naming all of the art in Linderman’s gallery. He asks him what he does with it. Linderman tells him he protects it. Nathan doesn’t buy his cultured facade. He tells Nathan he needs to protect the art from a greedy world. He tells Nathan he will be remembered as a humanitarian. Linderman tells Nathan he needs him, and he wants to heal the world. Nathan asks him what he could possibly know about healing. Linderman turns to a dying plant, strokes it gently and the plant starts to bloom. He tells Nathan he knows “more than you might think” about healing.
Parkman is unconscious on the cell floor. He hears Bennet in his mind. He tells him they are in danger, and no one he loves will ever see him again unless he listens. He tells Parkman to bang on the pipe to communicate. Parkman obeys, although grudgingly muttering contempt for the Bennet.
Linderman and Nathan look at a painting of Hiro saving the school girl from an earlier episode. Nathan recognises him. Linderman tells Nathan that if he sees him, to ask him to return the sword he stole. Nathan tells Linderman Hiro needed the sword to save the word, and there are a lot of people talking about the danger the world is in. Linderman chuckles, he says that everyone has their roles to play in the events to come. He describes the artists as visionaries of a brighter future. Nathan, ironically points out Isaac’s rendition of the bomb exploding in NYC, wondering how he considers this a brighter future. Linderman confesses that he believes that it is the brighter future of peace and prosperity. He tells Nathan of the other people who he met when he first discovered his powers. They went out to make a difference in the world, and for a while they succeeded. However, some of his associates used their powers for personal gain and lost their way. He tells Nathan he learned that healing one person at a time was not enough, they needed to do something big to steer the development of the world in a different, more positive direction. Linderman says that no more than 0.07% of the world’s population would be lost in the explosion, an acceptable loss by anyone’s count. He says people need hope, but they trust fear. This is what Linderman wants as catalyst for the change he hopes to see in the world. Linderman also reveals that he has a painting of Nathan in the Oval Office, and that is why he needs him. Nathan asks him about Peter and his destiny as the Exploding man. Linderman dispassionately tells him that Peter’s “curtain call” will come the day after Nathan is elected. Nathan tells him he is insane and storms out.
HRG tell Parkman that the banging has alerted the guards. He tells him how to break a metal pipe from the wall to knock the guard out with it. Parkman follows the Bennet instructions out into the corridor.
Peter arrives at Mohinder’s apartment. It’s dark, but he can see that his things are out of place. Peter feels something on the back of his neck and realises that it’s Mohinder’s blood and he is pinned to the ceiling. Mohinder whispers “Sylar” to Peter. Sylar appears quickly and grabs Peter, pinning him against the wall. He tells him he remembers him and asks him “You’re like me, aren’t you?”. Sylar tells him he’d like to see how that works and starts to slice open his forhead. But as Sylar pauses, Peter’s wound starts to heal itself. Sylar is surprised. Peter throws him back across the room with the telekinesis power, still levitating against the wall. He jumps down and Mohinder falls from the ceiling. Sylar tells Peter he hasn’t finished with Mohinder just yet. Peter uses his invisibility and Sylar tells him how much he can’t wait till he can try that one. Sylar uses his telekinesis to levitate the glass shards on the floor. He then shoots them off in Peter’s direction. One piece of glass stops mid-air. It slowly is covered in blood and Peter appears. It has stuck him in the back of the head. He falls to the floor. Sylar smiles contemptuously as he moves in towards Peter, he is hit by the map board and knocked out. Mohinder recovering from the effort of pushing the map board goes to Peter and discovers he is gone.
Claire is looking at pictures of Nathan and Peter. Angela tells her that she has known that she survived the fire. She tells Claire that she has always been looking out for her, although perhaps in not the traditional sense. She tells her that after the fire Nathan assumed that she was gone. Claire is angry at her. She tells her that she can look after herself. Angela tells her that her ability might make her invincible, but she’s not. She tells her that she is going to take her to Paris and give her a chance to grow up. Then after ten years she can come back and join “the madness” (a.k.a the battle to save the world). Claire is resistant to this plan, but Angela tells her that she is giving her the benefit of her own experience. Claire asks Angela if she is like her and Angela tells her that she regrets a lot of her experiences. Claire remarks that she is getting the help whether she likes it or not. Angela tells her she gets Claire “mouth” from her.
Sylar regains consciousness in Mohinder’s apartment. He realises that during the fight the Compute which had the list of all Heroes on it has been destroyed. He is very upset. Then he finds Issac’s address amongst the remains of Mohinder’s map board and desk.
