What Is Your Top Ten Best, and Worst Animes Ever?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What Is Your Top Ten Best, and Worst Animes Ever?
Twelve answers:
2014-02-14 06:46:53 UTC
I can only go by shows I've watched up until now, but these are what I can think of off the top of my head. Both my best and worst lists will be in alphabetical order, not order of preference.


- Baccano (anyone who tries to make the "subs are better than dubs" argument has obviously never watched Funimation's dub of Baccano)

- Black Lagoon

- Cowboy Bebop

- Ergo Proxy

- Future Diary

- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex

- Hellsing Ultimate

- One Piece (the uncut version, obviously)

- Steins;Gate

- Yu Yu Hakusho (kind of old, but it definitely stands up to the test of time)

Attack on Titan gets an honorable mention since I do think it's a really good series, but I couldn't add it to the list because the fact that multiple story elements were never explained is a big problem and it's something that people need to start addressing.

As far as a list of the worst shows I've seen go, it's difficult to say since everyone has different likes/dislikes. I will say that I dislike almost every show that fits the moe, shojo, and slice of life genres, though. That includes (but is not limited to) shows like K-On, Lucky Star, Fruits Basket, Ouran High School Host Club, Hetalia, Kanon, and Clannad.

The only shows that I can say were bad beyond the shadow of a doubt are:

- Any English dub that was done by 4Kids gets an honorable mention as a terrible series. The uncut versions of many of the shows that 4Kids dubbed were fine, but the edits 4Kids made absolutely butchered a lot of shows. Heck, I think the fact that 4Kids is single-handedly responsible for why many people in the United States refuse to give the uncut version of One Piece a shot says enough about the damage they've done.

- Sword Art Online. More often than not, this show is liked by teenagers who haven't exactly watched a lot of different anime series. As far most of the adults who have seen literally dozens of different anime series are concerned, it's hard to deny that the series basically comes off as a bad piece of fanfiction.
2014-02-10 21:27:45 UTC
Well dang most of these answers look like complaints smh you guys ask for too much
2016-09-29 07:10:18 UTC
Top Animes Of All Time
2016-03-11 05:08:22 UTC
well i am always a anime critic judging from the plot.... 1. Godannar (Watched the first eps. then drop all) 2. Gundam 00 (i don't hate mechas just the plot never work for me) 3. School Days (Hate that this anime is Sexist) 4. Naruto (no hard feelings i love the first 150 eps. but got bored on Shippuuden of repeating swirl of plot) 5. Vampire Knight (so gothic very emo) 6. Akikan! (Very typical) 7. Neo Ranga (can't believe i DLed this and even watched it...i hate the story,,,Confusing) 8. Ikkitousen series ( love the Action but not the story... boring) 9. HOTD (the fact that i love this,,just i hate that no second season coming yet) 10. Angel Beats! ( same as HOTD)
2014-10-21 15:09:03 UTC

5) Death Note

Just... It's great. Go read it, watch it, just stop what you're doing and go on Manga Reader.

4) Code Geass

Same reason as above.

3) FMA: Brotherhood

How can you not like it?

2)Attack on Titan

I miles ahead on the anime, so I don't know how to put this, but... Go watch it. Or I'll put a spoiler for your favourite anime.

1) Dragon Ball

Not Z. Not GT. Dragon Ball. The characters are lovable, the villains are great, it's funny... It's great.

In the Middle:

1) Naruto- First Part: Good Second Part: Okay


5) Bleach


4) Fairy Tail

No... Just... I'm a guy, and those boobs are too big.

3) SAO

It feels like a harem...

2)Highschool of the Dead

Please... Don't ruin zombies for me like that

1)Dragon Ball GT

You bastards at Funi... Why did you do this!? Why did you plan for over 200 episodes!?

