Big Brother Axed?
2007-03-08 02:19:17 UTC
What a relief. The sponsors have decided to withdraw from Big Brother. I don't believe this is in response to an isolated incident by one 'contestant', but by the very nature of a filthy, obnoxious, devious, manipulative and gregarious set of self motivated, greedy and worthless individuals.
I realise that this will be a put down to all those who enjoy 'Reality TV' but before you critisise, look at society now and tell me hat this show is not a contributory factor.

Anybody out there agree with me?
104 answers:
2007-03-08 05:12:19 UTC
Yes I agree it is a contributary factor to some of societies problems. The number of answers that this question has already had (79 so far) shows the emotive feelings that this show produces, the vast majority of answers are negative responses saying that the show is crap etc etc.

This show gets people talking..usually asking why is it still being shown on TV? But it still gets noticed by almost everyone in the UK. How many other shows can do that?

My suggestion to finally purge society of these idiot wannabees is to hold a final BB show, where everyone who is self centered enough to apply gets on the show. However they are all carted off in groups of about 15 to various locations around Europe to their own BB house. All would believe they are actually on BB live on the TV. But it wouldn't actually be on TV at all! And there they should be left with no nominations and no silly tasks to do for eternity. The brighter ones would eventually escape and be able to rejoin society, the rest can stay there forever and we'd be better off without them.
2016-12-18 18:04:17 UTC
Big Brother Axed
2007-03-08 02:56:31 UTC
Where's your link and source for this? Unfortunately, the withdrawal of a sponsor doesn't mean a show is axed. Endemol is probably rich enough to do a series all on it's own, it owns the format for the show.

I also think it's a bit simplistic to blame the state of "society" on a single television show. If the p[roblem was that simple it would be easy to fix. The only reason I would like the show to be over and done with is because it has been done and copied to death and it serves no purpose. Even purely entertainment shows have a level of responsability to their footage. By bringing in members of the public and refusing to contact with them all they are really doing is washing their hands of the responsability for what is shown. I'm not saying get rid of entertainment shows, lets just have something that serves more purpose than voyeuristic interest and gossip.
2007-03-08 02:53:55 UTC
I think in the decline of society Big Brother is the least of our problems. If anything it's done us a favour by keeping people off the streets and glued to the TV!

This happens constantly - any new media: DH Lawrence, Elvis, rock 'n'roll, computer games, video nasties, The Word, Big Brother, skinny supermodels.. any new phenomena gets blamed for the downfall of society - the fact is, society has always been a mess, humans have always been idiotic.

We are quite capable of being filthy, obnoxious, devious and manipulative all by ourselves - we don't need Big Brother to help us with that! (I'm a firm believer that all Big Brother does is reveal in public the bitchy thoughts we all have but no-one normally gets to hear and turns people into villains by the clever presentation of behaviour that is actually quite normal.)

If anything we're better off now than we have ever been (unless anyone fancies going back to live in the 1950's, the 1800's ? Thought not).
2007-03-08 05:44:57 UTC
I think that its society that has the problem in the first place and that big brother is just a slightly intensified version. Take the recent "racism" that happened in celebrity Big Brother which you're clearly referring to. It wasn't racism at all. It simply highlighted for me, the fact that society has an obsession with political correctness - its insane. They constantly mimicked other people's accents in the house, particularly American accents but this wasn't classed as racist. Its ridiculous. I don't blame the sponsors for withdrawing, I don't think they had a choice but I don't think its over the over all content of Big Brother as a reality show. I think they simply don't want to be associated with the so called "racism" now associated with the show. Any sponsor would be mad to withdraw under any other circumstances. Although a lot of people dislike the show, there are still millions out there that tune in to every episode and vote on the premium rate phone lines. It must generate a fortune for the sponsors normally.
2007-03-08 06:59:16 UTC
Well to be honest I think that if you've a problem with it then don't watch it. I'm not a fan myself and I've never watched it either (ok I admit to watching the first series!) so the news that it has been Axed is quite meaningless to me. What I'm trying to say is that if you've a problem with society which I don't blame you for at all as I intend to agree with you, I think that one show being Axed will do very little to help if not help at all, when I'm sure we will see two more shows take its place which are twice as bad and have learnt from the mistakes of the other. I agree with your opinion of the show I just don't see any good when people are the ones who want to watch it and the broadcasting companies simply provide the means for people to watch it. The problem is bigger in my opinion.

