THIS: "Fariy Tail
I know that you guys WILL actually hate me for this, but, unlike other (REALLY GOOD) animes, Natsu will always be able to beat the villan, and it ANNOYS ME! The characters get too bland, and one dimensional. "
Whoever you are, no matter what you look like, just marry me. I only made this account to hate with you this anime.
Since i'm here i'll probably do my best/worst of, sounds fun i'm in.
Best : Hum That's tough :o
1) Mirai Nikki : Had a tough time chosing, but it's probably because i watched so many i couldnt chose properly. Anyhow, that's an awesome anime with a great overall plot and the ending is quite awesome. Wicked romance giving me the chills. I love getting the chills.
2) Shiki : Okay, unless you're really into this kind of stuff it is not that good, but i really recommend it to people who can't stand "everything will be fine in this beautiful blue world in which the hero always ends up beating the sh*t out of the evil (fanboyface). Really, was worth my time (Vampire haters, do not watch this).
3) Sword Art Online : I love MMORPGs. I loved SAO, even tho the MC is overpowered. I'd have placed it first if not for this harem like and this so disappointing season 2. A good watch that left a hole in my heart.
4) Death Note : Good. Just good. No, more than good ; brilliant. Everything is good, nobody is invincible, they all make crucial mistakes any humans would do even though they're truly smart. Awesome.
5) One Piece : God, i had such an hard time when i started watching this anime with luffy's voice, usopp's good-for-nothing-ness and chopper's hum... well chopper. It has become a bit too childish to me at this point, but Zoro's epicness made my time spent on it worth.
6) Bleach : Aah, Bleach. I loved you. And i hated you. Fillers all the way. If you avoid the fillers and only follow the main storyline, this is awesome. Please, mute orihime. Just another useless girl that does nothing but cry and being a burden for the heroes.
7) Highschool of the dead : Yeah. Yeah i know. I didn't want to put it in here but it's one of the few zombie anime and i love zombies. It had quite an huge potential but fan service screwed it all. Still, if you don't mind fan service its pretty good.
8) Elfen Lied : Too bad the graphics gets old and the anime got axed. Was very interesting and an huge potential. Not to mention the awesome Soundtrack (Lilium)
9) Shingekyo no Kyojin : Lacks something. Too much potential wasted. Still, a very awesome anime.
10) Code Geass : Too bad half of the characters on this anime suck. Lelouch was one of my favorite all time character and the plot was well built. really good if you can bear them tho.
Challengers (other bests) : Btooom, Gantz, Steins;Gate, Highschool DxD, Ichiban ushiro no daimaou (All those got serious flaws that cant get them in my top 10, loved btooom the most, could have been number 1/2, but it got axed.)
Worst : Oh lol that one is easy
1) Fairy Tail : I can't express my hatred towards this anime. I kept going for over an hundrer episodes telling myself he would lose and i'd finally see a real anime, but no. Lucy is useless, Erza and natsu don't lose, ever. when they're knocked down and beaten to a pulp, they always stand up with godlike power at the right moment, never losing anything. The anime itself isnt funny. The fights arent worth watching, the skills aren't any kind of epic.... Well... nothing to say. Thats just terrible and yet so popular that i'm gonna get hated.
2) Naruto : Jesus.. I'm gonna get hated again... But seriously you guys, how do you like naruto? He's got nothing Sakura is useless (Hello Lucy, orihime.) Sasuke is a neverending hater who wants to destroy everything itachi gave him... The fights arent that epic... Well yeah. He loses and sometimes the anime gets some epiclevelspikes. That's what makes it less terrible than FairyTail. I must admit tho, i found one of my favorite character on this anime. Itachi is just an hero.
3) The melody of whatever she is called i don't want to remember this : No comment. What a waste of time. Jesus.
4) Sailor Moon : are you guys for real to be... Meh, i think everytime i pronounce this name, i die a little inside.
5) durarara : Well... I'm not sure what it was all about... Hum... Well, let me know if you guys could explain me xD
6) Soul Eater : Erm... Gonna get hated again but this honestly isnt any good. Well, i know that's only my opinion... but... oh lol.
7) FMA : Here comes the finisher. Me against the world. The anime is too slow, it lacks epicness for a shonen. The characters are too unrefined... It is not bad, it is above average, but it is so overrated that it makes it extremely disappointing.
8) Inuyasha : Way too overrated jesus. It is given way too much credits. And i believe the author made huge mistakes in its plot. Of course, i couldnt do better if i tried, i'm not saying he's **** and i'm god, but it just doesnt feel right.
9) Kampfer : Another reason of why i hate fanboys. I don't get, i really do not, how one comes to like anything in this show. If possible could someone tell me.
10) Ikki Tousen : STOP. STOP. STOP STOP STOP.