What are all the characters on Beyblade?
2006-11-27 14:39:17 UTC
Meh. I know a couple but not much...and, who's that one pink cat-like girl???
Five answers:
2006-11-27 14:48:47 UTC
Contents [hide]

1 Teams

1.1 Bladebreakers

1.1.1 Tyson Granger (Takao Kinomiya)

1.1.2 Max Tate (Max Mizuhara)

1.1.3 Ray Kon (Rei Kon)

1.1.4 Kai Hiwatari

1.1.5 Kenny (Kyoujyu)

1.1.6 Hilary Tachibana (Hiromi Tachibana)

1.1.7 Daichi Sumeragi

1.1.8 Hiro Granger (Hitoshi Kinomiya)

1.1.9 Mr. B

1.2 Blade Sharks

1.2.1 Carlos (Hiruta)

1.3 White Tigers

1.3.1 Lee Wong (Lai Chou)

1.3.2 Mariah Wong (Mao Chou)

1.3.3 Gary (Gao)

1.3.4 Kevin (Kiki)

1.4 All Starz

1.4.1 Michael Parker

1.4.2 Eddy

1.4.3 Emily York

1.4.4 Steven

1.4.5 Rick Anderson

1.5 Dark Bladers

1.5.1 Cenotaph (Cairo)

1.5.2 Lupinex (Howling)

1.5.3 Sanguinex (Blot)

1.5.4 Zomb

1.6 Majestics

1.6.1 Robert Jurgen (Ralf Jurgen)

1.6.2 Johnny McGregor

1.6.3 Enrique Giancarlo (Giancarlo Tornatore)

1.6.4 Oliver Polanski (Olivier Boringer)

1.7 Demolition Boys

1.7.1 Boris Balkov

1.7.2 Tala Valkov

1.7.3 Bryan Kuznetsov

1.7.4 Ian Papov

1.7.5 Spencer Petrov

1.8 Team Psykick

1.8.1 Gideon

1.8.2 Kane

1.8.3 Goki

1.8.4 Salima (Selima)

1.8.5 Jim

1.9 Saint Shields

1.9.1 Ozuma (Ozma)

1.9.2 Dunga

1.9.3 Joseph (Jusuf)

1.9.4 Mariam (Miriam)

1.10 King & Queen

1.10.1 King

1.10.2 Queen

1.11 Barthez Battalion

1.11.1 Coach Barthez

1.11.2 Miguel (Mihaeru)

1.11.3 Mathilda

1.11.4 Aaron

1.11.5 Claude

1.12 F-Dynasty

1.12.1 Julia

1.12.2 Raul

1.13 BEGA League

1.13.1 Brooklyn Kingston

1.13.2 Crusher (Moses)

1.13.3 Garland Siebald

1.13.4 Ming-Ming

1.13.5 Mystel

2 Others

2.1 Alan

2.2 Brad Best & A.J. Topper

2.3 D.J. Jazzman (Blader D.J.)

2.4 Dr. B

2.5 Dr. K

2.6 Dr. Zagart

2.7 Gordo

2.8 Judy Mizuhara

2.9 Marcos & Sanchez

2.10 Stanley A. Dickenson (Master Chairman Daijubou)

2.11 Voltaire (Wolter)

2.12 Wyatt (Yuuya)

2.13 Zeo

[edit] Teams

Details of the changes to the Bladebreakers, White Tigers, All Starz and Demolition Boys can be found at Beyblade timeline.

[edit] Bladebreakers

[edit] Tyson Granger (Takao Kinomiya)

Main article: Tyson Granger

The heart of the team with his bit-beast Dragoon (Seiryu in the Japanese version). Brought up in a dojo in Japan, he was trained by his grandfather. His father was an archeologist who travelled all around the world and studied ancient civilizations. He inherited Dragoon from his ancestors, which was isolated in a sword and unknown to anyone in the recent past. Tyson's goal is to become the world champion Beyblader, and his dreams came true when Dragoon entered his blade. After this, he met his would-be team member Ray in a selection match against his Driger Beyblade, and then went on to recruit Kai, forming the Bladebreakers (known as Team BBA in the original Japanese version). During the third season, G-Revolution, he met up with his "long-lost" older brother Hiro, who became the new coach of the team.

For a short period of time at the start of the second season, V-Force, Tyson was unable to call upon Dragoon because he had forgotten the joy of Beyblading and started to think of it no longer as a game.

[edit] Max Tate (Max Mizuhara)

Main article: Max Tate

Max is one of the most cheerful members of the Bladebreakers. He prefers defensive strategies over offensive ones. However, that doesn't mean he can't use offense at all. His bit-beast is Draciel. He meets Tyson while Tyson is attempting to save a puppy from going over the falls. Max ends up saving the dog using a better angle of his beyblade. Max offers to help train Tyson when he brings Tyson home to meet his father. At first Kenny doesn't trust Max but then Tyson soon convinces him.