Issac is packing up the last issue of the comic book 9th Wonders. As Issac slides the book into the envelope, the last comic title displays a hand holding a syringe. He talks about the series with the messenger, who is clearly enthusiastic about the series and asks for a sneak peek. Issac shows him the cover of the last issue and it shows Hiro in the future. Issac, slightly resigned after seeing the images of himself as Sylar’s victim in the paintings, gives the messenger his sketchbook telling him it might be worth something someday. The book is open on the page with the sketch of Simone and Peter kissing in the rain. He closes the book and gives it to the messenger. The messenger excitedly accepts the gift. Flashes the paintings of Isaac’s future appear.
DL is telling Jessica that he’s had enough. Jessica reminds him that he would have nothing if she hadn’t appeared. DL tells her that he doesn’t want to be associated with Linderman, he’s leaving and taking Micah. He tells her that she hasn’t turned into Jessica; she’s turned into her father. Jessica is angered by this. DL tells her that if this is the life she wants, she has to get Micah out of it. DL tells her that he will say goodbye tonight. Linderman’s men arrive to escort Jessica to Linderman.
Bennet is giving Parkman directions through the corridors of the Company. He tells him to stop at the supply cupboard and find something less conspicuous to wear. Parkman hears Thompson and another company man walking down the corridor and he quickly hides. Thompson is telling the other man that Parkman, Bennet and Ted are to be transported tonight and that he should make sure that Sprague’s room is gassed before the doors are opened. As they pass, Parkman gets further instructions from Bennet. He is baffles by them.
He goes to Ted’s room. Ted is surprised to see him. Ted doesn’t want to go he doesn’t trust him. Thompson discovers that Parkman is missing prom his room and hits the alarm bell.
Mohinder rings Angela’s doorbell. He tells her that Peter is dead. They take him inside. He tells her that he was trying to save his life that he was in over his head but Angela tells him to get out, and Mohinder solemnly obeys. She sits over his body and in a rare moment she loses control of her emotions and starts crying. Claire watches quietly from the staircase.
Jessica arrives to see Linderman. He greets her and tells her he is pleased to finally meet this side of her personality. He tells her he needs something from her. She tells him that it has to be a big thing for him to need her help. He tells her he needs to borrow Micah, or rather his talent. He needs Micah to fix his plan which has recently started to unravel. She tells him that Micah was not part of the deal. He tells her that he would be well looked after. She is determined. If he needs something from her, no questions, Micah is out of the question. He tells her that the request was a courtesy. She pauses. She tells him to send whoever he wants, he’s not taking Micah. Linderman tells his men to take out insurance on Miss Sanders.
Parkman and Ted are trying to follow the rest of Bennet’s instructions trough Parkman’s empathy. HRG tells them to blow the power grid with an EMP. Ted tells him that he has no idea how to do that. Bennet tells Ted to think bright not hot. He also tells Parkman not to stand next to him when Ted attempts this. Ted pulls off a successful EMP and is keen to get out. Parkman tells him that they must get Bennet. Ted is still not convinced. Parkman tells him that if they want to bring down the company, they need Bennet’s help. Ted and Parkman break Bennet out of his cell.
Nathan arrives home. He asks where Peter is. He looks down at him and Angela tells him that he’s gone. Nathan is in disbelief – he wasn’t supposed to dies this way. Nathan asks what they should do. Angela tells him that they must hide it and Nathan rebukes this. He does not care about the election now that Peter’s dead. Angela tells him that Peter would not have wanted to stop him from winning. Nathan can’t believe what Angela is saying.
Claire enters, and Nathan is surprised. He knows who she is. She asks is she can say goodbye to Peter since she came all this way to see him. Angela tells him to let her have her moment. Claire kneels beside Peter. He tells him that she is sorry that she never got to know him that he always made her feel safe and she thought he was like her. She notices the glass in the back of his head and pulls it out. He starts to regenerate. He sits up. Angela is surprised. Peter tells Claire she saved his life. She tells him that they are even now. Peter wipes her tears away.
Peter is holding the piece of glass from the back of his head and asks Nathan what he should do with something that killed him. Nathan is not in the mood for joking. He can’t believe how close he came to losing Peter and he wouldn’t have known what to do without him. Peter tells him that he will always know who is with or without him. Nathan says that he is nothing without the people around him. Peter tells him it’s a good thing that he can’t die then. He also tells him that he got the ability from Claire. Nathan realises that even if Peter explodes, he could survive it. Peter tells him it doesn’t matter, if that happened too many people would die. Peter encourages him to talk to Claire. He doesn’t think that Claire should be sent to Paris. He also tells him that everything that he said would happen is happening now. Peter thinks that if Claire is here, he won’t explode. Angela enters; Peter tries to explain about their abilities. She tells them that she knows and knew long before they knew.