0.5)No Bra

I know this is a manga, but it is bad. It is terrible. The art is bad, the story is bad, the central idea is bad. Just don't torture me like this.
2014-09-03 20:48:41 UTC
akira toriyama didnt make gt so dont blame him

Top ten best

1.Sword art online 2

2. fma brotherhood

3. Naruto shippuden

4.No Game No Life

5. Dragon Ball z

6. HunterxHunter

7. Bleach

8.One Piece


10.Death Note



2. every digimon

3.dragonball gt

4. Fairy tale

5. school days

6.hellsing ultimate

7.pokemon best wishes

9. pokemon johto

10. other pokemon shows i didnt mention ran out of ideas
2013-10-07 18:07:15 UTC
Best anime I have watched so far as I've only been watching for a year and a half.

(In no particular order)

Darker Than Black because it's bad-*** with awesome fighting scenes and not many emotions

Code Geass because it had an awesome storyline and I fell in love with Suzaku the moment he sold out Lelouch. (Sorry Lelouch fans but I can't help myself when it comes to bad-*** bad guys) Not my typical style anime cause of the emotions but I did cry when (Spoiler alert) Shirley was killed by Rolo.

Soul Eater because it was badass and I was in love with the art!

Black Cat (First anime I just could not pull my eyes off of)

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood because it was an awesome anime and I was in love with three-fourths of the characters and I can't even figure out why this anime is one of my favorites, but it definitely is.

Black Blood Brothers only because it has my first favorite anime character ever, Crimson Eyed Zelman.

Black Lagoon. You want to know my style of anime, this is it. Bad-***, full of fighting scenes, few emotions (save for Rock of course,) leans on a slight shipping between Rock and Revvy but Never makes it into a love story, and ends with an adorable scene between them two (If you ignore the girl putting a sword through her mouth in the background) Plus, who can resist an anime that has two bad-*** chicks w/guns, a chick with swords, another with a chainsaw and some fat guy with a flame thrower all in one episode?

Inuyasha because for some reason I love watching this show and I'm in love with Sesshomaru.

D. Gray-man. No, this anime did not make me automatically obsessed with it and to be honest, I have to force myself to get interested in it enough to start watching it again. But I love some of the characters, the story-line's awesome and it is a really awesome show.

Vampire Knight. I grew up with tv dramas and only got into anime because I had lost interest in the same old emotions that every new tv-drama had. But the fact is, I was raised on watching love stories that are overflowing with emotions that made me want to vomit half the time. This is why i think Vampire Knight was such a great show for me. It was the first anime that wasn't completely new or foreign to me and i couldn't help but watch it twice over.


Pumpkin Scissors. This is one of my friend's favorite animes but I have yet to figure out why. I've tried both subbed and dubbed versions and forced myself watch seven episode so far and it is still awful.

Tears to Tiara. Some how I managed to watch the entire thing, mostly because I was still in shock by the fact that he managed to get himself two wives without meaning to. I did feel bad for him, crazy girls.

Flame of Recca, I clicked the random button on my anime site. Lets just say I made it through the first two episodes before I nearly committed suicide just to get it to shut up.

Sword Art Online. Seriously! Dubbed version of Asuna was already pathetic enough to make me a serial killer but episode ten and they get together. I knew their would be a love story and I don't mind them sometimes. But there are still fifteen episodes to go! Great, great storyline, but compared to most of my favorite animes SAO is lame. If they had done it differently to be a little more badass, and maybe didn't skip months and even a year in advanced for the first episodes it would make my favorite lists, but the skipping time was annoying and how the executed the plot was just, lame.

Naruto(Forgive me) I will still watch this show but i've only just started. Naruto getting beaten all the time is far more annoying than Black star in Soul eater ever could be. Not to mention, I started watching episodes on tv despite the fact that they are thirty or so episodes ahead of me, and they are still on the same topic. This is the reason why I didn't care all that much for D.Gray-man. I hate animes that don't progress with the story-line for more than two (maybe three occasionally) episodes.