Anyway there's my thought, I do agree with you though, that show was terrible.
2007-03-08 03:35:14 UTC
Just read about this on the BBC website. Big Brother hasn't actually been axed. Carphone warehouse have withdrawn their sponsorship permanently. They withdrew on a temporary basis during CBB, but now have decided to pull out all-together. It may, however, be a step towards the end of Big Brother. I tend to think that if they do end up being axed it will more likely be due to the recent irregularities found in phone in voting for TV shows, rather than raceism. Afterall, the racism on CBB was mild by comparison to some of the comments you can find on this website.
Peachy Girl
2007-03-08 06:09:36 UTC
I wish they would Axe it along with I'm a Celebrity (or should I say self centred C.U.N.T) and get me out of here

What utter tripe they put on telly can't they think of something that might give our brains a little stimulation!!

Very valid point about how media and telly is making our society the way it is

Glorying sex on eastenders etc before the watershed no-wonder there is so many underage mums etc

We see all these people owning houses cars etc and they only work in a cafe!! where do these soap writers get their ideas from

I have worked since I was 16 saved all my life and still can't afford to move out away from my parents!!! yet these shows make it seem so simple no wonder the world is in so much debt!
2007-03-08 04:17:41 UTC
I watched the very first episode of Big Brother and found it fairly interesting and amusing. However, in my opinion, it has become predictable. The programme makers are having to manufacture the entertainment by continually using the loud mouth, swearing, publicity seeking wanabees as the main contestants. Fair enough, but this makes every series the same. Jade Goody becoming their mascot proves this point. Just more of the same garbage which eventually killed the show.
2007-03-08 04:13:52 UTC
Yes I totally agree.

Shows like Big Brother have had their day. The novelty has long worn off for viewers, I think, but there will always be people willing to participate to have a strange chance at short-lived fame.

The last series sealed it for me totally - I don't pay my TV licence to watch something that makes me continually cringe and feel uncomfortable (sadly theres not a lot on these days that doesn't do that). It was 100% obvious that the producers of the last BB were exploiting the weak-willed and naive people on the show.

And yes, society today has definitely become influenced by shows like Big Brother, but I do think if it wasn't what's on TV, it'd be brought about by something else. As a society we're in meltdown and have lost all sense of direction - no-one is prepared to face facts anymore.
2007-03-08 07:09:58 UTC
I agree,

All this turmoil has been brought on by miss IQ (Goodey)herself and her Mensa relatives, If she actually thought for 2 seconds of what words were gonna eject from her big gob she would actually realise the trouble she would cause.

I Believe TV show is such a bad one as the producers know that friction will be caused by firstly screening and placing certain individuals into the public eye, for a sum of money which in the end leaves them desperate and a with low self asteem and with an attempt to re-kindle there fame.

All for ratings cut the programme its not worth the energy to click the remote control power button to turn the TV on and watch it.
2007-03-08 04:39:17 UTC
Completely agree with you. Although I think the problem is bigger than just reality TV. Other things like the "celebrity" magazines make people with no discernable talent "famous".

It used to be that famous people had to work their way into that position, now you can be a bland singer who can get a number 1 after a few months (see anybody from Popstars, etc), a "celebrity" for being stupid (Jade Goody, Chantelle), a celebrity for being rich (Paris Hilton, Tara Palmer Tompkinson), a celebrity for being married to a celebrity (the WAGs)

Kids now seem to see these talentless idiots as some kind of rolemodel. Shame
Stuart P
2007-03-08 04:36:16 UTC
I watched the first BB and the odd showing of ones after that but its boring and needs to be axed. I also cant believe how gullible so many people are by people like Jade Goody! she is a nobody who appeared on a reality show and to my mind is still a loudmouth utterly brainless nobody who has made a lot of money from too many people who have bought things with her name on it. The quicker people like her slide into obscurity the better.
2007-03-08 02:46:23 UTC
I dont think the concept of the Big Brother show is at fault. People by nature are curious, & do want to see what craziness will happen next hence the success of the show. Where they went wrong was doing the "Celebrity" version.