Bennet, Ted and Parkman are sitting in the Burnt Toast Café. Ted is nervous but Bennet tells him that the company won’t come after them in a crowded area. Bennet tells them that the tracking station for the Heroes with the isotope is in New York and they should head there next. A little unsure at first, Ted and Parkman agree to accompany him. Parkman asks Bennet if that is where Linderman is. Bennet is disturbed by the mention of the name and asks Parkman where he heard it. He tells Bennet that he overhead Thompson talking about taking them all to see him. Bennet is clearly disturbed by this, and Parkman finds amusement in knowing something that Bennet doesn’t. It becomes apparent that Linderman is connected to the company on the top level. He insists that they go to New York first and deal with Linderman second.
Jessica takes Micah to meet Linderman. He asks Micah is he would like to save the world. As they drive away, Jessica stands on the side walk and slowly changes back into Candice as the real Jessica pulls up.
Back in Mohinder’s apartment, Mohinder talks to Thompson about what happened to Peter Petrelli and how he feels responsible. He thought that he could take on Sylar by himself. Thompson tells him that what he’s facing he should have to face without friends. He tells him that the company wants to work with him on him research - that’s the best ways of stopping Sylar.
Issac is painting another picture of his own demise. Sylar appears and tells him that he really can paint the future. Issac calmly tells him that he’s late. Issac tells Sylar that he has tried to fight the future, but it’s too big for him. He says that maybe Sylar can do better. Sylar asks Issac if he sees a bright future for him, but Issac tells them that they stop him and he dies. Sylar demands to see the painting which shows his death. Issac looks at the gun but Sylar pins him down. As Sylar bends over Issac, Issac tells him that he has finally had his chance to be a hero. He has shown the world how the stop the bomb and to kill Sylar. Issac screams as Sylar kills him.
Nathan is examining the piece of glass which killed Peter. He uses it to unwrap a picture. It is the picture of him in the White House. Claire enters and Nathan tells her that he should have done more for her. That he wants to b there for here, but he can’t because of his career. He wants to be part of something big. He asks her to leave for Paris with Angela. He tells her that it is just for one week and then she will come home to her family.
Sylar is using Issac’s ability to paint the future. He is painting a version of Nathan’s picture, although it is warped and the man featured looks like a monster.
Five years in the future Hiro looks at the future. He realises that they failed and many people have died. Ando tells him that he has the sword; he can go back and fix this. Hiro decides to go to see Issac he may be alive; Ando doesn’t think this is possible. They arrive at Issac’s studio and find what Hiro thinks is a timeline. They hear a sword drawn. Hiro draws his sword. He sees his future self standing in front of him.
When Peter and Sylar are in the apartment and Peter turns invisible, Mohindar is lying on the ground. Sylar raises shards of glass and looks around the room for a signifcant amount of time that Peter would be able to see what he was doing. Mohindar did not end up with any glass in him, so why didn't Peter lie down on the ground too? Or get some other protection. He can fly too, so why not hide against the ceiling?
As stated, Sylar has super-hearing powers. Even if Peter didn't know that, he probably didn't want to make too much noise... it would be easy for Sylar to find him then ;)
Why did Matt fight so hard to break that pipe off? The coupling directly above his hands is a type intended to be fairly easily unscrewed to separate pipes. Also, the coupling is already mostly loose. All Matt had to do was twist it slightly with his finger and the pipes would have been separated. At most he might have needed to break the bottom of the pipe off, which would have been much easier as there would have been play in the pipe to give him leverage.
When Sylar and Peter fight in the apartment, Peter renders himself invisible to give himself the advantage over Sylar. Peter is facing Sylar as he disappears. Sylar then uses his mind to shoot a barrage of shards of glass around to find where Peter is. When one of the pieces of glass hits Peter, Peter reappears, only this time he is facing away from Sylar.
It's not weird at all. Since he's invisible, he can walk all over the apartment without being seen. We can also assume that Sylar shot the barrage of glass in Peter's direction on purpose, since he has super-hearing ability now.
Previous episode finishes with Sylar cutting Peter's head and his fringe falling to the ground. In this episode Peter keeps all his hair on its place.
Actually Sylar does take part of Peter's fringe whilst he's cutting his head open, it's just seen from a different angle than the one at the end of the previous episode.
The Cafe Mr. Bennet, Matt and Ted are at is the Burnt Toast Cafe which is the same one where Hiro and Ando met Charlie in Chapter 8: Seven Minutes to Midnight. The older waitress in this episode was previously seen serving Ando.