Haven't watched any other animes that would make this list yet.
2013-04-07 14:29:49 UTC

1)Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

2)Death Note


4)Kids on the Slope / Sakamichi no Apollon


6)Junjou Romantica




10)Samurai Champloo


1)Fariy Tail

2)Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn

3)Itzura na Kiss

4)Bokura Ga Ita


6) Pokemon

7)Nodame Cantabile

8)One Piece

9)School days

10)every anime that has annoying girls who fall in love with the guys at first sight
2014-01-18 15:54:10 UTC
THIS: "Fariy Tail

I know that you guys WILL actually hate me for this, but, unlike other (REALLY GOOD) animes, Natsu will always be able to beat the villan, and it ANNOYS ME! The characters get too bland, and one dimensional. "

Whoever you are, no matter what you look like, just marry me. I only made this account to hate with you this anime.

Since i'm here i'll probably do my best/worst of, sounds fun i'm in.

Best : Hum That's tough :o

1) Mirai Nikki : Had a tough time chosing, but it's probably because i watched so many i couldnt chose properly. Anyhow, that's an awesome anime with a great overall plot and the ending is quite awesome. Wicked romance giving me the chills. I love getting the chills.

2) Shiki : Okay, unless you're really into this kind of stuff it is not that good, but i really recommend it to people who can't stand "everything will be fine in this beautiful blue world in which the hero always ends up beating the sh*t out of the evil (fanboyface). Really, was worth my time (Vampire haters, do not watch this).

3) Sword Art Online : I love MMORPGs. I loved SAO, even tho the MC is overpowered. I'd have placed it first if not for this harem like and this so disappointing season 2. A good watch that left a hole in my heart.

4) Death Note : Good. Just good. No, more than good ; brilliant. Everything is good, nobody is invincible, they all make crucial mistakes any humans would do even though they're truly smart. Awesome.

5) One Piece : God, i had such an hard time when i started watching this anime with luffy's voice, usopp's good-for-nothing-ness and chopper's hum... well chopper. It has become a bit too childish to me at this point, but Zoro's epicness made my time spent on it worth.

6) Bleach : Aah, Bleach. I loved you. And i hated you. Fillers all the way. If you avoid the fillers and only follow the main storyline, this is awesome. Please, mute orihime. Just another useless girl that does nothing but cry and being a burden for the heroes.

7) Highschool of the dead : Yeah. Yeah i know. I didn't want to put it in here but it's one of the few zombie anime and i love zombies. It had quite an huge potential but fan service screwed it all. Still, if you don't mind fan service its pretty good.

8) Elfen Lied : Too bad the graphics gets old and the anime got axed. Was very interesting and an huge potential. Not to mention the awesome Soundtrack (Lilium)

9) Shingekyo no Kyojin : Lacks something. Too much potential wasted. Still, a very awesome anime.

10) Code Geass : Too bad half of the characters on this anime suck. Lelouch was one of my favorite all time character and the plot was well built. really good if you can bear them tho.

Challengers (other bests) : Btooom, Gantz, Steins;Gate, Highschool DxD, Ichiban ushiro no daimaou (All those got serious flaws that cant get them in my top 10, loved btooom the most, could have been number 1/2, but it got axed.)

Worst : Oh lol that one is easy

1) Fairy Tail : I can't express my hatred towards this anime. I kept going for over an hundrer episodes telling myself he would lose and i'd finally see a real anime, but no. Lucy is useless, Erza and natsu don't lose, ever. when they're knocked down and beaten to a pulp, they always stand up with godlike power at the right moment, never losing anything. The anime itself isnt funny. The fights arent worth watching, the skills aren't any kind of epic.... Well... nothing to say. Thats just terrible and yet so popular that i'm gonna get hated.