After the world championships, Max leaves the BBA Revolution to join the All Starz.

[edit] Ray Kon (Rei Kon)

Main article: Ray Kon

Ray was formally from the White Tiger team. He is the strongest in the White Tiger team. He is introduced a few episodes into the first series of Beyblade and we later discover that his old White Tiger team believe him to be a traitor for leaving them. He joins the Bladebreakers but leaves again in the 3rd series to rejoin his old team and form the White Tiger X team. He always tries to battle with Tyson. His bitbeast is the White Tiger, Driger.

[edit] Kai Hiwatari

Main article: Kai Hiwatari

The leader of the team, and former leader to the Blade Sharks.He is a sourpuss at times. He was trained under Boris' academy for young Russian beybladers, along with the rest of the Demolition Boys. His bit-beast is Dranzer, though he got the vicious Black Dranzer from his grandfather. He thought Black Dranzer was the strongest bitbeast in the entire world, until the Bladebreakers managed to beat him by uniting all of their bitbeast Powers. (Dragoon, Draciel, Driger and Dranzer --given by Kai to Tyson in episode: "Losing Kai"--) After the battle at lake Bajkal, Kai rejoins the Bladebreakers. He goes back to the abbey and launches Black Dranzer into the system of the abbey.

After that he seem to matured as he talked more with his teammates. Instead of talking in riddles, which Tyson suggests, he now give hints to his fellow BladeBreakers in order to archive victory. His bit-beast only comes out of its chip when Kai tells Dranzer to use his final attack.

[edit] Kenny (Kyoujyu)

Main article: Kenny_(Beyblade)

The brains of the team. Kenny takes care of beyblade upgrades for the team with the bit-beast in his computer, Dizzy. "Dizzy" is a computer bit-beast whose voice and "face" were created in the American dub of the first two seasons of Beyblade. It was dropped during G-Revolution. Known as "Chief". Kenny is also the genius who created the HMS series in the anime.

[edit] Hilary Tachibana (Hiromi Tachibana)

Main article: Hilary Tachibana

One of Tyson's 'friends' from school. She didn't like Beyblading, but now, has grown an admiration for beyblading, by hanging with Tyson so much, but she still doesn't 'play' it, just watch on the side-lines. The official pairing of TysonXHilary or KaiXHilary has not been made official.

[edit] Daichi Sumeragi

Main article: Daichi Sumeragi

Daichi Sumeragi (皇 大地, Sumeragi Daichi?) is one of the newest members of the BBA Revolution, and has a variant of Tyson's Dragoon bit-beast called Strata Dragoon. He was a popular character in the manga, and also appeared in many of the Beyblade video games which could possibly explain why fans wanted him to appear in G-Revolution. His personality is very similar to Tyson's.He first appears in volume 6 of the manga with his own sidestory called "Explosive Shoot"

[edit] Hiro Granger (Hitoshi Kinomiya)

Main article: Hiro Granger

Tyson's older brother and the BBA Revolution trainer. Hiro may not beyblade often, except when he's dressed up as Jin. He had originally been on an excavation with his father, until helping Tyson and his friends to win the World Championships. During the BEGA arc, Hitoshi switches sides and helps out BEGA instead in order to create a strong rival for Tyson. His bit-beast is Metal Driger. In the English manga is called "Hitoshi" in a few volumes before the name was changed to "Hiro".

Hiro is also known as "Jin of the Gale". Under this alter ego, he's there to give guidance to the BBA team, but does it through battles. Jin uses the bit-beast Metal Driger. Incidentally, Jin means metal in Chinese. In the original manga, Jin is known as "Hurricane Jin", where he has a different appearance, looking more like a ninja than his "Jin of the Gale" anime counterpart. He is also the one who gives Tyson his Dragoon in the manga series.

[edit] Mr. B

Mr. B only appears in the manga. He is the African-American scientist that Kenny meets after watching Ray train for his battle with Tyson in volume 2. He and Jin created the Spin-Gear system which was first used by Ray, and he made Kenny create a left-spin gear to create Dragoon S.

[edit] Blade Sharks

[edit] Carlos (Hiruta)

A beyblader who's part of Kai's old team, the Blade Sharks. Carlos enjoyed picking on beybladers weaker than himself and taking their beyblade parts as his reward for beating them. He was thrown off the team after Kai - the leader - witnessed his defeat against Tyson.In the manga he fights Daichi and ends up losing in the side stoy "Explosive Shoot", in which after he thinks that Daichi may be the one to finally beat Tyson.