When Sylar is stepping over Isaac, the paintbrushes that he forced into his feet are gone in that camera angle view.
20 - Five Years Gone
Hiro and Ando land 5 years into the future and they find a timeline of the past events hat happened before and after the explosion that occurred. Then Hiro and Ando find the future hiro. They all started to have a chat but soon after they arrived Matt and his team just came in and took Hiro but Ando and future Hiro got out and they said the only person that could help us is Peter Petrelli because people with powers are now being called terrorists. Matt was trying to read Hiro's mind but could get nothing except from 5 years ago so he thinks he caught the wrong guy.
Then future Hiro takes Ando to Las Vegas where they find Jessica/Niki as a stripper and she tells them where they can find Mr. Bennett. While there we see Peter is with Niki and you see Peter use his powers a bit.
Later we see Mr. Bennet helping other people with powers so they wont get caught because there blood is different. So future Hiro and Ando both come to see him and tell him that Claire is alive because Peter saved the Claire in the past. But he already knows shes alive.
Mr. Bennet then goes to Claire where she works as a waitress at a diner in Texas and tells her that other people know that she is here and tells her to leave. Though Claire doesnt want to leave because shes in love with a Texan and are getting married but he doesnt know her power.
President Petrelli has made people who have these powers evil and not good and there is a bounty out for them. We find out matt works for the home security and tries to wipe out as many people with powers.
Matt finds out where future Hiro is but he thought he already caught him but then Peter comes in he is invisible and then freezes time and teleports future Hiro and Ando out of the place before they get killed. Also Ando learns that he was killed in the explosion in New York.
Mr. Bennet goes to talk to Matt and tells him where Future Hiro and Ando are. Matt thanks him for what he has done but points the gun at Bennett and reads his mind to find out where his daughter is and kills Bennet.
Later Matt is at the diner Claire works in and takes her to the Petrelli mansion were she meets her dad Nathan. Nathan starts to yell and tell her how important she is so she runs off and he puts his hand up and she stopped moving. Then you saw that Nathan was really Sylar and it was to late to save Claire so she died.
Peter and Niki/Jessica are having an argument and she gets upset and makes him tell her that he was the one who exploded not Sylar Nathan just said it was Sylar so Peter could be protected. Then Peter leaves and meets up with Ando and future Hiro to save Hiro and get him out of police custody. They use there powers to get through but need help getting to Hiro because the Haitian is blocking there powers but then Mohinder finds out that this could all be changed if Hiro goes back and kills Sylar. So Mohinder kills the Haitian and now Peter and future Hiro can use there powers again. Just as they thought now its over future Hiro is shot and has the picture of what Hiro has to do and then he dies. Peter then gets pulled out of that room through the door and he sees Nathan and he tells him that Nathan would never and could not do this so Sylar reveals himself. Than they talk but they are about to battle Sylar with ice and Peter with Fire but on the other side of the door Mohinder is trying to keep the door closed and Hiro and Ando go back to the past and Hiro says now the hard part starts and it shows him killing Sylar.
There is a glinch in this episode, at 23 minutes when Peter went to get Ando and Hiro, there is a guard with his arm around Ando's neck... when Peter moves around and the camera changes Ando is free.
The Futures Of The Characters.
Peter Petrelli: Peter is now living in Las Vegas. He is married to Niki Sanders, and lives above a gentleman's club with her. While he still has his powers, he doesn't seem interested in saving the world anymore until Hiro shows up. He also has a new scar across his face.
Niki Sanders: Niki is now married to Peter Petrelli, and lives with him above the gentlemen's club where she performs as a high-end stripper. She appears to have won her personal battle with Jessica, which is now her stripper name.
Nathan Petrelli: Nathan is now President of the United States. He is leading a program to eliminate all people with special powers, assisted by Mohinder Suresh. Later in the episode we learn that Nathan is really dead and it is Sylar who has assumed his appearance.
Sylar: Sylar is now living under Nathan Petrelli's identity as President of the USA. He has set up a program to eliminate all people with special abilities so that he is the last one remaining. At the end of the episode, he battles with Peter.
Mohinder Suresh: Mohinder is now President "Petrelli"'s chief adviser. He is still trying to devise an antidote to the gene, but is failing. Nathan/Sylar wants him to start killing the heroes. He refuses at first because he sees it as genocide, but finally reluctantly agrees.
Matt Parkman: Matt is now employed by Homeland Security to hunt down people with special abilities. His personality has changed; he is now very short-tempered and aggressive. This is due to the fact his wife divorced him and he has almost no contact with his child (who hates him).