2) Naruto : Jesus.. I'm gonna get hated again... But seriously you guys, how do you like naruto? He's got nothing Sakura is useless (Hello Lucy, orihime.) Sasuke is a neverending hater who wants to destroy everything itachi gave him... The fights arent that epic... Well yeah. He loses and sometimes the anime gets some epiclevelspikes. That's what makes it less terrible than FairyTail. I must admit tho, i found one of my favorite character on this anime. Itachi is just an hero.

3) The melody of whatever she is called i don't want to remember this : No comment. What a waste of time. Jesus.

4) Sailor Moon : are you guys for real to be... Meh, i think everytime i pronounce this name, i die a little inside.

5) durarara : Well... I'm not sure what it was all about... Hum... Well, let me know if you guys could explain me xD

6) Soul Eater : Erm... Gonna get hated again but this honestly isnt any good. Well, i know that's only my opinion... but... oh lol.

7) FMA : Here comes the finisher. Me against the world. The anime is too slow, it lacks epicness for a shonen. The characters are too unrefined... It is not bad, it is above average, but it is so overrated that it makes it extremely disappointing.

8) Inuyasha : Way too overrated jesus. It is given way too much credits. And i believe the author made huge mistakes in its plot. Of course, i couldnt do better if i tried, i'm not saying he's **** and i'm god, but it just doesnt feel right.

9) Kampfer : Another reason of why i hate fanboys. I don't get, i really do not, how one comes to like anything in this show. If possible could someone tell me.

10) Ikki Tousen : STOP. STOP. STOP STOP STOP.

2013-04-04 16:16:18 UTC
Well someones a bit bias, idiotic and a little~ too mainstream? Not to mention a fanboy. But ehhh **** it . We all have our own opinions , but seriously back up your statements with actual facts rather than ummm... I don't know simply saying it has no "meaning" . But lets get on with the show.

First off The first anime I will cross off is the "super" mainstream. AND before you crucify me, sure I still love Soul Eater, Naruto and Bleach but seriously the image that these anime are credited for just leave all the other , and possible better , anime just sitting out there . I mean come on I can't get enough of Crona , like who can't?. Anyways lets start.

Best?(I really can't decide on them so ill make ties breakers!And in no particular order srry :} )

1.) Darker Than Black is really up there love every thing about that show , from the fight scenes to the character dev. , and have you tried the second season?

2.) Neon Genesis Eva. Like seriously if you haven't heard of this anime i pity you. Sure it is a mind **** , but the movies make up for it as the ending for the main series just is like "what the hell am I watching?"

3.) Cowboy Bebop / Baccano/ Trigun. I chose these in conjunction because they rlly are like that good as compared to each other , not to mention the badass op.! But Baccano and CB are just a teeny tiny bit better :) Oh yea nd black lagoon iz good to!And similar to Cowboy Bebop Samurai Champloo is good too!

4.)Code Geass. Now dis shiet is gggoooooddd! Nuf said

5.)Elfen Lied is good too, man seriously dat ending!XD And the latin opening is just to much bliss!

6.)Ghost in the Shell, cmon i meant he original movie is just that damn good!

7.)Beck Mongolian Chop Squad is good too!

8.) Black Butler is good too, guess this one may appeal to you the most....probably?

9.)Eden of the East is pretty nice too , especially its originality!

10.)Mushi-shi is pretty fuking good , rlly boring for others to but you have to really get it!

And yeah thats it. And dont crucify pls! There were many that would be the top for me but ill start here.AND as for anime that were bad? There really is none , because I believe I've never watched a BAD anime.... Accept for ummm idk( No particular order)

1.) Bakugan, i mean c'mon "RIIIIYYYYUUUGGGAAA!!!" that "yelp" had hurt my ear everytime my brother watch it.

2.) K-on is pretty stupid too, like I know why It would appeal to some because its fun a quirky and cute but C"MON! Its equally as idiotic as Bo-bo-bo!

3.)Yeah I agree with you Sailor Moon is bas imo, but since EVERYBODY watched it when they were a kid its like a cult classic y'know?