Casey,Trevor,and Stuart are his teammates

[edit] White Tigers

[edit] Lee Wong (Lai Chou)

The leader of the White Tigers team. Lee was once Rei's best friend, until Rei left. This act really made Lee and the other White Tigers (excluding Mariah) mad at him, wanting revenge. After Ray abandoned leadership of the White Tigers, Lee took the mantle. In the Asian Tournament Lee got his chance for revenge on Rei in a tie-breaker round, but was defeated. Lee's bit-beast is Galeon, a black lion who uses lightning in its attacks. He's a bit of a hot-head and tends to have a "closed mind" as Tyson says, suggesting that Lee is too set on rules. Lee also doesn't like major changes (such as Rei leaving)

[edit] Mariah Wong (Mao Chou)

The second-in-command of the White Tigers team. Mariah was the only team member who didn't want revenge on Ray, but was forced to by Lee. The reason for Mariah's trust in Ray was her adoration for him. When Ray temporarily left the Bladebreakers team, Mariah tried to get him to re-join the White Tigers. In the Asian Tournament finals, Mariah was defeated by Ray after a vicious battle. Mariah's bit-beast is Galux. She is also Lee's little sister. By the way she acts towards Ray, it can be told she has a crush on him.

By her fashion sense, you can as well tell she likes pink a lot; her clothes are pink, even her hair is hot pink. Mariah has a playful attitude and supports the "girl-power" idea, if you don't agree, she can get very aggressive. She gets along very well with the other girls (excluding Julia at points, since they're so much alike), mostly Mathilda. In the conclusion of the manga her and Rei are a married couple and have a daughter named Rin (Ling in the English translation).

[edit] Gary (Gao)

The monster of a beyblader from the White Tigers team. Gary has a special bond with his bit-beast Galzzly, which allows Galzzly to imitate Gary's emotion and use it for power. In the Asian tournament finals Gary ended up thrashing Max's blade and destroying the arena with it, prooving Gary is one of the strongest bladers around. However, his mind tends to turn to thoughts of food, rather than the actual beybattles on more than a few occasions. Despite all of this, Gary is more of a gentle giant than he is a competitor who seeks to destroy his opponents.

He has a somewhat brotherly relationship with Kevin.

[edit] Kevin (Kiki)

A member of the White Tigers team. Kevin's style is wild and unpredictable. His bit-beast is Galman, a monkey that seems to produce more copies of itself to confuse his opponent. Kevin loses to Tyson twice, and is never able to get revenge in the finals of the Asian tournament. His special attack is the Crazy Monkey attack. When Ray left, this made Kevin so angry he attempted to kill him, failing. He's slightly selfish, and is a bit of a prankster.

He has a somewhat brotherly relationship with Gary.

[edit] All Starz

[edit] Michael Parker

Michael is the powerful team leader. This guy seriously has a big ego and thinks of himself very highly. He favourite sport is baseball and launches his beyblade in a particular baseball, the move fastball. He lost his battle against Max in the American Tournament. Michael can make friends easily due to his big personality. Some actually say that he closely resembles Tyson with the way they act, stubborn and arrogant. His beatbeast in Trygle, and eagle bit-beast that specializes in aerial attacks.

In G-Rev, his position was removed however, by Max and Rick.

[edit] Eddy

Eddy is the basketball player of the team. He is first seen in the episode 'It's all relative' when Tyson and company meet him and Steve when they set the alarm off while searching the PPB research facility. Eddy's bitbeast, Trypio takes the form of a scorpion and is very fast and skillful. All in all, Eddy is very laid back and only rises to protect his team if they are being trash talked in anyway. Eddy also lost his bitbeast to Kai when Kai had black dranzer but managed to get it back along with his team's when Tyson beat Tala in the World Championship Battle.

[edit] Emily York

Emily is the pure brains behind this team. Matching the brainy traits of Judy, they work mostly as a team to help the All Starz to victory in battles. Emily though is very offensive to others and hates team work as she prefers to work alone to win. Emily's bitbeast, Trygator takes the form of a Alligator with enormous strength. Though, she hardly ever uses her blade or beyblading skills when ever she is on the team.

[edit] Steven

Steve first appears in 'It's all relative' beside Eddy when the bladebreakers were caught looking around the PPB research facility. Steve is very arrogant and loves to gloat that they were the better team. Also, proving he has a fiery temper when things don't go his way or when he loses a beybattle. His bitbeast, Tryhorn takes the form of a bull which is just as powerful and tempermental as Steve is.

[edit] Rick Anderson

Rick was recruited by Judy in Beyblade G-Revolution to represent the All Starz instead of choosing other bladers from the original team. Rick is considered as a powerhouse; in G-Revolution, when he faces Daichi. Max says Rick's power comes from his strong sense of judging right and wrong. At first, he sees no fun in the game and only seeks to win. He also doesn't believe that teamwork is necessary in Beyblading. However, he later realizes that it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play that matters. Rick is usually seen with his stereo, which helps motivate him in battle. His bit-beast is Rock Bison. In the manga, he lives on a farm and has an encounter with Daichi in the "Bakuten Shoot: Beyblade Daichi" sidestory.

