Man, you guys are missing some of the ones I hate the most...
Chevy trucks "Our Country" ads which have been played TO DEATH!!! Hey GM, if you going to save yourself from bankruptcy, take it easy on the advertising expense.
The HDTV commericial with that creepy girl and elephant just enimatically saying "it's the mirrors" and babbling on and on...."clearer will be clearer...blah blah"
Or any in-network commercial that promises some new mid-season replacement as "the next big hit in primetime". A good example was the show "Daybreak" which they hyped to death and then it was cancelled in 6 weeks!!!
I also can't stand those Hummer commercials. There's one with some jabroni talking about how he customized his H2 then he couldn't just stop and then he drives off the pier into the water. I hope he drowns!!! There's another Hummer commercial with a Star Trek theme. They play that one to death and who the hell drives around in a blizzard!!!
Finally, how bout those stupid Citibank Card rewards ad with some German dude and his young loverboy talking about how easy it is get reward points. What's up with all this Eurotrash as comedy trend lately?
Ok, rant over...thanks!