4.)New Yu-Gi-Oh , most of the old one. Same reasons as Bakugan

Thats all I have.

Oh yea and later seen the reason why'd you hate Fairy Tail , thats kind of idk... hypocritical. Cause I HAVE to admit the Character is DBZ and Bleach and Naruto IS kind like that! Now again don't get me wrong I still grew up with these anime but its the same: meet bad guy beat him, new bad guy , try to beat him up, loose, train, beat him with superoverpoweredmoveinwhichthevaluewilldecreasenexttime, new bad guy,repeat. Its true........

well....i said it...
2014-05-06 18:51:28 UTC
Before you bash, these are my honest opinions. No hate for me please. -^-

-----WORST: {Not in order}-------

1.Rosario + Vampire- I tried to watch more but i got up to episode 1 only. It was a drag and too much oppais shown on screen. It's not as dark and mystical as you think. It's more of a spice of life with monsters as the main role.

2.Naurto Shippuden-Not that exciting. The earlier series was better.

3.Beyblades-Another one of those male appealed card/character anime. Ho hum.

4.Digimon-An absolute rip-off of the mainstream, Pokemon

5.DNA2-I don't even get how the guy just throws up when he sees a girl. It's a very peculiar and highly eccentric spice of life. Whaaa?

-----BEST:{Not in order}-------

1.Attack on Titan- gets the feels rushing. Very exciting and full of action.

2.Watamote-This spice of life is highly relatable, funny, and predictable. I

didn't like the ending though.

3.Clannad-Very well developed and sad...

4.Free! Iwatobi Swim Club- Funny. Hot bodies. Relationships. Morals.

5. Mirai Nikki- I can't help but love the plot and yanderes.

6.Toradora-It's a nicely well developed spice of life. It can get boring but is still worth a watch.

7. Fairy Tail- Good>Evil thing can get predictable, but the characters and how they are, the battles, and the animation are sugoi.

8.Black Rock Shooter- It can get confusing but it has a very deep meaning and is just amazing with the effects, relationships, and moral.

9.Black Butler- Yaoi x3 No I'm kidding but the characters are well thought out.

10.Beyond the Boundary- The story is amazing.
2013-04-05 13:50:05 UTC

1) Mirai Nikki

My favorite anime of all time. I loved the epic characters, survival game, and the story line

2) Shiki

Loved the character and unlike other vampire animes this one was actually good. If Twilight copied this story line then it would have probably been the best anime ever.


I always loved zombie stuffs and this one was pretty good. Amazing character's who has the potential to be a complete badass. Aside from the echii which idc about it was good

4) Codegeass- TRULY AMAZING....i still reminisce of some of the amazing scenes from it

5) Death note- Loved how genious the anime and the character's were. Lost interest after L died though

6) Hunter X hunter 2011

I started watching it recently and i love it. The characters are badass and has an actual interesting storyline to it

7) Katekyo Hitman Reborn

The beginning was terrible where it was daily life arc (because the anime was actually started as a gag manga then became a battle manga). Has some of my favorite characters, good storyline, funny

8) One piece

Another epic anime that i love (my first anime that i ever watched). The only down side of this anime is that Oda keeps dragging it a lot. Like it would take 10 episodes until something good happens.

9) Elfen Lied

idk why some people find this anime annoying, but i actually liked it and it was pretty sad as well

10) Fairy Tail

Has a lot of downside just like u mentioned how the characters never lose, etc but the reason i still don't mind watching it is because it still has some good characters n just watch it for the heck of it


1) Monster- Others liked it but i hated this anime and it was such a drag

2)School days- OMG i hated every second of it. The whole story is that the main character gets a girl after another each episode

3) Hellsing- Not much of a story

that's all the anime i hated. I look up the anime a lot so that when i watch it i don't hate it. (hence i have a small worst list)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.