[edit] Dark Bladers

[edit] Cenotaph (Cairo)

The mummy looking member of the team. Cenotaph was defeated by Enrique, of the Majestics. Cenotaph's bit-beast is Sarcophalon, a mummy that can kill. He was the first of the Dark Bladers to come in contact with the Bladebreakers, and the one that scares Kenny the most.

[edit] Lupinex (Howling)

The were-wolf of the team. Lupinex was defeated by Johnny. His bit-beast is a werewolf known as Wolfstorm. Lupinex is Sanguinex's little brother.

[edit] Sanguinex (Blot)

The vampire of the team. Sanguinex was defeated by Robert, and is the 'leader' of the team. His bit-beast is Drac-Attack, a vampire. He is the older brother of Lupinex.

[edit] Zomb

The Frankenstein/zombie looking member of the Dark Bladers team. Zomb was defeated by Oliver of the Majestics. Zomb's bit-beast is a zombie-like creature named Shamblor.

[edit] Majestics

[edit] Robert Jurgen (Ralf Jurgen)

Robert is the leader of the team. Robert is one of the most skilled beybladers in the World, and the best in Germany. When Tyson first battled Robert, Robert crushed Tyson within 1 minute. Robert's bit-beast is Griffolyon. In the manga, Robert's Griffolyon beyblade is a "Hidden Spirits" model that transforms into his beyblade like the Takara/Hasbro version. His special attack is Wing Dagger.

He despises anything 'uncouth', and is very upity.

[edit] Johnny McGregor

The all sarcastic Johnny is the second strongest of the Majestics. When it comes to joking around, he'll probably shoot you down with a sarcastic comment. He takes no prisoners in battle both in and out the beystadium. Although he acts like a big tough guy, he has a golden heart, as proven in "A Lesson For Tyson"...he also has a very short temper. His bit-beast is Salamulyon. He is from Scotland and plays Tennis and Golf as a side sport to beyblading. He CANNOT play chess...losing 7 times in a row to Robert.

He was the last of the Majestics to be introduced. Kai was his Bladebreaker rival. Makes a cameo appearance in the next season beyblade.

[edit] Enrique Giancarlo (Giancarlo Tornatore)

The playful Enrique is one of the strongest members of this team. Enrique is the member who loves to kid around, and look for ladies to hang out with. Enrique is the champion of Rome. His bit-beast is one of the largest, Amphilyon.

He's best friends with Oliver.

[edit] Oliver Polanski (Olivier Boringer)

The second member seen of the Majestics team. Oliver's beyblading style includes very graceful and beautiful movements and attacks, representing an artsy nature. Oliver is the national champion of France. Not that he is only good in beyblading he is also good in cooking and art. His bit-beast is Unicolyon and it's attack is Earth Shake.

He's best friends with Enrique.

[edit] Demolition Boys

[edit] Boris Balkov

Boris Balkov

Japanese name Boris Balkov

Hair color Purple

Eye color Purple

Height 6'5"

Likes Science, power, money, military affairs

Dislikes Failure, dealing with those who are incapable of doing what is asked

Boris Balkov is nothing short of a two-faced, cunning, and vile man with a lust for power and money. Despite the fact that he is an abbot running an abbey (a monastery or church), his acts are anything but religious and good-natured. Boris seems to be quite the opposite of the priest he poses as, mocking the crosses on the towers of the abbey with every vicious thing he does. He has little compassion for failure and will not think twice about disposing of any boy in the abbey who does not live up to his standards. He is strict not only with the children but with the employees as well-- the scientists in the laboratories and the gunmen who guard the property-- but he does, however, show small shreds of patience with the stronger and more reliable young men that he favors, such as Tala and Kai. Boris can also be described as something of a "control freak," as he has cameras located in every room and corridor of the abbey. The fact of this raises many questions about deeper parts of his person, but to keep this page clean they will not be discussed. Boris makes it a point to intimidate others. Through intimidation, he can exact power over those being intimidated, and this is most often how he wins in any situation he faces. Every young man at the abbey, as well as all the employees, respect Boris out of fear, all with good reason. He is indeed malicious in intent and lies a great deal, but he makes it work for him.