Celebs by nature already think they are the most important / special people on earth, putting 12 or 13 of them together like rats in a cage is just asking for trouble, with each one out to grab a bit more fame than the rest. These people went off the showbiz map for a reason, it was bad idea to even let them think that they have a 2nd chance at fame.
2016-03-03 10:39:32 UTC
Where's your link and source for this? Unfortunately, the withdrawal of a sponsor doesn't mean a show is axed. Endemol is probably rich enough to do a series all on it's own, it owns the format for the show.
2007-03-08 05:42:59 UTC
I would certainly enjoy its disappearance. I never watched it other than by accident for a few seconds. I asked a similar question a while ago about an anuual song contest, and Yahoo deleted the question a couple of weeks later. They also deleted another question of mine seeking others' opinions as to whether there was a certain fault in an established spreadsheet application.
2007-03-08 04:37:52 UTC
I agree get rid of BB.

The fist show was novaltiy, which quickly wore off before it ended, then came the second and now were all just so fed up of BB and the new so called celebs (Jade Goody and the rest) that it produces. Then they went OTT and made Celeb BB and the teenage BB. God knows how these people like to punish us by putting crap on TV.
2007-03-08 07:01:06 UTC
The sponsors withdrew from the LAST celebrity BB, due to the actions of Jade, and said exactly why they had done it, but of course that's very old news, suspect there will be a load of people wanting to get in on the act for the next BB.
2007-03-08 03:07:51 UTC
If Big Brother is actually axed then I'm celebrating.

I loathe reality TV!!

The TV producers have simply gotten lazy and ran out of good ideas which just leads them to mock and shame the public on television. It's like watching a human zoo!!

A pure waste of our tax money!! I'd rather see something better come to good use with our taxes than drivel on our television screens!

My solution may be brutal... dump the television and quit paying TV licenses.

Get out of the house and enjoy life out there! Have an adventure!!!
2007-03-08 06:38:02 UTC
3 points,

1, it ain't been axed.

2, freedom of choice, if you don't like it, fine, don't watch it. Just don't moan cos other people do wanna watch it.

3, to say that certain tv programmes have made the world the way it is today is boll*cks. Opps sorry, must have watched too much reality telly.
2007-03-08 03:25:33 UTC
All of those shows are rubbish, hopefully this will be the start of the death of reality TV, programmes like wife swap are just pointless and the celebrity versions are even worse. It is the celebrity obsessed culture of the UK that allows TV producers to get this tripe on the box and make a mint by people phonin in to vote. Lets hope people are starting to realise what a load of rubbish they are watching
Lady Hazy
2007-03-08 06:52:39 UTC
Well all I can say to that is, if they axe the show what will people on answers have left to bi*ch about.....

You have to admit for a show that is allegedly hated so much it sure gets major coverage on this web site... !

(and no I am not a fan)
2007-03-08 03:33:48 UTC
Oh please god, tell me they are going to cancel Big Brother. Like any normal person, there are a number of T.V shows I dont care for, and most of them are reality T.V.

The problem with Big Brother is you cant just avoid it, there's Big Brother, then Big Brothers little Brother, then Big Brothers Big Mouth, then Big Brothers Uncle Nigel, Big Brothers Skiddy Y-Fronts.....It goes on for ever.