Claire Bennet: Claire now has a new identity as Sandra, a waitress in a diner in Midland, Texas. She now has brown hair, and a boyfriend in Andy, the diner's owner. Her life appears to be going smoothly until H.R.G re-enters it again.
When Peter, Hiro, and Ando break into the Homeland Security building, Hiro kills some SWAT men with his sword but no blood is shown on the blade in the following camera shots.
After "Future Hiro" and Ando flee from Homeland Security and Hiro tells Ando to lose his clothes, Ando starts untying and opens the top button of his shirt. In the next cut, the tie is gone, but the shirt is still buttoned.
The Haitian can block anyone's power, and not just empaths. So in Five years he never found out what Sylar was doing.
Future Hiro couldn't go back to kill Sylar before he got his powers because he doesn't know who Sylar really is. The name "Sylar" is an alias. Only Bennet, "the company", and the late Dr. Suresh know his given name, Gabriel Gray. The only times when Hiro knew he could find Sylar were ground zero of the "bomb" and Claire's murder. He chose the earliest of those.
Claire is working in the Burnt Toast Café, the same café that Charlie worked at and Mr. Bennet, Matt and Ted were sitting in, in the last episode.
This episodes makes it seem like an armageddon occured. It is five years in the future and New York is still in ruins and almost appears abandoned. However, the previous episode emphasised that New York blowing up is on .07% of the world's population and is a tiny number of people. So why hasn't New York been rebuilt? There were obviously plenty of people who survived. And if it affected the whole world as much as 'Nathan' said it did then people would be helping to rebuid New York from all over the world. So they have no problem building strip clubs but delay on fixing office buildings?
reply: New York is needed as a reminder, to keep the world "united in fear". To keep the current state of power, New York is more important as a symbol than as a living city (with office buildings).
EDIT: if you look at the shots of future NY, you can clearly see cranes, and scaffold of buildings being rebuilt. There are clearly also plently of people that no inhabit future NY. Also, the strip club is in Las Vegas, not NYC.
Future Hiro: I'm only asking for the ones that I brought to you. D.L., Candice, Molly Walker.
Molly Walker is the little girl Matt Parkman found hiding in episode 02 ("Don't Look Back") when he first discovered his powers.
It's strange that Peter who is somewhat like a sponge could heal the power draining cut done by Sylar in .07% but Claire couldn't. She just stood there and apparently died.
When Sylar is killing Claire, it's clear from the movement of his finger that he is first cutting from her right ear to the left. But the blood is coming from above her left eye.
Reply, Sylar was attacked and Peter had the time to heal, Claire had no such time.
On future Hiro's timeline:
Claire's string is yellow
Sylar's string is black
Hiro's string is red
Peter's string is white
Nathan's string is blue
HRG's string is beige (natural)
In the beginning of the episode, Future Hiro tells Hiro and Ando that today it's been 5 years since Sylar exploded. Later that same day, Nathan says that the bomb aniversary is tomorrow. There's something wrong with the dates.
Response: Not true, saying its somethings aniversary dosnt mean its the one year aniversary. He was probley saying that it was the aniversary tomorrow meaning the 5 year aniviersary.
The episode .07% finish with Sylar painting himself as President. This picture takes place in this episode. And it is just like the one that shows Nathan as president. This fact is also explained in this chapter.
In the scene where Hiro, Peter and Ando are standing in front of the guards right before they attack, you can see Hiro's Goatee is more left then it should be.
In the room full of strings when Mohinder and Nathan are talking, "Nathan" hints that he is Sylar when he says, "I understand how things work", the ability associated with Sylar.
The future Peter has a scar across his face. However as we see that Claire was saved by him and that he can still control his powers any wound he suffered should have healed.
According to NBC's commercial, this episode takes place in 2012, but the explosion took place near the election of 2006; therefore, the year should be 2011.
In the scene where Hiro is stunned by Parkman we see a guard with his arm around Ando's neck but one second later Peter freezes time, both the guards hands are on his gun and not touching Ando.
In the last episode when Hiro & Ando arrive at Isaac's loft the close up of the newspaper that's hanged in the timeline reads "NYC DEVASTATED" and the photo is of New York after the bomb. In this episode the newspaper reads "TRAIN FIRE RESCUE" and the photo is of the train crash in which Claire saved a man.
Correction: It is a different newspaper clipping that Hiro looks at in the second episode (on which "TRAIN FIRE RESCUE" is actually written). The newspaper clipping that Hiro looks at in this episode is actually the same one that Hiro's eyes lingered on in the last episode, but was never shown to the audience until this episode.