[edit] Tala Valkov

Tala Valkov

Japanese name Yuriy Ivanov

Birthdate 1988

Hair color Red

Eye color Blue

Height 5'9"

Zodiac sign Leo

Likes Being in charge, positive attention and recognition

Dislikes Taking orders, having his authority challenged

Bit-beast Wolborg

Attacks Blizzalog, Novae Rog

The leader of the Demolition Boys. His bit-beast is Wolborg. During the first season, after Bryan's loss to Ray, Tala was turned cybernetic by Boris to increase his battling ability. Still, Tala lost to Tyson and was "freed" from his cybernetic mind, thus getting his emotions back. It has been said he has an intense dislike of Kai, but this does not appear to be the case in the third season, G-Revolution, where a friendship is shown throughout and they end up on the same team. Even though he can act the big, tough, emotion-less guy, deep down he has the soul of a true beyblader, and a very intense spite for Boris (which tends to make him the more "emotional" one of the group). When BEGA was started up, Tala risked his own life to take down Garland. He paid by intense injuries and being put into a coma for awhile. Ironically, "Tala" is a feminine name that means "wolf" in Native American, thus possibly linking him to his Bit beast, Wolborg. His name is also shared by the Tagalog goddess of the stars. His name in the Japanese version is feminine as well. However, in Russian, the name is masculine, so it is possible that the Russian meaning was intended. Also, when Tala is mad, he puts his hands on his hips; a major feminine action. In the Japanese version, during Tala and Kenny's battle, Daichi shouts out "Get her!", suggesting that Tala is female. He also calls Tala "female" periodically throughout the season, suggesting that he and Tala have an instense dislike for each other.

[edit] Bryan Kuznetsov

Bryan Kuznetsov

Japanese name Boris Kuznetsov

Birthdate 1988

Height 5'7"

Zodiac sign Sagittarius

Likes Malice, causing pain

Dislikes Defeat, unnecessary emotion

Bit-beast Falborg

Attacks Stroblitz

At first, Bryan appears to be calm, collected, and passive. He never speaks much, only when he has to, but deep inside he has an inflamed hatred which has been burning ever since he was young. Bryan is not one people would want to cross paths with. He comes off as indifferent, then strikes with quick and merciless blows that render opponents weak and defenseless, and most often kill them. He is very loyal to his superior, Boris, never questioning orders or thinking twice about them. He does as he is told, and he does it well. He's always first choice when the team needs to annihilate the opponent while terrifying spectators beyond rational thought. Although his attacks come quickly, they are painful and done in such a way that it prolongs death and suffering. To be brief on the matter, Bryan was raised to be a hateful, violent, and murderous being.

[edit] Ian Papov

Ian Papov

Japanese name Ivan

Birthdate October 23rd, 1990

Height 4'9"

Zodiac sign Scorpio

Likes Guns, weaponry, warfare

Dislikes Being without his rifle, being cheated out of something due to his size

Bit-beast Wyborg

Attacks Sand Bind

Ian is a cunning little mischief-maker who would enjoy nothing more than blowing someone apart. One phrase that comes to mind when describing Ian is "trigger-happy," and indeed he is. It is rare to see Ian without his rifle; he carries it everywhere with him despite the fact that it is nearly larger than he is. He does a lot of the dirty work, emerging first and taking opponents by surprise while the rest of his team comes in after and finishes things off. Being younger than the others, he tends to have more energy, but is quite skilled for his age. He most often combines forces with Tala, taking orders from him and carrying them out, and he is very obedient to the team coach and trainer Boris.

[edit] Spencer Petrov

Spencer Petrov

Japanese name Sergei

Birthdate 1988

Height 6'2"

Zodiac sign Aquarius

Likes Pleasing others, winning, feeling as though he has done a good job

Dislikes Not having something to be attached to

Bit-beast Seaborg

Attacks Voda Impact, Stramolyu

Spencer is a tall young man with a muscular build who looks as though he could (and would) crush your bones with one hand, but this is completely the opposite of what Spencer's true nature is. Although tough when he needs to be, Spencer is not outlandishly rash, as is Tala, and is not completely vicious and vile, as is Bryan. He merely does things simply because he is told to do so and is led to believe they are things which are good. Inside, Spencer is insecure and seeking to do what he can for others. A prime example of Spencer's true nature comes with his defeat of Kai. He promptly walks to Boris, his superior, and exclaims: "Sir, I won!" with a smile on his face. In this way, Spencer seems to be like a child looking to please a hopeful adult, and although Boris is unsatisfied with the performance, Spencer remains upbeat and hopeful that he will make an improvement. To combat any feelings of insecurity, Spencer has attached himself to people and ideas that bring comfort to him. Boris is one of things, mainly because he has been a large part of Spencer's life and upbringing. Had Spencer any family to speak of, he would have become strongly attached to them, and so on. He also tends to remain close to Bryan, as he is usually seen standing beside him, and although this may confuse some people because Bryan is most generally a violent person, it helps to explain Spencer's strong need to feel as though he belongs. In several ways it is both fortunate and unfortunate that he survived long enough to become part of the Russian team.

[edit] Team Psykick

[edit] Gideon

The leader and instructor of Team Psykick. He dies while the Psykick building collapses on him, after the match between Kane and Tyson. He had thought of the plan to capture bit-beast with bit-beast, after other plans had failed and other Team Psykicks members. They finally settled as: Kane, Goki, Salima and Jim.