I can understand watching people argue and stuff might be fun, but watching them in the middle of the night for hours on end? Talk about the dumbing down of society. For gods sake, stop watching people brush their teeth and go out and do some exercise people!!!
2007-03-08 03:28:47 UTC
Big Brother is crap tv of the highest order but I'm afraid it's not been axed. Carphone Warehouse have pulled out of their sponsorship deal but Channel 4 are in talks with others.
2007-03-08 03:36:31 UTC
I think it's a stupid, ridiculous boring and pathetic program and I'm not sorry to hear it's gone. But, if people didn't watch it, it wouldn't have continued in the first place. It's a worry trait of society that this type of program do exist. They seem to bring out the worst aspects of human nature. It makes me wonder how far we are from Running Man and Rollerball, for those of you old enough to remember those films.
2007-03-08 02:27:16 UTC
I do not like Big Brother, but to say it is in some way the cause of how bad society has got is wrong. Why don't we go the whole nine yards and ban anything with the slightest bit of violence or bad behaviour in it, Then there would be nothing to watch on TV as even cartoons and sitcoms have bad and violence in it. We do not live in a Police state and i never want to. If someone does not like something on TV then they should not watch it.
j j
2007-03-08 03:55:58 UTC
if its been axed why are they currently interviewing people for the next big brother this summer????

P.S. I really hope it doesn't get aired at all, surely this is the perfect time to stop a show thats had 12 showings that are all rubish.
2007-03-08 05:44:42 UTC
I completely agree. It was entertainment to begin with, but then turned into a freak show and exposed people with bad editing, so that they look bad on television. It may have been good tv to start off with, but they just seem to pick the people who are most vulnerable or who have problems and it just seems unfair to me.
2007-03-08 04:03:40 UTC
Let`s hope this is true - then they might get rid of all the other sh1te reality shows. I keep my fingers crossed in the hope that the TV companies have at last come to their senses and stop wasting money on this crap and the morons who partake in them.
2007-03-08 03:14:41 UTC
What's Big Brother? apart from the George Orwell Novel :)
2007-03-08 02:45:10 UTC
I seriously hope that it is true - that way E4 Music can up the game for music television on freeview. However I do find it funny how people get so excited about it.

Presumably if this is true, Channel4 will have lost a lot of money because they had secured rights for a UK edition of the show until 2010.
2007-03-08 04:17:10 UTC
i wish they would axe this show, davina mccall is boring, the contestants are like wooden dolls, they have no life to talk about either before or after, if only it was their fifteen minutes of fame not plastered on the telly for thirteen weeks, channel 4 must be hard up to put rubbish on like b.b.
2007-03-08 05:33:35 UTC
It's a bit of a chicken and egg situation, really. I think that it is a reflection of society and can't be blamed for the complexity (warts and all) of it. I blame the parents myself!
2007-03-08 04:14:15 UTC
I think some reality tv shows are ok but I think big brother is tat. Its had its day its time to move onto better tv shows.
2007-03-08 03:16:13 UTC
I must admit at times I have enjoyed big brother

However think it opens doors to low morals being acceptable and entertainment
2007-03-08 02:34:40 UTC
We live in a throw away society comments/attitudes/and objects no one seems to care anymore say anything do anything to get cheap thrill of the moment or five mins of fame. This year Big Brother made us all more aware of how society has become so selfish and self obsorbed.

I for one am pleased sponsers have pulled out and it will be a brave sponser to sponser any Big Brother in the future.
2007-03-08 04:09:07 UTC
yay its gone, that scurge of todays reality tv is gone, well one of them anyway! School kids and worryingly adults who enjoy sitting watching other people sit and eat and pooh should be culled. Im happy that society has been given another chance to repair itself, until the next un-politically correct, boring, rude, blasphomas and sexually decrepit television program hits our recievers.
2007-03-08 03:08:25 UTC
It is only the sponsor that has withdrawn. The program will be able to get another sponsor so this pathetic excuse for a program will be able to continue WORST LUCK it is the worst reality TV program on British Television. The program should be re-named HOW TO ***** AND DISRESPECT OTHER PEOPLE
2007-03-08 02:40:15 UTC
i can see your point to a certain extent but i don't see how the rise in youngsters carrying knives or guns and gun related crime can be attributed to Big Brother, but now how are these wannabe nobodies gonna get their "Heat" "Hello" and other magazine deals.

