* Progressive Insurance commercials. I've never wanted to see someone involveed in a "car insurance claim" herself quite like that "Flo" chick that's always in their ads. She just bugs the crap out of me.
* Drug commercials, in their vast numbers - especially those that seem to spend 90% of their time on the air telling you about all of the horrible things they'll do to you. "Acme Migraine tablets: for treatment of severe headaches. May cause tingling, numbing, loss of sight, loss of hearing, excessive hair growth in all the wrong places, bladder control issues, lack of sex drive, general depression, coma, internal bleeding, and migraines. Ask your doctor about Acme Migraine tablets today!"
* The commercials from lawyers representing people who've been screwed up by various drugs or medical treatments - especially while I'm eating...
* It also bugs me that those drug commercials have largely replaced ads for NORMAL things on television, like Kool-Aid, or Jimmy Dean Sausage, or Playskool toys.
* Commercials with loud, obnoxious music, due to the fact that their product would never get your attention any other way.
* The sad dogs and cats commercials, but that's just because of a general lack of logic where that issue is concerned...
Pretty much every commercial on tv, I guess. Thanks for letting me vent. :-)