[edit] Kane

This Beyblader is quite cunning and is a born leader. Kane was a fierce competitor, and rivaled even Tyson's prowess. Now working together with Cyber Dragoon, even Tyson will be hard pressed to come out on top. The more this Blader fights along side his Digital Bit Beast, the more the two grow in strength and power. In the manga, Kane was a genius with an IQ of 200 who was in alliance with Dr. Zagart. He made his debut appearance when he destroyed all the Saint Shield's beyblades as punishment for not getting the Holy Beast from Tyson's team.

[edit] Goki

Goki is one brute of a Beyblader. He is not known for his intelligence, but with Jim doing the thinking for him, it usually doesn't matter. He is one of the strongest Beybladers ever to compete. This natural strength is the only thing that can control the powerful Cyber Dranzer. He uses his strength to his full advantage whenever possible.

[edit] Salima (Selima)

Salima was originally against the idea of using digital copies of the Bladebreakers Bit Beasts. She tried to convince the rest of her team that using them was a bad idea. Gideon saw her going against the idea of using the cyber bit-beast so he used her to battle against Kane to get control of them. She used Cyber Driger in battle. She appears to like Kane but has also shown signs of liking Ray as well.

[edit] Jim

This cunning tactician is quite skilled at analyzing opponents weaknesses and using them to his advantage. Jim was the first Psykick that acquired a Cyber Bit Beast. He then convinced his teammates to switch over to this new technology. Combining his analytical mind with Goki's brute strength, the pair make a dangerous combination, both in and out of the Beystadium. His Cyber beast is Cyber Draciel.

[edit] Saint Shields

[edit] Ozuma (Ozma)

This leader of the Saint Shields is a force to be reckoned with. His Beyblading skills are quite surprising, and he has a knack for pulling a few tricks out of his sleeve that keep Tyson on his toes. Ozuma's cunning tactics and masterful use of his Beyblade lead him to defeat Tyson in their first battle. His bit-beast is Flash Leopard.There has been some suspicion that the Saint Shield's nationality are Indian due to their clothes. Some think them to be African due to their names (Ozuma, Joseph, Dunga, etc). In the manga,he owns a Flash Leopord during his first encounter with Tyson and a Flash Leopard II during the second.

[edit] Dunga

Dunga is a giant of the Saint Shields. His strength is rivaled only by his temper. When he competes, he unleashes his fury on his unsuspecting opponents. His brute force often secures the victory for this beast of a Beyblader, but his fierce emotions sometimes cloud his judgment leading to unnecessary losses. His bit-beast is Vortex Ape.

[edit] Joseph (Jusuf)

Joseph is Mariam's younger brother and is quite stealthy. He's prowess in sneaking into and out of enemies hideouts usually puts him on the front lines. His ability to use shadows and darkness to his advantage make him extremely difficult to track. This agile Blader's key advantage is his lightning quick reaction times. The hit and run tactics he uses leaves his opponents wondering what hit them. However, he was mercilessly defeated by king and Queen-the notorious Parts Hunters. His bit-beast is Vanishing Moot.

[edit] Mariam (Miriam)

This Blader is a wild spirit, with an even wilder sense of humor. Her sarcasm often gets under Dunga's skin, so she rarely lets an opportunity to give him a jab slip by. She is unpredictable, and often leaves her opponents baffled from her unique moves. Her ability to confuse her opponents leaves them vulnerable for attack. She often teams up with her brother Joseph to take on their more difficult opponents. Together, they are a formidable pair. Her bit-beast is Sharkrash.

[edit] King & Queen

[edit] King

King is a mysterious parts hunter and is well known amongst the Beyblade crowd. His skill with a Beyblade has allowed him to battle unsuspecting beybladers, and steal valuable parts from them after he wins. This has given him the advantage by having the best parts available to him in any given situation. Stealing parts has given King and his twin Queen a notoriety that is almost legendary, and it is because of this that Doctor K hires them to help her capture the four Sacred Bit Beasts. His bit-beast is Ariel.

[edit] Queen

Like her partner (and twin) King, Queen is a notorious Beyblade Parts Hunter. She has been Beyblading along side King for years now, and together they have been unstoppable. With loads of parts stolen from Beybladers around the world, Queen's Beyblade is never left in the dust, until her blade was crumbled to shreds, during her match against Max. Her bit-beast is Gabriel.

[edit] Barthez Battalion

[edit] Coach Barthez

The coach of the team. He's an abusive coach, who basically tries to make his beybladers look good. He uses whatever method it takes to look good. His team in the Japanese version is called the Barthez Soldiers. He is Boris' agent. Using cheats and tricks, Barthez gets his team in a high level. But later awaking his true instinct, Miguel and his team begin to stand up to Coach Barthez, ending firing him as their coach.

[edit] Miguel (Mihaeru)

Miguel is recognized as the team leader, but is still bossed around by Barthez. Like the rest of the team, he was trained to Beyblade by Barthez and also got his blade from him. His bit-beast is Dark Gargoyle.