they seem to be using programmes like these as a stepping stone to quick fix to fame and fortune and we know that this is not the case, how many of these so called "celebrities" are still around now,the one who had the most success has now found that the programme that made her a household name has chewed her vile racist **** up and spat out the pieces, all in the name of ratings
2007-03-08 06:53:33 UTC
I just love Big-Bro, cant wait until next series to start, by the way! i am only one of several million who enjoy the show.
Shona L
2007-03-08 04:08:27 UTC
Yes, watching a bunch of self-indulgent, vain, egocentric morons drink coffee, scratch their a*ses, watch themselves being watched, be set pointless tasks, and b***h about each other is not my idea of 'reality'! Now every kid with half a brain cell thinks you can get rich and famous from famous...for nothing!
Milking maid
2007-03-08 04:34:41 UTC
This type of show is pure voyeurism,

no better than a Brighton peep show in the 1920's.

Personally I can't stand these 'reality' (ahem !!) shows.

I hope they do axe it.
2007-03-08 03:35:58 UTC
deep down inside me, yes i'd agree partially with that, this year's Big Brother was definitely out of order,

would anything have happened if the winner was originally from the UK? Probably not.

The whole point of Big Brother is to recreate the society today but in a small confined area, it just goes to show how much less civilised the population in UK have become since ... maybe first world war.
2007-03-08 02:41:50 UTC
I don't enjoy reality TV because it makes 'celeb's out of people who have all the traits you listed above. I do not want to see uneducated, talentless, foul mouthed individuals earning thousands and thousands for acting like scum. TV companies don't want to invest in good scriptwriters anymore because they can get away with calling reality TV 'entertainment'. They are also conning the public with all these programs which involve phone voting. All they want is to make shed loads cash with little investment in real talent.
Pink Princess
2007-03-08 03:49:40 UTC
Finally, it was truly awful. The first series was good, the second was OK, then after that it was like we have seen this already. About time something new and interesting was put on the telly.
2007-03-08 02:28:53 UTC
It hasn't been axed. Carphone Warehouse has now cut all links with Big Brother after the recent controversy surrounding CBB, but that's it.

For the first year, the 'social experiment' schtick made it a novelty. Since then it has been full of sad wannabes who will do anything for attention. I think that it quickly became an overhyped, pointless format that should have been binned years ago.
2007-03-08 03:38:01 UTC
Hi, having read your message and got to lines, end of 2 to end of 4, I thought you were talking about Man Utd Football Team.
2007-03-08 06:28:06 UTC
If you mean Car phone warehouse that happened ages ago as for your other point how does It contribute and to to what exactly?
2007-03-08 07:20:55 UTC
Big Brother Axed ?

Shame they didnt take the "Axe" to the housemates !!
2007-03-08 02:39:24 UTC
I so hope you are right and that this is the begining of the end of reality TV. All we need now is an end to Z list celebrity culture and the world will be a better place.
2007-03-08 04:12:33 UTC
big brother needs to be axed,it was fresh and new to begin with but they should have stopped at the third series to be honest.It gets boring now.
2014-10-01 12:26:18 UTC
it fairly interesting and amusing. However, in my opinion, it has become predictable. The programme makers are having to manufacture the entertainment by continually using the loud mouth, swearing, publicity seeking wanabees as the main contestants. Fair enough, but this makes every series the same. Jade Goody becoming their mascot proves this point. Just more of the same garbage which eventually killed the show.
2007-03-08 04:16:06 UTC
Good news, I wont have to listen to my missus going on about it, anymore.!

However, I don't believe you wouldn't do it at any cost. You've got a price tag, we all have.
bee bee
2007-03-08 02:48:19 UTC
if it's true, thank God,

.I had a friend who went to an audition, for a laugh. His first task was to stand up and find as many ways to insult the girl sitting beside him..He refused , so didn't get any further.