[edit] Mathilda

The unofficial little sister of their team. Though Mathilda questioned Coach Barthez, she still followed his orders due to fear. She fears Barthez the most out of her team mates. However she started thinking on her own after Miguel and the others started standing up to Barthez. Even going as far as firing him. Her bitbeast is Pierce Hedgehog.

[edit] Aaron

Aaron usually doesn't question Barthez's orders, regardless of the consequences, as he isn't the type of person to stand up for himself. His bit-beast is Rushing Boar and his special attack is Spin Charge.

[edit] Claude

Claude, like Miguel, was trained to Beyblade by Barthez himself. Miguel is usually the one to encourage him, as long as coach Barthez doesn't have any "suggestions". His bit-beast is Rapid Eagle.

[edit] F-Dynasty

[edit] Julia

Raul and Julia are twins. However, Julia is dubbed the "older" sister as she was born minutes earlier, and she usually bosses around her brother. She's also less shy than her brother. Trained by Romero from a young age, Julia and Raul's incredible teamwork is reflected on their beyblading skills. In performances, Julia is usually the centre of the spotlight. Their skill with a beyblade is a beautiful thing to behold. Julia's bitbeast is Thunder Pegasus.

[edit] Raul

Like his twin, Julia, Raul was raised by a circus troupe called Romero. Because of this background, Julia and Raul have an amazing ability to work together. However, since their moves mirror eachother, they can be pretty predictable when battling alone.Being minutes younger than Julia, Raul is usually being bossed around. Wanting to prove himself, Raul proposed to fight alone against the Barthez Battalions. Julia, opposing at first, later agreed. Raul's bitbeast is Torch Pegasus.

[edit] BEGA League

[edit] Brooklyn Kingston

Brooklyn has never been known to practice Beyblading in his whole life, as if he was born knowing how to beyblade so well. He's only ever lost to Tyson and Kai. He usually waits the battle out, as he's almost unbeatable. However, he has an extremely powerful attack if it is necessary. His bit-beast is the all powerful King, Zeus. His power is so immense that it harms Kai and puts him in a lost state when they first battle. Brooklyn's special attack is King of Darkness. Brooklyn's last name is debated on whether it's Kingston or Masefield.

[edit] Crusher (Moses)

Even though Crusher only started to Beyblade later in his life than your average blader, he was quickly trained by BEGA. His reason for being a Pro Blader is to earn enough money to help his little sister, Monica, get the medical attention she needs. His bit-beast is Gigars.

[edit] Garland Siebald

Everyone in Garland's family is a professional athlete, and he decides to continue the tradition in Beyblading to prove himself just as has been done by his siblings. He joins BEGA with the hope that it can make him just as famous as his siblings. Garland's family have laid their hands on a book called Thebesian Principes of Victory. The one who knows these cannot lose! Garland usually endures his opponent's attacks before making a single powerful attack. His bit-beast is Apollon.

[edit] Ming-Ming

Ming-Ming is BEGA's mascot, and is both a pop star and a great Beyblader. She even combines singing and blading to help her concentration and distract her opponents. Her bit-beast is Venus. Some of her moments hint that she may have split personalities. During her matches, Ming-Ming has an uncanny ability to "transform" into an older, more intense version of herself. In her older form, she's around 18 and is MUCH taller, her eyes and hair being slightly different. She returns to her normal, young (13 or 14 year-old) form when the match is done.

[edit] Mystel

Mystel appeared out of seemingly nowhere and is able to practically fly up mountains. His attacks are fast and unpredictable and can come from anywhere. His bit-beast is Poseidon. He is very qualified for the BEGA League. He floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. His beyblade skills are a force to be reckoned!!

[edit] Others

[edit] Alan

An old friend of Max Mizuhara, and a hired kid used to steal a powerful piece of rock. He was double crossed, and wasn't able to use the power extracted from the rock.

[edit] Brad Best & A.J. Topper

The official Beyblade announcers for all BBA tournaments. Like Dizzy, their voices were created by the American version of the anime. They do not exist in the original Japanese version.

[edit] D.J. Jazzman (Blader D.J.)

The BBA official referee and in the original, announcer/commentator. He is voiced by the actual Blader D.J., who referees beyblade tournaments in Japan.

[edit] Dr. B

The co-leader of team Psykick. He develops the beyblades that the Psykick team uses, and recruits new members. He dies with Gideon while the Psykick building collapses, by electrocution.

[edit] Dr. K

The beautiful scientist that works for Dr. Zagart. She was then fired by her head-Dr. Zagart before the World Championships, for disloyalty in handing over the extracted bit-beasts from the rock.

[edit] Dr. Zagart

Zeo's father and the owner of Psykick. He is trying to steal the 4 Bladebreakers sacred beasts to revive Zeo into a real boy.