. So you can only imagine the type of person who does actually manage to "make it". And then they are held up as a reflection of our no no
Mad M
2007-03-08 02:27:26 UTC
I think its a case of better the devil you know. What other rubbish are Channel 4 likely to put on the screens if it doesn't go to air for 3 months.

But, I would be happy to not see it again, ever.
2007-03-08 07:06:48 UTC

It shows greed manipulaion and down right two faced inividuals.

Society as it is becoming.
Tamekia Anderson
2007-03-08 07:03:56 UTC
No, I love Big Brother.
2007-03-08 02:27:19 UTC
Putting people in to a controlled environment for a lengthy period of time.. surrounded by tv cameras watching them 24/7..... and tasks as stimuli.... its a very interesting laboratory experiment... a rat's maze. You can lose sense of perspective... develop friendships or paranoia..... and its interest how some people react, deal with it, or crack up.

BB was never just reality show-off tv... it had a purpose. Quite a few celebs who have been on the show thought it might be a good vehicle to showcase themselves.... but unlike most other reality shows.... BB digs deep in to the mind of the people in there.
emma l2
2007-03-08 03:46:31 UTC
I agree with you 100%. Its time we got this rubbish off the television. We celebrate idiots like Jade Goody, them are suprised when she turns out to be a vile nasty bully.
Northern Spriggan
2007-03-08 03:03:43 UTC
The show, or its producers are mentally ill

I worry for the sanity of anyone who would subject themselves to such a depraved experience
lorraine x
2007-03-08 03:06:19 UTC
i haven't heard that its been axed i love big brother but i just think some celebs ain't worth going on it.its better with ordinary people i cannot wait for the new 1 to start
2007-03-08 03:53:52 UTC
If so, then I might just manage to get the remote off the wife for half an
2007-03-08 03:53:17 UTC
I hate Big Brother... I hope they axe it
2007-03-08 03:35:01 UTC
Will return this summer on CBS.
2007-03-08 03:10:13 UTC
Not heard this. Does that mean we will all get a rebate on our T.V license with the money they will save/
2007-03-08 03:15:02 UTC
all i can say is thank f**k this worthless pile of dog s***e show will never be seen again. i would rather poke myself in the eye with red hot knitting needles than be subjected to watchin this complete f*****g rubbish! :-)
2007-03-08 02:29:03 UTC
No not really I think you are wrong. What is wrong with society now?

And how does Big Brother contribute to this???

Like they say in scream "tv shows don't create murderers they make murderers more creative"

Isn't this the same? It is so easy for everyone to use TV, Movies and video games nowadays as a scapegoat for the violence in the world!
Paul R
2007-03-08 04:14:09 UTC
To keep it short BB has and always will be a load of crap.
2007-03-08 03:59:24 UTC
paul t
2007-03-08 02:52:29 UTC
ur too right a load of self obsessed ego maniacs airing their dirty laundry in public
2007-03-08 05:22:22 UTC
Please let them axe it, please let them axe it!!!!!

Don't you think its more of a reflection on those who watch it?

I'm sorry but i have more exciting things to do with my life than sit and watch a load of morons arguing and "playing the game".
2007-03-08 04:05:23 UTC
they are all just a bunch of wanna bes that will do anything for fame get it off !!!
2007-03-08 02:39:01 UTC
YIPEEEE! Totally agree with you. Lets hope its not replaced by something just as worthless
2007-03-08 02:41:12 UTC
The FACT is, that, I HEAR what you are SAYING, - and, I AGREE with EVERY WORD of it! So MUCH so, that, - if you carried ON, from now, till CHRISTMAS, in your condemnation, of this POINTLESS NONSENSE, - you'd STILL get NO ARGUMENT, WHATSOEVER, from THIS side!