[edit] Gordo

This Blader was hand picked by Zagart to be the perfect teammate for Zeo. His Beyblading skills are more than a match for the Bladebreakers. With the power of a Rock Bit Beast at his disposal, this competitor will be causing quite the stir in the World Championships. His bit-beast is Orthrus. Orthrus's most useful attack is the Twine Spire attach which freezes the opposing bit-beast leaving it vulnerable to any attack. His name means "fat" in Spanish. Zeo was actually a robot; a replacement for Dr. Zagart's son, who died tragically. If Zeo can get all bit-beasts, he can become a human again. So, he traps all bit-beasts he battles with, till he faces Tyson!

[edit] Judy Mizuhara

A researcher and scientist of the BBA. Also Max's mother, she does beyblade research at an American BBA facility. She has put together the All Starz.

[edit] Marcos & Sanchez

These two were only seen in Beyblade V-Force, and only in one episode. They faced Kai and Ray in the quarter-finals and they tried to use their "musical ability" to distract and annoy their opponents. However, they did not have any success. They were only created for the purpose of filling up the eigth available position in the quarter-finals.

[edit] Stanley A. Dickenson (Master Chairman Daijubou)

The head of the BBA. He is the most important man in the sport.In V-Force/2002 it was revealed that he and Dr.Zagart were Beyblade research partners.He is also the one who forms(and later renames)the bladebreakers.

[edit] Voltaire (Wolter)

He's Kai's grandfather, and BIOVOLT's director. He wants to have the best bladers in the world, which is where the Demolition Boys come into play. We aren't sure what happens to him after Tyson and Tala's match although most believe he was put into jail.

[edit] Wyatt (Yuuya)

A huge fan of Kai's from his school. He was later used by Gideon's scientists to test Cyber Dranzer. However, his body was unable to withstand the power of Cyber Dranzer on a fight against Dunga. In the original Japanese version, he died after this fight, but in the American version they do not tell anything, believing that a death was "too heavy" for children who should watch the anime.

[edit] Zeo

This robotic replicant of Zagart's son (who died when hit by a truck while playing his violin). He is as developed strong Beyblading skills through vigorous training methods and a strong desire to be the best. Zeo temporarily joins the Bladebreakers after helping Tyson out of a jam. When his father reveals his true identity, he throws his Beyblading morals away in the hopes of defeating Tyson and his friends and becoming a real boy. His bit-beast is Cerberus.

In the Manga, Zeo was actually a boy named Leon, Zeo's younger brother, who was tricked to thinking that he was Zeo. The real Zeo was hit by a truck and killed shotly thereafter, Zagart was saddened and wanted to use the power of the sacred beasts to revive Zeo, though it didn't work out. After Leon's and Tyson's match in the manga, he goes off to live his true life with his father.
2016-10-01 15:29:51 UTC
Beyblade Characters
2016-07-18 21:18:48 UTC
I once had an elderly lady for a friend. She had a wonderful little dog. A mix of some sort. She had the dog trained well and it behaved very well. Learn here

She kept an uncovered candy dish on her coffee table with candy in it. The dog was forbidden to eat the candy. When she was in the room observing the dog he did not even appear to notice the candy. One day while she was in her dinning room she happened to look in a mirror and could see her dog in the living room. He did not know he was being watched. For several minutes he was sitting in front of the candy bowl staring at the candy. Finally he reached in and took one. He placed it on the table and stared at it, he woofed at it. He stared some more, licked his chops and PUT IT BACK in the bowl and walked away. Did he want the candy, oh yeah. Did he eat it? Nope. They can be trained that well but most, I'll admit, are not trained that well. When I was a young boy, maybe 5 years old. We had a german shepherd. He was very well trained also. My mom could leave food unattended on the table, no problem. She would open the oven door and set a pan roast beef or roast chicken on the door to cool. No problem. He would not touch it, watched or not. But butter? Whole other story. You leave a stick of butter anywhere he could reach and it was gone. He was a large shepherd so there were not many places he could not reach. Really, I think the number of dogs trained to the point they will leave food alone when not being supervised is very small indeed.


Now if we are talking obedience training, not food grubbing, that is a different story. Way back when I was first learning obedience training one of the final exercises was to put our dogs in a down/stay and not only leave the room but leave the building for 15 minutes. The only person that stayed was our trainer, not the owners. Most of the dogs in my class did not break their stay, which would be an automatic fail. I'm happy to report my dog was one of the ones that passed.
Julia M
2006-11-27 14:44:33 UTC








sorry those are all I know :(

you can type "beyblade characters" in google search it shows you the characters. Hope that helps ^_^

It will show you a wikipedia link and you can click it.
2016-03-13 04:55:32 UTC
kai thats all i can say but kai (not my fav anime charecter though) favoirte beyblade chaecter

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.