In FACT, I would, actually, go as far, as to say, that the AXING of this DISGUSTING, - not to MENTION, MORALLY DEGENERATE, - TRASH, has, actually, been TOO LONG, coming! Television, is SUPPOSED to be for the ENTERTAINMENT, of the general public, - NOT some sort of "SOAPBOX", for the "MISFITS", of British society! In ADDITION, to YOUR descriptions, though, I think you could, - quite EASILY, add the word "DESPICABLE"!
2007-03-08 03:58:56 UTC
Just shows what the power of prayer can do! :-)
2007-03-08 03:44:18 UTC
people must live a pretty boring existence to watch crap like big brother.they have my sympathy.
Tracey B
2007-03-08 02:45:43 UTC
It hasnt been axed, just because the sponsors have pulled out doesnt mean it is finished ... Long live Big Brother!
2007-03-08 07:21:34 UTC
take the crap of the tv! People who watch this sh1t need shooting!!!!
2007-03-08 05:23:54 UTC
they will just get another sponsor
2007-03-08 05:09:00 UTC
About time too!
2007-03-08 03:02:46 UTC
Great if it has been axed;if it hasn't then it BL...DY well should be!! I think it really has passed its' sell by date.
2007-03-08 02:26:17 UTC
2007-03-08 06:28:19 UTC
I wish they would axe it!
Liane H
2007-03-08 05:50:47 UTC
I soooo hope that's true!
2007-03-08 02:32:01 UTC
No not at all,disagree totally with your biased view of Big Brother, I bet you ALWAYS were glued to screen never missing an episode..Hmmmmmmm

It's always those who bleat about ,Oh-look what the contestants are behaving like,what will our kids think,they will try to emulate those ppl.Oh what is world coming too...Go Figure LOL

Wrong, it only shows how rude and self centred contestants behave like when living 24/7 together until kicked out.

I bet you would act same if locked up with different types of individuals and don't say you wouldn't..Bye Bye..♥

Extra ..Looks like you have a lot of ppl who agree and us who disagree with your description of contestants,AGAIN I say you would NOT act any different from those who are self centered...You can say Bunkum all u like cos you know I'm right..Cheers(wink)LOL ..Funny how those ppl give thumbs down for being truthful,just no pleasing some ppl....He He ♥
Jamaican Princess
2007-03-08 03:45:57 UTC
wooooohooooooooo! that thing is addictive!
2007-03-08 02:41:23 UTC
Thank you very, very much!! I hadn't heard that and you have made my day!!! There is a God!!!
2007-03-08 03:44:46 UTC
Ohh.. nooo.. I'm gutted.. I liked it!


But do see and respect you opinion!

2007-03-08 02:43:59 UTC
they should have axed it years ago
2007-03-08 02:40:04 UTC
it has not been axed, they are getting another sponsor,

yet to be disclosed....
2007-03-08 03:55:35 UTC
yes i agree with you.
2007-03-08 02:22:11 UTC
do you feel better now you got that off your chest....i agree with you it was alright to start with,but novelty wore off real fast
2007-03-08 03:37:14 UTC
I hpe they do scrap this crap
2007-03-08 02:36:05 UTC
it aint been axed you seriously shud check your facts

bb makes to much money for bb to axe it
2007-03-08 02:36:25 UTC
when did they axe it?

if they did there shuold be a national day of celebration!
2007-03-08 02:31:18 UTC
Hey manchester, usa here, we had a similar show, the anna nichole are right, her son and she are dead now, that just isn't that funny....
caitlin; xxx
2007-03-08 02:21:18 UTC
they didnt axe it
2007-03-08 02:27:22 UTC
you have taken the words right out of my mouth, good on you.
2007-03-08 02:22:10 UTC
Yes yes yes yes yes yes Oh yesss! I thought I was the only person in the entire country who felt like this!! Thank you!
2007-03-08 07:00:45 UTC
2007-03-08 02:31:35 UTC
There is a god
2007-03-08 02:34:53 UTC
not really
2007-03-08 02:23:59 UTC
I live in the USA but i have a friend who I tlk to that lives in Wales and he has told me about your Big Brother, it seems so much worse then ours here, we arent allowed to show sex and nudity on our Big Brother, so I can see why it was cancelled there, especially after the last 2 seasons
2007-03-08 02:58:08 UTC
please please, deal or no deal, to be next!!!

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